BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-18 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
no worries Will we all understand as we all have been there before and totally understand

2008-01-18 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Question about swimming. Does anyone use a nose plug? I don't exhale through my nose and when I come up for air I wind up having water go in my nose at some point just looking for tips or ideas on how to have this not happen
2008-01-18 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1164996

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Renee on HR steady during runs

rreischl - 2008-01-18 6:09 PM

Yanti, I've got a question on my long runs, where I'm supposed to be building my base . . . My next long run will be approx 7 miles and I'm just wondering the best way to go about it . . .

So far on my long runs I have been aiming (based on an article you posted) to hit a target HR and then try to stay there.  I usually do this by starting my workout at a speed that takes me right up to that HR (after a warmup of course) . . . inevitably over time my HR climbs and I end up bringing my speed down to keep my HR somewhat level.

I noticed yesterday, that in a short warmup jog, I was able to keep my HR below that usual target for almost a mile, at a speed just a tad lower than where I normally start.  I am wondering if I should start a little easier the first couple miles (thus below the target HR), then add speed if needed in the middle to bring the HR up?

Hopefully this question makes sense to you . . .?


YES, and YES! (Boy, do I love your questions ) That's exactly it. It's also an excellent strategy for longer races.

The HR climb is known as cardiac drift. The more you build your fitness level, the less your HR wanders.

2008-01-18 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1163326

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-18 4:54 AM

Renee on HIM training

First of all, SUPER CONGRATS on signing up for Kansas, and I agree with Shawn--you are a fantastic MANATEE and you are going to ROCK.

 Thanks Yanti!  Can't go too wrong with the help and support from you and this team!

 Five months is plenty to build a good base in the three sports. And you sort-of get a coach with a gold membership--use every resource you can to the fullest. And this is just my random thought (although the great coaches agree with me :) ha, ha, ha) ... people in their first few years of endurance sports really don't need to do a lot of speedwork, if any, before getting to the race. You're better off building a super aerobic engine.

 VERY happy to hear you say 5 months sound ok for building a base . . .

 For doing a half-iron, The Perfect Distance by Tom Rodgers is essential, and I don't mean when-you-have-time, I mean now, reading. Skim-read the whole thing through, then refer back to and re-read parts carefully as needed. The Triathlete's Training Bible (Joe Friel) you can peruse at your leisure. It's best digested chunks at a time.

 I had "The Perfect Distance" on my Amazon wish list and my little brother got me a copy for Christmas . . . soooo . . . it sounds like I better make time, sooner than later, to get through it!  Check!

 Good luck finding an Oly nearby at the right time. There must be something! Trifind,, post furiously in the Midwest forums here and maybe even post in THAT FORUM WHICH SHALL NOT BE NAMED ... heck, if all else fails and you're willing to go as far as Texas--then you may as well come and crash at my place, we have a gazillion tris all the time here. (That goes for the rest of you, too.)

 Be careful what you say . . . I just may take you up on that :)  It would be awesome to get a chance to meet you in person!  I chose Texas originally, thinking I could possibly drive, but looking at ticket prices, flying would be cheaper anyhow!  Soooo that definately opens up my options :)

What a wonderful journey you have ahead. I am so excited for you!!!

 Thanks Yanti!  And thanks for sharing your experience on the swimming improvements taking time . . . I AM listening to you and "Queen TinkerBeth" :)  I'll keep working on form and try to patiently wait for a TINY increase in speed at least!  I think I'm going to start practicing bilateral breathing now . . . that way if I develop any bad habits while making that switch, hopefully the swim "instructor" will be able to spot them . . . though I'm really not so sure he will!!

Thanks for all of your help!!


Edited by rreischl 2008-01-18 8:27 PM
2008-01-18 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1165010

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

wplummer - 2008-01-18 6:16 PM
TriAya - 2008-01-17 10:41 PM Holy sea cows, you have been a bunch of mouthy Manatees! I *heart* this fantastic group and the constant support and enthusiasm. Time for me to unwind, rewind, and run my own mouth off in a bunch of sequential posts
i do have to aplogize for being absent lately. work has dominated my time, followed a close second with family duties. i do promise to be more active. with yanti's motivation and encouragement we cant go wrong.

What, you mean you've allowed LIFE to interfere with BT? Never!!! It's just wonderful to see you, and congrats on remembering and paying attention to what's truly fundamental in your life. Cheers!

2008-01-18 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1165020

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-18 6:23 PM Question about swimming. Does anyone use a nose plug? I don't exhale through my nose and when I come up for air I wind up having water go in my nose at some point just looking for tips or ideas on how to have this not happen

I don't currently, but I have (when I was having chronic sinus infections). It really helps some people. For a few dollars, it can't hurt to try.

2008-01-18 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Shawn, I don't currently use one . . . but haven't needed one either.  I would like to learn to do flip turns, then I just may need to try them out!

Hey . . . great job getting up early and getting that swim in!!


