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2007-11-07 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1042246

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
ScotinSeattle - 2007-11-07 1:57 PM

I hate to be a pest but does anyone have a list of everyone in our team? I am very, very lost. I tried to C&P from other members but there seem to be some missing from it.


Hi Lynne,


Click here:

Look at the top, and click Team2.

All of the team rosters and goals are available on there. (It's missing a few people who joined yesterday. But none of them are on your team.)

Each week, I'll update the spreadsheet and repost it there. That way, you can see everyone's progress.


Edited by D001 2007-11-07 7:42 PM

2007-11-08 10:28 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hey guys, just wanted to check in see how everyone's doing...I know I'm off to a pretty slow start, but I'll get it done. Going out of town again this weekend, so I probably won't check in until Monday, but I will make a sincere effort to post my numbers on Sunday so we can get credit for it. Hope everybody has a fantastic weekend!
2007-11-08 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1036936

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Happy Thursday!

We have 102 people participating in the Challenge this month! For those of you who missed Sunday's “Challenge Update,” You can see it here: http://beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/forums/thread-view.asp?tid...

Want to see the team rosters? Your goals? Other people’s goals? All of those are available here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=puhAA5NRKHA3l_GNYwG3Qdg

Each week, I’ll update the above spreadsheet. That way, you can chart your progress!

Team Spreadsheet "Due Dates"

The Challenge started on Nov 1st and ends on Nov 30th. All of your workouts during the month of November count.

Here are the "weeks" you'll use for reporting your workouts:
Thurs Nov 1 - Sunday Nov 11
Mon Nov 12 - Sunday Nov 18
Mon Nov 19 - Sunday Nov 25
Mon Nov 26 - Friday Nov 30

The "progress reports" (aka spreadsheets) will be due from the team leaders on these days:
Monday Nov 12
Monday Nov 19
Monday Nov 26
Saturday Dec 1st

The extra day is so that the team leaders can collect the end information without having to nag their team become overly stressed.

Team Leaders - Attached are the latest Team spreadsheets. Once you've entered your team's data, you can post the updated spreadsheets on the main Challenge thread. (This is the one with the push pin sticky. Since it's pinned to the top of the forum, it'll be easier to find. And the "chatter" on it has calmed down, so you don’t need to worry about it getting lost!) The teams are large, so if you want extra help, feel free to name an assistant captain!

If you have questions, post them on the main Challenge thread. That way, I’ll be sure to see them. (Or you can always PM me.)

I hope that your month is going well! This Challenge is all about working out - however you want to define it, meeting fellow BTers, and having fun! I hope that you've been able to accomplish all of these things during the past week.


Team2 Vigilantes.xls (41KB - 9 downloads)
2007-11-09 2:16 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
OK, team, I'm going to need some major encouragement this month. My triathlon this Sunday -- my very first triathlon! -- has basically been canceled because of an oil spill in San Francisco Bay. At this point they're still planning to hold the race but almost definitely without the swim portion. And, well, a triathlon without the swim isn't actually a triathlon. I haven't been this disappointed since...actually, I don't even know. It just sucks to have worked so hard and so long for nothing!

(I know, not nothing. I'm not that melodramataic, heh. I appreciate that I've already accomplished so much just by training for a triathlon. The race was going to be just icing. It still sucks.)

Anyway, it was going to be hard enough to stay motivated after the race, but now I'm worried I won't even have the post-race enthusiasm to keep me going. Help!
2007-11-09 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1045166

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Here's what ya do, see - you find another triathlon to sign up for - even it it's next spring. Then, after you get done being mad about this debacle, you realize that you've yet to do your first tri, and you start training for it all over again!

I've done nothing the last two days. One was a planned day off and the other my stomach decided to revolt on me. Argh. Still not feeling it today. But, at least I made it to the office, eh?
2007-11-09 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!


You could always get up early and hit the pool to get a swim in before the bike and run.....but seriously, just enjoy the day and look ahead--you will always have this memory and can look forward to building a lot more.  Maybe the first race jitters will be a thing of the past then!  Try to find the silver lining.....and be sure to post a race report so we can all read it!  Good luck!

Lynne and I have a 10k trail run tomorrow, which I believe is the first 10k for either of us!

2007-11-10 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Good morning Team,

Just wanted to say a good luck to Lynn and MedusaAnn in their 10K. You guys will do great!! i have been busy the last few days and will get my logs updated this afternoon. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We are having some good weather here in OH for the weekend not too hot and not too cold...I sound like "Baby Bear". Been spending too much time reading to the Grand-kids anyway have a great day!!!


