BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open Rss Feed  
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2019-01-12 4:26 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Hello! Welcome Riles! Well, got a couple of short workouts in on Monday and Tuesday before work. Wednesday I had to ride along on a delivery truck and deliver packages all day. Let me tell you, that’s no joke. Those folks just their butts. I am calling that a workout for Wednesday. Wow. Thursday we had class all day and a working dinner that night and I am whipped. Had class today and too tired to hit the gym this morning from a crazy week. Slept in to 06:00. They’re getting a few inches of snow here in Louisville tomorrow and funny thing is, when classmates saw my VT license plates and studded snow tires, I have suddenly become the class best friend.. lots of driving folks around to various appointments tomorrow since apparently no one here knows how to drive in snow. ?? Hoping to get some kind of trainer ride in after that in the afternoon.


Is louisville accidentally moved to the UK? about an inch of snow here and everybody goes in to meltdown! 


btw last night's beer consumption is from a snowy place: two polish beers.


Image result for tyskie and Image result for zywiec


exercise wise this week i managed 2.5 commutes and decent eating for most of the week. weighed myself at 174 on friday and that means i only put on 2 pounds over xmas - not bad! hopefully see 172 by superbowl w/e. 

2019-01-12 7:07 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Southern states don't usually get much if any snow. The combination of people not knowing how to drive in it and road crews not prepared to deal with it. Less than an inch has been known to completely shut down states like South Carolina/Georgia.

From a place with NO snow! Here's a pic from this morning's ride (1/2 way through at the moment, I should probably be working...)

The Eye, International Drive, Orlando, FL

2019-01-12 9:53 AM
in reply to: #5253828

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
3” of snow here and all hell is breaking loose!! Stopped at the store last night and shelves were bare. Movie theater closed. We are supposed to get our new mattress delivered today. I hope the snow doesn’t cause that to change!

Still sick, but I consider it progress that I woke up this morning and got all ready for my trainer ride. Then, just before starting I broke out into a fit of sneezes and coughing that strongly suggested my body wasn’t as ready as my mind was to get back to it. *sigh*. I hate being sick!
2019-01-13 6:20 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Snowing here, too, forecasting about 6" all told which is just enough for total shutdown around here.  Thankfully we knew it was coming well in advance so the SHA was able to get out and pre-treat the roads and were sitting there waiting for it.  Weekend also helps.

Still sick as hell, done my round of antibiotics and still coughing up a lung or two.  At least I can sleep (slept most of the day Friday).  I have to travel tomorrow but it's a relatively easy trip and work schedule and our meetings are at the hotel so I'm going to give it a go.  I have one swim of 1100 yards and a Bikram Yoga session so far in 2019.  LOL

2019-01-13 9:20 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Yes the snow in Baltimore is still coming and one of my swim lessons still wants to make it happen so I soon have to trek through the snow to the gym. I also need to go to the grocery store so the lesson is forcing me to make it happen sooner rather than later.

Went to masters practice yesterday and got a solid 2800 yds in. Then we went to a brewery for our coach's team shower/bachelorette and I tried the Union Brewery Snow Pants (Oatmeal Stout, didn't love it) and Skipjack (Pilsner, was pretty good). Ended the night at a new Nepalese place and had a Taj Majal with my chicken tikka masala.
2019-01-13 9:23 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Andrew, great to hear from you! Welcome back!

Jackie, you are welcome in Baltimore anytime! I currently airbnb my spare room, so say the word and you have a place to stay!

What is your soccer/futbol team? You might've said but I can't remember. My former roommate is a Tottenham loving Brit

2019-01-13 11:53 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by nicole14e Andrew, great to hear from you! Welcome back! Jackie, you are welcome in Baltimore anytime! I currently airbnb my spare room, so say the word and you have a place to stay! What is your soccer/futbol team? You might've said but I can't remember. My former roommate is a Tottenham loving Brit


I am currently watching Spurs (Tottenham) lose to Man Utd; I support Liverpool so do not like Man Utd (Think Sox/Yankees but with ruder songs/chants!).


