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2008-05-01 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1354433

Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

I've read that bike shorts are built the way they are to reduce the number of seams and to decrease chaffing.  If you wear your underwear under your bike shorts, you're defeating the purpose of the specially made bike shorts and could end up with the chaffing.

I could be wrong though...

2008-05-02 5:35 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
I am such a wimp. I went riding with my team last night and it was just two of us to start. We did hills and more hills. I even had to walk my bike up one of them because my shoes came unclipped and I am not good with the shoes yet (I have the bruises still from the last time I tried to clip back in on an uphill).

I really need to focus on my nutrition. Right after my team member offered me some Clif Shots (and I declined) I was bonking. The last 3 miles were brutal. My muscles are so fatigued this morning. I couldn't even move last night. I know its because of my eating yesterday. I never thought it affected me. Lets talk about pre-training food and recovery food. What works for you? I am going to do some educating of myself this weekend. I really think eating better would make me more efficient.

On the bike short thing-when I asked the question of my biking group, I got all sorts of answers. I think its gross but I am trying it. I can't say it makes a huge difference because my bike seat (a pro-flight tri seat) is awful on my girl parts. I need a new saddle but haven't had a chance to get one. Bike shorts, according to the bike geeks, are created to offer padding and decrease chafing. Wearing underwear apparently defeats that purpose. The same thing with tri shorts.

Have a great day! Happy Training!!!
2008-05-02 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
No swim for me tomorrow- have a 3 mile walk for March of Dimes scheduled with friends.

Did my bike today sans underpants. So, my take on the commando bike shorts? Seems fine. Didn't really notice a difference to be honest. And I'm kind of grossed out about it all.
2008-05-02 5:55 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

I'm proud of you girls for starting to step up and go commando with the bike shorts (tri shorts too, when you get to that point). Less seams are more comfortable and it's not hard to get over the gross factor. Just make sure you wash them often - I only have one usable set and I don't want to have to start a load just for them - so I will take my shorts into the shower with me, put some anti-bacterial soap on them and lather up the chamois. Then rinse, hang to dry. By the next morning, they're ready to go again and I'm pretty confident that there isn't any worrisome bacteria to cause an infection.

 Sorry I was away for yesterday - my husband and I really only get to spend two nights a week together (due to shift differences) and we were curled up on the couch watching the Simpsons all evening. I obviously didn't train, so I need to go out on a run tonight.

Jo - I'm also in the market for a more comfortable saddle that won't break the bank. I'm going to hit up my local bike store tomorrow to see what kind of insight they can provide. Most bike stores will do refunds/trades on saddles that you buy there until you find one that's comfy for you.  

2008-05-02 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
So I got my log to be viewable, now how do I get my distance to record. I can get the hours inputed but the distance always disappears even when I press save. What am I still doing wrong?

I rode 26 miles of hills yesterday and I want that on my log for prosperity. My workout today consisted of a manicure and pedicure (that takes a lot to hold your hands out so they can be polished). My fatigued muscles earned the day off.

Edited by jogo 2008-05-02 6:44 PM
2008-05-02 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
JO- I loved your workout today! I might be inspired to do the same sometime next week!

Kate- what a nice way to spend the evening!

I organize an on-line mom's club that has 80 members. We have weekly playdates...etc. and a message board. I posted a message, telling my group that I was doing the 5K on July 4th (mainly for some local accountability). It wasn't my intention...but I now have 5 other women that are signing up to do it with me. One of them is in great shape and runs regularly. She told me that she is going to run/walk alongside me and help me pace myself etc. She lives only 2 blocks away and said she would even do some runs with me in the next two months before the race. Needless to say, I was very excited. It is also kind of neat, because the other 4 women are kind of like me, and see it as a way to get motivated to exercise. Should be interesting! Wonder if I can get any of them to do a sprint-tri....?!

2008-05-04 6:38 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Everyone seems quiet- busy training this weekend??? Today is the end of my recovery week, so a short run, another mile and a half.

