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2017-12-11 11:55 AM

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Subject: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
The Beer Drinker Appreciation Society's Mission: Beer is a great motivator, and we use it to motivate and hold each other accountable. Work hard - drink whatever you want. Beer, Wine, Booze - it doesn't matter as long as it motivates you. Miss a workout - and you just earned a CLP (Coors Lite Penalty - best served warm This group is for everyone! There is a nice mix of experience here so newbies and vets will find the support they need to accomplish their goals.

NAME: David or DQ

STORY: In 2012, I weighed in at a portly 270 lb and decided enough was enough. I started out with a simple sprint and ended up capping off the year with a HIM. The exercise helped me to lose 95 pounds. More importantly, I feel in love with the sport of Triathlon and it's been a passion ever since. For me - it's all about staying happy and healthy.

FAMILY STATUS: I am currently going through a friendly divorce after 19 years of marriage During that time we were blessed to have three kids 17, 16 and 8.

CURRENT TRAINING: Trying to get back on track. I'm working out three - six times per week and am trying to shed all the weight I've gained in the last 6 months

2017 RACES: The highlight was racing the Boston Marathon and doing a sprint of two here and there.

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: There are no "big races" on my calendar this year. I plan on racing when I can and to complete at least three tris. Like I said - 2018 is about getting back into the swing of things.

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my favorite styles are saison, gueuze, Gose, and other tasty sours. Perhaps my favorite beer on the planet is Two Hearted IPA by Bells. I also make beer and just brewed a mint stout that I'm hoping will motivate me heading into the new year. Stop by for a glass.

WEIGHT LOSS: In 2012, I lost 96 pounds to hit 170. SInce running Boston I've gained almost 60 pounds due to the stress of the marriage and losing my job. I'm hoping to eat better so I can lose 50 pounds this year pounds of it.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish anything without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer-loving mentees. I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals. I promise to check the forum everyday and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on throughout the 2018 tri season. As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.


2017-12-24 8:40 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

NAME: Thor

STORY: Weighed in close to 300lbs lost a pile and decided I needed to something to help me lose some more. Signed up for a tri in 2011 and just kept going.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids, a son 15 and daughter 10. We all do triathlons. 

CURRENT TRAINING: bit of this and a bit of that....gotta lose some weight
2017 RACES: Pool closed. no tris. Did some bikes(fondos) with family

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: HM Trail run in spring. Not sure after that.


WEIGHT LOSS: Lost about 100lbs in 2011 but now yoyo 40lbs. Unfortunately I am on the wrong side of 40lbs now.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am the master of stupid challenges... :-

Gathering dust

2018-01-01 9:47 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by thor67

NAME: Thor

STORY: Weighed in close to 300lbs lost a pile and decided I needed to something to help me lose some more. Signed up for a tri in 2011 and just kept going.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids, a son 15 and daughter 10. We all do triathlons. 

CURRENT TRAINING: bit of this and a bit of that....gotta lose some weight
2017 RACES: Pool closed. no tris. Did some bikes(fondos) with family

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: HM Trail run in spring. Not sure after that.


WEIGHT LOSS: Lost about 100lbs in 2011 but now yoyo 40lbs. Unfortunately I am on the wrong side of 40lbs now.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I am the master of stupid challenges... :-

Gathering dust

Thrilled to have you back Thor! For those of you that are new - Thor was an inaugural member of the BDAS when we formed in 2012. Hard to believe so much time has past since then. Glad to have you back!

You are indeed the challenge master. What should be our challenge for this month?

2018-01-02 7:03 AM
in reply to: #5232499


Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I'm in if you'll have me. 64 year old male. Avid runner until 2 hip resurfacing s, now just dabble at it.Marathon maniac. During rehab was forced to swim. On my own I started riding a bike some. Bottom line right now is I suck at all three but want to at least try a tri. Carrying a lot of extra weight right now. In Florida. Mark
2018-01-02 7:56 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
**Stumbles in** Hi All! Did you miss me? :D

NAME: Drfoodlove/Gretchen

STORY: In 2012 I saw the Olympic triathlon on tv. At that time, I was already swimming and walking for exercise, but really needed a new challenge. As I was watching the tri, I (stupidly, arrogantly) thought, that isn't that far! I can do that! A little web research later and I'd found BT and an Olympic training plan that was way, way beyond my fitness at the time (cue stupid #2). Long story short, I've been at this for a few years now and just can't get enough.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the single most understanding woman on the planet and have a crackhead mutt dog who loves to run with me.

