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2012-12-05 10:41 AM
in reply to: #4522728

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-05 10:24 AM

ARGH!  Woke up twice last night from sharp, intense pain in my left shoulder.  Odd, as I swam Monday night and only rode yesterday...  Now it hurts to so much as hold a cup of coffee. 


Well, I have an ortho appointment on the 17th.  Hoping for an overuse situation, but it feels suspiciously like a labral tear.  Might get some real "off-season" time this year, if so! 

OK - just venting.  Now to stop whining, HTFU and go for a ride (high 50's and sunny - I'm not missing this if I have to ride with a sling!).  Wink

aww, sorry to hear that! Hope it turns out to be not so serious!

2012-12-05 11:42 AM
in reply to: #4522728

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-05 8:24 AM

ARGH!  Woke up twice last night from sharp, intense pain in my left shoulder.  Odd, as I swam Monday night and only rode yesterday...  Now it hurts to so much as hold a cup of coffee. 


Well, I have an ortho appointment on the 17th.  Hoping for an overuse situation, but it feels suspiciously like a labral tear.  Might get some real "off-season" time this year, if so! 

OK - just venting.  Now to stop whining, HTFU and go for a ride (high 50's and sunny - I'm not missing this if I have to ride with a sling!).  Wink

Yikes! Have you had a labral tear before? What's the recovery like? Shoulder problems are the worst! I had mine rebuilt almost 14 years ago after kayaking accident and have been really lucky with it since. It was is is way better now than it was before!
2012-12-05 5:09 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Yeah, had a tear in my right shoulder (plus rotator cuff, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, humeral changes, AC joint compression and a partridge in a pear tree - was kinda messed up) fixed a few years back.  Luckily, all the damage was just sub-needing a stitch or screw, so my doc did an arthroscopic clean up.  Was a lot of work, but the recovery from even an extensive clean up is WAY better than something requiring internal hardware or stitching (weeks rather than months).

Injured it playing rugby in college, then just wore it down for another 20 years until I couldn't get a can of beans off a shelf - that was something of a signal!  I'd started swimming again (broken ankle, so had to do something), teaching the kids tennis, coaching two of my kids coach-pitch teams, etc. all at once, and it just pushed it over the edge. 

Feels great now, though!  Only thing I can't do is pitch a baseball, but my days of being a contender for the big leagues are over (or, more accurately, were never!), so I'm happy. 

We'll see on the left...  Hopefully I can just back off the swimming and it'll be fine (he thought, if somewhat wishfully).  Wink

At least I can definitely ride with it - got OUTSIDE for 2 hours today (and even snagged some Strava bling).  50's and sunny!  Rara avis for MA in December - total bonus day!

Thanks for the wellwishes.

2012-12-05 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
I hope rest helps! I got three screws in a 8.5 hour surgery for mine. The recovery was rough! It really worked well though. The doc said he would probably see me for the other one someday. I'm hoping since he retired I'm clear though. I just got them really loose swimming and the kayaking was hard on them.
2012-12-07 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

I know people have commented on WHAT they'll race and, in some cases, even why, but thought I'd ask to get a sense across the group.

For me, it's likely speed for a season (from sprints the end of this season past to sprints and Oly's this upcoming season). Then stretch the distance for a season (sprints, Oly's and HIM or two).  IF that goes well, and the universe cooperates with schedule, IM the following season.

OR - just keep racing short course because I know I like to redline.  I just don't yet know about the long course stuff.  I've done marathons and enjoyed them, but just can't compare the short to long in THIS sport yet.

Mostly, I'm going to do what I most enjoy, so the above is really a plan to figure that out more than to target a specific distance (I'm not, as some understandably are, motivated by a particular distance - more just by being in the sport... even if those outside the sport only consider IM a "real" triathlon).  Laughing

Just wondering how y'all see it.



2012-12-07 10:42 AM
in reply to: #4525900

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

Lately its been the third item for me.

When I was a newbie (~2004), I did a sprint then ~8 weeks later I did an Oly, and within 3 years I did couple more Sprints/Olys, a HIM and another quasi LC (1.5x Oly).  As time went on the workload here at the office (partner in small biz) got to a point where I couldn't sustain the training hours, family time, etc.  Also, with the longer run training required for HM/HIM my lower legs just don't like the stress.  I found that if I could dedicate myself to 5-8 hours per week with smart training I could do well in our local sprints.

