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2007-05-19 3:24 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
OK fridays food intake.
Breakfast: coffee- black and and special K breakfast bar
Snack 9:30- banana
Lunch subway turkey sub 6 in wheat bread just veggies.
dinner 3 mini rolls with roast beef. A plate of carrots, celelery, grapes and other fruit.
I also had a couple of drinks last night.

That was enough for me to eat that day, but I know it will not be when I get into some heavier training.

2007-05-19 5:19 PM
in reply to: #807958

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
katzchen55 - 2007-05-19 1:47 PM

I'm curious, Rich, as to what advice you have.  What's the best way for me to get faster on my bike? Is it more mileage, riding harder with some intervals, or some combination of the two?  It seemed opinions on the matter were a bit split in the forum.  I have lots of hills to work on around here, but few straightaways.  Also, since my time is limited, I want to make the most of the workouts I do get in.  What do you think?

GREAT Question, KAT!

I don't think there is one formula that fits all! Whereas all people are different, I think the solutions are different. Given you limited time, I would try to get two types of rides per week. Type 1: Hill repeats (which will increase your muscle strength in your legs) or a solid hilly ride of 1 hour or so. Type 2: A long ride. During the long ride you can do all sorts of things to help improve your cycling performance. As an example, I just got back from an 80 mile ride (3 hour and 45 minute ride.) But, it wasn't all one pace or focus. I spent some time doing sprints, spent time in the aerobars, spent time working on my cadence, spent some time working on consistent even pedal strokes ; and spent some time doing one legged drills to strengthn my left leg which is my weak side.

Now there is some disagreement amongst cyclists about training in the (front) big ring. On my long rides during a month, I might do one workout using the large ring. This really does build up alot of lactac acid in the quad and hamstrings. Just be careful if you use this.

Let me check with some people and see if they have some suggestions also.

Hope this helped!

2007-05-19 5:25 PM
in reply to: #808026

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Derek:

I looked at your nutrition. I'm wondering if you are getting enough calories (minus the drinks). Because you are eating so little, you are potentially causing your metabolism to slow down dramatically. Thus not using up a lot of your nutritional values. Basically your body is hording in the form of fat, anything you put into your mouth. It is thus causing the opposite affect you are desiring.

How many calories do you think you are consuming per day?

Would it help if I wrote out an example of one of my meal plans?

2007-05-19 6:59 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
yesterday was kind of a crazy day. I usually eat a much bigger dinner. I am loosing weight I have lost about 7 lbs this month. I am trying to eat more times but less food. With that concept I feel like I might overeat at dinner time. Today, I am doing a better job of that..... I think.

Today I have eaten
2 eggs and a glass of milk at about 9am
a banana and PB snadwich at 11:30 (before the workout)
Turkey sandwich and a yogurt at 3
and I am about to go eat dinner with some friends I am thinking a grilled chicken salad...

2007-05-19 7:26 PM
in reply to: #808130

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
dzerb31 - 2007-05-19 6:59 PM

yesterday was kind of a crazy day. I usually eat a much bigger dinner. I am loosing weight I have lost about 7 lbs this month. I am trying to eat more times but less food. With that concept I feel like I might overeat at dinner time. Today, I am doing a better job of that..... I think.

Today I have eaten
2 eggs and a glass of milk at about 9am
a banana and PB snadwich at 11:30 (before the workout)
Turkey sandwich and a yogurt at 3
and I am about to go eat dinner with some friends I am thinking a grilled chicken salad...

MUCH BETTER! Phew!!! You were scaring me there! And Congratulations on loosing 7lbs. in the last 30 days! During the week, try to have your largest meal at mid-day, but if you have lost 7 lbs. in 30 days, what you are doing seems to be working.

Do you take any multiple vitamins?

Grilled Chicken Salad sounds good with dressing on the side! Have a GREAT time with your friends!

2007-05-19 7:27 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Sounds like a fun- super long bike ride Rich!! awesome though!

