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2008-05-05 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
I finished the HIM - it was slow and maybe not pretty but it was done. Overall it was a great day and I learned a lot - see my blog entries over the weekend for lessons learned, and my race report - 

2008-05-05 11:22 PM
in reply to: #1357574

Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Great job, Amanda! I enjoyed reading your race report.

I did a 5K (my 2nd race ever). It was a learning experience. I ran hard, and at first was disappointed that my time was longer than my last race. However, I realize now that due to conditions, it really was progress and a good overall run. Can't get too hung up on the numbers. I did my best. DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) setting in tonight. Anyone care to fill me in on what causes that?

I did a light swim today. Hot tub massage of my legs. Tomorrow is a rest day. Planning not to run until Thursday, just to make sure my legs are recovered.

I am hoping to get in an OWS with the wet suit within a week or so. Can't wait to experience that. Seems like it is something different. Next race is the Danskin Tri in Austin on June 8th. I know that I can do each distance individually. I plan to spend the next 3 weeks on building up my stamina with intermittent bricks. Any guidelines on how many bricks is too many?

U can read my race report at

How was everyone else's weekend?

2008-05-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1383699

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Congratulations! Every race is a learning IM is a four event race (S, B, R ,EAT) I would suggest that you come up with a plan for establishing your fluids/nutrition intake (aero bottle in front, drinking/eating on a schedule -every xx minutes) and practice that from here on out every time you ride...

Sounds like you have a solid self-awareness which is very important in being able to monitor what is gong on "inside your space".....that is a great tool to have in longer distance racing.

Recover slowly but don't wait too long to get back at it....start with swimming and biking to loosen things up.......

way to go!!

2008-05-06 9:34 AM
in reply to: #1383927

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Way to go! Every race finished is a good race! As for the DOMS.....try cooling down more........if you can't jog a mile or so...try walking for 15 to 20 minutes post race....that will help flush out the lactic acid which is almost certainly the cause of you your soreness.

As for how many bricks is too such thing! I always recommend that you run SOME after each ride......mix it up so that sometime it's a longer, more run focused run and sometimes it's just enough to get past the "Stiff-legged" feeling........

Great job...keep it up!!

2008-05-07 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Here's my weekly update...

I had some great workouts this past weekend.  The week started off a little stressful and tired at work, and I haven't had enough sleep the past few nights, however.  Yesterday, I had a pretty crappy run and was cold and slow and tired.  Today, I took the day off.  Tomorrow will be my last run of the week before my first ever 5K run on Saturday.  Actually, it will be the first race I've ever run in.  I'm mostly just looking to finish and have fun.  I've only really been running for about 2 weeks or so after having done no cardio in a while, so it should be a good test for me.

I've reached my goal of being able to run 30 minutes without stopping.  So I should be able to finish the race.  Still need to visit the bike shop... that will be next week.  

2008-05-08 5:34 AM
in reply to: #1388730

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
I've been working on the trainer with no pain (Yeah!) and am leaving for my ortho appt in an hour. I ran last night to test my leg. Nearly 3 miles. I do get the tightness and deep ache about a mile in. I can run through it but not sure if i should.

Now I have some internal calf soreness. I'm wondering if that's from the different shoes. I'm not convinced about the Mizuno's they put me in. I may go get fitted at the store that does the treadmill video analysis at lunch...uggg.

I'm planning a longer ride outside on sunday. And my daughter is having surgery tomorrow to get tubes put in her ears :-(

2008-05-08 9:10 AM
in reply to: #1388730

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Great attitude, just go HAVE FUN! Enjoy the moment.......believe me that nearing the finish line all the discomfort, etc. will go away and you will raise your arms and realize that you accomplished something cool! Enjoy the feeling and use that to fill your "motivational gas tank"'s positive feelings like that that I use when workouts get long, boring or just plain hard.....

Rest up, remember to fuel up efficiently and most of all have FUN!

2008-05-08 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1389143

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
First of all, as a parent of a daughter that had ear tubes, I feel your pain.......don't know if you've experienced this at all but it is initially pretty traumatic (more for the parents than the kiddo since they are pretty much in LA-LA Land) but we found the end results (hearing, speech development , and overall health from not having that breeding ground for infections gone) to be worth it in the long run....

On your shoes, it may take some time to acclimate to a change.....and during that time things may feel "bad" but don't rush...if the new place gives you the same general recommendation, just ramp up slowly to give your body time to adjust to the new support, shape, whatever of the shoes.....

