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2009-09-16 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

2009-09-16 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2409472

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 8:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Listen to your hubby... He always know's best.  A coach for Lonestar?  Just buy a Tri bike, but your butt in the seat and pedal hard for the next 8 months.... That will get you faster!
2009-09-16 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Sam in all seriousness I don't think you need a coach for Lonestar.  If you are putting in the miles and working on marathon training now, you will be ok base wise.... You just need to push yourself a little harder each time on those workouts leading up to Lonestar.....

I push for no coach because you are talking about Ironman, and a coach for that.... I would push for tri bike 1st... Race Lonestar, then get a coach after Lonestar and he can work with you on speed since you already have established a good base.  "A" race vs. "B" race I guess?

I hope this makes some sense?
2009-09-16 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey all....Yes I was a little nervous/excited when I hit the submit button last night. I also signed up for weeklt spin class with a local coach. I've met with her and alot of her team, and they all seem great. I am considering getting some coaching from her starting in Dec/Jan To help get me to the next level. Where I feel that I can actually enjoy doing a 1/2 versus just finishing.
Was chatting with a few people here yesterday as well, and I've decided to pull the chute on doing my first 1/2 at Lonestar. With it being in April, and me being from the great white north, I just don't feel like I'll have enough of a base to be ready for it. Not alot of outdoor cycling happening before April up here!!! It would be quite crazy for me to attempt doing my first 1/2 as my 1st race in only my 2nd year. As for an Oly though....thats still a possiblility.
2009-09-16 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2409555

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

swbkrun - 2009-09-16 10:52 AM Sam in all seriousness I don't think you need a coach for Lonestar.  If you are putting in the miles and working on marathon training now, you will be ok base wise.... You just need to push yourself a little harder each time on those workouts leading up to Lonestar.....

I push for no coach because you are talking about Ironman, and a coach for that.... I would push for tri bike 1st... Race Lonestar, then get a coach after Lonestar and he can work with you on speed since you already have established a good base.  "A" race vs. "B" race I guess?

I hope this makes some sense?

I'm glad Tony is on a plane to WY and might miss you first post.  He's always trying to tell me that he is always right.  Laughing  Of course, it's just the opposite.

That's how I was leaning originally but I thought a coach might push me for Lonestar.  I guess I'll just have to light a fire under my own a*s!  So if I go with the tri bike, I'll have the tough task of researching and selecting one.  I want the bright pink Planet X but I'm not sure that is the best bike for me.

2009-09-16 11:48 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

OK, stupid question - could the size of calf muscles (large) cause post run pain?  Not shin splints - I've had those - but enough to make one hobble around the next day after a late evening run?  I walked almost a mile after my run, stretched after that, turned the shower as cold as it would go for a couple of minutes on them and the worked them with the stick and am still hobbling around...  It was a four miler on hills (or what passes for a hill around here...) at what, for me, is generally a 5k pace...

sidebar - I ran 4 miles at my 5k pace

2009-09-16 11:58 AM
in reply to: #2409688

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-09-16 10:48 AM

OK, stupid question - could the size of calf muscles (large) cause post run pain?  Not shin splints - I've had those - but enough to make one hobble around the next day after a late evening run?  I walked almost a mile after my run, stretched after that, turned the shower as cold as it would go for a couple of minutes on them and the worked them with the stick and am still hobbling around...  It was a four miler on hills (or what passes for a hill around here...) at what, for me, is generally a 5k pace...

sidebar - I ran 4 miles at my 5k pace

Uneducated answer coming................
You and I have a lot in common it seems. I've had some leg issues lately as well, but there have been times that my calves have felt like tight balls after running.
As a new runner, its us earning our stripes!
2009-09-16 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
So I 'm looking at buying a few Ironman DVD's...Frig $35 a pop!!! Ouch
What are the best years to buy from what you guys have?
2009-09-16 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2408560

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

fattyfatfat - 2009-09-15 9:20 PM
Redknight - 2009-09-15 7:54 PM


awesome images.   but do you have more of Elizabeth. ;-)

Yeah but they are for my eyes only

2009-09-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2408721

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-09-15 10:28 PM So its official for me......

Payment has been received
Trevor Cochran is Registered for
The Great White North Triathlon

1st 1/2 Ironman- July 4/2010!!

Suzy and Rob got me motivated today

Congratulations Trevor.

