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2013-12-19 4:38 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words


Did you read the article?

Did he asked for the interview?

I do not believe anything was calculated, provoked or said in a hurtful way by him. To me, he was attacking sin. No one is complaining that he called out people who sleep around and committ adultry as sinners.

I do not understand how you can say that God would disapprove of someone using God's words?

And also did you read this part of the interview?

"However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just becasue they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better offif we loved Godand loved each other."

2013-12-19 4:39 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by Goosedog

Originally posted by tuwood

I can completely understand in not believing in the Bible and chalking it up as man made, but it says what it says.  

Serious question, if a Christian believes that homosexuality is not a sin - are they wrong? Essentially, believing that the written words of the Bible aren't always literal and are open to interpretation. Similar to a Christian believing in the big bang theory.

To the second part about the big bang theory yes I was told I was very wrong and against God. Therefor I left organized religion and looked for God on my own. I chose wisely.
2013-12-19 4:42 PM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by chirunner134
Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood I can completely understand in not believing in the Bible and chalking it up as man made, but it says what it says.  
Serious question, if a Christian believes that homosexuality is not a sin - are they wrong? Essentially, believing that the written words of the Bible aren't always literal and are open to interpretation. Similar to a Christian believing in the big bang theory.
To the second part about the big bang theory yes I was told I was very wrong and against God. Therefor I left organized religion and looked for God on my own. I chose wisely.


I do not believe that you can pick and choose which parts of the Bible you believe and follow.

2013-12-19 4:44 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words

Not that I agree or disagree with what you wrote, I'm just wondering where you got that from?  You writing your own Bible? LOL

Nope. It's just what I choose to believe.  I may well be wrong.  If so, I'll have a reallllly long time to dwell on my mistakes  But if Duck Daddy doesn't at least get a heavenly 'time out' from the Almighty, then I'm probably not a good fit for that version of the after-life, anyway. 

2013-12-19 5:00 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words

Not that I agree or disagree with what you wrote, I'm just wondering where you got that from?  You writing your own Bible? LOL

Nope. It's just what I choose to believe.  I may well be wrong.  If so, I'll have a reallllly long time to dwell on my mistakes  But if Duck Daddy doesn't at least get a heavenly 'time out' from the Almighty, then I'm probably not a good fit for that version of the after-life, anyway. 

And that's the difference between you and Robertson, and the reason he will never apologize......he never says, "I may well be wrong" when he quotes the Bible. He's positive he's not wrong because he has his belief and faith.  I respect that.  I don't have to agree or disagree, but I certainly respect his faith in the Bible.  It's harder for me to respect what you have thrown out in this thread, especially in light of the fact that you even think you may be wrong, and your words were filled with much more hatred than his were.  I'm just saying.

2013-12-19 5:05 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood I can completely understand in not believing in the Bible and chalking it up as man made, but it says what it says.  
Serious question, if a Christian believes that homosexuality is not a sin - are they wrong? Essentially, believing that the written words of the Bible aren't always literal and are open to interpretation. Similar to a Christian believing in the big bang theory.

I would use a nicer word and just say they're misguided.  

The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  An individual who is a Christian can absolutely choose to ignore what the Bible says and interpret it however they want ,but I don't personally recommend it.  ;-)

There are a lot of things that are in the Bible and there are a lot of things that aren't in the Bible.  Using the big bang theory as an example, the Bible only gives us Genesis as a record of how the earth was created.  There are Christians who believe the 7 days are literal 7 days and there are Christians who believe the 7 days are "God days" which could be billions of "man days/years".  Honestly I don't really care because I think there's plenty of room for science and the Bible to coexist.


2013-12-19 5:11 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by jford2309
I do not believe that you can pick and choose which parts of the Bible you believe and follow.

That's not really what I'm asking. I assume we all agree that the Bible is open to interpretation since there are various Christian religions and there is an entire field of study devoted to its interpretation. What if a Christian said, "My faith tells me homosexuality is not a sin. It's in the Bible."? Are they wrong? Other than God, who has the authority to tell them they are wrong?

