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2009-03-27 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2043746

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-03-27 10:57 AM

So give me the weekly check in guys!  How did everyones week go.  


I am super super antsy for spring and summer to just get here already.  The thought of another cold drizzly run this weekend is making me angry  

We are having spring weather here right now!

I missed weds run and yesterdays bike, because of other commitments. So I did the run today. I'll do the bike tomorrow (it's the long bike for the week.) Then I don't know how to handle Sunday.

It's scheduled to be a bike/swim. But if I do that, then I miss the Saturday run. If any one cares to look at the plan I'm following and make some suggestions for how to get back on track, that would be great!

2009-03-27 7:51 PM
in reply to: #2043746

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-03-27 9:57 AM

So give me the weekly check in guys!  How did everyones week go.  


I am super super antsy for spring and summer to just get here already.  The thought of another cold drizzly run this weekend is making me angry  

I'm with you Kellie on the weather!  We are calling for snow here on Sunday! 

 I am feeling much better and went on a nice ride today with my son.  Tomorrow back in the pool.  I got a run in this week, but work has been exceptionally tough and my boss has been on me pretty good.  I have decided not to do any races other than the Flying Pig before Muncie.  I need to save the money and with my sporadic workouts during the week, I need to make sure nothing messes up the weekend training.


2009-03-29 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I had a great week of training. It's Spring here in Tri-cities, high 50's to low 60's. We've had quite a bit of wind, but with those temps I'll take it I am wondering what to do for next week though. My marathon is April 4th and the run plan is tapering, but since my bike and swim is from another plan I'm not completely sure what to do with those workouts. I'm thinking I will do the swims as planned, since I don't usually have lasting fatigue from them and will do the cycling  time, but at an easy effort. There is a 2:30 hour ride scheduled for April 3rd, which I will skip. Does that sound OK, or should I do less heading into the marathon?
2009-03-29 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2044974

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-03-27 6:50 PM
kellc09 - 2009-03-27 10:57 AM

So give me the weekly check in guys!  How did everyones week go.  


I am super super antsy for spring and summer to just get here already.  The thought of another cold drizzly run this weekend is making me angry  

We are having spring weather here right now!

I missed weds run and yesterdays bike, because of other commitments. So I did the run today. I'll do the bike tomorrow (it's the long bike for the week.) Then I don't know how to handle Sunday.

It's scheduled to be a bike/swim. But if I do that, then I miss the Saturday run. If any one cares to look at the plan I'm following and make some suggestions for how to get back on track, that would be great!


sorry I missed the post to offer a suggestion!


What did you end up doing

2009-03-29 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2046945

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

roni_runnw - 2009-03-29 11:15 AM I had a great week of training. It's Spring here in Tri-cities, high 50's to low 60's. We've had quite a bit of wind, but with those temps I'll take it I am wondering what to do for next week though. My marathon is April 4th and the run plan is tapering, but since my bike and swim is from another plan I'm not completely sure what to do with those workouts. I'm thinking I will do the swims as planned, since I don't usually have lasting fatigue from them and will do the cycling  time, but at an easy effort. There is a 2:30 hour ride scheduled for April 3rd, which I will skip. Does that sound OK, or should I do less heading into the marathon?


as long as the run is tapering I wouldnt worry too much about the bike and swim since those are non impact.  If you feel better doing a little less the week of that would be fine

2009-03-30 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2047331

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-03-29 5:52 PM
slow turtle - 2009-03-27 6:50 PM
kellc09 - 2009-03-27 10:57 AM

So give me the weekly check in guys!  How did everyones week go.  


I am super super antsy for spring and summer to just get here already.  The thought of another cold drizzly run this weekend is making me angry  

We are having spring weather here right now!

I missed weds run and yesterdays bike, because of other commitments. So I did the run today. I'll do the bike tomorrow (it's the long bike for the week.) Then I don't know how to handle Sunday.

It's scheduled to be a bike/swim. But if I do that, then I miss the Saturday run. If any one cares to look at the plan I'm following and make some suggestions for how to get back on track, that would be great!


sorry I missed the post to offer a suggestion!


