General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2013-04-25 1:28 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Rose Lake, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I love peanut butter and honey, but where in the world do I stick all of those sandwhiches?  I am only doing 16.5mph on the bike course this year, and hope somehow over the next two months to get back to those 18.5mph days.

2013-04-25 1:31 PM
in reply to: #4714994

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
MRGIBBS - 2013-04-25 11:06 AM

If  I am burning 600-700 calories per hr on the bike, and only replace with 3 gel packs/and one bottle of gatorade per hour.    That would put me in a 150-200 calorie per hour deficit.  Should try something else with more calories?

You really only want to intake about 250-300 calories per hour at most because your body won't be able to handle more than that typically or so it is said. Carb wise is supposed to be around 65g/hr or so said.

I have some major rides this weekend as I am modifying my plan a little bit for this week so I can work on nutrition a little more on the bike.

Friday night ride going to be about 3 hours and I am planning on using a packet of perpetuem = 270 calories, and some pb energy blasts, another 200 calories. I might even eat another packet of pb energy blasts to get me up another 200 calories but it might not be necessary since I will be doing this later in the day and will have replaced most of my glycogen stores from just eating throughout the day. 

Sunday 4:35 ride

I'm going to switch things up a little bit here and try to just use energy blasts for the whole thing. I want to see how my body is going to handle those. I'll be riding back from my Dad's to my house which is about 63 miles and then will stop to refill for the last hour or so of riding. I think at that point I'll switch to a powerbar which should sustain me the rest of the way.

It has been pointed out that if you plan to refill your supplies via your aid bag halfway you might want to have a backup plan as your bag might get lost somehow. So keep this is mind. I had planned before to live off of my own food but once that was brought to my attention, I am rethinking my strategy on this as I want to prepare for worst case scenario of having to live off of food on the course.

For IMCDA though

1st loop

Bottle of perpetuem 270 calories

Energy blasts 190 calories

PB Performance bar x 2 500 calories

2nd loop

Refill my perpetuem bottle with perform don't know nutritional info yet on this

Energy blasts x 2 380 calories

Gu's on course - don't know nutritional info yet on this.

Of course I'll be sipping water the whole time as well. If you start to feel bloated than you need to get more water in your system. Doesn't make sense but all that sugar is making things not happy inside the tummy .

2013-04-25 2:16 PM
in reply to: #4714994

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
MRGIBBS - 2013-04-25 1:06 PM

If  I am burning 600-700 calories per hr on the bike, and only replace with 3 gel packs/and one bottle of gatorade per hour.    That would put me in a 150-200 calorie per hour deficit.  Should try something else with more calories?

Everybody is different, but in general the body cannot digest more than 250-400 calories per hour. I know some people that can somehow handle more than 400 but my sweet spot is right around 375. I have 2 bottles of CarboPro with IronMan Perform mix, Gu Roctane Gels, and a few Pay Day bars to get me to the 375/hour. I also try to take in 30oz of water per hour. Of course, this depends on the temperature. I also take 1,300MG sodium on a normal day and adjust with water as well on hotter days.

If you can't absorb your nutrition it usually means you've had enough and there are a lot of variables that can change how much you can absorb. If you're bloated I personally wouldn't recommend more water as that tends to just make me more bloated as it's just another thing in my stomach I can't absorb.

Everybody is unique and now is the time to practice your nutrition on every long ride. You should have it dialed in pretty soon so you can get a sense for how you might want to adjust during the race based on conditions. I can honestly say that I have yet to have an IM nutrition plan go exactly as I had planned it. Be prepared to adjust if necessary on race day.

Oh, and don't forget about run nutrion. Most people totally neglect getting this dialed in.
2013-04-25 5:11 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Rose Lake, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Cool.  Thanks everyone.   I am not bloated so I am going to try to increase my Gels and hydration.  I hope to do another 5 hour ride this permiting.   Probably just two loops of the hilly portion of the course.  Not sure if there is any water on the course south of Cda, but the fighting creek store may have water.   My stomach usually shuts down to solids on the marathon, but am a big fan of flat coke mixed with chicken broth.  YUM.   I may have to bring my own broth as some stations dont carry it.   I put salt tabs in my fanny pack.

2013-04-26 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Are we going to have to bag it again this weekend?