Sort of a second question, what happens to the Christian whose faith and study leads them to a belief that homosexuality is not a sin and they act in a manner to afford homosexuals the same rights they enjoy (assuming they are heterosexual)? Do they go to hell?

ETA: I guess I'm asking if being indifferent to your neighbor's sins is a sin?

To be clear, I'm not questioning your (or anyone's interpretation or faith), I'm trying to understand the place of someone with a different interpretation.

Edited by Goosedog 2013-12-19 5:17 PM
2013-12-19 5:14 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Originally posted by tuwood

The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  

Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

2013-12-19 5:18 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words

Not that I agree or disagree with what you wrote, I'm just wondering where you got that from?  You writing your own Bible? LOL

Nope. It's just what I choose to believe.  I may well be wrong.  If so, I'll have a reallllly long time to dwell on my mistakes  But if Duck Daddy doesn't at least get a heavenly 'time out' from the Almighty, then I'm probably not a good fit for that version of the after-life, anyway. 

And that's the difference between you and Robertson, and the reason he will never apologize......he never says, "I may well be wrong" when he quotes the Bible. He's positive he's not wrong because he has his belief and faith.  I respect that.  I don't have to agree or disagree, but I certainly respect his faith in the Bible.  It's harder for me to respect what you have thrown out in this thread, especially in light of the fact that you even think you may be wrong, and your words were filled with much more hatred than his were.  I'm just saying.

And THAT, LB is the difference between You (and others) and ME (and others).  Some folks insist they WIN the argument and others insist that it simply be recognized as a DRAW! 

BTW: "I'm just sayin = Don't take this the wrong way, but.. = Lordy, Lord, I'd NEVER disrespect a fellow man = I'm gonna say what I KNOW is the wrong thing, but preface it away by saying, "I'm just saying".   You wanna say it, Own it!

Enjoy your evening, I'm gonna watch me some Honey BooBoo, drink too much with my neighbors wife, and snuggle up to my dog in a non-beastiality kind of way.

2013-12-19 5:23 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

I think the other sins don't get as much attention because there is no backlash for speaking out against other "sins". (for the record, I don't think God, or whatever you call that which is greater than you, cares about homosexuality, because I don't believe it's a choice)  But in todays world, if you speak out against homosexuality, you are in for a schit storm.  Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.  I believe this..... Phil Robertson doesn't hate homosexuals......just ask him, he doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. 

2013-12-19 5:26 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by jford2309 I do not believe that you can pick and choose which parts of the Bible you believe and follow.
That's not really what I'm asking. I assume we all agree that the Bible is open to interpretation since there are various Christian religions and there is an entire field of study devoted to its interpretation. What if a Christian said, "My faith tells me homosexuality is not a sin. It's in the Bible."? Are they wrong? Other than God, who has the authority to tell them they are wrong? Sort of a second question, what happens to the Christian whose faith and study leads them to a belief that homosexuality is not a sin and they act in a manner to afford homosexuals homosexuals the same rights they enjoy (assuming they are heterosexual)? Do they go to hell? To be clear, I'm not questioning your (or anyone's interpretation or faith), I'm trying to understand the place of someone with a different interpretation.

Good questions and I'll try to give you my thoughts on it.

The Bible has parts of it that are open to interpretation and you are correct that various denominations have disagreements on them.  However, there are also parts of the bible that are not open to interpretation and there is virtually zero disagreement.  For example, the ten commandments are pretty steadfast across all denominations.

Fornication is a similar sin to homosexuality, and I'm not really aware of anyone trying to say they interpret it as not being a sin.  People always joke about "living in sin" because they're not married.  It's pretty much not even a big deal in our society.  Does that mean it's not really a sin?  No, it's still a sin because the Bible says it's a sin.

Same thing with Homosexuality.  The Bible says it's a sin and people can still do the behavior and feel that it's not a sin, but it still is a sin.

Now, if you choose to act in a manner that affords homosexuals the same rights, I don't know if that in and of itself is a "sin" or not but I could probably argue it either way.  I could say the exact same thing about any other sin.  If I buy a magazine that has bikini girls in it, I'm enabling or affording the sin of lust.  Heck, I'm even committing adultery in my mind.  Is that going to make me go to hell?  I sure hope not.  