Our March got rained out yesterday, so I skipped my morning swim to go, then didn't even get to walk. My husband and I both took the rest of the day off to try and get projects done around the house. He leaves on vacation Wednesday morning so it will be interesting to see if I get all of my workouts in. The only one I am really worried about is a 58minute bike ride scheduled for Friday. I may call and see if I can find a sitter.

I was off on my training all week- even though it was a recovery week- because I skipped Monday's workout. I don't like feeling like I'm off! Back to kicking butt this week!
2008-05-04 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Wake up everyone, we've been a little quiet this weekend. Hopefully everyone is training and/or enjoying life on the weekend.

So I need some input from my friends. Lets hear your experiences and what works for you.

1. Nutrition-I really bonked the other day during my ride. I also want to drop some weight but feel like I am out of control. I am thinking of trying weight watchers again but if I do, points or core? Can you really follow any type of calorie control when you are training? Be honest. I want to learn how to use food as fuel, if that makes any sense.

2. Logs-I cannot get my logs to show distance and this week it did not show my weekly totals because of the month change. I have to go to April to see what I did in the beginning of the week and May to see what I did at the end of the week. I can't view my whole week together. The distance thing is bothering me. I need the reinforcement that I am improving.

3. Fitting training into life-I am finding, especially on the weekends, that there is too much going on and I have a hard time getting a workout in. Also, and I know this will seem silly, but I have to work my showers around my workouts because the chlorine is drying my hair and skin. I either have to take two showers (with hair washing-I have very thick hair that takes 30 minutes to dry-just had most cut off to try to decrease that time but still takes 20+minutes) or try and get my workout in the morning which has been impossible. How do you all fit this in? I figure-20 minutes total stretch with warm up/cool down, 60 minutes for workout/40 minutes total showering time for a total of 2 hours(3 hours if biking because I drive to find good riding areas without a lot of stop signs or traffic. I am having a lot of time dedicating 2 hours on the weekend with kids sports, showers, church, shopping, laundry, etc.

I am looking for suggestions. I will go work out this evening, even if it is a short run but I want to do more than that. What works for everyone? I know that you all have families and commitments, how do you fit it all in?

Thanks for your input. Hopefully these questions will open up a discussion that could benefit all of us busy women. Lets brainstorm!!!

Edited by jogo 2008-05-04 8:28 AM
2008-05-04 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Hi Jo... I am doing WW and doing the points system. I really like it, but I also have friends doing the core program. I am just beginning to get into an exercise schedule, so I don't know that I have a lot of info. about eating/training. I do know that I have started telling myself, I am an athlete, I am an athlete, and it makes a difference as to what kinds of food I eat. For example, on WW you can eat whatever you want, as long as you count the points. But I have started making choices like fruits and veggies over sweets and ice cream....because "I am an athlete." What food will help me finish my first 5K....? I like how you put it....fueling your body.

Time and exercise are sure an issue for me. I am a stay at home mom with an almost 3 year old. During the day, whatever exercise I get, has to be with her in the picture. So I go walking with her in her stroller, or do an exercise DVD during her nap, or I did just visit a health club that has child care. The only times that I can swim or bike, are when my husband is around to watch her. Now, starting in Sept. she will be in PK3 for 3 half days....and I plan on using a lot of that time for exercise. Weekends are hard too, because my DH doesn't really want to spend all day watching her while I exercise.

I know what would really help would be a jogging stroller, a bike trailer and a membership at a club that has a pool and child care. The common denominator would, which I don't have an abundance of at the moment. Soo...for now, I have to be creative!