2007-11-10 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1036936

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Happy Saturday!

Tomorrow is SUNDAY, the day when you report your achievements for the beginning of November! While posting your “progress report” on your team thread, feel free to brag about how great your workouts have been! This challenge is about achieving your goals -- so let's hear how you've done!

And now, here’s a quick update on what all our teams have been up to….

The Moscateers – Team1
The youngsters are showing up their parents! Comet_the_dog ran with his daughter, Dani – and lost. Congratulations to Dani, who did a 5k in just over 38 minutes! And 1for1’s daughter, Gidgetintraining, is already at 41% of her running goal and 50% of her workout goal! Go kids!

The Vigilantes – Team2
This team has a lot of “firsts” planned for this weekend! ScotinSeattle and Medusa_Ann are doing a 10k trail run this weekend! It’s their first 10k. And Fielding will be doing her very first race this weekend! Unfortunately, they had to cancel the swim portion, due to an oil spill. Good luck everyone! You’ll do great!

Turkey Terrors – Team3
Running is the topic of the day for this team. Some of it is even being done barefoot! Gygyhawk had a fantastic response to her trainer’s comment that her metabolism was low. But you’ll have to stop by this team’s thread to read it!

5 For Fighting – Team5
After training hard, this team likes to kick back with a glass of wine. Or beer. Or maybe even both…. To make sure there is no confusion as to which beverage is preferred, this team posts pics of their favorite post-workout cocktail. Someday, they hope to start a wine mail-order business.

They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) – Team6
This group posts so much that their team leader, LastCall2003 (Beth) must now post daily updates to summarize the discussion! Believe it or not, this group actually discussed running AND swimming this week! (Who knows, maybe cycling is next?) HCS5QA (Hector) will be running his first Half Marathon on Sunday! Run, Hector, run! To help inspire Hector, team leader Beth will be waving her pom poms!

Wild Hippos – Team7
Several members of the Hippos have been benched due to illness. Owl_girl wants to know if puking time counts as “ab work.” (We now know more about her illness than we really wanted to!) Team Leader Cat received a penalty flag for inappropriate language, and had to state three positive things about herself. Is Lyssa-gator slacking off? We’ll find out soon, depending upon whether she accepts Baowolf’s challenge of doing a 34 mile bike ride with him.

Hard Core Tri Corps – Team8
Zipp1 ran an awesome 8k race today. ACGRAY22 joined the team, becoming the 102nd person in the challenge. TriAya (Yanti) told us about her progress to date – including details of her 100+ pound weight loss, and posting some absolutely incredible pics of her HOT TRI BODY! If you want to be inspired, you need to stop by this team’s thread and see Yanti’s transformation into a “tri hottie”! Amazing!

From BT News Headquarters, this has been your weekly Challenge update.


Edited by D001 2007-11-10 2:02 PM
2007-11-10 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hey team!

Lynne and I did the trail run--we had an absolutely gorgeous day and it was loads of fun.  For me.....Lynne had some early stomach trouble but remained a trooper and ended running an extra couple of k's!  Oops.  I will let her tell the full story.  Trail running is really fun, I am hooked and looking forward to the next one.  We didn't have any trees to climb over today, but there were big puddles, a lot more hills, and some fun places to jump down a couple of feet.  It was near the airport and there were huge planes taking off constantly, as well.  If you've never tried trail running, I highly recommend it.  The best thing for me today was achieving my one-hour goal (exactly, if you can believe it)!  I've never run a 10k so am feeling good about that in general.  Have a great remainder of the weekend.  I hope to find time to do more inspiring next week, you do the same, ya hear??


2007-11-11 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Good afternoon all,

Leslie and Lynn, great work on the trail race. And Congrats Leslie on your goal being met!!! I hope everyone else is doing well and having fun this weekend.

Here are my stats so far for the month....the Cross-fit is 5x's (5 workouts)

November's totals:
Bike:6h 49m 21s  - 103.27 Mi
Run:3h 50m 28s  - 19.2 Mi
Swim:40m 15s  - 1700 Yd

3h 53m

Everyone have a great week!

