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2010-12-22 11:16 PM
in reply to: #3258353

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-22 8:25 PM
sstucker - 2010-12-22 8:12 PM

Can I join?  this one is filling up pretty fast...details to come...need to be little ones to bed.

you can join only only if you go over to Guelph and kick an old man's a$$. 


have fun getting them to bed,  2/3 of mine are still wide eyed watching rudolph for the 40th time this week.

What's the address

Looks like I won't get any work done at the office this winter.  I'll be too busy keeping up with all these posts from this MG.  Have a feeling I'll be learning a lot.

Hello! fellow Ontarions, nice to have some neighbours up north of the border. 

Well, next few days will be a right off for me as I'll be busy doing the family thing.  Doing the family thing now so I can do the running, swimming and biking things later   I can't wait until Saturday morning....I sent a big hint to my wife about a trainer thing that was available at a certain bike shop.  I was a good boy all year, honest!  Santa knows, he always knows.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to all.

2010-12-22 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
Wassup everyone!! I would like to join this group if there is still room, plus every group needs a black guy since I represent the resounding .5% of the Tri population lol Laughing bio coming soon
2010-12-22 11:45 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
Name:  David

STORY: Until the last few years, I had always been athletic, playing multiple sports growing up and continuing to play in rec leagues since school.  I ran cross-country in college (early 90's) and completed a marathon in 1992.  After that, I pretty much quit running other than to enter an occasional race for fun.  I ran the 10K Peachtree Road Race from 1998-2003; each with a sub 50-minute time, and each with no training beforehand.  Since then, I have gotten married and ballooned into a fully-certified fat couch potato.  In softball, I routinely turn doubles and triples into singles, I get winded playing doubles tennis, and running a mile might as well be another marathon.  That just will not do.  
     I have always loved swimming, so last year, I began swimming for exercise and started the program to build up to a mile in 6 weeks.  It took me 22 days.  So far as I can tell, I am the slowest thing in the water that is still considered moving, but I eventually get there.  I haven't been to the pool since before Thanksgiving, but plan to hit it again when the holiday traveling season is over.  My next goal is the couch to 5K.  I expect that ten week program to take twenty from the shape I'm in, but we'll see.  I don't have a bike yet, but hope to get one right after the first of the year.  I liked riding one as a kid; surely it will still be fun ... right? 

FAMILY STATUS:  Married 5 years, expecting our first child in June (send $$)

CURRENT TRAINING:  Um, yeah about that ... I am headed back to the pool after the holidays and plan to start a couch to 5K as well.  Perhaps I will even move the clothes off of the weights in the basement and pick them up a few times.

2010 RACES:  Warrior Dash, Blue Ridge, GA; March Against Meth 5K, Hiram, GA

2011 RACES:  None planned yet, but I am sure I'll be doing the Warrior Dash again.  D*mn that was fun!

2010-12-23 12:00 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Welcome old and new!  This is a great place to be.... Not only is it a plethora of information, it is also a family!  You will grow to love each other!  I am going to be off line for a few days, but for the new people in this group you will see that there are people that have been in the SWBKRUN MG group for almost 4 years (they will have this party rolling in no time at all!).....  Like I said--- It becomes family! 
2010-12-23 3:25 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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New York
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
NAME: tpnguyen10/Tuffli

STORY: I am from Madison, but currently living in Singapore.  I was a basketball junkie my whole life until I slipped two dics (L3/L4,L4/L5) a few years ago.  My doc pretty much said: "you gotta stop beating up your body on the bball court. you won't be able to walk if you keep this up.." I'm pretty intense on the court and tend to dive, bang down low with the bigs, and drive hard to the basket.  It's okay when you're 20 and young, but NOT when you're 30+. So, I had to give up my passion. 

I was depressed... my only competitive outlet was playing Madden football or Call of Duty online and talking trash to 12/13 yr olds! (remember that scene with Vince Vaughn playing Madden in the "Break Up"?) oh yeah, that was me!  Once a "chiseled" basketball player; now a couch potatoe playing video games for hours on end.

