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2014-11-19 10:00 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
RE: Fueling with Liquids, I was recently looking into this and learned some things. On any ride (or run) under a couple hours, your nutritional needs are pretty much known based on the duration of the workout -- lets say 250 calories/hour. However, the same cannot be said of your hydration/electrolyte needs, which would fluctuate across same-duration workouts based on factors independent of duration, such as the heat/humidity and your sweat rate given the conditions and type of workout. So, if you are going to try to fuel and hydrate in one bottle together, you'll need to play bartender to get the mix right based on both workout duration and conditions. By fueling with solids/gels and hydrating separately, you make the task less complex. You meet these two needs separately and independently. The rational made sense to me, so I fuel and hydrate separately (as much as possible).

For what it's worth.

2014-11-19 10:12 AM
in reply to: ransick

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Haha thanks George! I have been keeping up on the threads, but haven't had much to add since I have not been doing much working out lately :-/ I wanted to get back into a routine this week, but woke up with a serious pain in my back Monday morning and could barely move. Then, with the help of some codeine and ibuprofen, I played volleyball that night, but twisted my ankle about halfway through the match. It's also freezing and dark here now, so motivation is tough to come by.

I have started teaching swim lessons! So far I am teaching little kids, which has been really fun and rewarding! In just 2-3 weeks I have already seen improvement for most of them! I have one little 4 year old who really has no interest in learning to swim, but he will get there. It doesn't help that our pool area is freezing (they basically just have a giant tarp over it to make it indoor so even if it is heated, the hot air is escaping quickly).

In order to get back into a groove, I am going to do a bodypump class each week, as well as swim at least once or twice, and then do strength/core workouts any other mornings to jump start my day and get a bit stronger. What do you all do to stay motivated when the weather gets cold?
2014-11-19 12:59 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

In order to get back into a groove, I am going to do a bodypump class each week, as well as swim at least once or twice, and then do strength/core workouts any other mornings to jump start my day and get a bit stronger. What do you all do to stay motivated when the weather gets cold?

It is tough to stay motivated this time of year. I go straight to the gym after work. No going home, no detours. I find that once I am there I can find the energy and motivation to work out. The battle for me is getting there. So I don't know if you could call that motivation, but it has been working. I do like to see the progress I am making which motivates me a little. Also, this is rather new for me so I haven't had any real bouts of burn out.

In regards to fueling. I tried my secret recipe of red bull and propel last night about an hour before spin class. Not fun. I will not take anything with Niacin in it before any physical exercise again. Mike - I will look into the Hammer site, thanks.
2014-11-19 1:29 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Regarding nutrition/hydration, I'm a big fan of Skratch.

I know Carlos here uses it too, he started using it based on my recommendation.  It's natural, and not overly sweet, so I don't get sick of it, and it's got what you need to help keep yourself hydrated, while not overdoing it on the calories, which you don't really need for a sprint tri or a less than 1.5 hour workout.  The website has a ton of information, check it out.  I use it while training and in races.  If nothing else, it keeps me drinking because I like the taste.  I get sick of the flavor of the overly sweet stuff.

2014-11-19 6:40 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Haha thanks George! I have been keeping up on the threads, but haven't had much to add since I have not been doing much working out lately :-/ I wanted to get back into a routine this week, but woke up with a serious pain in my back Monday morning and could barely move. Then, with the help of some codeine and ibuprofen, I played volleyball that night, but twisted my ankle about halfway through the match. It's also freezing and dark here now, so motivation is tough to come by.

I have started teaching swim lessons! So far I am teaching little kids, which has been really fun and rewarding! In just 2-3 weeks I have already seen improvement for most of them! I have one little 4 year old who really has no interest in learning to swim, but he will get there. It doesn't help that our pool area is freezing (they basically just have a giant tarp over it to make it indoor so even if it is heated, the hot air is escaping quickly).

In order to get back into a groove, I am going to do a bodypump class each week, as well as swim at least once or twice, and then do strength/core workouts any other mornings to jump start my day and get a bit stronger. What do you all do to stay motivated when the weather gets cold?