I hope everyone has had a good weekend!
2008-05-04 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hi all -

Hopefully everyone has had a good weekend. Jo brings up some good points for us to discuss:

1) Food. - If you can get in the mindset that food equals fuel, life gets easier. Do you want your body made of Dunkin Donuts or apples? Should be an easy choice - but sometimes isn't. I will admit, I am a convenience food addict. I know that homemade food tastes leaps and bounds better than anything I can get at restaurants in my price range, but there are a lot of days where it's "Gee, I'm hungry, I can just stop and get something on my way home." Even when there's easy-to-cook food waiting at home for me. What I'm trying now is to go ahead and cook a package of chicken breasts each weekend, then put them into tupperware so I can grab and build from there if I'm ravenous when I get home. Sometimes I come home and devour the chicken, other days I decide that I don't want the chicken and I'll cook something else. Knowing it's there and readily consumable has helped me cut down on the convenience of picking up something on the way home. (Plus, if I still have portions of uneaten chicken by Thurs or Friday, I'll take it for lunch. And that beats the sandwich!). I know a lot of people who have had success using Weight Watchers system. What has worked for me is the knowledge of good healthy food, and eating a majority of that. When I was doing the best, I was eating lots of fruits and veggies daily, lean meat, and a really good piece of chocolate after dinner for dessert.

2)  Logs - for the distance display problem, try asking about the problem in the Training Log and Site Support forum. Marmadaddy will help you straight away. As for the being unable to see the full week, it happens. Maybe ask him if there's a way around that too? 

3) Finding the time - Gosh, I've been having a hard time with this lately. Time to train wasn't hard when I was in graduate school and within a mile of the University's health center. Now I teach all day and usually am spent by the time I'm done with the day. The pool doesn't open up early enough for me to get in a swim and get to work on time and the area is scary to run or bike in pre-dawn or post-dusk. Committing time to training during the week is usually easy for me - my husband works second shift, so we only get two evenings a week to spend together (his off days, Monday and Thursday, every other week). On the weekend, we get mornings together no matter what, but every other week, he has Saturday and Sunday off... because we don't get to spend a lot of time together, I completely understand your weekend dilemma!  (And I don't even have kids!). Is it possible to get up earlier than the rest of the family on the weekends so you can get your training in before everyone is awake? (I know, I know, goodbye sleeping in... :-( )

On weekends when my husband is working, I spend the morning with him. Then when he heads out around 1:30, I go get my training done. On weekends that he is off, we have an ongoing Saturday obligation from around 10 to whenever we end, so if I don't get up and out by 8, I won't get a workout. I usually try to make sure that I schedule one of my rest days on that weekend - usually Saturday. Dear husband is completely understanding, so I can usually get a workout in on our shared Sunday. But I try not to make it my long bike or run. So I guess the word is "compromise" - do what you can, but don't stress too much if you can't manage more than a 30 minute workout on the weekend. (I have thick hair too, I just don't dry it)


As for me - I'm in the deep throes of the last minute preparations for my students' big End of Course state standardized testing, so I haven't been making time for training the last few days. (Hello stress, my name is Kate... we're already well acquainted). I ran today, in the heat. Still not acclimated, but I took it easier this time. I ran the first mile, mostly ran the second one, mostly walked the third. I know that my husband is home tomorrow, so I probably will miss my swim tomorrow. I can't wait til summer so I don't feel compelled to miss sessions so I can see my favorite person in the world. 3 more weeks.

2008-05-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
1- Nutrition- 2 years ago I had a possible stroke/aneurism/still undiagnosed explosion in my head that left me bedridden for two weeks with vertigo, vomiting, partial facial paralysis, and intense head pain. I got lumped into the diagnosis of "migraine" when neurologists could not figure out what was wrong. After 6 months of trying meds, I decided to try changing my nutrition, and followed a book by Dr. Gillian McKeith called "You Are What You Eat." Turns out there was a ton of sugar- especially hidden sugar, like corn syrup- in my foods and once I added sugar foods back into my bare bones caveman diet, my head exploded- just on a smaller scale. I completely changed how I view food and what goes into my body. And that really helped with my second pregnancy, and helped with ditching baby weight. And, I am finding it helps so much with training that I've sort of converted my husband to eating better. I eat lots of fresh produce, avoid anything processed, and especially avoid high fructose corn syrup. I find that lots of proteins and any whole grains are helpful with long term energy release, so if I know i have a long bike - like on Fridays- I try to eat a lunch that has a grain like Quinoa in it (it's not just a whole grain but also high in protein). My mum has helped out by finding an all natural energy bar mix and she makes them for me, then hand delivers them whenever she visits- the brand of the mix is Mattisse and Jack? I think. I still get my sugar cravings- I just can't do a ton of it, so that leaves GU and other gels out for me. And, we still don't know what is officially wrong with me, but diet and exercise and one med seem to help control symptoms and I head to a new neurologist and research group in June. I seriously recommend the book- but only if you really want to change how you eat and how you view food. Also, if you get BBC, Gillian has a show and watching it just once can have a serious effect on you and your relationship with food. For real, she totally grossed me out about hot dogs and fast food hamburgers.

