BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2022-09-13 3:03 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Qua17

Hello BDASers! My name is David Qua and for those of you who don’t know me I joined the BDAS back in 2012 when it was Big DH’s Accountability Society. It took nearly the whole year, but by October or November of that year we would become the beer drinkers accountability society – the group you have now and I hope for everyone’s sake that it’s going well because I really need its help and in a big way.

Folks, here’s my problem: I feel like absolute crap. Every day it feels like I have a case of the flu due to the severity of my sleep apnea and on most days my nausea from being so tired gets so bad I end up in bed and smoking cannabis to help keep everything down. The sleep apnea is so bad because there is not a minute that goes by during the night when my breathing doesn’t stop at least once every 90 seconds by my tongue being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So needless to say, I am not getting very good sleep at all and as a result I am waking up completely exhausted and I’m so tired that it’s causing me to feel so bad that exercise is often out of the question no matter how much I feel the need or desire to go. The sleep apnea has a profound effect on my performance at work and at home where I make simple mistakes and have to fight my ADHD like Sean Connery in The Untouchables (they pull a knife, you use your gun. They shoot one of your guys, you send one of theirs to the morgue - it’s close but you get the point) because my impulse control is so bad that is due to the lack of good quality sleep.

So, here’s what I’ve been battling. For the last several months I have been trying without any luck to get going on the bike (my only viable option because of availability and my excessive weight (can’t even walk naturally due to plantar fasciitis, but the most I can really count on getting out each week is just one day where I feel good enough to get off the couch and get out the door. I’m gonna try swimming this week or next but it’s probably going to be the same thing. I just don’t feel good enough to get out there and build an exercise regimen and sustain it. And so I have to resort to diet if I’m going to get down to my magic number.

The magic number for me is 247 pounds because that is the number I have to reach in order to qualify and be in the proper weight range to get the Aspire breathing device installed in my neck which sends electrical shock waves to my tongue to keep it out of the way when I’m asleep. My doctors tell me I should get a 25 to 55% improvement in my symptoms with this. So other than losing weight over time, that is literally the only thing I’ve got on the table – with the exception of a night mouth guard that’s coming in a few weeks which might help a little. So I must get down to 247 pounds.

So I’m coming back to the BDAS for the accountability. Right now I need help with my diet and eating the right things not only during the day but at night as well. I don’t know how it’s gonna work but I think I need to make agreements with you guys individually on the page maybe because if I make up my promise to you then maybe I can stop myself from eating at night because my word and my integrity is important to me and maybe that will help. I’m not sure. We can talk about it. But what I am doing now isn’t working because in the first three weeks after they told me what I needed to do to get the electrode, which was to lose 15 pounds, I went out and lost 12 in three weeks. But then life returned to normal, or the summer ended, and the eating commenced and I’m now back nine pounds heavier And I’m stepping on the scale at 2:59 when the magic number is 247. So I have 12 pounds to lose in order finally feel better. And that is why I am back. Please help me.

And here One more good reason to lose weight Dash if I lose 2 1/2 pounds a week between now and my wedding date on April 28 of next year I should be around my optimal weight of 170, which will not only make me look good for the wedding, but establish a president that I want to be more active into my 90’s.

i’ll try to spend a little bit of time working on my bio a little later during my shift and when I get home, but I look forward to seeing how you guys are doing. Thanks for letting me back in and I wish everybody a good day.

Dave! Great to see you man! Sorry to hear about your struggles, but you can count on us to hold you accountable and help in any way we can. Have you considered getting a CPAP machine? I've never had sleep apnea, but my FIL has one and he said it helps a lot. Like, in a life changing way.

Absolutely! We’ll help in any way we can!

2022-09-13 3:14 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

I finally wrote a race report! It isn't as long as my MiTi report, but then, neither was the race!

Well done! A PR in these conditions, take a bow!
2022-09-13 3:40 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Qua17

Hello BDASers! My name is David Qua and for those of you who don’t know me I joined the BDAS back in 2012 when it was Big DH’s Accountability Society. It took nearly the whole year, but by October or November of that year we would become the beer drinkers accountability society – the group you have now and I hope for everyone’s sake that it’s going well because I really need its help and in a big way.

