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2012-04-18 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4155909

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
catincolorado - 2012-04-17 1:02 PM


Thanks for the reply.  Unless I can find something a little more spread out I'll stick to the plan of having them arrive on Saturday.  However, that IronKids fun run on Thursday looks like it would be a lot of fun for them.


You know, I didnt even think about that. The kids would probably love being part of your big weekend. It's probably more about managing stressful situations. As long as everyone is hyper-sensitive to your need for rest/relaxation, it's all good. I'm thrilled that my kids even want to be there. I know some families aren't as supportive.

2012-04-18 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4155543

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
pmruns - 2012-04-17 10:09 AM
catincolorado - 2012-04-17 10:50 AM

Question for those of you with young children.  I was thinking of having my family join up with me on Saturday because I didn't know how hectic the week (i.e. Thursday on) would be leading up to the race, and ideally I will be 'relaxing'.  If you had the choice would you have them show up closer to race day or a few days before?


I have older children but I just served as Race Sherpa for a friend doing IMAZ last November.  She has a 4 year old and would definitely say that having the family arrive on Saturday would be preferable to earlier. It gave her a chance to travel on her own and get all of the pre-race activities (check-in, practice swims, naps)  done without worrying about what anyone else was doing or needed at the time.  She had her husband and daughter stay in a different hotel room for the night before and after the race.  Just seemed to simplify her race weekend and minimize potential stress.  

That being said, I'm traveling with my family and we'll all stay in a house on Hayden Lake for the week.  I will definitely choose a bedroom far away from everyone else the night before the race. It's all about limiting stress for me that week.  

Man you guys kill me!! Are you serious about them staying in another room and ariving later?  I wouldn't be able to do the Ironman races that i do if it wasn't for my family.  One ironman i did i had a small hotel room that me, my wife, my 2 year old daughter and my mom and dad all stayed in.  I was happy to let them stay in our room as they were there to support my race.  Thats kind of selfish in my opinion....Don't you want your family there experiencing it with you?  Athlete check in, the expo etc???

2012-04-18 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4157786

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread


I can assure you my family doesn't care about the expo, athlete check in, etc.  I've been to several expo's for other events and there isn't usually anything for 8, 6 and 1 year olds.  Perhaps IM's are different, but other than the IronKids race I didn't see anything.  Selfish (in my family's case) would be to have them come up two days early and force them to go to the expo, athlete check in, etc in lieu of Silverwood, Triple Play, horse riding, or other options. 

Please let me know if the expo has stuff for the kids and we may rework our plans.


2012-04-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4157879

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
catincolorado - 2012-04-18 10:23 AM


I can assure you my family doesn't care about the expo, athlete check in, etc.  I've been to several expo's for other events and there isn't usually anything for 8, 6 and 1 year olds.  Perhaps IM's are different, but other than the IronKids race I didn't see anything.  Selfish (in my family's case) would be to have them come up two days early and force them to go to the expo, athlete check in, etc in lieu of Silverwood, Triple Play, horse riding, or other options. 

Please let me know if the expo has stuff for the kids and we may rework our plans.


We brought the entire clan to LP in 2010 (3 kids and wife).  we all stayed in one room.  wasn't bad.  at IM CDA 2008, we had 2 kids and brought them.  they were 5 and 8 at the time.  They did Silverwood one day and made signs the next day at the Expo.  It worked out fine.  My wife also knew to give me some time and space to relax before the race. 

2012-04-18 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4155337

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

mallen4574 - 2012-04-17 10:11 AM That seems about right. The wind blows predominately out the south. So that will be the out section of the course. It can be challenging mentally. The old course you twisted and turned so much the wind wasnt really a factor. This course is straight into it and straight back. Those who think this course is flat are wrong. It's anything but flat. Everyone I've ridden it with is surprised by how hilly it is. Not steep but relentless...

In 2008, I remember the wind coming out of the south really strong.  it totally negated any downward grade coming back into town when we left the hills by Hayden Lake.  If the wind is blowing like that this year, it's going to make the ride to the turnaround on 95 very long and miserable.  the only good news is that we will be flying home on the way back. 

