BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-01-12 4:31 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
That Disney 5K sounds like a blastLaughing

2012-01-12 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3985393

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
wagonnatri - 2012-01-12 12:54 AM

Missed my master swim workout tonight.  Apparently a little one wee'd in the shallow end of the pool and they had to close the pool and clean it.  Pool will reopen tomorrow morning.  Tonight Wednesday will be my rest day instead of Friday this week due to pool closure.  One has to learn to be flexible about things you have no control over.  As was the case with missing my 1.5 hour swim workout tonight. Life happens or in this case wee happened.

On a more exciting note.  My nephew who is running as a "lost boy" in the Tinkerbell HM with his mom and aunties at the end of the month texted me yesterday. "Aunt Chris would you be interested in running the less tinkalicious 5K with me at Disneyland on Friday night?"  The cost of the 5K was $99 bucks.  I have been saving my mad money to spend while I am at Disneyland. BUT then I thought to myself. Self, do you really need all those trinkets & such, no.  Instead wouldn't you rather spend some of the mad money you saved on a precious running memory with your nephew. Yes I would. How many people get the opportunity to run  through Disneyland at 10:30 at night.  It will be a slow 5K as we plan to pause and be total Disney character posers throughout the run.  Laughing

Disney races are crazy expensive.  That's one of the reasons I stopped doing them.  However, if any of my nieces or nephews invited me to run the "less tinkalicious 5k" with them I would too would pay the money and be thrilled to do so.  Have fun!



2012-01-12 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
12/4 - 179.5
12/11 - 172.5
12/23 - 171
12/29 - 169.5
1/8 - 168
1/12 - 166

Still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually losing weight.  Went to the doc this a.m. and bp is down to normal again.  I'll find out about cholesterols tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.

2012-01-12 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3985420

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Honey~Badger - 2012-01-12 4:31 AM That Disney 5K sounds like a blastLaughing

x2.  I wish I had gotten into this sport...or any sport...when I lived down there. 

2012-01-12 9:59 AM
in reply to: #3942879

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Ugh...  I got some bad news today, a position that I have been in the application process/wait list/background checks for the past year just announced that it is in a hiring freeze until at least FY2013 and even then it will be of a limited hiring capacity, at least I'm into endurance sports so I can wait it out.  I'm thankful to have a job but dang I was hoping to move up.

BUT looking at the silver linning is I now know I can concentrate on Tri training and got the not going to call it permission per say but more like the ok to go for that Key West Full that was announced yesterday.

I've got nothing to report training wise short run last night and just waiting to see how cold it will be saturday.  Mid 30-40s is expected what would some of ou cold weather folk be wearing?  I'm thinking running tights long sleeve shirt, or arm warmers and a hat.

2012-01-12 10:10 AM
in reply to: #3986042

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-12 10:59 AM

I've got nothing to report training wise short run last night and just waiting to see how cold it will be saturday.  Mid 30-40s is expected what would some of ou cold weather folk be wearing?  I'm thinking running tights long sleeve shirt, or arm warmers and a hat.

Sorry about the job news!  ARG!

About the half marathon -- it depends on how quickly it will warm up.  With an 8:00 start you should finish by 10:00-11:00 so that's not a lot of time for a heat wave to develop.  I would probably go with running tights or capris, long sleeved T and a vest.  I'm a big fan of the vest.  I'd go with my regular running hat (baseball style).  If it was 45 I would probably ditch the vest and definitely go with carpis instead of tights.  Don't forget sunglasses if you normally run with them.

2012-01-12 10:53 AM
in reply to: #3985236

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

kgore - 2012-01-11 7:20 PM Aw nevermind---I guess my tiny little brain decided that the headaches could start tonight! ug...PAIN!!!!! Even worse, it is way too late to have any caffeine to get rid of it! If I did, I wouldn't sleep at all tonight...I think I will whine the rest of the night and let Clint feel sorry for me.Cry


How about weaning yourself off of the caffeine instead of cold turkey and you'll not suffer headaches. Good idea with the weak tea or coffee, too. You can always do 1/2 caf and 1/2 decaf and reduce your caffeine that way. Just a thought. Hate to see you suffer.

2012-01-12 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3985781

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
crews - 2012-01-12 6:37 AM 12/4 - 179.5
12/11 - 172.5
12/23 - 171
12/29 - 169.5
1/8 - 168
1/12 - 166

Still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually losing weight.  Went to the doc this a.m. and bp is down to normal again.  I'll find out about cholesterols tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.


