BT Development Mentor Program Archives » HILDEBEAST'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!! Rss Feed  
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2012-01-27 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4015116

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Erin, did you say you have aero bars on your road bike?  If you do and you use them I would go with the tri fit.  If, however, you mostly ride on the handlebars or the drops, go with the road fit.  Obviously your obdy is in a different position when you are aero.  I CAN ride my bike upright but it really isn't all that comfortable after a short time, but I can stay aero forever.  Hope that helps!

2012-01-27 5:28 PM
in reply to: #4005456

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
hildekq - 2012-01-21 9:00 AM

Tammy, that was an awesome read!!  The more training we do NOW, the better we are going to be on race day!! 

Here's a fab tip I picked up over on the regular Triathlon Forum....  is having a sale, 20% everything even sale items and they have tri shorts for $20  (that's $16 w/ the discount!!!!)  Go check it out, I'm gonna pick up a few more pairs of tri shorts, you can never have too many, right?!

Well, just got an email from sports basement that 3 of the 4 items I attempted to buy are out of stock.  Hope it went better for others!

2012-01-27 10:37 PM
in reply to: #4014118

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
joes - 2012-01-27 9:12 AM"get out of the water before hypothermia sets in". Tammy IMAZ is in Arizona not Wisconsin!
Hey, 61 degree water is cold WHEREVER you are, especially when you're in it as long as I will be!! Fortunately, my flailing/trying not to drown swim stroke generates a lot of excess heat!
2012-01-28 2:20 AM
in reply to: #4013793

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Erin - Yay on running again and don't worry even kindegartners can learn. Love the "irt" too

Melanie - Sounds like a good plan


2012-01-28 2:32 AM
in reply to: #3942391

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Looks like everyone is doing great. I'did my last 200 continuous swim today (250 next week) and I'm down 3 secs from the last one after  shorter intervals earlier in the main set cos things kept happening - 1. hit (sort of just stumbled in to) guy I was sharing lane with, 2. Kids kept cutting throught the lane and staying to play (youngish teens from the look of them) - but things definitely went great. I ended up going through about 3-4 lane partners though - 1, moved(from above), 1 swam and finished, 1 - I'm not too sure what happened to him but I did manage to keep count the whole time. Worked out a lane partner is good for breathing practice though because if you look back at them then you don't end up swallowing water.

2012-01-29 3:50 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I have a question for those of you who use a bike trainer:  Do I have to switch out the skewer should I take it out for an outdoors ride?  It seems so much trouble to take the bike outside but we have really nice weather sometimes. 

I didn't get the trainer because I can't ride outside - I live in Florida.  I did get it because if I've got my granddaughter here in the morning I can't get out to run or swim so I thought it would be easy to ride indoors.  (My husband took a new position and he has to leave at 6:30).  So now I'm wondering if I can just take the bike "as is" off the trainer and to the street (with the skewer that comes with the trainer)?

2012-01-29 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

hi friends!  hope everyone is having a good weekend!!  not too much going on here except it is yet another beautiful weekend in new england!!  i hate snow and i hate cold winters (and why do i choose to live in new england??) so this winter has been an absolute dream for me!!  even if we have a horrible february, that's just ONE full month of winter, i can handle that, yay!

i had a pretty tough/challenging masters practice yesterday and am now kicking myself because my legs are SO tired and i have a 6 mile run planned for later today with a friend.  i have never run with this friend before and i'm worried that i'll be slowing her down b/c my legs are so beat...  how does that work for those of you who have running buddies?  do you find a buddy who runs a very similar pace to you?  or do you just start together, split up if you're going different paces, and then meet up again at the end?

2012-01-29 7:23 AM
in reply to: #4016701

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I've ridden mine with the trainer skewer, Peggy,  then I went ahead and changed out the trainer thingee where the skewer goes in, it came with a wider one that will accomodate the regular skewer, that way I don't have to worry about it.  Not sure if you have the Kurt Kinetic, it was an easy switch. 

Heading out here in a bit to meet up with Tammy Tucker and her gang for a 40 mile bike ride... it's currently 30 degrees out!!  Crazy cold!!!  I know Melanie rides all the time in this cold weather, but I'm such a cold weenie when it comes to the bike.  Gonna be wearing LOTS of layers, looking to be around 55 by the time we're done.  I'm hoping we're stopping half way at the local donut shop for coffee to warm up (and of course a donut!!).  Shades of the OTHER Tammy, ha ha!

2012-01-29 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3942391

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New user
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Well, first triathlon of 2012 is complete.  It was a little frustrating, but I'm trying to look at it as a good workout and a stepping stone to improvement.

The Good News- the leg held up!  It was only 1.8 mile run but no mid-run throbbing like last time.  It's now 2 hours later and still minimal pain.  I kept it easy at 7:13 avg (a little slower than half marathon pace when fit).  Also, the bike (despite being EXTREMELY windy) went smooth enough and I passed a few people.  I think the bike avg was around 18 mph.  Only 6 miles though.

