Other Resources My Cup of Joe » Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!! Rss Feed  
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2007-09-18 7:26 PM
in reply to: #969984

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Extreme Veteran
Albuquerque, NM
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
ejc999 - 2007-09-18 6:34 PM

I'm glad that TNT2TRI will be there so I won't be the oldest, just second oldest.  I live about 2 miles from the restaurant but not in Reston.  This sounds like a lot of fun.


Alright Ernie!  Age is not a factor.  Looking forward to some good ole BT frivolity.

2007-09-18 7:36 PM
in reply to: #969691

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
Max is going to be here for the MC 10K ;-)
2007-09-18 7:54 PM
in reply to: #969488

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
I would love to come for dinner and meet you guys in person (my hubby is running MCM, I guess i need some carbs too to provide all the support;-) but I will have to skip the ride. Z+ride in a dark+costume=broken limb or head.
2007-09-18 8:07 PM
in reply to: #969488

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
I don't know how dark it will be...do we have a time set yet? I was thinking more duskish? (I can use it as a word!)

What about ride first, then meal? How's that strike everybody?

I don't think anybody's planning on going out to get hurt...we're just playing! I know I'll probably be holding out on the aero-alcohol, for one...now post ride Margaritas? Yep - definitely on the menu!

BTers don't let BTers ride drunk!
2007-09-18 8:18 PM
in reply to: #969488

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Reston VA
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!

This can be discussed... Ride first for safety - and then eat drink and maybe some bars ? But costumes MUST be kept on for the whole evening

Having crashed in daylight I can understand the apprehension. And some people I know have trouble riding straight while sober!!

2007-09-18 8:20 PM
in reply to: #969488

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Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!

October 26 sunset = 6:16pm. 

It's gonna be tough to beat the dark no matter what we do. 

Stop being a bunch of wimps.  We can carry flashlights. 

2007-09-18 8:22 PM
in reply to: #970095

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
shelly123 - 2007-09-18 9:18 PM

This can be discussed... Ride first for safety - and then eat drink and maybe some bars ? But costumes MUST be kept on for the whole evening

Having crashed in daylight I can understand the apprehension. And some people I know have trouble riding straight while sober!!

Agreed - costumes MUST be on the whole time...or you get docked points!
2007-09-18 8:29 PM
in reply to: #970099

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Reston VA
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
3558 - 2007-09-18 9:20 PM

October 26 sunset = 6:16pm. 

It's gonna be tough to beat the dark no matter what we do. 

Stop being a bunch of wimps.  We can carry flashlights. 

We can always start around 5:30. Those with jobs should just suck it up and leave early. Take a half day - whatever. And we will try to finish by 7 (right when it should be pitch black).

2007-09-18 8:34 PM
in reply to: #969488

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
For the record, NOTHING goes down smoother than a little Southern Comfort.... that's my vote for poison-of-the-day. I was thinking about dressing up as a triathlete, but figured it was too much of a stretch. Maybe I'll pose as a 20-24 age-grouper. hehehe....Tim, I'll hang with an 'old' guy anyday - we're gonna have some fun! ~ Joe
2007-09-18 8:36 PM
in reply to: #970099

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
3558 - 2007-09-18 9:20 PM

October 26 sunset = 6:16pm. 

It's gonna be tough to beat the dark no matter what we do. 

Stop being a bunch of wimps.  We can carry flashlights. 

Yeah, it's already getting dusky around 7 as it is. I'll have to get some lights for my bike...I don't normally ride at night because of safety issues (riding alone), but with other people, it'd be okay.
2007-09-18 8:38 PM
in reply to: #969971

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
LaurenSU02 - 2007-09-18 4:27 PM

Will we be practicing Safety First? The darkness, the costumes, the alcohol, the lights . . . it all has me very nervous. Seriously. I worry about this stuff .

Sheesh... 27 going on 60... good call, Grandma! Undecided

2007-09-18 8:40 PM
in reply to: #969488

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!

I wish I could make it, but I can't justify coming from California...

