BT Development Mentor Program Archives » QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2008-12-21 9:56 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
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I'd like to join your group, as well, if I may?

NAME: sq42 / Suzi

STORY: A friend of mine was training for the Danskin Tri about 5 years ago.  I thought, "Wow!  That's amazing!  She must have a lot of determination!  I don't think I could ever do a tri, but maybe I'll train for a marathon..."  I was a little naive and didn't realize there were different distances of triathlons...  I completed the marathon and injured my knee in the meantime, so I milked that injury for all it was worth (and then some) and really quit working out completely.  Then, during a time of major transition around March 2008, I found a brochure about the Danskin Tri.  It said, "Will this be the year you TRI?"  I found myself saying, "Yes!" and I completed the Danskin Sprint Tri in June of 2008.  I LOVED it and immediately signed up for another one in August of 2008 and completed that one, as well.  

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the man of my dreams for 6 years.  No kids.  Fish are our only pets and if we name them, they die...

CURRENT TRAINING: Functional Training classes at CATZ (Competitive Athletes Training Zone) twice a week in Austin, TX.  I also just found a 5-month sprint tri training plan that I am starting January 5th. I require a plan to train effectively.  I really need some accountability and motivation from friends...

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2008~Danskin Sprint Tri & Sweet and Twisted Sprint Tri. 

2009 RACES: For 2009 I have a list of four sprints I'd like to do starting the end of April through the end of June.  Training goals are pretty basic - complete the triathlons I sign up for and improve on my times with each successive event.

WEIGHTLOSS: Yes, please!  I really didn't lose any weight training last year.  I went down in body fat percentage, but the scale number has been nothing but stubborn.  I am 5'6" and weigh in around 170 and would like to lose 20-30 pounds, but more than that, I just want to be happy with my body however it looks.  My eating habits are not what I'd like for them to be, and I know that is part of my struggle. 

WHAT is important to you next few months: I want to learn some techniques for running and biking properly.  Both of these seem to be somewhat painful or just generally not fun for me, so I’m convinced I’m doing something wrong!


2008-12-21 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

NAME: Velcromom/Linda
STORY: I'm brand new to this.  After 9 years of relative inactivity, I made a decision in September to enter an IM (partially since I'm married to an IMCanada guy) and haven't slowed down.  Did a half-marathon in October, will keep going.  Have RA, so struggle a bit with limitations......but it makes me work harder!  Swimming is my strong point, running is coming along well, biking is okay, but a challenge!!
FAMILY STATUS: Married (to aforementioned IM guy) mother of 3 - college, highschool and middle school.  Lots of carpools!  all 3 swim, tri, water, soccer etc! 
CURRENT TRAINING: As I said, new!!!   This week I ran 15 miles Thursday (and it was 30 degrees outside!!), took Friday off, biked 52 Saturday, ran 10 today.  I know I need to ramp this up.....HIM in May.  Looking for others with the same training goals.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: San Jose Rock-n-Roll half marathon in October - that's it!  
2009 RACES:  Napa marathon 3/1; Wildflower HIM 5/09; Ironman Wisconsin 9/13.
WEIGHTLOSS: Lost lots due to medical stuff, just trying to maintain now -  which is a huge change!!!!
WHAT is important to you next few months: I'm embarking on a huge experience, with not a lot of 'ramping up' time.  Looking for advice and support, camaraderie, sympathy and people that I can help to support!!!

2008-12-21 10:49 PM
in reply to: #1866584

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
May I join?

NAME: Darren

STORY: started running and karate january 2007. Have started many programs in the past but have always dropped out. Have stuck to my guns since.
I have done a couple of races
2007, a 10k, 2 half marathons and sprint.
2008, a 50k an oly, a half iron (7 hours), a full iron (14.5 hours).
I have managed to drop a couple pounds, mostly though the insane (in my eyes) amount of training that I have managed to put in. I have gone from 250 in Jan 2007 to a current weight of 208. I do not watch what I eat, but I will have to start.
I joined BT in January 2008 and have tracked my workouts and races since then.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 5 years. Expecting our first on March 5.

CURRENT TRAINING: Killing time mostly. Trying to up my running and winter trainer biking volume. Not swimming much. Karate twice a week. Really need to get ready for the 50k in February. I have been happy with my training as of late, I get a couple lunch runs a week, a long run on the weekend, and through December I have been hitting the trainer, thanks to the trainer challange.

2009 RACES: February, a 50k. I would love to come in under 6 hours.
August, Ironman70.3 Calgary, would LOVE to get 5 1/2 hours.
Maybe a sprint or an oly or a 10k or half marathon too, but I expect this year to be a busy one.

