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2014-12-30 9:28 PM
in reply to: #5077913

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Sandi- How do you prefer to train? If you like to ride with others I would definitely go with a road bike. Most of the serious triathletes I know do most of their rides on road bikes. That said I ride my mountain bike almost all of the time- so I'm not the best person to ask.

I'm curious if anyone has tried a coaching group. We have quite a few of them around that offer 8-10 weekly workouts you can join. I have friends that rave about them. I'm not sure if I'm ready to make the commitment. Just curious if others have tried it.

2014-12-31 10:40 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Today is a day off, well kind of. I will be on my feet from 1600-0300 walking around wearing 30 lbs of gear so i guess that kinda counts as a workout. Did 9 yesterday but my 920 turned off on me twice and kept pausing. When the run was over I called Garmin and they said they have not heard of any problems like that. They mailed me a new one and told me to send back mine when I receive the new one. Can't really argue with that customer service. Happy new year y'all have a beer for me.
2014-12-31 11:04 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

5th - Always room for a stay at home beer drinking home brewing dad... Actually - I think it goes without saying - if you are staying at home with kids - thank god for beer!

Help me out - why the "fifth nickname?


Why 5th?
Long story short, I used to wear Hawaiian shirts all the time. My father-in-law gives everyone a nickname. Mine started as "Five-O", and changed a bit over the years. He calls me "Fifther" most of the time. The coincidental connection is that my grandparents cattle brand was "circle F", and that's what I call my (garage) brewery. 5's keep showing up... our anniversary is June 5th and the kids B-days are Feb 5th and May 5th. I have 4 siblings, making a total of 5 of us.

I sound like a superstitious kook, and I'm not. Just funny coincidences.

You want to know how much I don't like warm Coors Light? I did my scheduled run yesterday in 5F and 20mph North wind!!


2014-12-31 1:39 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Sandi- How do you prefer to train? If you like to ride with others I would definitely go with a road bike. Most of the serious triathletes I know do most of their rides on road bikes. That said I ride my mountain bike almost all of the time- so I'm not the best person to ask.

Mostly I train alone. With the bike, when I was really working on it, mostly after work...I'd bike into work and then after work put in a solid hour/hour and a half training session. Lots of ladders. If I found the right group to train with I suppose I'd join in, but really for me training is a fairly individual experience, something I do to spend time on myself. Exercise is my primary way of stress relief/coping too, so I really NEED that time alone.

I think the hybrid will still get plenty of use. A lot of the trails I train on have speed limits and the main one can get crowded, so there's only so fast I can go alot. Plus I really do want to do a mtn bike race in September. I realized that in my intro I neglected to mention that the other part of my life is raising/owning/training/breeding sled dogs, and we spend a significant amount of time in Idaho where I do that. I wanted a multi-purpose bike that I could do some mountain biking with, and use on a variety of trails. I also train dogs individually with the bike...they pull it and learn commands...and the hybrid will be used for that. Plus--I got good and strong on it, so if it will help my race speed to train on the hybrid a lot, I'm all for it.

I'm just competitive enough that I want a nice light road bike that will allow me to place in my age group consistently....

2014-12-31 2:53 PM
in reply to: #5078045

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'd love to join this group! My name is Colleen and I'm signed up to do an indoor triathlon in 2.5 weeks (gulp!!). I'm sort of winging it. I have loads of non- technical questions and am not really a great athlete. I'm a mother to two young kids (4 and 1) and have never challenged my body to this sort of discipline. I hope to complete 5 sprints this summer, all in CT. I definitely would love a mentor group! I drink beer. I've been favoring vodka these days though... Will you still let me in? Oh! And I don't yet own a bike... Yes, a real beginner!
2014-12-31 4:03 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

I'd love to join this group! My name is Colleen and I'm signed up to do an indoor triathlon in 2.5 weeks (gulp!!). I'm sort of winging it. I have loads of non- technical questions and am not really a great athlete. I'm a mother to two young kids (4 and 1) and have never challenged my body to this sort of discipline. I hope to complete 5 sprints this summer, all in CT. I definitely would love a mentor group! I drink beer. I've been favoring vodka these days though... Will you still let me in? Oh! And I don't yet own a bike... Yes, a real beginner!

