BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open Rss Feed  
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2018-07-25 4:48 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Slept through my alarm this morning and missed my swim workout. I have an exam this weekend and have lots of studying so won't be able to make it to the gym tonight either. Back at it tomorrow morning I guess

Cut yourself a little slack - you've got a lot going on in your life. If it makes you feel any better - I slept through my alarm too and woke up 5 hours later and had to race my daughter to her swim lesson.

2018-07-25 8:10 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by nicole14e

Slept through my alarm this morning and missed my swim workout. I have an exam this weekend and have lots of studying so won't be able to make it to the gym tonight either. Back at it tomorrow morning I guess

Cut yourself a little slack - you've got a lot going on in your life. If it makes you feel any better - I slept through my alarm too and woke up 5 hours later and had to race my daughter to her swim lesson.

Haha thanks. I think sometimes my body just decides when it needs a little more rest, regardless of whether I had plans or not. I was able to get myself out of bed for boot camp this morning! First time I've gone in a month, and boyyyyyyy am I going to pay for it tomorrow. In the best way though
2018-07-25 12:41 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Hello everyone,

A few years back I joined BDAS when I was doing triathlons. My life has taken some twists and turns and got away from the sport for quite a few years. I now find myself deployed overseas in the Army. Any of you that have been on a deployment know that your routine pretty much consists of working during the day, and working out whenever you can. Long story short, I began running again. Running was by far my weakest discipline and I used to dread my runs. Out here, its turned into a way to escape from the everyday crap that comes with the Army and deployment.

Although I'm severely limited on the bike, there is a spin bike on the gym, but nothing more, and no pool to swim, I have treadmills both powered and unpowered as well as a 1.25mile route around the base that is mostly trails. My goal is to train up for 70.3 Boulder in 2019. I know thats a big step from where I am now, but I figure a solid 6-7 months of focusing on my run will definitely help once I rotate back home and can begin working the bike and swim into my schedule.

Drink a beer for me, I surely miss having a nice brew.
2018-07-25 3:00 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by nicole14e

Slept through my alarm this morning and missed my swim workout. I have an exam this weekend and have lots of studying so won't be able to make it to the gym tonight either. Back at it tomorrow morning I guess

Cut yourself a little slack - you've got a lot going on in your life. If it makes you feel any better - I slept through my alarm too and woke up 5 hours later and had to race my daughter to her swim lesson.

Haha thanks. I think sometimes my body just decides when it needs a little more rest, regardless of whether I had plans or not. I was able to get myself out of bed for boot camp this morning! First time I've gone in a month, and boyyyyyyy am I going to pay for it tomorrow. In the best way though

Way to make it to boot camp! I was thinking I was going to have to give you a CLP
2018-07-25 3:05 PM
in reply to: GeauxHard

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by GeauxHard

Hello everyone,

A few years back I joined BDAS when I was doing triathlons. My life has taken some twists and turns and got away from the sport for quite a few years. I now find myself deployed overseas in the Army. Any of you that have been on a deployment know that your routine pretty much consists of working during the day, and working out whenever you can. Long story short, I began running again. Running was by far my weakest discipline and I used to dread my runs. Out here, its turned into a way to escape from the everyday crap that comes with the Army and deployment.

Although I'm severely limited on the bike, there is a spin bike on the gym, but nothing more, and no pool to swim, I have treadmills both powered and unpowered as well as a 1.25mile route around the base that is mostly trails. My goal is to train up for 70.3 Boulder in 2019. I know thats a big step from where I am now, but I figure a solid 6-7 months of focusing on my run will definitely help once I rotate back home and can begin working the bike and swim into my schedule.

Drink a beer for me, I surely miss having a nice brew.

Devon - First and foremost - thank you for your service to our country! As a father of an Army dad, I know a little bit about the sacrifices you are enduring and I hope you make it back stateside ASAP!

Second - way to make workouts happen on base. It's got to be tough but you are running and doing what you can on the bike. For now, that's all you can do. When you make it home - there will be plenty of pools to dive into. As for 70.3 Boulder - I think that's a great goal! The run is the hard part so if you can nail that down now, you'll be all set.