Day Apr 27


Cloudy / Wind


Cloudy / Wind

Chance of rain:
SW at 21 mph
UV Index:
4 - Moderate
5:36 am
Waning Gibbous

Cloudy with gusty winds. High 64F. Winds SW at 20 to 30 mph.

2013-04-26 9:10 AM
in reply to: #4715030

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Broomfield, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
MRGIBBS - 2013-04-25 1:28 PM

I love peanut butter and honey, but where in the world do I stick all of those sandwhiches?  I am only doing 16.5mph on the bike course this year, and hope somehow over the next two months to get back to those 18.5mph days.

They are round and pretty small. I can easily carry four of them plus other goodies in my jersey pockets.

2013-04-26 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4715979

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Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I have been looking for something different for the bike course and love the uncrustables (have a 3 and 5 year old).  Mentioned this to my wife and she brought a box of the pb&j and pb&h ones home.  I am going to give them a shot on my long Saturday ride.  
2013-04-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I am so low-key about things this year that I have NOTHING figured out for my nutrition.  And I'm doing St George next week.  Ha!

I'm actually toying with metabolic efficiency stuff.  All winter I've been using Skratch Labs and supplementing with some Sun Rype fruit strips (I'm an Active Ambassador for them).  Lately I've switched to First Endurance EFS and Liquid Shot with some random solids in the form of SunRype or Honey Stinger Chews.  Nothing is methodical, everything is by feel.  For my longer (5 hr) rides, I'm maybe taking in 200 cal/hr, probably closer to 100.  But it feels ok, so I'm going to roll with it.

I'm probably going to have ~300 cals/hr available to me on the bike, with some bonus calories in the form of Liquid Shot (a 5 oz flask is 400 cals).  I normally do most of my calories as liquid AND I'll carry 100% of those calories with me (no special needs stop).  With my new bike configuration, I really don't have the fluid storage.  And honestly, I don't need to be hauling 2 bike bottles and a 40 oz Speedfill on a hilly course.  Thinking of loading EFS in my Speedfill for the first 2 hrs, refilling it with water only, and switching to Liquid Shot.  With a special needs stop to re-load.  Keeps the weight down but makes things a tiny bit more complicated.

As for St G, I have no idea.  We'll try something similar to above and see how it goes.

2013-04-26 12:00 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Great info.  I have planned on eating cliff mojo bars or uncrustables as my solid on the bike.  I really want to try and stay away from the sweets till the run.  Then I eat blocks and drink straight water.  I just keep one shot block dispoving in my mouth the whole time and drink as needed.  I have a four hour ride this saturday and then a 3 hour run sunday so I'll try this out this weekend. 

Next weekend I have a four hour bike 2 hour run brick so I will really find out how this plan works then. 

Thanks for all the info.  I hadn't even known the uncrustables come in PB honey.  I gotta hit the store today to get some for Saturday.

Have a great weekend and if you folks out west get out riding in that wind be safe.  

2013-04-26 1:54 PM
in reply to: #4715967

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
smithe68 - 2013-04-26 7:03 AM

Are we going to have to bag it again this weekend?

Day Apr 27


Cloudy / Wind


Cloudy / Wind

Chance of rain:
SW at 21 mph
UV Index:
4 - Moderate
5:36 am
Waning Gibbous

Cloudy with gusty winds. High 64F. Winds SW at 20 to 30 mph.

I won't be able to get out there this weekend but hopefully others will be able to join you. I'd say go for it though because those winds will more than likely be the same on race day from what I heard last year. 

I am hoping next weekend to get over there on Saturday I think I have 5:15 ride scheduled for Saturday and then through a 30 minute swim in there too. It is too bad the water is too cold or I'm too wimpy to want to get in it at CDA pre-ride.

2013-04-26 2:04 PM
in reply to: #4715107

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
rbalazs - 2013-04-25 12:16 PM
MRGIBBS - 2013-04-25 1:06 PM

If  I am burning 600-700 calories per hr on the bike, and only replace with 3 gel packs/and one bottle of gatorade per hour.    That would put me in a 150-200 calorie per hour deficit.  Should try something else with more calories?