Edited by chrisrunzs26 2007-11-11 2:03 PM
2007-11-11 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Stats for this "week":

Swim 1 hr 54 min (approx 2.5 miles/4800 meters)

Bike 2 hours

Run 18.3 miles

I believe that is a good start!  Being away for a week will challenge my monthly stats so I need to front load them now!

2007-11-11 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

It would probably be easier if everyone would come here and post there weekly for me on Sunday and I will put them on the spreadsheet and post it all together.  I am having a time going to each persons logs and them some are doing it by days but the totals show me miles etc so I have to go thru and count each day.  Hope that wont be a problem for anyone.

Thanks.....still working on getting all total but will have them soon


2007-11-11 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hope I didnt miss anything but here is what we have so far

ParticipantsLocationDistanceGoalsWeekly Tracking
/ TimeWeek 1% GoalWeek 2% GoalWeek 3% GoalWeek 4
irongirl39 175miles bike51.74      
irongirl39 50miles run16.34      
irongirl39 5000yards swim1800      
jessicacrouchrtTX35miles run (<13 min miles)8      
jessicacrouchrtTX12000yds swim (500m splits<8min)2000      
jessicacrouchrtTX100miles bike10      
jessicacrouchrtTX10lbs weight loss       
DeannaSWI55miles running20.75      
DeannaSWI100miles biking45.98      
DeannaSWI5000yards swimming2011.68      
lawyerchickGA60miles run23.79      
lawyerchickGA28000yards swim7600      
lawyerchickGA120miles bike25      
lawyerchickGA8sessions Pilates3      
lawyerchickGA8strength sessions1      
CA12days running4      
FieldingCA10days swimming3      
FieldingCA5days biking2      
FieldingCA2days yoga       
cathydOntario8bike workouts (13 hrs)1.21      
cathydOntario8swim workouts (10,400 m)       
cathydOntario13runs (76 miles)18      
cathydOntario13core workouts1      
chrisrunzs26 15000yds swim 1700      
chrisrunzs26 250miles bike103.27      
chrisrunzs26 61miles run19.2      
chrisrunzs26 12sessions strength/cross training5      
Medusa_AnnPac NW4miles swim4800meters      
Medusa_AnnPac NW96miles bike (or 360 minutes)2hr      
Medusa_AnnPac NW24miles run18.3 miles      
Medusa_AnnPac NW?weight lifting / pilates       
Rmaldon240NY6swim sessions1      
Rmaldon240NY120miles bike54      
Rmaldon240NY60miles run9      
Rmaldon240NY3yoga sessions       
Rmaldon240NY8core sessions1      
VirtusFL50miles run31.5      
VirtusFL200miles bike70      
VirtusFL2000yards swim       
sgoehnerWI12000yards swim4297.68      
sgoehnerWI30miles run11.33      
sgoehnerWI8core workouts1      
ScotinSeattleWA6hours biking40 min      
ScotinSeattleWA7hours running1:41:50      
ScotinSeattleWA8hours swimming2.45hr      
ScotinSeattleWA3hours weights       
SoManyGoalsRI21run sessions (2-3 hrs/week)2hr      
SoManyGoalsRI13swim sessions (2 hrs/week)2hr      
SoManyGoalsRI9bike sessions (2hrs/week)1.15hr      

2007-11-11 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1048054

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
irongirl39 - 2007-11-11 7:08 PM

It would probably be easier if everyone would come here and post there weekly for me on Sunday and I will put them on the spreadsheet and post it all together. I am having a time going to each persons logs and them some are doing it by days but the totals show me miles etc so I have to go thru and count each day. Hope that wont be a problem for anyone.

Thanks.....still working on getting all total but will have them soon


Hi Jenn!

Yes, everyone should post their progress right here on the team thread.

1) It allows everyone to "show off" their progress to date.
2) They can post their progress in the "correct units" so you don't go crazy trying to convert things.
3) The teams are much larger than I originally thought they would be. It take a lot of time to check each person's logs! (At least it does for me. I'm on dial-up still.)

2007-11-12 6:42 AM
in reply to: #1048073

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Here's my stats. (I didn't get my biking recorded from yesterday until this morning.)
Bike: 51.47 Mi/100 = 51.47%
Run: 20.75 Mi/55 = 37.73%
Swim: 2200 Yd/5000 = 44%

2007-11-12 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
November's totals:
Bike:2h 00m
Run:2h 00m
Swim:2h 00m


Great job everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-12 7:27 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Sorry I am late. I had one of those weekends when I basically just came home to sleep.