The Bad:  The swim did not go as comfortable as I had hoped.  It was TOUGH getting in the water when you're out of breath with a sky-high heart rate straight off the bike.  I could not catch my breath and relax during the swim at all, and got passed by a handful of people.  At least i was able to maintain freestyle and didn't have to resort to a panicky dog paddle like last time!  Also, transitions were slow, but I wore extra layers and a compression bandage on the leg that slowed me way down.  Still waiting on official results but I know I was 2nd female going into pool and 4th or 5th coming out.  Next time's a longer run and bike so that will be good (if I am healthy)!

Hilde- good luck on the 40 miler today:-)

2012-01-29 1:09 PM
in reply to: #4016701

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
peggyf - 2012-01-29 3:50 AM

I have a question for those of you who use a bike trainer:  Do I have to switch out the skewer should I take it out for an outdoors ride?  It seems so much trouble to take the bike outside but we have really nice weather sometimes. 

I didn't get the trainer because I can't ride outside - I live in Florida.  I did get it because if I've got my granddaughter here in the morning I can't get out to run or swim so I thought it would be easy to ride indoors.  (My husband took a new position and he has to leave at 6:30).  So now I'm wondering if I can just take the bike "as is" off the trainer and to the street (with the skewer that comes with the trainer)?

You can leave the skewer in.  But you might want to "child proof" the rear wheel.  I've seen this mentioned in other threads.  I don't know what this entails but I think it's a wheel cover of some type.  So searching the threads might give all the details.  Don't want to have your little one accidentally put her finger in the spokes while the wheels is spinning.

2012-01-29 1:12 PM
in reply to: #4016967

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
erinrockrun - 2012-01-29 10:50 AM

Well, first triathlon of 2012 is complete.  It was a little frustrating, but I'm trying to look at it as a good workout and a stepping stone to improvement.

The Good News- the leg held up!  It was only 1.8 mile run but no mid-run throbbing like last time.  It's now 2 hours later and still minimal pain.  I kept it easy at 7:13 avg (a little slower than half marathon pace when fit).  Also, the bike (despite being EXTREMELY windy) went smooth enough and I passed a few people.  I think the bike avg was around 18 mph.  Only 6 miles though.

The Bad:  The swim did not go as comfortable as I had hoped.  It was TOUGH getting in the water when you're out of breath with a sky-high heart rate straight off the bike.  I could not catch my breath and relax during the swim at all, and got passed by a handful of people.  At least i was able to maintain freestyle and didn't have to resort to a panicky dog paddle like last time!  Also, transitions were slow, but I wore extra layers and a compression bandage on the leg that slowed me way down.  Still waiting on official results but I know I was 2nd female going into pool and 4th or 5th coming out.  Next time's a longer run and bike so that will be good (if I am healthy)!

Hilde- good luck on the 40 miler today:-)


Sounds like a great effort even with an uncomfortable swim.  

Given your run & bikes times --- a good swim will always put you in FOP!

2012-01-29 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4016772

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Hilde - Donut in the middle of a bike ride sounds good.

Erin - Nice job on the "irt" 2nd going in and 4th-5th coming out of the pool isn't too bad - that's only 3 people passing you. Great job on passing people on the bike and yay for the leg holding up on the run.

2012-01-29 1:54 PM
in reply to: #4017147

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Erin sounds like a SUPER race!!  7:13 pace, what the heck is that?  Something I'LL never see in my lifetime!  I've never done a reverse tri, so yeah, I bet going in all winded would be weird... Did you get bling?
2012-01-29 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Well I finished my first half-marathon!!  Thank you all for so much wonderful advice and inspires, it really helped.  I had fun, which is the first time I've been able to say that about a race.  Oh, and I ran the whole thing ~ I had originally planned to do a run 20 walk 1, just to help me break the race down mentally.  But, as I started running I realized I had the mental thing under control this time and just went for it.  Thanks again!!  

I'll do my race report as soon as the official times are posted.

2012-01-29 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4017157

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
lounav - 2012-01-29 1:54 PM

Well I finished my first half-marathon!!  Thank you all for so much wonderful advice and inspires, it really helped.  I had fun, which is the first time I've been able to say that about a race.  Oh, and I ran the whole thing ~ I had originally planned to do a run 20 walk 1, just to help me break the race down mentally.  But, as I started running I realized I had the mental thing under control this time and just went for it.  Thanks again!!  

I'll do my race report as soon as the official times are posted.

Fantastic! Way to go, Louise-- so glad the mental game was won before you even started!

Congrats on the "irt", Erin-- looking forward to reading the report! Fabulously speedy run time, too!

Enjoy the rest of your weekends, gang!