WEIGHTLOSS: I would love to lose 10 pounds. I need to stop eating everything I see.

WHAT is important to you next few months: getting under 6 hours in February. Concetrating my training to reduce my half iron timefrom the 7 hours I got in August to 5 1/2 for August 2007. Frankly I do not know if I have it in me but I want to try. I enjoy endurance sports. I like to go long, and for the most part I haven't cared how long it took me. With the kid on the way things are going to get busier and I will have to gain some time management skills, I suppose I will need to work on that as well.

It is going to be a great year. 2009 is going to rock!
2008-12-21 11:12 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
If you still have room, I'd like to join too. I'll wait to hear before I work on my "about me." But, I will say that I believe I'm more of a beginner than the rest of y'all!Embarassed  I am excited and anxious!
2008-12-22 5:38 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - FULL UP

Welcome to Suzi, Linda, Daren and Pam.  I'm thinking that's going to close us out.  We'e at 15 which is pretty big but doble with 2 of us as mentors.

As Kathy mentioned--log you workouts

If you are working on weight issues log your food.  Sometimes it takes seeing all that we shove in our faces to realize what needs to be eliminated.  Think about food as what you need to fuel your training/race day.  Not the be all-end all of existence.  A good read is  Chris Carmichael's "Eat Right to Train Right"  for nutrition info.  He is Lance Armstrong's coach. It's not one you can read a lot of at once.  I loaned my copy to a friend but when I get it back wouln't mind mailing it aound.

2008-12-22 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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The Land of Ice and Snow
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Is anyone here savvy enough to make a cool table thingy with all of us on it? That we can stick in our logs? I would...but I'm a moron when it comes to computers!!!

2008-12-22 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1866837

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - FULL UP

Yea!  So glad I'm in!  I've been I have to do anything special so that you all can see it?  Not just a tri newbie....a BT newbie!

 This is going to be fun!



2008-12-22 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
2008-12-22 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1866901

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

aquagirl - 2008-12-22 8:26 AM Is anyone here savvy enough to make a cool table thingy with all of us on it? That we can stick in our logs? I would...but I'm a moron when it comes to computers!!!

Not sure if that's what you were looking for aquagirl.  Let me know if that works for you... and if I got everyone's names right! - I can go back and edit.

2008-12-22 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
Thanks Mina that looks great!!
2008-12-22 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Extreme Veteran
Northwest Louisiana
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN

Thank you for letting me in! I have to apologize because I am currently away celebrating the Christmas holiday with my partner's family and computer time is going to be very limited. I want to join in in the conversation and introduce my myself but may have to wait until after we get home.

2008 was a bit of a non-triathlon year for me, but I am anxious to get back to it and set some realistic goals to better health and fitness.

2008-12-22 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1867256

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - OPEN
zeefraugtries - 2008-12-22 11:01 AM

Thank you for letting me in! I have to apologize because I am currently away celebrating the Christmas holiday with my partner's family and computer time is going to be very limited. I want to join in in the conversation and introduce my myself but may have to wait until after we get home.

2008 was a bit of a non-triathlon year for me, but I am anxious to get back to it and set some realistic goals to better health and fitness.

Enjoy the holidays, Sharon! 

I'll be in and out myself with holiday prep and travel, so it may take me till New Year's to read through everyone's bios.  I will be logging my workouts as much as possible though-- to keep me honest through the celebrating... namely the feasting part.  I'm not allowing myself to go 'full-festive' without getting a high-intensity workout in for the day in attempt to balance out the calories!

2008-12-22 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1867250

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

jezzieswims - 2008-12-22 10:59 AM Thanks Mina that looks great!!

Good!  I tried to put it all in one box, but that didn't make it any smaller-- big group!

ps- I *love* the DD quote!

2008-12-22 2:30 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
So it is Monday, and I figure that is a good time for a week long goal announcement.

First I say: Damn these holidays!

Misssed my noon run today. Going to be another day with barely a 15-20 minute bike ride. That being said I am so glad I joined the bike challenge this month as I am at least getting that time in.

I would really really like to get 10 hours of excercise in this week. For me that is a bit of a magic number. I should be able to do it, notwithstanding the holidays as I am home for the rest of the week. Hopefully going to hit some snowshoeing on Wednesday before Christmas Eve Dinner, so that should knock off a couple hours. If I can work 3 runs in, some biking in the basement, and not skip Karate on Sunday I should be good.

