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2008-02-03 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1140785

Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Meg and Andrea

I am looking forward to your recipes.
Please share any good finds with the group.

I loved your log about running to Maine!
Wow it really sounded impressive running between states.

Makes my running in the neighborhhod seem a bit small. Lol

Keep up the good work!


2008-02-03 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1188022

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
AHHH I get the bunny pic now....

Ok ladies I just finished making like a huge document of healthy muffin and cookie recipes for a friend.... I'm thinking you guys might appreciate them so I will try to attach.

Healthy Muffin Recipes.doc (35KB - 53 downloads)
Quinoa Recipes.doc (25KB - 32 downloads)
2008-02-03 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1192201

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
One of those attachments is with Quinoa recipes which is a seed or kind of grain that is very high in protein and whole grain fibre so it fills you up. The apple salad one takes some effort to make but you can eat it for lunch or dinner for future meals and it is very filling and convient. I make muffins, soups, slow cooker meals on the weekend or downtimes (when I'm not sub teaching) and then freeze stuff.....

As for healthy snacks... Canada's food guide recently listed granola bars as a "need to LIMIT" food as well as common things like cookies, cakes etc...... So my solution is to make my own trail mix packages (without added oil, salt or sugar) here are some ideas:

raisens, pecans, almonds, cranberries, pumpkin seeds (high in iron), sunflower seeds, cashews- I buy a small- med bag of each from a bulk food store and then make mixes to go into small plastic containers or small snack bages... 1/4 cup of these is considered a serving of nuts or dried fruit so don't gorge.... but enjoy :-)

I will find my list of other snacky ideas/..... I've take a bunch of nutrition courses....

smoothys- make a fast meal out of milk/soymilk, protein powder (hemp, whey, rice or soy), fruit, 2 tsp healthy oil (like omega 3-6-9), flaxseed ground (1-2tbsp) and blend away.. add water to make it thiner if needed.... I have several specific ones if you like...

2008-02-03 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1192235

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
OK.... last bit ... I"m on a roll..

Fruit is a great snack- apples, oranges, kiwi etc..

Also- how about lowfat, low sugar yogurt.. either buy large containers and put into small 1/2 cup containers and add blueberries and cereal grains yourself (hense the healthy parfait). It's nearly a mini meal when you add fruit and whole grain cereal...

Finally- I cut up carrots, celery, brocoli and pepper strips and put them in a handy container in the fridge... for a day teaching (which I am sometimes called with not much time to spare) I grab a cup or so (2 handfulls) and put them in a baggie and if I want I put a couple of tbsp of dip into a mini container.. Recently I re-discovered a kid snack of celery, peanut butter or almond butter and raisens ---- sooooooo good. and full of good nutrients!

Ladies check out try tracking what you eat for 3 days or so then see if you are meeting all your nutrient requirements.. it takes some time and effort but it can educate you on how you are doing. I do this 2-3x a year and then I know if I am lacking in fibre or zinc or b vitamins etc..... it's a free service.

Good luck!
2008-02-04 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1192235

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
mararunner - 2008-02-03 1:21 PM

smoothys- make a fast meal out of milk/soymilk, protein powder (hemp, whey, rice or soy), fruit, 2 tsp healthy oil (like omega 3-6-9), flaxseed ground (1-2tbsp) and blend away.. add water to make it thiner if needed.... I have several specific ones if you like...

Heather, thanks for the muffin recipies - those look great! As for these curiosity is piqued! How much fruit do you add to make it taste OK? And what flavour whey powder would you use? In the past I've found the whey gives it a really chalky flavour, but recently found a kick butt brand which makes divine chocolate and vanilla. Thoughts?
2008-02-04 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1140785

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Weight loss news: I'm going to do it!

This morning I weighed 139 lbs. Yikes. That is what I weighed (exactly) before starting to Tri. So I am getting on it for REAL! First step: shopping.

I purchased a mini notebook for a food log, a book called "Bikini Bootcamp" which features workouts, spa treatments and recipies, and a new pair of CUTE shoes. The shoes are my motivating factor. Lose 5 lbs, and I get to wear them. Here I go!

Its all about the mini-goals!