My life changed when I watched my wife complete one of her life goals: do a triathlon (Danskin Chicagoland) before turning 30.  Not only did she do it, but she exceeded her expectations.  It was inspiring to see my wife along with many other 1st timers complete such a feat.  I was so proud of her!  She was the reason I got off the couch & to find my new passion!

I've been doing triathlons for almost 2 yrs now.  I love the ppl, lifestlye, camaraderie, & energy that triathlons bring.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my high school sweetheart (5 years) with 1 daughter (11 months) and 1 Vizsla (but sadly had to leave him behind with Grandmom in Madison

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently, I’m training for a HIM in March.  Really trying to build a solid base.  Time is limited and I get in what I can.  I try to get in workouts 6 days a week, usually around 1hr per workout except the weekends, which I try to get in around 2hrs.  I was also a gym rat back in the day, so I still love lifting weights when I can, but it's getting less and less when SBR is more of my priority. 

GOALS: Build a solid base foundation. Learn to swim, learn to bike faster, learn to run. Oh man.. I got a lot to learn! 

2010 RACES: a few sprints, 1 Oly, 2 HM, bike TT, & a mixed bag of road races

2011 RACES: Singapore HIM, NYC Tri, another 1 or 2 Oly, 1 or 2 HM

WEIGHTLOSS: umm I love to eat!!!  I topped around 205, but I now hover around 185.  Thank you Triathlon!! Ideal race weight: 180.   did I mention I love to eat? especially fried cheese curds, spotted cow, a burger from Old Fashion, & Gumby's pizza!

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm a head first / balls out kind of guy, but I love having fun, meeting new people & sharing experiences.  I go full speed at everything I have a passion for and I welcome anything that will help me get there.  I've had my fair share of newbie mistakes, learned some things along the way, and done a ton of research/reading on triathlons, so I hope to share some of my experiences & opinions. Oh, and I love to have fun (umm, maybe I already mentioned that... I forget.) woot woot!
2010-12-23 3:50 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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New York
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I have 2 days of travelling and 22hrs of flying ahead of me (god help me with my daughter!), so I picked up Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Thoughts? Opinions? (on the book that is!) unless you want to weigh in on how Emma will take to a 19hr direct flight?

2010-12-23 6:23 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Good morning, all!

Name:  Erica

Story:  From Central Illinois, so I'm a FIB(!), but I've been living in West Bend, Wisconsin for a couple years with my husband.  I'm in law school at Marquette right now.  Just finished my third semester, so I'm halfway done!  My husband started doing triathlons 3-4 years ago, and I'd been training for them for a couple years, but because I was playing college soccer, I didn't have a lot of time to dedicate to it.  Finally, this year, I got to do my first, and I loved it!  Now I'm hoping to devote much more time to it and making it a permanent hobby!

I enjoy having this new competitive outlet in triathlons because I was lost for a while without soccer.  I still play every now and then, but I had two fractured vertebrae and have one degenerative disc, so I barely made it through my senior season (lots of cortizone shots, advil, days off, and heating pads).  I also have (very) early signs of osteoperosis.  Obviously, playing goalie is out of the question now.  So, I've found that training for triathlons has kept my back a lot healthier than before!  My back hasn't felt this good since before the original injury (almost 10 years ago), so I've been loving training.  It makes me feel powerful.  Cheesy, perhaps, but it's true!

Family Status:  Married to my husband, Ryan, for almost 1.5 years.  We got married right out of college, so I'm only 23, and he's 24.  No kids planned for..ever...but we love having our beautiful Alaskan Husky, Nadie, who you will hear me talk about all the time because we train with her.

