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2007-10-04 3:07 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
The voodoo spell you put on our guts is clearly working. But you've got another think coming if you think it'll keep us from running ...


Pumpkin_Puke.jpg (16KB - 14 downloads)

2007-10-04 6:05 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

C'ptain. Put me down for 10 Miles completed please. No more running this week. Did an extra two hard miles this morning when I shouldn't. Total rest day planned for tomorrow. Maybe a 30+ Min ride tomorrow to loosen legs up for Sunday's 55 Mile hilly riding event (last of the year for me).

Will get the (running) miles in for sure next week.

Keep it up Guys. Well done so far.


2007-10-04 9:33 AM
in reply to: #990958

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

I did 1.5 mi last night, Woohoo!  it hurt this am though, foot/heel was sore getting out of bed even after doing the lots of sretching orb roll massage, IB and icing.  I found a good doc that's on my isurance plan so that's my next step for this PF.

BTW, what denotes a week; Sunday - Saturday, or Monday - Sunday (how I track 'em)?  This will make a diff as I have a 10k Sun as part of my Oly...

2007-10-04 9:47 AM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
I start my logging week with Monday.
2007-10-04 10:59 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

2007-10-04 12:05 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

BAD OMENS were HERE to leave you a gift!


2007-10-04 1:19 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Red Sox Nation
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

I'm personally taking credit for recruiting LARA into our group. 

In addition to helping us crush our running goals, I'm counting on her to use her rapier-like wit to cut the other teams with smack so that they don't even feel the blood.

My goals are 10 miles this week, 7.2 done as of this morning.  Great to see that everyone is getting such a great head start!

In the spirit of pic posting, here's my own boy, Pyewacket (named after the cat in Bell, Book and Candle) modeling a stuffed lobster.

2007-10-04 2:00 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Rainy WA
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Hi fellow Black Magic types!

I finally got moving today. Yippee! I did 22 min. of warm up with walking intervals, 20 min. of walk/run and 9 minutes cool down. I'm counting that as 51 min. Does that sound right? Or do I not count the warm up and cool down? Just let me know so I log it right.

Those donuts sure look good. And I gotta keep my energy up...hmmm.
2007-10-04 2:33 PM
in reply to: #991969

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Sorry I've been slacking on my inspires and my contributions to smack talk and such. I'm having one of those weeks where the kids just don't sleep, so the momma doesn't either. Last night I got peed on in the middle of the night. Yee ha.

So, I missed my lunch time run today cause I overslept this morning. I'm trying to decide between running home tonight (which would leave one change of clothes at the office (from Tuesday) and one at the gym), or running after the kids go to bed. I'm thinking that even though it's a super hassle to have all these clothes piling up at places that are not my house, that I'm more apt to get the miles in if I run home from work, eh?


What, sorry? Was I typing something....just fell asleep there for a second.

(Do you think lack of sleep is catching? I could go put some sort of hex on the other teams so none of them get any sleep, either.)
2007-10-04 5:04 PM
in reply to: #992044

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Eh, you've probably already gone, but if not -- yes, run home from work.  You arrive all happy and energized, better ready to take care of those darling peeing people. 

And as for getoffthecouchandtri -- GREAT JOB!   I say the whole workout counts, 51 minutes towards your 330 minute goal.  Fantastic!  Buh-bye, couch! 

2007-10-04 6:12 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Hi Team,

Ive got another late entry for your team johnDeere who told me your team look good so where else would I put him! Hope you dont mind the late addition!


2007-10-04 6:41 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Orlando, FL
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Welcome JohnDeere!

And thank you - we DO look MIGHTY GOOD!!!

Give us an intro and your goals and we'll add you to the list!

2007-10-05 1:56 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Morning morning team--most of y'all but Giantsrbest are probably still snoozing cause it's the middle of the night for you, but I'm up and at work! Welcome to the team JohnDeere!  I got in my last keep the legs loose run prior to my Sunday race--we ended up doing 8.34 miles (I love my Garmin--though may need to upgrade in the near future). So, I've got 33.54 done (101.46 left!!!).  I won't log Sunday's race till Monday as that is my one day off a week and I avoid coming to the HQs as much as possible!

Happy Friday to all--if you're racing this weekend, enjoy, race hard, have fun and we look forward to your miles from that! If your not racing, then enjoy the weekend and log some nice miles of walking and running throughout your weekend!

2007-10-05 6:14 AM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Good morning team!
Good luck on your race on Sunday, TexMPGal. Got any predictions/goals for the race you would like to share?
2007-10-05 6:44 AM
in reply to: #992921

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Welcome JohnDeere and good luck on your race TexasMPGal.

As for me, I didn't run home from work. But, I DID get a run in last night. It was slightly shorter than it would have been if I'd run home from work. But, at least I got a run in. Woo hoo!
2007-10-05 7:45 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Predictions or goals--really not sure to be honest. I know I will beat my time from last year (87 minutes).  I think BEST case scenario (i.e. I feel great, weather is good, etc.) is 80 minutes, a GOOD race scenario still is 83/84, and I think slowest I'll be is 85 if I'm not feeling up to speed.  So, here is hoping for 80, but will be happy with 83/84!  Looking forward to it.