What did you end up doing

Bleck! Sunday was my husband's birthday, and his only day off in 2 weeks, so I didn't feel that it was fair of me to take 3 hours of the day up with working out and traveling to/from the pool. Sacrificed my workouts so that he could sleep in/go for a long run/do his own thing.

So, today I did Sundays scheduled work out, because it was much longer than the 29 minute run scheduled for today.

I'm really struggling with balancing the workouts/work/ and family commitments. I have accepted that at this point in my life, I'm going to miss some of the workouts. But then I don't know the best way to get back on track. Does that make sense?

2009-03-31 6:05 AM
in reply to: #2049707

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED


Bleck! Sunday was my husband's birthday, and his only day off in 2 weeks, so I didn't feel that it was fair of me to take 3 hours of the day up with working out and traveling to/from the pool. Sacrificed my workouts so that he could sleep in/go for a long run/do his own thing.

So, today I did Sundays scheduled work out, because it was much longer than the 29 minute run scheduled for today.

I'm really struggling with balancing the workouts/work/ and family commitments. I have accepted that at this point in my life, I'm going to miss some of the workouts. But then I don't know the best way to get back on track. Does that make sense?

I just let the missed workouts go.  I don't try to make up for them and I usually just move on to what my training plan calls for the day I get back to my training.  I missed Sunday's ride due to the weather, so I was going to do it on Monday since Monday is a strength training day, but my in-laws came to town and I had to cook dinner after working all day so I missed Monday also.  So Tuesday I will do what my plan calls for and move on.  I tell myself that even with missing some workouts I am still getting healthier overall!  I can get stressed about missing workouts and think, " O my, I won't be ready for my race, what shall I do?"Laughing  Or I can remind myself of the bigger picture; I am living a fitness lifestyle, controlling my weight, working on keeping my heart strong, meeting like-minded people and having fun both training and racing.

Unless one has the potential for the Olympics or elite level competition, to upset the balance of family, work, and recreation is not going to make you a better person in the long run.  Just my opinion, some will most certainly disagree. 

Something I am doing this year is setting up my 2010 run for IM.  I am being flexible with my training this year, going to family functions, doing things like I did Monday with the in-laws and subtly reminding my wife that in 2010 I am going to be focusing on work and training.  In effect, next year I will be out of balance from Jan/Feb through September, but before and after that I will focus more on the family and less on triathlon.  At least that's my story...Smile

Edited by Gregkl 2009-03-31 6:06 AM
2009-03-31 10:23 AM
in reply to: #2049707

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I totally understand the juggling, Heidi! I am pretty anal when I commit to a training plan and like to follow it to a tee. (This is the first tri program I've done, but I've done several marathon training programs.) I do a low-level mental freak-out if I don't get my workouts in. But I am trying to get over that as it is a fact of life and none of us will make every single workout!

I am really trying to adopt the attitude of money in the bank. Every workout, every minute, is putting money in the bank. A missed workout means no money goes in the bank, but it really doesn't mean money is coming out. Over the long haul, I will have lots of money in that bank, so a few days here and there won't make a big difference. A ton of missed days will start to add up, but so far I haven't had to confront that.

I have totally re-arranged my training weeks to fit into my life. Rather than doing the big workouts on the weekends, I do them on Thur/Fri so I can save the weekends for my family. Thursday is my one day of the week I don't have other commitments, so the long bike ride is what I have going on. Fridays I have to be at school at 12:45, but that leaves me 3 hours to get in my longer run workout. Then the rest of the days of the week I just juggle around -- do the workout early when I need to be somewhere in the morning, squeeze in shorter workouts on Sat/Sun depending on what the family has on tap.

When I first started this training program, I would literally plot out each week, juggling around all of the days and getting it all set in front of me so I knew what to expect. Now I have found my rhythm and I know basically which workouts I'll do each day (my weekly commitments are fairly consistent so this has worked out) -- I just check in with the plan to make sure I'm on track or to see if I need to be doing a certain intensity of workout or whatever.