CURRENT TRAINING: Limited. Foot injury at end of 2017 has me sidelined for the most part.

2017 RACES: Very limited year due to work travel. Two sprints finished and a HIM attempted (DNF)

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: Work travel still up in the air a little, so everything is tentative. Planning on at least two sprints and an Oly in July/Aug. Last night my wife said "when you do your HIM in Oct", which got me thinking about it again. I wasn't planning on giving the HIM distance another go this year, but now I'm thinking.

BEER PREFERENCE: I prefer stouts and porters. Hate overly hoppy things like IPAs. Bourbon still has my heart though and is my first drink of choice.

WEIGHT LOSS: Yes, please! I tend to gain and lose the same 20ish pounds every year. This year, due to injury and some major issues in life workouts at the end of the year have been limited and food/alcohol consumption have been out of control. 2018 goal is to finally learn how to eat "healthy" (if anyone knows what that actually means) and lose 50#. To further that goal, I start Whole 30 tomorrow.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I follow directions well! :D I've been with this group now three or four years (I think!). My major skill is consistency. I may not be fast, but by goodness, I put in the work!
2018-01-02 7:58 AM
in reply to: [email protected]

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by [email protected]

I'm in if you'll have me. 64 year old male. Avid runner until 2 hip resurfacing s, now just dabble at it.Marathon maniac. During rehab was forced to swim. On my own I started riding a bike some. Bottom line right now is I suck at all three but want to at least try a tri. Carrying a lot of extra weight right now. In Florida. Mark

Welcome Mark!! Fill out the bio so we can get to know you better!

2018-01-02 8:02 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Goals, Goals, Goals!!!!

2018 Goals
1.) 2 sprints, 1 Oly--improve times on all three (also, due to conversation last night, maybe thinking about HIM again, but still thinking)
2.) Eat better--lost 50#
3.) Don't forget strength training (i.e., gain muscle!)
4.) Run 400mi, Bile 1000mi, Swim 100mi
5.) Get my foot healthy and keep it that way!!

Week 1 Goals (12/31/17-1/6/18)
1.) Go to the foot doctor (and pay attention to what he says!)
2.) 2 swims; 2 walks, 2 ST sessions
3.) Start Whole30 on 1/3/18
4.) Record everything religiously

Part of Whole30 is no alcohol while on the program (30 days), so I'm going to have to think of something else as my incentive to accomplish these goals instead of the CLP. If I don't do these things, next week I must plank 1' every day (I hate planking!!!!).
2018-01-02 1:30 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user

Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
NAME: Mike 

STORY: I was a swimmer as a kid, migrated into soccer as I got older. In 2007, just after my 35th birthday, I broke my ankle playing soccer and went into a funk. Put on a bunch of weight, 45 lbs, moving me up over 240 lbs. When my ankle healed I decided to start running (easy running) to try and get back into shape. Ran my first 10k in 2008. In 2010 I was challenged to a try-a-tri, loved it and haven’t looked back. In 2015, my wife and I separated and things went downhill again. Training was put aside but I still managed to complete a 70.3 in 2016 and 2017. I tried to do Eagleman in 2015 a couple of months after my separation, but the heat knocked me out (literally) on the run. After completing Muskoka in July 2017, I had to put my focus into work and family. My mother, now 76 years old, reached a point where she could not live on her own. I spent most of the summer and fall building a space for her in my house. My job has me on the road a fair bit, so it took several months, and it’s still not finished… but she’s moved in. Now I can finally start proper training again. I’m hoping to drop all the excess weight I put on last year and really have a good performance In Atlantic City.

FAMILY STATUS: Separated 2+ years, 2 kids (12 & 8), dating an awesome woman who may or may not have moved in (I still haven’t figured it out!

CURRENT TRAINING: Just getting started again. Current plan has me walking/running 2x, swimming 2x, spinning 2x and one strength session per week. Haven’t actually done that yet, but that what the plan says!