2009-09-16 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Suzy great new avatar. I am hoping a good one of me will come out of the professional ones from the race.

Trevor; I never had any ironman training videos but after looking at my time you might be smart getting a couple. the best thing you can do is listne to the experts on here. they will give you great advice.

Well a couple of days rest and I am ready to start getting out again. No more tris for me this year though. I don't think there is anything coming up around here except for this Sunday and I have a wedding to attend on Saturday. I should be able to find a couple of races to keep me going.

Is Tracy the only one racing this weekend???

Edited by Redknight 2009-09-16 12:21 PM

2009-09-16 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2409472

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 10:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Sam--How come Tony gets to have a running coach and a tri coach and you have to select between two options? Take this for what it is worth given that I don't yet have a tri bike, I would go for the coach.  Start with him now and keep him through the IM build up.  You won't take an hour off your time with a new bike IMO.  You might with a good coach who can structure a program to really push you and give you advice on where you may have had issues in your last races.  Just my two cents.

Andy--do you toe off when you run hills?  if so, that can cause really tight calves.  It could also be caused from a poor pedal point your toes down when you ride versus keeping your feet flatter.  I think sometimes we look at the sport where are bodies hurt and we might need to look to the other things we do.  One other thought, your shins and calves are opposite muscle groups.  If you have really strong calves it MIGHT cause shin problems and vv.  Need to make sure both muscle groups are in balance.  Does that make sense?

Had a breakthrough swim today!
2009-09-16 12:43 PM
in reply to: #2409781

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 11:33 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 10:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Sam--How come Tony gets to have a running coach and a tri coach and you have to select between two options? Take this for what it is worth given that I don't yet have a tri bike, I would go for the coach.  Start with him now and keep him through the IM build up.  You won't take an hour off your time with a new bike IMO.  You might with a good coach who can structure a program to really push you and give you advice on where you may have had issues in your last races.  Just my two cents.

Andy--do you toe off when you run hills?  if so, that can cause really tight calves.  It could also be caused from a poor pedal point your toes down when you ride versus keeping your feet flatter.  I think sometimes we look at the sport where are bodies hurt and we might need to look to the other things we do.  One other thought, your shins and calves are opposite muscle groups.  If you have really strong calves it MIGHT cause shin problems and vv.  Need to make sure both muscle groups are in balance.  Does that make sense?

Had a breakthrough swim today!

Umm isn't Tony the man of the house? All decision go through him wink,wink nudge,nudge. Ha, we know who wears the pants in your house Sam!
I agree with Suzy, even though we are on different paths. I am getting a coach to get my fired up for my first 1/2. You've already been there. I think if $$ is the reason for the choice, coach all the way.  I know a guy who has a 10 year old Cervelo who AG's all the time. So unless you're bike is a clunker, coach,coach. OR get the Tony to piece one together for you as a 'surprise'
2009-09-16 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2409806

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-09-16 12:43 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 11:33 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 10:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Sam--How come Tony gets to have a running coach and a tri coach and you have to select between two options? Take this for what it is worth given that I don't yet have a tri bike, I would go for the coach.  Start with him now and keep him through the IM build up.  You won't take an hour off your time with a new bike IMO.  You might with a good coach who can structure a program to really push you and give you advice on where you may have had issues in your last races.  Just my two cents.

Andy--do you toe off when you run hills?  if so, that can cause really tight calves.  It could also be caused from a poor pedal point your toes down when you ride versus keeping your feet flatter.  I think sometimes we look at the sport where are bodies hurt and we might need to look to the other things we do.  One other thought, your shins and calves are opposite muscle groups.  If you have really strong calves it MIGHT cause shin problems and vv.  Need to make sure both muscle groups are in balance.  Does that make sense?

Had a breakthrough swim today!

Umm isn't Tony the man of the house? All decision go through him wink,wink nudge,nudge. Ha, we know who wears the pants in your house Sam!
I agree with Suzy, even though we are on different paths. I am getting a coach to get my fired up for my first 1/2. You've already been there. I think if $$ is the reason for the choice, coach all the way.  I know a guy who has a 10 year old Cervelo who AG's all the time. So unless you're bike is a clunker, coach,coach. OR get the Tony to piece one together for you as a 'surprise'

Why does Tony get all of the goods?  Because women make many sacrifices for their children!  Wink

In Tony's defense, he did say that I should do both.  However, the man doesn't pay a single bill and has mistaken the tree in our front yard for a money tree.

