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2009-01-02 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Well, I did it! I did my first workout!!! Cool  I got up at 4am, braved the new snow, made it to the gym and did it.  On the treadmill I walked swiftly for 5 min then jogged 1 min for 30 min total.  I then hopped in the pool and did a total of 300m.  How wonderful do I feel? VERY! I'm thinking about getting a bike trainer and borrowing my friend's bike so I can at least do that at home.  I also saw the strength training video here on BT.  I can do that as well. 

Those of you who live in snow, do you snowshoe?  I'm thinking this also might be good (and fun) but I don't know what kind of snowshoes to get.

Happy Training Everyone!!!


2009-01-02 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Good Morning Everyone.

Welcome, shannon (can't remember if I welcomed you yet), jtflash (name?), Drew, and rjdormaan (name?). This is great to have so much enthusiasm and I like that I'm not the only newbie. Michael, we are at 13 plus you now. I have written everyone down so I can keep everyone straight

Okay, I got the computer and sensor on and air in the tires yesterday but by the time I was done with that it was time to go to my mom's for dinner so no ride.

Okay, you can all get some more laughs today:

1) a bike tire pressure gauge reads differently than a car pressure gauge. My bike one was broken and I was using the car one. I decided to pull them out against each other. Okay 45 on the car is about 110 on the bike. Nice to know before I blew out my tire.

2) I bought a bike pump with a gauge on it. Now I have a question. The gauge goes up to 120. My tires say to go to 110. When I was only at about 50 on the pump gauge my tires were at 110. Is this normal or is my pump broken and I should return it?

I hope to get on a ride today or it might be my rest day since I've done 4 days in a row.

Today is also the start of the healthier eating. I've not been focused on that for about a month or so.

Everyone have a great day.

2009-01-02 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Good Morning Tammy & Shannon.

Tammy-that was my goal too. Just to finish my first one. Do they have stats from last year's race so you can see how others did so you can set some goals for yourself. I did that with the mindset though just to finish but it helped know what others had done and to prove to myself that I could do it. Is you first race an open water or in a pool? I'm with you on the weight. I've got about 20-25 to lose too.

Shannon-I admire you getting up at 4:00 am to work out. When I get a morning workout in I feel so energized and also don't feel like eating like crap since I just got a great workout in. Do you feel that way to?

2009-01-02 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi and welcome to all th new folks!  I wanted to start training today (serious training), but the family was over last night...  That means, too many martini's.    Gonna start tomorrow.  Wish me luck!



2009-01-02 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Hi everyone, okay now I'm intimidated with the group, there's no way I'm getting up at 4am to train I'm like a 3 year old, I have to eat and sleep enough or I'm cranky.

And I'm totally clueless about pumping the bike tire and the pressure gauge. I'm sure there's one on my bike pump, I just never look at it, I pump till it feels hard, eek. I feel like I always have to put air in my tires, is that normal?

I'm loving my bike trainer - I forgot who was pondering getting one, but I say go for it. Yesterday, I watched a movie that I really wanted to see while I pedaled and my half hour flew by. I wanted to go for 40 min, but I was late for a family lunch (showed up with wet hair, but feeling great). I did laugh because there's so much dust on my bike from lack of use for years

My agenda today is to buy a swim cap and go swimming with a piece of fruit for after (I think I have Robert to thank for that) so hopefully no chips and wings after, ha. Oh yea and I'm going to try to hum when I roll so water doesn't go up my nose.

2009-01-02 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Cornfields of Illinois
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hey Michael and all,

If you still have room I would love to join. 

Story: I did my first tri which was a supersprint last August and looking to do a 1/2 mary, 2 full length sprints, maybe an olympic distance and the same supersprint i did in 2008.  Not very good at swimming or running and would like to lose about 40-50 lbs in 2009.

Family: married with a 5yo daughter and 5 yo son (7 1/2 months apart)

I've been way too lazy for the past 2 months and need to get off my a** again.