I've been thinking grand for the big 5-0 in 2 years and would like to do Syracuse 70.3, being that's it my hometown and the June date works well with out family vacations back that way.  So this years sprints I want to focus on consistent training and hopefully build that to the HIM without any major issues along the way.  I've never really thought long term like that, it's always been, 'hmm I can do that race in 4 months'.  Probably should look into coaching so someone can keep a check on me for that 70.3!

2012-12-07 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4525900

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

For me, it's time.  Between the job, commute, family, and an inability to function on less than 7 hours of sleep, anything beyond a sprint is out of the question.  I'm also a loooong way from the run endurance needed for long course, and don't see that changing until the toddler is in college.

2012-12-08 6:07 AM
in reply to: #4525900

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

I know people have commented on WHAT they'll race and, in some cases, even why, but thought I'd ask to get a sense across the group.

For me, it's likely speed for a season (from sprints the end of this season past to sprints and Oly's this upcoming season). Then stretch the distance for a season (sprints, Oly's and HIM or two).  IF that goes well, and the universe cooperates with schedule, IM the following season.

OR - just keep racing short course because I know I like to redline.  I just don't yet know about the long course stuff.  I've done marathons and enjoyed them, but just can't compare the short to long in THIS sport yet.

Mostly, I'm going to do what I most enjoy, so the above is really a plan to figure that out more than to target a specific distance (I'm not, as some understandably are, motivated by a particular distance - more just by being in the sport... even if those outside the sport only consider IM a "real" triathlon).  Laughing

Just wondering how y'all see it.



Right now, having finished my first season of "racing" rather than just "participating" and having actually seen results, my goal is to improve as much as I can with consistent training and still having a life and fun. My long term goal is to do an Ironman in 2015 when I turn 50, but that is still a soft goal right now... If I am still just as content sticking to sprints in 2015 I don't feel that I must go long. I do intend to try an OLY in 2013, so we will see how that goes!

Knowing me, I would LOVE the training for the IM and just get through the race, if that makes any sense.

2012-12-08 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4527099

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Yo! Gang!

Comin' at ya from Reno,NV, having spent a few days in Joshua Tree NP and along the eastern Sierras.  Now it's on to Nevada City, CA, then to San Fran and environs.  Most has gone well.........although Lynn seesm to have fried her laptop.  I'm now on a lobby desktop --- which I am trying to NOT fry.  

PATTI and DONTO -- good new avatar images!


2012-12-08 10:37 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Did my first Sprint Tri today!!!  Race report here.

Just wanted to say that I had the most awesome time!  Also the tri-community is just great.  Everyone was friendly and helpful and being a new guy was no problem.  Great family atmosphere.

Looks like it's official - I have new hobby.

Many thanks to Steve and all the BTers that have been a great help to me.  Looking forward to planning for next year now!!

2012-12-09 1:11 AM
in reply to: #4527710

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


So pleased it went great for you and that you are antsy for moremoremore!

This will be quick for now, as I am stealing time on Lynn`s laptop.  But I just want to say that you did really well given the congested pool swim and battling with a MTB.  Race-swimming in water with some space will help a lot, and riding a road bike will help even more.  Wheeeeeeee!

Good potentially hard lesson learned the easy way --- that is, forgetting to put your bottle on the bike when only 12 miles was required.  Way back when I did that as well --- and thus started a policy of always having a designated t-zone bottle, utterly separate from the one or ones on the bike.  It really is a hoot thinking back on how many oopses there were as I learned this stuff............and slightly embarrassing when I recall the times I repeated mistakes even after many,many years of doing this stuff.  Oops!

So, anyhow, accept the goofs as they happpen; embrace them, even!  In a slightly different context is a Japanese phrase --- shoshaku jushaku --- which translates to`` Practice is just one continuous mistake``  


Edited by stevebradley 2012-12-10 11:50 PM

2012-12-09 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4527790

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
stevebradley - 2012-12-08 11:11 PM

So, anyhow, accept the goofs as they happpen; embrace them, even!  In a slightly different context is a Japanese phrase --- shoshaku jushaku --- which translates to`` Practice is just one continuous mistake``  

Ha!  That's hilarious and sounds about right for me.  Thanks for the encouragement and I'll be using that phrase many times I'm sure.

2012-12-10 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hi there! Thank you Steve for the profile pic compliment - I won my age group that day too so I like that one...

Quick question/theory I wanted to throw out here: Do you think that increased biking could cause achilles/hamstring issues?

A little background: I didn't really seriously "train" on the bike before a race last summer except for a few rides at around the distance that I would be racing. My last race of the year was very windy and I really pushed it on the bike - felt a tweak in my left hammie/glute which has yet to completely go away. Fast forward to the "off" season during which I have been increasing bike to 3 days a week - about 20 mph on the trainer anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Every other day is a run (until I injured my Achilles a couple weeks ago there were speed days and tempo days mixed in.) Total day off on Friday.