Basically I am trying to make my training plan fit my life, rather than vice versa. I am still super anal about trying to hit all of the workouts, but that will probably never change as that is just my personality!! Good luck getting it all done. It is certainly tricky at times!!
2009-03-31 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Juggling triathlon training can be hard.  Its not like you can get up every morning, go run for a hour, and thats it.  Theres more coordinating, more training, etc.  Its very rewarding but it can be stressful to.   Especially if your just starting out.   I know last year I was very concerned with getting all my workouts in for my IM.  This year I try to get all my workouts in, but Im much more apt to cut one short if I must, or cut out a day if I must.  

 Where most people have a problem though is strictly scheduling.  (im not saying that you do, this is just  something Ive noticed over the years).    For instance, when I started, I did all my workouts at night after work, sometimes double at night to.  I didnt really have much reason to other than I didnt want to get out of bed, or I wanted to wait until x time because then I would have company, or whatever.   Last year for the IM, I figured, I better get this straight or i'll never fit it all in, and I ended up having more nights/afternoons free by just scheduling well when I could.  I did as much as I could in the morning, and I got workouts in on my time, not someone elses even if that meant I ran alone alot.    Early mornings are the best if you can get used to it so then at least one workout (or two) are in the bag so no matter what comes up that day then you arent upset at yourself or others for screwing up your workouts.   


The fact is, things get in the way.   For some people its golf, for some its hunting, for some its nights out at the bar with their friends,  for some its softball, whatever it may be, all these things take time "away" from family, etc.   It seems when your doing something "for yourself" its easy to get into the "im so selfish" talk.   Im not sure there is a way to stop taht, so just let it go when it is not possible to get a workout in, and schedule properly when you know you can get workouts in and that should help most people out!    Finding balance in life is ongoing ! 


Edited by kellc09 2009-03-31 10:47 AM
2009-03-31 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Thanks for the feedback. The thing I struggle with is that I am completely at the back of the pack. So, I feel like I can't afford to miss many workouts. As I'm trying to follow this plan, I think my strategy is this: If I miss one of the long rides/runs, I will do that on the next day. I'd rather bump a swim or short run at this point.

I went for a 30 minute run today and had more fun than I've had in a long time. I ended up doing some impromptu and informal interval training after the first mile warm-up. It was a lot of fun, and felt great to be sprinting for short distances!

2009-03-31 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2052545

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-03-31 7:38 PM

Thanks for the feedback. The thing I struggle with is that I am completely at the back of the pack. So, I feel like I can't afford to miss many workouts. As I'm trying to follow this plan, I think my strategy is this: If I miss one of the long rides/runs, I will do that on the next day. I'd rather bump a swim or short run at this point.

I went for a 30 minute run today and had more fun than I've had in a long time. I ended up doing some impromptu and informal interval training after the first mile warm-up. It was a lot of fun, and felt great to be sprinting for short distances!


That is good, when you are running short on time and unable to get in a full week of workouts, pick your key workouts that you want to get in for that week and focus on those

2009-04-02 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Most of you will laugh at this: I got a "New" bike this week! Okay, she's ancient. But up until now, I've been riding on my Jamis Coda-which is a flat bar, 21 speed. And I've really wanted a raod bike

I have an almost non existant budget for a bike right now, so I've been scouring CL. This weekend, I looked at a late 80's model Panasonic road bike. She seems to be in pretty good shape. I did some research on the "Bike Forum" and the general consensus there was to buy her. So, I got her for $35!

She's going to need a tune-up and maybe some work, but I think she'll be faster than the Coda once I get her going. So, for now it's a step in the right direction!

2009-04-02 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Congratulations Heidi! I did my first year of tri on an early 90's hybrid, so I'm not laughing at all. Glad you found a new bike!  I'd love to see a pic of her!
2009-04-03 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2059147

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-04-02 7:35 PM

Most of you will laugh at this: I got a "New" bike this week! Okay, she's ancient. But up until now, I've been riding on my Jamis Coda-which is a flat bar, 21 speed. And I've really wanted a raod bike

I have an almost non existant budget for a bike right now, so I've been scouring CL. This weekend, I looked at a late 80's model Panasonic road bike. She seems to be in pretty good shape. I did some research on the "Bike Forum" and the general consensus there was to buy her. So, I got her for $35!

