BT Development Mentor Program Archives » McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-01-12 5:36 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

I'm not much help on engineered nutrition (GU or Gatorade).  I'll occasionally use Gatorade when I'm training  more than 2-3 hours, but most of the time, I hydrate with water.  Powerade gives me "cotton mouth" so I avoid it. 

I'll take an occasional gel/gu, but again, usually only for relatively long training sessions where I need the portability.  Otherwise, I'll eat solid foods if I haven't recently eaten and I'll be going more than 1.5-2 hours.  I do keep a gel in my seat bag on my bike just-in-case and I'll keep one with me on long runs for the same reason. 

I've only casually followed the conversations about maltodextrin versus fructose-based sugars for energy.  On the bike, a Payday candy bar is $0.65 (unless I find them on sale) and provides about 250 calories and a dash of protein.  For this cheapskate, that's much better than two or three gels at $1.50 apiece.  (And the Payday tastes better! )  I have trained some with Powerbars when I find them on sale (around $1.00) and I've used Clif Bars, Luna Bars, Powerbars, Harvest Bars, and at least one or two more than I can't recall.  Again, when I find them on sale, I'll buy them. 

I rarely have GI issues (but I may also not train/race as intensely as many). 

2010-01-13 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2604669

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
McFuzz - 2010-01-09 10:26 AM

If you've seen the inspires in my blog, I've got a couple other BT'ers who may pop in now and then.  I hope that is acceptable to all of you.  I've even encouraged them to contribute. 

Are you logging?  Some log lots of details on their workouts and their day.  Others are pretty brief.  The more you can log, the more you'll remember the context of the workouts when you go back in a few months or years.  It's easy to get caught up in the current training saga and forget how far you've come, and looking back on the earliest days may be a way to find the gems in your journey. 

Are you inspiring each other?  Those encouraging words from everyone in the group become a great motivator for those days when you're busy or tired or frustrated. 

I'll be out of town for the week with limited internet access.  I should be on every day, but it won't be all day, so if it's taking an unusually long time for me to respond (or I'm not inspiring quite as much as "normal" ) that's why. 

Cool!  I'll take that as a cue that I can pop in!

I laughed when I read Mcfuzz's comment on logging and later "looking back at the early days."  (Note: My early days are only 6 months ago).  Just yesterday, I was horrified when I looked at my first race report and saw that I averaged 12.66 on the bike leg!  Can I blame that on the hybrid bike?  My fourth Tri was 2 1/2 months later and I averaged 18.09 with a road bike. 

It truly is funny to look back, and it is also amazing to see how fast the gains come.

Seems a lot of you are in cooler climates.  Any issues with weather and training?  It's been cold down here, but I'm trying to be tough!

Good luck to you all...

2010-01-13 10:03 AM
in reply to: #2611258

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
It is less of an issue for those of us who grew up here.  That is just the way it has always been.  In the winter we have to train indoors.  Not that you cannot tain outdoors in the cold weather, but where I live it is a little tough to go out on the road with a 2 ft snow plow burm on the edge of the road.  It is also not possible to swim in the lake, since it is frozen until March.   Most of us have just learned to adapt to training in the gym for those few months of extreme outdoor conditions.

I love the cold weather, like to ice fish - a lot.  But it will be nice when the weather breaks so I can get on a real bike again, and get off the treadmill.
2010-01-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2611258

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Cool!  I'll take that as a cue that I can pop in!

I laughed when I read Mcfuzz's comment on logging and later "looking back at the early days."  (Note: My early days are only 6 months ago).  Just yesterday, I was horrified when I looked at my first race report and saw that I averaged 12.66 on the bike leg!  Can I blame that on the hybrid bike?  My fourth Tri was 2 1/2 months later and I averaged 18.09 with a road bike. 

It truly is funny to look back, and it is also amazing to see how fast the gains come.

Seems a lot of you are in cooler climates.  Any issues with weather and training?  It's been cold down here, but I'm trying to be tough!

Good luck to you all...

Here in Cincinnati there seems to be 4-6 weeks in Dec/Jan/Feb where the temp is below 20 (not counting wind chill) or there is snow on the ground and since everybody here hibernates when it snows none of the sidwalks are cleared and the plows don't push enoung snow off the street to be able to run/bike there!