Today - rode 60 on the trainer yesterday - ran 3 miles this morning - felt tight in the hamstrings/calves/achilles but eventually warmed out of it. Could it just be the increased load on my legs even though cycling is not weight-bearing?

I'm sorry if this comes across as scattered - I just thought that after time off/decreased intensity I'd feel much springier in my legs.

Oh, and Coach Booger bought me a 2011 Kestrel Talon 105 for Christmas. He is a nut and says now I have no excuse on the bike. Sheesh....

Patti in NJ
2012-12-10 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4525900

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 6:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

I've scratched the "long distance" itch for triathlon as much as I care to. I did a half-IM distance (Troika in Spokane, WA) many years ago, and that was far enough, thank you. I have all kinds of respect for those who do those distances and beyond, they just don't hold any appeal for me -- I don't see the... challenge? That's not the right word, and it's not "I don't see the point", but somewhere in that realm... of pacing out a long day. Don't get me wrong -- I just did RAMROD this past summer, so long distance cycling is just fine with me. Call it athletic schizophrenia, if you will.

Yep, for me it's all about "how fast", not "how far".

I've been away from this group for a while -- I've been dealing with some health stuff as well as my mom going through some spinal surgery and recovery.

Edited by briderdt 2012-12-10 9:34 AM
2012-12-10 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4529017

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
briderdt - 2012-12-10 10:33 AM
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 6:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

I've scratched the "long distance" itch for triathlon as much as I care to. I did a half-IM distance (Troika in Spokane, WA) many years ago, and that was far enough, thank you. I have all kinds of respect for those who do those distances and beyond, they just don't hold any appeal for me -- I don't see the... challenge? That's not the right word, and it's not "I don't see the point", but somewhere in that realm... of pacing out a long day. Don't get me wrong -- I just did RAMROD this past summer, so long distance cycling is just fine with me. Call it athletic schizophrenia, if you will.

Yep, for me it's all about "how fast", not "how far".

I've been away from this group for a while -- I've been dealing with some health stuff as well as my mom going through some spinal surgery and recovery.

I hope your mom recovers well, quickly and fully.

Totally get your take on distance, too.  I like long rides, but even there I get a bit antsy (taking too many pulls up front because I like to push the pace).  With tri, I might give the longer ones a go - likely will, just to see what it's about - but am concerned that strategically pacing might be challenging but not as much "fun" (a HIGHLY subjective term).

Might be, though, so I suspect a HIM at a minimum in my future...  Guess I'll see you on short courses or long rides, then!

2012-12-10 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4527710

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
joestop74 - 2012-12-08 11:37 PM

Did my first Sprint Tri today!!!  Race report here.

Just wanted to say that I had the most awesome time!  Also the tri-community is just great.  Everyone was friendly and helpful and being a new guy was no problem.  Great family atmosphere.

Looks like it's official - I have new hobby.

Many thanks to Steve and all the BTers that have been a great help to me.  Looking forward to planning for next year now!!

ROCK ON!!  And welcome to the addiction... I mean hobby.  Wink

2012-12-10 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4528936

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

pugpenny - 2012-12-10 9:58 AM Hi there! Thank you Steve for the profile pic compliment - I won my age group that day too so I like that one... Quick question/theory I wanted to throw out here: Do you think that increased biking could cause achilles/hamstring issues? A little background: I didn't really seriously "train" on the bike before a race last summer except for a few rides at around the distance that I would be racing. My last race of the year was very windy and I really pushed it on the bike - felt a tweak in my left hammie/glute which has yet to completely go away. Fast forward to the "off" season during which I have been increasing bike to 3 days a week - about 20 mph on the trainer anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. Every other day is a run (until I injured my Achilles a couple weeks ago there were speed days and tempo days mixed in.) Total day off on Friday. Today - rode 60 on the trainer yesterday - ran 3 miles this morning - felt tight in the hamstrings/calves/achilles but eventually warmed out of it. Could it just be the increased load on my legs even though cycling is not weight-bearing? I'm sorry if this comes across as scattered - I just thought that after time off/decreased intensity I'd feel much springier in my legs. Oh, and Coach Booger bought me a 2011 Kestrel Talon 105 for Christmas. He is a nut and says now I have no excuse on the bike. Sheesh.... Patti in NJ

Brief comment, FWIW:  I've found that my setup on the bike and positioning thereon for any given ride dramatically influence how much I feel it in the front or back of my upper leg (quads v. hammies).  Just one thought for your question...