2017 RACES: Ottawa 1/2 marathon and Muskoka 70.3. Awful season, too much beer, not enough training

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: Ottawa 1/2 Marathon in May, Atlantic City 70.3 in September. Probably a few local sprints and Olympics along the way

BEER PREFERENCE: Blonde and amber, occasional wheat beer in the summer. I’ve been more into cider these days, less carbonation, so less bloating!

WEIGHT LOSS: I put an extra 20-25 lbs on last fall, on top of the 20 I already had to lose. If I can manage, I want to drop 40 lbs before AC in September

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I want this. I want a good year and I’m not in a place to do it all on my own. A mentor would be perfect to keep me accountable and hopefully on track!
2018-01-02 2:24 PM
in reply to: [email protected]

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Hi All!  Hoping you'll have me back again this year, even though the first at least 3 months of it are going to be sitting on the sidelines watching.

NAME: firebert (John)

STORY: Was a mediocre runner in High School (though recently dug up my times - I'd KILL to be that fast again!), fell off the wagon in college, then started running 5ks - and constantly injuring myself - somewhere in my late 20s.  Took a couple years off running to get married, buy a house, have a baby, all that grownup nonsense and put on enough weight I was feeling miserable.  Everyone has their own individual number past which things get rough.  For me that number was somewhere around 200lbs.  Started running again to shed the weight and guess what - injury cycle started again.  My wife (former NCAA swimmer) started doing Tris and convinced me to try since "It's all cross training".  Took forever to be able to swim 1/4 mile without stopping (like a year of Y classes) and I'm still painfully slow in the water but I'm getting better.  That was a few seasons ago and I'm happy to report I've done my entire triathlon career with BDAS.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to an awesome inspirational triathlete wife with one daughter (8yo).  My daughter is a runner (which she gets from me) and an amazing swimmer (which she gets from my wife).  If we could just convince her to learn to ride her bike....

CURRENT TRAINING: Zero.  Will change that soon.

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: None yet, things are up in the air until April or March then I can start planning.  Likely road races only but we'll see.

BEER PREFERENCE: New England IPA's.  I live close enough to Trillium I can restock whenever I'm feeling rich (last trip - 20 cans, $85)

WEIGHT LOSS: I think of this more as weight maintenance.  We have great eating habits around the house and although I've put on weight since stopping exercise in the Fall, it's not been terrible.  

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  I'm everyone's biggest fan   Seriously I love seeing people happy after their own accomplishments, it reminds me of the happiness I have when I complete a race or a hard workout, and motivates me to do more.  The happiness is contagious!

2018-01-02 4:55 PM
in reply to: firebert

Nashville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
NAME: Eric

STORY: I joined BDAS at the end of this past year and would love to jump on board for 2018. I was an athlete growing up, played baseball and football in high school and was fortunate enough to be able to continue baseball into college. Played 4 years of collegiate baseball and then went into coaching for nine years. In the past year I have given up the coaching (couldn't make a living) and moved into the corporate world. In the midst of this change I lost my vehicle to stay competitive. Long story short we were on a family vacation in Panama City Beach in Nov. when Ironman Florida was in town. We have a condo right next door to where it was staged so got to watch the swim from the balcony that morning. Went out that afternoon and watched many of the athletes on the run stage. After watching, I knew I wanted to give it a try. I bought an older model Specialized from a family friend, asked for a wetsuit, riding shoes and some tri-shorts for Christmas so I'm all set. Ready to see where this journey takes me.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to my beautiful wife and have a 7mo daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: I've been trying to build my cardio/ get back into shape since Nov. Swim 2x and run 2x a week most every week. Still looking to get outside on the bike.

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: There are three local (TN) sprint/oly's that I plan to sign up for. Also, my wife is from Topeka, Kansas so I'm entertaining signing up for the Topeka Tinman (sprint) in June.

BEER PREFERENCE: Really like pale ales, IPA's, APA's, just started brewing my own beer as well with Northern Brewer...very cool and fun.

WEIGHT LOSS: My main goal is to get back in shape and I could definitely stand to lose 10-15 pounds in the process.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I'm always down for a challenge. Always been a competitive person and as I said before looking for triathlon to be a new outlet for me to do that. Also, I'm a great listener at things I have no idea about. I'm doing as much reading as possible but still very intrigued and excited for this journey.
2018-01-02 7:25 PM
in reply to: #5233700

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
First workout in 11 weeks today! A swim, and lets just say I'm glad I was in that shallow end. Also went to the Dr today for my foot. Still no diagnosis, but he ordered an MRI (wiating for insurance approval). Hopefully there will be some information forthcoming!