Everyone here eats super healthy( I am glad I didn't have to log my eating habits while in school!)

food today(may 19):

light and fit yogurt smoothie thingy.
Some whole wheat crakers

Orange smoothie shake with protein( it was ginourmous)
organic graham blueberry muffin
Kettle chips2 handfulls( couldn't contain myself)

Turkey sandwich(whole wheat/no cheese/no veggies/plain)

(probably a drink(or some, depends on will power) later tonight)

I've had a busy day that is not even over, couldn't get the biking or swimming in, which upsets me!! I haven't been hungry either, just busy.

Tomorrow is my SBR day, so I have a question:

What to do about avoiding fatigue while swimming? am I going too fast? I'm geting much better, but i still feel like I'm maybe not breathing adequately? By the time I get to the bike I feel tired,BUT I don't feel tired after coming out of the bike and running (after swimming and biking), does this mean I am not biking hard enough??

thank you so much Rich have a great rest of the weekend!

2007-05-19 8:28 PM
in reply to: #808156

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hi, Caru!

"Sounds like a fun- super long bike ride Rich!! awesome though!

Did have a GREAT ride! Verociously thirsty and holding off the hurge to eat everything in sight..... almost started knawing on my son's leg! He palmed my bald head with his hand and held me off! Doooooooh!! (He's a 6'2" 15 year old!)

Everyone here eats super healthy( I am glad I didn't have to log my eating habits while in school!)

Trust me, I wasn't eating healthy myself..... it took work to get to 327 lbs (my heaviest weight 8 years ago! I was on a pure "See Food" diet!

food today(may 19):

light and fit yogurt smoothie thingy.
Some whole wheat crakers

Orange smoothie shake with protein( it was ginourmous)
organic graham blueberry muffin
Kettle chips2 handfulls( couldn't contain myself)

Turkey sandwich(whole wheat/no cheese/no veggies/plain)

(probably a drink(or some, depends on will power) later tonight)

You're making good choices.... 2 handful of kettle chip's were hurt you....don't beat yourself up over them. Have a drink on my behalf.....I can't drink because I'm allergic to alcohol. Bummer, huh!?!

I've had a busy day that is not even over, couldn't get the biking or swimming in, which upsets me!! I haven't been hungry either, just busy.

Tomorrow is my SBR day, so I have a question:

What to do about avoiding fatigue while swimming? am I going too fast?
- Try breaking your swim down into 100 meter/yard distances! Do a 25 yd easy, 25 a little faster, 25 yd easy, and the a 25 hard. Then rest for 15 seconds.... repeat 7 more times. This is considered speed drill. Might help you!

I'm geting much better, but i still feel like I'm maybe not breathing adequately?
- How frequently are you breathing.....I breath every third stroke. To do this, you have to learn to breath on both sides. If you are breathing every fourth stroke, you are running out of oxygen. If it is every other stroke or every stroke, you are wasting a lot of energy.

To illustrate a good stroke ..... I with GREAT hesitation am posting an underwater video....overweight 50 plus year old males should not be seen in Speedos (so with GREAT apologies to all who may get offended!) Look at the breathing for a 3 stroke breathing method. Goggles only come halfway out of the water. I will remove/edit it from the thread in a couple of days! This was a swim clinic video that was taken in April.

By the time I get to the bike I feel tired,BUT I don't feel tired after coming out of the bike and running (after swimming and biking), does this mean I am not biking hard enough??

Do not worry if you are not feeling tired when you come off the bike and start running. That is a good thing. You want to feel fresh when you start your run. Races are not won on the swim or the bike! Races are won on the run.

thank you so much Rich have a great rest of the weekend!"

2007-05-20 10:27 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Today I tried your swimming drill and it made me feel less fatigued, although I find it difficult to try and breath on both sides. I saw your video!! What an AWESOME SWIMMER!!! The slight body rotation when swimming....aaaa...beautiful!!!

I tried really hard to visualize your swimming and understand the movement in the water, needles to say, it is hard! But I feel like I'm improving every extra minute spent in the water!
I can't wait to be able to swim like that!! thank you soooo much for sharing that video with us Rich!! I encourage everyone to see it.