Welcome Colleen. No worries I signed up for my first races before I owned a bike, you'll be fine. There are a lot of people here with a lot of experience so someone should be able to help you with almost any questions.

2014-12-31 4:48 PM
in reply to: Smiley9188

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Smiley9188

I'd love to join this group! My name is Colleen and I'm signed up to do an indoor triathlon in 2.5 weeks (gulp!!). I'm sort of winging it. I have loads of non- technical questions and am not really a great athlete. I'm a mother to two young kids (4 and 1) and have never challenged my body to this sort of discipline. I hope to complete 5 sprints this summer, all in CT. I definitely would love a mentor group! I drink beer. I've been favoring vodka these days though... Will you still let me in? Oh! And I don't yet own a bike... Yes, a real beginner!

Colleen - So happy you are joining our group! Don't matter to me if you drink beer or vodka or grape juice - if it gets you out the door, that's all that counts!

There is a lot of experience in this group so be sure to ask all your questions. We've all be newbies and wouldn't be where were are today without the help of others (Many thanks Darren, Thor, Kevin, Cynthia, etc). But two very important things - 1) Don't worry about your athleticism. The only person in triathlon that you really only have to compete against is yourself. If your stronger at the end of the day - then you win (and get to celebrate with a couple cold ones). 2) Your goal in your first triathlon... the only goal... is to have a good time. And I promise you - you are going to have a blast!
2014-12-31 4:53 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircle

Originally posted by Qua17

5th - Always room for a stay at home beer drinking home brewing dad... Actually - I think it goes without saying - if you are staying at home with kids - thank god for beer!

Help me out - why the "fifth nickname?


Why 5th?

You want to know how much I don't like warm Coors Light? I did my scheduled run yesterday in 5F and 20mph North wind!!


There is power in that silver bullet! Kudos on getting the workout in!
2014-12-31 5:09 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
If I don't workout tomorrow, I'm going to assess myself a Coors Lite Penalty. I had planned on going out for a ride today but I got caught up in cleaning our our basement. We moved in almost 30 months ago and our basement has been a dumping ground since then. I spent the better part of the afternoon throwing away things that should have gotten chucked more than a decade ago. Progress was made so my wife and I are happy but my bike is lonely.

Have a great night everyone!

Anyone racing tomorrow morning?

2014-12-31 5:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

If I don't workout tomorrow, I'm going to assess myself a Coors Lite Penalty. I had planned on going out for a ride today but I got caught up in cleaning our our basement. We moved in almost 30 months ago and our basement has been a dumping ground since then. I spent the better part of the afternoon throwing away things that should have gotten chucked more than a decade ago. Progress was made so my wife and I are happy but my bike is lonely.

Have a great night everyone!

Anyone racing tomorrow morning?

If it makes you feel better, I just moved my parents into assisted living and they brought a ton of clothes in dry cleaner bags from Weston. They moved from Boston to Florida 18 years ago and clearly had not touched them in that time.

I got out for a cross country ski today. I figure I was working pretty hard since it was -7 and I had to take my coat off.
2014-12-31 11:30 PM
in reply to: #5078310

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Happy New Year to you all!!!

2015-01-01 12:15 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by fifthcircle

Originally posted by Qua17

5th - Always room for a stay at home beer drinking home brewing dad... Actually - I think it goes without saying - if you are staying at home with kids - thank god for beer!

Help me out - why the "fifth nickname?


Why 5th?

You want to know how much I don't like warm Coors Light? I did my scheduled run yesterday in 5F and 20mph North wind!!



There is power in that silver bullet! Kudos on getting the workout in!
I was just going to post on the power of the warm coors light penalty. I wasn't able to get my run in yesterday due to seasonally cold temps here in the NW. I'm not ready to run at 6 am in 3 degrees, yet. I waited til today to get my scheduled workout in until the balmy heat of the 18 degree day. Still got it in, no Coors light for me!

Tonight I'm enjoying a Torpedo, Sierra Nevada, a 10 below, by Scuttlebutt, and a Black Butte Porter from Deschuttes.

Happy New year all.
Happy training.
2015-01-01 2:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I had some great beers last night! My brother came to town for NYE and brought me a nice sampling of stuff I can't get locally. Bells Two Hearted, 3floyds American Session Ale, New Glarus Scream IPA and a couple from my cellar. Laughing Dog's The Dogfather and Upstream Brewing's Belgian Dubbel aged in a Templeton Rye Barrel.