2012-04-18 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4157879

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
catincolorado - 2012-04-18 9:23 AM


I can assure you my family doesn't care about the expo, athlete check in, etc.  I've been to several expo's for other events and there isn't usually anything for 8, 6 and 1 year olds.  Perhaps IM's are different, but other than the IronKids race I didn't see anything.  Selfish (in my family's case) would be to have them come up two days early and force them to go to the expo, athlete check in, etc in lieu of Silverwood, Triple Play, horse riding, or other options. 

Please let me know if the expo has stuff for the kids and we may rework our plans.


I just read it as it was all about you that weekend and I don't see it that way. If your family doesn't want to go that's a different story. I really like to have everyone involved even if it means more stress and less sleep for me. I have a few friends that don't bring their kids to any events because its "to stressful" and I don't like that at all. I mean really how much can it affect your race. Most people don't sleep very well the night before anyway. I probably should had said it was selfish not knowing the exact situation, but having people I know leave their family home made me pounce on you. My daughter loves to make the signs at the expo. They can write and draw on signs for you.

2012-04-18 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
If anyone is interested, I am riding the course Saturday, approx 0900.  Actually scheduled to ride 65 miles and do a short 10 minute run afterwards.  I suspect it will be slow going as I just don't know what to expect with the hills beyond having driven the course a couple times.
2012-04-18 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4158388

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

smithe68 - 2012-04-18 1:06 PM If anyone is interested, I am riding the course Saturday, approx 0900.  Actually scheduled to ride 65 miles and do a short 10 minute run afterwards.  I suspect it will be slow going as I just don't know what to expect with the hills beyond having driven the course a couple times.

Envious of all you locals getting some quality time on the course!  Of course, you're not telling the rest of us what we want to hear - the course if flat and fast, and the wind never kicks up.

Have a great ride this weekend.

2012-04-18 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4158446

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Patrick E - 2012-04-18 10:27 AM

smithe68 - 2012-04-18 1:06 PM If anyone is interested, I am riding the course Saturday, approx 0900.  Actually scheduled to ride 65 miles and do a short 10 minute run afterwards.  I suspect it will be slow going as I just don't know what to expect with the hills beyond having driven the course a couple times.

Envious of all you locals getting some quality time on the course!  Of course, you're not telling the rest of us what we want to hear - the course if flat and fast, and the wind never kicks up.

Have a great ride this weekend.

The course is flat, and fast, at times....


2012-04-18 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4158774

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
The course is flat and can be windy but its always a tail wind both ways.
2012-04-18 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4158040

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Marietta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Ballyard7-I think it just depends on the athlete and the family members. My kids are old enough to enjoy some of the pre-race events but I usually have them in another room (usually with grandparents) the night before the race. That way, I can sleep uninterrupted and so can they. It's hard enough for me to wake up at o'dark thirty. I just don't want to put them through that. They show up at transition a little later and a little better rested. My friend has a much younger child and had other reasons for the choices she made. Everyone was happy with the arrangements so it was all good.I'm with you on feeling its selfish to exclude your family if they want to be there. However, if the kids are really little or just don't enjoy races, no need to force the fun, right? No matter what, it really is all about you that day.

2012-04-18 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4157879

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
catincolorado - 2012-04-18 6:23 AM


I can assure you my family doesn't care about the expo, athlete check in, etc.  I've been to several expo's for other events and there isn't usually anything for 8, 6 and 1 year olds.  Perhaps IM's are different, but other than the IronKids race I didn't see anything.  Selfish (in my family's case) would be to have them come up two days early and force them to go to the expo, athlete check in, etc in lieu of Silverwood, Triple Play, horse riding, or other options. 

Please let me know if the expo has stuff for the kids and we may rework our plans.


Mine either. I'm a local and my husband and daughter (11) will get up and drive me to the venue on race day (if I can't get a ride) and come to the finish line to watch me finish and pick me up. They are simply not interested in watching people (me included) race all day. And as far as going to the expo, dinner, etc. YAWN for anyone who isn't into it. I have seen a lot of really bored looking non-racers at the pre-race dinner/meeting. One thing the kids might like at the expo is the big play area adjacent to it.
2012-04-19 1:06 AM
in reply to: #4158388

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Coeur d' Alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

smithe68 - 2012-04-18 10:06 AM If anyone is interested, I am riding the course Saturday, approx 0900.  Actually scheduled to ride 65 miles and do a short 10 minute run afterwards.  I suspect it will be slow going as I just don't know what to expect with the hills beyond having driven the course a couple times.

where do you wnat to meet. I am in. I will do about 80 that day, I just add another loop to higgens point and back.