And now I am back to square one b/c Suzy and Trevor's thoughts are the reason I started waffling.  Part of me thinks that I can get a hell of a lot faster w/ better training.  It's not like I've come anywhere close to getting everything out of current bike.  I've yet to ride a race totally in aero.  Ugh - decisions, decisions.
2009-09-16 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2408500

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Redknight - 2009-09-15 8:54 PM

So I took the last couple of days off and just rested. Got a pedicure today and in honor of Steve rolled up my jeans so they looked like capris. Now htat's manly denim capris.

Here a couple of pics of me finishing. The first is about 800m out. Elizabeth is the girl I ran the last 4/5K with

Congrats on a super race...and great pictures.  You totally looked like you were having fun and loving life.
It doesn't get any better than that!

Edited by Havin'Fun 2009-09-16 1:46 PM
2009-09-16 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2408626

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-15 9:50 PM Rob--Terrific pictures.  And you had the presence of mind to raise those arms at the finish line. Way to go......

Here is a link to the photos that were snapped of me:  The woman who is with me at the finish line is the cheater who shorted the course, not my friend.   

Suzy, awesome pictures!  It's frustrating knowing someone cheated...but they have to live with themselves.
You went out there and had a great day!  And no one can take that away!!

2009-09-16 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2408721

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-09-15 10:28 PM So its official for me......

Payment has been received
Trevor Cochran is Registered for
The Great White North Triathlon

1st 1/2 Ironman- July 4/2010!!

Suzy and Rob got me motivated today

Congrats...You know when they tell you to get lots of sleep before your children are born.....same thing here.  

Seriously, the journey is where the fun is    

2009-09-16 2:00 PM
in reply to: #2408994

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 6:49 AM
So today marks Paul and my 20th anniversary.  And as is typical, he is going to be traveling for work.  I swear our first 10 years of marriage both of us were in different cities on the big day.  No matter.  We celebrated last night.  I was very clever this year.  He is awful about getting presents so I got one for him and one for me.  I gave him a kayak and he gave me trip to Galvaston Texas in April .   He claims they are both for me because he knows darn well that kayak is ging to be used for my OWS training.  He's right! Wink

Happy Anniversary Suzy!  Love the gifts  Wink
2009-09-16 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2409472

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 11:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Get the bike (right now).
Here's my reasoning....As the person in my family that pays the bills I say get the "big" payment item (BIKE) out of the way.  Upgrade your BT membership to get training plans and support right off.  Then after a while (after the bike is paid for) you can add the coaching.  The coaching will not be as big of a shock to the checkbook as the bike.    So basically I am saying get both.  Just trying to help you out   Wink  
2009-09-16 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2409250

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-16 8:51 AM Do you guys adhere to the 10% rule when increasing run mileage?  Is this strict or do you bump it up to 15-20% on occasional weeks.  Also, will this vary according to the type of run you are doing.  For example, if the majority of the weeks run is long and slow Z2 work can you increase this percentage.  Gracious!

Hmmmm, the 10% rule. I never followed it religiously, but I never bumped my mileage up quickly either. I would go many weeks running 30m before  moving to 35m and so on.  The time when your weekly mileage might be greater than the 10% is due to your long run.  The longer they get, the greater the increase.  My runs were fairly standard in length for marathon training 3 8s, 2 10-12, plus the long run which was anywhere from 18-26m.  For me it was usually 3 long runs in a row and then a stepback to 12-16m for that long run which created the variability.  If you run less than 6 days a week which most of us triathletes do, adding an extra day could bump you beyond the 10% and doing that infrequently doesn't seem like a bad idea as long as there is a reason to do it....make sense?  Let your body be the judge...I would rather run quality miles than junk miles to increase the total.  Make sense?
2009-09-16 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2410164

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 3:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-16 8:51 AM Do you guys adhere to the 10% rule when increasing run mileage?  Is this strict or do you bump it up to 15-20% on occasional weeks.  Also, will this vary according to the type of run you are doing.  For example, if the majority of the weeks run is long and slow Z2 work can you increase this percentage.  Gracious!