I'm a firm believer that once you're a Christian you're a Christian.  If you've accepted Jesus into your heart and sin, he's not going to cast you off into the eternal pits of hell.  The story of the prodigal son always comes to mind because it's a representation of God's eternal love for us.  Even when we go off and live in sin he still loves us and welcomes us back with open arms.

If you go into any church today I will show you a room full of sinners.  I sometimes get flack when people ask me if a Homosexual can be a Christian and I answer that they absolutely can be a christian.  Because if they can't be a Christian then I can't be a Christian.  There's only two types of people in this world as far as I'm concerned.  There's sinners and there's forgiven sinners.  

2013-12-19 5:28 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Originally posted by tuwood

Also, the people attacking Robertson seem to pretend like he's just making up this "vile hate speech."  Here's what the Bible says:

(1 Corinthians 6: 9-11)

 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with mena 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Tony, I'm not a bible-versed person.  I can't affiliate with any religious group, organization, belief etc.  So I won't begin to dispute your reference to scripture.  

Matthew 19:24- It's easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than it is to get a rich man into the kingdom of God. (apologies if I paraphrased)

Yes, he is intitled to his view. Yes, many people share his view. Yes, you've shown us the literal interpretation of the scripture he was correctly quoting. But Duck Daddy used his fame and access to a media outlet to make calculated, unprovoked, hurtful statements against an entire group of people.  He then used a bible quote to justify his statements/attack on the LGBT community.  His heart was not full of God's love for fellow man when he threw them (and 'allegedly' the black community, also) under the bus to make a political statement.   He may have his remembered his bible quotes correctly, but MY pseudo/semi-religious beliefs tell me that God, the Great Creator, our heavenly father, etc. did NOT look down favorably upon Mr Robertson's words

Not that I agree or disagree with what you wrote, I'm just wondering where you got that from?  You writing your own Bible? LOL

Nope. It's just what I choose to believe.  I may well be wrong.  If so, I'll have a reallllly long time to dwell on my mistakes  But if Duck Daddy doesn't at least get a heavenly 'time out' from the Almighty, then I'm probably not a good fit for that version of the after-life, anyway. 

And that's the difference between you and Robertson, and the reason he will never apologize......he never says, "I may well be wrong" when he quotes the Bible. He's positive he's not wrong because he has his belief and faith.  I respect that.  I don't have to agree or disagree, but I certainly respect his faith in the Bible.  It's harder for me to respect what you have thrown out in this thread, especially in light of the fact that you even think you may be wrong, and your words were filled with much more hatred than his were.  I'm just saying.

And THAT, LB is the difference between You (and others) and ME (and others).  Some folks insist they WIN the argument and others insist that it simply be recognized as a DRAW! 

BTW: "I'm just sayin = Don't take this the wrong way, but.. = Lordy, Lord, I'd NEVER disrespect a fellow man = I'm gonna say what I KNOW is the wrong thing, but preface it away by saying, "I'm just saying".   You wanna say it, Own it!

Enjoy your evening, I'm gonna watch me some Honey BooBoo, drink too much with my neighbors wife, and snuggle up to my dog in a non-beastiality kind of way.


HAHAHHA!!  Bro, when I say, "I'm just saying".....then I am owning it.  It's not open to your interpretation. If you ask me what I meant by that I'll tell you.....but you already know that.  . or at least you do now.

He's not insisting he is winning the argument, he doesn't believe there is an argument. 

Your hatred in this thread is pretty crazy really........I'm just saying.

Edited by Left Brain 2013-12-19 5:29 PM
2013-12-19 5:34 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

It doesn't just seem to get more attention, it absolutely does get more attention.

My personal thought is I think it's just a behavior that many Christians find more "detestable" so they elevate it to a higher standard of sin.  However, the Bible does not elevate it at all.  In almost every instance where it's mentioned its in the same breath as adultery, fornication, etc...

As I mentioned above, I like to poke fellow Christians a little and ask them if they feel the same way about fornication as they do Homosexuality.