All were great. Really glad I snuck in 10 intervals on the bike trainer before the party!


Edited by fifthcircle 2015-01-01 2:37 PM
2015-01-01 7:22 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Bells 2 hearted is a great beer! Glad you could enjoy it, and hope after that list of goodness you drank plenty of water today.

Ran 3 miles at the local lake trail there are some pretty hilly areas which I like b/c it makes almost any race I run easy in comparison. Today though it seems as though my pace was off. I finished but wasn't happy with my time. I would also like to vent for just a second and ask for a little advise. The lake trail I run is a city [ark and the trail is paved. There are always walkers, dog walkers, strollers, hikers, bikers ect. Normally it hasn't been an issue, when I come up on someone going the other way they see me, I see them and I move to a side of the trial they move to the other. If we are going the same way i will announce "I'm on left/right" because most will start to look over their shoulder as I come up because they can hear me. I say "thank you" as I pass them especially if they moved to make sure they were not in my way. My last run a woman was walking her dog who was off in the woods to the left of the trial owner was almost center or trail. I went to the far right (going same direction) on the very edge of the trail. The dog ran from off the trail across her and jumped at me, I was mid stride which made me knee the dog. I'm not sure if it was attacking or trying to play but I was pretty angry about it. I may have yelled some no so nice things conveying my displeasure (which I now regret but it was my natural reaction). Then today there was a large group walking together I estimate 15 people taking up the whole trail. They could see me coming and I moved to the edge of the trail thinking they would make a lane.... nope. By the time i realized the guy was not going to move it was to late. Being that I am 6'5" 230 I ran thought it but could feel a pretty solid thud as i went by, it was the front person and the ones in the rear had made way. This time I held my tongue at least. Am I crazy for getting upset and feeling that they were not showing basic "share the trail" courtesy? End rant

I am having Oh' Dark Thirty as my new years beer. Brewed in Fayetteville N,C. Imperial Black IPA.
2015-01-01 8:32 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Have room for a returning BT'er?   A good mentor group is just what I need to jump start my year!

2015-01-01 8:55 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14


Bells 2 hearted is a great beer! Glad you could enjoy it, and hope after that list of goodness you drank plenty of water today.

Ran 3 miles at the local lake trail there are some pretty hilly areas which I like b/c it makes almost any race I run easy in comparison. Today though it seems as though my pace was off. I finished but wasn't happy with my time. I would also like to vent for just a second and ask for a little advise. The lake trail I run is a city [ark and the trail is paved. There are always walkers, dog walkers, strollers, hikers, bikers ect. Normally it hasn't been an issue, when I come up on someone going the other way they see me, I see them and I move to a side of the trial they move to the other. If we are going the same way i will announce "I'm on left/right" because most will start to look over their shoulder as I come up because they can hear me. I say "thank you" as I pass them especially if they moved to make sure they were not in my way. My last run a woman was walking her dog who was off in the woods to the left of the trial owner was almost center or trail. I went to the far right (going same direction) on the very edge of the trail. The dog ran from off the trail across her and jumped at me, I was mid stride which made me knee the dog. I'm not sure if it was attacking or trying to play but I was pretty angry about it. I may have yelled some no so nice things conveying my displeasure (which I now regret but it was my natural reaction). Then today there was a large group walking together I estimate 15 people taking up the whole trail. They could see me coming and I moved to the edge of the trail thinking they would make a lane.... nope. By the time i realized the guy was not going to move it was to late. Being that I am 6'5" 230 I ran thought it but could feel a pretty solid thud as i went by, it was the front person and the ones in the rear had made way. This time I held my tongue at least. Am I crazy for getting upset and feeling that they were not showing basic "share the trail" courtesy? End rant

I am having Oh' Dark Thirty as my new years beer. Brewed in Fayetteville N,C. Imperial Black IPA.

Both scenarios would have upset me as well. The dog thing. Put your animal on a leash in a popular trail area if it cannot handle not running after others. I often p/u rocks on my runs and hold in hands. I've been chased by big dogs, and it's no fun. I will not become a casualty, at least w/o a fight, or at the least, a good stones throw at a charging animal. It's the pet owners responsibility.