I weigh myself every morning to stay motivated though I did skip a run Monday due to the cold. I skipped yesterday due to travel and today due to work...
2014-11-23 1:21 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
I am going to take the day off and watch the Packers. How is that for motivation?

2014-11-23 11:10 PM
in reply to: RockHead

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by RockHead

I am going to take the day off and watch the Packers. How is that for motivation?

Sounds perfect!
2014-11-24 8:53 AM
in reply to: ransick

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Tom, I was right there with you yesterday (although the Ravens were not playing so it was more a Red Zone and Pre-Thanksgiving party).

Training starts again today. It is a beautiful unseasonably 70 degree day here, so I want to get a run in after work and start doing a core routine every day. We'll see how it goes!

I hope everyone (in the US) has a wonderful Thanksgiving! What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? My mom makes this broccoli casserole every year that is amazingly delicious.
2014-11-24 9:45 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Tom, I was right there with you yesterday (although the Ravens were not playing so it was more a Red Zone and Pre-Thanksgiving party).

Training starts again today. It is a beautiful unseasonably 70 degree day here, so I want to get a run in after work and start doing a core routine every day. We'll see how it goes!

I hope everyone (in the US) has a wonderful Thanksgiving! What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? My mom makes this broccoli casserole every year that is amazingly delicious.

My wife makes an awesome cheesy potato casserole. My daughter makes a corn casserole and I grill a turkey. Looking forward to it.
2014-11-24 1:31 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Personally, I'm looking forward to a big 'ol Turkey Day Turkey Trot PR!

Anyone else running before they dig in to the stuffing?
2014-11-24 3:36 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Kalispell, Montana
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
We are going to try a smoked turkey this year. Never had it before. A local butcher shop makes them and gets rave reviews, so we shall see. I make a crock pot stuffing that I love and no one else does. More for me. My wife makes a sweet potato dish that we love and I don't want to even think about how many calories are in it. I know there is lots of butter and brown sugar.

Have a happy a safe holiday.

2014-11-24 4:38 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by PsyTri

Personally, I'm looking forward to a big 'ol Turkey Day Turkey Trot PR!

Anyone else running before they dig in to the stuffing?

I plan to hit the local singletrack before firing up the grill.
2014-11-25 8:17 AM
in reply to: ransick

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
I see! Pain before the gain!

Me too!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
2014-11-27 10:00 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Turkey Trot was amazing this morning with my wife and older son running. My wife was running for sheer enjoyment of it and she had a blast. Son was trying to finish in under 8:30/mile. He PR'd at 8:06/mile. He is really pumped to go out for track, and he'll be catching me soon! I was trying to PR at under 7:30/mile. I PR'd at 7:02/mile! 8th in my age group. Have never run that fast before. Saw my "nemesis" in my age group and some other folks I tried to hang with, which propelled me to run faster! Did not catch them, but I'm gaining! There were over 1200 runners! We had a great celebration and it was awesome to be together. It was a cold but amazing morning.

Enjoy your holiday everyone!

2014-11-27 10:13 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Originally posted by PsyTri

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Turkey Trot was amazing this morning with my wife and older son running. My wife was running for sheer enjoyment of it and she had a blast. Son was trying to finish in under 8:30/mile. He PR'd at 8:06/mile. He is really pumped to go out for track, and he'll be catching me soon! I was trying to PR at under 7:30/mile. I PR'd at 7:02/mile! 8th in my age group. Have never run that fast before. Saw my "nemesis" in my age group and some other folks I tried to hang with, which propelled me to run faster! Did not catch them, but I'm gaining! There were over 1200 runners! We had a great celebration and it was awesome to be together. It was a cold but amazing morning.

Enjoy your holiday everyone!

Congrats on a great race! Running with family is awesome.
2014-11-27 10:14 AM
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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Edited to add: even those in Canada and Australia :-). I realize Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in October and I don't think Aussie's celebrate thanksgiving (correct me if I'm wrong).

Edited by ransick 2014-11-27 10:35 AM

2014-11-27 8:43 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  No Turkey for us today.

I was computer-less for 8 days.  Hardest 8 days EVER!  Had to watch all the horrible reality show's on TV without anything to distract me from them.