2012-01-29 3:40 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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South Shore, MA
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Congratulations on your races, Erin and Louise!!  You both did AWESOME!!  Can't wait to read your reports...

2012-01-29 3:54 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Erin – congrats on your race!  And 7:13 is an easy pace for youSurprised?  Like Hilde, I can only dream of that kind of pace.  Glad the leg held up for you.

Louise – congrats on finishing your first HM!  Looking forward to reading both race reports!

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.  I got in a nice easy trainer ride yesterday and decided to take my long run outdoors today.  We're finally getting some sunshine and it feels so good!  The run didn't go as well as I had hoped - details are in my log, but long story short - I started out expecting to go 7.5 miles and ended up with 10.5 (and not necessarily by choice, lol!).  It'll teach me to double check distances before I start out.  Looking forward to the cutback week coming upLaughing.


2012-01-29 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

I can't wait to see detailed reports on our weekend racers.

Wahoo!  I'm pretty happy to report that I ran 5miles today.  I attempted it last week, but stopped at 4.5.  It was done quite slowly on the treadmill, but I did it.  I have run 5 miles once before outside.  I'm feeling proud of myself (however minor the accomplishment) and satisfied for the moment.



2012-01-29 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Falls Church
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Andrea - Congrats on 5 miles on the dreadmill!  That's a big barrier to break.  

Louise - Congrats on your 1st HM.  The first of many.

I had a good training week overall.  Got in 2 swims, 2 runs, 4 bike commutes, and one bike trainer session.  Thank goodness for being able to watch movies while doing the trainer.  Makes the time go by so much faster.  And thank goodness my iPod battery got replaced.  I really missed running to my beat music.

Looks like great weekends for everyone.

I'll have a few days of work and then I'm heading to KEY WEST!!!!! for a long weekend.  B-day present for my hubby.  So about 2:00pm Thursday I'll be settling in on what I call 'pleasantly pleasant' through Sunday morning.  I will be training one day - sort of.  We will rent bikes and bike around for the whole day.  The bikes are built like tanks so I'll count some time towards my training log.  Haha.

2012-01-29 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

The only race I was doing this weekend was out the door when class was over.  Two days of classes (ACLS, PALS, and CPR) mean that I got NOTHING done training-wise this weekend (unless you count CPR).  Sad.  Nothing like sitting on your butt from 0900-1700 for 2 days of gorgeous weather.  And because it was an hour away, I had no time to get thing done in the am.  

I can't wait to run tomorrow....

2012-01-30 12:04 AM
in reply to: #4017155

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

hildekq - 2012-01-29 1:54 PM Erin sounds like a SUPER race!!  7:13 pace, what the heck is that?  Something I'LL never see in my lifetime!  I've never done a reverse tri, so yeah, I bet going in all winded would be weird... Did you get bling?

Hilde - join the club. I'd be happy to see that as a bike pace let alone a run pace.

Louise - congrats on finishing and running your whole HM. Was that run 20 walk 1 mins?


2012-01-30 12:10 AM
in reply to: #4017302

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

Janet - oops miles are good as long as they don't hamper the rest of your training schedule. Enjoy the cutback week

Andrea - congrats on the 5 TM miles

Melanie - nice week. Tank bikes? pics required

 Jen - sorry you didn't get any training done but nice work on the classes. What to all the abbreviations mean? I only know CPR

 Bike ride today went horrible - see training log - but on the bright side I got 2 of the things I want for it - toe cage pedals and a bottle carrier

2012-01-30 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3942391

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Southern Maryland
Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!

ACLS is Advanced Cardiac Life Support.  Most juristictions require it for paramedics.  PALS is Pediatric Advanced Life Support.  Same this as ACLS only kid specific.  Most places want you to have this class or something like it.

Joined a new gym today.  My old gym, while I liked it and it was cheap, had hardly any classes (I've been missing a good spin class), and it was getting hard to get on the equipment (small place with lots of people).  So I went to a similar one in the next town down that a lot of people I know go to (in fact, I saw another firefighter from my station there this morning).  They also have yoga classes.  So tomorrow I'll start throwing some extra stuff in.  

2012-01-30 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4017358

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
rustymom - 2012-01-29 4:44 PM

I can't wait to see detailed reports on our weekend racers.

Wahoo!  I'm pretty happy to report that I ran 5miles today.  I attempted it last week, but stopped at 4.5.  It was done quite slowly on the treadmill, but I did it.  I have run 5 miles once before outside.  I'm feeling proud of myself (however minor the accomplishment) and satisfied for the moment.


Congrats!  There are no minor accomplishments - only accomplishments, so celebrate them - or at least let us celebrate them for you!

2012-01-30 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4017280

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Subject: RE: HILDEKQ'S Magnificently Motivational Mentor Group - CLOSED!!!!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone!!  My race report is up (in my logs), sorry I couldn't figure out how to get it to link here.  
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