She's going to need a tune-up and maybe some work, but I think she'll be faster than the Coda once I get her going. So, for now it's a step in the right direction!


No laughing about it, all of us started somewhere also!  That is great, hopefully its a little step up from the Coda!   Let us know once you get her going!

2009-04-04 1:03 PM
in reply to: #2060110

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Congratulations on the new bike, Heidi! Let us know how it is! What fun!!

Sending out huge shouts to Roni who is running her first marathon today!! I hope her weather is as lovely as ours. I can't wait to hear about the race, Roni!! I totally thought of you during my torturous-for-me run and got myself to the end by saying, "Only 5 more minutes. Be glad you aren't running 26.2!"

I had a LT run test on my plan for this weekend, and since my son's bday party is tomorrow and I have no idea when I'll be able to work out (not to mention who wants to do a run test with a tummy full of cupcakes?!) I opted to do it today. I went into it with all sorts of reasons why it would be slower than my previous (and first and only!) test on 2/8/09: Did a 2:00 trainer ride yesterday followed by a swim, did a strides run on Thurs. and was still a little sore, went out last night and had a few drinks and was up way past my bedtime, have been running less than before (just following my HIM plan) and not much work above Z2 (a few Z3 things here and there)...

So I was OK if it ended up a little bit slower, but of course I did not want that to happen!

I'm pleased to report that my pace was :05 faster than last time! My 20' portion of the test averaged 7:23's and my avg. HR was also higher (170 today vs. 168 last time). I don't think the HR really means much of anything -- it is what it is. I was pleasantly surprised that the run was faster. It's interesting doing these 30' tests. For the first 10' I thought my pacing was pretty good -- I could hold this for 30' (admittedly the first 10' were slower at 7:36). Around 20' I think, "This is going to be tough to sustain. I hope I didn't go out too fast and I hope I don't crash hard and die." For the last 5-7' I think, "I cannot do this but I have GOT to keep going. Hang on hang on hang on hang on." Stopping is such a pleasure!!

Glad to have that behind me.

Now I'm trying to figure out how I will do some quality training next M-W. My kids are on spring break and my husband is out of town, so I'm pretty much house-bound as far as training goes. Trainer rides, blech -- the weather is supposed to be really nice! Hopefully my kids will be up for a bike ride while I run, and then I'll play catch-up later in the week (mother is coming to visit Wed. afternoon so I'll have built-in babysitter).
2009-04-04 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Roni-Let us know how the run went today!!

Kyla-Great job on the run test!

As for me, I doubt I'll get a run in today, so I'll put time in on the trainer this evening. Then do the run tomorrow.

2009-04-05 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2062542

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED



Great job and nice progress kkc!!  At that pace a 5s improvement is good.   


ANd Roni, how did it go!  We need to hear!


I ran my half marathon today with my dad as his first!  It was soooo rewarding and great fun.  For starters, Ive never ran with someone to finish their first half, or full or anything.   So it was rewarding to see someone struggling through there first.    Also, it was my dad, and I never thought I would see this day!   He has lost about 30 pounds and his high cholesterol and blood pressure are going down.  I do believe he is the first person on his side of the family through all generations to do something about his state (they all have heart disease, diabetes, bp, cholesterol, etc), and to get active.  That is big stuff!  

My knee seemed to hold up.  I ve done two runs over 45-50 minutes since surgery, one was 6 miles and the other was 8, so this was a test.  Sticking with my dad on the run/walk route probably helped out.   Anyways, just thought I would share since Im really proud of him!!  Hopefully I'll have a picture of us running together soon since a couple people took some

2009-04-06 6:37 AM
in reply to: #2064247

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-04-05 6:53 PM



Great job and nice progress kkc!!  At that pace a 5s improvement is good.   


ANd Roni, how did it go!  We need to hear!