Anyone else with a survive the holiday plan?
2008-12-22 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
I just wanted to say that I am so glad to be a part of this group and that I will work on my bio as soon as possible...I'm at the in-laws, out of state, so I'll have to find a time to squeeze it in!
2008-12-22 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1867920

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

BigDH - 2008-12-22 12:30 PM So it is Monday, and I figure that is a good time for a week long goal announcement. First I say: Damn these holidays! Misssed my noon run today. Going to be another day with barely a 15-20 minute bike ride. That being said I am so glad I joined the bike challenge this month as I am at least getting that time in. I would really really like to get 10 hours of excercise in this week. For me that is a bit of a magic number. I should be able to do it, notwithstanding the holidays as I am home for the rest of the week. Hopefully going to hit some snowshoeing on Wednesday before Christmas Eve Dinner, so that should knock off a couple hours. If I can work 3 runs in, some biking in the basement, and not skip Karate on Sunday I should be good. Anyone else with a survive the holiday plan?

My holiday survival plan is to get in a workout whenever I can. I've scheduled most workouts between parties and holiday insanity. I'm off of work so I'm planning on getting in some long workouts and trying to do them early. 

2008-12-22 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1867920

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

BigDH - 2008-12-22 2:30 PM So it is Monday, and I figure that is a good time for a week long goal announcement. First I say: Damn these holidays! Misssed my noon run today. Going to be another day with barely a 15-20 minute bike ride. That being said I am so glad I joined the bike challenge this month as I am at least getting that time in. I would really really like to get 10 hours of excercise in this week. For me that is a bit of a magic number. I should be able to do it, notwithstanding the holidays as I am home for the rest of the week. Hopefully going to hit some snowshoeing on Wednesday before Christmas Eve Dinner, so that should knock off a couple hours. If I can work 3 runs in, some biking in the basement, and not skip Karate on Sunday I should be good. Anyone else with a survive the holiday plan?

10 hrs is my magic number to avoid gaining too.....I do well around that much but sometimes it's a b*tch to fit it all in

2008-12-22 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

So right about now you’re thinking “hey, who the heck is this chick posting in a CLOSED forum!”  So here is my plea to all of you if you’ll have me: I’m a huge fan of KathyG (there is no better mentor), I plan to race on a HIM team with aquagirl, and I plan to run and drink a lot with running4beer so this really is the mentor group I’ve always dreamed about!!  ...and I was stuck traveling the last week and couldn’t find time to post here before it was full.  Thanks again KG for pm-ing me right back, I hope to make ya proud!!!


NAME: RedSoxChick aka Lisa (aspiring to be a flying fish)

STORY: I bought a sweet road bike from a friend in June of this year and promptly fell and hit my head in her driveway, so I bought a helmet and thought “while I’m here maybe I should buy some goggles and a swim cap… then someday I’ll be prepared to use the pool at my gym”… a few days later a trainer at the gym posted a ‘triathlete swim clinic” and I thought HEY - that sounds fun! So here I am; I joined BT in July right after I started my swim lessons, met MAV and started my OW swimming life.  My first (and only) Tri was a women’s sprint in Sept (I had another planned but Mother Nature had bigger plans). I had only done a handful of 5K before this year so had to laugh when people asked what my strength was - my answer was always “none of them!”  I am fantastic at spin class though – which is why I fell as soon as I clipped into a bike without a platform attached!

FAMILY STATUS: I currently live with my bff – and she has a very hard time understanding the fitness lifestyle but thats ok because she understands the love of barley, hops and malt!  I have been dating Friend-of-Harpoon for just over a year and plan to cohabitate in the spring (he’s a tri-virgin due to the aforementioned Mother Nature-ruined event – but he’s signed up for a HIM in August - Boys are silly) I have a cat, too and he loves smelly sneaker!

CURRENT TRAINING: I’m a mixed bag right now - after the holiday madness I will settle in with a real plan – I’m running, spinning, swimming and yoga-ing now – I took a strength class @ the gym last week and am just now recovered.  I will continue that class because it’s truly my least utilized activity.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: (3) 5Ks (PB earlier this month @ 28:52!) Tufts 10k, 1 Sprint Tri, 1 Du.