(BTW, Corps is spelled with an "s."  Someone forgot it awhile back.  Sorry, I always feel compelled to correct this when I see it.)

2007-09-18 8:48 PM
in reply to: #970120

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Reston VA
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
dave699 - 2007-09-18 9:40 PM

I wish I could make it, but I can't justify coming from California...

(BTW, Corps is spelled with an "s."  Someone forgot it awhile back.  Sorry, I always feel compelled to correct this when I see it.)

Way to ruin the vibe, Grimace

2007-09-18 8:52 PM
in reply to: #970128

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
2007-09-18 8:54 PM
in reply to: #970112

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Reston, VA
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
lcsolutions - 2007-09-18 9:34 PM

For the record, NOTHING goes down smoother than a little Southern Comfort.... that's my vote for poison-of-the-day. I was thinking about dressing up as a triathlete, but figured it was too much of a stretch. Maybe I'll pose as a 20-24 age-grouper. hehehe....Tim, I'll hang with an 'old' guy anyday - we're gonna have some fun! ~ Joe

Joe - seems like we have similar taste - same beer, same liquor. Looking forward to the ride!
2007-09-18 8:54 PM
in reply to: #969488

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Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
Having just finished my workout on the W&OD in the dark, I can vouch for the fact that it is VERY dark.  But that would make it more fun, right?

Edited by 3558 2007-09-18 8:57 PM

2007-09-18 8:58 PM
in reply to: #970135

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
3558 - 2007-09-18 9:54 PM

Having just finished my workout on the W&OD in the dark, I can vouch for the fact that it is VERY dark.  But that would make it more fun, right?

Depends on where you are, I think. Probably the farther out you go, the darker it is (less stuff around). I've ridden the entire thing and don't remember lights or much of anything farther west.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2007-09-18 8:58 PM
2007-09-18 9:08 PM
in reply to: #970140

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Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
wurkit_gurl - 2007-09-18 9:58 PM
3558 - 2007-09-18 9:54 PMHaving just finished my workout on the W&OD in the dark, I can vouch for the fact that it is VERY dark. But that would make it more fun, right?
Depends on where you are, I think. Probably the farther out you go, the darker it is (less stuff around). I've ridden the entire thing and don't remember lights or much of anything farther west.
I was running from the same area where we'd be starting our ride.
2007-09-18 9:12 PM
in reply to: #969488

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
Safety is important to all of us. We'll be in a big group...we'll have lights. We'll take care of one another. Just my .02. I think it's important to think about these things - but, we're all adults - we'll be okay.
2007-09-18 9:13 PM
in reply to: #969725

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
milaminute - 2007-09-18 4:20 PM

I hadn't planned on a trip home in October but this might just be too tempting to pass up... hmmmm...


Edited to add:  I am old but I can keep up with the margaritas... oh wait... you meant keep up on the bike.  Yeah, whatever, that too.

If Mila shows, too, then we are truly in DEEP kaka.... I'm getting a babysitter NOW! ~ Joe
2007-09-18 9:18 PM
in reply to: #970154

Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
lcsolutions - 2007-09-18 10:13 PM

.... I'm getting a babysitter NOW! ~ Joe

and by that, he means "Honey, would you make sure the babysitter is set up before you leave town?"

2007-09-18 9:40 PM
in reply to: #969488

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!
May be we could go for a costume run in a dark? This way I can only break a minor part of my body ;-)
2007-09-18 9:43 PM
in reply to: #969488

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!

Be careful....I am "old" and scary.


2007-09-19 6:22 AM
in reply to: #970154

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!

Mila shows, too, then we are truly in DEEP kaka.... I'm getting a babysitter NOW! ~ Joe

I have NO idea what you are talking about.  *Smiles angelically*.  Shhhhh, Joe... these people don't know that I am pure evil me.

2007-09-19 7:40 AM
in reply to: #970153

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: Halloween Costume Ride & Marine Corps Carbo Load dinner!!

Tink - 2007-09-18 10:12 PM ...we're all adults...

speak for yourself. 

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