Hmmmm, the 10% rule. I never followed it religiously, but I never bumped my mileage up quickly either. I would go many weeks running 30m before  moving to 35m and so on.  The time when your weekly mileage might be greater than the 10% is due to your long run.  The longer they get, the greater the increase.  My runs were fairly standard in length for marathon training 3 8s, 2 10-12, plus the long run which was anywhere from 18-26m.  For me it was usually 3 long runs in a row and then a stepback to 12-16m for that long run which created the variability.  If you run less than 6 days a week which most of us triathletes do, adding an extra day could bump you beyond the 10% and doing that infrequently doesn't seem like a bad idea as long as there is a reason to do it....make sense?  Let your body be the judge...I would rather run quality miles than junk miles to increase the total.  Make sense?

perfect!  thanks

i like the avatar.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-09-16 3:23 PM

2009-09-16 3:42 PM
in reply to: #2409865

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 11:18 AM
TrevorC - 2009-09-16 12:43 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 11:33 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 10:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Sam--How come Tony gets to have a running coach and a tri coach and you have to select between two options? Take this for what it is worth given that I don't yet have a tri bike, I would go for the coach.  Start with him now and keep him through the IM build up.  You won't take an hour off your time with a new bike IMO.  You might with a good coach who can structure a program to really push you and give you advice on where you may have had issues in your last races.  Just my two cents.

Andy--do you toe off when you run hills?  if so, that can cause really tight calves.  It could also be caused from a poor pedal point your toes down when you ride versus keeping your feet flatter.  I think sometimes we look at the sport where are bodies hurt and we might need to look to the other things we do.  One other thought, your shins and calves are opposite muscle groups.  If you have really strong calves it MIGHT cause shin problems and vv.  Need to make sure both muscle groups are in balance.  Does that make sense?

Had a breakthrough swim today!

Umm isn't Tony the man of the house? All decision go through him wink,wink nudge,nudge. Ha, we know who wears the pants in your house Sam!
I agree with Suzy, even though we are on different paths. I am getting a coach to get my fired up for my first 1/2. You've already been there. I think if $$ is the reason for the choice, coach all the way.  I know a guy who has a 10 year old Cervelo who AG's all the time. So unless you're bike is a clunker, coach,coach. OR get the Tony to piece one together for you as a 'surprise'

Why does Tony get all of the goods?  Because women make many sacrifices for their children!  Wink

In Tony's defense, he did say that I should do both.  However, the man doesn't pay a single bill and has mistaken the tree in our front yard for a money tree.

And now I am back to square one b/c Suzy and Trevor's thoughts are the reason I started waffling.  Part of me thinks that I can get a hell of a lot faster w/ better training.  It's not like I've come anywhere close to getting everything out of current bike.  I've yet to ride a race totally in aero.  Ugh - decisions, decisions.

I am late in responding to this post but I was having a similar dilemma after Vineman, whether to go with a coach or a new bike.  Luckily for me, my sweetie surprised me with a new bike, but only after I had reached the decision to go with a coach.  Sorry, Sam, maybe this doesn't help...HOWEVER, that being said, I can say that I am loving having a coach.  I just do as I am told (mostly), and I have not been suffering from any of the niggling heel, glute, hip pains that I was late last year (2008) and through most of my training for my half marathon and HIM when I was on the do it myself method.  And I am getting faster or at least maximizing the speed I have, without feeling exhausted before or after those race pace and long runs.  I feel that my confidence is really good, and everything that I am doing is for a reason, not just well...i should log some miles on the bike or I should do 6000 yds in the pool this week.  It is very focused and my time is absolutely maximized.  I love having a coach!  oh, i said that already.  I am 44, soon to be 45 and it is very important to me to stay injury free, this is something I talked at length with Steve when we had the initial interview/consult.  He has been very good about this aspect.  Anyhow, sorry to ramble on and on, because that's probably more than 2 cents.  You can pm me if you have any other Q's. 
2009-09-16 3:43 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
post padding like trevor!

Happy Anniversary, Suzy!!!!  
2009-09-16 4:53 PM
in reply to: #2410234

User image

Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-09-16 3:42 PM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 11:18 AM
TrevorC - 2009-09-16 12:43 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 11:33 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 10:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Sam--How come Tony gets to have a running coach and a tri coach and you have to select between two options? Take this for what it is worth given that I don't yet have a tri bike, I would go for the coach.  Start with him now and keep him through the IM build up.  You won't take an hour off your time with a new bike IMO.  You might with a good coach who can structure a program to really push you and give you advice on where you may have had issues in your last races.  Just my two cents.

