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2010-08-06 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Welcome. Thanks for the information!

Welcome to you to. Will you have a sharpie with you to tallie how many people you pass on your bib, or will you be keeping the areo-helmeted, disc-wheeled, younger athletes in your head to taunt them later? I'm older than you, but I'm feeling challenged to go get either a disc wheel or an areo helmet, neither of which I currently own just to be part of your challenge.    Go get 'em!

2010-08-06 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Ok...tomorrow's sprint triathlon (400m/15mi/5k) has 800 participants. My goal is still to be in the top 5-10. We'll see what happens.

My other main goal is that both my daughters complete the kids race happy and without harm.
2010-08-06 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3026909

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Brownie28 - 2010-08-06 8:20 AM

Is there any interest in meeting Thursday, Friday or Saturday before the race?'d just be me, myself and I but I'll be at my parents place on Thursday with nothing but nerves and a little training to keep me busy, I'd love to have a pre-race get-together with all my fellow Timberman BT'ers!

Love the idea of meeting up, I will be antsy and nervous and pacing around Thursday in Gilford.  I will do some light training but really I will be ready to spontaneously combust. 

2010-08-06 9:36 AM
in reply to: #3026969

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Tri Sam - 2010-08-06 7:58 AM

Any suggestions on where to meet? A place to eat, etc.

I'm heading up this weekend, I'll ask my parents for a suggestion.  I know along Rt. 3 there's a bunch of places. 

Considering most people are mostly staying in the Gilford area and Sam is in Tilton (a little SW) it might make sense to meet in the middle, near the center of Laconia.  As I said, I'll scope it out this weekend and come back with a few suggestions.
2010-08-06 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

Happy Friday everyone....hope y'all are looking forward to a great weekend.

Brownie that is a sweet, sweet ride you have there. Good luck with trying out the new toys, glad to hear you've healed up after that tough experience you had at the last race.

I'm definitely looking forward to meeting all you BT'ers up there.  Elizabeth, Chloe and I are arriving Friday and we're doing the camping thing at Gunstock. we saved a few $$ that way so we are doing the pasta bake on Saturday. Right now Friday or Saturday during the day and post race Sunday seems best so I really hope it works out to meet you folks on one or more of those days.

Sprint tomorrow down on the Jersey Shore, race sold out but it's pretty small - 300 racers. Swim 1/3 mile * Bike 15 miles * Run 3.5 miles. Looking to have a lot of fun and get thru it healthy.

Sam - good luck this weekend, I expect to see a podium finish for you young man!

2010-08-06 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Quick Q for one of my athletes - do you guys know what drink they'll offer on course, G-ade or the new Power Bar performance? I didn't see anything on the website...


2010-08-06 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Guilford, CT
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Jorge, one of my friends I'm doing it with asked and got this reply.  Although, I think it might be Gatorade Endurance formula but not sure...

Thank you for your email and interest in Ironman.

Ironman PERFORM will not be offered on this course. Gatorade will serve as the product on the run and bike courses.

Thank you,

Maria Spesia
Athlete Services Coordinator
Ironman World Headquarters
2701 North Rocky Point Drive
Suite 1250 | Tampa, FL 33607
(p) 813-868-5988 (f) 813-868-5930
2010-08-06 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2463034

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Bucks County
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
All Ironman events are going to begin using the PowerBar performance drink. Although I don't know if that necessary will fall in line with Timberman. I thought I read that the drink will be introduced as select Ironman events and I do not remember seeing the Timberman in the list.
2010-08-06 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
I have not been posting much here but have been reading along.  I am starting to get nervous!  I have no expectations other than to cross the finish line on Aug. 22.  I had signed up for Timberman in the fall last yr, but then we got the call from our adoption agency that we were going to be adopting our son.  So my winter was spent traveling back and forth to Russia 3 times, and preparing to bring him home, then adjusting to having him home.  Training over the winter was non existent.  (I am more than OK with that) so my "training" this spring/summer was really just my base building to get the volume up.  I told myself I would rather push and participate and cross the finish line, rather than use the adoption as an excuse and give up.  Ok enough rambling....