2019-01-13 12:33 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

And now the Pats game! At least it is CBS coverage


You guys tend to prefer CBS coverage too?

2019-01-13 12:43 PM
in reply to: #5253843

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
CBS coverage is awful. Tony Romo is dumb as a sack of hammers.
2019-01-13 2:12 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

Originally posted by nicole14e Andrew, great to hear from you! Welcome back! Jackie, you are welcome in Baltimore anytime! I currently airbnb my spare room, so say the word and you have a place to stay! What is your soccer/futbol team? You might've said but I can't remember. My former roommate is a Tottenham loving Brit


I am currently watching Spurs (Tottenham) lose to Man Utd; I support Liverpool so do not like Man Utd (Think Sox/Yankees but with ruder songs/chants!).


Oh he hates Liverpool haha. I think he hates any team that's not Tottenham though so it is what it is.
2019-01-13 6:38 PM
in reply to: #5253886

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
NAME: James/ jackedjames123

STORY: 25 years old, I am a personal trainer/ diet coach (I say diet coach because my degree is technically in nutrition but I dont want to work in that field any longer, I essentially prep men and women for bodybuilding shows or just for their own weight loss goals) and physical therapist aide in the process of becoming an Electrician. I am orginally from Knoxville, TN but work moved us to Bakersfield, CA. I played sports growing up, wrestling, cross country, track, tennis, and whatever pick up games I could in college but I fell in love with powerlifting/weightlifting above all else. I love pushing myself and naturally I got bored with just lifting weights, I wanted something more athletic but something that would challenge me to my core.....well here I am Haha. I am a fresh, fresh newbie!
I will say I have a good friend that pushed me to try triathlon training and I am absolutely hooked.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the woman of dreams with a tiny satan spawn (cat) named sofie.

CURRENT TRAINING: 3x a week biking plus daily commutes to work, I treat the commute as an opportunity to get some sprint/power work in and the other days are longer distance. 3-4x a week running shorter distances at the moment. I have yet to start swimming, I start next weekend. I'm excited and nervous. Not to mention 4x a week in the gym training, I have a powerlifting meet in 8 weeks.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Couer d'alene Half iron man in June. Also my first race ever.

UPCOMING YEAR'S GOALS: 1) stay healthy. 2) dont drown 3) be patient in the process as I increase mileage. 4) have fun training

WEIGHTLOSS: I maintain a fairly healthy bodyfat (I have to in my line of work) but I wouldn't mind dropping 5lbs.

DRINK OF CHOICE: whiskey/bourbon and sour beers are my all time favorite.
I will never turn down a Johnie Walker double black and I am known for having blue moon on tap in my house.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I have a passion for fitness and health. Where I lack in knowledge in regards to triathlon training I make up for with high energy and a positive attitude.

2019-01-13 7:19 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96
what beer do you like bullfrog?????????

Sorry forgot the most important part. At the moment I'm more into something quenching in the peak of the kiwi summer, rather than something too hoppy, so a good larger, or some pilsners are my go to for now.

You don't get many of our berwries over in your part of the world, but Mac's hop rocker pilsner, Monteiths Beacon pilsner or Monteiths Barber Larger are all worth a try after a hot run.
2019-01-13 7:26 PM
in reply to: 0

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Thanks for the welcome back

All this talk about snow has me feeling a little guilty.

On Saturday we went to one of my cousins wedding. The little man was sent to his grand parents and it was an absolute scorcher of a day, sunny, no wind, about 85-90F for a garden/marquee wedding. Lots of beers, and wines for Mrs Bullfrog, some dancing and many, many hours latter and instead of getting up for my early morning long run on Sunday, we were in bed sleeping it off till 11. Just like life before kids.

So long story short, no training, but a very enjoyable weekend.

Did a before work run today, a 25 minute fast finish run, so have at least started week 3 well.

Edited by bulfrog 2019-01-13 7:28 PM
2019-01-14 6:01 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

CBS coverage is awful. Tony Romo is dumb as a sack of hammers.

This probably wasn't very the hammers.