Folks, here’s my problem: I feel like absolute crap. Every day it feels like I have a case of the flu due to the severity of my sleep apnea and on most days my nausea from being so tired gets so bad I end up in bed and smoking cannabis to help keep everything down. The sleep apnea is so bad because there is not a minute that goes by during the night when my breathing doesn’t stop at least once every 90 seconds by my tongue being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So needless to say, I am not getting very good sleep at all and as a result I am waking up completely exhausted and I’m so tired that it’s causing me to feel so bad that exercise is often out of the question no matter how much I feel the need or desire to go. The sleep apnea has a profound effect on my performance at work and at home where I make simple mistakes and have to fight my ADHD like Sean Connery in The Untouchables (they pull a knife, you use your gun. They shoot one of your guys, you send one of theirs to the morgue - it’s close but you get the point) because my impulse control is so bad that is due to the lack of good quality sleep.

So, here’s what I’ve been battling. For the last several months I have been trying without any luck to get going on the bike (my only viable option because of availability and my excessive weight (can’t even walk naturally due to plantar fasciitis, but the most I can really count on getting out each week is just one day where I feel good enough to get off the couch and get out the door. I’m gonna try swimming this week or next but it’s probably going to be the same thing. I just don’t feel good enough to get out there and build an exercise regimen and sustain it. And so I have to resort to diet if I’m going to get down to my magic number.

The magic number for me is 247 pounds because that is the number I have to reach in order to qualify and be in the proper weight range to get the Aspire breathing device installed in my neck which sends electrical shock waves to my tongue to keep it out of the way when I’m asleep. My doctors tell me I should get a 25 to 55% improvement in my symptoms with this. So other than losing weight over time, that is literally the only thing I’ve got on the table – with the exception of a night mouth guard that’s coming in a few weeks which might help a little. So I must get down to 247 pounds.

So I’m coming back to the BDAS for the accountability. Right now I need help with my diet and eating the right things not only during the day but at night as well. I don’t know how it’s gonna work but I think I need to make agreements with you guys individually on the page maybe because if I make up my promise to you then maybe I can stop myself from eating at night because my word and my integrity is important to me and maybe that will help. I’m not sure. We can talk about it. But what I am doing now isn’t working because in the first three weeks after they told me what I needed to do to get the electrode, which was to lose 15 pounds, I went out and lost 12 in three weeks. But then life returned to normal, or the summer ended, and the eating commenced and I’m now back nine pounds heavier And I’m stepping on the scale at 2:59 when the magic number is 247. So I have 12 pounds to lose in order finally feel better. And that is why I am back. Please help me.

And here One more good reason to lose weight Dash if I lose 2 1/2 pounds a week between now and my wedding date on April 28 of next year I should be around my optimal weight of 170, which will not only make me look good for the wedding, but establish a president that I want to be more active into my 90’s.

i’ll try to spend a little bit of time working on my bio a little later during my shift and when I get home, but I look forward to seeing how you guys are doing. Thanks for letting me back in and I wish everybody a good day.

Dave! Great to see you man! Sorry to hear about your struggles, but you can count on us to hold you accountable and help in any way we can. Have you considered getting a CPAP machine? I've never had sleep apnea, but my FIL has one and he said it helps a lot. Like, in a life changing way.

Agreed! My dad has one and didn't want to use it at first and now he loves it. Could at least help temporarily, unless your tongue getting in the way is a little different and it doesn't help that.

Either way, you came to the right place! Not sure if it would be helpful for you, but I've been working with a nutritionist and she's pretty awesome. The accountability with checking in with her regularly has been really helpful. I'm almost below 160, which I haven't been for many years, and feel like I'm getting good advice and guidance on how I should be eating regularly, so trying to form good habits and a healthier relationship with food.