...but the pool is always about 81-84!


btw maria40nc...4 tri's in 2 1/2 months! Way 2 go!

2010-01-14 5:43 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Sandusky, OH
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
Back from St. Maarten... Great time and I even was able to keep up with my workouts since they had a pool and gym! I feel rejuvinated and ready to start this year off right. 

I'm getting stronger on the bike and in the pool as well.  I think that I can benefit from earplugs too.  It's not too much of a problem when I am in the water but more for afterwards as I get headaches.  I did find out that my local gym has a masters swim class that just started so I'm definately going to jump in there. 

My goal this week is to keep training (still need to get a program) and study for my nursing boards which I take next Friday. 

Mcfuzz thanks for the pedal info.  I'm going to compare the bike shop to internet prices and see what I can come up with. 

Great to be back and see hear from everyone
2010-01-14 6:59 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED


Welcome back!  Glad to hear the vacation was great.  I've never gotten involved with Master's Swimming (I've considered it) but I hear it can be great to really improve swimming.  Some Master's groups do a fair amount of instruction, some are mostly show-up-and-swim where one person throws out a possible workout.


Thanks for popping in.  You're really good at visualization, so feel free to share some of that with the group.  As for winter training, it's mostly a matter of gear and getting used to it.  It isn't usually too bad to continue training as the weather gradually cools in the fall.  What gets brutal is when you spend any time away from the cold and then come back to it.  (Laura might be experiencing this if she's running outside, not-so-much if on the treadmill. )  The same thing happens going the other way too.  The day I ran on the treadmill over Christmas?  B.r.u.t.a.l!  I took it easy Sunday when I ran here because it was 60F warmer than my last run.  6-miles and I carried a water bottle (in my hand, since I didn't bring my belt).  I could tell the whole run that my HR was sky-high. 

2010-01-15 10:20 PM
in reply to: #2613199

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
Hey All,

Well, I decided on a specific Sprint Tri in April. It's called the Vineman Showdown in the 17th.  This gives me a little over 12 weeks to get ready.  Woo hoo!
2010-01-16 12:23 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Hello, one of McFuzz's fellow mentee's from back in the day checking in.

I'm responding to the GU question. I've done a lot of research and reading and a lot of testing. Best thing I found was to test different stuff. You're body will tell you what works and what doesn't. Most important thing is don't take something on race day that you haven't used in training. That can make race day not fun.

I use Hammer Gel and Recoverite on a regular basis. I like the company. On long runs I use one Hammer Gel about every 45 minutes with water. I use the Recoverite after every workout.

Try different flavors and brands when you go for your long workout and see what your body tells you.

Happy Training!

2010-01-16 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Eastern Iowa
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
Hey everyone!  The new addition to our family has arrived!  Healthy baby girl, 5lbs 15oz, Emily.  
My schedule is a little out of whack right now but I hope to back to my regular training on Monday.

Anyone a member of a local tri club?  If so what are your thoughts about getting involved in one?
2010-01-17 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2617571

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Sandusky, OH
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
jboyles - 2010-01-16 5:25 PM Hey everyone!  The new addition to our family has arrived!  Healthy baby girl, 5lbs 15oz, Emily.  
My schedule is a little out of whack right now but I hope to back to my regular training on Monday.

Anyone a member of a local tri club?  If so what are your thoughts about getting involved in one?

Congratulations on the new addition!! I can imagine that your schedule would be out of whack .
2010-01-17 7:39 AM
in reply to: #2617571

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
jboyles - 2010-01-16 5:25 PM Hey everyone!  The new addition to our family has arrived!  Healthy baby girl, 5lbs 15oz, Emily.  


Edited by wallico 2010-01-17 7:58 AM

2010-01-17 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2617571

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
jboyles - 2010-01-16 2:25 PM Hey everyone!  The new addition to our family has arrived!  Healthy baby girl, 5lbs 15oz, Emily.  

Pretty cool.. Congrats!
2010-01-17 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2617571

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

jboyles - 2010-01-16 4:25 PM Hey everyone!  The new addition to our family has arrived!  Healthy baby girl, 5lbs 15oz, Emily.  

CONGRATULATIONS!!  (Parenthood is the real endurance sport. )  

My schedule is a little out of whack right now but I hope to back to my regular training on Monday.

