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2010-01-02 12:40 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hi everybody! Happy New Year! I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone and sharing the successes and challenges of training and racing. I was inputting all the names into my “friends list” and thought it might be helpful to put up the list of names that I gathered from the posts. I also included real names since it’s nice to know what to call people. (If you’re wondering where I got your real name, if you click on a person’s nickname it goes to your profile where you gave your real name.) Anyways, looking forward to a fun season of training.

Emily, sorry if I got to this before you, I just had some time tonight since I couldn’t sleep and thought a list might be helpful. Can’t wait to hear your advice and stories!

FYI: If you aren’t quit sure how to add friends, here is one way you can do it. On the main screen go to “settings” at the top. Then click on “Training Blog Customization”. Then click on “friends”. From there you just add in each name, like “ersmith29”, and then click “update friends”. That’s it. When you go to your training log you’ll see all your friends listed on the left side so that you can easily look at their training log. Hopefully this helps anyone that might have needed it.

Guess I’ll try to sleep now so I’ll hopefully have some energy for my first run of the new year tomorrow. Happy training everyone!


ersmith29 - Emily

Fuzzypenguin - Jessica

JenMcConnell - Jen

jford2309 - James

murquizo - Mary

rabbitar - Arianne

tri2009 - Tricia

triangel99 - Alicia

twads - Trey

charve03 - Carolina

eherbek - Emilie

ENOENO – Lee Ann

guins - Joe

jarroyo - Julie

khewson - Kerry

LadyBanks – Princess

ljesien - LJ

lyssa72 - Aly

MaryP - Mary

megyezzi - Meg

missyjelizabeth - ?

rebamt - Rebecca

talked-into-it – Basia

kristypizz - Kristy

gator416 - Heather

Sorry if I missed anyone or misspelled anything!

Edited by gator416 2010-01-02 12:44 AM

2010-01-02 8:44 AM
in reply to: #2587682

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Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Jen- I reset my profile, so you should be able to see it now. Tricia
2010-01-02 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2588045

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Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
12 miles!! Wow, that's awesome Jessica. I'm still like "The Little Engine that Could" when I try to get to 4 miles... I think I can... I think I can. So, it's great to hear from someone who has been there and kept going! Tricia
2010-01-02 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
12 miles Jen - that is great!  I am jealous.  I am working up to a 5-mile at a shot as well as the other events.  Swim twice a week with at least one swim leading into a spin class.  To be honest - I don;t even own a bike!  I am relying in the spin classes to carry me through the winter.  Once spring gets here - then I will make the purchase to a bike.  What are some good brands?  I am hesitant about dropping a lot of money on a bike - some run into the $000's - which is a little too rich for me.  What is a good entry level bike?  I've looked at the TREK stores and they are looking at a $1000 bike.  Is that a good brand?

Thanks for the advice - tomorrow is a run day.  I need to set my schedule so I know exactly what I am doing every day...

2010-01-02 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2590017


Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Okey so I'm having a slow start to the New Year and problems sticking w/ my training plan...It was just so darn cold when I walked the dogs this morning that I couldn't bring myself to get out again and put in my real miles...I guess just need to bite the bullett or drive to down and get it done on the treadmill and indoor bike... See what happens tomarrow...

Lee Ann
2010-01-02 10:57 PM
in reply to: #2585514

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

ljesien - 2009-12-30 10:04 PM Hi there, well I started my couch to tri program this week.  I skipped to week four since I'm not a total couch potato. That means it'll only take 18 weeks instead of 22 Laughing.   I went and signed up for a gym membership so I could swim today.  It just seems odd wearing your bathing suit while it's snowing outside.  But I'm dedicated.  I am discovering that finding a tri event at this time of year seems next to impossible? All of the races near me are already full. Anybody have any suggestions on where to look for races? Any advise is appreciated.  It's kind of depressing to set your goals on races you can't get into? I'm not quiting though!


I always find races at They make it really easy to search by zip coed or by how far you are willing to travel. Hope that helps.

2010-01-03 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2590196

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Good LUCK!  I have a REALLY hard time in the cold.  I have fibro so the cold weather is not invigorating - it just makes me want to hunker down and not move at all.  (I think anything below 60 degrees is just wayyyyyy tooo cold!)  But - I have to keep telling myself that it's only cold for a few minutes.  Once my blood gets moving - I warm up really fast.  I have actually taken to have the window open right by my treadmill so I get some breeze - even the 20-degree breeze is great when I am sweating like a pig!  Keep thinking - it's only for a minute or two and we can endure anything for a minute or two...  Keep up the good work!!!
2010-01-03 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2572886


Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
I'm new to all of this ... can you tell me, who is in the group?  I never got a response.  I'd like to know if I need to try and find an open group or not.

