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2008-01-03 1:41 AM
in reply to: #1129879

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
marmadaddy - 2008-01-02 7:53 PM
zipp1 - 2008-01-01 3:54 PM

Hi Bunny!

Glad you're running with me again. I like the virtual run idea. I might have to borrow that with a twist. Let's see, I ran 423.86 miles last year...I need to pick out a city about that distance from me and see if I can not only get there but one another 425 miles beyond this year...Time to hit the maps and see where I want to go on a virtual run tour...

Dexter and Mike--did you guys survive Freezaroo 2? I saw the pic on Mike's page but that was before the run (the caption was cute though)

We survived! The picture was taken after the race! Here are some more pictures from race day. It was warm though, a degree or two above freezing. My run tomorrow morning is going to be around 10º F, but that's how we're going to WIN!


 Wow that was awsome .  Saw a bit of your western NY weather when i watched the Outdoor game from Buffalo on New Years Day.  


2008-01-03 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1129942

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

Grimmco - 2008-01-02 10:17 PM Challenge Team Who's Your Marmadaddy, with a name like that we better win. My name is Mark and this is my second year running triathlons. I've run marathons in the past, but was looking for something to break the monotony of running all the time. I've never done a challenge before, so I'd like to make this one a success. I'm 29, unmarried, and without children, so I really have no excuse for not getting my mileage in. Oh, I do have a cat and house plants that can be a burden (feed and water, feed and water, it never stops. Go Team!!

Welcome!   You're in good company!   Here's the secret to getting your mileage in......

(drum roll please......)  

 1. Get out of bed

2. Put on running clothes

3. Lace up running shoes

4. Step out the door

5. Put one foot in front of the other rapidly until all of your miles are done.....

--- Ok smart alec reply I know, but I just finished my SECOND run of the month for our team, and the endorphins are making me nutty!

Welcome to the team - and We BETTER win!


2008-01-03 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1124051

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

Morning team,

Sorry I've been out of the loop.  Had a late work day last night (9pm) in Chicago.  No workout yet today, but should be able to get one in tonight. 


2008-01-03 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1130318

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
UTTriman - 2008-01-03 8:27 AM

Grimmco - 2008-01-02 10:17 PM Challenge Team Who's Your Marmadaddy, with a name like that we better win. My name is Mark and this is my second year running triathlons. I've run marathons in the past, but was looking for something to break the monotony of running all the time. I've never done a challenge before, so I'd like to make this one a success. I'm 29, unmarried, and without children, so I really have no excuse for not getting my mileage in. Oh, I do have a cat and house plants that can be a burden (feed and water, feed and water, it never stops. Go Team!!

Welcome!   You're in good company!   Here's the secret to getting your mileage in......

(drum roll please......)  

 1. Get out of bed

2. Put on running clothes

3. Lace up running shoes

4. Step out the door

5. Put one foot in front of the other rapidly until all of your miles are done.....

--- Ok smart alec reply I know, but I just finished my SECOND run of the month for our team, and the endorphins are making me nutty!

Welcome to the team - and We BETTER win!


sounds like pretty sound advice to me - it's the getting out of bed (early in the morning) that seems to be the hold up for me

Happy running!

2008-01-03 9:29 AM
in reply to: #1130371

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
sparco - 2008-01-03 8:48 AM

Morning team,

Sorry I've been out of the loop.  Had a late work day last night (9pm) in Chicago.  No workout yet today, but should be able to get one in tonight. 


nice to see you're still among us Sal!  How's Chicago?  (hmmm, you worked until 9 pm - I can probably guess)

2008-01-03 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1124051

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
I'm finally home, so I'm hoping to get my first run in today. 

2008-01-03 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1124051

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

If tomorrow at work is as crummy as today I may be doing a short run late in the evening to de stress...otherwise run #2 will be on Saturday  planning 4 mils right now, may bump to 5.  Not planning the 7 mile loop for a few more days...