If it were me, and I continued to have problems on this trail, I would begrudgingly pick another route, or time to run on trail.

That beer sounds wonderful.

2015-01-01 8:57 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey Guys,

Wondering if there is room for me to get back into the BDAS? I am way off the wagon of Run,Swim, Bike…. still on the beer drinking wagon (just made my first batch of homebrew!) So as you can imagine, all beer and no exercise is not so great health wise!

NAME: Justin

STORY: I have always been overweight, and since becoming a desk jockey (Air Traffic Control) 10 years ago I have been gaining weight at a slow but steady weight. I was a member of the group previously and had some decent regular training going on. I even completed a sprint triathlon and placed 3rd overall ( I think there may have only been three males doing the race as a whole, with most people doing relays). Something has to happen to break me out of my weight gain and descent into certified slob status. I would also like to complete the Sprint in my hometown, and work towards an olympic distance in the fall.

FAMILY STATUS: My Wife is amazing, she brought our beauty of a daughter into this world two and a half years ago.

CURRENT TRAINING: nada, zippo, zilch……ughhh…

2014 RACES: I did a 5K road race with my wife, and I pushed my daughter, that was a pretty fun day.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Heart of Gold Sprint Tri in July, OLY distance in the fall.

BEER PREFERENCE: I used to be huge into the IPA's but I find something about them now to be hard on my stomach. Love Stouts, and am pretty much up to try anything.

WEIGHT LOSS: Has to Happen, stepped on the scale today for an office weight loss challenge. 256.3 pounds….. this is out of control and needs to start dropping!

So yeah, if you'd have me back folks, I'd love to be part of the team, I need your motivation and camaraderie!
2015-01-01 9:29 PM
in reply to: ashort33

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by ashort33

Have room for a returning BT'er?   A good mentor group is just what I need to jump start my year!

NAME: Andy

STORY: Former triathlete-like person who stopped training after a knee injury, time to get back at multi-sport - knee issue or not...  if I can't run then I can relay or I can aqua-bike...

FAMILY STATUS: Married 21, almost 22 years...  14ish year old daughter (wow, what a trip that is)


2014 RACES: none, just biking - road and mountain (spent 4 GLORIOUS!! weeks in Colorado last summer )

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Undetermined...  a lot will hinge on knee status - hopefully I can get it cleaned up by ortho this spring and start running again...

BEER PREFERENCE: Generally I prefer another....   seriously - about anything not IPA - Revolver Blood and Honey is really good as are a couple that I brew myself....

WEIGHT LOSS: needed, badly.....   50 would make me really happy....



2015-01-01 10:27 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by kevinbe

Originally posted by b2b14


Bells 2 hearted is a great beer! Glad you could enjoy it, and hope after that list of goodness you drank plenty of water today.

Ran 3 miles at the local lake trail there are some pretty hilly areas which I like b/c it makes almost any race I run easy in comparison. Today though it seems as though my pace was off. I finished but wasn't happy with my time. I would also like to vent for just a second and ask for a little advise. The lake trail I run is a city [ark and the trail is paved. There are always walkers, dog walkers, strollers, hikers, bikers ect. Normally it hasn't been an issue, when I come up on someone going the other way they see me, I see them and I move to a side of the trial they move to the other. If we are going the same way i will announce "I'm on left/right" because most will start to look over their shoulder as I come up because they can hear me. I say "thank you" as I pass them especially if they moved to make sure they were not in my way. My last run a woman was walking her dog who was off in the woods to the left of the trial owner was almost center or trail. I went to the far right (going same direction) on the very edge of the trail. The dog ran from off the trail across her and jumped at me, I was mid stride which made me knee the dog. I'm not sure if it was attacking or trying to play but I was pretty angry about it. I may have yelled some no so nice things conveying my displeasure (which I now regret but it was my natural reaction). Then today there was a large group walking together I estimate 15 people taking up the whole trail. They could see me coming and I moved to the edge of the trail thinking they would make a lane.... nope. By the time i realized the guy was not going to move it was to late. Being that I am 6'5" 230 I ran thought it but could feel a pretty solid thud as i went by, it was the front person and the ones in the rear had made way. This time I held my tongue at least. Am I crazy for getting upset and feeling that they were not showing basic "share the trail" courtesy? End rant

I am having Oh' Dark Thirty as my new years beer. Brewed in Fayetteville N,C. Imperial Black IPA.

