General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-11-13 9:53 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Essex Jct, VT
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Full sleeve wetsuit. Roka Maverick. The race sounds as though it will be wetsuit legal. Full sleeve is faster, unless the shoulder stuff that people have mentioned is a concern.

2014-11-13 12:45 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
I'm in!

This will be my 4th iron distance race. IMKY (2010 - HOT!), B2B (2013), and IMTX (2014). Will be joining the ranks of the 40-44 AG this time around! IMKY in 2010 was very, very hot and humid and it was compounded by the fact that water ran out around mile 70-100. It was terrible and almost a DNF for me! Looking forward to the cooler weather this time around!

I was reading through the thread and noticed that some of you were asking about training for race. If you've been racing all year, it's a great time to chill out and let your body recover a bit. I took a month off (easyish training, doign whatever) and have just started marathon training for a March race. For me, it's an awesome way to get to tri season fit and ready to race with a good running base.

As for nutrition, I try to keep it as simple as possible. I go with UCAN and water. I keep a few emergency food items on me during the bike, in case I drop a flask, but that's it. It's worked well for me during my last few races.

I'm considering a sleeveless wetsuit for the reasons Lisac sleeved wetsuit tires my shoulders. The temps at IMKY should not be overly cold at that time of the year, so it should be ok.

Good luck to all. Looking forward to sharing training tips and read updates as the year goes by.
2014-11-13 3:51 PM
in reply to: d00d

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Sleeveless here too, a Zoot that I paid $75 for (former rental). I have a pair of Tyr swim sleeves for use when it's not too warm. They look dorky, but then what part of tri kits don't?
2014-11-20 11:21 AM
in reply to: mbwallis

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
I'm trying to drop about 5-8 lbs. before training officially picks up, and I'm having a beeotch of a time doing it. I'm logging everything in MFP. 3 weeks and no loss. I've noticed an incredible change in my metabolism since turning 35. I'm really, really hoping to lose this before the real training begins, because I don't drop weight during IM training. Sometimes, I even gain. I know....just crazy.

Anyone else trying to shed some lbs?
2014-11-20 12:35 PM
in reply to: jarvy01

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, Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Ha, I recently deployed and between eating terribly while deployed and then enjoying food and beverage when I got home, I reached about 196... I think I need to be down to ~170-175.. so yeh I'm definitely trying to shed some weight before my 32-week plan starts in early March
2014-11-20 12:56 PM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

Originally posted by jarvy01 I'm trying to drop about 5-8 lbs. before training officially picks up, and I'm having a beeotch of a time doing it. I'm logging everything in MFP. 3 weeks and no loss. I've noticed an incredible change in my metabolism since turning 35. I'm really, really hoping to lose this before the real training begins, because I don't drop weight during IM training. Sometimes, I even gain. I know....just crazy. Anyone else trying to shed some lbs?

I REALLY noticed it being harder to lose/maintain weight after I turned 30 or so. The only thing that works for me is low carb. You know I'm already gluten free, but in order for me to lose pounds I have to cut out all grains and carbs. Low calorie just leaves me starving. But with low carb I can get full and still lose weight. It's tough to do in a heavy-training mode, that is where I struggle with the balance of eating enough carbs for fuel and recovery, but not over-doing it.

Last year I lost close to 15 pounds doing on low carb, and it slowly crept back up over this summer/fall. So when I got back from vacation a few weeks ago I started back up and voila... the pounds are coming off. Slowly but surely. Still have 6 or 7 until I'm happy but I'm moving in the right direction. 


2014-11-24 12:33 PM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by jarvy01

I'm trying to drop about 5-8 lbs. before training officially picks up, and I'm having a beeotch of a time doing it. I'm logging everything in MFP. 3 weeks and no loss. I've noticed an incredible change in my metabolism since turning 35. I'm really, really hoping to lose this before the real training begins, because I don't drop weight during IM training. Sometimes, I even gain. I know....just crazy.

Anyone else trying to shed some lbs?

What are you doing to lose weight? Did you change your eating habits? Drink more water? Sleep better? What kind of activities are you doing to lose weight?

I'm 39 (and about to join the ranks of the 40-44) and find that even when I'm working out, if I don't eat well (fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats, water), that I can gain weight easily. Cut out sodas, limit fatty meats, cut out garbage snacks, and eat tons of good-for-you foods. Sleep and hydration also play an important part.

