Subject: RE: Team Lively Lava notarunnr - 2008-04-24 1:23 PM Girl Passing on Left - 2008-04-24 12:20 PM Reno8 - 2008-04-24 6:45 AM Nicole and Julie....please get to feeling better...and Julie,,congrats on the job Have a great training story to relate...but have to go right marathon fireman buddy just called and wants to meet so we can lay out my plan for the Disney marathon in Jan......I am soooooo stoked. My PR for a half-mary is why do I go to a guy that has run a sub2:30 full mary for advise...I guess for the same reason I have been married for 33 years....I love the abuse. Later you Lovely Lava Ladies. lava you always bring a big smile to my face! thanks!!!! I woke up and went to the hospital for routine blood work...had to fast for it...and I am big on getting up and eating a bowl of cereal, so this has been a task for me! got it, looks like I am done with hospital/doctors for some time now! woo hoo! I feel ok...but still not great! I am still taking my Echinacea, my vitamin and will take nyquil later this afternoon and go back to bed early again! I have not slept this much in years! but I know it is what I need! thanks to all of you for your kind words! I WILL feel better on Saturday! I MUST! ok, no inspires today, but know that I am thinking of you all! Go LAVA! We may be slow flowing...but I can see a huge improvement on all your goals! go get em! I will hit race this weekend will put me over 110% on the bike, my swim will get me close to 100% and I have next week to go do an OWS to get me to that 110%...and my run this weekend at the race will get me semi close to 100%, but plan on some runs next week....I just think it would be dumb to go and push the envelope today! even though I am feeling a bit better! Have a great day guys! Go get em TEAM!!! I really love to look at Pansies...but never been fond of being called one! and buttercup...nah!! not for me! goooooooo gooooo gooo LAVA GOOOOOOO! Julie, I command you to rest! Take it easy today, you got a race coming up. If you are feeling better tomorrow maybe just an easy jog to stay lose for the race. But don't overdo before your race....We know you will finish with 110% in all your disciplines.....even swimming, you wouldn't let me down would you? Did you say command!!!??? But BUT BUT!!! OK! Probably not a smart thing to do! I am just soooooo mad that I had to get sick and right before my race. I can not tell you the last time I was sick!! thanks Tammy...I know I probably should not be going, but it sounded good... thanks Tammy! Your wish is my command....I mean your command is not my wish....I mean...I am not going swimming, now.... you are right, Tammy!! not to bright an idea...but sure looked good on paper! |