2009 RACES: 

Feb 1st Super Sunday 5K or 10

Fekb 22nd: Hyannis 10K

May 10th: Max Season Opener

Jun 6th: Mooseman Oly

Jun 21st:Swim leg of the Patiot HIM (w/Aquagirl & Friend-of-Harpoon)

July 11-12th: Black Fly(tbd)

July 26th: Danskin/Trek Sprint (tbd – I’m scared cause it’s a HUGE field)

Aug 9th: Purely Mad 2 Mile Swim

Aug 23rd: Timberman Sprint

Sept 13: Title 9

Sep 18-19th: Reach the Beach (run relay in NH)

Oct: Tufts 10k

WEIGHTLOSS:  (you can pretty much read running4beer’s entry for my response!! Except I’m 5’6 and 156….lets DROP THE 15LBS ASAP!!!  I have a feeling we are going to be great friends – maybe that’s a bad thing for our weight loss if we celebrate every accomplishment with beer!)

WHAT is important to you next few months: CONSISTANCY, EDUCATION, & FUN

2008-12-22 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1868291

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
RedSoxChick - 2008-12-22 5:14 PM

So right about now you’re thinking “hey, who the heck is this chick posting in a CLOSED forum!”  So here is my plea to all of you if you’ll have me: I’m a huge fan of KathyG (there is no better mentor), I plan to race on a HIM team with aquagirl, and I plan to run and drink a lot with running4beer so this really is the mentor group I’ve always dreamed about!!  ...and I was stuck traveling the last week and couldn’t find time to post here before it was full.  Thanks again KG for pm-ing me right back, I hope to make ya proud!!!

NAME: RedSoxChick aka Lisa (aspiring to be a flying fish)

STORY: I bought a sweet road bike from a friend in June of this year and promptly fell and hit my head in her driveway, so I bought a helmet and thought “while I’m here maybe I should buy some goggles and a swim cap… then someday I’ll be prepared to use the pool at my gym”… a few days later a trainer at the gym posted a ‘triathlete swim clinic” and I thought HEY - that sounds fun! So here I am; I joined BT in July right after I started my swim lessons, met MAV and started my OW swimming life.  My first (and only) Tri was a women’s sprint in Sept (I had another planned but Mother Nature had bigger plans). I had only done a handful of 5K before this year so had to laugh when people asked what my strength was - my answer was always “none of them!”  I am fantastic at spin class though – which is why I fell as soon as I clipped into a bike without a platform attached!

FAMILY STATUS: I currently live with my bff – and she has a very hard time understanding the fitness lifestyle but thats ok because she understands the love of barley, hops and malt!  I have been dating Friend-of-Harpoon for just over a year and plan to cohabitate in the spring (he’s a tri-virgin due to the aforementioned Mother Nature-ruined event – but he’s signed up for a HIM in August - Boys are silly) I have a cat, too and he loves smelly sneaker!

CURRENT TRAINING: I’m a mixed bag right now - after the holiday madness I will settle in with a real plan – I’m running, spinning, swimming and yoga-ing now – I took a strength class @ the gym last week and am just now recovered.  I will continue that class because it’s truly my least utilized activity.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: (3) 5Ks (PB earlier this month @ 28:52!) Tufts 10k, 1 Sprint Tri, 1 Du.

2009 RACES: 

Feb 1st Super Sunday 5K or 10

Fekb 22nd: Hyannis 10K

May 10th: Max Season Opener

Jun 6th: Mooseman Oly

Jun 21st:Swim leg of the Patiot HIM (w/Aquagirl & Friend-of-Harpoon)

July 11-12th: Black Fly(tbd)

July 26th: Danskin/Trek Sprint (tbd – I’m scared cause it’s a HUGE field)

Aug 9th: Purely Mad 2 Mile Swim

Aug 23rd: Timberman Sprint

Sept 13: Title 9

Sep 18-19th: Reach the Beach (run relay in NH)

Oct: Tufts 10k

WEIGHTLOSS:  (you can pretty much read running4beer’s entry for my response!! Except I’m 5’6 and 156….lets DROP THE 15LBS ASAP!!!  I have a feeling we are going to be great friends – maybe that’s a bad thing for our weight loss if we celebrate every accomplishment with beer!)

WHAT is important to you next few months: CONSISTANCY, EDUCATION, & FUN

Hi Lisa,

Welcome aboard. I think half the MA forum must be following Kathy G in here but that's okay.  I'm a transplant to the south so I can handle all the northerners   Yes, you're in...of course you're in.  Kathy PM'd me and I'm a big softie for things unrelated for NOT TRAINING.  (don't tell my kids though, they think I'm mean).  When it comes to empty logs I get testy--even a bit sarcastic.  Hmmm, that's the old ER coming out of me.  I now do utilization review for an insurance company.  It's boring at times but it's the price I pay for my weekends, evenings nd holidays off (after 27 years in this plus the time I worked as an aide in high school?  You better believe boredom is sometimes a good thing)

2008-12-22 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
I would really really like to get 10 hours of excercise in this week. For me that is a bit of a magic number. I should be able to do it, notwithstanding the holidays as I am home for the rest of the week. Hopefully going to hit some snowshoeing on Wednesday before Christmas Eve Dinner, so that should knock off a couple hours. If I can work 3 runs in, some biking in the basement, and not skip Karate on Sunday I should be good.