2008-01-03 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1132279

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
zipp1 - 2008-01-03 8:10 PM

If tomorrow at work is as crummy as today I may be doing a short run late in the evening to de stress...otherwise run #2 will be on Saturday  planning 4 mils right now, may bump to 5.  Not planning the 7 mile loop for a few more days...


Oh no!  I'm sorry you had a crummy day at work Judi... yes, a run will help destress... run, Judi, run!!!   

I have a T-run on the schedule for Saturday and a run on Sunday.


Edited by milaminute 2008-01-03 7:25 PM
2008-01-03 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1126498

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
milaminute - 2008-01-01 5:16 PM

OK, so I guess I didn't do my official introduction...

Oh my...I guess I really AM team captain.  Alrighty then...I suppose I should do an 'official' introduction.

Hmm...let's see.  I've been on a business trip for the last 3 days.  Usually I can get in something close to the definition of a workout, but alas, not this week.

Alright...here goes.  Have a seat.  I've had BT withdrawals, so I might be rambling tonight.

I ran track in high school.  800, mile and 2 mile.  Never was that fast.  Never broke a 5:30 mile.  The closest I've gotten to my high school mile time is a 6:20.  It's been hard for me to accept this getting older thing.  I'll be 44 this summer.

I've been a biker every since I was a senior in high school.  I was biking before it was cool to bike.  Remember the movies 'Breaking Away,' 'American Flyer' and 'Quick Silver?'  Those were my motivational movies.  But I don't bike near enough.  I've gotten lucky a few times and have been able to pull off a 20 mph race ride without much training.  That has got to stop. 

Saw a few Ironman World Championships (Kona) when I was in high school (the Dave Scott, Scott Tinley and Mark Allen days), and since then have wanted to do a triathlon.  I was a couch potato all the way until my sophomore year of college, then took a beginner swimming class and started my quest to do a triathlon.  I started dating my wife and put the triathlon plans on hold when we got engaged, married and eventually had our 1st child.

So, it was couch potato life with the addition of child 2 and 3.  My extent of exercise was one week every year before Corporate Cup.  I would do the mile run, 5K and occasionally when they couldn't find anyone else, the 50 yd swim. 

So...this is where Brett (UTTriman) comes in.  About 4 years ago he pestered, yes PESTERED me every week to come join his running group.  They would do 5 miles twice a week on the weekdays.  I joined them and about died.  After a few more times, it got easier.  He then invited me to join them for their long runs.  A few of them were training for a marathon.  I thought they were nuts.  I said I'd do it, but would NEVER run a marathon.  Ramped up too quickly, and got ITB.  Took 2 weeks off, started training again, and they finally convinced me to run Grandma's marathon.  The following year, they decided to try triathlons.  The Lifetime Fitness tri was my first.  I had serious open water issues, and ended up talking to the lifeguard, resting on a float at the halfway point of the swim (my average time per 100 yds was about 4 min...hee).

So, here we are.  Training for another marathon this spring (Fargo) and my first half Ironman (Liberty) a few weeks after the marathon (yeah, I know it's nuts)...

Challenges are great.  I'll try to be a good captain, but please forgive me if I go through a few days of drought.  Family activities, work and work travel sometimes distract me .

I'll work on getting a team list with links together so we can keep the list in the 'Goals' section of our blogs.  Good luck this month everyone.  My plan is to break back into running tomorrow with 3 miles.  Later.

2008-01-03 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1126605

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

marmadaddy - 2008-01-01 6:26 PM Dexter and I started out big. And we have proof!

Awesome run Mike!  Running in the cold is nuts.  Cindy and I did a 5K on New Years Eve.  18 degress.  I ran it sick.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I've got a half marathon coming up at the end of the month...the Securian Frozen 5K and half marathon event.  Ask Mila what she thinks about it.  Come on up everyone

2008-01-03 7:44 PM
in reply to: #1132298

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
milaminute - 2008-01-03 7:25 PM
zipp1 - 2008-01-03 8:10 PM

If tomorrow at work is as crummy as today I may be doing a short run late in the evening to de stress...otherwise run #2 will be on Saturday  planning 4 mils right now, may bump to 5.  Not planning the 7 mile loop for a few more days...