DeannaS, way to get and run anyhow--Giants had a great fast run too! Keep it up y'all!

2007-10-05 8:27 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Hey Black Magic Team
I surfed in, found this thread and thought this is a great idea to stay motivated even if you aren't training for a tri/marathon.

About me, 28 year old male from Huntsville, Alabama. I have been running "semi-seriously" for the past 11 years just to stay in shape for the APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test, includes 2 mile run). I am in the Army Reserve. For the past couple of years, I would spend one or two months running hard to get back in shape for the APFT then go straight back to the couch. For the test I try and stay in the 7:30 min/mile pace. Well, it is that time of year for me to get ready for the APFT and I am motivated to really excel. I have the opporunity to attend some 'high speed' Army schools if I can really increase my APFT score.

I have never ran a tri/marathon. But, as I was surfing the web yesterday, looking for hints/tips on nutrition and training just for running; I came across this site. Now, I want to start the 'process' of preparing for a tri. Huntsville hosts a tri in August and a marathon in December. I read the scores posted online and now I want to get out there and compete.
I am really wanting to get in shape to finish the marathon and to get my run time down in the respectable range and then I will look at training for the swim and bike.

My training. I have a 17 month old girl who loves to ride in the jogging stroller. So, we have been running about three times a week. We have about a 3 mile loop around the house that we make. I can only manage it in about 35-40 minutes, with the resistance the stroller provides with the weight of a little 'chunck' and at least one stop at the half way mark to pull out the sippy cup and goldfish crackers for the 'passenger' and a few stops to cross busy streets.

My goals. Put me down for 30 miles. So far this week, I have done 6 miles (3 on the 3rd and 3 on the 4th).


2007-10-05 10:37 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Eric- Welcome! Glad to have you.  Let me tell you, nothing has made my APFTs faster or stronger than these past few months (year for the run portion) of training.  I think you have found the right thing to get you into that APFT shape you want...if training for a marathon as part of it (which I am too--Austin Mary in Feb) those 2 miles will become like a SPRINT for you as it'll seem so short and you'll wonder if maybe you shouldn't go farther.  The workouts with your "little chunk" will probably help produce some pretty great strength too, glad to have you join us!
2007-10-05 2:05 PM
in reply to: #984888

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
I'm officially bored at work now. I've finished up the project I was working on and don't want to start another or continue on another this afternoon.

I was going swimming at lunch but dummy me forgot the swimsuit. Got to the gym, undressed, dug around in the bag and DOH! Oh well.

My wife's birthday is tomorrow and Home Depot Kid's project day. This means I need to get up early to get my run in.

How's everyone else's Friday afternoon going?
2007-10-05 2:48 PM
in reply to: #993901

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Same here - bored. I missed my lunch workout because I was head down in a project. But, then I finished that and I can't seem to motivate to get deep into something else. (I did go do a late, short workout.) Ho hum. Is the day done yet?
2007-10-05 3:50 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

Hi Eric, welcome aboard. Only reference that seems to apply is John Deere tractors. You'll have to expain that one.

Friday, that horrible day of the week when the boys come back from school & I have them for another two days. Schools are wonderful places, should open earlier & close later  & never have holidays  

Trainer arrived from Holland at lunchtime. Took me a couple of hours to put it together, as only at the end of the instructions did it say if you are using 700mm wheels then you will have to bolt on an adaptor. So it was take it apart & start all over again. Haven't given it a proper workout but seems robust enough. 

Looking for great things from you Texas. Bet you break the 80.

2007-10-05 4:00 PM
in reply to: #994156

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
giantsrbest - 2007-10-05 3:50 PM

Hi Eric, welcome aboard. Only reference that seems to apply is John Deere tractors. You'll have to expain that one

Correct, JohnDeere tractors........you know their catch-phrase/marketing slogan?

Plus, I grew up on a farm, in the deep south cotton country. I got to ride a few JohnDeere's back in the day.

Edited by JohnDeere 2007-10-05 4:01 PM
2007-10-05 11:32 PM
in reply to: #984888

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread

JohnDeere, welcome to BT and to the Black Magic Team!  Enjoy your runs. 


2007-10-06 2:45 AM
in reply to: #994171

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Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
JohnDeere - 2007-10-05 10:00 PM
giantsrbest - 2007-10-05 3:50 PM

Hi Eric, welcome aboard. Only reference that seems to apply is John Deere tractors. You'll have to expain that one

Correct, JohnDeere tractors........you know their catch-phrase/marketing slogan? Plus, I grew up on a farm, in the deep south cotton country. I got to ride a few JohnDeere's back in the day.

Looked it up. Very good, I like that -  "NOTHING RUNS LIKE A DEERE" - excellent!



2007-10-06 5:32 AM
in reply to: #984888

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Black Magic Team Thread
Guten Morgen team (See, I learned SOMETHING in Germany!)...nice off day for me (though really, these are hard for me...I can already see that longer tapers for future races are going to be difficult...ah well) as far as workouts go.  Tomorrow will be off from work, but ON for the race.  Little tickle in the back of my throat today, but no worries.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!  Good luck to Donto who I think is racing an Oly! Kick some rear out there!
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