Okay, off my horse.

2- Fitting it all in: I have a 6 year old and a 10 month old, and a husband who is training for several sprint tris, one olympic distance tri, and a half iron man this summer. I started training in January and it has now become part of our weekly routine. We coordinate training schedules and have it all written out each week- so we sort of know who has what each day- and I try to fit in my rides when someone can watch both girls. I do my long workouts when I have someone to watch the kids, and take the baby with me in the jog stroller for short runs. As we get to longer and longer workouts, we know it will get harder, but right now it's working. I have to admit I do not have two hours straight to work out- I stretch with kiddos crawling all over me, often have to nurse a baby after I stretch- and the showering? Well, that happens sometime. And sometimes we are just happy if it happens before bedtime. My suggestion- write out the fam schedule- kiddo classes, weekly regular commitments- then check your training schedule and switch days accordingly. If you know your long swim workout is every Saturday morning, for example, it just becomes routine. After a few weeks. Or months. And, some days- like today- life just gets in the way. We are trying to get a million projects done in preparation for the baby's baptism June 1st. So I painted a bathroom with the husband instead of doing a good run.

As I've said before- you gals who do Weight Watchers have my admiration. I tried it and could not do it. I cheated all the time. This was pre-head-explosion, though, so maybe I'd do better.

And, since I've let the cat out of the bag on my wierdo nutrition, wanted to do a heads up on some sugar free hydration: I was trying out Ultima powder, which is sweetened with Stevia. Very good- got samples at my running shop and highly recommend the raspberry flavor. Then I saw Powerade came out with a calorie free variety and WOWZA did I like it. Still not as good as the tons of water I drink each day, but I need something extra for those long rides and post-run. Encouraging. But I am wondering if this will hurt me on race day. I have to avoid the Gatorade because ingredient #1 is high fructose corn syrup. Anyone else have some input on the hydration front?

2008-05-04 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Wow, everyone put so much thought and so much of themselves out there over these topics. Thanks to all.

As far as the weird diet stuff-my daughter had migraines years ago and the doctor limited her processed foods like lunch meat, pepperoni, soft cheeses like mozzeralla, and chocolate. It worked for her and we were all able to see the "you are what you eat philosophy". I am pretty much a freak about whole grains and non-additive foods. I don't like my kids eating anything that has been on antibiotics or steroids and I look for the most "natural" foods. I will not eat artificial anything if I can help it.

As far as the training, I am going to try to get up early and try and fit in a run before work. I used to run before work all the time until a person followed me in a car one day and freaked me out. I need to get over that and just do it. I will take my cell phone with me. I also have a stupid looking head light now.l

We all have busy lives and I find it so encouraging to see how everyone balances them. It is great to have this venue available to find the support and motivation. Happy training this week to all!!!! Remember we do this for us and our training is for us. Our families will benefit in the fact that we are taking care of our physical and emotional selves!!!
2008-05-05 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Happy Monday everyone! I weighed in at WW this morning and have lost another 0.8 pounds for a total of 8.2 in the last month.

After weigh-in a friend and I went to check out a wellness center and we did a 30 minute ab/glute workout. Sheesh...I had noodle legs after that for a while. We also used fitness balls which must take a lot of coordination...I fell off a few times!!!