Keep up the good work and come back to the site when you can. We are proud to have you!

2018-07-25 3:17 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
This is my last week at my place in Michigan. After I leave here this Sunday, I will never be able to come back because my uncle now owns the property and he wants the place to himself.

So, I've been focusing on hitting the hills up here I love so much. Today's hill was Mike - named after the best PT in the Universe. The Hill has 385 feet of elevation gain - which is nothing really but in the shape I'm in and the bike I've got (I paid five dollars for it at a yard sale), it was a beast of a workout. I was in the lowest (highest) gear possible and I crept up it at less than 5 mph. But I made it to the top and felt good about myself for once. I will miss that hill so much - I used to do sets of hill repeats back in the day when I was training for ironman and half ironman.... I once even saw a family of four bears cross the road at the base of the hill. It will be missed.

One final request - please pray I can find a new job. I hate the school where I work now. The kids aren't well behaved and the head master has told me to just yell at them more. The pay is terrible and the work is hard. So please, pray I can find a new job teaching or otherwise. All the jobs I'm finding on Indeed I'm not qualified for. So pray I can find something.

Have a great day everyone!


2018-07-26 8:53 AM
in reply to: #5246795

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
July SBR: 30

Not my best week. Ran this morning as first workout since Monday. Tuesday I was in meetings and driving all day. Wednesday I didn’t feel well al day. This run wasn’t great, but it was something.
2018-07-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Devon, thank you for your service, and welcome back to BDAS! Keep us posted on your training and I think the Boulder race is a great goal!

DQ, so sad about not being able to go back to your place in Michigan, but it's great you got one last trip in there, and it jumpstarted your training again! And brought you back to BDAS! I'm definitely sending you positive vibes. Hope you can find a job you enjoy! For now, focus on the positive things in your life and don't let it get you down too much! You crushed that hill and will continue crushing your goals at home!

Gretchen, that stinks you had a not awesome week, but let's not skim over the fact that you hit your July SBR goal and the month isn't even over yet! And as far as I know, you are the only one of us to hit it! I lost track a week or two ago but think I'm only around 15. Great work! I bet you have an awesome workout tomorrow

Got in a 2200 yd swim this morning. Felt slow, but all the people I swim with are faster than me so I think it was more that than anything. The rain finally took a break here for today so I'm about to go outside for lunch!

Just re-read my post and omg with the exclamation points, sorry about that. I just think you all are awesome and I'm so glad we keep up with each other and when you reach goals it makes me feel really motivated and excited. Keep up the great work!!! (<--- those were on purpose )
2018-07-26 11:39 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Holy cow, Gretchen, I’m glad you didn’t get hit! That’s crazy! Good luck with the shed - git ‘we done! DQ!! Thanks for the note, I’m glad to see you back!! Sandi, I hope your pups heal up ... and your car.. what a story! John, good luck on the move. Whereabouts in Florida are you headed?

+1 to all that.

Gretchen - the shed is amazing !  Wish I had those skills with wood.  The old 'measure twice cut once' for me is 'measure three times and still screw up the cut'

As far as the Florida move - we're headed to DeLand, which is just west of Daytona, and the home of historic Stetson University.  The downtown and the university were built initially in the late 1800s so it's almost New England-y, which I love.  REALLY looking forward to finally getting settled in the new house in October and getting back into an SBR routine.

2018-07-26 5:10 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Holy cow, Gretchen, I’m glad you didn’t get hit! That’s crazy! Good luck with the shed - git ‘we done! DQ!! Thanks for the note, I’m glad to see you back!! Sandi, I hope your pups heal up ... and your car.. what a story! John, good luck on the move. Whereabouts in Florida are you headed?

+1 to all that.

Gretchen - the shed is amazing !  Wish I had those skills with wood.  The old 'measure twice cut once' for me is 'measure three times and still screw up the cut'

As far as the Florida move - we're headed to DeLand, which is just west of Daytona, and the home of historic Stetson University.  The downtown and the university were built initially in the late 1800s so it's almost New England-y, which I love.  REALLY looking forward to finally getting settled in the new house in October and getting back into an SBR routine.