Oh no!  I'm sorry you had a crummy day at work Judi... yes, a run will help destress... run, Judi, run!!!   

I have a T-run on the schedule for Saturday and a run on Sunday.



It's "sick season"--no beds in house and really sick people hanging out in the ER...going to get a new job no matter what folks   Got to go get stuff ready for the morning (12 hrs in pod 1 is = to h3ll)  Like the sig line says, I tri because there isn't enough calgon and it can't take me far enough away...

2008-01-03 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1124051

Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
I got a planned AM run around 8ish-830ish. Trying to wait till it warms up a little better then 12 degrees!?!  Hopefully this weekend will be a little better with the weather!
2008-01-03 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1132300

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
sparco - 2008-01-03 7:26 PM

Oh my...I guess I really AM team captain.  Alrighty then...I suppose I should do an 'official' introduction.

It's about time....  

Alright...here goes.  Have a seat.  I've had BT withdrawals, so I might be rambling tonight.

So, it was couch potato life with the addition of child 2 and 3.  My extent of exercise was one week every year before Corporate Cup. 

Excuses, Excuses... 

So...this is where Brett (UTTriman) comes in.  About 4 years ago he pestered, yes PESTERED me every week to come join his running group. 

Aren't you glad I did???     Although -  Don't you  think "pestered" is a rather strong word    I prefer to say I  "ENCOURAGED" him.....  

 They would do 5 miles twice a week on the weekdays.  I joined them and about died.

Ain't it the Truth!    Gasping for air and everything.....

After a few more times, it got easier.  He then invited me to join them for their long runs.  A few of them were training for a marathon.  I thought they were nuts.  I said I'd do it, but would NEVER run a marathon.  Ramped up too quickly, and got ITB.  Took 2 weeks off, started training again, and they finally convinced me to run Grandma's marathon.  The following year, they decided to try triathlons.  The Lifetime Fitness tri was my first.  I had serious open water issues, and ended up talking to the lifeguard, resting on a float at the halfway point of the swim (my average time per 100 yds was about 4 min...hee).

So, here we are.  Training for another marathon this spring (Fargo) and my first half Ironman (Liberty) a few weeks after the marathon (yeah, I know it's nuts)...

Look -- I created a MONSTER!  --- But you couldn't ask for a better friend!!!

  I'll try to be a good captain, but please forgive me if I go through a few days of drought.  Family activities, work and work travel sometimes distract me .

He'll be an AWESOME cappy!  Don't think otherwise!!  He's a great motivator and makes you feel you can do anything! We should consider ourselves LUCKY that he's our cappy!  I for one sure do!




2008-01-03 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1132339

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Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
Happy Thursday Glitter Graphics

January is already 9.7% finished!

Did you run today?

2008-01-03 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1132675

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Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
D001 - 2008-01-03 10:58 PM

Happy Thursday Glitter Graphics

January is already 9.7% finished!

Did you run today?

(Yes Mila -- it's pink and sparkly. Just like your tiara. )

2008-01-04 2:11 AM
in reply to: #1124051

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
Oops...forgot to post yesterday. I got in 2 miles last night and hope to get in a couple of more tomorrow. Today was an hour of yoga since I signed up for the yoga challenge as well.

Hope everyone has a great Friday!

2008-01-04 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1132888

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

BunnyB - 2008-01-04 2:11 AM Oops...forgot to post yesterday. I got in 2 miles last night and hope to get in a couple of more tomorrow. Today was an hour of yoga since I signed up for the yoga challenge as well. Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Happy Friday Melissa.  Slowly breaking back into running.  Still fighting the congestion from this cold.  Ran 2.2 with 8 x 30 sec pickups (5K pace, 7:41s).

Warmer weekend for us here.  Hope everyone else has the same...

