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2011-04-15 10:59 AM
in reply to: #3447796

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
used2Bfat - 2011-04-14 9:20 PM

Okay. So this is essentially a group where we can support each other even if we don't have a true mentor? I'm okay with that.

I'm a very early beginner. Haven't put all the disciplines into practice but working on it. Jeff, thanks for mentioning the Total Immersion swim program. It looked very interesting and doable. I'm going to order it soon if I can.

I am also money challenged. If anyone has tips (besides borrowing a bike which I have done already), I'd love to hear them. I'm wondering about swim stuff. Looks like needs are goggles and cap plus swimsuit.

My burning question... what do you guys wear to make transitions easier? Tri suit? I heard those aren't padded for the bike. I'm just gathering all the info now so I can freak out properly you know! - Maureen

Money-challenged here tooSmile.  I did splurge on a bike, although I bought a relatively inexpensive one and still have cages instead of clipless pedals.  For swimming really all you need is a suit and goggles, cap is optional although most people have them I think.  Some people have wetsuits if they do a lot of open water swimming or races with OWS.  They can be rented for a weekend if you need one and don't have one. 

As for what to wear - I have tri-shorts - similar to bike shorts but with less padding and it dries quicker, and a tri-top - basically just like a tank top.  I wear both for the whole race - the swim, bike and run.  That way the only thing I have to worry about is my feet and since I wear running shoes for the bike, it's just once on in T1 and I'm ready for both the bike and run. 

2011-04-15 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3444716

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - Open
Chezz - 2011-04-13 11:33 AM

Hi Scott,

I'd like to join if there is still room.  I've been lurking aroudn for a while as I fell off the wagon with my training.  I started last year, and did a pool sprint and really enjoyed.  Over summer I still continued to train, read a lot and had everything in place to take on a lake sprint at the end of the season.  I got injured because I was riding a bike that did not fit properly and started to back down.

I then decided to go back to school and get my MBA in the fall and it all fell apart. I was not used to the new schedule and my tri training was the victim.  I gained a lot of weight and have just started back.  It is painful.

I am looking for a mentor group that can keep me accountable.  This helped enormously last year.  I am trying to get back at it, focusing on losing some weight before using a formal training plan.

I'd like to do a couple of sprints this year and 2 half marathons.  Three years ago, I was running and managed to get 3 in that year, still slow, but was excited to have completed that.  My target is to break 2:00.

My biggest challenge is turning into an early bird so training does not affect my studies.  I have found a master's swim class at 5:30 but still keep turning the snooze off twice a week hahaha, so send me a note to keep me on track!



Is there anything specific we can do to help keep you accountable and get you out the door?

2011-04-15 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3448547

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
agrant3 - 2011-04-15 9:40 AM

Ok so as a newbie who hasn't done a tri yet .....

1) Worried I'll be out of gas after the bike and not be able to run the run

2) The swim

3) Not being prepared enough with my training

1) This is where 'tempo' rides/runs AND Bricks are so important.  After you have worked these into your training plans, you'll have all the confidence you need on race day.   Everyone, even the pros, 'worry' about pushing too fast on the bike and suffering on the run.  It's on one the many mysteries that makes the sport exciting.

2) Man, I had the WORST time with the swims.  It took almost two whole seasons before I could make all the way through a swim leg without having a little melt-down and having to backstroke for a few minutes.  Practice and experience breed confidence.  Get out of the pool and into the open water.  For me, the swim start is a mental thing.

3) This is easy...HTFU (lol).  No, really.  This stuff is kinda hard.   That's why most of our friends are sitting on the couch while we're racing.  Immediately after the rush of your first race is over, you'll be kicking yourself for the things you could've done better.  I don't think that ever goes away.  Have a plan, train hard-train smart and expect the unexpected. 

Relax, your concerns are common and very normal.  We'll all be here for ya. 