2018-01-02 9:42 PM
in reply to: #5233821

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Glad you were able to work out Gretchen! I hope you get a diagnosis soon. I'm so used to seeing you crank out 400+ workouts a year, 11 weeks off must be hell.
2018-01-03 7:28 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by firebert

Glad you were able to work out Gretchen! I hope you get a diagnosis soon. I'm so used to seeing you crank out 400+ workouts a year, 11 weeks off must be hell.

Hell it was! Now I just have to convince myself that slow and steady will win this race, not trying to pick up where I left off!
2018-01-03 7:29 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Short strength training session this morning before work. I have finally accumulated all of the equipment used in the Be Iron Fit strength sessions (one of my early criticisms of the book). At the time it didn't seem too difficult, but now (about an hour later) I can feel it in my quads. Awesome!
2018-01-03 9:12 AM
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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Welcome back, everyone, and Happy New Year!

Name:  Mike (jmhpsu93)

Background:  Ran cross-country and track in high school, then did lots of different sports in my 20s: volleyball, basketball, soccer mostly.  Just got good enough at beach volleyball to get smoked in my only open (pro) tournament.  Once I turned 30 and real life began, I just worked out, a little running, a little biking, weights, etc.  By 2006 I weighed over 230 pounds and my wife was like "DUDE!!".  So I signed up for a half marathon and my endurance sports journey began.  Ran for 4 years, then signed up for a tri in 2010 after debating it for a couple of years.  My wife had completed three of those Danskin races back in the early 2000s and I though it looked really cool, so what the hell, right?  Well, first swim was awful, and the second.  Eventually I completed a beginner swim program that got me through my 1K open water swim, though my wife thought she was going to have to come out and rescue me.    Great thing was that I went over 19 mph on a hybrid and posted a 5K PR during the race.  I was hooked. 

The next seven years have swung back and forth between training and racing, and being injured.  First my knee, then my back, then my feet.  2013 and 2014 were relatively injury free and I finished three triathlons and about a dozen running races.  Back went out in early 2015 and after fighting it for two years I finally got surgery on it last January.  Took a LOOONNNGG time to get it together but I just jogged for the first time on a treadmill today.  I have been swimming and biking since about May.

Family Status:  Married for 16+ years, 15 YO daughter (yes, the math works  ).  We live in the Baltimore suburbs.

Current Training:  Bike 3-4 times a week, swim twice a week, starting a couch-to-5K program.  I also do some physical therapy, strength training, and yoga as my back permits.

Weight Loss:  Yes.  I'm up to 210, would like to see "1" at the start of the scale reading by the time it gets warm out.  That'll probably help my back out, too.

2018 Races:  Lord-willing and the creek don't rise, my daughter (who is a year-round swimmer and embarrasses me in the pool) and I are going to do a triathlon together on Father's Day. 

Beer Preference:  IPAs/.APAs.  Some of my favorites are Ballast Point Sculpin, Heavy Seas Loose Cannon, and Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA.

Mentor/Mentee:  I'm still here, aren't I???    In all seriousness, I've enjoyed others' success as well as getting great feedback and support.  And I love the beer recommendations.

Edited by jmhpsu93 2018-01-03 9:13 AM
2018-01-03 9:15 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by firebert Glad you were able to work out Gretchen! I hope you get a diagnosis soon. I'm so used to seeing you crank out 400+ workouts a year, 11 weeks off must be hell.
Hell it was! Now I just have to convince myself that slow and steady will win this race, not trying to pick up where I left off!

Good news is that you don't have to, it'll come back faster than you think it will. 

2018-01-03 9:32 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Can you be a member of several Groups? I joined the grey guys/gals last year and will join this year as soon as it's open but I figured I need all the feedback/help I can get, and I like beer...