Andy--do you toe off when you run hills?  if so, that can cause really tight calves.  It could also be caused from a poor pedal point your toes down when you ride versus keeping your feet flatter.  I think sometimes we look at the sport where are bodies hurt and we might need to look to the other things we do.  One other thought, your shins and calves are opposite muscle groups.  If you have really strong calves it MIGHT cause shin problems and vv.  Need to make sure both muscle groups are in balance.  Does that make sense?

Had a breakthrough swim today!

Umm isn't Tony the man of the house? All decision go through him wink,wink nudge,nudge. Ha, we know who wears the pants in your house Sam!
I agree with Suzy, even though we are on different paths. I am getting a coach to get my fired up for my first 1/2. You've already been there. I think if $$ is the reason for the choice, coach all the way.  I know a guy who has a 10 year old Cervelo who AG's all the time. So unless you're bike is a clunker, coach,coach. OR get the Tony to piece one together for you as a 'surprise'

Why does Tony get all of the goods?  Because women make many sacrifices for their children!  Wink

In Tony's defense, he did say that I should do both.  However, the man doesn't pay a single bill and has mistaken the tree in our front yard for a money tree.

And now I am back to square one b/c Suzy and Trevor's thoughts are the reason I started waffling.  Part of me thinks that I can get a hell of a lot faster w/ better training.  It's not like I've come anywhere close to getting everything out of current bike.  I've yet to ride a race totally in aero.  Ugh - decisions, decisions.

I am late in responding to this post but I was having a similar dilemma after Vineman, whether to go with a coach or a new bike.  Luckily for me, my sweetie surprised me with a new bike, but only after I had reached the decision to go with a coach.  Sorry, Sam, maybe this doesn't help...HOWEVER, that being said, I can say that I am loving having a coach.  I just do as I am told (mostly), and I have not been suffering from any of the niggling heel, glute, hip pains that I was late last year (2008) and through most of my training for my half marathon and HIM when I was on the do it myself method.  And I am getting faster or at least maximizing the speed I have, without feeling exhausted before or after those race pace and long runs.  I feel that my confidence is really good, and everything that I am doing is for a reason, not just well...i should log some miles on the bike or I should do 6000 yds in the pool this week.  It is very focused and my time is absolutely maximized.  I love having a coach!  oh, i said that already.  I am 44, soon to be 45 and it is very important to me to stay injury free, this is something I talked at length with Steve when we had the initial interview/consult.  He has been very good about this aspect.  Anyhow, sorry to ramble on and on, because that's probably more than 2 cents.  You can pm me if you have any other Q's. 

I am late in responding to this post but I was having a similar dilemma before Buffalo Springs, whether to go with a coach or a new bike.  Luckily for me, I wrecked my new bike, but only after I had reached the decision to go with a bike.  Sorry, Sam, maybe this doesn't help...HOWEVER, that being said, I can say that I am loving having a coach.  I just do as I am told (mostly), and I have not been suffering from any of the niggling knee pains through most of my training for my HIM when I was on the do it myself method.  And I am getting faster or at least maximizing the speed I have, without feeling exhausted before or after those race pace and long runs.  I feel that my confidence is really good, and everything that I am doing is for a reason, not just well...i should log some miles on the bike or I should do 2000 yds in the pool this week.  It is very focused and my time is absolutely maximized.  I love having a coach!  oh, i said that already.  I am 23, soon to be 38 and it is very important to me to stay injury free, this is something I talked at length with Ben when we had the initial interview/consult.  He has been very good about this aspect.  Anyhow, sorry to ramble on and on, because that's probably more than 2 cents.  You can pm me if you have any other Q's.

Tom, Kim (2009). Reply To Samantha Regarding Bad Advice From Her Husband. Retrieved 16 September 2009 from Beginner Triathlete:

Well that was easy.  Thanks Kim.  A little busy today.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-09-16 6:26 PM
2009-09-16 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2410369

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-16 2:53 PM
kt65 - 2009-09-16 3:42 PM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 11:18 AM
TrevorC - 2009-09-16 12:43 PM
SSMinnow - 2009-09-16 11:33 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-16 10:20 AM Question for the group.  I am trying to decide b/t a coach for Lonestar so I can get faster overall or a tri bike.  I want to take about an hour off my first HIM time.

B/t Dec-March, I can really only do one or the other.  I'm trying to decide which thing will make me faster.  Tony seems to think that a tri bike will make me faster on the bike.  I'm not sure it will make me that much faster.

