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2015-01-07 4:00 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Originally posted by simpsonbo

For warm up try swimming 200 keep it very easy, kick 4 x 50 kick rest 15 to 20. If you have fins use them. Then 4x25 strong effort 10 to 15 rest.
Rest 1 to 2 min
Next time do 40 x 25 (unless the pool is set up 50m) as a main set, aim for 25 per 25, take 15 after each. If the pool is long course do the 16x50 again.
After 20 swim an easy 50, repeat after 2nd 20
Rest 2 min
2x100 @ 1 min rest

Cool down only 100 to 200.

Right on, I'll try that next time I'm in the pool (25m pool).

2015-01-07 11:57 PM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open

Part of staying accountable is setting micro training goals.

I'd like to see everyone set a weekly goal for their training. You can post it, you can PM
or email me.

I would rather focus on quality vs total volumes/milage.

For example... for a newbie swimmer instead of trying to swim 500 yards non stop and it becomes a drowning fest at the end. Do 20 repeats of 25 y / m (depending on the pool) rest 15 to 20 after each. You should be faster and will pprobably maintain better swimming technique.

25x200 at the track holding 5k pace resting 45 to 60 after each.

Holding a set breathing pattern on a main swim set.

Set a PR up a local climb.

Move up a lane at masters swimming.

Sign up for race.
2015-01-08 7:17 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
OK- goals for the week (even though it's Thursday!)

Diet (in the eating plan sense of the word):
-drink more water
-get back on track on quasi-paleo plan- I just don't want to give up my morning coffee/cream

-3 X this week
-increase run vs walk times. Plan is to be completely jogging/running by mid Feb; better by end of Jan.

-2-3 X this week
-go for 800 yards total next swim (today or tomorrow) in 25s/50s.

-get hubby to set up trainer and get on.

-continue with core strength training
-have fun at fencing!
2015-01-08 11:45 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Good idea.

RUN: This week's goal is to definitely nurse this sore shin back to health. It started bugging me after some speed work and slowed it down last week and it's getting better.

SWIM: I have a swim workout as follows: 4 x [3 x 100 on 1:30, 1 x 100 on 2:00]. I'd like to do all the 100's in less than 1:25.

Bike: I just put the tri bike on the trainer. My goal is to get my new seat dialed in so I can do some more riding on that bike.

I know these aren't all performance based goals, but they will hopefully lead to them!!
2015-01-08 1:43 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Goals for week:

Continue on C25K I am on W5D3.

Continue 2 days a week on bike trainer.

I will start swimming a little next week(I am nursing an arm injury).

I will sign up for my race in June this week. I don't know why I am so nervous about this.
2015-01-08 2:32 PM
in reply to: #5078401

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Goals for the week:
I'm not yet on a training plan (months end tho), signing up to the gym and pool tomorrow.
First 5K for effort Saturday,

I need to rest on recovery days too! Find it hard to sit still.
Sure I have more but I need to start somewhere

2015-01-08 5:11 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Goals for this week:

Start using beginner spin class video instead of just pedaling on the stationary bike. 3x week

Start a more focused run program - doing some sprints, a long run (which isn't really long yet) and working on hills. 3x week

Diet: continue current path of eliminating processed foods. Goal - 80% good diet, acceptable to cheat a little 20% without feeling like I have failed.

No wine this week.

Pick bike up from shop after being tuned up.

Order indoor trainer. (Currently using borrowed old stationary bike with no resistance control)

Evaluate pool options.

2015-01-08 7:19 PM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Swim goal - do Bo's suggested set and hit the 25s/25m target
Run goal - get a treadmill by the end of the month (I've got a line on one)
Bike goal - ?
2015-01-08 11:51 PM
in reply to: #5081286


Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Weekly Goals:

Swim: work on technique and breathing to build endurance. It's my weakest link.

Bike: ride 3 times this week.

Run: 3-4 times. hopefully be a able to run outside. It's been bitterly cold this week.
2015-01-09 12:00 AM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Whats your budget for a trainer?

Noise concerns?

Do you want feedback/data?
2015-01-09 12:03 AM
in reply to: SenatorClayDavis

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Originally posted by SenatorClayDavis

Swim goal - do Bo's suggested set and hit the 25s/25m target
Run goal - get a treadmill by the end of the month (I've got a line on one)
Bike goal - ?