NAME: Nathalie. From Europe (born in France, lived in England, now live in Sweden)

Unlike many triathletes, I do not have a running, cycling or swimming background. My sports were team games (soccer, european handball) and martial arts: judo as a kid and karate, which I started at the age of 36.I thought karate was going to be it my last sport but years of soccer had taken their toll on my knees and after about 6 years and 3 bad knee injuries, I had to give up. (My knees are very unstable, they ”break” at any abrupt change of direction...( a little exagerated but basically that’s that)) A couple of years of not doing much (expect getting bigger) , then I signed up for a sprint triathlon in May 2014 and started training in september 2013.At this point in the story, many people will say ”and then I was hooked and never looked back”. Well no, not me. Did my first race in May 2014, signed up again for the same one in 2015, then in 2016. I enjoyed racing, but my goals were only to finish and not finish last. After each race I told myself, ”oh, that was fun, next year I’m going to do so much better.” Trained seriously for a couple of weeks and then got bored with it and stopped, only started training for the next race a couple of weeks before. All the while putting on weight....Then last year, did my usual race in May and the official photographer took a photo of me which was horrible. I looked so fat and untrained. This was the turning point. I had to lose weight. So I started using an app (myfitnesspal) to register my food and exercice and realised (although I knew it of course) that if I wanted to eat a lot, I’d have to move a lot more. So I started training more. There was another sprint (very close to home) which I was signed up for and I focused on that and decided to give it my best shot. Trained seriously all Summer, lost weight and the race at the end of August was a real success. Beat my usual time by 15 minutes, finished 4th of all women of all ages, some much younger than me. Had a lot of fun and was on a high for weeks afterwards. Now, I can say I am hooked!

FAMILY STATUS: One husband, one son, one running partner (aka dog) and 2 cats
CURRENT TRAINING: On Winter maintenance with a run focus. my weakest sport
2017 RACES: 2 sprints one in May when I was fat and one in August when I was fast
RACES PLANNED FOR 18: My usual local one in May is not happening so I'll have to travel to races, which I have never done. Planning on doing 4 or 6 sprints. next year I will do an Oly
BEER PREFERENCE: Lager (is that beer?)
WEIGHT LOSS: 26 Pounds since the end of May. I am good now. just have to maintain that.

Edited by Rollergirl 2018-01-03 9:34 AM
2018-01-03 10:32 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Welcome Nathalie!  I don't know if Beginner Triathlete has any rules about belonging to more than one mentor group (pretty sure they do not) but we have no such rules at BDAS.  Yes, lager is beer!  Which kinds do you like?  We're all (well, mostly all) beer nerds in here and I couldn't name one Swedish beer, so would love to hear about them!

2018-01-03 10:51 AM
in reply to: firebert

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Thanks John. Swedish beers are know about (mostly lager, maybe all of them are, as that’s what I drink)

Norrland Guld

I mainly drink our neighbour’s (Denmark) Carlsberg though.
2018-01-03 1:22 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Welcome, Natalie.  Yes, you can belong to more than one mentor group.  I'm even on a Facebook tri group. 


2018-01-03 1:46 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Welcome, Mike!  Now we have two of us, in addition to the two Nicoles we have. 

i don't think you're the only person who has had an epic meltdown during Eagleman.

2018-01-03 1:54 PM
in reply to: [email protected]

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by [email protected] I'm in if you'll have me. 64 year old male. Avid runner until 2 hip resurfacing s, now just dabble at it.Marathon maniac. During rehab was forced to swim. On my own I started riding a bike some. Bottom line right now is I suck at all three but want to at least try a tri. Carrying a lot of extra weight right now. In Florida. Mark

Hi, Mark.  Welcome.

2018-01-03 8:47 PM
in reply to: [email protected]

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by [email protected]

I'm in if you'll have me. 64 year old male. Avid runner until 2 hip resurfacing s, now just dabble at it.Marathon maniac. During rehab was forced to swim. On my own I started riding a bike some. Bottom line right now is I suck at all three but want to at least try a tri. Carrying a lot of extra weight right now. In Florida. Mark

Mark - As long as you don't post any pictures of sunny Florida while we are in the midst of enjoying a foot of fallen snow - we'll happily take you. Please fill out a bio so we can get to know you better (cut and paste mine and fill in your info).

Seriously - thrilled to have you!

2018-01-03 8:54 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

**Stumbles in** Hi All! Did you miss me? :D

NAME: Drfoodlove/Gretchen

STORY: In 2012 I saw the Olympic triathlon on tv. At that time, I was already swimming and walking for exercise, but really needed a new challenge. As I was watching the tri, I (stupidly, arrogantly) thought, that isn't that far! I can do that! A little web research later and I'd found BT and an Olympic training plan that was way, way beyond my fitness at the time (cue stupid #2). Long story short, I've been at this for a few years now and just can't get enough.