I ran my half marathon today with my dad as his first!  It was soooo rewarding and great fun.  For starters, Ive never ran with someone to finish their first half, or full or anything.   So it was rewarding to see someone struggling through there first.    Also, it was my dad, and I never thought I would see this day!   He has lost about 30 pounds and his high cholesterol and blood pressure are going down.  I do believe he is the first person on his side of the family through all generations to do something about his state (they all have heart disease, diabetes, bp, cholesterol, etc), and to get active.  That is big stuff!  

My knee seemed to hold up.  I ve done two runs over 45-50 minutes since surgery, one was 6 miles and the other was 8, so this was a test.  Sticking with my dad on the run/walk route probably helped out.   Anyways, just thought I would share since Im really proud of him!!  Hopefully I'll have a picture of us running together soon since a couple people took some

That's great Kellie!  Memories like that are the ones you will have for the rest of your life.  Holding back for a race to share it with a loved one is (pardon the advertisement slogan)  priceless!  You are definately back on track with your fitness and you will have plenty of chances to test yourself and push to new PR's.  How many opportunities do we have to do something like what you did this weekend?

I still remember a 5k my son ran with me.  He let all his X-country teammates and competitiors take off and he ran the 5k right by my side pushing me to a PR for me.  For him it was painfully slow, but he stuck with me.  Now we both have that memory.  Do things like that while you can. 
2009-04-06 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2064247

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-04-05 7:53 PM



Great job and nice progress kkc!!  At that pace a 5s improvement is good.   


ANd Roni, how did it go!  We need to hear!


I ran my half marathon today with my dad as his first!  It was soooo rewarding and great fun.  For starters, Ive never ran with someone to finish their first half, or full or anything.   So it was rewarding to see someone struggling through there first.    Also, it was my dad, and I never thought I would see this day!   He has lost about 30 pounds and his high cholesterol and blood pressure are going down.  I do believe he is the first person on his side of the family through all generations to do something about his state (they all have heart disease, diabetes, bp, cholesterol, etc), and to get active.  That is big stuff!  

My knee seemed to hold up.  I ve done two runs over 45-50 minutes since surgery, one was 6 miles and the other was 8, so this was a test.  Sticking with my dad on the run/walk route probably helped out.   Anyways, just thought I would share since Im really proud of him!!  Hopefully I'll have a picture of us running together soon since a couple people took some

Kellie-That is so great that your Dad was willing to get out and run. I'm so inspired when I see people who are older or not in great health, exercising. I'm looking forward to seeing a picture! How did he feel after the race? Do you think he'll do another?
2009-04-06 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2064900

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-04-06 7:11 AM
kellc09 - 2009-04-05 7:53 PM



Great job and nice progress kkc!!  At that pace a 5s improvement is good.   


ANd Roni, how did it go!  We need to hear!


I ran my half marathon today with my dad as his first!  It was soooo rewarding and great fun.  For starters, Ive never ran with someone to finish their first half, or full or anything.   So it was rewarding to see someone struggling through there first.    Also, it was my dad, and I never thought I would see this day!   He has lost about 30 pounds and his high cholesterol and blood pressure are going down.  I do believe he is the first person on his side of the family through all generations to do something about his state (they all have heart disease, diabetes, bp, cholesterol, etc), and to get active.  That is big stuff!  

My knee seemed to hold up.  I ve done two runs over 45-50 minutes since surgery, one was 6 miles and the other was 8, so this was a test.  Sticking with my dad on the run/walk route probably helped out.   Anyways, just thought I would share since Im really proud of him!!  Hopefully I'll have a picture of us running together soon since a couple people took some

Kellie-That is so great that your Dad was willing to get out and run. I'm so inspired when I see people who are older or not in great health, exercising. I'm looking forward to seeing a picture! How did he feel after the race? Do you think he'll do another?