Current Training:  It took a LONG TIME, but I finally enjoy running, but it's been limited with the dark Wisconsin winter.  I refuse to run in the dark because of some creepers that live in the apartment complex next to ours.  So I've been running only 2x/week on Saturday/Sunday, and I've been doing Jorge's winter maintenance plan for the last 2 months or so 3x/week.  Next semester, I'm quitting my job (too much stress), so I will likely be training 6x/week with 4 run days and 2-3 bike days.  I will base my swim training on what my spring schedule looks like.

This year's races:  I only got to do the Oshkosh Sprint Triathlon this year because of some serious money limitations.  I ended up in the top half of my age group, which I was really happy about, and I came in just under my goal of 1:40.  I wasn't prepared for my legs being so numb after the bike!  We're in a MUCH better financial position now though, so next year is huge!

2011 Races:  LOTS, I hope!  I'm registered for my first ever half marathon on May 15th in Green Bay (the same day, Ryan will be running his first full marathon!).  We also want to try to do the Door County Half Iron in July.  I'm thinking about prepping for a full marathon (Lakeshore) in October, but I'm not so sure about that one yet.  There will be more added in here and there, once they get closer.

Weightloss:  I ballooned up a bit after graduating from college, but I'm proud to say I've lost all of that, and then some, since April (just over 20 pounds).  I only have about another 15 pounds to go before I'm at my high school weight (from sophomore year!).  However, I'm thinner now than I was all through college, so I'm happy with where I'm at! 

Why I'm a Good Mentee:  I think I'm good because I'm not too serious about life, but I know when to be.  I'm BUSY with law school during the semesters, and I may disappear for a week at a time, but I will always be checking in and inspiring people during those periods, even if I don't have time to post.  But I'm also a good mentee because I need a mentor to get me through this next year if I really choose to run a marathon!!!

Edited by SoccerGK 2010-12-23 6:33 AM
2010-12-23 6:44 AM
in reply to: #3258401

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
SSMinnow - 2010-12-22 8:15 PM
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 8:13 PM Is there still room?  I'm a bit of a newbie with only one year of training, but I think this seems like a good group for me.  If not, just let me know!  If so, I will post my bio asap!  Thanks!

Welcome!  I would love another fellow Wisconsinite in the group.  There are two of us already. Side note, I used to live in West Bend!


Where did you train in West Bend?  We really only live here because we have to.  Ryan works in Oshkosh, and I go to law school at Marquette, so we need to live as close to halfway as possible so neither one of us has to commute a REALLY long way.  It's about 40 miles away for me and 50 for him.  We plan on moving as soon as I graduate!  It's just a little too "small town-ish" for me. 

We actually really want to move out to Portland, Oregon.  If I get an internship out there for next fall, we probably will for sure when I graduate. *crosses fingers* 
2010-12-23 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3258327

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!!
 NAME: Kim

LOCATION:  San Francisco


YEARS RACING OTHER DISCIPLINES: Running on and off for the past 11 years, played lacrosse in college (many years ago!)  kt65=born in '65, you do the math!

FAMILY:  Married/Partnered to Kathy for 8 years, one awesome dog, Ripley (a Ridgeback/Pit mix) and our cat, Mochi.

WORK: Optometrist, full time.

PRETTY PUMPED ABOUT:  being able to balance family and long course training.  This coming year, my first Boston marathon and my first IM, IMMOO!

RACE WHERE I LEARNED THE MOST:  CA70.3 in March of 2010, I learned that I could race with my whole heart and soul and I truly learned about the power of friendship.  For more on this, you can visit my RR for that race.

FAVORITE OF THE THREE, TRAINING:  running.  i really like 8-10 mile runs.

WHAT I ADD TO THIS GROUP:  I love this group!  I help bring down the height average so Suzy doesn't feel so bad.  I help to keep John from getting too technical with his GPS explanations and give him a hard time when he and the guys start posting scandalous pictures. 

WHERE I CAN USE SOME HELP.  loaded question.  he knows everything, just ask JOHN.  Seriously, though, I used to be a slow, nervous swimmer.  Now I am just a slow swimmer.  I'm working on it but can always use help!

