BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod Rss Feed  
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2012-05-29 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4231323

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
bcraht - 2012-05-28 4:54 AM

So I started my morning off yesterday with a way-less-sore calf, which made me happy.  I was at the event, just getting ready to test it with a bit of a warm up run, when a young man walking by says "Has anyone told you yet this morning how beautiful you are?".  Ummm, no, they haven't I say.  "Well you are" he says.  Wow.  How can you have a bad day after THAT??  Especially since I was in a hoodie and a baseball cap!  Some people just know how to make others' day! Laughing 

I had a great race again, really happy with everything.  It was a gorgeous day out.  The pool is an outdoor 50 m about 30 ft from the ocean.  It is quite a small, beginner event, but well run, incredibly supportive volunteers and participants.  Here
is a race report.  Another good/better swim for me.

Hope everyone else has had a great weekend.


Well of course that young man said you were beautiful--there are still some honest people left in the world unafraid to speak the truth!

2012-05-29 12:49 PM
in reply to: #4231419

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jogo - 2012-05-28 7:09 AM

Yanti, I won't quote the gecko just for you. 

Kate-really cool and love the colors!!!  Great Art!!

Kansas-nice job on shaving the time off from last year!  25 minutes is HUGE!

I did the Bayshore Half Marathon yesterday.  I hadn't run a mile since Big Sur.  It was hard but it made me really realize what a HUGE accomplishment Big Sur was.  I have a new appreciation for the effort that took.  I did a personal worst at the half (for one that I was actually running just for me) but it really taught me a lot so I am very glad I did it.  We all need those wake-up moments to let us know how far we have come and what we are capable of.  Mentally and physically, eventhough my time was slower (done this 2 times before), I was stronger!  Boo yah!! 


I'm glad you got out and did it. Have been praying for you and your daughter. Good to see you doing things for you, too.

2012-05-29 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4233528

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
TriAya - 2012-05-29 10:43 AM
bcraht - 2012-05-28 4:54 AM

So I started my morning off yesterday with a way-less-sore calf, which made me happy.  I was at the event, just getting ready to test it with a bit of a warm up run, when a young man walking by says "Has anyone told you yet this morning how beautiful you are?".  Ummm, no, they haven't I say.  "Well you are" he says.  Wow.  How can you have a bad day after THAT??  Especially since I was in a hoodie and a baseball cap!  Some people just know how to make others' day! Laughing 

I had a great race again, really happy with everything.  It was a gorgeous day out.  The pool is an outdoor 50 m about 30 ft from the ocean.  It is quite a small, beginner event, but well run, incredibly supportive volunteers and participants.  Here
is a race report.  Another good/better swim for me.

Hope everyone else has had a great weekend.


Well of course that young man said you were beautiful--there are still some honest people left in the world unafraid to speak the truth!

So sweet.  Thanks Laughing

2012-05-29 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4233002

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
jmkizer - 2012-05-29 9:21 AM
jobaxas - 2012-05-29 6:06 AM

Well I must have been sick not going to swim squad on Monday missing the chance to see the eye candy!  Today I'm feeling much better, less congested and less emotional!

I just did 60mins on the drainer, every ten minutes cranking up a gear or two - hard work but good to work up a sweat.

So I got my new bottle cages on the bike - a nice shade of turquoise match the bike!  I bought a new wetsuit, a full version of my Rocket Science sleeveless which I love.  Won't have a chance to practice in it, but never mind.

Made an extensive list today of what i would need and when and walked and talked myself through the race and transition.  Very excited now.  The nerves have dissipated now it's this week!  I'll have time for the nerves Sunday morning.

You're going to do great.   You seem to have things covered.  Just try to stay loose this week with some short, not too intense, rides and some runs with pick ups.  If you have not practiced bottle hand ups, you might want to do that this week as well.  I know that you have a hydration and nutrition plan. 

You are organized so I'm sure that you have this covered but (OK, I work on a college campus and deal with distracted college students so please excuse me) -- wave start or mass start?  Wet suit strippers? Set up transition or get your bag of gear and run to bike?  In other words, "As I exit the swim, I will find a wet suit stripper, get out of my suit and run to transition.  I will grab my gear bag and run to my bike."  And so on.

Going through some personal issues that have added to the emotional stuff, I'm sorting through them but it's tough to be tough!  I need to be strong and make the right decisions, not always easy.  BUT I will get there and come through stronger and better for it!  Nothng I can discuss but just letting you know why I'm so up and down!