Just ride this week. If you feel lousy at the start of a ride then slowly build into it and woRI on having the best 2nd half for the past month.

2015-01-09 12:05 AM
in reply to: Gilch49

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Originally posted by Gilch49

Goals for the week:
I'm not yet on a training plan (months end tho), signing up to the gym and pool tomorrow.
First 5K for effort Saturday,

I need to rest on recovery days too! Find it hard to sit still.
Sure I have more but I need to start somewhere

5 k race?? Or just times effort on a known route or track??

2015-01-09 12:08 AM
in reply to: hossnfeffer

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Originally posted by hossnfeffer

Goals for week:

Continue on C25K I am on W5D3.

Continue 2 days a week on bike trainer.

I will start swimming a little next week(I am nursing an arm injury).

I will sign up for my race in June this week. I don't know why I am so nervous about this.

Could be the fear factor. Just get committed. Things have a way of seeming more intimidating when you focus on the end result. Get signed up and begin your journey, focus on the process.
2015-01-09 2:21 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Originally posted by simpsonbo

Originally posted by Gilch49

Goals for the week:
I'm not yet on a training plan (months end tho), signing up to the gym and pool tomorrow.
First 5K for effort Saturday,

I need to rest on recovery days too! Find it hard to sit still.
Sure I have more but I need to start somewhere

5 k race?? Or just times effort on a known route or track??

Just a timed effort over a known route.

Suffering with Arthritis in right hand today! I am approaching 50 afterall. Second swim of week today ( first time ever twice in one week)
2015-01-09 7:30 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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, Tennessee
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open

Wanted to keep it cheap for now on the trainer < $100. Too many other expenses will come with this new endeavor . Looked at a lot of reviews online yesterday and ordered the Magnet Steel trainer. Familiar with that one? And yes, I am always open for feedback. While we are on that topic ...

Any suggestions on training activities/exercises that can help prepare for swimming until I can actually get in a pool. Work schedule and distance from pool making it a real challenge right now.
2015-01-09 8:32 AM
in reply to: VTRT802

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Originally posted by VTRT802

Weekly Goals:

Swim: work on technique and breathing to build endurance. It's my weakest link.

25s and 50's

You will swim with poor technique when tired.

Exhale underwater and make sure not to overrotate the head.

2015-01-09 8:39 AM
in reply to: Gabby'smom

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
Not familiar with that one, hopefully the reviews hold true. If you have no ordered yet... lots of people upgrading to trainers like the Wahoo. Craigslist may have some hidden gems.
2015-01-09 9:42 AM
in reply to: VTRT802


Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Well after week 1 I have made some decisions and have a few questions that have been confusing me and also leading to some frustration.

So I have managed to Hammer out my Training Plan for the next 10 weeks. The focus is going to be on base fitness. As some of you may or may not know (depending if you saw my BIO or Not) this is new to me and I am in the process of losing weight (110lbs lost so far). 10 weeks of Base Fitness still leaves me the time needed to do a 22 week Triathalon Training Plan prior to my August 29 Race

So over the next 10 weeks my plan is to get me to the point I am comfortable with the distances required for my Sprint. Bike I am not to worried about as 20km is a pretty easy ride for me based on being on the Bike most of the summer and Fall.

Where I am confused is on Nutrition. I am working on about 1200-1400 calories a day. My routine this Week was Monday, Wed and Sunday Run, Tuesday and Thursday Bike, Then Swim Friday and Sunday. Leaving Saturday for a rest day. But my morning swim was absolute disaster today. Swimming is probably going to be my weak point but honestly 200 meters and it became me flailing around in the water having to rest 30 seconds after every 25 or 50 meters.

My hope is this is a result of not enough Fuel for the increase in activity. Although being in and establish base fitness mode none of my workouts are long. About 30 Minutes for run and Swim and 45 or more for Bike.

I have adjusted my Calorie intake to 40/40/20 and wonder if could be adding to the issues.

Anyway if anyone has advice please chime in.

Goals for Week 2 (Jan 12- 18)

3 Runs/Walk Increasing Run time reducing Walk time
2 Bike rides 45 min and 75 Minute
2 Swim

Lose 2lbs
2015-01-09 2:33 PM
in reply to: 0

Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed

congrats on wt loss.. I too have lost over 100 lbs so I know where you are. I also usually operated on 100-1300 cals per day. Part of this , in fact most of this was driven by fear of overeating and putting any weight back on. Having been following a tri training program I started to hit a point where I did all my workouts but just didnt feel well..Long story short I trusted that I likely was under eating. I began to eat bit more especially adding some healthy half hour prior to training and being aware to get some small healthy carb and a good protein source withing 45 mins of finishing workout. I immediately started feeling better and had even more zest for workouts. I dont count calories very specifically but would say that now I am taking in more like 1900-2200 cals. Interestingly in adding these calories I have actually dropped three more pounds.

