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2009-10-06 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2446201

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Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
I don't even like beer.  But at hour 12 in a race, it was the ONLY thing i could think about.  I could not have been more sick of water, g-ade, coke, etc.  Beer was literally the only thing that was going to satisfy at that point.  I begged several people i saw out on the run course for a sip of theirs....and not a soul would give it up.  Jerks.

2009-10-06 10:32 PM
in reply to: #2446697

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
kagoscuba - 2009-10-07 12:06 AM [
Hold on now, in America I thought water and beer are the same thing? Or can you buy real beer there now?  

I know, I know,  I hate America. But my seat height is just right!

Yes, we can.  Sierra Nevada Extra Pale Ale.  Yummy and 5.5%.  LOTS of micro-brews here now.  The days of Busch, Milwaukee's Best, and Black Label are behind us.  Or, I can travel 5 minutes down the road, and I have a local brew pub who sell only their brewed beer and nothing else.   Bitters, Nut Browns, Pale Ales, and Ambers oh my.  Sweet.

I stand corrected. In fact in about a 60 mile stretch of coastal Maine I found more craft/micro-brew beers than we have in all of Nova Scotia. And I'm jealous!  
2009-10-06 10:42 PM
in reply to: #2446201

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Woodland, California
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...







Why drink beer?  Because I like it and it makes me feel happy.  I don't care if it's good for me or not.

2009-10-06 11:31 PM
in reply to: #2446201

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Extreme Veteran
Sault Ste. Marie
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
triboy_20 - 2009-10-06 6:13 PMso i constantly hear of people always drinking beer after a workout or after a race. Why is this? do people feel the need to treat themselves to something that tastes good (cause if so, why not just drink something that isn't going to have alcohol or dehydrate you?), or is it out of celebration that they decide that it's ok to have one? It seems like people look forward to having a beer after a workout. Why? In my opinion, it's a waste, something that has no value to me. I'm not bashing people who drink by any means, it just seems to be something a lot of athletes do.....i'm just curious. What's your opinion?

I have never heard of this.... maybe after the persons "a" race of the year... but not often after training workouts... ?
2009-10-06 11:35 PM
in reply to: #2446201

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
Beer Foamy!

Plus if you've ever tasted a good Belgian beer this question would be unnecessary. Yummmmm.
2009-10-06 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2446201

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Extreme Veteran
Sault Ste. Marie
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
kinda want a samuel adams

2009-10-06 11:37 PM
in reply to: #2446719

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Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
gopennstate - 2009-10-06 9:22 PMI don't even like beer.  But at hour 12 in a race, it was the ONLY thing i could think about.  I could not have been more sick of water, g-ade, coke, etc.  Beer was literally the only thing that was going to satisfy at that point.  I begged several people i saw out on the run course for a sip of theirs....and not a soul would give it up.  Jerks.
Hmmm...interesting. I've never thought of having a beer while in the middle or end of a race...I guess i need to do more triathlons
2009-10-07 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2446710

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Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
meblack - 2009-10-06 10:14 PM Nothing like a bud light on a friday night...or three : )


Nothing more attractive than a woman who can kick your arse in beer-pong!!!

Edited by wesleyfresh 2009-10-07 6:47 AM
2009-10-07 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2446719

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
gopennstate - 2009-10-06 11:22 PM I don't even like beer.  But at hour 12 in a race, it was the ONLY thing i could think about.  I could not have been more sick of water, g-ade, coke, etc.  Beer was literally the only thing that was going to satisfy at that point.  I begged several people i saw out on the run course for a sip of theirs....and not a soul would give it up.  Jerks.

See, you should have pulled over by my house during the BIKE course.  I would have totally gone inside and gotten you a cold one.  Sealed
2009-10-07 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2446201

Subject: RE: why drink beer?...

triboy_20 - 2009-10-06 6:13 PM so i constantly hear of people always drinking beer after a workout or after a race. Why is this? do people feel the need to treat themselves to something that tastes good (cause if so, why not just drink something that isn't going to have alcohol or dehydrate you?), or is it out of celebration that they decide that it's ok to have one? It seems like people look forward to having a beer after a workout. Why? In my opinion, it's a waste, something that has no value to me. I'm not bashing people who drink by any means, it just seems to be something a lot of athletes do.....i'm just curious. What's your opinion?


I don't drink very much in "real life" - and I generally avoid alcohol the night before important workouts, like long runs, and esp. the night before races. I don't reward myself with a beer after evey workout - I almost never drink after workouts, unless it's my tri team's happy hour night (we have one every few weeks, on recovery weeks). But after a race esp. in the summertime, an ice-cold beer sometimes just tastes REALLY good. I always drink a bottle of water first, though, and I usually eat something too. I usually go by whether or not I FEEL like a beer. If the idea of beer sounds revolting, then I won't have one. But usually, it's very refreshing. I don't pretend that beer has any nutritional value or benefit. It just tastes really good when you're hot and sweaty.

2009-10-07 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2446201

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
why ask why?

2009-10-07 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2446201

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Madison, MS
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...

"God is great. Beer is good. People are crazy."

2009-10-07 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2446201

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
For the same reason I drink wine, gin and tonics, tequila and single malt scotch - I like it! 
2009-10-07 8:47 AM
in reply to: #2446534

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Extreme Veteran
Barrington, IL
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
blairrob - 2009-10-06 8:20 PM
JorgeM - 2009-10-06 9:46 PM Right after the race I am not even hungry I just want a coke and some water. Later in the day after my stomach settles down, I ate something and I am feeling better I then might consider a beer or 2 or 10...