2012-04-19 7:20 AM
in reply to: #3595565

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I usually park where E. Lakeside and NW Blvd come together.  It will be me and one other guy, both on Cervelo's driving a Porsche Cayenne.
2012-04-19 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3595565

Maple Valley
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Someone asked me yesterday if I made it to Kona would I go.  Since my dream goal would be to finish in 13:59 there is no chance in you know where that could ever happen but it was a interesting question to contemplate nontheless.  After all there could be an eboli epidemic right before the race and I could be spared!


Anyways, for me the answer would be no.  Training for one was hard enough, I can't imagine doing another one 4 months later, training over the summer while my grade school age children were home from school.


Would you go??

2012-04-19 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4160113

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kristine25 - 2012-04-19 6:59 AM

Someone asked me yesterday if I made it to Kona would I go.  Since my dream goal would be to finish in 13:59 there is no chance in you know where that could ever happen but it was a interesting question to contemplate nontheless.  After all there could be an eboli epidemic right before the race and I could be spared!


Anyways, for me the answer would be no.  Training for one was hard enough, I can't imagine doing another one 4 months later, training over the summer while my grade school age children were home from school.


Would you go??

Nope.  IMCDA will be my first, and only, full IM.  I never intended to do an IM in the first place, then again, I never intended on doing a triathlon of any sort less then 4 years ago, and here I am.  I am still excited to do it but, the time commitment has already sucked some of the fun out of doing triathlons for me so I can't even fathom doing it again.

2012-04-19 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4160113

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kristine25 - 2012-04-19 9:59 AM

Someone asked me yesterday if I made it to Kona would I go.  Since my dream goal would be to finish in 13:59 there is no chance in you know where that could ever happen but it was a interesting question to contemplate nontheless.  After all there could be an eboli epidemic right before the race and I could be spared!


Anyways, for me the answer would be no.  Training for one was hard enough, I can't imagine doing another one 4 months later, training over the summer while my grade school age children were home from school.


Would you go??

Interesting question that I've thought about a little and I think the answer is "yes".  I'd have some mental work to do because I really don't think I'd be all that excited about going through all the training again so soon, but I feel it is THE race in our sport.  It sure wouldn't take much to convince my wife that we needed to spend some time in Hawaii!

2012-04-19 3:02 PM
in reply to: #4160113

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kristine25 - 2012-04-19 8:59 AM

Someone asked me yesterday if I made it to Kona would I go.  Since my dream goal would be to finish in 13:59 there is no chance in you know where that could ever happen but it was a interesting question to contemplate nontheless.  After all there could be an eboli epidemic right before the race and I could be spared!


Anyways, for me the answer would be no.  Training for one was hard enough, I can't imagine doing another one 4 months later, training over the summer while my grade school age children were home from school.


Would you go??

I've been taking to my wife about this the last few weeks and interestingly I'm leaning towards no at this point. I originally signed up for this IM because I thought I had some unfinished business in Hawaii but all this training is not as fun as it used to be and I don't want to continue it for another 6 months. Don't get me wrong that race is an awesome race, but once the race starts you realize that it is just another Ironman. It's a really hard race and everyone there is extremely fast!
2012-04-19 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4161279

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
mallen4574 - 2012-04-19 4:02 PM
kristine25 - 2012-04-19 8:59 AM

Someone asked me yesterday if I made it to Kona would I go.  Since my dream goal would be to finish in 13:59 there is no chance in you know where that could ever happen but it was a interesting question to contemplate nontheless.  After all there could be an eboli epidemic right before the race and I could be spared!


Anyways, for me the answer would be no.  Training for one was hard enough, I can't imagine doing another one 4 months later, training over the summer while my grade school age children were home from school.


Would you go??

I've been taking to my wife about this the last few weeks and interestingly I'm leaning towards no at this point. I originally signed up for this IM because I thought I had some unfinished business in Hawaii but all this training is not as fun as it used to be and I don't want to continue it for another 6 months. Don't get me wrong that race is an awesome race, but once the race starts you realize that it is just another Ironman. It's a really hard race and everyone there is extremely fast!