Although I feel specific foods are individualistic some general things I have found helpful and have kept consistent are
1. Weigh myself each morning
2. Healthy carbs to me usually equal fruit of some sort
3. Very limited if ant sweets such as cake cookie etc..
4. Post work out protein usually is few ounces chicken or turkey or if time pinch or dont have the meat will have no carb protein shake (22gprotein/100cal) or skim milk
5. Snack a lot during day on two things : hard boiled eggs (whites only) may have 5-7 a day and carrots (a lot of carrots)
6. Lastly diet is very repetitive ; I eat the same foods almost all the time..yogurt, eggs, turkey..there is a good amount of research that shows that people at or near ideal body weight actually dont have a lot of variation in their diet..its usually a pretty boring repetitive diet..of coarse ther are exceptions to the rule but the majority have this in common

So I would say dont fear adding calories..I believe you will find your body will use them wisely..Just go slow and add clean stuff to diet at the right times of day

Lastly in terms of swimming, much like you my pool stamina was poor. I found that zero to one mile program (just google it) and started it. It is a program to get up to one mile unbroken swim in six weeks. I was skeptical..but I can tell you that actually in just four weeks after starting it I swam my first mile unbroken. Now swimming that distance isnt is boring..but not taxing..check it out..One thing I can say is that I found swimming longer distance is more restricted by mental limits then physical. Once I was able to relax my body and mind in the pool I really found I was able to go a long way without physical fatigue.

After just writing all of this I just realized I wasnt logged into my forum group..IM IN THE WRONG GROUP...OOPS Sorry..I didnt mean to butt in..Im going to leave it anyway as perhaps my experience may be helpful to derrick..Good Luck guys!!

Good luck

Edited by jhupcom 2015-01-09 2:37 PM
2015-01-09 3:52 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
From above "I dont count calories very specifically but would say that now I am taking in more like 1900-2200 cals. Interestingly in adding these calories I have actually dropped three more pounds. "

This doesn't surprise me. If you don't give your body enough calories, it starts to hoard them- you can actually do better eating more when you are that low. 1000-1300 seems pretty low to me, especially if you are training decently every day.

Edited by el penguino 2015-01-09 3:53 PM
2015-01-09 7:56 PM
in reply to: el penguino


Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
It's been a terrible week for me..... Changed shift schedules at work, kids have the flu, and the weather has been extremely cold. Haven't gotten any workouts in. Working another 10 hr shift tomorrow. Hoping to get a run in on Sunday!!!

2015-01-10 8:19 AM
in reply to: 2001jeepwrangler

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Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Well I woke this morning to a horrendous storm.

After contemplating over breakfast, and doing the chores, I decided to take on the 23mph winds and head off for a timed 5k over one of my regular routes.
The time wasn't that impressive ( I guess the wind played a part) 27mins!

However, the wind and rain will no longer put me off going out for a workout!
2015-01-10 9:28 AM
in reply to: Gilch49

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Kudos for getting out there despite tough weather.

Although.... we've been dealing with temperatures in the -20s and windchills in the -30s... and while I haven't been out running in those conditions I have seen a few brave souls doing it. That's commitment.
2015-01-10 10:40 AM
in reply to: el penguino

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - closed
Originally posted by el penguino

From above "I dont count calories very specifically but would say that now I am taking in more like 1900-2200 cals. Interestingly in adding these calories I have actually dropped three more pounds. "

This doesn't surprise me. If you don't give your body enough calories, it starts to hoard them- you can actually do better eating more when you are that low. 1000-1300 seems pretty low to me, especially if you are training decently every day.

I would advocate setting a goal based on input and output. Too much deficit and you risk using muscle as fuel (catabolism). A few days not a big deal but week in/week out you can lose muscle mass.

Some people find themselves being grumpy in these situations as well

2015-01-10 11:45 AM
in reply to: simpsonbo

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Great White North
Subject: RE: SPRINT & OLY FOCUS - Open
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