2011 RACE SCHEDULE.  (r) = registered

    * 4.18    Boston marathon (r)
    * 6.07    Tri for Real (olympic distance)
    * 7.18    Vineman 70.3 (r)
    * 9.11    IM Wisconsin (r)

2010-12-23 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Good morning! Here is my bio...

Name:  Christina

Story:  Growing up I was always active.  When we were 10-11ish, my dad would give my sister and I a dollar to spend at the candy store which we had to bike 10 miles to get to. Then we got into skiing.  Summers I crosstrained for skiing mostly with cycling.  I did road races and even tried duathlon. Falls and winters were hard core ski training as I attended a ski academy.  After college (Div I skiing), I focused mostly on running and ran the Marine Corp marathon back in '99. but once I got married and had kids taking care of me took a back seat.  After seeing an old friend (current hard corp triathlete) at her wedding a last year, I was reminded of all that I was missing and I signed up for two races.  I currently reside in MA and work in pharma.  

Family Status:  Married for 6.5 years (has it really been that long?) with two kids, a 4yo boy and a very tenacious 2yo girl.  No pets currently but that could change at any moment.

Current Training:  After years of sloth, come Jan will be a full yr of consistent training.  Currently, I have been run focused because I had a 1/2 mary in Nov and have another in Feb.  But come Jan 1st I am planning on integrating Jorge's winter maintenance plan and the 0-1650 before I start a training plan for Timberman. 

This year's races:  I did two 1/2 marathons (John Kelley and Chilly Half's), 2 5k's (Chatham Turkey Trot and Jingle Bell run), 1 5mi (Brew Run), and only one tri (Title 9 Women's Only). This was primarily b/c of timing. I had only set out to do two races (John Kelley and Ttle 9) that I set out as goals for myself for 2010 and while I love racing, I want to limit the number of races to one a month so that it doesn't dirupt our family life too much.

2011 Races:  I am already registered for Hyannis Half (2/27) and Timberman HIM (8/21), will register for the Epcot Wine and Dine half marathon (Oct) once it opens, and thinking about a few other races but would love to discuss the race schedule with peeps with regard to my A race (Timberman). 

Weightloss:  :sigh: Like many, once I got married, moved to the burbs, and got pregnant, my weight got out of hand.  When young and single, I lived in the city and walked everywhere in addition to working out.  As a married new home owner in the burbs, I drove everywhere and my "work outs" were home improvement.  I tried the "I want to lose weight" new year's resolutions but last yr I set physical goals (races/training) for myself and lost 30 lbs with the help of a Biggest Loser program at my work.  Hoping to lose another 30 lbs before Timberman. I want to hit a good race weight and reward myself with some hot new jeans.

Why I'm a Good Mentee:  I think I will be a good mentee because I need and want people who share my interest in running, triathlons, and just being physical with people who share similar interests.  Sadly, most of my friends think of physical fitness as an after thought, whereas I love to do it, and want to excel at it.  As I mentioned earlier, I am very much a Type A personality and once I set a goal I (usually) am very focused on achieving that goal.  Yet my family comes first...always, and we work hard to spend lots of family time together.  My husband travels for work a lot and when that happens I have a very difficult time fitting in my training.  I will need help in trying to fit it all in, especially in motivating me to get out of bed in the dark hrs of winter.

Thanks to all of you for being here!
2010-12-23 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3258423

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
Name et al: Tony (Been part of this MG for 3+ years)

5 years ago my wife started doing tri's and so I decided to join, since then I have Done a Half Ironman, tons of Olympic, Sprints, run a Marathon, bunch of half marathons and gotten into bike racing.  I basically enjoy doing as many different kind of races as I can.

Family Status:
Married to Samantha (sdalessio in this MG) for 16 years, we have 2 kids 6 and 4.