2010-01-03 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Happy New Year everyone!  Thanks to those who had  info on where to find races. I found several and actually registered for one.  Here's the next question I have.  Which is better for training? spinning or your actual bike on a magnetic trainer?  Thanks for the info.
2010-01-03 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2572886

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

Slow start to the new year. I finally my husband finally got me into the gym today, even though it's Florida, it's just too cold to run outside. I haven't run since the turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning so it was slow going.  Made it a mile in about 13.45. Then I road the stationary bike for about 10 minutes - 2.5 miles. Finished it up with some weights and crunches.  It felt so great to get back out there and do something.  We have plans to hit the gym again at 5:00 tomorrow morning. Not working for 16 days might make that a little hard to do, but hopefully it goes smoothly and we get in a run. Happy training everyone!

2010-01-03 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2572886

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New user

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Registered for Iron Girl in Atlanta June 27!!!  Is anyone else in this group going to that event?  Would love to talk to you and compare training logs.  I have always been athletic but mostly weight training so now shifting to mostly cardio type work is more challengeing for me but I am looking forward to setting goals and reaching them!
My husband is doing the half Iron Man in New Orleans in April!  I will be there observing, learning and supporting him!  Maybe next year I will be ready for that one! 

2010-01-04 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

I broke out my bike last ngiht to put on the trainer for a ride. I have not ridden it since Nov. I had to change the tubes right off the bat, so it was good practice! I only rode for a quick 30 minute ride, so I will build up soon as it warms up.

This morning I was going to go running, but it was in the low 20s, which is very cold for Memphis, so I decided to go to the gym and run on the "dreadmill". I forgot about all the "resoluters" that would be at the gym, so when I got there, there was not one single dreadmill available. I ended up going upsatirs to the track and ran my 4 miles. It takes 12 laps to equal a mile on that track, so 48 laps is more of a mental thing than a running thing, but I got through the boredom of running in a circle.

2010-01-05 5:53 AM
in reply to: #2572886

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Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Finished a spin class last night and got in about an 800 yard swim this morning.  It's snowing here in Cinci - the first real big snow of the year - and yes - the "resoluters" were out in full force this morning.  More people in the gym this morining than I have seen in the last 2 weeks combined.

Anyway...need some help here.  With as much as I have been working out - you would think that I would be able to shed some weight.  Uhm - not so much.  And the bad part about it is - I have counted calories and found that I am consuming about 1500 - 2000 a day - which is supposedly correct - but I cannot turn anything into weight loss.  I am now swimming twice a week, I run anywhere from 8-15 miles a week and bike between 30 - 50.  So what gives???  Any advice?  I don't drink soda and I can count one one hand the number of cookies that I ate over the holidays.  I wish I could say that I even ate a lot over the holidays but I never gorged myself.  I just don;t understand why it is not coming off.  I saw myself at the gym in one of those huge mirrors and wanted to throw up!  Urgh!

Anyway - here's to a good day starting out with a good swim.
2010-01-05 5:55 AM
in reply to: #2591595

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Good Luck!  I am starting out in the sprint category but would love to do an Ironman someday.  I am envious of that kind of ability and stamina!  You can do it!
2010-01-05 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2594321

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

MaryP - 2010-01-05 5:53 AM Finished a spin class last night and got in about an 800 yard swim this morning.  It's snowing here in Cinci - the first real big snow of the year - and yes - the "resoluters" were out in full force this morning.  More people in the gym this morining than I have seen in the last 2 weeks combined.

Anyway...need some help here.  With as much as I have been working out - you would think that I would be able to shed some weight.  Uhm - not so much.  And the bad part about it is - I have counted calories and found that I am consuming about 1500 - 2000 a day - which is supposedly correct - but I cannot turn anything into weight loss.  I am now swimming twice a week, I run anywhere from 8-15 miles a week and bike between 30 - 50.  So what gives???  Any advice?  I don't drink soda and I can count one one hand the number of cookies that I ate over the holidays.  I wish I could say that I even ate a lot over the holidays but I never gorged myself.  I just don;t understand why it is not coming off.  I saw myself at the gym in one of those huge mirrors and wanted to throw up!  Urgh!


Mary, sometimes you can plateau on your workouts, what I mean by that is if you are doing the same workouts for an extended period of time, your body will get used to that and you will not see the gains you want. I would suggest (and I do not know if you are already doing this or not) that you change up your workouts, do speed drills one day, sprints in the pool, something to change it up and shock the body. Again, this is just an idea
Anyway - here's to a good day starting out with a good swim.

2010-01-05 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2594748

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the suggestion- I'll try to shake things up a bit.  It's not like I have been doing these workouts for months - really only a few weeks but maybe I have settled in quicker than I thought I would.    I'll try to get in some different speed work and routines in the next few weeks and see how that goes.  I have an appointment with a trainer on Thursday at my gym - maybe she can give me some pointers as well.  Here's to shaking it up a bit!

2010-01-06 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2595165

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Mary -

I feel your pain trying to lose weight.  If there's one thing I've definitely learned after doing tris all these years, it's that exercise alone won't do it.  *sigh*  It's interesting to me too that women seem to have a much harder time.  It seems that men can train for a tri and drop weight, but many women actually gain weight in times of intense training (so unfair!!!)  My dream is that somebody does a research study on this and figures out why it's so much harder for women.