Both scenarios would have upset me as well. The dog thing. Put your animal on a leash in a popular trail area if it cannot handle not running after others. I often p/u rocks on my runs and hold in hands. I've been chased by big dogs, and it's no fun. I will not become a casualty, at least w/o a fight, or at the least, a good stones throw at a charging animal. It's the pet owners responsibility.

If it were me, and I continued to have problems on this trail, I would begrudgingly pick another route, or time to run on trail.

That beer sounds wonderful.

I hate to hurt the dog, it was the owners fault. Glad I'm not crazy for being p'd off though. I was really just those 2 people every other time has been great. So we will see. I typically only run there for my long runs on Mondays while most people are at work.
2015-01-01 11:02 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

I hate to hurt the dog, it was the owners fault. Glad I'm not crazy for being p'd off though. I was really just those 2 people every other time has been great. So we will see. I typically only run there for my long runs on Mondays while most people are at work.

I had a stupid dog jump all over me yesterday when I was Nordic skiing. I had metal edge touring skis on and was really worried I was going to slice him. I told the owner he needed to be careful. I was glad I had left my dog at home. The dog ran up to me on a downhill and I had to come to an abrupt stop to avoid him- at that point the owner was no where even in sight. I like dogs and was pissed.

Today was alpine skiing with the family.

Anyone have any tips on starting up running again after a long time off? I do not love running and signed up for my first race the end of May which has a 4.8 mile run. Time to get started.
2015-01-01 11:03 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

Originally posted by Moonrocket

Sandi- How do you prefer to train? If you like to ride with others I would definitely go with a road bike. Most of the serious triathletes I know do most of their rides on road bikes. That said I ride my mountain bike almost all of the time- so I'm not the best person to ask.

Mostly I train alone. With the bike, when I was really working on it, mostly after work...I'd bike into work and then after work put in a solid hour/hour and a half training session. Lots of ladders. If I found the right group to train with I suppose I'd join in, but really for me training is a fairly individual experience, something I do to spend time on myself. Exercise is my primary way of stress relief/coping too, so I really NEED that time alone.

I think the hybrid will still get plenty of use. A lot of the trails I train on have speed limits and the main one can get crowded, so there's only so fast I can go alot. Plus I really do want to do a mtn bike race in September. I realized that in my intro I neglected to mention that the other part of my life is raising/owning/training/breeding sled dogs, and we spend a significant amount of time in Idaho where I do that. I wanted a multi-purpose bike that I could do some mountain biking with, and use on a variety of trails. I also train dogs individually with the bike...they pull it and learn commands...and the hybrid will be used for that. Plus--I got good and strong on it, so if it will help my race speed to train on the hybrid a lot, I'm all for it.

I'm just competitive enough that I want a nice light road bike that will allow me to place in my age group consistently....


I would love to see pictures of the bike dog training :-). I'm having a hard time envisioning it.

2015-01-01 11:09 PM
in reply to: ashort33

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Andy - We'd love to have you! Please post a bio when you have a few minutes to share.

2015-01-01 11:15 PM
in reply to: justinfss

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Hey Guys,

Wondering if there is room for me to get back into the BDAS? I am way off the wagon of Run,Swim, Bike…. still on the beer drinking wagon (just made my first batch of homebrew!) So as you can imagine, all beer and no exercise is not so great health wise!

NAME: Justin

STORY: I have always been overweight, and since becoming a desk jockey (Air Traffic Control) 10 years ago I have been gaining weight at a slow but steady weight. I was a member of the group previously and had some decent regular training going on. I even completed a sprint triathlon and placed 3rd overall ( I think there may have only been three males doing the race as a whole, with most people doing relays). Something has to happen to break me out of my weight gain and descent into certified slob status. I would also like to complete the Sprint in my hometown, and work towards an olympic distance in the fall.

FAMILY STATUS: My Wife is amazing, she brought our beauty of a daughter into this world two and a half years ago.

CURRENT TRAINING: nada, zippo, zilch……ughhh…

2014 RACES: I did a 5K road race with my wife, and I pushed my daughter, that was a pretty fun day.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Heart of Gold Sprint Tri in July, OLY distance in the fall.