The other being that I also engage different muscles depending on intensity (true for me in running, also).  If I'm cranking up a hill or sprinting, I actually use more of the back of my leg than just pumping along at tempo (I know, I SHOULD turn perfect circles all the time - just saying what I ACTUALLY do...).  Embarassed


2012-12-10 11:48 AM
in reply to: #4525900

Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

I know people have commented on WHAT they'll race and, in some cases, even why, but thought I'd ask to get a sense across the group.

For me, it's likely speed for a season (from sprints the end of this season past to sprints and Oly's this upcoming season). Then stretch the distance for a season (sprints, Oly's and HIM or two).  IF that goes well, and the universe cooperates with schedule, IM the following season.

OR - just keep racing short course because I know I like to redline.  I just don't yet know about the long course stuff.  I've done marathons and enjoyed them, but just can't compare the short to long in THIS sport yet.

Mostly, I'm going to do what I most enjoy, so the above is really a plan to figure that out more than to target a specific distance (I'm not, as some understandably are, motivated by a particular distance - more just by being in the sport... even if those outside the sport only consider IM a "real" triathlon).  Laughing

Just wondering how y'all see it.




I haven't ever done anything but sprints in my three year career. The first year ended after completing my first race and getting injured. My only goal was to finish. I wanted to have a race to motivate me to exercise.

In my second year I wanted to try to go for a little more speed and try to compete as much as my abilities would allow. I lucked into a second place once which whet my appetite.

In my third season, this one, I was on the verge of being a serious contender. My swim is good, my runs are better than average, and my biking is average at best. I will focus on sprints next year again because there is still work to be done at this distance. I'd like to be a guy that consistently places in local events. I have a way to go before I can say that.

I've got four children aged 3-11 so time is also a major factor. I try to fit in training early in the morning and late at night so I'm not missing family stuff.

Another factor is that I believe I was born to do sprint distance. In high school they measured our vertical jump during swimming season. Mine came out to 20 inches. They say you can determine how much slow twitch and fast twitch muscle you have based on your vertical. The cutoff between slow and fast twitch is 20 inches. That makes me a hybrid. I am probably not suited to iron distance or even half iron. I am also not suited to running 100 meters on a track. 5K is probably a sweet spot for me. I'm not the fastest guy around in the 5K, but I am competitive and feel I can improve to the point of being one of the "fast" guys.

I may eventually do some olympic distance. I am a strong swimmer and feel I would benefit from a longer swim. My bike would have to get better before it would make much sense though. I may some day do a half iron just to say I did. Iron is not really on my horizon, but I do have a secret desire to move to Florida and start doing iron distance when I'm in my late 60s and retired and everyone else has blown out their knees.


2012-12-10 2:32 PM
in reply to: #4525900

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

My primary reason for going the sprint distance is my knees have had some issues over the past 18 months or so, and I want to ease my way back into the sport. 

Now if I can just find a triathlon that does Oly distance swim, HIM bike, and a 5K run, I'd be all set.  Smile

2012-12-10 11:55 PM
in reply to: #4526197

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL





IF one day soon you show up and can't find this group, GO TO THE ARCHIVES!!!!!!

New groups will be starting very soon, and at that time all previously-formed groups get sent to the archives.  They are still active, but just not in the same-old place.

However, it might be that, seeing as how we were an oddball starting time, we will stay with the new groups.  When \I get home, I will PM Mike and see what he thinks about us staying where we are.

But if we're lost and can't be found, GO TO THE ARCHIVES!!!!!!

2012-12-11 5:12 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Matt ~ Thank you and yes, I agree about the positioning on the bike. Sunday's ride seemed a bit harder than usual - I was under the gun to get the ride in and I did have a lot of saddle numbness which means I just sat in one position and ground the pedals for too long.

Today is a total day of rest for me - physically anyway!


2012-12-11 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4530191

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
If we get sent to the archives, can we restart a thread to be in the regular/current mentor forum?
2012-12-12 6:21 AM
in reply to: #4529259

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hoosierman - 2012-12-10 12:48 PM
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM



I haven't ever done anything but sprints in my three year career. The first year ended after completing my first race and getting injured. My only goal was to finish. I wanted to have a race to motivate me to exercise.

In my second year I wanted to try to go for a little more speed and try to compete as much as my abilities would allow. I lucked into a second place once which whet my appetite.