Food: I had a light and fit yogurt in the morning and it helped a lot- no hunger during swim or bike.
Thanks for all Rich!
2007-05-20 10:44 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I'm back from Galena...and I'm so inspired (and sunburnt!!). Being a spectator at yesterday's tri was beyond amazing. It was, by and far, the hilliest course I've seen in a long time for both the run and the bike. It was a "sprint" though the distances were off (660 yd swim, 16.9 mile bike, 4.3 run)

Mike did incredible, despite a really rough swim. I'll pass along his race report later on if anyone is interested in reading about it. And I'll share a photo album on here if ya like.

Which just reminded me...I forgot to share...I have a "running" blog that I've kept up for a while, which is slowly turning into a tri blog:

And Rich, you'll be proud...Mike is taking me to an empty parking lot today to overcome my fear of the clips. Let's hope I don't fall too many times! I'll let you know how it goes.

As for nutrition the past 2 days...hahahaa...we're just gunna pretend that I was super healthy. Being in a car for 4 hours isn't conducive to healthy eating (though it shouldn't have been an excuse).

Edited by RunningJayhawk 2007-05-20 10:45 AM
2007-05-20 11:24 AM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I went canoeing all day yesterday (Sat.) with kids, husband and neighborhood friends. was more like a liquid diet with chips in between.  I did get some exercising in with paddling and making a water rescue after our friend's canoe tipped over.  So I'll post my food intake later for Sunday.  Saturday was a wash!

Rich, I noticed on your log that you swam sets.  Do you rest between sets or is it continual swimming?  Swimming is my focus right now since it's not my strongest discipline.  I'm using a plan that I feel is helping me get more comfortable in the water.  It's a six week plan and I'm beginning week 2 today.  I do sets with breathes in between.  This week I swim longer distance with less breaths between sets.  You asked me earlier in the week if it was the BT plan swim focus, but actually it's just a thread (article)  from BT, not the plan. 

I'm so glad your here to help.  I think since this is my first season to do Tris, I just need to get to a point where I feel good about each disicpline.  Next season, though, I want to be in a position where I can be more competitive and not just another number racing.



2007-05-20 11:59 AM
in reply to: #807760

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Okay.  I typically eat differently at night, but I was craving cereal for dinner!  Cooking for 3 children is challenging because I try to cook things that are good for them, but at the same time, making sure they'll eat what I make.  I aim for a protein (usually chicken), veggies, and some kind of rice/pasta/couscous, etc. 

You're right about changing just one meal to begin.  Breakfast is my weak spot.  I have a hard time eating first thing in the morning.  I like to eat lunch around 11:30 and then be finished with eating by 6:30pm.  So I go all night without refueling my body.  I'm going to really make a conscience effort to eat a healthy breakfast this week.  I'll even buy egg whites at the store and see how it goes!  Cheers! 

2007-05-20 3:00 PM
in reply to: #808418

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Thanks Caru..... I sure hope the video did well. I nicknamed it my Shamu video! LOL! (If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?!?!!)

You picked up on a critical technique: The rotation. It is referred to as "Belly to the Wall". The "Belly to the Wall" is a critical set up to a couple of things. The first is the breathing. It is easier to breath with only one goggle out of the water. You are not lifting your head, but simply allowing your head to move to the side as your body rolls. The other thing is that it allows me to bury my face into my inner arm or armpit. This provides a more streamlined body. In my mind, I'm thinking about trying to get through a small tunnel or tube in the water.

The other technique that I use is called "Front Quadrant Swimming". This also does a couple of things in my swimming. I try to have as much of my body in front as possible. This is accomplished by having my arms and hands in front of me as much as possible. It helps balance the body (and raise the hips!). This is helped me a lot seeing that I'm bottom heavy.

Try a couple of these techniques.

To help you learn how to breath, get some short fins. With the fins on, push off the end of the pool, start kicking and have your body (stomach) facing the left. Your arm should be in front of you completely extended with your hand parallel to the bottom of the pool. Your chin should be in your armpit. You will be looking down to the bottom of the pool if you are aligned correctly. Your head will be submerged. Count 1,2,3 and try rotating your head so that one goggle is out of the water so you can breath. SUGGESTION: Practice this set up on your living room floor or on the deck of the pool before you get in the water. Swim 50 yds. and then do the other side.