BEER PREFERENCE: I used to be huge into the IPA's but I find something about them now to be hard on my stomach. Love Stouts, and am pretty much up to try anything.

WEIGHT LOSS: Has to Happen, stepped on the scale today for an office weight loss challenge. 256.3 pounds….. this is out of control and needs to start dropping!

So yeah, if you'd have me back folks, I'd love to be part of the team, I need your motivation and camaraderie!

Justin - Hell yes! You and me - we can start from scratch!
2015-01-02 1:15 AM
in reply to: justinfss

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by justinfss

Hey Guys,

Wondering if there is room for me to get back into the BDAS? I am way off the wagon of Run,Swim, Bike…. still on the beer drinking wagon (just made my first batch of homebrew!) So as you can imagine, all beer and no exercise is not so great health wise!

NAME: Justin

STORY: I have always been overweight, and since becoming a desk jockey (Air Traffic Control) 10 years ago I have been gaining weight at a slow but steady weight. I was a member of the group previously and had some decent regular training going on. I even completed a sprint triathlon and placed 3rd overall ( I think there may have only been three males doing the race as a whole, with most people doing relays). Something has to happen to break me out of my weight gain and descent into certified slob status. I would also like to complete the Sprint in my hometown, and work towards an olympic distance in the fall.

FAMILY STATUS: My Wife is amazing, she brought our beauty of a daughter into this world two and a half years ago.

CURRENT TRAINING: nada, zippo, zilch……ughhh…

2014 RACES: I did a 5K road race with my wife, and I pushed my daughter, that was a pretty fun day.

RACES PLANNED FOR 15: Heart of Gold Sprint Tri in July, OLY distance in the fall.

BEER PREFERENCE: I used to be huge into the IPA's but I find something about them now to be hard on my stomach. Love Stouts, and am pretty much up to try anything.

WEIGHT LOSS: Has to Happen, stepped on the scale today for an office weight loss challenge. 256.3 pounds….. this is out of control and needs to start dropping!

So yeah, if you'd have me back folks, I'd love to be part of the team, I need your motivation and camaraderie!
Missed you bud. Thanks for coming back. You and me both, we're losing (weight) from here on out. Welcome back.
2015-01-02 1:23 AM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Moonrocket

Originally posted by b2b14

I hate to hurt the dog, it was the owners fault. Glad I'm not crazy for being p'd off though. I was really just those 2 people every other time has been great. So we will see. I typically only run there for my long runs on Mondays while most people are at work.

I had a stupid dog jump all over me yesterday when I was Nordic skiing. I had metal edge touring skis on and was really worried I was going to slice him. I told the owner he needed to be careful. I was glad I had left my dog at home. The dog ran up to me on a downhill and I had to come to an abrupt stop to avoid him- at that point the owner was no where even in sight. I like dogs and was pissed.

Today was alpine skiing with the family.

Anyone have any tips on starting up running again after a long time off? I do not love running and signed up for my first race the end of May which has a 4.8 mile run. Time to get started.

Running. I run 3 times a week. recover, speed, and long workout. The key is to not injure yourself. start off small. I started at a 2.4 miler 2x a week and a 3.0 miler for my long run. I ran that 3 weeks, then rested (recovery week, lessen your volume by at least 20%). The next week was the same distances as to weeks prior to recovery. Then 2 weeks building distance, followed by recovery week again. Rule of thumb. do not increase any 1 workout (recovery, speed, or long run) by more than 10% week to week, especially the long run. Also, do not increase total weekly volume on your build weeks by more than 10% of previous weeks total. Don't skip on the recovery weeks.

This is just some general running advice. There is so much out there on running, and so many different plans and philosophies. These are some of the thoughts that have helped me over the years.
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2016-01-02 4:01 PM lutzman

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

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2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Playmobil31's Group - Open

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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : March 12, 2014
author : TeamMPI
comments : 1
The majority of new triathletes see the open water swim as their biggest stumbling block. Here are four steps to help you have a better swim experience in your first (or next) triathlon.
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MAPS is Meditation, Acclimatization, Practice, and Strategy, which are key for giving you the confidence and skills to execute the open-water swim in a triathlon well.
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