2008-01-04 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1133230

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
sparco - 2008-01-04 9:12 AM

BunnyB - 2008-01-04 2:11 AM Oops...forgot to post yesterday. I got in 2 miles last night and hope to get in a couple of more tomorrow. Today was an hour of yoga since I signed up for the yoga challenge as well. Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Happy Friday Melissa.  Slowly breaking back into running.  Still fighting the congestion from this cold.  Ran 2.2 with 8 x 30 sec pickups (5K pace, 7:41s).

Warmer weekend for us here.  Hope everyone else has the same...

I'm hoping the ice on my driveway will finally thaw out

2008-01-04 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1124051

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Hamden, CT
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
It’s supposed to warm up this weekend and I can’t wait. I hate running on the treadmill and look for every opportunity to be outside. Oh, I should mention that I’m a wuss who won’t run outside unless it’s above freezing. I will never understand the people bundled up in a muffler, gloves, hat, sweatshirt, jacket, and SHORTS to go out running when it’s 7 degrees. Those are days I force myself to watch SportsCenter while running in the 70 degree warmth of my local gym.
2008-01-04 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1124051

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

No more running for me until Tuesday.... Then I'll do at least 4 but likely 5.   Biking this weekend, and I swim on Monday's -- 

On the otherhand -- maybe a Brick is in order...

Good luck over the weekend everyone!


2008-01-04 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1133673

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-04 11:36 AM
sparco - 2008-01-04 9:12 AM

BunnyB - 2008-01-04 2:11 AM Oops...forgot to post yesterday. I got in 2 miles last night and hope to get in a couple of more tomorrow. Today was an hour of yoga since I signed up for the yoga challenge as well. Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Happy Friday Melissa.  Slowly breaking back into running.  Still fighting the congestion from this cold.  Ran 2.2 with 8 x 30 sec pickups (5K pace, 7:41s).

Warmer weekend for us here.  Hope everyone else has the same...

I'm hoping the ice on my driveway will finally thaw out

In MN that all depends on weather your driveway is facing north or south.  Expect it to be there a while if your driveway faces north...

2008-01-04 3:50 PM
in reply to: #1134395

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
sparco - 2008-01-04 3:48 PM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-04 11:36 AM
sparco - 2008-01-04 9:12 AM

BunnyB - 2008-01-04 2:11 AM Oops...forgot to post yesterday. I got in 2 miles last night and hope to get in a couple of more tomorrow. Today was an hour of yoga since I signed up for the yoga challenge as well. Hope everyone has a great Friday!

Happy Friday Melissa.  Slowly breaking back into running.  Still fighting the congestion from this cold.  Ran 2.2 with 8 x 30 sec pickups (5K pace, 7:41s).

Warmer weekend for us here.  Hope everyone else has the same...

I'm hoping the ice on my driveway will finally thaw out

In MN that all depends on weather your driveway is facing north or south.  Expect it to be there a while if your driveway faces north...

it's not much better in Nebraska - although it's supposed to be 50 on saturday, so that should do it

2008-01-04 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1132678

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
D001 - 2008-01-03 10:59 PM
D001 - 2008-01-03 10:58 PM Happy Thursday Glitter Graphics

January is already 9.7% finished! Did you run today?

(Yes Mila -- it's pink and sparkly. Just like your tiara. )

(Yes Mila -- it's pink and sparkly. Just like your tiara. )

You're so good to me Dee.  Happy Thursday to you, too.  Oh.  Wait... oops .

2008-01-04 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1124051

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy

So I had to do a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill today before doing some ST.  Usually I wouldn't log it, but, just for the team, I am counting that .4 mile .  Happy weekend everyone!

2008-01-04 4:51 PM
in reply to: #1134536

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Who's Your Marmadaddy
milaminute - 2008-01-04 4:25 PM

So I had to do a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill today before doing some ST.  Usually I wouldn't log it, but, just for the team, I am counting that .4 mile .  Happy weekend everyone!

Mila - you are such a giver!

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