Hold on now, in America I thought water and beer are the same thing? Or can you buy real beer there now?  

I know, I know,  I hate America. But my seat height is just right!

Hmmm - you mean beers like Miller Lite - that has the same amount of alcohol as Guinness!
2009-10-07 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2446201

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2009-10-07 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2446201

Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
I like beer and I like to have a bottle every now and then.  Assumung that I rule out beer during a working, that leaves only two possibilities . . . before or after.  Give that I am a semi-serious triathlete, I wouldn't want to drink before as it might impact my workout.  Drinking after is really the only choice left.

2009-10-07 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2446768

Culpeper, VA
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
Jyles16 - 2009-10-07 12:37 AM kinda want a samuel adams

No joke, presently working on a case of Octoberfest... by presently I don't mean right now at 9:51AM, but a beer or two in the evening here and there.  Not usually a Sam Adams drinker, but I picked up a sampler pack and all except the Cherry Wheat Ale, enjoyed all of them.  Another forum I post at has been talking fall beers... I might have to try a Pumpkin Spice beer of some kind although I'm thinking it might be similar to my Cherry Wheat experience... not really a good beer.       

Why do I drink beer, because I enjoy it.  I also believe it is criminal if the grill is going and there is no beer being consumed.  I enjoy an ice cold Corona after working in the yard, in spite of it being a "skunky" beer something about it is refreshing.  My lovely wife even gets one in the freezer for me sometimes as I'm finishing up so its perfect when I trudge up the back steps. 

After the local group rides there is always a cooler with beer to be enjoyed.  I've yet to partake in that, but I have been known to crack one when I get home, especially if that grill is going.    
2009-10-07 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2447111

Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
Magnum27 - 2009-10-07 10:47 AM
blairrob - 2009-10-06 8:20 PM
JorgeM - 2009-10-06 9:46 PM Right after the race I am not even hungry I just want a coke and some water. Later in the day after my stomach settles down, I ate something and I am feeling better I then might consider a beer or 2 or 10...

Hold on now, in America I thought water and beer are the same thing? Or can you buy real beer there now?  

Hmmm - you mean beers like Miller Lite - that has the same amount of alcohol as Guinness!

Oh, c'mon now, alcohol does not a beer or an ale make, its taste. Except for in college, of course!
2009-10-07 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2446769

Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
triboy_20 - 2009-10-07 12:37 AM
gopennstate - 2009-10-06 9:22 PMI don't even like beer.  But at hour 12 in a race, it was the ONLY thing i could think about.  I could not have been more sick of water, g-ade, coke, etc.  Beer was literally the only thing that was going to satisfy at that point.  I begged several people i saw out on the run course for a sip of theirs....and not a soul would give it up.  Jerks.
Hmmm...interesting. I've never thought of having a beer while in the middle or end of a race...I guess i need to do more triathlons

Or I need to focus a little more! 
2009-10-07 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2446903

Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
PinkPrincess - 2009-10-07 8:00 AM
gopennstate - 2009-10-06 11:22 PM I don't even like beer.  But at hour 12 in a race, it was the ONLY thing i could think about.  I could not have been more sick of water, g-ade, coke, etc.  Beer was literally the only thing that was going to satisfy at that point.  I begged several people i saw out on the run course for a sip of theirs....and not a soul would give it up.  Jerks.

See, you should have pulled over by my house during the BIKE course.  I would have totally gone inside and gotten you a cold one.  Sealed

HA!    thread hijack....any clue on the temp of mirror lake these days?  still swimable? 
2009-10-07 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2446719

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
gopennstate - 2009-10-06 10:22 PM I don't even like beer.  But at hour 12 in a race, it was the ONLY thing i could think about.  I could not have been more sick of water, g-ade, coke, etc.  Beer was literally the only thing that was going to satisfy at that point.  I begged several people i saw out on the run course for a sip of theirs....and not a soul would give it up.  Jerks.

At two races I've done (Kansas 70.3 and Dallas White Rock) there have been un-official, makeshift aid stations with beer for the athletes. One guy on the run course at Kansas had a cardboard sign that said "Sponsored by Bush Lite" and they were handing out beer in little dixie cups. They got LOTS of cheers

2009-10-07 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2446201

Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
When one of the race sponsors is a beer company I am happy! Laughing
2009-10-07 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2446535

Extreme Veteran
Not Quite DFL
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
robertp1024 - 2009-10-06 8:20 PM After thinking long and hard, I have come up with your new question, why drink PBR? I mean come on, whats next IC Light?

Hey!  Don't be dissin' the PBR!  Tongue out  I got my toes in the water.... in the sand....
2009-10-07 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2446201

Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
There is nothing like a good brew.  Alabama just increased it's alc limit for beer, so we are just now seeing some of the finer brews in life, such as a good Chimay....

Nothing like a good beer on a Saturday in the fall, tailgating in Tuscaloosa, waiting on the Tide to roll.
2009-10-07 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2447252

Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: why drink beer?...
gopennstate - 2009-10-06 11:22 PM

HA!    thread hijack....any clue on the temp of mirror lake these days?  still swimable? 

Oh honey, it's 46 degrees outside right now and we've had our first snow of the year.  Even the hardcores left Mirror Lake weeks ago.  My wetsuit is hanging unloved in my coat closet.  It was a very expensive month, but starting next week: Shiny new pool/gym membership.
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