Keep on keepin' on!

2008-05-08 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1388730

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Good luck this weekend Mike! Have a great race and Have fun!!
2008-05-08 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1389492

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Tri-Wog StL - 2008-05-08 9:29 AM

First of all, as a parent of a daughter that had ear tubes, I feel your pain.......don't know if you've experienced this at all but it is initially pretty traumatic (more for the parents than the kiddo since they are pretty much in LA-LA Land) but we found the end results (hearing, speech development , and overall health from not having that breeding ground for infections gone) to be worth it in the long run....

On your shoes, it may take some time to acclimate to a change.....and during that time things may feel "bad" but don't rush...if the new place gives you the same general recommendation, just ramp up slowly to give your body time to adjust to the new support, shape, whatever of the shoes.....

Keep on keepin' on!


Oh, it's totally more traumatic for me. I'm a nervous wreck today! But after 8 ear infections since November and one seriously cranky child, I know it's the best thing to do.

So my dr. told me I have SI joint dysfunction today but really had zero to offer. Great. I'm going to try some back brace/tape and possibly acupuncture (had positive results from that before, haven't tried it for this issue though). So I'll start my training again I guess with taping or an SI belt and try some acupuncture :-(
2008-05-12 7:02 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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Westchester County
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Hope everyone had a good, productive and safe week and weekend!
Last week was a good week for me Got in my runs during the week and a weekend bike/run workouts.
I did take one day last week and returned to yoga after a few years. I was introduced to Ashtanga yoga at my running club, and found it the best counter stretch to running's contracting. Made me realize how tight and inflexible I am despite my build up of endurance.
Still struggling with fascitis pain and lower back pain, but very happy it diminishes during the run/bike. Watched the Giro d'Italia during indoor training session on Sunday which psyched me up a bit.

Hope everyone is doing well and feeling healthy!!


2008-05-12 7:00 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
I had a pretty uninspiring week - pretty much nonexistent workouts but it was my first week after the HIM and I was waiting for various things to heal up. Just got back from a run and it felt good so back to training this week. The next month for me is going to be a little low key - trying to keep the base, but still take a little relax time because June 16th when the IM training plan starts, there won't be any more relax time for awhile.
2008-05-12 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Ran my first ever running race after training for about 2 or 3 weeks. I did alright, but I think I could have pushed myself harder because I was feeling pretty good at the end. It wasn't so long - only a 5K, but it was good for me to get a feel for what the race environment might be like in the future.  But I had fun, and I finished it injury-free, so on to the next one!

Report is here:

2008-05-14 7:05 AM
in reply to: #1357574

Poplar Bluff, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Rough couple of days...spent last two days at the Ritz in St. Louis.  Drank too much, ate way too much, too much golf.  Back to the gym today.
2008-05-14 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
I'm recovering from my daughter's surgery (everything is going fine except for some wicked tantrums) and just saw an amazing sports dc yesterday. He diagnosed nerve entrapment in my leg and back. I'm going to be undergoing ART, nerve flossing, and dry needling. FUN STUFF! THis will be for a month. He hopes to get me running in a week or so.

So I'll be concentrating on swim/bike until that time....
2008-05-14 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1357574


Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Hi all! Really crappy week for me workout and eating wise, work has been horrendous! But I finally got a new bike! Its a 2007 specialized Tricross comp triple. Its not a tri bike but its fast and rugged enough for Michigan roads. I took it to work on Saturday, 8 miles each way, it felt good but made me realize how far I have to go. I was pretty sore the next day, but just weak the day after that, not to mention my butt feels like a fully grown silverback gorilla had its way with me! So I will ride again on Thursday and go from ther till I am riding everyday that I work, 3 days @ 16 miles and 2 days @ 24 miles. Hop everyone else has a great week! I will try to add a link to my bike at the bottom if anyone wants to check it out.



2008-05-14 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1397873

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Smart plan, Mandy....get recovered as you will need that strength when IM training starts.....

2008-05-14 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1397899

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Excellent job.....get it done, have fun....think you could have gone faster....that sir, is the recipe for success in triathlon or any "endurance " sport!

Way to go!!
2008-05-14 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1401448

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Yup, I think we as parents need more recovery time for our kiddos surgery than they do........hang in there!
I'm glad you found a doc to dig deep into your issue.....I suspect from what I read that your recovery will be somewhat slow but with patience you should be back running full stride soon!!