'10 Races: Lots of races, did my first Half Ironman last year, my first Road cycling race and my first Cyclocross race.

'11 Races:
  REV 3 Olympic is the only one I am 100% sure I am doing, will be doing other Oly's, focus in 11 is going to be on more cycling races.

What makes me a good part of this group
: I read a lot, visit a lot of forums and use a lot of technology in my training so I'm happy to give adivce if you'd like it on bike setup, bike building, etc. 

What else the newbies should know:
  Since I copied suzy's template I'll echo her sentiments. This is a great group, we've been together for a long time, we even meet up for races, last year it was Lonestar HIM/Olympic/Sprint in Galveston TX and Las Vegas Marathon/Half in Las Vegas.  Next year we're planning on meeting up at Rev3 in Knoxville, TN and who knows where else.

We do end up with tons of posts and if you can believe it the majority of them are actually training related.  When the new groups start up the posts will be fast and furious, don't feel like you have to read every single post, things will calm down after a month or so they always do.

2010-12-23 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
BIG NEWS AHEAD:  I SURPASSED 1,000 running miles in '10 afterall!!!

While it's my lowest running total since I started running in '02, I'll take it.  5 months off for a stress fracture and 6 weeks of for a hamstring tear really put a dent in my year.  I hope I learned something from those experiences and can bring back my speed '11.
2010-12-23 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3258710

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN
SoccerGK - 2010-12-23 6:44 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-22 8:15 PM
SoccerGK - 2010-12-22 8:13 PM Is there still room?  I'm a bit of a newbie with only one year of training, but I think this seems like a good group for me.  If not, just let me know!  If so, I will post my bio asap!  Thanks!

Welcome!  I would love another fellow Wisconsinite in the group.  There are two of us already. Side note, I used to live in West Bend!


Where did you train in West Bend?  We really only live here because we have to.  Ryan works in Oshkosh, and I go to law school at Marquette, so we need to live as close to halfway as possible so neither one of us has to commute a REALLY long way.  It's about 40 miles away for me and 50 for him.  We plan on moving as soon as I graduate!  It's just a little too "small town-ish" for me. 

We actually really want to move out to Portland, Oregon.  If I get an internship out there for next fall, we probably will for sure when I graduate. *crosses fingers* 

Ok, are we related???   We only lived in West Bend because we had to.  I worked in Appleton at Kimberly Clark (1:10 commute each way) and Paul worked in downtown Milwaukee (equally ugle commute).  We never did anything in West Bend, but sleep and eat bad Pizza at Dick's.  Back in those days, 80 hour work weeks prevented me from training, other than an occasional Nordic Trak workout (that really dates me)....MOVE when you can...that's what we did!

PS. There is another girl on BT, triplemom that lives in West Bend and she trains all the time.  I can connect you two if you like.
2010-12-23 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3258808

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 9:07 AM BIG NEWS AHEAD:  I SURPASSED 1,000 running miles in '10 afterall!!!

While it's my lowest running total since I started running in '02, I'll take it.  5 months off for a stress fracture and 6 weeks of for a hamstring tear really put a dent in my year.  I hope I learned something from those experiences and can bring back my speed '11.

Way to go Suzy, I'll end up about 50 miles or so short of that so less than last year but I was over 3k on the bike which is up over 1k from last year. (LOL, still way under your totals, but good for me)
2010-12-23 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Also, Doug, Stanley, William, any of you guys thinking about doing Nations Tri next year?

I was thinking about giving that race a second chance next year.
2010-12-23 8:29 AM
in reply to: #3258808

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New user
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-23 9:07 AM BIG NEWS AHEAD:  I SURPASSED 1,000 running miles in '10 afterall!!!

While it's my lowest running total since I started running in '02, I'll take it.  5 months off for a stress fracture and 6 weeks of for a hamstring tear really put a dent in my year.  I hope I learned something from those experiences and can bring back my speed '11.