Yes, he will.     Actually, this is part of a long prep for the ultimate goal, IMWI 2010 together.  Last year was his first full year of tris, the year before he did his first sprint at the end of the season.  So if he holds up through the summer, I'll probably help him train for a full marathon in the fall, or another half depending.  He wants to lose a little more weight through the summer and do more sprints for time improvement and a Olympic.   He'll probably train a bit above olympic though, partially because Im in charge of his plan, hah! and partially because while hes not doing a HIM this year, he can handle a bit more swimming and biking than a Olympic plan.     The key for him right now will be to rest before we go into tri season, so that after tri season if he is going to do the full mary, he has taken a break already this year.   So we'll see!
2009-04-06 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2064846

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Gregkl - 2009-04-06 6:37 AM
kellc09 - 2009-04-05 6:53 PM



Great job and nice progress kkc!!  At that pace a 5s improvement is good.   


ANd Roni, how did it go!  We need to hear!


I ran my half marathon today with my dad as his first!  It was soooo rewarding and great fun.  For starters, Ive never ran with someone to finish their first half, or full or anything.   So it was rewarding to see someone struggling through there first.    Also, it was my dad, and I never thought I would see this day!   He has lost about 30 pounds and his high cholesterol and blood pressure are going down.  I do believe he is the first person on his side of the family through all generations to do something about his state (they all have heart disease, diabetes, bp, cholesterol, etc), and to get active.  That is big stuff!  

My knee seemed to hold up.  I ve done two runs over 45-50 minutes since surgery, one was 6 miles and the other was 8, so this was a test.  Sticking with my dad on the run/walk route probably helped out.   Anyways, just thought I would share since Im really proud of him!!  Hopefully I'll have a picture of us running together soon since a couple people took some

That's great Kellie!  Memories like that are the ones you will have for the rest of your life.  Holding back for a race to share it with a loved one is (pardon the advertisement slogan)  priceless!  You are definately back on track with your fitness and you will have plenty of chances to test yourself and push to new PR's.  How many opportunities do we have to do something like what you did this weekend?

I still remember a 5k my son ran with me.  He let all his X-country teammates and competitiors take off and he ran the 5k right by my side pushing me to a PR for me.  For him it was painfully slow, but he stuck with me.  Now we both have that memory.  Do things like that while you can. 

That is a great story, your right, it was worth it

2009-04-06 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2065115

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
I'm so glad the half mary was a success for both you and your dad, Kellie! Wonderful that your knee held up! How is it feeling today? How is your dad's bod feeling today? I LOVE that you guys have an IM in your future together and that you're doing his training plans. Let us know how the training progresses!

Very cool story about the 5K, Greg!! I can't wait to "run" a 5K with my kids! So far schedules haven't worked out to make that possible... plus my son is the king of about one mile total before he goes into gripe mode, so I need to put together his training plan and choose a 5K race for us!

Roni, we are waiting to hear about that marathon!! How are your legs feeling??
2009-04-06 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Thanks guys!!! Sorry it's taken me awhile to get on here. The marathon went great and I am in rest and recovery mode There was some steep downhill sections, which were great for free speed, but really hard on the quads! They and my calves/achilles are telling me about it, but already a bit better today. And, I still haven't stopped smiling   Here's a link to the race report

Edited by roni_runnw 2009-04-06 7:00 PM
2009-04-06 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Congrats on the TT Kyla! You are speedy!!!

Kellie, awesome half with your Dad! I'm glad your knee held up and sounds like your Dad has a great coach!

Love the story about your son running a 5k with you, and yes those moments are PRICELESS!

2009-04-06 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2066691

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
roni_runnw - 2009-04-06 6:41 PM

Thanks guys!!! Sorry it's taken me awhile to get on here. The marathon went great and I am in rest and recovery mode There was some steep downhill sections, which were great for free speed, but really hard on the quads! They and my calves/achilles are telling me about it, but already a bit better today. And, I still haven't stopped smiling   Here's a link to the race report

The first mary I did (Napa Valley, 1998) was known for being a "fast course." Translation: Gradual downhill the ENTIRE way. I wouldn't say I did it quickly... but I will say the downhill TRASHED my quads! I literally had to CRAWL up and down the stairs in my house -- I kid you not, on all 4's! Every day you will feel better. Glad you are still smiling. I'm off to read your race report! Welcome back to the land of the living!
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