2009-01-02 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hi to everyone...I'll get a notebook to write everything down later but for now wanted to say....I don't get up at 4 to wo but do have the luxury of training just about any time of the day as I work part time at the Y. I have a bike trainer..not good about the tire gauge and filling up my tires either. but have been following Jorge's bike plan for the last 7 weeks. I love having a plan that just tells me what to do. (his link is in my blog) don't know how to link it here. I am in a tri stroke class at the y and try to swim one other day. I was running 3 days a week but with the snow I have cut way back because I really don't like the TM. 

I also struggle with my weight and was hoping the training would take care of that but not so much! I need to find the right balance of foods. there are days I don't eat enough for what I do and other days I am called by the chocolate!

I am really looking forward to the group both in getting advice and sharing my own

2009-01-02 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

Hello everyone,

 My name is Jon.  Today I am supposed to bike and swim. The pool was full this morning, so I will swim later today...I am swimming at my HS school pool (I work at the school) and the local Y uses it in the early am and then the swim team had it locked up.  Trying to follow god pool ettiquette I do not plan on jumping in on the Y time since I plan to swim for free since I work at the school as an administrator and help repsond to problems at the pool when the arise...the people who swim in the early am pay a fee.  Therefore, I will wait and take advantage of the situation when it is is only 3 minutes from my house.

I did ride my bike this morning in the cold, drizzly weather.  I was wishing that I had a trainer (and I still do), but my wife was encouraging...she said, "what if the weather if crappy when you compete later this spring? You better be prepared!"  I don't know if anyone read the thread about the vasectomy in one of the other threads, but I shared with her HTFU and she reminded of that creedo as well.  So, bottom line...she basically told me to man up!  You gotta luv support on the home front!  The plan called for a 2m ride, I went closer to 3.5m and climbed the hills a little easier today than the last time!!

I am looking forward to the swim later.  I am really working to eat has been really tuff this week with lots of family in and out, but I have lost 5lbs since last Sunday...that is like taking a bucket of water out of the ocean, but it is the first bucket nonetheless.


Have a great training day all!!

2009-01-02 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Welcome Wade.

Trudee-remember when your face is in the water to blow out so that you are always breathing never holding your breath.

Jon-I would love to lose 5 lbs in 5 days. Gotta love men. It is so not fair.

I had oatmeal with a diced apple, 1T chopped nuts, 1 T raisins, 1 C milk, cinnamon and a splash of maple flavoring (not syrup) for breakfast. I have yogurt. fruit and nuts packed for an afternoon snack and lasagna (small piece) with salad and a slice of bread for lunch. Dinner is stew.
2009-01-02 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

I really is not fair how fast men can loose weight.  I know it will not stay like that, but I have plenty to loose right now, so it will come off quickly at first between having plenty to give, new training plan, and eating well again after about a 6month layoff.  Plus we just got back from Disney World on Christmas Eve, followed up with Christmas meals, finalized by New Year's Eve, New Year's day and dinner with friends tonight.  We are cooking at our house tonight, so I can control the food more or less and definitelythe portions.  I am cooking chicken on the grill to go with the burgers and dogs and all the finger food.  Any chicken not eaten will be used for lunches/salads the rest of the weekend and quiche for dinner tomorrow or Sunday, then leftovers on Monday.

Til Later

2009-01-02 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1882606

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open


The water portion is open water a lake.   They don't have stats for this particular race from last year, but I was looking at other races to get some idea of where I should be. 

What is bike trainer?  I have been using a stationary bike until the weather clears a little more and then I will hit the road on a real bike.

2009-01-02 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
Jon-your dinner plan sounds great and nice to have healthy leftovers for the week. We have friends bringing us dinner tonight. People have been helping this last week since my husbands surgery. It's nice to come home and not have to worry about that.