Holy smack!! That's over 19 miles a week each and every week!  Good on you. 

2010-12-23 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3256813

Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Name:  Tony

Story:  A 3 sport high school athlete who fell into bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.  After high school I went to junior college and worked nights so I ate lots of fast food and had lots of late nights with Jolt cola.  160lbs later you have the current version of me. 

I decided in January of this year to make a change.  One of my friends is a Jeet Kune Do instructor and invited me to join his class.  So for the first 3 months I worked out with them 3 days a week and started eating healthy and feeling good.  I decided it was time to up the antee a bit and sign up for a 5k.  Just happened to have one in the town where I grew up so I signed up and did pretty ok at 47mins and some change this was lots better than the one I tried the previous September with my wife. 

I ran into my best friend at the race and he told me I should join the local triathlon club with him and his older brother.  I've been friends with these guys for over 20 years and figured sure I kind of liked this race maybe it will help me to train more.  They quickly convinced me I needed to sign up for a tri.  I decided to see what it was all about so I signed up with a team for my first with my little sister running and a buddy from my JKD class swimming.  After this I was hooked.  The environment was amazing. 

Family status:  Married for 6.5 years and we just had our first child (daughter). 

Current training:  Trying to get back into some routine my daughter is now 3 weeks old so its time for daddy to get back to doing some work.  Its nice my boss lets me hit the gym for a couple 30 minute runs during my lunches so that has been getting me by for now. 

Goals:  Lose another 60 or so pounds.  Set an example of a healthy lifestyle for my daughter.  Run a full 5k without walking.

2010 Races:  1 sprint, 1 sprint as a team, 4 5k's

2011 Races:  Looking for an Oly and maybe a half iron late if things go well

Weightloss:  Started at 360 January 1, 2010 currently 318 I have a long way to go.

2010-12-23 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Back again for more fun and advice and support.  

NAME: Glen 

LOCATION:  Katy, Texas (just west of Houston)

YEARS RACING TRIATHLON: 1 year (1 sprint in late 2009, 3 sprints and 1 Oly in 2010)  Also completed 1st Half Marathon earlier this month.  

FAMILY:  Just turned 51.  Married to Sharon for 19 years (#20 coming up in July 2011).  Two teenagers (Kristen-16, Caleb-14) and a Westie (Kirby-9)

WORK: Software technical sales manager covering Western US. 

MY STORY: Went from life long couch potato to losing 30 lbs by swimming and basic cardio (treadmill and elliptical) in 2008. Was getting bored and unfocused with staying fit.  Did an indoor tri in early 2009.  Signed up for a Sprint tri in the Fall of 2009 spending the summer ramping up my biking and running.  Got a new road bike in January 2010 and signed up for a full season of triathlons in 2010.  

FAVORITE OF THE THREE, TRAINING:  Swimming used to be a favorite, but running is now moving up the list....and I used to detest running.  

WHAT I ADD TO THIS GROUP:  Still a beginner but have learned much from this group.  I trained for my first sprint without any peer support then joined this MG in late 2009.  It has made a huge difference in motivation and focus, and also helped me with 'dumb' questions I did not know where else to ask.....and always with relevant (sometimes amusing and humorous) answers.  Willing to share what has worked, and not worked for me, where I can.  

WHERE I CAN USE SOME HELP:  Everything.  Focused on running during this 'off-season' with 2 half marathons.  Biking is next area of focus for training going into 2011 season. Swimming is still not swift, but I do ok.   

2011 RACE SCHEDULE:  Any addition to those I have registered for (below), I will likely add another local Sprint, some 5K's and maybe a 10k or two.  Also Galveston 5150 in the fall, maybe.  