2008-02-06 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1193724

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Princess_Megz - 2008-02-04 11:42 AM

Heather, thanks for the muffin recipies - those look great! As for these curiosity is piqued! How much fruit do you add to make it taste OK? And what flavour whey powder would you use? In the past I've found the whey gives it a really chalky flavour, but recently found a kick butt brand which makes divine chocolate and vanilla. Thoughts?

So I am a no-dairy gal so I use hemp protein which aparently is very easy to digest and thus uses less energy to break down in your body so you net more energy to keep. Also after a long or harder workout it can be easy on the system to refuel. I have also used whey and soy protein- Natural Factors was good- my hubby still likes that one in vanilla flavour. Remember though one scoop in a shake is representing one serving of protein (like a piece of meat) minus the iron)
So I would put for fruit maybe... 1 cup of blueberries, or my own canned peaches, or one banana. One recipe I have is called "blood booster" for people who want to boost their iron (i'm low right now). :
1 orange
1 banana
2 cups cold water
2 tbsp pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
1 tbsp hemp protein
1 tbsp honey or agave nectar
1 tbsp hemp oil (or I use UDO's oil 3-6-9)
1/4 tsp cloves (better be ground or watch out!)

THis makes 3.5 cups or 2 large servings so I half the recipe mostly..... it's really a meal in a cup.. just drink slow enough or you may not feel full

Another recipe if it was halfed (for one serving) would have 1/2 banana, 1/4 cup blueberries...
or 1/4 papaya, 1/4 cup pineapple, 1/2 banana for a tropical one...

Have fun!!

PS: How tall are you? I weigh 139 as well and I'm 5'6" but I am also slightly more musclely at 20bf......Have you been tested??
2008-02-06 2:12 PM
in reply to: #1140785

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Thanks again Heather! The tropical smoothie sounds wonderful! Where do you get hemp protien? In addition to being lactose intolerant, I have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), so things that digest easier are always a good call. But, to complicate matters, it's hard to say for sure that I have IBS, since its the diagnosis they make when they can't confirm anything else. Along with the upset stomachs comes a sometimes sharp but always achy pain in my lower right abdomen. They've tested for Chrons, a hernia, and ovarian cysts...still no idea. But I'm beginning to wonder if its (at least somewhat) diet related. A family member was just diagnised with celiac disease, and it sounds similar. I figure its always better to eat better foods, so it can't hurt to try some new things. It just might make me feel better!

I am 5'4, so I'm not super overweight or anything, but I'm really "soft." Unfortunatley, it really shows (tummy bulges slightly under shirts, and jiggles a bit...developing a muffin top over my jeans...etc..) I'm less concerned with the actual number on the scale than I am with how I look and feel (and how my clothes fit!). I am also kind of akwardly shaped, and I hold weight right around my stomach and thighs, so it's really not very flattering. It seems in the past that I've felt better about myself when I am around 125-130, so I'd like to work towards that again. But, I have also been trying to increase my strength training in an effort to reduce my % BF, so I anticipate the number associated with feeling more confident will be higher this time around. I have had my BF% been tested before, but it's been about 3 years, and I don't even remember what it was then! I was thinking about seeing if one of the gyms in town (or Malaspina's PE department) can do a test for me. It would be a good starting point I think.

Are you planning to do UBC this year? I've decided to skip it this year because of some other committments in and around the date, but I'm a bit bummed about it. I think I'm going to try to aim for Sooke in April if I can. And of course, Qualicum in June.

2008-02-07 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1140785

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
How is everyone doing this week?
2008-02-08 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1199430

New Jersey
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Hey ladies
Sorry I'm not participating much.

After more evaluation, my physical therapist has limited me to elliptical training exclusively. In addition to that, I'm not supposed to work out very hard. So my logs are going to be very boring for a while

Hopefully after a month of sloth, I'll be back to running better than ever (and swimming and biking and lifting etc)
2008-02-08 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1140785

Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!

sorry to hear that you are down.
just remember to rest and what you need to so that you can get back in the swing of things.

I am having a good week.
It actually got warm enough to do my bike ride outside one day.
That was nice, but I was disappointed the mileage was less than the stationary bike at the YMCA. And I thought I was really pedaling too!
Oh well, any day in Feb that can be outside is a bonus!

thanks for the recipes.
I am looking forward to trying the muffins.

Only 99 days until my first Tri, I am getting excited!