So, yes I agree with you and it is wrong that Homosexuality is elevated to a greater sin level because it's not.

Sometimes I use the Bestiality sin example, because most everyone (including homosexuals) find it detestable.  So there's very little disagreement across the board that it's a sin.  However, fornication is something that almost everyone does (talking premarital sex) so most people Christians and non believers tend to ignore or minimize it as sin.  Homosexuality is somewhere in the middle where some are totally fine with it and minimize it as sin while others detest it.  In reality though, they're all the same level according to the Bible.  (please don't interpret me saying bestiality and homosexuality are the same because they're not, i'm just saying they're the same level of sin)


2013-12-19 5:35 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Here's a recap.

Obama care pajama boy -> girly man - > truck testicles -> Robin Hood Men in Tights -> Duck Dynasty -> The Matrix -> Chick-fil-A -> Obama -> Bible verses -> Sins


download.jpg (8KB - 16 downloads)
2013-12-19 5:35 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by jford2309 I do not believe that you can pick and choose which parts of the Bible you believe and follow.
That's not really what I'm asking. I assume we all agree that the Bible is open to interpretation since there are various Christian religions and there is an entire field of study devoted to its interpretation. What if a Christian said, "My faith tells me homosexuality is not a sin. It's in the Bible."? Are they wrong? Other than God, who has the authority to tell them they are wrong? Sort of a second question, what happens to the Christian whose faith and study leads them to a belief that homosexuality is not a sin and they act in a manner to afford homosexuals homosexuals the same rights they enjoy (assuming they are heterosexual)? Do they go to hell? To be clear, I'm not questioning your (or anyone's interpretation or faith), I'm trying to understand the place of someone with a different interpretation.

Good questions and I'll try to give you my thoughts on it.

The Bible has parts of it that are open to interpretation and you are correct that various denominations have disagreements on them.  However, there are also parts of the bible that are not open to interpretation and there is virtually zero disagreement.  For example, the ten commandments are pretty steadfast across all denominations.

Fornication is a similar sin to homosexuality, and I'm not really aware of anyone trying to say they interpret it as not being a sin.  People always joke about "living in sin" because they're not married.  It's pretty much not even a big deal in our society.  Does that mean it's not really a sin?  No, it's still a sin because the Bible says it's a sin.

Same thing with Homosexuality.  The Bible says it's a sin and people can still do the behavior and feel that it's not a sin, but it still is a sin.

Now, if you choose to act in a manner that affords homosexuals the same rights, I don't know if that in and of itself is a "sin" or not but I could probably argue it either way.  I could say the exact same thing about any other sin.  If I buy a magazine that has bikini girls in it, I'm enabling or affording the sin of lust.  Heck, I'm even committing adultery in my mind.  Is that going to make me go to hell?  I sure hope not.  

I'm a firm believer that once you're a Christian you're a Christian.  If you've accepted Jesus into your heart and sin, he's not going to cast you off into the eternal pits of hell.  The story of the prodigal son always comes to mind because it's a representation of God's eternal love for us.  Even when we go off and live in sin he still loves us and welcomes us back with open arms.

If you go into any church today I will show you a room full of sinners.  I sometimes get flack when people ask me if a Homosexual can be a Christian and I answer that they absolutely can be a christian.  Because if they can't be a Christian then I can't be a Christian.  There's only two types of people in this world as far as I'm concerned.  There's sinners and there's forgiven sinners.  

I'm not quite ready to be forgiven.......on the off chance I won't be unless I stop. LOL

2013-12-19 5:37 PM
in reply to: bradleyd3

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by bradleyd3 Ahhh....here is the Phil Robertson thread. I knew it would be around. Just didn't think it would be with the pajama boy/big rimmed glasses guy thread sitting around sipping his coco chatting about politics on Christmas day (which the word "Christmas" was left off the ad....but that thread is a little further down). This reminds me of the Chick-Fil-A situation a few years back. Hey...lets as someone who is a known devout Christian conservative what his views are on XYZ and lets s**t bricks when he gives his answer. How'd that CFA boycott work out? Who got more press/business? The members of an organization who got all riled up.....or a restaurant who had so many customers on one day that a lot of stores ran out of food? A&E missed the boat on this one. A simple "the views of Phil don't reflect our views however we respect the beliefs and opinions of all of our on-air talent and sponsors". They're going to lose viewership, the Robertsons will take their empire they've built over to another channel and ultimately the channel that gave way to pressure from a tiny faction of non-viewers will suffer.