2008-01-18 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1165018

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-18 8:21 PM no worries Will we all understand as we all have been there before and totally understand

x2 WILL!!!  TOTALLY understand

2008-01-18 8:39 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Nose clips/plugs

I knew I'd seen a thread on this (there have been several--try "nose plug" or "nose clip" in Search Forums), but this one's good:

2008-01-18 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1164860

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-18 5:36 PM

Fielding - 2008-01-18 3:18 PM Ugh. I'm trying to decide what to do about training this week. I seem to have developed some sort of bug that makes me feel exhausted pretty much all the time. It's like that feeling you get before you're actually sick -- the coming-down-with-something feeling, you know? Only ALL THE TIME. I hate that feeling more than actually being sick. I wish my body would just make up its mind and either recover or get sick so I can get over it. Anyway, I skipped my workout last night, and now I don't know what to do this weekend. I'm not feeling terrible, just super tired. But I hate flaking on my training plan. I could just do it but take it easy, but the idea of putting on my swimsuit and getting in the pool is just...ick. No thank you. Sorry, mostly I just felt like . It looks like lots of you guys have happy things going on lately. Yay! I like reading about all your adventures.

You will still be fit enough when you feel better...don't sweat it.  Maybe just take a walk or something to get your blood flowing, or tell yourself just do to five or ten minutes of whatever and see what happens.  I have sort of the same feeling today, but I forced myself into the pool and ended up having a really good swim. Then I rewarded myself with a steam.  Ah!  Time for some caffeine now.  I am a total coffee addict, I admit it!  This weekend just ease into it--depending on where you are in your plan, maybe you can make this your recovery week and start building again next week.

Erin . . . sorry you aren't feeling well!!  I've gotta agree with Leslie . . on doing just a little something to get your blood flowing . . HECK, I think it was YOU that suggested the same to me when I wasn't feeling well LOL!  Hope you're back to 100% soon!

Leslie, good to hear you got a great swim in!!  Nice Job!

2008-01-19 3:10 AM
in reply to: #1165021

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-18 8:24 PM

Renee on HR steady during runs

rreischl - 2008-01-18 6:09 PM

Yanti, I've got a question on my long runs, where I'm supposed to be building my base . . . My next long run will be approx 7 miles and I'm just wondering the best way to go about it . . .

So far on my long runs I have been aiming (based on an article you posted) to hit a target HR and then try to stay there.  I usually do this by starting my workout at a speed that takes me right up to that HR (after a warmup of course) . . . inevitably over time my HR climbs and I end up bringing my speed down to keep my HR somewhat level.

I noticed yesterday, that in a short warmup jog, I was able to keep my HR below that usual target for almost a mile, at a speed just a tad lower than where I normally start.  I am wondering if I should start a little easier the first couple miles (thus below the target HR), then add speed if needed in the middle to bring the HR up?

Hopefully this question makes sense to you . . .?


YES, and YES! (Boy, do I love your questions ) That's exactly it. It's also an excellent strategy for longer races.

The HR climb is known as cardiac drift. The more you build your fitness level, the less your HR wanders.

Thanks for the quick response tonight Yanti!  I went ahead and did my long run tonight . . . I know, exciting Friday night   It was better than fighting the people tomorrow!

Anyhow, I REALLY liked how it worked for me!  I was able to keep my HR where I wanted it almost the whole time!  I felt like my pace is improving, yet I felt better during the run and was able to keep my HR down . . . I guess that's the idea

Ok, off to get some sleep . . . thanks again!


2008-01-19 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Time for me to get some time on a spin bike. Wish it would get nice so I can get my REAL bike out. Or I just need to get the winter gear I guess
2008-01-19 1:43 PM
in reply to: #1165472

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 9:24 AM Time for me to get some time on a spin bike. Wish it would get nice so I can get my REAL bike out. Or I just need to get the winter gear I guess

Still, you're amazing. I don't know how you just go-go-go! And with all those kids!

I was supposed to go to an all-day Spinning(R) seminar today (with 2.5h of riding), but my house is in dire need of cleaning (I am too, by this point, but may as well finish up the house). I have to go close the building down after the seminar's done--maybe I'll catch the late ride.

2008-01-19 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
All the kids are in swim lessons at the time put the little one in Play care and got 13 miles in 37 min done not to bad then a nice little cool down walk on the treadmill.
2008-01-19 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1165472

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 9:24 AM Time for me to get some time on a spin bike. Wish it would get nice so I can get my REAL bike out. Or I just need to get the winter gear I guess

Even with winter gear, it still needs to be relatively decent weather, IMHO, or I am not getting out there in it!  Maybe on my mountain bike.....maybe.  But the road bike, she needs sunshine and dry roads.  Also, the people around here aren't very used to bikes on the road yet, so I don't really trust them too much to watch out for bikers.  Unfortunately where I live it's mostly road riding with a few bike lanes here and there.  I did get winter gear for Christmas and have enjoyed it, ON SUNNY DAYS!    I went for a trail run this morning which was awesome!!!  Felt like I could have run for hours and hours and hours.  But kept it short as both people I was with weren't ready for the super long distances YET.

