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2008-07-24 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1557734

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-07-24 7:20 PM One piece's are great as long as you don't have to worry about the bathroom visits... It is kind of a pain to go to the restroom...  There are plenty of good 2 piece tri suits out there!  I think it looks fine.  White is the best color for heat, but I understand....

 The key is to look good out there!  My moto.... If you can't race good at least look good!

Hey, I didn't know we made serious posts around here.  Am I in the right mentor group thread?

2008-07-25 6:25 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Nice bike Tracy. I had to do the opposite to the one I am using. It was my sister in laws so I had to get some black tape and cover the pretyy pink stuff she had put on. Now it looks manly. Don't know about the one pice verses two as I have always worn two piece. Tight sleeveless top with tri shorts.
2008-07-25 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1557734

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

 The key is to look good out there!  My moto.... If you can't race good at least look good!

Amen to that brother!! I used to have long hair and cut it because it looked dorky when I would transition from bike to run.  Now of course, with a hat on I look like a chemo patient with no hair (no disrespect intended).   That's what happens when you are a cheerleader. It's less important being dropped on your face, as long as you looked good while you were in the air!!  I'll have to dig up some old photos of me during my cheering prime to give everyone a good laugh. We might even forget about the little visitor inside Steve's face

Edited by tahrens 2008-07-25 10:35 AM
2008-07-25 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

By the way Matt, nice photo.  Good job with the female sandwich you've got going on! 

Edited by tahrens 2008-07-25 10:38 AM
2008-07-25 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1558906

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-07-25 11:34 AM

 The key is to look good out there!  My moto.... If you can't race good at least look good!

Amen to that brother!! I used to have long hair and cut it because it looked dorky when I would transition from bike to run.  Now of course, with a hat on I look like a chemo patient with no hair (no disrespect intended).   That's what happens when you are a cheerleader. It's less important being dropped on your face, as long as you looked good while you were in the air!!  I'll have to dig up some old photos of me during my cheering prime to give everyone a good laugh. We might even forget about the little visitor inside Steve's face

Oh Yeah Steve how is Mount St Helens doing. Has it exploded yet. Are you keeping kleenex or a towel/bed sheet close by at all times. Your right Tracy this is too good to pass up.
Tracy you should be happy you have hair when you take your hat off. I am somewhat folically challenged at the best of times.
2008-07-25 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1558916

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-07-25 8:37 AM

By the way Matt, nice photo.  Good job with the female sandwich you've got going on! 

Those are some other BT'ers.  There were about 7 of us there (at the race, not in the picture - but you probably figured that out)

2008-07-25 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I am missing something about pictures Matt?  I don't see them...

The nose is no longer a issue!  I think it was a false alarm...

Good idea on the hair.  My wife (also a cheerleader in her glory days) did the same thing for the same reason....

2008-07-25 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Yay last brick in before my Oly on Sunday. That bike to run brick still sucks even though it is way better using a tri bike. On the positive note I did the 22 miles loop at better than a 19 mph pace for the first time ever 8).

I was looking over my 2007 numbers and well I swam something like 150 yards in 2007 and that was about the same as my combined swiming over the previous 15 years. In contrast I have swum 18 miles in the past 2 months, small improvement.

It will suck to go back to the 12 yard pool after swimming at the lake. And then I will have no pool after the end of August, my lovely town doesn't want an indoor pool. Serisously, the government offered to build them an indoor oly mpic size swiming pool for free and they said no thanks. I so love small towns.

Nice bike, I will need to pick up some of those tail (seat) waterbottle holders some day).

On a side note I took the kids to the waterski show up at the cabin that I used to ski in when I was younger for like 8 years. (12 to 20). Yes I was barefoot waterskiing at age 10. Anyway the clown act was about the guy wanting to do a triathlon which was ironic, I told him it wasn't until Sunday.

Oh well, packing up today and then we see how things work on Sunday. I know I am as ready as I can be and that I won't drownd so that's a bonus.
2008-07-25 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Good luck to you Steve. Go get em!
2008-07-25 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL


I happen to think bald men are hot.  Yul Brunner and Jean Luc Picard are two very extreme hotties.  And yes, I am a total trekkie.  I once had the Star Fleet Academy decal on my car. A guy pulled up next to me and asked me where that school was.  "San Fransisco of course," I said.  Now if you are not a trekkie that was completely lost on you.  But the point is, bald me rock!!!!

By the way, no one said they knew what my bike was named after.  Another piece of great literary work.

Live Long and Prosper!

2008-07-25 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Thanks for the bald "spot" in your note

I am very familiar with Star Trek from the original series right through to to the movies. I still watch the movies when they show up on tv. I think the latest was when they had to go back in time to save the whale. ("double dumb on you" as Kirk said).

As to your bikes name that is the name of Harry Potter's latest broomstick. I hope you enjoy riding your "broomstcik" as much as Mr Potter.

"I'm not a doctor Jim . I'm a triathlete". to paraphrase

Edited by Redknight 2008-07-25 1:04 PM

2008-07-25 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Technically, his LATEST broomstick was the Nimbus 2001, but I won't get picky  

These are the voyages of the mentor team swbkrun. Its mission to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no nose has gone before.......................... last joke I promise!