2008-02-08 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1140785

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
That is a bummer, Andrea. But at least it should help you feel better in the long run!

Lisa - wow! Your first race is coming up! Keep up the great work and you'll do just fine

As for me, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things and exercise regularly. So far, so good. My weight is down a bit, and I'm making (generally) better food choices - YAY! I looked at the BC race calendar yesterday, and I got excited. With some more time, money, and access to a car this year, I'm going to spread my wings and do more races, me thinks! Planning on starting April 20th...fingers crossed!

2008-02-08 11:50 PM
in reply to: #1153950

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- open
mararunner - 2008-01-13 9:37 PM


So we have:

Kate_r - kate - unknown status- where are you??

slusser-Corinne (joined another group)

Shady-Sandy- still training

ihavegluestick- Andrea - currently focusing on healing her injuries :-( We are thinking about you!

baileysic- Licia (sp?) - unknown status...where are you??

luckegirl - Lisa: training??? I'm going to double check!

tiggerbounce- Diana- where are you? unknown status

Princess Megs- Meg- actively chatting away, still training!

I belive this is the status of everyone here so far.... if I missed you let me know.... 3 people have stopped logging so I'm not sure it they are still with us but the rest of you - Keep it up!!

Keep smiling:

quote of the week (my new activity for our group)

" The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start!" George Sheehan

Also- I've been fishing around in the articles section- there are some great nutrition articles I would reccomend by Nancy Clark- she also writes a great sports nutrition book...

Have a great weekend girls...

I"ve been trying out the intermediate sprint training workout... it is certainly a challenge getting in all the workouts - my goal is to work on volume with low intensity... basically getting my but in the pool, on the bike seat and running on the treadmill (until the snow is gone)
So far all snowy runs have not be very sucessfull (slipping and sore muscles) SNOW IS FOR SKING!!!!


2008-02-08 11:51 PM
in reply to: #1202523

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- open
OK yes sorrry it's not luckegirl its lucygirl-- sorry and yes you are definately training....

2008-02-09 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1202525

Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- open

Yes I have been training.
5-6 days per week and I am starting week 6!

Actually my name was supposed to be luckyegirl, but I missed typed! lol
2008-02-14 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1202870

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- open
Hey guys I just wanted to share a quick tip I experienced this week. I got a yucky cold. Normally my idea has been if it's above the neck you can work out and if it's below the neck don't work out. This cold floored me on Sunday and Monday so my conclusion is REST IS BEST. take a day or two and rest, then get back into it with medium intensity exercise. I did a bike and swim on Wednesday.

Each of us is going to have barriers to exercising..... it's great to plan ahead as to how you are going to work through those barriers......


2008-02-15 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1140785

Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Hey! It's me Corinne (slusser) and I haven't joined another group - I just haven't posted much. Not much to say, I'm training regularly, trying to get some swim time each week but my kids schedules have gone crazy so any extra time seems spent in the car driving them to and fro. It might be nice enough to run this weekend outside - Yea! I am up to 4 miles on the treadmill and 66 minutes on the bike. I plan on starting the 20 week from couch to olympic plan next week but have a question. Since the times to work out are shorter than I am training now do I train for the shorter time but really rev up the intensity? or should I start where I am already and keep plugging away.

You all sound like you are going great

For a healthy snack you could make your own granola, any nuts, grains and a little olive oil, honey and cinnamon to hold it all together bake in a 200 degree oven for 2 hours or so - my husband loves it.
2008-02-16 12:15 AM
in reply to: #1214233

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Sorry- I knew someone had accidently joined 2 groups and switched over, I think I got you mixed up with another.

Intensity: well yes and no, this is out base building time... if you introduce too much intensity too fast you may get overtrained or injured.

Consistency is huge ladies...... be consistent and keep going...
2008-02-16 12:19 AM
in reply to: #1215647

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Well in lue of the fact that our group has slightly gotten smaller and/ we're doing ok. I have invited my client that I know from work (YMCA) to join our group. Her name is Corinne and she is training for her 2nd Olympic triathlon this year and hopes to improve her time.

Just like everyone else, we are all open to questions, ideas, sharing etc..... most of all group support...... feel free to continue encouraging each other etc...

I have a request now for great motivational quotes and songs for the IPOD or music player while running or cycling (for those of us who use it)

So post your ideas... motivational pics are great too....