Tammy-make sure if you are doing an open water swim for your race that you practice in the open water. I've heard it's brutal with people kicking you and swimming over you.

I'm going to use one of my rest days today.
2009-01-02 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open

If you are still open I would like the extra motivation.

Story: This is my second full year of triathlon. I completed my first in the fall of 2006, and fell in love. I am training for 2 'A' races this year, Timberman (70.3) and RI70.3. My main goal is to go 5:00 in one of the races, the faster the better. I would like to run at least 1000miles, bike 4000miles and swim 170.4miles. I think that I could add to the group through motivation. I work an odd schedule, have my daughter and girlfriend. I am constantly busy, but fit everything in and sleep hen I can.

Name: Aaron

Family: I am a single father, my daughter is almost 2 and a half. I also date a marathoner.

Current Training: I have a coach, we have a plan. Over the past year I have logged nearly everything religiously. I currently do almost 10hours of workouts a week. Has been a bit less as of late. My run focus kicks in on Monday. 

Weightloss: I dont really need to lose any, but 5lbs would be nice. really I just need to start to eat cleaner, I binge eat and eat junk at work all too often.

2009-01-02 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1882661

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
bulldog520 - 2009-01-02 11:46 AM

Hey Michael and all,

If you still have room I would love to join. 

Story: I did my first tri which was a supersprint last August and looking to do a 1/2 mary, 2 full length sprints, maybe an olympic distance and the same supersprint i did in 2008.  Not very good at swimming or running and would like to lose about 40-50 lbs in 2009.

Family: married with a 5yo daughter and 5 yo son (7 1/2 months apart)

I've been way too lazy for the past 2 months and need to get off my a** again.



Bulldog you are in. Welcome

2009-01-02 8:46 PM
in reply to: #1883240

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open
aarondavidson - 2009-01-02 6:58 PM

If you are still open I would like the extra motivation.

Story: This is my second full year of triathlon. I completed my first in the fall of 2006, and fell in love. I am training for 2 'A' races this year, Timberman (70.3) and RI70.3. My main goal is to go 5:00 in one of the races, the faster the better. I would like to run at least 1000miles, bike 4000miles and swim 170.4miles. I think that I could add to the group through motivation. I work an odd schedule, have my daughter and girlfriend. I am constantly busy, but fit everything in and sleep hen I can.

Name: Aaron

Family: I am a single father, my daughter is almost 2 and a half. I also date a marathoner.

Current Training: I have a coach, we have a plan. Over the past year I have logged nearly everything religiously. I currently do almost 10hours of workouts a week. Has been a bit less as of late. My run focus kicks in on Monday. 

Weightloss: I dont really need to lose any, but 5lbs would be nice. really I just need to start to eat cleaner, I binge eat and eat junk at work all too often.

Aaron you are in also. Welcome. I think we may have our fill now.

2009-01-03 8:26 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Got back in the gym yesterday.  Wow!  I am sore this morning.  I did some light upperbody wieghts and walk/ran for 30 min.  Man it was good to break a sweat after all the Holiday eating and lounging.  I am going for a trail ride today.  Should be a great work out.  Have never ridin these trails so lets hope I come back all in piece.

 I haven't bought a road bike yet for the triathlon training.  Any suggestions on a good bike for a beginner?  Say $400-$700 range

 Have a great Day!!

2009-01-03 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Hi Micheal:

I am new to multisport, and have begun to start training for a triple t in Ohio in May.  I have been a runner all of my life and have been bitten by the endurance bug about a year and a half ago.  I am 38 and have five, yes five!, children and a supportive wife.  I need to drop weight this season and focus on nutrition and a training schedule that is manageable with with my work and family responsibilities.   Four out of the seven days in a week I can dedicate 2.5 hours to train and 4-5 the remaining three, so time can be  tight. 