So glad you're back
2022-09-13 4:47 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

Hello BDASers! My name is David Qua and for those of you who don’t know me I joined the BDAS back in 2012 when it was Big DH’s Accountability Society. It took nearly the whole year, but by October or November of that year we would become the beer drinkers accountability society – the group you have now and I hope for everyone’s sake that it’s going well because I really need its help and in a big way.

Folks, here’s my problem: I feel like absolute crap. Every day it feels like I have a case of the flu due to the severity of my sleep apnea and on most days my nausea from being so tired gets so bad I end up in bed and smoking cannabis to help keep everything down. The sleep apnea is so bad because there is not a minute that goes by during the night when my breathing doesn’t stop at least once every 90 seconds by my tongue being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So needless to say, I am not getting very good sleep at all and as a result I am waking up completely exhausted and I’m so tired that it’s causing me to feel so bad that exercise is often out of the question no matter how much I feel the need or desire to go. The sleep apnea has a profound effect on my performance at work and at home where I make simple mistakes and have to fight my ADHD like Sean Connery in The Untouchables (they pull a knife, you use your gun. They shoot one of your guys, you send one of theirs to the morgue - it’s close but you get the point) because my impulse control is so bad that is due to the lack of good quality sleep.

So, here’s what I’ve been battling. For the last several months I have been trying without any luck to get going on the bike (my only viable option because of availability and my excessive weight (can’t even walk naturally due to plantar fasciitis, but the most I can really count on getting out each week is just one day where I feel good enough to get off the couch and get out the door. I’m gonna try swimming this week or next but it’s probably going to be the same thing. I just don’t feel good enough to get out there and build an exercise regimen and sustain it. And so I have to resort to diet if I’m going to get down to my magic number.

The magic number for me is 247 pounds because that is the number I have to reach in order to qualify and be in the proper weight range to get the Aspire breathing device installed in my neck which sends electrical shock waves to my tongue to keep it out of the way when I’m asleep. My doctors tell me I should get a 25 to 55% improvement in my symptoms with this. So other than losing weight over time, that is literally the only thing I’ve got on the table – with the exception of a night mouth guard that’s coming in a few weeks which might help a little. So I must get down to 247 pounds.

So I’m coming back to the BDAS for the accountability. Right now I need help with my diet and eating the right things not only during the day but at night as well. I don’t know how it’s gonna work but I think I need to make agreements with you guys individually on the page maybe because if I make up my promise to you then maybe I can stop myself from eating at night because my word and my integrity is important to me and maybe that will help. I’m not sure. We can talk about it. But what I am doing now isn’t working because in the first three weeks after they told me what I needed to do to get the electrode, which was to lose 15 pounds, I went out and lost 12 in three weeks. But then life returned to normal, or the summer ended, and the eating commenced and I’m now back nine pounds heavier And I’m stepping on the scale at 2:59 when the magic number is 247. So I have 12 pounds to lose in order finally feel better. And that is why I am back. Please help me.

And here One more good reason to lose weight Dash if I lose 2 1/2 pounds a week between now and my wedding date on April 28 of next year I should be around my optimal weight of 170, which will not only make me look good for the wedding, but establish a president that I want to be more active into my 90’s.

i’ll try to spend a little bit of time working on my bio a little later during my shift and when I get home, but I look forward to seeing how you guys are doing. Thanks for letting me back in and I wish everybody a good day.

DQ, Welcome back my man. It's good to hear from you.

I have no experience with sleep apnea, so I'm not going to advise or comment on any different machines. But I know from parenthood how a continual lack of sleep takes just destroys your energy. So, although I've never had anything as bad as every 90 seconds, I can imagine and I feel your pain.

Weight loss however, I do have a lot of experience with. Exercise is a pyramid scheme. You need energy to get out the door and exercise, but doing exercise is what builds up your energy... It can be hard to get back into. The good news, is weightloss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. I've said it before, I have maintained/gained weight doing 10-12 hours a week SBR training for Ironman. I've lost weight doing 0 hours a week. Being on reduced exercise is not going to stop you losing weight. And you're not allowed to use it as an excuse.