Swim 1x (16%)

Bike 82 miles (68.3%)

Run 9 miles (15%)

Core 1x (12.5%)

Yoga 0 (0%)

Seems like everyon is off to a great start. I think I will be raising my Bike Goal to 170.

2007-11-12 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Smyrna, GA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Great job, everyone!  Here's where I am at -

Run - 60 miles (23.79 miles done = 39.65%)
Swim - 28,000 yards (7,600 yards done = 27.14%)
Bike - 120 miles (25 miles done = 20.3% done)
Pilates - 8 sessions (2 sessions done = 25%)
Strength - 8 sessions (1 session done = 12.5%)
Stretch - daily  (7/11 days so far)

So....I'm doing pretty well.  Need to focus on the bike mileage and stretching every day.  I'll get there, though!

2007-11-12 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Fielding/ Erin

Race report? How was your first race? Do tell.

I volunteered at a duathlon in Prospect park yesterday (Trying to build up some race karma). It was quite the experience.

2007-11-12 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Elm Grove
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Sorry about not updating last night, got some food poisoning so I was out of commission. Stat's so far

11.3 miles ran
4700 yards swam
3 ab workouts.
2007-11-12 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1048942

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

sgoehner - 2007-11-12 8:45 AM Sorry about not updating last night, got some food poisoning so I was out of commission. Stat's so far 11.3 miles ran 4700 yards swam 3 ab workouts.

Sorry to hear about that, fellow Donk!  I hope your down time ends quickly. 

2007-11-12 2:45 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I am here. I'm also in so much pain so I may have to lay low for the next couple of days but my main thing is to bike this week and strength train etc.


Bike:40m  - 19.69 Mi
Run:3h 51m 50s  - 16.86 Mi
Swim:3h 20m  - 9225 M


2007-11-12 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Sorry I didn't report yesterday! I was busy celebrating (ie, drinking a lot).

So after a day or so of being really depressed about the swim part of my race being canceled, I decided to shrug it off and just focus on enjoying what was left of the race. And I had SO MUCH FUN. Yay! I kind of kicked on the bike, which was shocking since biking has never been strong for me in training, and while the run was tough, I ended up with a very respectable time (for me). I ended up 8th in my age group (out of 28), which was totally unexpected. Of course, I wouldn't have done nearly that well if there'd been a swim leg, heh. But overall, I was very, very happy with my performance.

And more important, I can hardly wait for my first "real" tri next year. I am already in love with this sport. All of the other athletes were so nice and encouraging and I just had a fabulous time all around.

Thanks for the support, team!

And speaking of team, here's where I am with the challenge so far:

5 days of running (out of 12 total)
3 days of swimming (out of 10 total)
3 days of biking (out of 5 total)
0 days of yoga (out of 2 total)

The race sort of screwed up my swimming plans, since I skipped my last training swim (it was supposed to be open water, and I didn't see much point) plus I missed a day of swimming during the race itself. But it won't be a problem to make up the difference, I don't think. Everything else I'm on target for.

Edited by Fielding 2007-11-12 7:29 PM
2007-11-13 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1049575

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
ScotinSeattle - 2007-11-12 3:45 PM

I am here. I'm also in so much pain so I may have to lay low for the next couple of days but my main thing is to bike this week and strength train etc.


Bike:40m  - 19.69 Mi
Run:3h 51m 50s  - 16.86 Mi
Swim:3h 20m  - 9225 M


Lynn, I hope you are feeling better. Take care of yourself and you guys did really good over the weekend. By the by....I like your leg avatar...is that the flag of Scotland? My hubby thinks we should all wear flags....I told him he isn't allowed to hover over my shoulder and read anymore    Seriously though, take care of yourself. Have a nice week.


2007-11-13 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1051700

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
It's Challenge update time!

In First Place, both for post counts AND for workouts -- Congratulations Team Twisnibbins! Also known as TWSNBN and They Who Shall Not Be Named, this team has so many posts they've needed to start a second thread! Visitors are always welcome, so feel free to c'mon by and chat!

Here are the team standings through Nov 11th:
1st place - Twisnibbins 37%
2nd place- Moscateers 33%
3rd place - Wild Hippos - 32%
4th place - 5 for Fighting 31%
5th place - Hard Core Tri Corps 27%
6th place- Turkey Terrors 26%

? place - Vigilantes - no spreadsheet posted yet

I've updated the Google Spreadsheet:

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