Give me a call and I will help you move. I'll count it for my workout that day
2018-07-26 5:14 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I continue to eat like crap. Four more days at our place in Michigan and I plan on making every moment count. I even had Cherry Pie for breakfast Tomorrow is my last swim in this lake that I've been going to since I was a baby. Hell - I learned how to swim here. Makes me so sad

I did get in my walk even though I was sore and didn't want to do it. 270 LBS does a number on my achilles.... But at least I'm keeping pace with "the machine" and that's saying something

2018-07-26 5:28 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

July SBR: 30

Not my best week. Ran this morning as first workout since Monday. Tuesday I was in meetings and driving all day. Wednesday I didn’t feel well al day. This run wasn’t great, but it was something.

Yea but you made thirty workouts this month minimum. That's pretty impressive! Remember - you are a MACHINE!
2018-07-26 9:22 PM
in reply to: #5246950

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Devon, welcome back and thank you for your service!! Way to get some workouts in over there! I pray you stay safe.

Gretchen, great job meeting your s/b/r goals this month, that’s fantastic! Celebratory beverage?

DQ, I’m so glad you’re getting some last swims and bikes in MI. I do hope in the future your uncle lets you come for visits. I love that you’re conquering hills on your “ new” bike. You will have those memories forever. Remember when....
2018-07-26 9:28 PM
in reply to: #5246998

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Last Sunday (a weeke and a half ago...) I ran/walked a couple of miles with the boys and ran a last mile on my own. Wednesday I did a Body Combat (like kick boxing) class at the gym and between my shoulder blades was crying for 3 days, Thursday I ran 3 miles and Friday I did a spin class. Now I’m back out on the road and have done squat since. My hours are all over the clock and while I’d say I’m tired (I am), I could have fit a 3 mile run in this afternoon here in Little Rock, AR but ended up talking on the phone with the hubby for an hour. I have to get up at 0315 so no workout but the conversation was worth it, he’s very supportive. Tomorrow I get to San Antonio around noon so I’m planning on getting something done though I haven’t stayed at this hotel so I’ll have to research what’s available. I still have my swim harness but haven’t had a chance to use it! Hahaha. Working on it!
2018-07-26 9:30 PM
in reply to: #5246999

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Oh! I had a Flyway amber bock here in AR. Not bad.
2018-07-27 5:54 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Last Sunday (a weeke and a half ago...) I ran/walked a couple of miles with the boys and ran a last mile on my own. Wednesday I did a Body Combat (like kick boxing) class at the gym and between my shoulder blades was crying for 3 days, Thursday I ran 3 miles and Friday I did a spin class. Now I’m back out on the road and have done squat since. My hours are all over the clock and while I’d say I’m tired (I am), I could have fit a 3 mile run in this afternoon here in Little Rock, AR but ended up talking on the phone with the hubby for an hour. I have to get up at 0315 so no workout but the conversation was worth it, he’s very supportive. Tomorrow I get to San Antonio around noon so I’m planning on getting something done though I haven’t stayed at this hotel so I’ll have to research what’s available. I still have my swim harness but haven’t had a chance to use it! Hahaha. Working on it!

Yes, those hurt. 

2600 yard swim yesterday, then couldn't sleep at all last night so we'll see what today has in store for me.  I might head to the noon spin class.  We head for Cancun on so I need to lose five more pounds and get my six pack abs by then. 

2018-07-27 7:45 AM
in reply to: #5247000

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
July SBR: 31

Good swim this morning as we tried to cram masters workout into 45 min before the kids team took over the pool for the rest of the weekend. They have a meet his weekend and warm up started at 6:45, so the whole masters team was in the pool at 6, swimming for dear life trying to get in a good workout before the masses took over. I managed 1700m (I’m slow). Now I’m scheduled for a 4:15 bike ride, but we’re in the middle of a dense fog advisory. I’m drinking coffee and wondering how long I can avoid the trainer waiting for it to burn off. 4:15 on the trainer is rough—I’ve done it before, but I don’t really want to do it again.
2018-07-27 7:48 AM
in reply to: #5247006

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I also forgot to report on my beer tastings in Knoxville this week! I had a Yee Haw dunkel out of Johnson City, TN that was very good, not too bitter. Classified as a German dark lager. I might have had two of those! The other was Geezer milk stout out of Knoxville, TN. It was ok, but I only drank the sample the bar offered. I didn’t like it enough to order a full pint.
2018-07-27 11:26 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove


Escondido, California
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Brand new to the website, this group and triathlon's. Will be starting 20 week Sprint - 3x Balanced plan on Monday. I have done some workouts this week to hopefully get the soreness out of the way, spin classes, swimming laps and runs. Running a Ironman has been a bucket list item for me since about 2008 and I am finally ready to commit to it.