Now, if you're lifting weights and gaining weight, well, that's not a bad thing.
2014-11-25 4:32 AM
in reply to: d00d

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Originally posted by d00d

Originally posted by jarvy01

I'm trying to drop about 5-8 lbs. before training officially picks up, and I'm having a beeotch of a time doing it. I'm logging everything in MFP. 3 weeks and no loss. I've noticed an incredible change in my metabolism since turning 35. I'm really, really hoping to lose this before the real training begins, because I don't drop weight during IM training. Sometimes, I even gain. I know....just crazy.

Anyone else trying to shed some lbs?

What are you doing to lose weight? Did you change your eating habits? Drink more water? Sleep better? What kind of activities are you doing to lose weight?

I'm 39 (and about to join the ranks of the 40-44) and find that even when I'm working out, if I don't eat well (fruits, veggies, nuts, lean meats, water), that I can gain weight easily. Cut out sodas, limit fatty meats, cut out garbage snacks, and eat tons of good-for-you foods. Sleep and hydration also play an important part.

Now, if you're lifting weights and gaining weight, well, that's not a bad thing.

I finally dropped 2 lbs. after almost a month of diligent tracking. I'll take it!

I eat meat, fruit, veggies, nuts, and seeds with some plain, full-fat yogurt and cheese sprinkled in there. I cut out grains (the ones I can have with Celiac) for 90 days after my accident. I just added in gluten-free oats on cycling days. I started tracking on MFP because I believe I need more portion control. It's not what I eat that concerns me but how much I eat. I have been measuring portions with a kitchen scale and logging everything. It was difficult to switch from eating for IM training to eating for out season training. It's significantly less food. I'm only training 6-8 hours a week right now, but it will pick up in January.

I'm really trying to focus on quality sleep. That's been a problem for me in the past. My kids are still young and come into my bedroom throughout the night and wake me up, so I experience some sleep disturbance there. Last summer I got up at 4 every day to train, and I pulled a few 3 am mornings to get long rides/runs in, and I really suffered in the sleep department. That won't be happening this year. If my long rides are only 4 hours because I need to get 7 hours of sleep, so be it. I'll just have to do more rides spread out over more days vs. 3-4 6 hour rides.

I'm not lifting at all, but maybe I should be. As a female approaching 40 (36 this year), I probably need it.
2014-12-01 10:53 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Hey, people, how are you post Turkey Day? Are you in a food coma, or watching what you eat? Let's hear it!

I've been watching my intake, but the kiddos got me sick. Little demons! I hope to be over it soon and back at it. I'm in the midst of marathon training and, after taking two days off, am back at it.
2014-12-01 11:13 AM
in reply to: d00d

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Sickness running through the family here as well! And if it is not me, it is someone else I need to take care of. During these two weeks of sickness, training has been difficult to get to, but still trying to do something every day to keep the routine going.

Maybe need to do more swimming....... maybe the chlorine will kill any remaining germs.
2014-12-01 12:05 PM
in reply to: d00d

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
I've gained a bit of weight since IMFL, and have a 10 day vacation coming up where I won't be doing any SBR. But I'm holding it together, and have avoided getting sick. I signed up for Galveston 70.3 to help me stay motivated over the winter.

For a change of pace, I went mountain biking on Fri and Sat, 4 hours total. I hadn't mountain biked in close to 2 years. Oh man, was my back sore, it almost felt like I was in a car accident on Sunday.

2014-12-01 12:49 PM
in reply to: d00d

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

I am up 4 pounds. Doesn't sound like a ton but for me it is. Funny thing, I didn't stuff myself silly, I just ate some of everything, including carbs (potatoes, stuffing, pie) for about 4 days. Just proves how crazy carb-sensitive my body is.

So yeah, I have some work to do

2014-12-02 4:29 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
We have a funky virus going through our house as well. Scratchy throat, cough, runny nose, etc. So far it's 3/6 of us. I took two days off this weekend to let the crud clear from my lungs. Did a short run yesterday and plan to hop on bike today. Not feeling 100% so can't push too hard. I'm taking extra Vitamin D and Zinc, and I'm washing my hands like crazy. I still got it. Grrrr.

2014-12-02 2:22 PM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
I went to an all inclusive resort in Mexico for Thanksgiving, I bet put more pounds than any of you over the last 4 days... (Btw, I stayed near Cozumel. I would love to do that race one day, although this year swimming conditions were rough compare to other years).