When DH gets home, I am hoping to go for a swim in our condo pool. I have no idea how long it is, I guess I can just pace it off and go from there. Hopefully, there won't be many senior citizens with noodles in tonight...sometimes it's an obstacle course out there!!!
2008-05-06 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
My allergies are terrible! But I ran anyway- no choice with the 5k looming in a week and a half! Have changed this week's training schedule to focus hard on the run- the husband assures me I'm ready for the 5k, but my goal is to run the whole thing. Today I ran 2.8 miles- longest yet; had planned on 3.3 but mentally could not do it. It's totally a mental block and I hate that. Stopped to briskly walk for two minutes (20:40 through 22:40) when I was coughing and snotting everywhere.

I can not take most allergy meds because I'm still nursing (two months to go!) so I'm using a nasal spray (Zicam) but had to add in Alavert. Any suggestions? Besides MOVING?

Pushing the jog stroller through the runs this week- hoping that means I will fly through my planned 3.3 mile run on Sunday. Was pretty happy with my run today but am having trouble establishing a slow pace in the first mile. Any suggestions?

Okay- Sharyn- did you get your swim in? Congrats on the weight loss! And on the ab/glute work out.

Jo- how funny that I had that big old post about how great my husband and I are at fitting in training and look- no training for me yesterday! I'm making it work and using yesterday as my one day off a week, but I felt like such a fool when all the best laid training plans fell apart yesterday due to a certain screaming, teething, crying baby. That same baby is feeding the dogs my snack (pretzel sticks) so that ends my computer time. Gorgeous weather here so hope everyone else has good weather too and got out today to train!
2008-05-06 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Good evening ladies! Is everyone still doing okay?


Jo - Glad we could help! Whole foods are definitely better, and it sounds like you have that squared away. The next thing to tackle is portions (which was my achille's heel) - because what I think is a portion is usually 2 or 3! I'm working on this - I picked up a decent food scale and I'm using it along with volume-based measuring cups to make sure I have my portions figured out. I think my next step after figuring out what a portion is is to start counting calories. Ugh- I hate counting calories! But it seems like it may be a necessary evil for me to continue on my journey to the best triathlon body I can get. On the upside, I ran in my tri top the other day and I could tell that  I have arm definition for the first time in my life. My triceps pop out when I straighten my arm (thanks bike!) and my biceps are actually existent! It's kind of cool... but I digress.

Sharyn - If the pool is like an obstacle course, consider it good training for the open water swim! (especially if there are pushy little kids! - just don't whomp anyone too hard). It's kind of like this (only not quite as brutal, usually... you'll probably want to hang towards the back of your start unless you're a really fast swimmer (I'm not)).

Anne - Allergies suck, no other way around it. Did you know when folks train for marathons, they usually only train their long runs to 20 miles? They figure that the last 10k is pretty much a given on adrenaline. If you're running 2.8 miles with a jogging stroller, finishing a 3.1 miles without one should be a breeze - let your adrenaline carry you those last three-tenths of a mile! As for other suggestions, growing up living in the South, I know your pain. What works for me is hot showers every morning/evening and doing my best to blow it all out while in there. Other folks around here swear by eating locally-farmed honey, which makes sense. I haven't tried that yet though - you should be able to find some at a local health food store or vitamin shop (or the farmer's market).


Hallelujah, the state tests are over! That's after 3 hours of standing around/moderate slow walking/being a prison guard to about 375 students in the gym this morning. I did that yesterday too, so my legs are shot. Despite this, I didn't rearrange my plan so I would swim today, instead I ran for a bit (and my feet were dying) and I did some speedwork on the bike too (on the trainer inside). Tomorrow should be a swim for me, and strength session.  

2008-05-07 5:24 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
I think I may have pulled something in my left hip on that bike ride last week. I have tried to accomplish my run workouts with no success. Last night, I ran all of 1/2 of a house. I couldn't even get past my neighbor's driveway. It doesn't hurt except when I run. I stretched and stretched and that did nothing. I can't feel anything in the muscles just hurts with the pounding of the pavement. I tried to run on grass and the treadmill, same thing. I am going to put the running on hold for a couple of days.