The above exercise/drill will help you learn how to breath on both sides.

Let me know if you have any questions!

2007-05-20 3:08 PM
in reply to: #808433

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Barb:

Welcome Back! Isn't it GREAT when you go to see a triathlon event! You know you are a triathlete when you get goosebumps when seeing a tri event! LOL!!!

"And Rich, you'll be proud...Mike is taking me to an empty parking lot today to overcome my fear of the clips. Let's hope I don't fall too many times! I'll let you know how it goes."

Give Mike our hearty congratulations! Hopefully he isn't sore, injured and ready to start training for his next event! That is great that he is taking you to a parking lot to try your clips. Remember to clip out well before you put the breaks on!

"As for nutrition the past 2 days...hahahaa...we're just gunna pretend that I was super healthy. Being in a car for 4 hours isn't conducive to healthy eating (though it shouldn't have been an excuse)." LOL! My wife and I use every excuse in the car to eat. I've gotten into the habit of packing "granny smith apples" in our little cooler along with a pre-made protein/oatmeal drink. But, if you are going to be in a car for 4 hours, might as well as enjoy it! LOL!

Let's hear how you did on your Bike Clip practice!

2007-05-20 3:32 PM
in reply to: #808469

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Howdy Angela!

Good question below!

"Rich, I noticed on your log that you swam sets. Do you rest between sets or is it continual swimming?" When I'm doing sets, I do a combination of things! If I'm doing speed sets: 8 x 100s (Easy, Build, Easy, Hard) I give myself a specific amount of time for each 100. As an example - 2 minutes. Finish a 100 in 1 minute and 40 seconds, then I rest for 20 secs. If I finish a 100 in 1 minute and 50 seconds, then I rest for 10 secs. If I finish a 100 in 2 minutes, then I kick off immediately. If I'm doing sets like: 200 meters, 300 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters type sets, I give myself 15 to 20 seconds between sets. I try to do these types of workouts at least twice a week with one workout that includes a long swim 1000 to 2000 meters (but, remember I'm prepping for a Half-Ironman). For sprints and Olympic max you need to do is 1000 to 1500 meters.

I think since this is my first season to do Tris, I just need to get to a point where I feel good about each disicpline. Next season, though, I want to be in a position where I can be more competitive and not just another number racing.

Truthfully Angela, that is not a bad approach that you are suggeting above. Use your first season to learn execution and techniques. Younger, fit individuals can power their way through events, but overtime, I strongly believe that technique, technique, technique will make you competitive. I found it beneficial to learn the basics and techniques. In my third season, I'm now starting to knock consistently on the door to the podium. If it hadn't been due to a medical issue that started showing up in late June, I would have been further ahead. I also found that dialing into the nutrition is extremely important for those of us that our diabetic and/or experience hypoglycemia.

Keep your questions and thoughts coming.....they are good ones Angela!

2007-05-20 4:22 PM
in reply to: #808489

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
It's me again, Angela!

You have a challenge indeed in preparing food for the little chicks! I have a weakness myself for cereal for dinner......don't know why, but I do!!!!

Focus on your breakfast for the next week and keep us posted. As a suggestion, I treat breakfast as 1st Breakfast and my first snack as 2nd Breakfast (Borrowed from Lord of the Rings). I eat enough in the first breakfast to get me started (Slice of Tofu, 1 Yogurt and 1 piece of wheat toast). I like my 2nd Breakfast the most... (Egg Whites and wheat toast or Country Potatoes or fruit (apple and banana).

Keep it up!


2007-05-20 4:56 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: SUCCESS!!
I did it. I didn't fall off once. And it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Although the parking lot we were in had a few student drivers learning how to do their thing...which was a welcomed obstacle for me.

Now...if only I can get the hang of changing gears, I think I might just be a cyclist in disguise.

2007-05-20 5:35 PM
in reply to: #808725

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: GREAT JOB, Barb!!!!
Hey Barb!

GREAT JOB! You did it! First thing, you overcame a fear! That is the biggest obstacle. The rest is technique. And you learned........just keep on doing it over and over. You will become more comfortable with clipping in and out! Remember that YOU are in control of that machine (i.e. the bike)! The bike isn't in control of you! CONGRATULATIONS..... and a big THANKS to Mike!