My only chance at Hawaii is lottery or outliving my comptetion.  So if I were ever lucky enough to get in through the lottery, I'm going.  No question about it.  Would I want to continue torturing myself for another 4 months........No way.  but it's IM Hawaii.  you have to!!!!

PS.  If my long run this morning is any indication of how I am going to do in CDA in 9 weeks, I'm screwed!!!!

2012-04-19 6:30 PM
in reply to: #4161370

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Never say never!  I'm usually doing well to make the middle of the pack, but I went to the roll-down at a 70.3 last year and bagged a Vegas slot.  I was a little shocked as I was just there to see how the rolldown panned out.  Well, when I was chatting with the WTC official there, he told me sometimes slots go VERY deep.  He mentioned that one of the women's Kona slots fell something like 30 spots in CDA last year.  Always go to the rolldown!Tongue out
2012-04-19 11:32 PM
in reply to: #4160113

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Coeur d' Alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kristine25 - 2012-04-19 6:59 AM

Someone asked me yesterday if I made it to Kona would I go.  Since my dream goal would be to finish in 13:59 there is no chance in you know where that could ever happen but it was a interesting question to contemplate nontheless.  After all there could be an eboli epidemic right before the race and I could be spared!


Anyways, for me the answer would be no.  Training for one was hard enough, I can't imagine doing another one 4 months later, training over the summer while my grade school age children were home from school.


Would you go??

I would in a heart beat. My wife wants me to qulifie for Kona so we can take a trip there. It was not till about 2 years ago the we went to a 1/2 ironman in Seattle the we realized the we had not taken a trip alone sense our kids were born about 15 years ago. Last year we went to the same race just so we could go alone again. Having said all that I don't think that I will do an Ironman again after this year as I am also not having much fun with all the training. I like the shorter distance races better.

2012-04-19 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I would go in a heart beat. I may be one of the odd ones here but I have really enjoyed my training so far. There is something great about a 6 hour ride through the countryside or a 3 hour trail run. That all being said I dont have much to worry about even if I hit my everything goes perfect goal time I will need about 100 people in my age group to roll down there spot or convince someone that I am 60 not 30 Who knows maybe some day.
2012-04-20 3:34 AM
in reply to: #3595565

New user
Bonney Lake
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Just another note on bringing your kids. Last year at IMCDA I brought my wife and son, he was 7. We had a small room in an ok hotel, nothing to fancy. I am a person who can get a bit stressed out with the race and my son and even my wife. I tend to go into a zone. We arrived on Thurs before the race and left on Wed after the race and I would not have changed that for anything in the world.

Things for kids to do. My son liked the expo. a few things to look at and samples to be had. In the park they have a huge playground that he loved. My wife would take him there while I was swimming and it helped pass the time for him. Thurs kids run was great. A small 1 mile or so run for the kids and they all got a shirt and a medal. He thought that was so great. Also lots of photo ops. That kept him going a bit. To stay out of the sun the day before and to get good rest we hit a movie and an easy dinner. Since I could have cared less about the movie we saw a kids movie. it was a fun family day a bit out of the sun and relaxation.

The hardest part I think is keeping the kids going while you race. My wife and son set up in a nice spot out on the bike route, but had to wait a while to see me each time. Then drive and find parking to see me on the run. It is great to see them but from what my wife says he gets a bit bored waiting all day for 30 sec of WOW there's dad. She also said it was not to bad they found fun things to do and he loved the finish line.

For me I train with them around so knowing they are there with me it is the norm of life and I would not want it any other way. That is just me. I can see the argument each way and it comes down to the athlete, as done anything with a tri.

Also remember the honey badger don't care.....

2012-04-20 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3595565

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I would go, I was in the lottery for that reason, didn't get picked of course.

If I did I would probably die at the finish, that would be legendary. I did my first Iron distance last October at B2B and now training for CDA....I plan on taking the rest of the year off at the very least  but if someone said kenney you want to go to Kona?  I am in

2012-04-20 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3595565

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Anybody know if the run course is shaded? I just went out for a 3 mile in the 85 degree evening. Not pretty, but I got it done.
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