You used to be on MyFitnessPal, get back into logging. Commit to a month of weighing everything that goes onto your plate (Be OCD about it, make sure your toast has 1 portion of peanut butter not 3 like most of us do) stick to 15-1800 cal per day, you will lose weight. A bit of exercise on top of that is gravy, but the calories in side of the equation is far more important. The "upgraded" app sucks, but I will check in on you over the next few days. I want to see lots of 'Qay17 met his calorie goal'

Alternatively, if you have the disposable income (and it can be expensive), if you were to do a program like jennycraig that takes all the administration (weighing things/counting calories etc) off your hands. You get given portion controlled meals, you eat what is supplied and you lose weight. If you stick to it it's as close to a sure thing as you can get.

This is all said from the point of view of someone who weighed in at his heaviest ever 10 days ago. (On the way back down, but 10 days is not much of a trend) So I am very happy to participate in any weightloss challenge/accountability ideas you have.

Last thing. You're engaged? Pretty sure that's new since you last posted around here. Congratulations Dave. That's fantastic. Wishing you nothing but happiness.
2022-09-13 7:05 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

I finally wrote a race report! It isn't as long as my MiTi report, but then, neither was the race!

Congratulations on a PR race and finishing up your season strong. Great job pushing through dodgy stomach issues, they can be crippling.

Lessons for the group, no dodgy day old mayo for breakfast on race day.
2022-09-13 7:12 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by Rollergirl
Originally posted by drfoodlove I finally wrote a race report! It isn't as long as my MiTi report, but then, neither was the race!
Well done! A PR in these conditions, take a bow!

Awesome race, Gretchen - I see you have some speed in you!  That's great work dropping 15+ minutes off an Oly PR. 

2022-09-13 7:15 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

@Dave - welcome back!!! 

There's I can add more than what everyone else had said other than jump on the support bandwagon and let's roll!

So happy for you getting engaged. 

2022-09-14 7:03 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

So I’m coming back to the BDAS for the accountability. Right now I need help with my diet and eating the right things not only during the day but at night as well.

That's when Andrew and I come in, different time zones (even different hemisphere for him). We've got you covered 24/7

2022-09-14 8:40 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

Originally posted by drfoodlove

I finally wrote a race report! It isn't as long as my MiTi report, but then, neither was the race!

Congratulations on a PR race and finishing up your season strong. Great job pushing through dodgy stomach issues, they can be crippling.

Lessons for the group, no dodgy day old mayo for breakfast on race day.

You'd think "no dodgy day old mayo" would just be a life lesson learned somewhere in my 43 years, but takes a race to really drive concept home.
2022-09-14 8:44 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

Gretchen, how are you feeling today? How is your arm? That sounds just awful!

A bit better today--the stabbing headache I had yesterday went away about 4pm, which is around the time my lymph nodes started swelling and hurting. Sigh...but seriously, I'll take sore/enlarged lymph nodes over that headache any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I've taken one more day off, just to myself recover from the race/vaccine double whammy. I did spend some of my time yesterday afternoon picking new training plans for both triathlon and strength training. Oh...and I finished my Christmas shopping. Sick days aren't all that bad!
2022-09-14 8:48 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Did go for a swim yesterday mind you but no training, no watch, just enjoying having the lake/beach to myself. Not cold yet, about 16C. Very comfortable with a wetsuit on.

I do not watch?!?! I didn't think the lake gods allowed you into the water without a device! :P Seriously...enjoy the two weeks off. It is a long season, and the mental break is so necessary (and physical, but that speaks for itself most of the time).

I won't even mention golf. My one attempt was with left handed clubs (I'm not left handed) and it was about as ugly as you might expect. Not my cup of tea, but if you ever need someone beat badly to boost your ego, I'm here for ya!

2022-09-14 9:15 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by Rollergirl Did go for a swim yesterday mind you but no training, no watch, just enjoying having the lake/beach to myself. Not cold yet, about 16C. Very comfortable with a wetsuit on.
I do not watch?!?! I didn't think the lake gods allowed you into the water without a device! :P Seriously...enjoy the two weeks off. It is a long season, and the mental break is so necessary (and physical, but that speaks for itself most of the time). I won't even mention golf. My one attempt was with left handed clubs (I'm not left handed) and it was about as ugly as you might expect. Not my cup of tea, but if you ever need someone beat badly to boost your ego, I'm here for ya!