Not a surprise.  Don't feel bad if your schedule is a little out of whack more than it's in whack.  Kids have a way of doing that. 

Anyone a member of a local tri club?  If so what are your thoughts about getting involved in one?

We are.  For us, the club is mostly an excuse to get together for eating and drinking (like we really need an excuse??).  Members will often post on our website about informal training (things like "I'm planning to ride 3 hours this Saturday starting here.  Let me know if you want to join up." )  If you have a local club, and it isn't too expensive to join (our dues are about $30 per year for the family), check it out.  If nothing else, it may give your wife some contacts to talk to at local races while you're out on the course. 

2010-01-19 1:11 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

A note about inspires: 

I've seen a few of you inspiring each other (and that's great, keep it up! )  Some of you respond in your own inspires (yea, there's a convenient text entry block right there), but it's easy for someone to miss your response there.  Better choices would be to "reply" (which quotes the original inspire along with your response in the other person's blog) or to go to the other blog and inspire them back.  That way, they're unlikely to miss your response.  If you do "reply" it puts the inspire on the same day as the original inspire.  The person should notice the red number of new inspires and it'll bring it up when they click on the underlined "inspires" next to the red number (above, in the user information section of the page).  If you want the reply in today's inspires, you'll need to "reply" then cut everything, close the inspire window, open it for today, and paste (and then type what you want). 

Hope everything is going well for everyone. 

2010-01-20 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Question: Hill Running?

I know that for most it comes down to what they are comfortable with but is there any theory on running hills?  Run at pace? or above pace and recover at top? or below pace and pick it up at top?  

I have noticed that if I pick it up on the hills  I seem to pass/gain on alot of people then I hold pace with them at the top to maintain what I just gained.

Anybody any thoughts? 

2010-01-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Hill strategy probably depends on the length of the race.  I know for the ultramarathons (trail runs) I've done, the strategy is to walk up the hills to save your HR.  For shorter races, like a 5K or 10K, your strategy to push hard up the hills probably pays off.  I've got limited marathon/half-marathon experience, but I'd opt to slow some to keep the HR and lactate in check. 

2010-01-21 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Sandusky, OH
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
I agree with Mike in that during my longer races, 30+ miles, I walk even the smallest incline.  But my shorter run I try to maintain my pace up the hill.  I don't eccerate but I try not to slow down either.
2010-01-24 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

The end of January is right around the corner.  Are you happy with were you are?  What did you say you would do and then you did it?  What do you want to do differently in the coming month (or months)? 

This group has a fair amount of endurance sport experience.  Three of you are attempting an Iron-distance race this year.  Some of you have run marathons already.  You know what it takes to train day in and day out.  Hopefully, you'll start to appreciate having other people check in on you to see how your workout went. 

It might be tempting to think with all of the experience in this group, little workouts and little successes aren't important, but that is hardly the case.  We're a team and everyone has perspective.  Maybe it is a challenge just getting out of the house for 20 minutes to run/walk.  The shade of pink when you log a workout doesn't get darker  the more you log. 

For me, travel the past two weeks has really taken a toll.  I did get a few runs in, but I need to take a day or two and get over the sore throat and get my body back on a more normal schedule.  I'm behind schedule for the marathon training, but it isn't unexpected.  The good news is my February trip may be squashed and that's the trip I expected to really disrupt my training. 

So...check in on each other's logs.  Inspire each other.  Who isn't excited to see the red number of new inspires when they bring up BT? 

2010-01-24 11:47 PM
in reply to: #2632059

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
Good points.  Thanks.

From a personal perspective, I feel like I'm doing well.  I've experienced some setbacks with re-injuring my knee a couple of weeks ago so my progress on running has not gone as well as I had hoped, but I think that's fine.  I'm still much better than I was a month ago. 

I've been able to incorporate workouts 6 times a week (more or less) and I'm learning a ton about swimming techniques.  I'm pretty excited about my first tri in April. 

I'm impressed with those of you who have done more than a sprint tri.  I'm inspired.

2010-01-25 6:26 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Sandusky, OH
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

I am happy with how my first month of training has been going.  Coming from a background of strickly running I didn't know how I would fair w/ swimming and biking.  I really happen to love the variety though. Previous on days when I didn't feel like running I made myself, but now i have two other options.  I also lucky to have a nice workout room in my hotel when I went on vacation where I could bike/run/swim. 

