BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-03-23 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1288028

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
CubeFarmGopher - 2008-03-23 7:11 AM
trixie - 2008-03-22 9:09 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-03-21 10:32 PM

Great advice Trixie!! That is exactly how I have been running since after my stress fracture. I could never have described it nearly as good as you have. Thanks Trix!!

It took me a little while to feel comfortable with the short stride length, it almost feels like shuffling at first. After doing it for a while, I feel absolutely no impact. Good luck!!!

That's what they pay me the big bucks for

In other news. I'm not going to be training specifically for Western States. I've changed my focus...

Are you now saying that WS is a B-level race?!

BTW, yes, I'm still alive and training with irregular regularity.

Today is the inaugural Tampa BT Half-Marathon, courtesy of Betsy and 22legs. We'll see how I run that. I may even do a race report.

yes.  I suppose I am. Sad, huh?   

2008-03-23 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1288357

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
2h 34m 37s 14.00 miles 11m 02s/Mi
Avg HR: 154
Max HR: 179

8/2 Run/Walk Structure

Half Marathon: 2:19:47

Mile Splits (HR avg):
1: 9:16 (151)
2: 10:58 (147)
3: 10:54 (151)
4: 10:58 (156)*
5: 10:30 (159)
6: 10:06 (163)
7: 11:28 (160)*
8: 10:28 (149)
9: 10:16 (158)
10: 10:33 (159)
11: 11:30 (155)*
12: 10:56 (157)
13: 10:58 (158)
13.1: 1:00 (177)
13.1-14: 14:40 (141)

* = mile with water stop



Pretty decent run today, considering I haven't really been training long distance for a while, especially the run.

2008-03-23 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
That's HOTT Shaun!
2008-03-24 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

good morning Kidos...    hope you had a great weekend.   I ran a  50K this weekend...   It was wonderful.    6800' elevation gain and incredible views. 

2008-03-24 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1289503

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
velasqu7 - 2008-03-24 12:00 PM

good morning Kidos... hope you had a great weekend. I ran a 50K this weekend... It was wonderful. 6800' elevation gain and incredible views.


You are sicko, awesome 

2008-03-24 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
Soon to be posted, photos of the New 2008 Felt B12 I picked up today.

2008-03-24 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1291021

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

JBD - 2008-03-24 9:41 PM Soon to be posted, photos of the New 2008 Felt B12 I picked up today.

I am jealous!! Can't wait to see the baby!!

Luis ................................................ YOU ROCK DUDE!!!!! Nice job!!! 

2008-03-25 12:48 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
2008-03-25 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1291249

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Good morning...  Hope it is a happy tuesday for you guys..



2008-03-26 5:56 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
May I have some running time after work please?
2008-03-26 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
I love training even though my wife hates it.  This is one extra reason I tri... I have dropped about 25lbs and at least 2 inches in the waist since Jan 1, 08.  I am at my lowest weight in at least 15 years. 

2008-03-26 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
nice JBD.  good job.
2008-03-27 6:53 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Outstanding JBD!!

2008-03-27 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1295480

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

JBD - 2008-03-26 3:10 PM I love training even though my wife hates it. This is one extra reason I tri... I have dropped about 25lbs and at least 2 inches in the waist since Jan 1, 08. I am at my lowest weight in at least 15 years.

Awesome job John!! You're an inspiration to all of us!! Start a thread in triathlon talk with the above statement to motivate others on the site!! It's great how the weight sheds off as the training picks up! Keep it up!!!  

2008-03-27 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
I will start a new post as soon as I have time from training   I had a great outdoor run today at a good pace.  Hopefully, it is a precursor for a good 1/2 Mary this Sunday.  I have put down 1:42 as my projected time given the start area will be jammed up, however I am for 1:30.  We will see given I have a 3 hour ride on Saturday. 
2008-03-27 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Good luck JBD!! I'll be hitting it hard saturday too!  30 min ocean swim to include wetsuit.. a 60 mile ride and then a 20 min run off bike. . . I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!

2008-03-27 10:36 PM
in reply to: #1298840

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
tbatt - 2008-03-27 10:21 PM

Good luck JBD!! I'll be hitting it hard saturday too! 30 min ocean swim to include wetsuit.. a 60 mile ride and then a 20 min run off bike. . . I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!

YOU GO GIRL!!! That's a hell of a workout coming off a taper!

BTW - Did you know that you can't see your face in your avatar pic? You centered the pic on .................. oh!!!! I see where you were going with that!  

2008-03-28 10:14 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
My poor alma mater.....
2008-03-29 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Lookit what I can still do!!

30m 1000.00 yards 03m /100 yards
7:45 AM  
3h 45m 60.21 miles 16.06 Mi/hr
8:30 AM  Dolphin Boy Loop - Climb: 197.00 feet
2008-03-30 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1265196

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
carlacrews - 2008-03-11 11:55 AM

1st Timer in NY - 2008-03-11 6:36 AM Good morning Bob Stockers! I ordered my Garmin last night..better ship that to my alter-ego's address until I can just slip it into our lives without wifey noticing.


My Dad and I always say, "I won it in a raffle."

Works for quite awhile before anyone start figuring it out.

Guess who did a 5k today!?! Time is unimportant, what is important is that I WON A GARMIN!!! Prolly 95% of the reason I actually did this event was to sneak this into our house.  Thanks for the tip!

2008-03-30 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1302432

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
1st Timer in NY - 2008-03-30 11:06 AM
carlacrews - 2008-03-11 11:55 AM

1st Timer in NY - 2008-03-11 6:36 AM Good morning Bob Stockers! I ordered my Garmin last night..better ship that to my alter-ego's address until I can just slip it into our lives without wifey noticing.


My Dad and I always say, "I won it in a raffle."

Works for quite awhile before anyone start figuring it out.

Guess who did a 5k today!?! Time is unimportant, what is important is that I WON A GARMIN!!! Prolly 95% of the reason I actually did this event was to sneak this into our house.  Thanks for the tip!

It could happen.  Congrats! 

2008-03-30 4:33 PM
in reply to: #1302432

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Congrats on the win!!! Keep up the great work Tim!!

I PR'd my 15K today!! Had a great race, comfortable pace, chatted with people I passed and had a strong kick at the finish to hold off two 17 YO's by 1 and 3 seconds!! RR will be up later! 1:02:59 was the time, 6:45 pace!!


Edited by rstocks3 2008-03-30 4:49 PM
2008-03-30 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1302839

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

rstocks3 - 2008-03-30 5:33 PM I DID NOT WIN A GARMIN THOUGH!!!! 

Umm..neither did I..but Shhhh wifey thinks I did!

2008-03-31 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1303447

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
1st Timer in NY - 2008-03-30 8:33 PM

rstocks3 - 2008-03-30 5:33 PM I DID NOT WIN A GARMIN THOUGH!!!! 

Umm..neither did I..but Shhhh wifey thinks I did!

I'm  going to a running store this weekend to have my "gait" analyzed...what am I, a frigging horse...and I will probably win a new pair of shoes in a raffle 

NO horse jokes!

I ran my 3 miles for the first time last week and about died the next day.  I think I need better shoes.  My first tri is in a month and 2 days and I plan on doing lots of running between now and then!

2008-03-31 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Hammering the Downhill??

Looking at Elevation Profile for Musselman got me thinking about how to handle the downhills?  Living on Long Island we don't have too many hills, so I was curious: do those of you who train/race on hills hammer the downhills, or do you coast and save your legs for the run?  One friend suggested to spin at very high cadence to work out any Lactic acid that may have developed in your quads.  Any thoughts?

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