If I do IMAZ in 2010, I'm definitely getting a coach so if I do a coach over the winter as well, I may be riding my road bike all through 2010.

Thoughts from the group?

Sam--How come Tony gets to have a running coach and a tri coach and you have to select between two options? Take this for what it is worth given that I don't yet have a tri bike, I would go for the coach.  Start with him now and keep him through the IM build up.  You won't take an hour off your time with a new bike IMO.  You might with a good coach who can structure a program to really push you and give you advice on where you may have had issues in your last races.  Just my two cents.

Andy--do you toe off when you run hills?  if so, that can cause really tight calves.  It could also be caused from a poor pedal point your toes down when you ride versus keeping your feet flatter.  I think sometimes we look at the sport where are bodies hurt and we might need to look to the other things we do.  One other thought, your shins and calves are opposite muscle groups.  If you have really strong calves it MIGHT cause shin problems and vv.  Need to make sure both muscle groups are in balance.  Does that make sense?

Had a breakthrough swim today!

Umm isn't Tony the man of the house? All decision go through him wink,wink nudge,nudge. Ha, we know who wears the pants in your house Sam!
I agree with Suzy, even though we are on different paths. I am getting a coach to get my fired up for my first 1/2. You've already been there. I think if $$ is the reason for the choice, coach all the way.  I know a guy who has a 10 year old Cervelo who AG's all the time. So unless you're bike is a clunker, coach,coach. OR get the Tony to piece one together for you as a 'surprise'

Why does Tony get all of the goods?  Because women make many sacrifices for their children!  Wink

In Tony's defense, he did say that I should do both.  However, the man doesn't pay a single bill and has mistaken the tree in our front yard for a money tree.

And now I am back to square one b/c Suzy and Trevor's thoughts are the reason I started waffling.  Part of me thinks that I can get a hell of a lot faster w/ better training.  It's not like I've come anywhere close to getting everything out of current bike.  I've yet to ride a race totally in aero.  Ugh - decisions, decisions.

I am late in responding to this post but I was having a similar dilemma after Vineman, whether to go with a coach or a new bike.  Luckily for me, my sweetie surprised me with a new bike, but only after I had reached the decision to go with a coach.  Sorry, Sam, maybe this doesn't help...HOWEVER, that being said, I can say that I am loving having a coach.  I just do as I am told (mostly), and I have not been suffering from any of the niggling heel, glute, hip pains that I was late last year (2008) and through most of my training for my half marathon and HIM when I was on the do it myself method.  And I am getting faster or at least maximizing the speed I have, without feeling exhausted before or after those race pace and long runs.  I feel that my confidence is really good, and everything that I am doing is for a reason, not just well...i should log some miles on the bike or I should do 6000 yds in the pool this week.  It is very focused and my time is absolutely maximized.  I love having a coach!  oh, i said that already.  I am 44, soon to be 45 and it is very important to me to stay injury free, this is something I talked at length with Steve when we had the initial interview/consult.  He has been very good about this aspect.  Anyhow, sorry to ramble on and on, because that's probably more than 2 cents.  You can pm me if you have any other Q's. 

I am late in responding to this post but I was having a similar dilemma before Buffalo Springs, whether to go with a coach or a new bike.  Luckily for me, I wrecked my new bike, but only after I had reached the decision to go with a bike.  Sorry, Sam, maybe this doesn't help...HOWEVER, that being said, I can say that I am loving having a coach.  I just do as I am told (mostly), and I have not been suffering from any of the niggling knee pains through most of my training for my HIM when I was on the do it myself method.  And I am getting faster or at least maximizing the speed I have, without feeling exhausted before or after those race pace and long runs.  I feel that my confidence is really good, and everything that I am doing is for a reason, not just well...i should log some miles on the bike or I should do 6000 yds in the pool this week.  It is very focused and my time is absolutely maximized.  I love having a coach!  oh, i said that already.  I am 23, soon to be 38 and it is very important to me to stay injury free, this is something I talked at length with Ben when we had the initial interview/consult.  He has been very good about this aspect.  Anyhow, sorry to ramble on and on, because that's probably more than 2 cents.  You can pm me if you have any other Q's.

Well that was easy.  Thanks Kim.  A little busy today.

In the words of our mentor group leader,  "JERK!!!"  Write your own dang paragraph, John!
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