FAMILY STATUS: Married to the single most understanding woman on the planet and have a crackhead mutt dog who loves to run with me.

CURRENT TRAINING: Limited. Foot injury at end of 2017 has me sidelined for the most part.

2017 RACES: Very limited year due to work travel. Two sprints finished and a HIM attempted (DNF)

RACES PLANNED FOR 18: Work travel still up in the air a little, so everything is tentative. Planning on at least two sprints and an Oly in July/Aug. Last night my wife said "when you do your HIM in Oct", which got me thinking about it again. I wasn't planning on giving the HIM distance another go this year, but now I'm thinking.

BEER PREFERENCE: I prefer stouts and porters. Hate overly hoppy things like IPAs. Bourbon still has my heart though and is my first drink of choice.

WEIGHT LOSS: Yes, please! I tend to gain and lose the same 20ish pounds every year. This year, due to injury and some major issues in life workouts at the end of the year have been limited and food/alcohol consumption have been out of control. 2018 goal is to finally learn how to eat "healthy" (if anyone knows what that actually means) and lose 50#. To further that goal, I start Whole 30 tomorrow.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I follow directions well! :D I've been with this group now three or four years (I think!). My major skill is consistency. I may not be fast, but by goodness, I put in the work!

Ladies and Gentlemen - the machine is back in the BDAS. She got that nickname because she outworks everyone in the group So glad to have you Gretchen and so sorry to hear about your foot injury. As John mentioned - you must be going nuts! I hope the MRI tells the docs what they need to know. I'll be praying for you!
2018-01-03 8:58 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Welcome back, everyone, and Happy New Year!

Name:  Mike (jmhpsu93)

Background:  Ran cross-country and track in high school, then did lots of different sports in my 20s: volleyball, basketball, soccer mostly.  Just got good enough at beach volleyball to get smoked in my only open (pro) tournament.  Once I turned 30 and real life began, I just worked out, a little running, a little biking, weights, etc.  By 2006 I weighed over 230 pounds and my wife was like "DUDE!!".  So I signed up for a half marathon and my endurance sports journey began.  Ran for 4 years, then signed up for a tri in 2010 after debating it for a couple of years.  My wife had completed three of those Danskin races back in the early 2000s and I though it looked really cool, so what the hell, right?  Well, first swim was awful, and the second.  Eventually I completed a beginner swim program that got me through my 1K open water swim, though my wife thought she was going to have to come out and rescue me.    Great thing was that I went over 19 mph on a hybrid and posted a 5K PR during the race.  I was hooked. 

The next seven years have swung back and forth between training and racing, and being injured.  First my knee, then my back, then my feet.  2013 and 2014 were relatively injury free and I finished three triathlons and about a dozen running races.  Back went out in early 2015 and after fighting it for two years I finally got surgery on it last January.  Took a LOOONNNGG time to get it together but I just jogged for the first time on a treadmill today.  I have been swimming and biking since about May.

Family Status:  Married for 16+ years, 15 YO daughter (yes, the math works  ).  We live in the Baltimore suburbs.

Current Training:  Bike 3-4 times a week, swim twice a week, starting a couch-to-5K program.  I also do some physical therapy, strength training, and yoga as my back permits.

Weight Loss:  Yes.  I'm up to 210, would like to see "1" at the start of the scale reading by the time it gets warm out.  That'll probably help my back out, too.

2018 Races:  Lord-willing and the creek don't rise, my daughter (who is a year-round swimmer and embarrasses me in the pool) and I are going to do a triathlon together on Father's Day. 

Beer Preference:  IPAs/.APAs.  Some of my favorites are Ballast Point Sculpin, Heavy Seas Loose Cannon, and Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA.

Mentor/Mentee:  I'm still here, aren't I???    In all seriousness, I've enjoyed others' success as well as getting great feedback and support.  And I love the beer recommendations.

Mike - it feels like the old group is back now that you've signed on. I hope the back is treating you well and that your hope of a father's day tri with your daughter becomes a reality!

Kudos on the Racer 5. LOVE that stuff!
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