Sheesh...Im happy if I do about 1/2 of that off season. Good for you!!!!
Today was typical for me - got to the gym and felt good then proceeded to come home and eat cupcake batter. rats. oh well, it's the holidays, right???
2008-12-22 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Columbia, KY
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Well, here goes... 

NAME: custer / Pam 
STORY: Hi, my name is Pam, and I don't think I've ever done a triathlon...Boy, I'm glad I got that off my chest! Seriously, I have never been athletic except for short stints of cheering and volleyball in high school - 20 years ago! I found BT in August '08, and, for some unknown reason, have just been captivated. I have never EVER ran, and I think I look like I'm drowning when I try to swim. I got a bike about a year ago, a Trek Navigator, some sort of hybrid (a "hybrid" of what, I don't know!); so far, I ride just with the family (as in, the last time, we rode 7 miles in 75 minutes...yes, just 7 miles!) So, with my experience, I thought maybe I should start by training for a 5k...
FAMILY STATUS: I've been married to Brian for 20 years (keeps getting better!) He has always been athletic, mostly bodybuilding, and can do most anything and do it well! We have one daughter (19) and three sons (16, 10, and 7.) We moved to Kentucky last March from Georgia and live on a farm, where we grow cows for beef and milk, chickens for meat and eggs, turkeys, pork, and produce. 
CURRENT TRAINING: Let's say I'm just breaking into the training world. I was thinking maybe I should start with the "couch to 5k" program. Thoughts?  I joined the Peachy December Challenge, but too many of my workouts have been yoga instead of major calorie-burners. Plus, a 10-day holiday trip has really messed up my "training." I am also doing the No Sugar Challenge, which should help all-around! 
2009 RACES:  Is this possible? Hopefully, some local 5k races...
WEIGHTLOSS: I weigh 135 and would like to lose 25 pounds or so...I'm only 5'1" 
WHAT is important to you next few months: I would like to develop the habit of consistency in regard to training and nutrition in order to reach my goals of weight loss and (gulp!) racing. I tend to need accountability and continued motivation (not to mention education,) which is why I thought that I could benefit from this mentoring program!

Thank you guys for taking this on! So, is my case hopeless, or what?!? I'm one of those people who nobody (friends and family) thinks could (or maybe would) ever do these athletic things. But, I really want to be in shape and be capable...

2008-12-22 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


No one is hopeless who gives it a tri//try   There are a lot of couch to programs on the site to pick from.  5K is an easy goal in terms of distance but I find it hard to race only cause there's no real chnce to build for your speed. You have to go fast from the start and haul azz all the way. 

I'm wired for middle to long distances.  Love 10K to half marathon distance.  Have yet to attempt a full mary...maybe 2010. Poblem is the build takes 4 months of solid run training and that's a large chunk of time when balancing bike and run volume. 

My hat is off to those who do IM distances cause that's a huge amount of taining volume built up.

2008-12-22 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED


Goal for each of us in unique and we need to push our comfort level and do challenge ourselves. I remember when I started to train for my first tri, I would only run at night in the dark as I didn't want the neighbors to see me and I was embarrassed. It was scary and hard to do everything the first few times and feeling comfortable doing something new. 

First time in the was hard and so out of my comfort zone. 

I didn't really like to exercise when I started and did it to lose weight.  I hated to run but now 6 years later I love love to ride, love to run and swimming I have come to a peaceful situation with. I can't imagine not working out and having it be a part of my life.

For me the doing something for the first time was the hardest and being consistent at working on something.

If you want it you can do it, just train smart and build up to it.  We can help you figure out what plan to follow and set some goals.


2008-12-22 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hi Pam & fellow teammates-

It is never hopeless if your goal is to do the best you can and enjoy what you do.  In terms of a 5K pam- just do it!  I have never run fast enough to say I have a "5K race pace" or a "half-marathon pace" like they talk about in many running articles.  I have two speeds -go & stop- and it will just have to work for now.  I am sure you will surprise yourself once you get going.

2008-12-22 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1866837

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - FULL UP

Edited by ilucy2 2008-12-22 9:43 PM
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