NAME: John

STORY: Played sports my entire life. Graduated high school in 2003 with no plan at all and started working in construction after promptly moving out of moms house to pay bills. That wasn't a profession I felt I wanted my whole life. Never in my life thought about serving and have zero family that have but one day I woke up and said "I want to join the military". If I was going to do it I was going to go all out and join the Marines. Been serving ever since. I love it and even though I was in great shape (as a 18 yr old kid), the Marines got me better. Earlier this year I ran the worst Physical Fitness Test (annual requirement, "PFT") of my career. All time low mentally, after hearing my score. My scores: 12 pull-ups, 80 crunches and 27:43 3 mile run. Fitness has always been something I can just jump up off the couch and do without hesitation or regret and do just fine. Now, I can't, I want to change back to what it was.

FAMILY STATUS: Been married to my beautiful high school sweetheart for the last 13 years, 2 children (8, 4).

CURRENT TRAINING: Twice a year running Marine Corps required physical training test (without training and look where it got me, horrendous scores), Starting Sprint Tri training on Monday.

RACES PLANNED FOR 2018: Wanting to run a Sprint in beginning of September, mid 20 week training. The reason is I will be going to Alaska for over a month in October and then deploying in March for 6 months. I will miss pretty much all of next year races.

BEER PREFERENCES: I will drink anything put in front of me but really enjoy IPA's. Southern California has turned me on to them.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: Being new to the sport I will take any advice given. It is very easy for me to push myself once I set my mind to something. My dedication, loyalty and drive are second to none (thanks Marine Corps). I am not overweight because I do have to maintain weight standards in the Corps but I do have a gut growing on me. I can be one of the biggest success stories if given the chance.

I'm excited to start and get any feedback on tips. I have never been apart of a forum before, I hope I posted correctly.
2018-07-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: Slinky8503

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Welcome John! You posted correctly and you came to the right place!
2018-07-27 12:28 PM
in reply to: #5247008

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Welcome, Gunny! Post your questions and we'll do our best to answer!

2018-07-27 2:13 PM
in reply to: Slinky8503

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Question for you all,

Who has done a deep water start? What is involved?

I'm looking at a sprint in September that says it is a "deep water start off Dock X". I guess what I'm wondering is whether or not the start involves "ready get set go" and then jumping into the lake off the dock, or if by any chance swimmers are in the deep water to start? I'm not finding any race reports on it.

A goggle failure for me is pretty much catastrophic and it would be a high probability if the start involves jumping off a dock, so just trying to see if it's realistic to do this race.


2018-07-27 3:25 PM
in reply to: #5247033

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I’ve done two races they called a deep water start. Same race company, but different races. I have no idea how deep the water was in either case, but they were both at least 6’, because I couldn’t touch the bottom. In both cases we swam off a boat ramp with docks surrounding the ramp, not jumping in from the dock. I could easily see that getting dangerous if not very carefully monitored. Could you email the RD to ask?
2018-07-27 7:47 PM
in reply to: #5247041

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Gunny John, welcome!!
Thank you for your service!! We do have another one or two more service members here as well.
Set goals out for us to see and we can help keep/hold you accountable if you like.
DQ will chime in soon to tell you about the CLP (Coors Light penalty) if you don’t meet your goals for the week. Hahaha. You’ve come to a good place.
2018-07-27 7:54 PM
in reply to: #5247046

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
3 miles on the treadmill here in San Antonio. It’s hotter than a thousand suns here so I ran inside. Followed it up with some core work and upper body lifting.
I’m about to do PT work (something I desperately need to be held accountable for, ugh) and hit the sack for a 0315 wakeup call.
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