Like I have said I am doing the Triple T in May, wanting to do the Louisville Tri and am doing a du in September.  I do several long group bike rides ( my second season at it) but nothing that spectacular.    I need advice in nutrition and help with the mental aspect of a triple...Being a begginner I'm sure the questions will increase as I continue to train.  I look forward to hearing from you.


2009-01-03 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Rochester, New York
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Thanks for all the welcome's!

My name is Bob sorry I left that out of my initial bio details!

Got up early to run and opted out, then got up a little later and pulled off a fairly good run/stretch/core workout. Still would like to get to the gym for weights, although i may try out the Wii Fit strength program and see how that feels. Plus, I can do it in my living room with two babies at my side.

This seems like a great group!
2009-01-03 10:01 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

hey everyone this looks like a great group of peeps we have! I got a notebook and was taking notes....

Ken~ you belong here! Everyone starts out as a beginner! You have given great advice already.

Jill~ the run and bike will come! I started out not being able to run a 1/2 block! now I'm up to just over 4 mi without stopping.As for the bike that just takes time in the saddle. I would find a bike trail or quiet road to keep practicing on. They do say that everyone will fall off the bike...I'm still waiting! but I don't let that stop me. I started with cages (put them a little loose so you can slip out of them) but I have upgraded to clipless. I do love them! But they also take practice.

Trudee~ For the swim I would suggest a class or two with someone watching you. It is key to practice good stroke form with swimming. If you start out with bad form and keep swimming that way your ingraining bad muscle memory. so it will be harder to correct. As for changing a tire or putting on a wet suit...I haven't done either!

If everyone can start using their logs and make them public that would be great. This way we can keep track of what everyone is doing and inspire each other on the blogs. There is also a place where you can put your goals and it tracks your miles and it has a great calendar that helps motivate you(to get a colored square)


2009-01-03 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Hey Bob. I also got the wii fit and was planning on using it today..since the kids lost the privilege for the day!
2009-01-03 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1883972

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
rjablonski - 2009-01-03 9:36 AM

Hi Micheal:

 I am 38 and have five, yes five!, children and a supportive wife.  I need to drop weight this season and focus on nutrition and a training schedule that is manageable with with my work and family responsibilities.   Four out of the seven days in a week I can dedicate 2.5 hours to train and 4-5 the remaining three, so time can be  tight. 

 I think most people would love to have that much time to train. The Triple-T is an awesome race. swimming after biking I am sure is a ton of fun...

2009-01-03 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Does someone have a list of everyone in the group so we can add each other to our friend's lists so we can leave inspires?
2009-01-03 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Aaron-I was just doing a word document with everyone's opening post so I can get to know everyone . Here is the "simple" list:

K Robert

I think that does it
2009-01-03 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Couple bad days for me. Emotional turmoil with the serious boyfriend of 3 years, sigh, crying, not sleeping well, etc. Couldn't muster workout yesterday. Did 20 min walk/run on treadmill today (mostly walk). Put on running tights and long sleeve shirt (and new shoes ) to go outside and it started snowing, ha, so hit the 20 year old treadmill instead. Couldn't get into workout, ugh, ugh, ugh.
2009-01-03 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Trudee-sorry you are having a rough time. Good for you getting on the TM. Again, I'm so glad that I don't have to deal with snow.

Drew-I got my road bike on Craig's list. Keep looking. I took a bike friend with me because I knew absolutely nothing about buying a bicycle. It was listed for $400 and I offered him $350 and he took it. Here are the specs:

Womans Fuji Newest Road Bike
FRAMESET: Fuji Altair 2 Compact aluminum w/Power Diamond shape down tube.
FORK: FC-990 Fuji Bonded Carbon w/ 1 1/8" Cro-Mo steerer

27 speed, 48 cm frame, shimano flightdeck shifters, shimano tiagra
components, woman's specific geometry frame. The bike is about five
years old with about 10 miles on it (No joke). One small dent from a

My friend thinks I got a good deal. Any other opinions?
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