Sorry I glossed over that comment from Nathalie.  That's 61 freedoms!!!  If I swam in water that cold I'd have a stroke.  As for golf I used to play A LOT like 25 years down to about a 14 handicap.  Now I'd be lucky to sniff 100 out there and that's if my back cooperates.  I'm taking my sticks with me when we chill for two weeks after my tri as we get free golf at the resorts so we'll just ride around in the cart and drink beer.  LOL

Supposed to do a quick OWS this morning but I somehow scratched my arm and there was some blood, so no go today until it heals over a little.  I moved it to Saturday.  No biggie.

I also took my bike in for my mechanic to undo all the damage I inflict on it during the summer - new tires, tubes, chain and cassette, plus fixed my completely not working front derailleur .  I'll take Ridley out for a spin today to get something in. 

2022-09-14 10:58 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Andrew and DQ, I'm also on MFP! I hadn't been using it much but would love to be more involved in more accountability! DQ we are already connected, but Andrew I am nerby14!

@Gretchen, I truly love your race reports. The monster crawl had me giggling. I pictured the dudes who were running being like, is it Nessy?! Oh no, it's just another triathlete going way faster than us!
Stinks about the broken fridge/old mayo/upset stomach, but to PR through all of that is incredibly impressive. Way to finish the season strong!

@Mike, I know you meant 61 fahrenheit, but the autocorrect made me giggle. 61 freedoms! lol
Good call about getting your bike checked out. I should probably do that with White Lightning before my tri.

2022-09-14 11:01 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
I did not do yoga yesterday, but did get a 30 minute ride in this morning. I'm due for a run, but also won't have access to my bike this weekend, so figured I'll run each day while I'm away.

I did take some measurements this morning. My nutritionist had me take them at the beginning of us working together, so about 1 1/3 months ago, and I've lost an inch on both my natural waist (smallest part) and abdomen (widest part). So feeling good about that little non-scale victory!
2022-09-14 11:20 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by nicole14e  @Mike, I know you meant 61 fahrenheit, but the autocorrect made me giggle. 61 freedoms! lol Good call about getting your bike checked out. I should probably do that with White Lightning before my tri.

Nope...61 freedoms for those communists that use the metric system.  'Murica!!! 

2022-09-14 11:41 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by nicole14e  @Mike, I know you meant 61 fahrenheit, but the autocorrect made me giggle. 61 freedoms! lol Good call about getting your bike checked out. I should probably do that with White Lightning before my tri.

Nope...61 freedoms for those communists that use the metric system.  'Murica!!! 

Oh! hahahaha missed that, hilarious

2022-09-14 11:41 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

User image

Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by nicole14e  @Mike, I know you meant 61 fahrenheit, but the autocorrect made me giggle. 61 freedoms! lol Good call about getting your bike checked out. I should probably do that with White Lightning before my tri.

Nope...61 freedoms for those communists that use the metric system.  'Murica!!! 

Oh! hahahaha missed that, hilarious
2022-09-14 11:59 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by drfoodlove I finally wrote a race report! It isn't as long as my MiTi report, but then, neither was the race!
Congratulations on a PR race and finishing up your season strong. Great job pushing through dodgy stomach issues, they can be crippling. Lessons for the group, no dodgy day old mayo for breakfast on race day.
You'd think "no dodgy day old mayo" would just be a life lesson learned somewhere in my 43 years, but takes a race to really drive concept home.

I think "no mayo-based Jimmy John subs" might be the root cause there, I mean, might as well eat leftover, left-out-all-night pizza.  Not that I've done that...I've just heard about it. 

This coming from a guy whose typically night before race dinner is pizza and wings, so who am I to critique.