2011-04-15 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3448581

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Well my first race in May is a Sprint with a shorter pool swim.  It's only a 300yrd Swim, 10 mile bike, 2.5 -3.2 mile run (can't remember).

I'm actually not as worried about this race, but more so about the one in July that is a full sprint.  The half mile is in the ocean.  As soon as it warms up, i'll be getting in one open water session a week to help prepare.

As much as I might be sounding like i'm very worried, I'm actually not.  I just finished a duathlon (short distance) this past week, so I know I can do it as long as I follow my training plan.  I'm pretty diciplined and havent' had any trouble doing the early morning swims ... so I think I just need to get to it!

OH and I don't have a wet suit, I guess I'll just rent one in July.  Not sure yet.

2011-04-15 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3448679

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

1) This is where 'tempo' rides/runs AND Bricks are so important.  After you have worked these into your training plans, you'll have all the confidence you need on race day.   Everyone, even the pros, 'worry' about pushing too fast on the bike and suffering on the run.  It's on one the many mysteries that makes the sport exciting.

2) Man, I had the WORST time with the swims.  It took almost two whole seasons before I could make all the way through a swim leg without having a little melt-down and having to backstroke for a few minutes.  Practice and experience breed confidence.  Get out of the pool and into the open water.  For me, the swim start is a mental thing.

3) This is easy...HTFU (lol).  No, really.  This stuff is kinda hard.   That's why most of our friends are sitting on the couch while we're racing.  Immediately after the rush of your first race is over, you'll be kicking yourself for the things you could've done better.  I don't think that ever goes away.  Have a plan, train hard-train smart and expect the unexpected. 

Relax, your concerns are common and very normal.  We'll all be here for ya. 


Thanks for the feedback!  I appreciate the reply.  Glad to have the resource of this board for experience and feedback!!

2011-04-15 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

To Scott's question, the big "it" - there are two that are related.  One is to be able to consider myself an athlete.  There have been long stretches when I was fit and strong, but never an athlete and I've always envied that.  The second is fear of going back to being fat/lazy.  It happens too quickly and spirals out of control.  It was so much work to get back into it this time - I'm 48 and it will only get harder from here.  Already since hitting my weight goal I've had a harder time keeping my diet health-oriented.

To the question re. "what worries you" about the first tri - I'm really afraid that I've just been deluding myself and there's no way possible I can handle all three events together.  I can do each one separately, albeit slowly, but I just don't see completing the run w/o walking.  My first sprint is in 4 weeks.  I only have two weeks of "real" training left and then two of taper, and I just don't see it happening.  We'll see, and I know walking wouldn't be the end of the world.  It would be disappointing though.

used2Bfat: I got a tri-suit on eBay.  I was worried about the thin padding, but it's fine.  I've actually found I'm more comfortable w/o bike shorts than with them now that my butt is more used to the saddle.  The only thing is if you get tri shorts or a suit, buy black - mine is light blue and it shows a bit more than I'm comfortable with.  PM me if you want details, since I'm not sure it's ok to post "camel toe" here.    I don't think it's necessary though - you'd lose what, 10 seconds by pulling shorts on over your swimsuit?

2011-04-15 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user

Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'm having trouble just trying to find the time to workout. I'm a stay at home mom & my husband works very long hours & only gets 1 day off a week. During the day I can take them on a bike ride w/me (I pull them w/a trailer) but I'm not able to go too far. I guess it's better than nothing. I'm able to run some nights after my hubby gets home & our pool isn't open yet to swim. We're getting ready to go back to FL in June for the summer so I can't get a gym membership either. I really want to get my workouts in, it's just frustrating some times when I'm not able to. I'm staying at my moms in FL so I will have the time then I just hope it's enough time. My race is July 16, It's a sprint .25 mile swim, 10 mile bike & 3 mile run. If I really train hard starting in June will I be ready? I will continue to do all I can here so I think it will be possible. Just have to stay positive. This is something I really want to do so I'm just going to have to make it happen!
2011-04-15 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3448983