Everybody is different, but in general the body cannot digest more than 250-400 calories per hour. I know some people that can somehow handle more than 400 but my sweet spot is right around 375. I have 2 bottles of CarboPro with IronMan Perform mix, Gu Roctane Gels, and a few Pay Day bars to get me to the 375/hour. I also try to take in 30oz of water per hour. Of course, this depends on the temperature. I also take 1,300MG sodium on a normal day and adjust with water as well on hotter days. If you can't absorb your nutrition it usually means you've had enough and there are a lot of variables that can change how much you can absorb. If you're bloated I personally wouldn't recommend more water as that tends to just make me more bloated as it's just another thing in my stomach I can't absorb. Everybody is unique and now is the time to practice your nutrition on every long ride. You should have it dialed in pretty soon so you can get a sense for how you might want to adjust during the race based on conditions. I can honestly say that I have yet to have an IM nutrition plan go exactly as I had planned it. Be prepared to adjust if necessary on race day. Oh, and don't forget about run nutrion. Most people totally neglect getting this dialed in.


Great advice. The best part is that everyone is different so what works for one won't work for another person.  I'm riding about 50 miles tonight so will get a little chance to work on mine. I'm going with what I did last year for my HIMs. Perpetuem, pb performance bar, pb energy blasts.

Sunday will be pb energy blasts and pb performance bar along with enduralytes at 2/hour. 

Next weekend, perpetuem, pb gu, perform and pb perf bar,and enduralytes. I want to see how my body handles the perform for the second half of my ride so if I have to make adjustments to carrying extra bag of perpetuem on the bike and stop to refill, I'll do so.

The run nutrition for myself is just on course gu's with water and some perform on the course. This worked very well for me at my HIMs last year.

One thing I have not done yet and need to do is practice with some defizzed coke. I'll be doing that next weekend when I have 1:45 run/1:00bike/1:00 run. That should tell me how I do.

2013-04-27 1:30 AM
in reply to: #4716558

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Tough week.  Both my parents had back surgery, within two days of each other, and my aunt passed away. Gonna have to leave town for a few days to help out.

Training will suffer for a bit, but I'm trying to convince myself that it's just a really good recovery week before the final push - pretty sure the extra rest will help in the long run Undecided

2013-04-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4717007

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Broomfield, CO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PrivateIdaho - 2013-04-27 1:30 AM

Tough week.  Both my parents had back surgery, within two days of each other, and my aunt passed away. Gonna have to leave town for a few days to help out.

Training will suffer for a bit, but I'm trying to convince myself that it's just a really good recovery week before the final push - pretty sure the extra rest will help in the long run Undecided

Ah man, sorry to hear that news. Take care of yourself and your family!

2013-04-27 6:24 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Well i saw alot of people on the course today, so i know im not the only one who had to deal with that holy sh$t wind. If i am tired and sore after 70 miles should i be extremely worried? Or with taper/rest before the race will i be in alot better condition to handle the extra mileage.
2013-04-28 5:01 AM
in reply to: #4717007

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PrivateIdaho - 2013-04-27 2:30 AM

Tough week.  Both my parents had back surgery, within two days of each other, and my aunt passed away. Gonna have to leave town for a few days to help out.

Training will suffer for a bit, but I'm trying to convince myself that it's just a really good recovery week before the final push - pretty sure the extra rest will help in the long run Undecided

That does suck. I think you are right. The extra rest will help with stress of the situation and just let your body recover for a few more build weeks befroe taper starts.

2013-04-28 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4717418

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
dkahns51 - 2013-04-27 6:24 PM

Well i saw alot of people on the course today, so i know im not the only one who had to deal with that holy sh$t wind. If i am tired and sore after 70 miles should i be extremely worried? Or with taper/rest before the race will i be in alot better condition to handle the extra mileage.

You are getting to the point in training where volume should be extremely high. There will be training sessions where you just feel fatigued and that is completely normal. Then you get to taper and you feel worse the first week and then it all starts to come together.

2013-04-28 4:42 PM
in reply to: #4717418

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West Jordan, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

dkahns51 - 2013-04-27 5:24 PM Well i saw alot of people on the course today, so i know im not the only one who had to deal with that holy sh$t wind. If i am tired and sore after 70 miles should i be extremely worried? Or with taper/rest before the race will i be in alot better condition to handle the extra mileage.

After a 92 mile bike and 7 mile run yesterday, it was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other on the run/bike/run today. Big efforts are going to take it out of you, no matter how prepared you are. You'll recover through the week and be ready again next Saturday. Just watch for signs of over training. An injury at this point would be terrible.