1/16/2011  USAFit Everyone's Half Marathon - Sugar Land, TX (Registered
1/31/2011  El Paso 5K - Houston, Tex (Registered
4/3/2011   Gateway to the Bay Olympic - Kemah, TX (Registered)
8/7/2011   Bridgeland Sprint - Cypress, TX (Registered)
9/25/2011  Houston Olympic - Cypress, TX (Registered)
2010-12-23 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3258641

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tpnguyen10 - 2010-12-23 4:50 AM I have 2 days of travelling and 22hrs of flying ahead of me (god help me with my daughter!), so I picked up Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Thoughts? Opinions? (on the book that is!) unless you want to weigh in on how Emma will take to a 19hr direct flight?

oh man,  good luck to you and emma!   as far as the book goes,  good read but i bet that book hurt more people than any other running book.  please don't read it, go out and buy a pair of vff's and think you can blast out 15 miles on the trail the next day.   not saying they are no good,  just ease into them if you (anyone here) get after it in them. 

i saw scott jurek a few weeks ago in vegas.  super guy.
2010-12-23 8:54 AM
in reply to: #3258744

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2010-12-23 8:27 AM Good morning! Here is my bio...

Name:  Christina

aaahhhh crap.  please tell me i didn't send fink's plan to a red sox fan.     ha!  welcome to the mg.

and welcome to everyone i haven't had a chance to yap at yet,  don't worry... i will soon enough.   now its off to go look at some dinosaurs!!
2010-12-23 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3256813

Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
what is the coldest water ever swam in with out a wetsuit. I am doing my first half Ironman in March cold really doesn't bother me to bad and this will also be my first open water swim. I am planning getting to Florida about 5days before the race to hopefully get some in. Any suggestions on what to expect?

2010-12-23 9:22 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Holy Mackeral. Just started and 4 pages in. I think I should log on more often. I'm back for yet another season. I'll send my update shortly. Have to go shopping again today.

Welcome to the new people and Hi again from the frozen north to all the returnees.

had a good short 1/2 hour ride in my jammies this morning just to make sure I got something in today.

Going away for a few days over christmas so may not get a chance to wish eveyone a

safe and "Merry Christmas"

2010-12-23 9:25 AM
in reply to: #3258353

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - OPEN

fattyfatfat - 2010-12-22 8:25 PM
sstucker - 2010-12-22 8:12 PM

Can I join?  this one is filling up pretty fast...details to come...need to be little ones to bed.

you can join only only if you go over to Guelph and kick an old man's a$$. 


have fun getting them to bed,  2/3 of mine are still wide eyed watching rudolph for the 40th time this week.

Careful John. This old man will come over, jump up and kick you in the $$*%^ (not Knee caps)

2010-12-23 9:27 AM
in reply to: #3258977

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Redknight - 2010-12-23 10:22 AM

Holy Mackeral. Just started and 4 pages in. I think I should log on more often. I'm back for yet another season. I'll send my update shortly. Have to go shopping again today.

Welcome to the new people and Hi again from the frozen north to all the returnees.

had a good short 1/2 hour ride in my jammies this morning just to make sure I got something in today.

Going away for a few days over christmas so may not get a chance to wish eveyone a

safe and "Merry Christmas"

Sorry Rob, too late, we're way over our quota of Canadians this time..Laughing

Ugh, more logs to read where I have to convert KM's to Miles....
2010-12-23 9:29 AM
in reply to: #3258976

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
h2oknine - 2010-12-23 10:21 AM what is the coldest water ever swam in with out a wetsuit. I am doing my first half Ironman in March cold really doesn't bother me to bad and this will also be my first open water swim. I am planning getting to Florida about 5days before the race to hopefully get some in. Any suggestions on what to expect?

Cold water in Florida?  Is that possible?

I'll wear my wetsuit for any race that allows it.  It makes me so much faster, less things to worry about, it helps you float.

If you don't own a wetsuit is awesome, very easy service to use and they rent good wetsuits.

For your first OWS get in the water as early as possible, if you can get in before the race, so much the better.  After 4 years of racing my HR still shoots up when I first get in OWS, it so much different than being in a pool.
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