That said, I've personally had some success in losing weight by doing the following things:
- weight lifting.  heavy.  3x/week
- watching my diet very closely.  I don't know how you keep track of your calories, but I'm personally very guilty of underestimating how much I eat.  It really, really helps too to make sure that the calories are you taking in are from 'clean' foods. 
- increasing everyday activity.  Several years ago I met with a sports nutritionist who helped me with a plan to lose 10 pounds.  At the time, I was training for an ironman.  I was shocked when he told me to wear a pedometer and get 10000 steps a day.  I figured, I was training, I didn't need to 'walk' to burn calories.  Turns out he was right and I did indeed lose 10 pounds by counting calories and walking 10K steps a day on top of my training.

Hope these tips help a bit!

Now, if I could only get some of these implemented myself...
2010-01-06 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2588784

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

Thanks so much Heather!  It's been so hectic this time of year and our group is so big I really appreciate it!!

2010-01-06 3:02 PM
in reply to: #2591595

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hi Alicia!  Not Atlanta, but I actually just entered the Iron Girl in Boulder this year in August.  This is the first time for this event in Boulder so not sure what to expect, but seems like fun.

Good luck on starting your training journey.  Are you using one of the BT plans to prep?
2010-01-06 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2592272

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

hey James -

good job getting the run in and the trainer time too!  Someone once told me that the first two weeks of every training season is 'training to train' and it involves lots of time doing stuff other than actual training - finding your gear, fixing flats from over the winter, figuring out the gym schedule, showing up at the gym w/o the right equipment, etc until you finally get in the groove of training. 

2010-01-06 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2591130

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED

LJ - Spin bike vs trainer -  IMHO, Outdoor riding > Trainer > Spin class > Recumbant exercise bike > couch ....or something like that. 

Trainer is good b/c you'll get used to your position on the bike and the feel of the saddle.  Don't know about your gym, but at ours, the spin bike seats are a bit more, uh, cushy?  Also the resistance of the flywheel makes certain things like single leg drills and standing work much easier on the spin bike than on a real bike.   Spin class are useful for motivation, fun and to mix things up and are certainly better than nothing!

2010-01-06 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2598527

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New user

Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Emily - That is great!  Good luck in Boulder.  What are the distances?  I have not yet started the BT plan - can you suggest one?  I have been just working on my own and trying to increase my endurance.  My husband has a personal trainer so he helps me as well.  He is doing the 70.3 in New Orleans in April!  I am not any where near ready for that type distance - but maybe next year.  I would appreciate any help you can give on format, plans for workouts, etc.  I have a CycleOps 300 Pro Indoor Cycle that we use for training, a treadmill and then we go swimming at the local YMCA. 
2010-01-06 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Thanks Emily for the advice!  I met with my trainer today to work out a weight program which is missing from my training program.  Today was a run and tomorrow is a run, Friday swim and bike, Saturday run distance.  I still cannot believe that I am training for this!  But if I didn't have a goal - I wouldn't be exercising at all.  I hope that I really like this.

Also - I am not sure what gym you are in where the spin bikes are "more cushy" - but that is not my gym.  I had to buy some cycling shorts to help with some padding because I was killing myself during spin class.  I plan on getting my bike around April so I can get some outside business - but after not riding at all for 20 years - I need something to help me get "back in the saddle" to say the least.

Anyway - here is to a good day and some good rest and we'll do it all again tomorrow!  We are supposed to get a winter storm here so if I don't have to go to work - I can exercise all day long!
2010-01-07 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2594321

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Seminole, FL
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Hey Mary,

I know what you mean about shedding the pounds! After having two babies 18 months apart I was not happy with my body and started training for my first sprint triathlon. I was able to drop a few pounds but then no matter what I did nothing else worked. I had to do something. I join Weight Watchers. I love them. So healthy and it really worked well for me. I have lost 35 pounds through their program and still losing allbeit slower now If you are having trouble go to them see if it might be something for you. THey have losing wieght down to a science and it makes life so easy! Good luck.
2010-01-09 4:22 AM
in reply to: #2572886

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Ersmith29's Group - CLOSED
Jen -

Thanks for the advice.  I am getting desperate and need to do something as I cannot take one more doctor's chart that says I am obese at 5'2" and 152 lbs.  I try to fool myself in believing that I am just "dense."!!!  Congratulations on losing 35 lbs!  That is fabulous!  With having young ones that close together - how do you find time to train for an Ironman?  You must have excellent time management skills!

Just coming off of a stomach virus that ambushed me on Thursday night so I didn't train yesterday.  (Actually, I was happy with being able to walk to the bathroom again) but feeling much better today.  I think I am going to head to the gym for a yoga class to be doing something stretchy and get me back into it without a full blown cardio.  Not too much too soon I guess.

Anyone have any suggestions on a good weight circuit that I could use?  Weight training has never been my big thing - I've done P90X for a few weeks but didn't have the time to commit to it for a full 90 days - so maybe I can use that again as a side program.  But since I belong to the gym - I feel like I should do something there.  My upper body could use some help especially since I notice that during my swim when I get tired at the end - my left arm gets "slappy" and I lose a bit of my form.  Be happy for some advice on what I can do to strengthen that portion.

Have a good day all!
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