2013-04-28 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Well the advice you guys have given is reassuring, so thank you. Stick to the plan it is!. I got threw todays run/bike/run it was a tough one that was for sure, but i treated myself to a extra deep tissue massage a little bit ago so i should be recovered and ready to go for next weeks big hours. I am always injured it seems so a injury now would seem normal lol.
2013-04-28 9:08 PM
in reply to: #4714926

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Grant, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I hesitate to put in my 2 cents worth as I feel that I probably do not know as much as the rest of you, but here are a couple of things on biking and nutrition that I learned when doing the Lake Placid IM.  For nutrition, I drank an Ensure in T1 and found it to be helpful.  I will do that again.  By the run, I couldn't stand the idea of anything sweet anymore.  (They were handing out Raspberry Creme Powergels and I will NEVER consume another in my life.)  At special needs on the run, I tried some drink that I had packed (sweet) and felt quite sick for next 7 or so miles.  I am definitely packing something salty this time. 

As far as biking, my son warned me to hold back at the beginning.  It was hard as I was so excited at getting done with the swim (I am a terrible swimmer) that I just wanted to really go.  But I held back and I think it really helped me finish strong on the bike.  Of course this is someone who would be thrilled to average 18.5 mph. . .

2013-04-28 10:10 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

The wind this weekend sucked. I rode on Friday with a headwind for 53 miles and it seemed uphill the while way. The roads sucked and beat me up pretty good. 

Sunday I was going to ride home but the weather was somewhat unpredictable and I really didn't want to be beaten up again by the same crappy road I was on on Friday. So got home and did 36 outside on very hilly roads with the wind.  Decided I had enough of the wind for the day and got on my trainer for another 2.5 hours. couldn't wait to get off that thing and go for my 50 minute run which I figured was going to suck but turned out to be very refreshing to the point that I wanted to keep going but knew I didn't want to over do things.

sounds like the wind got to some this weekend.

2013-04-28 10:13 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

So who is in for next Saturday ride? I have 5:15 to ride on Saturday. Anyone want to chance a 30 minute swim in CDA? I'm not sure I want to do it but thinking about it.

For the ride I would like to do how the course is going to Higgens Point first and then out to the long turnaround and probably since there would be time possibly do the long loop again just to get the hills in????

Hopefully the weather will be better with maybe less wind than 20-30MPH. 

2013-04-28 11:47 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

You know you are in peak IM training when:

  • A 12+ hr week of training is a down week.
  • A 2+ hr run, is just a run. No special event, just another run.
  • You have somehow managed to create an overuse injury from where you Garmin 910XT rubs against your wrist...

Next few weeks are pretty daunting in terms of volume. Already feel like I need a nap.

2013-04-29 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4718326

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
spie34 - 2013-04-28 8:13 PM

So who is in for next Saturday ride? I have 5:15 to ride on Saturday. Anyone want to chance a 30 minute swim in CDA? I'm not sure I want to do it but thinking about it.

For the ride I would like to do how the course is going to Higgens Point first and then out to the long turnaround and probably since there would be time possibly do the long loop again just to get the hills in????

Hopefully the weather will be better with maybe less wind than 20-30MPH. 

Of course I work this weekend, well Saturday anyways and am running Bloomsday Sunday.  I am going to try and get my long bike on Thursday.  It's going to be a miserably long day after work.

2013-04-29 2:17 PM
in reply to: #4718326

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
spie34 - 2013-04-28 8:13 PM

So who is in for next Saturday ride? I have 5:15 to ride on Saturday. Anyone want to chance a 30 minute swim in CDA? I'm not sure I want to do it but thinking about it.

For the ride I would like to do how the course is going to Higgens Point first and then out to the long turnaround and probably since there would be time possibly do the long loop again just to get the hills in????

Hopefully the weather will be better with maybe less wind than 20-30MPH. 

I need to do the 5:15 on sat as well... I work in the morning but should be off work by 10am at the latest meaning i will be in CDA 10-11am. And as far as swimming goes... FfffffffFFff no!

2013-04-29 9:17 PM
in reply to: #4718326

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Grant, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
We (husband and I) did a short 10" swim tonight to try to get used to immersing ourselves in cold water (water around 55).  We pulled our neoprene caps down over our forehead and had another swim cap over that.  It went better than I expected - true, it wasn't for all that long.  I did have more trouble catching my breath with face in such cold and my heart was beating faster, but that dreaded first plunge into cold water has been taken.
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