One more day (I hope) of rest, then some easy workouts to ease back into training. As of this morning, there are only 30 weeks left until MiTi. Had I not gotten a coach, this is when my training plan was scheduled to start. Time to get my butt in gear and get moving. New powermeter and bike shoes arrive tonight, so I will get those installed and put my tri bike on the trainer. I think that is the last step in getting myself set up for the program. Mike--you asked why my old power meter wouldn't work on tri bike. The hub is only "good" up to a 10-speed, whereas my tri bike is an 11-speed. LBS said they could "rig something up" to make the PM work with the 11-speed bike, but I probably wouldn't have use of one gear. I decided that since Trixie is less than six months old and only has one race under her belt, I'm not letting them jury-rig something up that could end up tearing something up.
2019-01-14 7:23 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by drfoodlove CBS coverage is awful. Tony Romo is dumb as a sack of hammers.
This probably wasn't very the hammers. 

We cut to coverage in the UK studio for the breaks but aesthetically cbs rocks: the screen is nice and uncluttered! 

2019-01-14 7:58 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Welcome James! We haven't had a body builder/weight lifter in the group before. That will add a fun dynamic I think!

Andrew, sounds like an awesome weekend! I'm definitely jealous of those temperatures. I need some vitamin D!

Hopkins is closed until noon today so I'm continuing working on my application for my dietetics program so I can hopefully complete it on time! Gonna play some volleyball tonight, then have an early swim tomorrow.

2019-01-15 8:46 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Got in about 2200 yds this morning at swim squad. It was killer and I still feel like my body is recovering/it's hard to breathe haha.
2019-01-15 10:35 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Guess I over did it on my Sat. bike rides, I was wiped Sun. Over slept my swim, thought I could get a brick in.. nope. Thought I might do an easy run, but that didn't happen either.

Was being lazy last night and had already written off my work out, when a tri video popped up in my YouTube feed and guilted me into going for a run. Did the longest run I've done this season, 5 mi. It felt good last night, but today my joints are complaining.
2019-01-15 11:00 AM
in reply to: #5253131

Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
I freaking died yesterday on the bike. It was nice and calm when I left but a few miles in the wind picked up lol, I was literally riding sideways.

2019-01-15 2:21 PM
in reply to: riles32807

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by riles32807 @ Mike: I'm in Central FL, just outside Orlando. 

Howdy Neighbor!

(just moved to central FL, just west of Daytona, back in August after 44 years in MA)

2019-01-15 2:27 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by sappho96

 and I support the Patriots/Red Sox (blame DK (en ex bt'er) for taking me to Fenway when i visited Boston) so am up for some NFL banter 

YAY!!!!  Finally!  Been berated in this group for years for my 'sports lifestyle' choices aka supporting the teams from where I grew up

Also if memory serves, the ownership group that owns the Boston Red Sox also owns Liverpool FC.  Liverpool are my 'second' EPL team.  I won't mention my first, due to unpopularity.  In my defense I started when they were up and coming... 

2019-01-15 2:39 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove CBS coverage is awful. Tony Romo is dumb as a sack of hammers.

Might as well add to everyone hating me and football - I really like Tony Romo.  Ok, he tends not to shut up.  But I've learned a ton listening to him announce games.  So YES I prefer CBS covereage

2019-01-15 3:09 PM
in reply to: 0

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

NAME: John / firebert (someday, someone will get the reference)

STORY: 44.5 years old.  I've zero athletic ability to speak of, and so I ran middle distance and XC in High School .  Got out of shape over the years, got back into running in my 30s and started the cycle of injuries that would take me out every season.  My wife started Tri before I did, and she got me into it telling me how the injuries would be fewer since you're always cross training.  I had always wanted a proper bicycle so that was all the impetus I needed.  Just had to figure out how to swim (still figuring that one out!)

I have 6 or so Sprint Tris under my belt, not having ventured into Oly or longer yet due to the swim.  I've also got 3 or 4 Half Marathons, a Full (the tail end of the 48.6 mile Dopey Challenge), a handful of 10ks, and countless 5ks.