2008-05-14 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1401302

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
O.K. so you were in StL partying and you didn't e-mail me......I'm officially hurt :-( But I'm glad you had a good time you are in town, let me know...the area around the Ritz has some GREAT places to run......our running group uses the roads in that area for our winter training ground.......

Get back at the plan but be careful not to push back too fast......

2008-05-14 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1401729

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
Collin, good on your for two things......

1) Recognizing that you have some refocusing to do with regards to eating and making time to exercise! We ALL have that challenge......especially as work and family are factored in....

2) Getting a new bike! How exciting! On the seat issue....make sure to have someone check your seat height....many times it is just a matter of getting used to the pressure, etc., but oftentimes when I hear of someone having "seat issues" it turns out that their seat is too high which is causing them to rock slightly on the seat causing increased friction and thus the discomfort you mention.....


2008-05-18 11:57 PM
in reply to: #1357574

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Sherman Oaks
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Great week of training for me.  Did my first 5 mile workout on Monday, then did the same thing again on Wednesday.  Friday, it was really hot outside, but I ended up doing close to 4 miles.  This is great for me since I'm really not much of a runner, but I can feel myself gaining the endurance with each week.

Flew up to the Bay Area on Saturday afternoon and the run Bay to Breakers the next morning.  My report is online here.  I had a blast.  The course is 12K (7.46 mi).  Ran a great pace - I started at 9-minute miles but paced myself enough and speeded up enough that by the end of the race, I had lowered my pace to 8:26 per mile.  I know next year if I decide to run it again, I should break one hour easily.

Now that the two road races I signed up for are done, time to start doing some more swimming and biking this week!

2008-05-19 5:37 AM
in reply to: #1401729

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Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
cmoe25027 - 2008-05-14 10:05 AM

Hi all! Really crappy week for me workout and eating wise, work has been horrendous! But I finally got a new bike! Its a 2007 specialized Tricross comp triple. Its not a tri bike but its fast and rugged enough for Michigan roads. I took it to work on Saturday, 8 miles each way, it felt good but made me realize how far I have to go. I was pretty sore the next day, but just weak the day after that, not to mention my butt feels like a fully grown silverback gorilla had its way with me! So I will ride again on Thursday and go from ther till I am riding everyday that I work, 3 days @ 16 miles and 2 days @ 24 miles. Hop everyone else has a great week! I will try to add a link to my bike at the bottom if anyone wants to check it out.




My husband has that bike for his cyclocross racing. You can put skinny tires on it if you want to go a little faster..
2008-05-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1357574

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!

Hi all. Nice to get back to the workouts last week. I did good Monday through Friday getting in my workouts each day. I have made a decision to chill out on the swimming for the next month. I am soooo tired of it and dread going to the pool each time I go and don't enjoy it anymore. So I am only going to swim once a week for the next month, so hopefully when the IM plan starts in June then I'll enjoy swimming again. Did good with the nutrition again during the week last week too. I had a big camping trip this weekend, so didn't do any workouts and nutrition was horrible but that was all planned. I was still very active even if I did not s/b/r - I did lots of other active stuff! Back to it this week, workouts every day this week, back on the nutrition too. 

My other milestone for the week was on my biking. I am slow at everything I do - and I accept that, as long as I finish that's all I care about. I have been doing this group ride every week at one of the local bike shops - it is a women's only ride. They have 3 groups - slow, medium and fast. And this week for the first time I went with the medium group instead of the slow group and I kept up - it was great! I had a great time, so that was very exciting for me.

2008-05-19 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1409970

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Extreme Veteran
Clayton/Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri-Wog StL's Group - FULL UP, Sir!
mqvn - 2008-05-19 12:57 AM

Great week of training for me.  Did my first 5 mile workout on Monday, then did the same thing again on Wednesday.  Friday, it was really hot outside, but I ended up doing close to 4 miles.  This is great for me since I'm really not much of a runner, but I can feel myself gaining the endurance with each week.

Flew up to the Bay Area on Saturday afternoon and the run Bay to Breakers the next morning.  My report is online here.  I had a blast.  The course is 12K (7.46 mi).  Ran a great pace - I started at 9-minute miles but paced myself enough and speeded up enough that by the end of the race, I had lowered my pace to 8:26 per mile.  I know next year if I decide to run it again, I should break one hour easily.

Now that the two road races I signed up for are done, time to start doing some more swimming and biking this week!

Congratulations - that was a heck of a week of running for you and a fast race, wow!

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