Manatees rock like my own therapy group!

I'm sorry to hear that you have other issues cropping up.  Hang in there and let us know if there is anything that we can do to help.

no wetsuit strippers, grab bag - wetsuit to be put in bag.....Luckily I'm going with a couple who have done thousands of these events so they will really help me - they are so good and Nicki is my inspiration and best friend, seeing her battle through IM Melbourne in over 16 hours with a torn achilles just incredible, and such a struggle in the swim for her 2 hours 6 mins - thought her race was over a number of times.  Such determination.  Her husband Alan - an absolute machine who just gets faster and faster and turns fifty in two weeks.

Ah the stuff i'm going through - not a biggie but messes with my head - I think myhead actually just needs a distraction from the race so it exaggerates any issues in life so they become mountainous to me!  Weird old thing the mind.

anyway got back on the drainer yesterday did 60mins, doing a 40min run today with some strides and squad tonight.

Ride tomorrow morning and then some tire practice one more time!  Woohoo nearly good to go!

2012-05-29 3:17 PM
in reply to: #4232767

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

cdban66 - 2012-05-29 7:07 AM  Felicia - How did your decision on the long run work out for you so far? I'm sure you'll be A-OK, no matter which decision you've made. I hope everyone had a good weekend, filled with those things that are truly important. Take comfort in Him.

Well, I should have done my long run yesterday, at the latest, but we had too many Memorial Weekend things going on, and by 8:30 p.m., when I was going to go out and do it, I couldn't manage. I cut myself some slack (still felt guilty), and did 9 miles this morning. I'm a little tired, actually. I ran by and got a salad at Wendy's after my run, put it in the refrigerator at home, and then headed to the pool for 40 minutes.

I'm finally at work, and I rode my bike, thinking that I would leave here at 4:00 and ride for a while, very casually. My legs are actually a little sore, which they haven't been for a while. I ran on concrete this morning, and I usually try to run on dirt. I was faster, but I'm also a little more achy than normal.

ETA: The report for my Saturday ride is up. You all know most of it already, but it's there if you are bored. :-)

Edited by KansasMom 2012-05-29 3:24 PM
2012-05-29 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4233452

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
kgore - 2012-05-29 1:11 PM

I can be a back up goalie....though it looks like someone already is using our name...

Awesome, another fellow netminder!  I would gladly share net time equally!  Too bad there already is a Manatee team, although they aren't as boss as us!

2012-05-29 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4233915

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod


no wetsuit strippers, grab bag - wetsuit to be put in bag.....Luckily I'm going with a couple who have done thousands of these events so they will really help me - they are so good and Nicki is my inspiration and best friend, seeing her battle through IM Melbourne in over 16 hours with a torn achilles just incredible, and such a struggle in the swim for her 2 hours 6 mins - thought her race was over a number of times.  Such determination.  Her husband Alan - an absolute machine who just gets faster and faster and turns fifty in two weeks.

Ah the stuff i'm going through - not a biggie but messes with my head - I think myhead actually just needs a distraction from the race so it exaggerates any issues in life so they become mountainous to me!  Weird old thing the mind.

anyway got back on the drainer yesterday did 60mins, doing a 40min run today with some strides and squad tonight.

Ride tomorrow morning and then some tire practice one more time!  Woohoo nearly good to go!

Amen, sister!  Hope you get your mind calmed and soothed and in the right place for your race.  I KNOW you will do great with all the training you have put in.

2012-05-29 4:12 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Got a run in finally!! Yay Days Off!

In addition to the run my tri from the other week posted pictures and they have a great one of me running and about to do a full on heel strike.  I've been told by DW that I kinda of look like I'm having a seizure that makes me move forward when I'm running, sooo running manatess any advice on where to go to find info about running form or how to 'fix' it?

Also while running today, and I'm not sure if this was just a function of being on my feet for 10 hours in a pair of fairly worn boots, I had some tenderness in both knees below the kneecap and almost felt like something was bouncing with my stride like a waterbaloon would if that makes sense.  Not pain just a bit tender feeling/uncomfortable any thoughts?


As for the Hockey Manatees I will happily take the job of drunken fan as I've never played and not a great skater but I can insult other teams at a game like none other, except for Philly fans they are just mean...

2012-05-29 4:41 PM
in reply to: #4234069

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-29 4:12 PM

Got a run in finally!! Yay Days Off!