Sam- I rented a car for myself that I pick up on saturday for the same reasons you are looking for a ride.  I didn't want to force my husband and 2 kids (7yr old and 16 mo old) to wake before the sun came up just so I could get to the park.  I pick the car up on sat. morn and return it mon. morn.  I know it was an added expense but it seems like it will be worth it.  I am staying north of the race site so not really near where you are staying.  

I was just reading the Athlete Guide that they posted this week on the Timberman site.  I have a question since I have never done a half before.  When we set up transition is it like other smaller races where you put your running shoes/visor etc on the ground next to your wheel?  I will also have my inhaler that I will need to use before bike and take with me on the run, and since I am fair I will need sunscreen in transition so I can reapply in T2.  Does all this just sit on a small towel next to my wheel like all my other races or is there some other setup?  I read about the morning clothes bag??  I assume that is just dry clothes etc for after you cross the finish line??

You all seem very well prepared for this race!  I hope to get to meet some of you.

And I STILL can't get answers about the Timberkids Adventure race.  They do have info posted now about the Timbercamp online, but I am not interested in that.  

2010-08-06 1:18 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
First of will be fine and you WILL cross that line.
Secondly, thank you for thinking of me regarding the race day. I'll figure something out. I'm not stressed about it.
Others may have a better answer, but I believe the transition will be similar to most triathlons, in the way you described.
Shoot, I forgot if there was something else you brought up...
Congratulations on your adoption by the way.
Good luck!
2010-08-06 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
OH! The Timberkids race. Yeah, I don't know anything about it either. I believe at least two of my four kids want to do it, but we'll see. I have not seen any details about it either. It turn out to be a glorified 100m dash with hay bales to jump over...who knows?

2010-08-06 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Welcome back elbi! Congrats!

I am in a similar boat looking for a lift to the race so my family can sleep in and come later.  We are staying at condo in Laconia (Summit), maybe that's close enough to someone for a lift

Timberkids Race is on and being run by NH Make a Wish foundation.  I tracked down the organizer (see below for email).   Both my boys are going to participate, and I will probably too.  It's $20 donation per child, $100 per adult.  It's a fundraising charity event, which I think is cool. 

John, thanks for the email.  Yes, I am the contact for the race.  The kids race at 2:00 PM on Saturday Aug 21 - with all proceeds going to The Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Hampshire.  Chrissie Wellington will be there to hand out medals to the kids - so it's a "can't miss" race.  We have created an online registration option to sign up, but you are also welcome to wait to register on site at 1:00 PM at the Make-A-Wish tent at Ellacoya.  I've included the registration link below.  It takes a few steps to register and create your child as a fundraiser, but it will eliminate the long lines on race day and cost the same.  We are expecting several hundred kids to participate.  Right now, it's scheduled as a 1K fun run on the race course - with a special Make-A-Wish theme where your child will be running with another child's wish.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.  You can also see the video of our Mooseman race on the sign up site, but we had horrible weather that day and low turn out.  Timberman will be much, much larger.  
Chris Reap
Wish Racing Co-Chair
Executive Board Member - The Make-A-Wish Foundation of New Hampshire
[email protected]
2010-08-06 6:52 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Thanks guys.  And thanks for the info on the Timberkids.  My daughter is excited to do it, whatever they end up doing.  So if I go and watch her do that I will be going to the later pre-race meeting.  
2010-08-06 7:38 PM
in reply to: #3028026

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Extreme Veteran
Watertown, MA
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Hey John,

You're in luck!  I'm about two minutes from the Summit, would have no problem picking you up. 

Sam, if you don't have any luck with other alternatives then I can still give you a ride as well, as I said though I'm not terribly close to Tilton.  Let me know either way. 