In my third season, this one, I was on the verge of being a serious contender. My swim is good, my runs are better than average, and my biking is average at best. I will focus on sprints next year again because there is still work to be done at this distance. I'd like to be a guy that consistently places in local events. I have a way to go before I can say that.

I've got four children aged 3-11 so time is also a major factor. I try to fit in training early in the morning and late at night so I'm not missing family stuff.

Another factor is that I believe I was born to do sprint distance. In high school they measured our vertical jump during swimming season. Mine came out to 20 inches. They say you can determine how much slow twitch and fast twitch muscle you have based on your vertical. The cutoff between slow and fast twitch is 20 inches. That makes me a hybrid. I am probably not suited to iron distance or even half iron. I am also not suited to running 100 meters on a track. 5K is probably a sweet spot for me. I'm not the fastest guy around in the 5K, but I am competitive and feel I can improve to the point of being one of the "fast" guys.

I may eventually do some olympic distance. I am a strong swimmer and feel I would benefit from a longer swim. My bike would have to get better before it would make much sense though. I may some day do a half iron just to say I did. Iron is not really on my horizon, but I do have a secret desire to move to Florida and start doing iron distance when I'm in my late 60s and retired and everyone else has blown out their knees.


I hear you on the time (and we only have 3!), and also on wanting to see what you can do in sprints.  While I'm not a fast anything-er (swimmer, biker, runner), and my vertical leap is measured in single digits (and centimeters...), I think I'm just mediocre enough at all of them to put together some good races.  Seems many people are blessed with speed in 2/3, but $uck eggs in one discipline.  I'm kinda wondering if that's exploitable enough to consistently podium (along with a TON of work), at least at the little local sprints.  I do feel the allure of distance, but only after I get my fix of redlining for a couple seasons, I think (I love redlining!).

As for Florida - I LOVE THE IDEA!  Oh, wait, I'll be one of those guys with the bad knees and shoulders...  Guess I'll cheer you on, then!  Sealed

2012-12-12 6:33 AM
in reply to: #4529614

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
jmhpsu93 - 2012-12-10 3:32 PM
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 9:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

My primary reason for going the sprint distance is my knees have had some issues over the past 18 months or so, and I want to ease my way back into the sport. 

Now if I can just find a triathlon that does Oly distance swim, HIM bike, and a 5K run, I'd be all set.  Smile

I hope the knees are coming back under you - how do they feel?

As for the distance, totally agree!  I never thought the distances were appropriately apportioned in the sport.  The swim should not be an appetizer to the main event ("you can't win on the swim, but you can loose" and such).  The ride should be more than something to be endured at a pace that allows you to finally race on the run.  iow, I don't think it should always come down to the run - and it pretty much always comes down to the run!

In thinking about your comment, it occurred to me that this is another reason I like sprints.  Since everyone is going close to full out (not all the way there, but darn close) the whole race, one can maintain some of the gains from the swim/bike on the run - even if one is not the most "fleet of foot."  (ahem... guess who isn't very fleety)

I wonder if the long course races would be more exciting on the first two legs if the proportions were different (more as you suggest), or if people would collude, in a sense, and get to the run together then race from there anyway.  I'm sure many others have had long discussions on this same topic - but that's what's great about being a noob - you get to hold forth on tired topics without so much as blushing!  Much... Embarassed

Let me know if you find that race!


2012-12-12 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4525900

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-07 7:16 AM

Out of curiosity, are most of you doing sprints this season because you:

-Like to go fast.  Period.

-Are doing a year or two at speed and then moving up distance.

-Only have time to train (intensely) for shorter racing.

-Are mostly interested in short course but will throw a 70.3 or two in for variety.

I know people have commented on WHAT they'll race and, in some cases, even why, but thought I'd ask to get a sense across the group.

For me, it's likely speed for a season (from sprints the end of this season past to sprints and Oly's this upcoming season). Then stretch the distance for a season (sprints, Oly's and HIM or two).  IF that goes well, and the universe cooperates with schedule, IM the following season.

OR - just keep racing short course because I know I like to redline.  I just don't yet know about the long course stuff.  I've done marathons and enjoyed them, but just can't compare the short to long in THIS sport yet.

Mostly, I'm going to do what I most enjoy, so the above is really a plan to figure that out more than to target a specific distance (I'm not, as some understandably are, motivated by a particular distance - more just by being in the sport... even if those outside the sport only consider IM a "real" triathlon).  Laughing

Just wondering how y'all see it.




I just find the sprints fun and it's what I have time to train for.

I did enter a 70.3 relay as I really like doing that.  This year our runner quit and I roped my husband into joining us!  It will make for an interesting child care arrangement.

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