ALERT-Gross Question-I am scared of being on my period during a tri. Are there port-a-potties or somewhere to change products after the swim? What do you do? I can't go longer than an hour, if that, in the pool and then I absolutely am running to the bathroom or take the chance of leakage. I can't imagine trying to bike and then run after a swim if it is a heavy day. I am definitely wearing black tri shorts.

I am really getting the reputation here for putting a lot of questions out there. Sorry girls but I don't know who else to ask.

Just a comment on the allergies-pregnant women can take sudafed for colds (unless that has changed-its been 5 years since I stopped working in OB. Check with a lactation specialist at your hospital-they are usually available or they will refer you the nursery nurse as a reference to see what meds are safe for breastfeeding. There is no reason to be miserable if you don't have to.

2008-05-07 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Jo, thanks for the tip on the Sudafed. I avoid purchasing it or taking it if at all possible because the few times I bought it while pregnant I had to jump through hoops at the pharmacy to get some. I guess that might be part of living in Ohio- gotta hide the Sudafed so the meth makers don't buy it all!

ACK! I had not even thought about the Aunt Flo Issue. I haven't had one of those since September of 2006! Yikes! I don't care how light a girl is, if you swim first, you gotta worry about squishing and leakage. How absorbant are the chamois bike short seats? Not absorbant enough. Thank goodness you asked that question- not like I can ask my only tri friend around here, the husband. So- experienced Tri-Girls- weigh in! What's a girl to do if she's got her period on race day?

Lap swim was quiet today. It was me, some dude who thought he was fast, and 3 little old men. I had fun playing outswim/outlast with the guy. Tried not to go too hard because tomorrow is another run.

Thanks for reminding me that I am more than likely ready for the 5k. I have this crazy fear that I will get out there and not be able to finish the race and my family - the husband and two kids- will be waiting for me at the finish line forever. I'm still going to stick to my hard run week just to make sure I'm super ready and hopefully get over my fear.

OH- and the rains came today. That is great for us, bad for the pollen.
2008-05-09 5:19 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
I went biking for the first time since that killer ride I had last week. The biking went well, 16 miles on my hilly course. I tried running a little after and my lower back and left hip are just so stiff and I am so afraid I am going to throw my back or spasm. I ran short little bursts but no real distance. I am going to try yoga this weekend and see if I can get my muscles to settle a little. How's everyone else's training going?
2008-05-09 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Jo- are there any stretches that can help the tightness in the hip and leg? Anyone know of any that could help her? Is it an area you can ice? I hope it loosens up during yoga. Sounds like a good plan.

Training is going well, but naturally not according to plan. Sometimes the cranky baby disrupts things. She was very mad yesterday when I put her in the nursery to try and run after her waterbabies class, so I did a short short run. Today I had two phone calls out to try and have someone either come watch the baby for an hour this morning or both kids later this afternoon, but no one called me back. I made a plan, thinking I could do as much of my ride as possible while the baby napped this morning. Of course she woke up as soon as I got the bike on the trainers in the basement, so I put her in the playpen and rode until she got really mad (38 minutes). Usually the husband watches the kids while I get a ride in but he's on vacation.

How is everyone else's training going? Big plans this weekend? I have swim class tomorrow morning (EARLY) and might try to fit a bike ride into the afternoon because the older kid has a playdate and the baby has to nap sometime, right? Sunday is a long run- I am hoping to run in the afternoon, on my own, and go 3.3 miles. Big goals! It would be a fab mother's day gift if I managed to do that distance and I would feel so much better about my 5k race- a week from tomorrow! Ack!

Off to ice my knee- started hurting around minute 30 in the ride. Does not help that I did not stretch before my ride.
2008-05-10 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Naples, FL
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Hi everyone! I have been AWOL the last few days. Did absolutely no exercise to speak of since Tuesday....!

This morning I got up and got ready to walk/jog a mile and time myself with a stopwatch that my husband "said" he had. Hmmmmm....couldn't find it, so I timed myself with my cell phone...LOL very scientific!