It is soooo important to have someone to support you and it sounds like Mike is there for you! Kudos to both of you!

2007-05-20 11:00 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group Training Log Review 05/20/2007
Had a chance this afternoon to review each Group Member's Training Log! So, here is my feedback by group member! Overall, everyone has started using the Training Log. That is GREAT! If you are consistent in your reporting, that will provide a great tool for me to provide you feedback. Here is my feedback for this week:

Good Run at "Lake Shore". Good consistent pace. 12 minute plus miles per hour is a good start. Looks like a good course. How is running on Mason?!!! Stoney Creek is also a GREAT place to ride! (Use to go to Stoney Creek with the rest of the family....before there was a freeway...drove right up Van Dyke to 28 Mile Rd....... picked up cousins in Utica!........Stoney Creek had just opened in the early 60s.) As you post more workouts, I'll be able to give you more indepth feedback! Good start and keep it up!

Good Job on starting your Training Log. Qualifying for Masters in August (?) is a good short term goal. Would like to see you see you add more running after this week..... get through the end of school with your charges! Start with a perceived effort of 2 to 3 (on a scale of 1 to 10). Start with a 30 to 45 minute runs. Make sure to stretch before and after. (Listen to your body.) Try to get in 3 runs per week.

Good Training Day on Saturday. Looked like my training day on Saturday except you got an OWS in! KUDOS! Your training log documentation is very good! You look like you are doing a good variety of workouts and you are getting your swimming, biking, and running along with strength training. GREAT JOB! Can I suggest that you change your focus from loosing weight to reducing body fat levels. Start with getting a body fat % check at your gym. Let's track it! With that focus, you will see improvement versus weight. Muscle is heavier than fat, so with your stength workouts, you may be loosing fat level%, but gaining weight because weight is heavier. So your goal may be to reduce body fat %. You will still see reduction around the waist. Just my suggestion.......

I see one of your short term goals is to finish a sprint under 1 hour 30 minutes. What was your best time so far on a sprint? And where do you think you could improve?

Keep it up Kat! You are doing the right things. I think we just need to do some tweaks and you may see the results you are looking for.

Workouts are looking good. Looks like you are getting a good balance on your training with your focus on swimming. I'm wondering if you have a Swim Master's program in the area. A more structure swimming program might assist you. Good that you are including your circuit/core training. Workout frequency for sprints (4 to 6 per week) is a good base. If you can't find a swim master program in your area, try increasing the length of your swim workout. Start with 50s and 100s with 10 sec rests in between. Start with 10 x 50s and 8 by 100s. Do a warm-up of 200 yds and a cool down of 200 yds

See!!! You looked so comfortable in the water that your puppy wanted to join you! (Hope your puppy is OK!) Glad you are trying to implement what you saw on my video. What do you think made your swim easier? Let's break it down and figure it out so you don't loose what you learned. Good Job in coming up with a solution due to weather. In So. Calif., we are basically whimps when it comes to weather. If it is cloudy, we head in doors! Given the rain, your solution to do a SPIN class was a good one. Doing an awesome job, Caru!

Very good training log! You are getting a good variety of training in. I would suggest continuing with your swimming plans and adding more bike riding/spin classes into your training regime. Go ahead and register for Benbrook Women's Tri. I'm guessing it is similar to the Benbrook Tri you did May 5, 2007. You can measure your improvement over the next 5 months. I'm suspecting that you have a good let's kick it up a notch. You'll do an awesome job.....and if you are like me, you need something to train towards....Let's go for it and celebrate with a glass of wine when you see your improvement!

You get the Bravery Award for the week. Good Job working on the clipping in your bike pedals! Good that you started logging your workouts. Work on logging throughout the week. I can give you more indepth feedback. Get your running and swimming during the weekday. Try to get at least a SPIN class or a ride in during the week. On Saturday, try to get a longer bike ride in. Now that you have worked on clipping in, there will be no stopping you on that bike! AWESOME, Barb!!!