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

mrschiuchiolo - 2011-04-15 12:36 PM I'm having trouble just trying to find the time to workout. I'm a stay at home mom & my husband works very long hours & only gets 1 day off a week. During the day I can take them on a bike ride w/me (I pull them w/a trailer) but I'm not able to go too far. I guess it's better than nothing. I'm able to run some nights after my hubby gets home & our pool isn't open yet to swim. We're getting ready to go back to FL in June for the summer so I can't get a gym membership either. I really want to get my workouts in, it's just frustrating some times when I'm not able to. I'm staying at my moms in FL so I will have the time then I just hope it's enough time. My race is July 16, It's a sprint .25 mile swim, 10 mile bike & 3 mile run. If I really train hard starting in June will I be ready? I will continue to do all I can here so I think it will be possible. Just have to stay positive. This is something I really want to do so I'm just going to have to make it happen!


Unless you're a paid athlete (or independently wealthy), we all have jobs, careers, families, relationships etc., that have to be tended to.  Sometimes you just can't get all the workouts that the 'plan' calls for...and (for me) that's OK!  Triahlon training is a way to improve my life-not become my life.

Can you workout in the early morning before everyone gets up?  Pulling kids in a bike trailer is a GREAT workout-and you'll soon be able to go further and further.  Would a jogging stroller be of use?  If the kids are old enough to ride bikes-they can ride while you run.  Or take them to the local HS track and they can play in the long jump sand while you run around the track.  As for the swimming-there isn't a perfect substitute for swimming, but Rowing comes pretty close.  Or you could get some stretch bands and simulate the swim stroke motion.  Are these perfect solutions?  Of course not, but these are the things we all have to overcome.  These are the challenges that make the finish line THAT much more rewarding; the accomplishment THAT much sweeter.  


2011-04-15 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3448968

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-15 12:31 PM

To the question re. "what worries you" about the first tri - I'm really afraid that I've just been deluding myself and there's no way possible I can handle all three events together.  I can do each one separately, albeit slowly, but I just don't see completing the run w/o walking.  My first sprint is in 4 weeks.  I only have two weeks of "real" training left and then two of taper, and I just don't see it happening.  We'll see, and I know walking wouldn't be the end of the world.  It would be disappointing though.

Stephanie, MY GOSH Woman; I've looked at your logs.  You're deluding yourself to think you CAN'T do all three events together.  Are you doing any 'bricks'-if not, then start now.  If you are, then do a short x3 brick just to see how things feel.  And give yourself another week of training-you don't have to taper 2 weeks for a Sprint (IMO). Convince yourself this is possible.  Really, what are your alternatives???

2011-04-16 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3448968

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-15 2:31 PM

To Scott's question, the big "it" - there are two that are related.  One is to be able to consider myself an athlete.  There have been long stretches when I was fit and strong, but never an athlete and I've always envied that.  The second is fear of going back to being fat/lazy.  It happens too quickly and spirals out of control.  It was so much work to get back into it this time - I'm 48 and it will only get harder from here.  Already since hitting my weight goal I've had a harder time keeping my diet health-oriented.

To the question re. "what worries you" about the first tri - I'm really afraid that I've just been deluding myself and there's no way possible I can handle all three events together.  I can do each one separately, albeit slowly, but I just don't see completing the run w/o walking.  My first sprint is in 4 weeks.  I only have two weeks of "real" training left and then two of taper, and I just don't see it happening.  We'll see, and I know walking wouldn't be the end of the world.  It would be disappointing though.

used2Bfat: I got a tri-suit on eBay.  I was worried about the thin padding, but it's fine.  I've actually found I'm more comfortable w/o bike shorts than with them now that my butt is more used to the saddle.  The only thing is if you get tri shorts or a suit, buy black - mine is light blue and it shows a bit more than I'm comfortable with.  PM me if you want details, since I'm not sure it's ok to post "camel toe" here.    I don't think it's necessary though - you'd lose what, 10 seconds by pulling shorts on over your swimsuit?