Just talked to the fam about different restaurants in there area, here are a few options: Patricks (pretty cheap, bar/restaurant type place; about 5 minutes from Ellacoya); Friendlies (might be a good call if we do lunch and with kids there as well; another mile down from Patricks on rt. 3), T-Bones (steak joint, supposed to be pretty good, $15-20 entrees, pretty much right at Friendlies); Fratello's (carb loading Italian place, 15-20 entrees, another mile down from Friendlies).

Those might be the best options...if someone else knows of something in the area then throw it out there.  I'll defer the decision to those with kids and whatnot--schedules, food tastes and budgets are all pretty easy when you're single! 

Have a great weekend everyone!
2010-08-06 8:02 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread

Thanks for doing the legwork on the what's and wherefors.
I talked to my wife today and she said it would be best if I met with all of you solo as to reduce child stress.
As far as choices of food etc. INexpensive is good for me and I am not particular.
We'll just have to keep the conversatin afloat until more conclusions are made.

Simon...I'll do what I can, but I like your attitude!


2010-08-06 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3028644

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Brownie, thanks for checking stuff out. 

I am open to whatever works best for everyone. 

Wow...I am getting really excited. I looked at the athlete guide today and it really hit me how close we are!! WOOO

2010-08-06 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Where is the? "Athlete Guide" found?  Is it under "Information"?
2010-08-06 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3028693

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Extreme Veteran
Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Tri Sam - 2010-08-06 8:42 PM Where is the? "Athlete Guide" found?  Is it under "Information"?
When you go to the main page look on the right Where it says Race Essentials.  It lists weather, race countdown, 2010 Timberman guide and 2010 Dinner tickets.   
2010-08-06 8:46 PM
in reply to: #3028693

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Caratunk, Maine
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Tri Sam - 2010-08-06 9:42 PM Where is the? "Athlete Guide" found?  Is it under "Information"?


Here it is!

2010-08-07 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Thank you very much for the Athlete Guide Information!

This morning's triathlon: 11th overall; 1st (35-39)*. *= Actual first place for 35-39 was the second overall again...Second 35-39.

I met most of my goals and I am happy with the outcome (race report later...I'm not sure when).

My 11 year-old placed 4th (top 5 got hardware).
My 8 year-old placed 7th, but she and several others missed a turn and rode twice as far (very nervous moments for us).

Before the race I told them there were 4-keys to sucess in the triathlon for them.
1. Get out of the swim safely.
2. Get off the bike safely.
3. Finish the run safely.
4. Have fun

They met all of the goals I set for them!

2010-08-07 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2463034

New York
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Made our way up to ride the Timberman bike course today. Wife had us take a wrong turn out of the park, So we got 10 miles out before we realized we were going the wrong way on 11. Got some extra hills I guess. Because of that, we wound up cutting down our ride a bit and didn't do the whole course, but got through all the scary stuff. Those hills are tough, but we managed to do pretty close to race pace (I think we were about 1 MPH down from my target) for the chunk we did. 

The one positive is that as long as I get through the climbs in one piece (even doing a little walking which while ego bruising will likely be necessary), I'm thinking I have a shot at making my goal of 4 hours. Because I was absolutely BOMBING IT on the downhills. On the way back down the big hills on 11A, I hit 45 MPH! And I wasn't maximizing descent effort either. I didn't pedal for 3 miles at one point. So, it's got that going for it. 

2010-08-07 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Good for you! Put the lumber to those challenges baby!
2010-08-07 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3029594

New York
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Sam - Thanks! Will do my best. If I DNF, it'll be because they dragged me off the course kicking and screaming not cause I quit.

Also, what part of MI are you from? I grew up in southern Monroe County. My family still lives there 
2010-08-07 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2463034

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2010-08-08 1:18 PM
in reply to: #3029677

New user
Subject: RE: Timberman - Half Iron : Official Thread
Bib's usually go out 3-5 days before the race.

Got a long ride in yesterday and then a long run today.  Recovery was decent, but need to focus on nutrition/water more.

Had flat #7 in 2 months, all on the same wheel.  Had the tire replaced, then I get a tear where the valve stem section meets the tube.  Hoping my race wheels don't have the same problem
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