I started right as the time changed to 8:46 and ended a few seconds after it changed to 9:03. So I guess that puts me in the range between 16-17 minutes. I walked with 5 "bursts" of jogging. The 5K is on July 4th and my original goal is to finish under 45 minutes...I think I will be able to do that. 4 friends of mine have also registered to do the 5K as well.

Tomorrow I am planning on getting up and going for a swim while DD and DH are still in bed. Happy Mother's day to all the mommas in our group!!!
2008-05-12 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1354433

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Hello Everyone! Happy Monday!

What is on everyone's training schedules for this week? Hope you had a good weekend and got in a ride, or a run, or a swim.

2008-05-12 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1354433

Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hey ladies.  I've also been MIA for a few days.  We've have unexpected company for an amount of time TBD.  You can read my page for details....but it's safe to say, things are going to be difficult for a while.

But I'm fully committed to my training and to competing in at least three sprint triathlons this summer!  My first is coming up in just a few short weeks!  I'm feeling good about the swim (would like to get a couple open water swims in before the event though) and the bike....but need to kick it up a notch with the running. 

I'm looking forward to it though...Hawk Island in Lansing, MI on June 1st!  Watch out!

2008-05-12 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!
Kristen, I have a need to be a mother-hen. I was in the same situation with my first husband and his parents. Same thing, parents were not really parents, low-income, lots of unnecessary health episodes, etc. We will be here to support you and the only word of advice that I can give without lecturing too much is SET LIMITS and set them now and don't waiver. Set them with your boyfriend and his mother. Give her and him(he has to shoulder some of the responsibility) a deadline for when she has to leave. Offer all the resources you can and then take care of yourself. You have to make time for you (and that is what your training is for). Be selfish about it, you deserve it. Enough said. Sorry, I have raised 5 kids and sometimes the mom in me takes over.

My first tri is also Hawk I-Tri. I am no where near ready. I am getting so nervous. I just keep plugging away. My running is my weakness now because of an annoying hip pain. Do you have a wet suit? I have not convinced myself to invest that much money in one yet. Good luck with the training and know that we are all here whenever you need to vent.
2008-05-12 3:31 PM
in reply to: #1354433

Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Thanks for the encouragement Jo.  So you know, my boyfriend is great.  He is shouldering most of the burden and is setting strict limits.  I know that if it gets to the point where it is too much for us to handle, he'll be the first to suggest that we have to make other arrangements for his mom.  But I also know that, in the mean time, it's going to be a very long and frustrating period dealing with it.

I did get a wetsuit for the Hawk Island tri.  I actually bought it used from another BT memeber for only $60...and it fits perfectly.  I figured for that price...why not!  And I know it'll give me some extra confidence in the water.  But I'm still really hoping to get an open water swim (or two) in before the race. 

I know that I, too, am not ready for the race.  I'm confident I'll be able to finish the swim and can hopefully freestyle the entire time.  The bike should be fine...looks like a flat, easy course.  But the run....that's where I'm going to have my trouble!  I still hate 

Edited by hamiltks10 2008-05-12 3:33 PM
2008-05-12 4:58 PM
in reply to: #1354433

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West Metro Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Shepherd's mentor group - Full up!

Hey girls - Sounds like we're all having a little bit of a crazy time with life. I've been AWOL because last week was our state testing. (A couple of us chipped in and bought chocolate and an hour massage for our testing coordinator). I took the testing week off of training and this weekend (to decompress with my awesome husband and our friends)... and now, I know I need to get off my butt and do something. Thankfully, our apartment complex finally got the treadmills fixed, and it's warm enough to swim outdoors in the complex's pool. I should be able to get in workouts at least once a day. 2 weeks from now, I should be able to make it two a days when I need to and finally incorporate more strength training.

I'm starting to worry about my level of preparation for Irongirl, which is in 7 weeks, so I probably should get to it! 

Oh, and a different sort of pollen is flying now. It's clogging my sinuses! Argh!


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