Stephanie, like Jeff said...I don't see how you could not finish. Your logs are impressive! And even if you do "have" to walk, it is better to do that than DNS or DNF. I think that's the only way you could be disappointed. Also, I'm very sorry to hear about your friend's passing.

My "it" thing that I think/thought about for the last year or so is my 10 year high school reunion. It may sound very selfish/vain, but I picture myself walking into my high school reunion and everyone turning and staring (in a good way). And that's my motivation. It will be coming up in November this year and I would love to go back and have that happen. Then I'll have to find new motivation, but for now, that's good enough for me. Since I don't have any kids or am married, I feel like if I let myself go for no reason, then I've wasted my life. 

Last year was my first season in tri and I was broke all the time too. I ended up doing the bathing suit/throw clothes over my suit in transition with running shoes/hybrid bike thing. It wasn't the best in terms of my overall times, but if you can start and complete a race, who cares what your times are the first year? Real quick story: I signed up in the "fat tire" category for my OLY race last year and after almost 2 hours on the bike and most people packing it in to go home by the time I finished (don't even have finishing pics because the photographer left), I was rewarded by winning my category! Not to mention the fact that I was the only one IN my category, BUT I have the hardware to prove my #1 finish. Small victories!

Anyway, on another note, my story (I think I've touched on a bit). Currently have a stress fracture in my left shin bone. Am heading back to the DR on the 26th for a follow-up and hopefully to get me released to run again. After my last Oly last year, I took a month or so off before training for my half marathon and gained back 5 of the lbs I'd lost the last year. Then after I finished my race, I gained the other 5lbs back. And when I started getting back into it in February, I got hurt. So just today I've modified my logs/races based on my injuries and am using the last portion of a 16-week sprint plan as my base plan. Then I start into my Oly plan because I want that to be my A race this year. I have others along the way but want to go longer and faster! Have felt defeated the last couple months, but I now reflect on all the hard work it took me last year to get where I was, and know if I did it then, I can do it now. 

Okay, sorry for the long response, but I'm not on often enough and I am playing catch up. I'll try and be on more to respond more frequently.

2011-04-16 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3448983

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

mrschiuchiolo - 2011-04-15 2:36 PM I'm having trouble just trying to find the time to workout. I'm a stay at home mom & my husband works very long hours & only gets 1 day off a week. During the day I can take them on a bike ride w/me (I pull them w/a trailer) but I'm not able to go too far. I guess it's better than nothing. I'm able to run some nights after my hubby gets home & our pool isn't open yet to swim. We're getting ready to go back to FL in June for the summer so I can't get a gym membership either. I really want to get my workouts in, it's just frustrating some times when I'm not able to. I'm staying at my moms in FL so I will have the time then I just hope it's enough time. My race is July 16, It's a sprint .25 mile swim, 10 mile bike & 3 mile run. If I really train hard starting in June will I be ready? I will continue to do all I can here so I think it will be possible. Just have to stay positive. This is something I really want to do so I'm just going to have to make it happen!

Where in Florida are you staying? If you are near Tampa, you are more than welcome to come to my gym and we can work out a buddy pass! I would love to help out a fellow BTer, since I've already gotten so much back in return!

2011-04-16 3:02 PM
in reply to: #3448983

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
mrschiuchiolo - 2011-04-15 11:36 AM

I'm having trouble just trying to find the time to workout. I'm a stay at home mom & my husband works very long hours & only gets 1 day off a week. During the day I can take them on a bike ride w/me (I pull them w/a trailer) but I'm not able to go too far. I guess it's better than nothing. I'm able to run some nights after my hubby gets home & our pool isn't open yet to swim. We're getting ready to go back to FL in June for the summer so I can't get a gym membership either. I really want to get my workouts in, it's just frustrating some times when I'm not able to. I'm staying at my moms in FL so I will have the time then I just hope it's enough time. My race is July 16, It's a sprint .25 mile swim, 10 mile bike & 3 mile run. If I really train hard starting in June will I be ready? I will continue to do all I can here so I think it will be possible. Just have to stay positive. This is something I really want to do so I'm just going to have to make it happen!