I put on 10 pounds I finished the season (and Christmas is yet to come!). My meniscus is damaged, so no running for me. PT, easy bike, and swimming. Can't wait til after Christmas to add easy runs to my training!
2014-12-02 9:46 PM
in reply to: lisac957


Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Signed up for IMLOU!. This will be my first full distance race. Took the last year off from tri's. Prior to that had completed two 70.3's (both at Branson) and numerous oly distance races. The year off caused some weight gain. From 160-184. Since I committed to making this my best yr yet I have been diligently tracking my calories. I am down to 173 as of last check. I wanted to be 160 by Jan 1, but will settle for 165, definitely want to be back to 160 before the bulk of the training starts. I also signed up for Chattanooga 70.3 in May. I used to be self trained, but decided to do things right this yr and hired a coach and have been following his advice. I am doing 6-8 hrs of SBR a wk right now. I am hitting PT stretches foam rolling and resistance work 5x wk. ( I am running injury prone). My main focus for the winter is improving both swimming and running form and using stretching, weight training foam rolling and massage to keep me training hard until the race. Appreciate reading about others past experiences at this course.
2014-12-03 9:17 AM
in reply to: midmoruns

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Whispering Pines, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

Congrats on signing up!

Weather is going to be quite different this time around (hopefully). Take that into account when you read race reports.I think that most ppl that have raced this event did so in soaring temps. I recall that one year it seemed to be pleasant, but every other year it was brutal. I did IMKY in 2010. It was HOT! I almost DNF'd. Taking the weather factor out of IMKY is going to change this race in a huge way. The weather in Louisville looks quite pleasant for the mid October time frame...maybe a little cool, but I'll take that over 100+!

That being said, as you've probably already read, the swim is a little different, the bike is fairly hilly, and the run isn't bad.

2014-12-03 10:26 AM
in reply to: lisac957


Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
I'm in for IMLOU - first full. Such a faaaaar way away.....doing the Richmond, IN half May 30 and probably Pigman in August. Very hyped up. I'm a marathoner, so can't wait to feel how that marathon feels on the tail end. I hear it is quite enjoyable

2014-12-04 8:51 AM
in reply to: midmoruns

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
midmoruns, I am also doing Chattanooga 70.3. Being from Miami, I need to practice riding hills to get ready for IMLOU... It is not my first IM, but it is the first time doing this race. I looked at race reports, etc., but as d00d mentioned, the race will be quite different than previous years as the weather won't be as brutal as in the past (probably too cold for me though...)

gyeah99, congrats on signing up for your first IM!! I never run a stand alone marathon, but from what my runner friends told me after racing an IM, it is quite different. I am sure you will kill it though!
2014-12-05 10:42 AM
in reply to: gyeah99

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Richmond can be tough...great was harder than I expected (I ride in the area 4 times a week) and it is so early in the year, it was tough.
2014-12-09 7:23 AM
in reply to: Afletcher

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Things are crazy busy with the kids' holiday stuff. Lots of performances, parties, activities, etc. It's truly sucking away all my energy (as it should), so I'm left with little motivation to hit the training. I'm doing something every day....just not always the greatest performance.

How's everyone else doing with training during this crazy holiday month?
2014-12-09 10:07 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
December has been tough. Swimming 2x week, and trying to bike 5-6 hrs/week. No running, hoping my PF heals. We'll be on holiday in Europe from Dec 17-27, and I'll get more serious when we get back.

2014-12-09 10:42 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread

I am just getting back into solid training after an October marathon and then some unstructured time.
To be honest I don't have any "extra" stuff going on in December with no kiddos here but I definitely feel for those of you who are getting into crazy calendar time. 

My goal is to maintain 3 bikes (3.5 hours minimum), 2 runs (2 hours minimum) and 1 swim (2000 yd minimum) per week. I'm also doing some T25 workouts with my co-workers over lunch a few days a week just for fun. If I wasn't doing T25 I would probably add another run. 

2014-12-09 11:01 AM
in reply to: lisac957

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Yea, I'm trying to stick with 3 weekly rides of 1-1:15 hours each and 4-5 runs. I haven't been to the pool in 6 weeks. I've swum year round 2-3 times per week for last 4 years, so this break is new to me. I grew up on swim team and really have no issues getting it back. I'm sure I'll be behind once I start up again, but I'm confident it will come together.

After my cycling accident, I felt really unmotivated. I'm trying to do what I can while hoping I find the motivation I had last year. Psychologically it was tough to do 10 months of training for IM and then wreck 2 weeks before the race.
2014-12-09 11:06 AM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Do you all have coaches? Or are you self-coached?

Just curious.

I worked with a coach the last 3 years. Once we budgeted out our money for 2015 including home improvements, family vacation, etc., it no longer made sense for me to spend such a large chunk on coaching. So, I'm going at it alone this year. I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do training wise after having that structure for 3 years.
2014-12-09 12:05 PM
in reply to: jarvy01

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville 2015 : Official Thread
Self coached here. I just can't justify the expense when I have no real KQ aspirations. I also sort of enjoy figuring it all out (or at least trying to) on my own.
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