In addition to the run my tri from the other week posted pictures and they have a great one of me running and about to do a full on heel strike.  I've been told by DW that I kinda of look like I'm having a seizure that makes me move forward when I'm running, sooo running manatess any advice on where to go to find info about running form or how to 'fix' it?

Also while running today, and I'm not sure if this was just a function of being on my feet for 10 hours in a pair of fairly worn boots, I had some tenderness in both knees below the kneecap and almost felt like something was bouncing with my stride like a waterbaloon would if that makes sense.  Not pain just a bit tender feeling/uncomfortable any thoughts?


As for the Hockey Manatees I will happily take the job of drunken fan as I've never played and not a great skater but I can insult other teams at a game like none other, except for Philly fans they are just mean...

Hey there Kirk,

Oh boy the ol' changing of foot strike conversation. This is ALWAYS a tough one.

Before I give you advice, I need to add that a lot of photos I have seen of myself look very much like a full on heel strike but I've had gait analysis done a few times and it has come back as midfoot and freakishly efficient. So....yeah. I have also, so far, been injury free.

If you find that this is something you really do want to change, and I understand there IS a lot of material that supports mid-foot striking, you are going to have to do it SLLLOOOOOWWWWLY. Changing this is a pretty difficult full time mental job. More important than HOW your foot strikes the ground is WHERE it strikes the ground. Even if you land on your heel you CAN be extremely efficient and injury free if your feet make contact underneath you. Look at videos of Haile.

Here are some things you can focus on and see if changes come:

Hips FORWARD, stand tall

Drive forward with your knee (keeps you from doing so with your foot) and keep from bouncing

Short strides, trying to keep your foot parallel with the ground throughout

A nice drill I do often after a track workout, is strides on the field barefoot. Of course, make sure it's free of debris or holes etc.  I try to do the strides keeping the above information in mind. If anything, it's a very freeing feeling to run barefoot in the grass like a kid! 

2012-05-29 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4234069

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-29 2:12 PM

As for the Hockey Manatees I will happily take the job of drunken fan as I've never played and not a great skater but I can insult other teams at a game like none other, except for Philly fans they are just mean...

X2 on the Philly fans---and the teams in general, they tend to be thugs!-- My husband always gets a little concerned because anytime a Philly team plays one I like I am insistent that my team wins--just on the grounds that I hate Philly teams and fans. 

Today has a whole mess of stuff going on--weed-eating a bunch in hopes of setting up outdoor housing for my Russian Tortoise and 3 toed box turtle. I did the weed eating (amazing how much arm strength it uses!), for an hour and a half, and that part is done; I just need to get some more materials for the housing, then I can move them.....I am supposed to do an OWS too, but that will have to wait so that my tatt doesn't get messed up (it is slowly healing). I will head out on the bike for a good ride later though. In the meantime, I will relax and do some basic housekeeping.

2012-05-29 4:52 PM
in reply to: #4234069

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Tripopo - 2012-05-29 3:12 PM

Got a run in finally!! Yay Days Off!

In addition to the run my tri from the other week posted pictures and they have a great one of me running and about to do a full on heel strike.  I've been told by DW that I kinda of look like I'm having a seizure that makes me move forward when I'm running, sooo running manatess any advice on where to go to find info about running form or how to 'fix' it?

Also while running today, and I'm not sure if this was just a function of being on my feet for 10 hours in a pair of fairly worn boots, I had some tenderness in both knees below the kneecap and almost felt like something was bouncing with my stride like a waterbaloon would if that makes sense.  Not pain just a bit tender feeling/uncomfortable any thoughts?


As for the Hockey Manatees I will happily take the job of drunken fan as I've never played and not a great skater but I can insult other teams at a game like none other, except for Philly fans they are just mean...

I'll be in the stands with you.  I know all the great lines, "Hey Ref! You're missing a great game"...

2012-05-29 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Do any Manatees know the little shortcut to insert photos into blog posts without having to upload them to an online source such as Flickr?  I know I found that answer once and did it once but I can't find my notes on how I did it.  I wanted to add some of the pics from my weekend to share with you guys without gumming up our thread.
2012-05-29 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4234166

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
rrrunner - 2012-05-29 5:52 PM
Tripopo - 2012-05-29 3:12 PM

Got a run in finally!! Yay Days Off!

In addition to the run my tri from the other week posted pictures and they have a great one of me running and about to do a full on heel strike.  I've been told by DW that I kinda of look like I'm having a seizure that makes me move forward when I'm running, sooo running manatess any advice on where to go to find info about running form or how to 'fix' it?