This a problem a lot of us share and you are not alone. getting workouts in is tough. Here is something you can try that will help you set realistic workouts around your schedule.

THIS IS SOMETHING WE ALL COULD DO (I'll do mine as an example)

There are 168 hours in a week. I sleep 49 of those (119 hours left) Work consumes another 42 hours (77 hours left). I spend roughly 4 hours commuting (71 hours left) I spend 12 hours on our other business (59 hours left) I spend roughly 15 hours eating meals (1 hour for dinner with the fam and 30 minutes for breakfast and lunch) (44 hours left) 7 hours a week for church and bible study (37 hours left) 14 hours for family time (2 hours per day) (21 hours left) 10 hours for misc (chores, errands activities etc) So if life has no surprises I have 11 hours a week with which to do workouts. I think I am missing something because it never feels like I have that much time but that gives you an idea.

Doing this will tell you how much time you truly have for starters then you have an easier time designing your workouts. Then you just have to use the time you have effeciently which is one of the ways this group can help. So try doing this and once you have a number we can help you make up some workouts to do. I am a huge advocate of good workouts not long workouts.

Hope that helps

2011-04-17 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3450067

New user

Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Edited by mrschiuchiolo 2011-04-17 8:16 AM
2011-04-17 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3450067

New user

Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
morrisel - 2011-04-16 10:53 AM

mrschiuchiolo - 2011-04-15 2:36 PM I'm having trouble just trying to find the time to workout. I'm a stay at home mom & my husband works very long hours & only gets 1 day off a week. During the day I can take them on a bike ride w/me (I pull them w/a trailer) but I'm not able to go too far. I guess it's better than nothing. I'm able to run some nights after my hubby gets home & our pool isn't open yet to swim. We're getting ready to go back to FL in June for the summer so I can't get a gym membership either. I really want to get my workouts in, it's just frustrating some times when I'm not able to. I'm staying at my moms in FL so I will have the time then I just hope it's enough time. My race is July 16, It's a sprint .25 mile swim, 10 mile bike & 3 mile run. If I really train hard starting in June will I be ready? I will continue to do all I can here so I think it will be possible. Just have to stay positive. This is something I really want to do so I'm just going to have to make it happen!

Where in Florida are you staying? If you are near Tampa, you are more than welcome to come to my gym and we can work out a buddy pass! I would love to help out a fellow BTer, since I've already gotten so much back in return!

I'll be in Cocoa Beach, just opposite side of the state from you. Thanks for the offer though. My mom lives there so I'll be able to workout a lot more. She can watch the kids so I can really focus on my training. I'm doing the Central FL Triathlon Series race #3 July 16, It's in Clermont. I hope you get good news from your DR, I'm sure your more than ready to get back out there. I totally get your "it" reason. I'm also having my 10 year reunion but I have 3 kids, so I want everyone to be like "wow" she has 3 kids & looks that good. It's not selfish, you've worked really hard to be where you're at & should be proud! I'm glad I found BT, it's good to have the support from others who have had the experience & can offer the help for us newbies.Smile

2011-04-17 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3450289

New user

Slidell, LA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the advice Scott, I'll try it out. I only have about a month until we move back to FL & then I'll have help with the kids so I can workout more. Have a great weekend!
2011-04-17 8:02 PM
in reply to: #3449276

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

jeffnboise - 2011-04-15 3:53 PM  Triahlon training is a way to improve my life-not become my life.

Jeffriboise, these are great words and I need to internalize them.  It's way too easy for me to become obsessed with a new passion and think if I don't become an expert at it then it doesn't count.  And thanks for all your words of encouragement!  I take it this means I should buy groceries instead of a new bike next week?