I am curious, what does everyone do for a living? Or more accurately, what are we suppose to be doing while we are surfing BT?

2008-07-25 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Hey geeks... Save your TREKKIE STUFF for Cup of Joe..... This is a TRIATHLON FORUM?!!!??
2008-07-25 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1559424

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-07-25 11:10 AM

Technically, his LATEST broomstick was the Nimbus 2001, but I won't get picky  

These are the voyages of the mentor team swbkrun. Its mission to seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no nose has gone before.......................... last joke I promise!

I am curious, what does everyone do for a living? Or more accurately, what are we suppose to be doing while we are surfing BT?

You're off the hook on knowing the Potter stuff because you have a kid in that age bracket, not sure there is an excuse for the Trekkie stuff.

For a living - I work as a Systems Analyst for a hospital system (6 hospitals + OP clinics and imaging centers), mostly w/ healthcare information systems and data exchange projects.  (Who's the geek now!!!)

2008-07-25 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Would you believe I am independently wealthy and travel the world just looking for needy people I can give money to.
Ok Then I am a national manager for Canada's largest independently owned residential mortgage company MCAP . I work at a computer much of the day and so get quick notifications when someone posts on the site.
I like reading a book by the fire, long walks along the beach and no wait!!! wrong website just ignore that.

Edited by Redknight 2008-07-25 3:46 PM
2008-07-25 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I make Millions of Dollars in a Mentor Group on... What that would be too much fun!  I work @ Enterprise Rent-A-Car in the corporate office doing fleet managment stuff... All the cars on the road... I have a hand in... Money mouth

2008-07-25 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Have a great weeekend!!!!  GOOD WINE, GOOD LAUGHS, and LOTS OF R&R... Oh yeah, and SOME GREAT TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!


Good luck at the races to all racing!  KNOCK EM' DEAD... REMEMBER, IF YOU CAN'T BE GOOD, LOOK GOOD, and leave everything you've got out on the course!

2008-07-25 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1559424

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Calgary, Canada
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I am a database administrator at a large oil company Devon Canada. Living in cubicles and a quite serious group, so I am trying not to surf to much
2008-07-26 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Good luck to all racers this weekend

Remember if you don't pass out or puke after the race you could have done more
2008-07-26 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Igo, great to hear from you!   Steve, Matt's female sandwich photo is the last entry on the bottom of page 26. 

As far as I am concerned, I am a teacher at heart, but had to leave teaching last year for family financial reasons. Currently I am working as a Quality Control Specialist for a biotech company.  So I am still in the world of Biology but it is not what I want to be doing.  I would love to return to teaching, but goodness the pay is bad.  So I am debating about being a domestic/triathlete goddess with a part time job, or just sticking it out where I am for a while longer.  But to be honest, if the opportunity to return to teaching presented itself, I would jump all over it.  Life is more important than money.

Every day I am soooo grateful I have you guys to share my time with. Triathlons are such a wonderful exerience on their own, but you guys have saved me from coming home in tears after work.  Thank you all so much.

Okay, sappiness over.  Best of luck to everyone racing this weekend. I am jealous. Such fun! 

Anybody seeing this time trial on the Tour?  It looks like Evans is totally choking. Go Vandevelde and Sastre!

2008-07-26 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Tracy, my wife has over 10 years teaching kinder, first, and second grade.  I have seen her first hand and she is as good of a teacher as she is mother and wife. you mentioned, the pay stinks for what they have do deal with.  She has been at home with our now 2 children for the past couple of years but will definitely return to teaching. I think her current job title is domestic engineer.

I have been a corporate recruiter for Oracle the past couple of years and I love it.  The best part is I get to work from home with my family (and surf BT). 

2008-07-27 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1561967

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Well Tri #3 is in the books for me, felt really good in all phases.  My wife and I were in the first 15 to go so we stayed around after we finished for about 30 mins but there were still people that hadn't jumped in the pool yet and we had to get back to the reunion so we had to head back.

We stopped back by on our way home and they had results up and I finished in 1:09 and some change.  LOL, I can't believe it, I think I finished 2nd in my AG from what my wife saw on the sheet.

Still waiting to see it posted online but I feel so bad that we didn't hang around.  Never placed like that before would have been cool to be there for it I think.

Will get my report up when I see the results since I didn't have a watch for the swim, I have no idea what my time was.

Tri #4 next weekend should be intersting doing them back to back like this.



2008-07-28 6:07 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Congrats on the results Tony
2008-07-28 8:52 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
That's awesome Tony.  Top AG placer -wow I am so jealous. Can't wait to read the race report. If you were both in the top 15 to start, you guys must have some great swim times.  How did your wife enjoy the race?

Edited by tahrens 2008-07-28 8:53 AM
2008-07-28 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1563764

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

tahrens - 2008-07-28 9:52 AM That's awesome Tony.  Top AG placer -wow I am so jealous. Can't wait to read the race report. If you were both in the top 15 to start, you guys must have some great swim times.  How did your wife enjoy the race?

Thanks, helps that it is a smaller event, lots of mtn bikes but hey I will take what I can get Laughing.  Still waiting to see official results.

She had a great time also, I think she took 20 mins off her time from last year.  I kept seeing her on the run and was worried she was going to run me down.  Good motivation, we are both pretty competetive at every sport we have ever played together. 

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