I'm just tickled pink at how far we've come.  I mean, it's nearly 2014, and I am so proud that our Big National Debates have been whether a fictional character is black or white and whether a duck hunter fromt he bayou thinks it's bad to put his thingy in someone's butt.

Yay us!!!!

2013-12-19 5:37 PM
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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy
Thanks again for the excellent response. The adult magazine is great example. Why don't some Christian groups show the same fervor in trying to outlaw adult magazines as they do attempting to prevent homosexual marriage? Do you think this particular sin has been politicized to an extent it is politics driving the reaction rather than religion? Certainly, over the years, tolerance/acceptance of various sins has increased without a similar organized reaction.

ETA: Wrote this before reading your last response. Thanks again.

Edited by Goosedog 2013-12-19 5:38 PM
2013-12-19 5:38 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

I think the other sins don't get as much attention because there is no backlash for speaking out against other "sins". (for the record, I don't think God, or whatever you call that which is greater than you, cares about homosexuality, because I don't believe it's a choice)  But in todays world, if you speak out against homosexuality, you are in for a schit storm.  Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.  I believe this..... Phil Robertson doesn't hate homosexuals......just ask him, he doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. 

you don't think there would be a backlash if he spoke out against divorce?  that's in the bible too...

2013-12-19 5:39 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

It doesn't just seem to get more attention, it absolutely does get more attention.

My personal thought is I think it's just a behavior that many Christians find more "detestable" so they elevate it to a higher standard of sin.  However, the Bible does not elevate it at all.  In almost every instance where it's mentioned its in the same breath as adultery, fornication, etc...

As I mentioned above, I like to poke fellow Christians a little and ask them if they feel the same way about fornication as they do Homosexuality.

So, yes I agree with you and it is wrong that Homosexuality is elevated to a greater sin level because it's not.

Sometimes I use the Bestiality sin example, because most everyone (including homosexuals) find it detestable.  So there's very little disagreement across the board that it's a sin.  However, fornication is something that almost everyone does (talking premarital sex) so most people Christians and non believers tend to ignore or minimize it as sin.  Homosexuality is somewhere in the middle where some are totally fine with it and minimize it as sin while others detest it.  In reality though, they're all the same level according to the Bible.  (please don't interpret me saying bestiality and homosexuality are the same because they're not, i'm just saying they're the same level of sin)


Ok, Phil.......Jeff hates you.

2013-12-19 5:41 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

I think the other sins don't get as much attention because there is no backlash for speaking out against other "sins". (for the record, I don't think God, or whatever you call that which is greater than you, cares about homosexuality, because I don't believe it's a choice)  But in todays world, if you speak out against homosexuality, you are in for a schit storm.  Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.  I believe this..... Phil Robertson doesn't hate homosexuals......just ask him, he doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. 

you don't think there would be a backlash if he spoke out against divorce?  that's in the bible too...

No, because nobody cares....we'd all be....meh.

I can't figure out why people care so much about homosexuality, but they do.

2013-12-19 5:44 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

I think the other sins don't get as much attention because there is no backlash for speaking out against other "sins". (for the record, I don't think God, or whatever you call that which is greater than you, cares about homosexuality, because I don't believe it's a choice)  But in todays world, if you speak out against homosexuality, you are in for a schit storm.  Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.  I believe this..... Phil Robertson doesn't hate homosexuals......just ask him, he doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. 

This may shock a few of you, but I don't think it's a choice either.  I always get frustrated when people talk down to homosexuals like they're "choosing" to be attracted to the same sex.  I am friends with several people who are gay and they have told me they would much prefer to not be attracted to the same sex because it's caused them a lot of pain in their lives.