I think high school reunion is a GREAT motivator!  Of course you want to make your best showing for your friends.  Who knows, maybe you'll even meet a fellow triathlete there!

I am now the proud foster of a litter of kittens.  (Anyone need a kitten?  Take two, they're small.)  I picked them up yesterday morning.  They were fine, I went for a swim, came back and one was really sick.  I spent most of the evening at the emergency vet, picked him up this morning, and fortunately he seems to be doing much better now.  But between focusing on him and losing some sleep, I did not get my planned brick workout in today.  Tomorrow marks the start of a new build week - I'm hoping to get refocused after a tough time this past week.  At least my body is well rested, lol.

2011-04-17 10:16 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thinking about getting some aero-bars for my bike.  Anyone have any suggestions and will they make a significant difference in my bike times?
2011-04-18 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3451698

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Wesley12 - 2011-04-17 11:16 PM Thinking about getting some aero-bars for my bike.  Anyone have any suggestions and will they make a significant difference in my bike times?

I put some clip on aerobars onto my old road bike.  I am still up in the air about them.  I ride very well on them with the wind and on flats.  I am still having a tough time trying to ride them up hills.  I don't seem to be able to get the same power out of my legs as when I am up on the bar.  I also seem to add extra miles to my ride because of the swaying back and forth while on them.  In time, I think having them will pay off .  It is just such a different position, I will have to keep practicing get used to them.

2011-04-18 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3282419

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I feel everyone's pain about trying to find time for workouts.  I am training for a sprint tri on June 12th and then a half marathon (run/walk) on July 17th.  I never realized how tough training for two separate races was going to be.  On top of that, I've been battling a plantar faciitis injury since January.  My doc wants to do cortisone shots but I would be out of commission for at least a week after that.  And he can't guarantee the first round will even work.  Our compromise is for me to wear a walking boot but still be able to train.  I don't know if I made the right decision or not.  Last week was a pretty good week as far as pain is concerned so I am hoping that means I am on the mend. 

But, there have been many days in the past couple of weeks that I have just broken down and wanted to give up.  Quite honestly, I'm surprised I haven't.  I'm just trying to be as consistent as possible with both training plans.  I was able to combine them which helped me to see some duplicate running training.  It was also helpful in moving stuff around to get a couple of rest days a week which I am now finding is crucial for me.
2011-04-18 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3451936

Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peterssonb - 2011-04-18 8:22 AM

Wesley12 - 2011-04-17 11:16 PM Thinking about getting some aero-bars for my bike.  Anyone have any suggestions and will they make a significant difference in my bike times?

I put some clip on aerobars onto my old road bike.  I am still up in the air about them.  I ride very well on them with the wind and on flats.  I am still having a tough time trying to ride them up hills.  I don't seem to be able to get the same power out of my legs as when I am up on the bar.  I also seem to add extra miles to my ride because of the swaying back and forth while on them.  In time, I think having them will pay off .  It is just such a different position, I will have to keep practicing get used to them.

Do you need to get another fit once you put clip ons on your bike?


2011-04-18 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3452923

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Chezz - 2011-04-18 12:25 PM
peterssonb - 2011-04-18 8:22 AM

Wesley12 - 2011-04-17 11:16 PM Thinking about getting some aero-bars for my bike.  Anyone have any suggestions and will they make a significant difference in my bike times?

I put some clip on aerobars onto my old road bike.  I am still up in the air about them.  I ride very well on them with the wind and on flats.  I am still having a tough time trying to ride them up hills.  I don't seem to be able to get the same power out of my legs as when I am up on the bar.  I also seem to add extra miles to my ride because of the swaying back and forth while on them.  In time, I think having them will pay off .  It is just such a different position, I will have to keep practicing get used to them.

Do you need to get another fit once you put clip ons on your bike?