Also while running today, and I'm not sure if this was just a function of being on my feet for 10 hours in a pair of fairly worn boots, I had some tenderness in both knees below the kneecap and almost felt like something was bouncing with my stride like a waterbaloon would if that makes sense.  Not pain just a bit tender feeling/uncomfortable any thoughts?


As for the Hockey Manatees I will happily take the job of drunken fan as I've never played and not a great skater but I can insult other teams at a game like none other, except for Philly fans they are just mean...

I'll be in the stands with you.  I know all the great lines, "Hey Ref! You're missing a great game"...

Ha!  That reminded me of a less PG comment I hear at Bears games often...  and I totally agree, Philly fans tend to be evil.  That aside, we would love to have you in the stands cheering for us.  As long as you save some beer for us for after the game!

2012-05-29 8:53 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

I just found out that Chrissie is going to be in Boulder tomorrow!   AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!

Part of me wants to ignore my commitments and GO!!! How many chances does a person get to meet such an icon! On the other hand... it would be 12 hours of drving (round trip), gas money, two missed days of work... Yell

2012-05-29 9:18 PM
in reply to: #4234471

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
rrrunner - 2012-05-29 8:53 PM

I just found out that Chrissie is going to be in Boulder tomorrow!   AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHH!

Part of me wants to ignore my commitments and GO!!! How many chances does a person get to meet such an icon! On the other hand... it would be 12 hours of drving (round trip), gas money, two missed days of work... Yell

Oh so tempting, check out her schedule and make sure she's not closer to home any time?  I have just about finished my first read of her book which will be read again and again much as Macca's has been!  She is an amazing athlete and such a lovely soul too - always helping others and trying to improve the world in her own way.  Oh to have an ounce of her talent!!!!!

I have just been for a run - first one for a while, loved it, did 6km with interval sprints - my favourite type of run.  It's lovely and autumnal slightly foggy all the leaves have turned, just beautiful.

2012-05-29 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
I'm reading it too, Jo.  Unfortunately, it is HIGHLY unlikely she will get any closer to Aluquerque. The stop in Boulder isn't even on the schedule.  She just mentioned it on Twitter. Yesterday I listened to her Ride Harder AudioFuel for 90 minutes while watching her win Kona, with injuries, with a smile!  She ROCKS!

2012-05-29 9:39 PM
in reply to: #4233929

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
KansasMom - 2012-05-29 4:17 PM

cdban66 - 2012-05-29 7:07 AM  Felicia - How did your decision on the long run work out for you so far? I'm sure you'll be A-OK, no matter which decision you've made. I hope everyone had a good weekend, filled with those things that are truly important. Take comfort in Him.

Well, I should have done my long run yesterday, at the latest, but we had too many Memorial Weekend things going on, and by 8:30 p.m., when I was going to go out and do it, I couldn't manage. I cut myself some slack (still felt guilty), and did 9 miles this morning. I'm a little tired, actually. I ran by and got a salad at Wendy's after my run, put it in the refrigerator at home, and then headed to the pool for 40 minutes.

I'm finally at work, and I rode my bike, thinking that I would leave here at 4:00 and ride for a while, very casually. My legs are actually a little sore, which they haven't been for a while. I ran on concrete this morning, and I usually try to run on dirt. I was faster, but I'm also a little more achy than normal.

ETA: The report for my Saturday ride is up. You all know most of it already, but it's there if you are bored. :-)

Felicia, you beat yourself up too much! I was just checking out your training log (left an inspire ) and you have been ROCKING IT on the runs!! Very impressive - it's getting Salty-caliber mileage! If you feel achy, there ain't no shame in taking some rest.  You really can't train hard if you are hurt! Hope the pool isn't too chilly - I"m starting OW morning sessions this week and I'm nervous about the temp!

2012-05-29 9:42 PM
in reply to: #4231061

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

kgore - 2012-05-27 9:45 AM Hmmm, actually, I was considering taking a new picture, now that its settled in a bit...Innocent

Oh, one more won't hurt anyone - we all know how strong and brave Yanti is! Cool

2012-05-29 9:44 PM
in reply to: #4231323

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
bcraht - 2012-05-27 5:54 PM

So I started my morning off yesterday with a way-less-sore calf, which made me happy.  I was at the event, just getting ready to test it with a bit of a warm up run, when a young man walking by says "Has anyone told you yet this morning how beautiful you are?".  Ummm, no, they haven't I say.  "Well you are" he says.  Wow.  How can you have a bad day after THAT??  Especially since I was in a hoodie and a baseball cap!  Some people just know how to make others' day! Laughing 

I had a great race again, really happy with everything.  It was a gorgeous day out.  The pool is an outdoor 50 m about 30 ft from the ocean.  It is quite a small, beginner event, but well run, incredibly supportive volunteers and participants.  Here
is a race report.  Another good/better swim for me.

