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2006-09-29 6:47 AM
in reply to: #552681

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas

Ty - you're tattoo looks great.  And, dude, where'd you get that hat?


2006-09-29 8:55 AM
in reply to: #554958

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Lake Forest, Illinois
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
run4yrlif - 2006-09-28 3:42 PM
Lara - 2006-09-28 9:39 AM

...good dad.. )


I personally wouldn't have done this but out of curiosity has anyone seen this picture from the other angle? (The one from the side)  He is actually quite a bit farther from the croc then this picture makes out.

Not excusing anything just saying when you see the footage it doesn't look good but it doesn't look this bad either.

2006-09-29 4:28 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Extreme Veteran
DFW Metroplex
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
Saw a costume at a party once where they had put some cardboard around their waist with an astray and some eye classes on it and a lampshade on their head.  When asked what she was she replied a one night stand.  I thought it was quite ingenious.  She did win best costume at the party.  She had spent quite a bit of time and effort to make the costume look great.
2006-09-29 5:20 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Near Salt Lake City
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
A personal favorite is: cut the front of a cardboard box out with two large holes. Put cardboard box on head and hang a sign in front that reads "free mammograms, insert breasts" cheap and pretty funny. Another variation of the same theme

Edited by rd04 2006-09-29 5:25 PM


breathalizer.bmp (96KB - 12 downloads)
2006-09-29 5:48 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
Why not go as a triathlete. I mean its practically naked out there as it is, and of course if your a girl you have to go as a slutty triathlete.

ok ok I jsut want to know what a sluty triathlete would look like.
2006-09-30 7:18 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Springfield, MO
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
would a thong be involved

2006-09-30 8:53 PM
in reply to: #556629

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Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
run joe run - 2006-09-30 8:18 PM

would a thong be involved

You've obviously never tried on a tri-kini.

Last year I went to our St. Jude's Up all Night party (on Halloween) as Homestar Runner. Black tights, red shirt with a star cut out and pinned on. Running shoes. It worked.

This year, I'm running the Dead Celebrity 5k on October 27...and I'm going as William Wallace because I can get some cheap tartan print from JoAnn's and put it over my tights. I will *not* be going true Scotts on that...doesn't work the same way for chicks, ESPECIALLY not if I'm trying to PR..I wanna run, not give an anatomy lesson.

Edited by phoenixazul 2006-09-30 8:54 PM
2006-10-01 5:33 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Armpit of Ontario
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas

In college a few of the guys put on full long-john setS of white long underwear, white socks, white high top Chuck Taylors, white swim caps, painted our faces white and had lettering printed on our backs:


2006-10-02 3:19 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Vancouver, BC
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
I was at a local sex shop buying some new undies and there were tons of people in there trying on Halloween costumes.

Wait... judging by your screen name, you are probably male, so give me a minute to think up ideas.
2006-10-02 3:33 PM
in reply to: #554998

Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
hangloose - 2006-09-28 5:08 PM

Opus - 2006-09-28 8:36 AM I once went to a party as a porn star. I wore extra tight pants with the outline of giant prosthetic genitals clearly visible through the pants (I used 3 oranges as accents in just the right places). 

[gears grinding to a halt]

3 oranges?

[clink... clink .... clunk]

Are things really that different in Canada?

Two where you would expect and one on the end... it rounded things out well.
2006-10-02 3:36 PM
in reply to: #558086

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Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
jeng - 2006-10-02 4:19 PM

I was at a local sex shop buying some new undies and there were tons of people in there trying on Halloween costumes.

Wait... judging by your screen name, you are probably male, so give me a minute to think up ideas.

Uhhhh............what'd ya end up getting?

2006-10-02 6:58 PM
in reply to: #552681

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: HELP!! I need "adult" halloween costume ideas
I saw a guy at school last year who had on a regular white t-shirt with an open plaid one over top. Then he had jeans on but the jeans had been "modified" - from the back you saw a (plastic) naked bum, and from the front you see a mashed up apple pie. And Voila! You're Jim from American Pie...good times!

Or, if you've got a wife/gf whos into it, she could go as a playboy bunny and you could be Hef. Smoking jacket, long pants and a pipe, and you're good to go!

Good luck with it! and have fun - hallowe'en is my favorite holiday!!

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