The 'fit gurus' will say yes, and while I agree that it's important, it's an expense I can't afford.  Providing your fit is pretty good now, I've had good luck by simply moving the saddle a tic forward on the rails.  Comfort is key-if you keep having to sit up, the aero benefit is wasted.  Mount them and take some pics-between us all, we can probably get you pretty close.

2011-04-18 11:28 PM
in reply to: #3453398

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
jeffnboise - 2011-04-18 2:28 PM

Chezz - 2011-04-18 12:25 PM
peterssonb - 2011-04-18 8:22 AM

Wesley12 - 2011-04-17 11:16 PM Thinking about getting some aero-bars for my bike.  Anyone have any suggestions and will they make a significant difference in my bike times?

I put some clip on aerobars onto my old road bike.  I am still up in the air about them.  I ride very well on them with the wind and on flats.  I am still having a tough time trying to ride them up hills.  I don't seem to be able to get the same power out of my legs as when I am up on the bar.  I also seem to add extra miles to my ride because of the swaying back and forth while on them.  In time, I think having them will pay off .  It is just such a different position, I will have to keep practicing get used to them.

Do you need to get another fit once you put clip ons on your bike?


The 'fit gurus' will say yes, and while I agree that it's important, it's an expense I can't afford.  Providing your fit is pretty good now, I've had good luck by simply moving the saddle a tic forward on the rails.  Comfort is key-if you keep having to sit up, the aero benefit is wasted.  Mount them and take some pics-between us all, we can probably get you pretty close.

Sometimes I have to laugh about the great debate about weight and aero "ness" When it comes to racing. I could skip breakfast and save more weight than changing to all carbon LOL

That being said one of the very important things about aero bars is that they change what muscles you use to pedal. In doing this you save the muscles needed to run more for running (Though the muscles are not completely seperate aero bars do help your endurance for the run) There is of course an aerodynamic advantage to aero bars and I have heard different speeds about when the benefit kicks in. Most people agree that the benefit doesn't kick in until around 15-16 mph.After that the faster you go the more they help. Also on the up hills don't feel obligated to stay aero, if you need to get uo out of the saddle or sit up feel free. Do what your body tells you you need to do to get up the hill. I like getting up on hills because it gives my rump a break and allows me to use my upper body to help with the pull (which I won't be needing my upper body for the rest of the race anyway).

One last thought about clip on aero bars. I am not against it at all but I would caution that road bike geometry is different from tri bike geometry and clip on bars can make road bikes a little twitchy to steer. So be careful and spend some time testing them out.

2011-04-18 11:31 PM
in reply to: #3282419

New user
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED

So I am reading and learning like crazy so far.  I am seeing people like me and people way ahead of me.  I love this type of connection with others in training!!

And with that said, I have a question.  I am 9 weeks away from my event (sprint tri 600-11-3.1) and it is my first.  I have been following a BT customized plan for the last eight weeks (and will until race time).  I am struggling a little with motivation at this point and it is not because i can't do them but because life's little nuances are showing up here and there.  So in analyzing this slump I have been experimenting with something and I want to know if it's a bad idea.  Up until this last week and a half I have stayed with what the plan laid out (set times to bike, set times to run, etc).  Now I am feeling like at this point I feel more comfortable with more flexibility and need to ask for feedback.  I still plan on doing the same distances/times on a 2-2-2 schedule but thinking instead of doing a textbook plan I say "okay today I feel like I want to do the run instead of the swim the schedule said and instead throw the swim in the next day"  So at the end of the week, I have accomplished all markers but didn't necessarily do them in the order they came in. 

I do avoid doing both runs on back to back day, same with bike and swim but maybe I don't need to?  I just feel if I try this I won't feel so much pressure to train a certain area if I don't want to that day but instead a day when I will be able to give it the umph it deserves?!

Hopefully that makes sense-PLEASE let me know if it doesn't!!