2022-09-14 12:39 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by drfoodlove I finally wrote a race report! It isn't as long as my MiTi report, but then, neither was the race!
Congratulations on a PR race and finishing up your season strong. Great job pushing through dodgy stomach issues, they can be crippling. Lessons for the group, no dodgy day old mayo for breakfast on race day.
You'd think "no dodgy day old mayo" would just be a life lesson learned somewhere in my 43 years, but takes a race to really drive concept home.

I think "no mayo-based Jimmy John subs" might be the root cause there, I mean, might as well eat leftover, left-out-all-night pizza.  Not that I've done that...I've just heard about it. 

This coming from a guy whose typically night before race dinner is pizza and wings, so who am I to critique.

Oh...I know. It hurt me deeply to patronize Jimmy Johns, but it was the only non-fast food (sorta?) place in town that didn't have a two hour wait on Saturday night. I wanted to be sleeping by 8, not eating dinner! My normal pre-race meal is steak and potatoes, although that did kinda fail me at MiTi, but I was willing to give it another try.
2022-09-14 2:38 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

Did go for a swim yesterday mind you but no training, no watch, just enjoying having the lake/beach to myself. Not cold yet, about 16C. Very comfortable with a wetsuit on.

I do not watch?!?! I didn't think the lake gods allowed you into the water without a device! :P Seriously...enjoy the two weeks off. It is a long season, and the mental break is so necessary (and physical, but that speaks for itself most of the time).

I won't even mention golf. My one attempt was with left handed clubs (I'm not left handed) and it was about as ugly as you might expect. Not my cup of tea, but if you ever need someone beat badly to boost your ego, I'm here for ya!

Yes, the mental break is welcome. Nice to to have to think about training for a while.
2022-09-14 2:40 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

User image

, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

I did not do yoga yesterday, but did get a 30 minute ride in this morning. I'm due for a run, but also won't have access to my bike this weekend, so figured I'll run each day while I'm away.

I did take some measurements this morning. My nutritionist had me take them at the beginning of us working together, so about 1 1/3 months ago, and I've lost an inch on both my natural waist (smallest part) and abdomen (widest part). So feeling good about that little non-scale victory!


2022-09-14 2:58 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove
Oh...and I finished my Christmas shopping. Sick days aren't all that bad!

You what??

Seems insane!
2022-09-14 6:40 PM
in reply to: #5282759

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Nathalie—I know, it is very early, but one of the things I promised my wife when she agreed to me going to Egypt for nine months spanning the holidays was that I would do the Christmas shopping for my side of the family before I leave. Seems only fair. I also got my wife to pick out her own present, so all I had to do was click the link and enter my card info (which is dumb, because we share all our accounts, she could have done it just as easily).
2022-09-14 7:06 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove @Nathalie—I know, it is very early, but one of the things I promised my wife when she agreed to me going to Egypt for nine months spanning the holidays was that I would do the Christmas shopping for my side of the family before I leave. Seems only fair. I also got my wife to pick out her own present, so all I had to do was click the link and enter my card info (which is dumb, because we share all our accounts, she could have done it just as easily).

You're late according to my wife.  LOL  Meanwhile, on or about December 20th there will be Mike running around the house asking everyone what they want for Christmas...

2022-09-15 12:24 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2022 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

@Nathalie—I know, it is very early, but one of the things I promised my wife when she agreed to me going to Egypt for nine months spanning the holidays was that I would do the Christmas shopping for my side of the family before I leave. Seems only fair. I also got my wife to pick out her own present, so all I had to do was click the link and enter my card info (which is dumb, because we share all our accounts, she could have done it just as easily).

Ah, OK, that makes sense, it’s not an every year occurrence.

I stopped buying Christmas gifts years ago, so liberating. I send large package with food stuff from Sweden for my mum and my siblings (and families) who spend Xmas with her. No stress.

Hubby and I only gave something to our son for a few years but now we’re back to giving each other gifts.I refuse to tell him what I want but drop some hints and he usually gets it right. I have been successful too for the last couple of years. I would totally refuse to click on a link he sends me.
Also We buy one present for ourselves which we open on Christmas day. Last year, I sent back the gift I sent to myself because it was not what I wanted. (True story)
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