Hope everyone else has had a great weekend.

Great job! Was this your first race of the season? Sounds like you are off to a good start Smile

2012-05-29 9:52 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Hi everyone! Sounds like everyone had a great weekend, some good races and training, maybe a little bit of maxin' and relaxin'.  I had a fun workout on Sunday with my old running team (from my Team in Training days).  A bunch are training for a duathlon this Saturday in Rye, NH, so I did a training 3 mile run/17 mile bike/3 mile run.  Then found out the race wasn't sold out, so I signed up! Should be really fun, I"m going to try to actually race this, so we'll see how I do. I guess the run course is off road, which will be a nice change, and the ride is a gorgeous loop that takes you down the coast.

Other than that, I had a nice evening in Boston with my DH (dear, in this instance, lol) and a friend and her husband who recently moved back to the area (yay!) Had a lovely dinner in the NOrth End, even though it was SOOOO hot and humid. Sunday evening was a graduation party, I enjoyed a fair bit of wine but balance with water It made for a better Monday than others had!

In other news, my wetsuit arrived today! Didn't have the energy to try it on tonight, but I will tomorrow. I think I'll be joining an OWS training group on Thursday mornings...don't know if I'm ready for it, but I need to get ready!

2012-05-29 10:36 PM
in reply to: #4234550

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Oh me too got a new wetsuit, first outing will be at the HIM!!! hehe hope it comes off easy...talking of which must break in the new goggles at squad tonight.

2012-05-29 11:42 PM
in reply to: #4212573

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
Two days left in the May Challenge, Manatees; have you logged everything?  Looks like everyone is really close to their goals, great work!!
2012-05-30 6:15 AM
in reply to: #4234652

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

bcraht - 2012-05-30 12:42 AM Two days left in the May Challenge, Manatees; have you logged everything?  Looks like everyone is really close to their goals, great work!!

I totally missed the discussion about a May challenge.    Are you doing a June challenge?  

2012-05-30 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4212573

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod

Errand day for me and I'm planning a heavy training day as well, I want to swim and then do a 50 min trainer ride into a brick run, swim then errands then brick is the plan, although I woke up a bit later then expected this morning so we'll see.  DW's car had a tree land on it while we were on the unity tour and we are dropping it off tomorrow for repairs.  Well she is working so I'll be dropping it off for repairs and riding my bike home.  Funny how a year or two worth of training changes your perspective on what you can do since DW at first thought it was too far to ride then decided that I don't ever get to say that about a bike trip again...

2012-05-30 9:42 AM
in reply to: #4234550

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Part 2 -- Full Pod
ArielLIlB - 2012-05-29 10:52 PM

Hi everyone! Sounds like everyone had a great weekend, some good races and training, maybe a little bit of maxin' and relaxin'.  I had a fun workout on Sunday with my old running team (from my Team in Training days).  A bunch are training for a duathlon this Saturday in Rye, NH, so I did a training 3 mile run/17 mile bike/3 mile run.  Then found out the race wasn't sold out, so I signed up! Should be really fun, I"m going to try to actually race this, so we'll see how I do. I guess the run course is off road, which will be a nice change, and the ride is a gorgeous loop that takes you down the coast.

Other than that, I had a nice evening in Boston with my DH (dear, in this instance, lol) and a friend and her husband who recently moved back to the area (yay!) Had a lovely dinner in the NOrth End, even though it was SOOOO hot and humid. Sunday evening was a graduation party, I enjoyed a fair bit of wine but balance with water It made for a better Monday than others had!

In other news, my wetsuit arrived today! Didn't have the energy to try it on tonight, but I will tomorrow. I think I'll be joining an OWS training group on Thursday mornings...don't know if I'm ready for it, but I need to get ready!

That sounds like a fun race (except for the running 2x part, LOL) with the run off road and the ride going down the coast!!  I've been to Rye, NH.  Very pretty area.  And Boston is one of my favorite cities to visit.  And the race sounds extra fun since you have friends racing with you!

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