2011-04-18 11:42 PM
in reply to: #3448968

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
sdejan - 2011-04-15 11:31 AM

To Scott's question, the big "it" - there are two that are related.  One is to be able to consider myself an athlete.  There have been long stretches when I was fit and strong, but never an athlete and I've always envied that.  The second is fear of going back to being fat/lazy.  It happens too quickly and spirals out of control.  It was so much work to get back into it this time - I'm 48 and it will only get harder from here.  Already since hitting my weight goal I've had a harder time keeping my diet health-oriented.

To the question re. "what worries you" about the first tri - I'm really afraid that I've just been deluding myself and there's no way possible I can handle all three events together.  I can do each one separately, albeit slowly, but I just don't see completing the run w/o walking.  My first sprint is in 4 weeks.  I only have two weeks of "real" training left and then two of taper, and I just don't see it happening.  We'll see, and I know walking wouldn't be the end of the world.  It would be disappointing though.

used2Bfat: I got a tri-suit on eBay.  I was worried about the thin padding, but it's fine.  I've actually found I'm more comfortable w/o bike shorts than with them now that my butt is more used to the saddle.  The only thing is if you get tri shorts or a suit, buy black - mine is light blue and it shows a bit more than I'm comfortable with.  PM me if you want details, since I'm not sure it's ok to post "camel toe" here.    I don't think it's necessary though - you'd lose what, 10 seconds by pulling shorts on over your swimsuit?

Just remember that by getting out the door you are more of an athlete than most! Keep it up. One thing that really helped me in my first year of racing was that during a tri I treated each event as a seperate race. At the start I just tried to think about the swim.That was my focus because standing in the water I can't do much about the bike or swim or transitions which are also important. Once you arrive on race day, you can't change anything and for the most important things was to finish with a smile. We have to also enjoy the journey.

A thought for your taper... I would only taper one week. Don't do any major breakdown workouts the two weeks before but I wouldn't truly taper until the week before. Also maybe here shortly we will discuss transition. This can be a quick in and out or it can be a miserable ten minutes of changing. A few tricks and a little prep help a lot.

You can do it! I can't wait to read your race report in a couple of weeks. You are going to love it. Since this will be your first race feel free to ask for help at the race from other triathletes too. Every race people have been very friendly and helpful. If you don't understand the course or transition etc just ask.
2011-04-19 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3453989

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Subject: RE: Holt's Mentor Group - CLOSED
peteacher - 2011-04-19 12:31 AM

So I am reading and learning like crazy so far.  I am seeing people like me and people way ahead of me.  I love this type of connection with others in training!!

And with that said, I have a question.  I am 9 weeks away from my event (sprint tri 600-11-3.1) and it is my first.  I have been following a BT customized plan for the last eight weeks (and will until race time).  I am struggling a little with motivation at this point and it is not because i can't do them but because life's little nuances are showing up here and there.  So in analyzing this slump I have been experimenting with something and I want to know if it's a bad idea.  Up until this last week and a half I have stayed with what the plan laid out (set times to bike, set times to run, etc).  Now I am feeling like at this point I feel more comfortable with more flexibility and need to ask for feedback.  I still plan on doing the same distances/times on a 2-2-2 schedule but thinking instead of doing a textbook plan I say "okay today I feel like I want to do the run instead of the swim the schedule said and instead throw the swim in the next day"  So at the end of the week, I have accomplished all markers but didn't necessarily do them in the order they came in. 

I do avoid doing both runs on back to back day, same with bike and swim but maybe I don't need to?  I just feel if I try this I won't feel so much pressure to train a certain area if I don't want to that day but instead a day when I will be able to give it the umph it deserves?!

Hopefully that makes sense-PLEASE let me know if it doesn't!!


Something I did in a former mentor group was have everybody post their goals for each discipline for the month.  That way we can hold each other accountable and help motivate you.

As for the flexibility of your training program...I would imagine there is room for that.  Youare halfway to race week, keep going, you are going to be thrilled after your first event.  Good Luck!

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