2008-01-19 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1165610

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-19 11:51 AM

I went for a trail run this morning which was awesome!!! Felt like I could have run for hours and hours and hours. But kept it short as both people I was with weren't ready for the super long distances YET.

Sure brag about your running endurance!!. Just kiddin that is awesome I love that feeling when things are just right and you are in that ZONE. I just wish it would happen more often for me.

2008-01-19 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1165638

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 12:19 PM
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-19 11:51 AM I went for a trail run this morning which was awesome!!! Felt like I could have run for hours and hours and hours. But kept it short as both people I was with weren't ready for the super long distances YET.


Sure brag about your running endurance!!. Just kiddin that is awesome I love that feeling when things are just right and you are in that ZONE. I just wish it would happen more often for me.

A-ha! But it CAN! The ZONE can be summoned at will!

Wasn't somebody supposed to post something about mental training ... oh, and an index ... who's leading this outfit, anyway? Oughtta be fired!

So glad you guys got some lovely training in ...

Edited by TriAya 2008-01-19 2:41 PM
2008-01-19 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1165610

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I don't even have shoe covers are toe covers so my feet just freeze. Everything else I can wear enough layers. Running tights and shorts. I have some stuff coming and hope to get to buy some more real soon but it will be spring here soon (I HOPE) and nice and warm and lots of time to ride.
2008-01-19 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1165646

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-19 12:40 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 12:19 PM
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-19 11:51 AM I went for a trail run this morning which was awesome!!! Felt like I could have run for hours and hours and hours. But kept it short as both people I was with weren't ready for the super long distances YET.

Sure brag about your running endurance!!. Just kiddin that is awesome I love that feeling when things are just right and you are in that ZONE. I just wish it would happen more often for me.

A-ha! But it CAN! The ZONE can be summoned at will!

Wasn't somebody supposed to post something about mental training ... oh, and an index ... who's leading this outfit, anyway? Oughtta be fired!

So glad you guys got some lovely training in ...

I am pretty sure we left you in charge of that Yanti!!!
2008-01-19 3:44 PM
in reply to: #1165648

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 12:42 PM
TriAya - 2008-01-19 12:40 PM

Wasn't somebody supposed to post something about mental training ... oh, and an index ... who's leading this outfit, anyway? Oughtta be fired!

So glad you guys got some lovely training in ...

I am pretty sure we left you in charge of that Yanti!!!

And whose brilliant idea was THAT?! Oh wait ... guilty as charged ... AGAIN ...

2008-01-19 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1165696

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-19 1:44 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 12:42 PM
TriAya - 2008-01-19 12:40 PM

Wasn't somebody supposed to post something about mental training ... oh, and an index ... who's leading this outfit, anyway? Oughtta be fired!

So glad you guys got some lovely training in ...

I am pretty sure we left you in charge of that Yanti!!!

And whose brilliant idea was THAT?! Oh wait ... guilty as charged ... AGAIN ...

you must respect the girl who likes T.I.T.S. and chocolate cake....but that is only one mans opinion.

2008-01-19 4:55 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hi everyone! 

wow, what a chatty and specatular group of people you all are! - so much to absorb

nose plugs - I'm not personally a fan, but....if it helps one feel more comfortable, then that is what is more important

so, i've just spent the last 3 hours making enchiladas for my daughter's VB party, so I'm not prepared to discuss breathing technique while swimming - ask me how to prepare the tortillas or how much cheese to use, or .................

argh, i'm brain dead

i will be giving some thought to the subject though and you will hear from me soon


2008-01-19 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Yes I am not sure about them but I hate water running in through my nose and down my throat. I know I should just learn to exhale through my nose and that would solve that but it is more when I come up for air that I have the problems
2008-01-19 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1165710

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
wplummer - 2008-01-19 2:01 PM

TriAya - 2008-01-19 1:44 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-19 12:42 PM
TriAya - 2008-01-19 12:40 PM

Wasn't somebody supposed to post something about mental training ... oh, and an index ... who's leading this outfit, anyway? Oughtta be fired!

So glad you guys got some lovely training in ...

I am pretty sure we left you in charge of that Yanti!!!

And whose brilliant idea was THAT?! Oh wait ... guilty as charged ... AGAIN ...

you must respect the girl who likes T.I.T.S. and chocolate cake....but that is only one mans opinion.

Is there any WHIP cream with this??
2008-01-19 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Little bit of post padding here but just wishing everyone a good night I am off to watch UFC tonight. Going to run tomorrow see how many days I can go doing some sort of training!! hopefully reach my monthly goal tomorrow for TEAM SCRAMBLED LEGS and have to up it for the last week!!
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