I know there is a lot of discussion about people being born gay and people becoming gay (nature vs. nurture) and I do tend to fall along the lines of nurture based on my experience.  However, I feel this "nurture" is from such an early age there is never a "choice" or "decision" made, it's just the way you are.

2013-12-19 5:51 PM
in reply to: Goosedog

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by Goosedog Thanks again for the excellent response. The adult magazine is great example. Why don't some Christian groups show the same fervor in trying to outlaw adult magazines as they do attempting to prevent homosexual marriage? Do you think this particular sin has been politicized to an extent it is politics driving the reaction rather than religion? Certainly, over the years, tolerance/acceptance of various sins has increased without a similar organized reaction. ETA: Wrote this before reading your last response. Thanks again.

I honestly don't know, but there are various efforts to outlaw various "sin" items.  For example every time there's a new strip club that tries to open there's usually a pretty good representation by local churches trying to block it.  Same thing with Gambling;  Most states don't have gambling because of the church influence towards the legislatures.

If I were to guess about why the big fights on gay rights, it's probably along the lines of both sides trying to politicize various aspects through legislation and court action.  Banning/allowing gay marriage, creating protected classes for GLBT, type actions are bringing everyone on both sides out.

I suspect if somebody tried passing a federal law to legalize prostitution, or public nudity, there would be a big mobilization by the church as well.  I think I could support the public nudity one though... (dang it, there I go again.  Told you I sin every day....)

2013-12-19 5:53 PM
in reply to: JoshR

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by JoshR Here's a recap. Obama care pajama boy -> girly man - > truck testicles -> Robin Hood Men in Tights -> Duck Dynasty -> The Matrix -> Chick-fil-A -> Obama -> Bible verses -> Sins

haha, i'm just typing away in this thread and was thinking we were in PTAN.  yeah, this has to be up there for the worse derailment in BT history.  :0)

2013-12-19 5:58 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

I think the other sins don't get as much attention because there is no backlash for speaking out against other "sins". (for the record, I don't think God, or whatever you call that which is greater than you, cares about homosexuality, because I don't believe it's a choice)  But in todays world, if you speak out against homosexuality, you are in for a schit storm.  Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.  I believe this..... Phil Robertson doesn't hate homosexuals......just ask him, he doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. 

you don't think there would be a backlash if he spoke out against divorce?  that's in the bible too...

Just for clarification, Divorce is permitted in the Bible.   Generally speaking you are able to get a divorce when your spouse has consistent, unrepentant immorality or when an unbelieving spouse deserts a believer.

Obviously Divorce is frowned upon by the church and the Bible talks of a lifelong covenant when married, but it's not a death sentence either if you happened to marry a sleaze bag.

2013-12-19 6:07 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: Obamacare Pajama Boy

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Goosedog
Originally posted by tuwood The Bible is very clear on sin.  There are many sins listed very specifically in the old and new testament and Homosexuality is one of them.  
Thanks for the response. Why does it seem, at least to me, that some consider homosexuality to be a special breed (no pun) of sin? Apologies for my lack of knowledge, but aren't there sins out there that don't get nearly the attention?

I think the other sins don't get as much attention because there is no backlash for speaking out against other "sins". (for the record, I don't think God, or whatever you call that which is greater than you, cares about homosexuality, because I don't believe it's a choice)  But in todays world, if you speak out against homosexuality, you are in for a schit storm.  Maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.  I believe this..... Phil Robertson doesn't hate homosexuals......just ask him, he doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. 

you don't think there would be a backlash if he spoke out against divorce?  that's in the bible too...

Just for clarification, Divorce is permitted in the Bible.   Generally speaking you are able to get a divorce when your spouse has consistent, unrepentant immorality or when an unbelieving spouse deserts a believer.

Obviously Divorce is frowned upon by the church and the Bible talks of a lifelong covenant when married, but it's not a death sentence either if you happened to marry a sleaze bag.

LOL....you're killing me.


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2013-05-31 7:51 AM tuwood
date : June 10, 2008
author : peteo
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Training for a Tri!!! I get to treat my body as if it were a field mule while my wife runs circles around me and splashes water up my nose at the pool. Whoohoo give me some more!!