2008-02-16 11:33 PM
in reply to: #1215648


Subject: Hi Heather
So here I am - my first log on the forum - i am very excited about joinging the group! Hi Eveyone! - I look forward to getting to know you all. Just a little bit about me - I am 40 years old. I have 2 kids who are 19 and 21. I was a single mom for most of the last 15 years and now that the kids are older and launched - I figure it is time to focus on me! Last year - in April at my 40th Birthday Party - I decided to finally start training for a triathlon (something I wanted to do for years -but put off) my sisters joined me and we did a womens sprint in August last year. And I did an olympic on my own.
My goals are 1) To improve my olymic time 2) Loose 30 lbs (I have lost 25 or so lbs over the last few years) 3) Do a 1/2 ironman the following summer.

I just want to be healthy and fit - I want to head into the next 40 years healthy and strong!!!

Again - I look forward to getting to know all of you!


2008-02-19 5:53 AM
in reply to: #1140785

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
I'm back and apologies for the absence, work has been getting the bettwr of me and then on top of that I've been away. All of which have added to my stress and, being a comfort eater, my weight. When it get's me like this I tend to hids away and pretend it's not happening only to get a shock when I see that yet again I'm back where I started. It's a viscious cicle 'cause at the moment my back is twingy so I'm cautious of doing little other than swimming - but at least I'm doing that. Even that make my back spasm a little but I am moving it even if gently.

I'd like advice on where to go from here? I really want to do more triathlons this year but it all depends on my back. I'm not too sure if jogging is a great idea and cycling's out at the moment as well. What should I do? Should I stick to swimming only or keep trying the others in a little discmfort?

Any ideas gratefully recieved.

Of course what I really need to do is loose weight so I'm also pushing full steam ahead with a weight loss diet that (fingers crossed) will help.

Sorry I've been so absent and I'll try and post more!

2008-02-19 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1140785

Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Hi it is great to hear from everyone! Welcome to the group Cori.
I am glad to have an gal who is 40. I am 45!

I wanted to tell you about the couch to tri 20 week plan.
That is way too easy for you.
I am doing the 20 week basic plan and am in week 7.
I just ran my first 3mile and bike 58 min.
You are already doing these things.
If you want a plan you could jump in on the basic plan at week 7.

Hope evryone is having a great week!

2008-02-19 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1140785

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!
Hey everyone Sounds like we've all been busy ladies!

Kate, I'm sorry to hear your back is bugging you so much. Being in good "tri" shape will come from swimming, biking and running of course, but maybe (while your back gets better) you could try some cardiovascular cross training that is more comfortable? Swimming a different stroke or using the elliptical? I hope you start feeling better soon!

As for me, life has been busy. I got a new job last week which is great so far (after only 2 shifts) but is taking some getting used to. Between it (which is part time) and my original job (which I still have and is also part time) I'm back to nearly full time hours! It's sweet for my bank account and resume, but has been tough on my sleep patterns and workouts. But I've been doing pretty well with my new eating habits (there have been a few slips) and I'm down 2.5 lbs! Only 2.5 more to go before I can wear my beautiful new shoes

2008-02-19 11:53 PM
in reply to: #1219683

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!

What is your weight loss diet plan? You need to go see your Doctor first and then physio or massage 2nd. Physio especially can help prescribe how much exercise you can do or what core exercises would be best for you. Walking or power walking is a great start to getting back - maybe even 20-25 minutes a day untill you get approved for more exercise.

Diet- be careful to not put your calories to low or do anything extreme other than cutting out junk food and eating more fruits and veges..... YOu can log you food on websites like or even this website to find out if you are consumming the rights nutrients and balance of carbs, protein and fats...

2008-02-19 11:56 PM
in reply to: #1220808

New user
Subject: RE: Canadian athlete- closed!

Congrats on the weights loss. Keep up the healthy eating habits. Think about how you are creating habits for life... not just for a short time to loose weights.

I know the work work work scenario. My week this week is nearly full time teacher plus 11 hours at my second job..... personal workouts will have to be prioritized to get them done.

I like to reward myself with yummy ish treats like my chai tea with soy milk and honey....

or order Sushi to bring home to share iwht my hubby.... (not too much!)

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