2007-05-21 7:18 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I swam and did weight training on Saturday; then had our Tour de Cure ride on Sunday. It was fun keeping with a group that goes SLOWER than me for once. My experience with most of the club rides has been me busting my butt to keep up with them -- which is a good thing for training, but tough on the ego.

We did 42 fairly hilly miles in 3 hrs 15 min. We climbed one of the toughest hills I have ever done -- people walking their bikes left and right -- but I did not stop. I was sucking wind big-time (you know when people look at you like you might need medical attention?), but I made it without stopping!

And we are NOT ALL EATING HEALTHY all of the time. After my ride Sunday I had a salad...then a slice of pizza...then Oreo cookies...then a Tastykake. Not good. I let myself get too hungry during the ride.

Rich, I will be checking out the calorie calculator today and will let you know what I find out.
2007-05-21 8:08 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Checked out that calorie calculator.

Estimates my resting metabolism is 1548. If I choose "Moderately Active" it calculates my calories at 2399 per day.

So what does all of this mean?
2007-05-21 8:46 AM
in reply to: #808153

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
MUCH BETTER! Phew!!! You were scaring me there! And Congratulations on loosing 7lbs. in the last 30 days! During the week, try to have your largest meal at mid-day, but if you have lost 7 lbs. in 30 days, what you are doing seems to be working.

Do you take any multiple vitamins?

Grilled Chicken Salad sounds good with dressing on the side! Have a GREAT time with your friends!


It has been the eating habbits that are really starting to help me tone up.
I dont take any Vitamins I never really found that to be effective in college, but that was some time ago and I was traning much more.

also.... where is that calorie counter???

2007-05-21 9:25 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
GUys, don't flip out on me but, I am just now buying my bike.....yes I have been using a crappy old little "x something" bike. I am going to a special bike shop to get my bike. I know my size:49.

Q: So, here is my question:
I have searched the internet and know more or less what I want, price range everything, what I don't know is, if I should go with a road bike or a try bike.
Here's my dilemma: if I buy the road bike, im scared im going to really get into Triathlons, and then have to go back and buy another like 2000 bike. If I have to then I will, which if IM really into it then who cares right. I would just like your insights on this matter. So, what do u think Rich, and anyone or everyone?
2007-05-21 11:55 AM
in reply to: #809377

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Derek:

Here is the link.


(Took me a minute to find it.......who's writing all of these long replys? .....oooh that would be me!)
2007-05-21 12:02 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey there!  In regards to my fastest sprint triathlon time, that would be 1:36:55 in the Splash in San Antonio in 2005.  I didn't do as well last year because a) they didn't do the Splash again ;( , b) I chose some new races that were a bit longer, and c) I just didn't train as well last year.  I'm hoping to see some significant improvement this year.

I think that my swim time is strong, so I'm not too concerned about that.  I don't think I can make up a whole lot of time there.   My run is probably my weakest - if I can get closer to a 9:30/mile, I can save about 3-4 minutes right there.  Then, if I get a little faster on my bike, I can make up the rest and be under that 1:30:00 mark.  I have two sprints planned - the first one at Lake Pflugerville will be the easier of the two.  If I don't make it, then I have until October to prepare for the second one.

2007-05-21 12:07 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I'd love more info on the calorie counter, too. I don't want to obsess over every calorie, but I do want to start getting my diet in check! I saw some photos of me on the bike over the weekend and I was mortified.

Does anyone else have the challenge of making lunch your biggest meal of the day? When I get home from work, my husband and I typically try to do a nice dinner at the table together. Plus it's inevitably a bigger meal despite our best efforts.

Caru - Try both bikes out and see what feels best for you at this juncture. When I went to my LBS I felt more comfortable on the road bike, plus living in Chicago a road bike made more sense for me. Also, it's all about baby steps on the bike for me...if I could pull off a tri on a paper route leisure bike, I probably would give it a go!  


I was hoping to get into the pool tonight, but my sunburn is still really bad. I can't afford to have the chlorine dry me out that much and force my skin to peel. So tentatively, since tomorrow is a run day, the plan is to hopefully bike this evening and maybe do some weight work with my arms. I'm just hoping I don't take out any innocent bystanders with my bike.

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