Grew up in New England, just moved to Florida this past August.  I get to spend all my time outdoors now (YAY!), but gave up pretty much all of 2018 to get here, since we had to sell one house, move to an apartment, move to my Inlaws' house for a couple months, then finally move into our new house.  Still managed a Half Marathon in November, at least.  And I trained for it outside, in Florida, in August and September.  Its hot and it sucks but it's possible!

Also yes the 'growing up in New England' thing means I'm a Patriots/Red Sox/Bruins/Celtics fan.  I had 10-game 'season' tickets for the Sox for years, and Patriots season tickets for two years, before I moved to FL.  Feel free to hate 

FAMILY STATUS: Married with a just about 9 year old daughter

CURRENT TRAINING: After the HM in November, I took nearly 2 months off between unpacking and the holidays.  I'm back on the wagon now, just building base miles on the run and bike.  Base miles are great - I've taken all the pressure off myself to go faster and instead just 'go'.

UPCOMING YEAR'S GOALS: I don't have any 'official' goals until I discuss them with my wife, but....Challenge Daytona.  The owners of the infamous Challenge Roth (and the rest of the Challenge series of non-IM brand long course events) expanded to the US this year, and did a 70.3 with a lot of the race at the International Speedway.  They even had a sprint that was contained entirely within the speedway.  It's in December.  I have until then to learn to swim 1.2 miles without stopping.  

Secondary to that I might get talked into doing another Dopey Challenge, in Jan 2020 with a couple former BDASers (Dave Qua and Scott Smith)

WEIGHTLOSS: I'm not too far off from my reasonably healthy weight target, but I'd really like to improve the body fat percentage situation.  I try to focus less on the scale and more on how good (or not good) I am feeling.  

DRINK OF CHOICE: I like many beers, and I love whiskey as well.  But top choice is always an IPA.  First being the NEIPA style, I got spoiled with Tree House and Trillium when I was living in MA.  Second would be the West Coast style (Racer 5 and Sculpin, like Mike).  And I really dig stouts.  Whiskey - Islay Scotch first, then any Spey or Highland that's peated, then small batch bourbon.

WHAT WOULD MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm just experienced enough at Tri enough to help the newbies, and confident enough in what I haven't experienced to help anyone else find their own answers.  I'm a great cheerleader - I love seeing everyone's progress and little triumphs and especially hitting their goals.  And I've been a BDASer for a few years now and no one's asked me to leave yet.

Edited by firebert 2019-01-16 9:45 AM
2019-01-15 9:40 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open
Originally posted by firebert

Howdy Neighbor!

(just moved to central FL, just west of Daytona, back in August after 44 years in MA)

Hey John,
Welcome to FL! & back to BDAS! What part of Mass? I'm a recovering Mass-hole myself (Berkshires/Pittsfield area) I've been inFL for about 18 years now, started tri about a year and a half ago.
2019-01-16 9:53 AM
in reply to: riles32807

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker's Appreciation Society--Always Open

Originally posted by riles32807
Originally posted by firebert

Howdy Neighbor!

(just moved to central FL, just west of Daytona, back in August after 44 years in MA)

Hey John, Welcome to FL! & back to BDAS! What part of Mass? I'm a recovering Mass-hole myself (Berkshires/Pittsfield area) I've been inFL for about 18 years now, started tri about a year and a half ago.

Born in Worcester (Wistah), grew up in the New Bedford (New Beffit) area, and spent 10 years in Attleboro before moving to FL.  I went to UMASS also so familiar with the Berkshires.  I LOVE that area.  A good friend moved out to Northampton in the past few years and I just loved visiting.

Are you a Pats fan at all?  Or have you been out of MA too long...  It'd be nice to get in a majority over the Ravens fans hahahahahahahaha.

I'm 45-50 minutes from Orlando proper, longer from everyone who says they live in Orlando but actually live South or West of it.  Bit of a long commute to train together but if there's any race you have locally or a cycling or running event you're interested in, keep me in mind.  My race calendar is wide open.  I'm not tri-ready just yet (been out of the pool for like a year and a half) but hope to get a Y membership going again soon to rectify that.

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