I have maintained a schedule of 6 days on and 1 off and it's worked.  I lost a couple of the "holiday" pounds over the course of the month. 

For the rest of the month I want to increase my endurance on the bike and get some more pool workouts in.  I appreciate any and all feedback.  It really helps!

2010-01-26 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2632059

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Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

McFuzz - 2010-01-24 6:25 PM

The end of January is right around the corner.  Are you happy with were you are?  What did you say you would do and then you did it?  What do you want to do differently in the coming month (or months)? 

This group has a fair amount of endurance sport experience.  Three of you are attempting an Iron-distance race this year.  Some of you have run marathons already.  You know what it takes to train day in and day out.  Hopefully, you'll start to appreciate having other people check in on you to see how your workout went. 

It might be tempting to think with all of the experience in this group, little workouts and little successes aren't important, but that is hardly the case.  We're a team and everyone has perspective.  Maybe it is a challenge just getting out of the house for 20 minutes to run/walk.  The shade of pink when you log a workout doesn't get darker  the more you log. 

For me, travel the past two weeks has really taken a toll.  I did get a few runs in, but I need to take a day or two and get over the sore throat and get my body back on a more normal schedule.  I'm behind schedule for the marathon training, but it isn't unexpected.  The good news is my February trip may be squashed and that's the trip I expected to really disrupt my training. 

So...check in on each other's logs.  Inspire each other.  Who isn't excited to see the red number of new inspires when they bring up BT? 

I just want warm weather back!  We had one day where it hit 50 and it was great to get out and run!  My bike is still collecting dust as we go back into another snowy cold week!

Since work is really slow right now I am logging alot of workouts and tend to have longer sessions also.  It will be interesting to see when (I hope soon) we pick back up how much I can still fit in.  With my profession you are either sitting on your hands or working 60-70 hour weeks.

Still haven't lost any real weight but that is not top proirity right now.  Once the spring/summer comes I will make weight a stronger point to get to a lean race weight.

Oh...and sign up for a race soon!


2010-01-26 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
I hear ya, Kevin.  Been the same way with me, had a couple warm days last week then it got right back down to 15 degrees again last night.  I love to icefish, so it is ok, but it is gonna be a while befor I can get out the bike. 

I had company from out of town for a few days, so I went 4 days w/out a workout.  Felt like a month off.  Can't believe how sore I am today from only a 1 hour workout last night.

I have not lost any real amount of weight either, but I'm getting my endurance built up right now.  I can already tell a huge difference in times, as well as distance I can swim w/out feeling like I will drown.  Same is coming true for running.

Also started taking an advanced spinning class a couple times a week.  That woman is brutal, but forces me to get in a hard biking workout for an hour each class.

This is the hardest time of year, when I have to go to the gym to get in a good workout. Cannot ride my bike outside, and the tread mill is about as exciting as watching paint dry.   It will be a lot easier (at least mentally) when we get more daylight hours also.  Used to hate daylight savings, but it will be nice to gain an hour of daylight in the evenings, that is for sure.
2010-01-26 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2635143

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Eastern Iowa
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
I second the vote for warm weather!

I am mostly satisfied with my efforsts although my trainning was thrown out of wack breifly. I have seemed to settle into my new routine nicely and am anxious to log a better Febuary.  I am super excited for spring time because I have finally gotten the new bike I have wanted for years and I can not wait to get some good rides in before the the sprint in June. 

I thank all of you that have been inspiring and the advice I have received.  This forum and the training log has been a huge part of my sucess so far and I think it is a valuable tool that everyone should use!
2010-01-26 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2577496

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED
I don't think I could handle living in your neck of the woods guys...

As far as weather goes for me, I'm out in California, near the coast, so no difficult weather. I'm a weather wimp.  Rain is the worst it gets here.  This time last year, when my knee was 100% I went out running and biking all the time. I do miss that... i wish my knee was 100% now!! 

It's treadmill and stat bike for me for now. 

2010-01-27 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2577496

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Eastern Iowa
Subject: RE: McFuzz's Mentor Group-2010 Vintage CLOSED

Question of the day...What do you wear on race day?

I was wondering what to wear under a wet suit?  I have heard of shorts specifically for triathlons, is this what you recommend?

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