Also had to start taking insulin two weeks ago.  It wouldn't be so bad except they gave me a bayonet to use for the injections.  Fortunately I seem to be levelling out at a pretty minimal level.

Our winter here has been pretty mild so far (10C/50F today).  A few cold days and I had to miss a swim yesterday due to shoveling wet heavy snow for 1:30.  It would've taken over 2 hrs if my wife hadn't come out and helped me.  So far nothing even close to what they got in Buffalo.



2014-11-27 10:32 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Glad you are keeping your blood sugar under control.

Computer less for 8 days would be painful!
2014-12-01 8:12 AM
in reply to: ransick

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Sounds like a great race, Gary! Congrats!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I ended up doing a Turkey Trot last minute as well! My brother does one every year so I decided to sign up with him. I hadn't run since my tri in the beginning of October so really didn't have any goal, just wanted to get out there and earn that Thanksgiving meal! I ran with my brother for most of it, but we hit this one part where they had a little chute (I guess it was for the walkers? but it looked like you had to go in it and you could only fit 2 people across) and my brother succumbed to the cramp that had been bothering him for a little bit. A little further ahead was the last turn and when I saw the finish line I made a break for it. I ran 24:52, so I'm pretty happy with that. My brother wasn't too far behind me at 25:31 and that was in the range he was hoping for! I was QUITE sore the next day!

Overall it was a great weekend. We got a little snow and had a lot of family time!

Hope everyone has a great week!
2014-12-01 9:16 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Great race! Sounds pretty chilly. You northerners are such a tough breed! We were at 54/55 F. Any colder than that, and I may have just stayed in bed! Way to go!
2014-12-01 9:07 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Nicole - Sounds like a great run and excellent time for both of you.  I haven't run since my last race in September and it is time for me to get going again.  I love the idea of running in a light snowfall especially if there is minimal wind.

Gary - You do need to get used to the cooler temps to be able to run outside but I find anything down to 0C/32F is quite comfortable for running.  I'm sure I could run cooler if I was dressed properly.  Mike probably has run in colder temps.  The only thing I find in the cooler temps is I tend to get running quicker to generate some heat.



Edited by wenceslasz 2014-12-01 9:09 PM

2014-12-04 8:46 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
I'll run outside down to about 0F if it's not too windy. When wind chills get down below about 10F, I'll hit the tread mill or skip my run all together. For running on ice or slippery snow, I converted an old pair of running shoes to ice shoes using short 1/4 inch hex head screws.
2014-12-08 11:08 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open

Originally posted by ransick I'll run outside down to about 0F if it's not too windy. When wind chills get down below about 10F, I'll hit the tread mill or skip my run all together. For running on ice or slippery snow, I converted an old pair of running shoes to ice shoes using short 1/4 inch hex head screws.

You're right about the windchill it sure can make a difference.  A week ago we had a windstorm and I had to fix a canopy.  It only took about ten minutes but I froze the tip of my thumb in only about 5min.  So I definitely avoid strong winds for running.  Usually our snow is very dry so it is fun to run in so long as there is no underlying ice.

Today I officially started my training plan for 2015.  I swam (every M/W/F) and had a great day swimming 25 & 50m speed sets.  I was even keeping up with a friend that usually swims about 10% faster than I do and another friend was keeping up right beside us (we were lane splitting) so I came out of the pool pretty excited. 

Then after coffee I got home and immediately changed into running gear and fired up the trainer.  Somehow I pushed something I've never touched before and it had some automatic intervals happening and I had planned only to run about 5.5mph but I wound up running a fair few intervals at 6.0mph and 3# intervals at 7.5mph which is the fastest I've ever run and the machine even made me run uphill at 1.5% (not a lot I know but I'd never done it before either).  I really enjoyed the 7.5mph intervals but I'm sure I was pushing close to Zn5.  After the run & swim I felt pretty elated.  I'm looking forward to running again on Wednesday.

2014-12-09 7:55 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Sounds like you had some great workouts, George, nice work! That's definitely a good motivator for the beginning of the training season!
2014-12-09 12:00 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers And Mashers - Part 3 - Open
Sounds like your swimming and running are coming along nicely George1 Good motivation to kick off the new training season as well.
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