Woo-woo!!! Congrats. Hope your numbers reflect your wt. loss. I bet they will.

2012-01-12 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3986042

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-12 7:59 AM

Ugh...  I got some bad news today, a position that I have been in the application process/wait list/background checks for the past year just announced that it is in a hiring freeze until at least FY2013 and even then it will be of a limited hiring capacity, at least I'm into endurance sports so I can wait it out.  I'm thankful to have a job but dang I was hoping to move up.

BUT looking at the silver linning is I now know I can concentrate on Tri training and got the not going to call it permission per say but more like the ok to go for that Key West Full that was announced yesterday.

I've got nothing to report training wise short run last night and just waiting to see how cold it will be saturday.  Mid 30-40s is expected what would some of ou cold weather folk be wearing?  I'm thinking running tights long sleeve shirt, or arm warmers and a hat.


Not sure about how cold it's going to be, but you'll warm up to some degree. You probably know this, but I always stay toasty warm with beanie, gloves, long sweats and jackets beforehand, drop the long pants and anything else I don't want to start the run with in the bag drop. I keep older big shirts from my DH and old jackets I was going to donate anyway, and wear those as layers, then shed the layers on the race, usually by an aid station, as I run. Most race organizers donate the clothing to the homeless or another charity so you don't have to worry about littering. For me, as long as my hands, core (that's where that vest comes in handy) and head is warm, I'm fine. A cheap beanie and gloves go a long way.


Sorry about the job news,  but happy about the possibility of Key West. I looked at that and it's quite tempting. I guess there would be no better place for a Manatee reunion than the Keys and while I lived in Florida for some time and went to college there, I've never been to the Keys. Hmmmm....


Have a great day everyone! Keep up the amazing training. You guys really do rock.


Oh, and uh, I'd totally run that 5K with your family. Sounds like fun.

Edited by lmscozz 2012-01-12 11:02 AM
2012-01-12 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3984283

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
jmkizer - 2012-01-12 3:12 AM
Asalzwed - 2012-01-11 2:03 PM
jmkizer - 2012-01-11 12:38 PM

Oh no!  I received an announcement for an event that I didn't need to know about -- Bone Island Tri

key words included

  • wetsuit legal
  • current assisted
  • pancake flat

It's a full/half iron in the Florida Keys in next January by the event production company that does Beach2Battleship.


That sounds amazing!!!! More like, OH YES!

I'm trying to get my head around it.  Mid January IM.  Back it up three months so IM focued training would be in October, November and December with six hour rides around Thanksgiving time.  Hmmm.  Lots of indoor since it's dark out...  Frown

Yeah ... but Set Up Events is such a class act.

2012-01-12 11:04 AM
in reply to: #3986208

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-01-13 12:53 AM

kgore - 2012-01-11 7:20 PM Aw nevermind---I guess my tiny little brain decided that the headaches could start tonight! ug...PAIN!!!!! Even worse, it is way too late to have any caffeine to get rid of it! If I did, I wouldn't sleep at all tonight...I think I will whine the rest of the night and let Clint feel sorry for me.Cry


How about weaning yourself off of the caffeine instead of cold turkey and you'll not suffer headaches. Good idea with the weak tea or coffee, too. You can always do 1/2 caf and 1/2 decaf and reduce your caffeine that way. Just a thought. Hate to see you suffer.

1. Super congrats on your great training and your sub-1 5-mile run!

2. x2 ... green tea is very good for you and could be a real friend.

3. Weaning off lots of caffeine, but keeping a teeny bit in can be good racing strategy ... caffeine is a legal and effective endurance performance enhancing drug, but it works best if not taken a lot regularly. However, you want to know you can tolerate it on race day, so ... a bit now and again before long hauls is a good idea.

2012-01-12 11:36 AM
in reply to: #3986042

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-12 9:59 AM

Ugh...  I got some bad news today, a position that I have been in the application process/wait list/background checks for the past year just announced that it is in a hiring freeze until at least FY2013 and even then it will be of a limited hiring capacity, at least I'm into endurance sports so I can wait it out.  I'm thankful to have a job but dang I was hoping to move up.

BUT looking at the silver linning is I now know I can concentrate on Tri training and got the not going to call it permission per say but more like the ok to go for that Key West Full that was announced yesterday.

I've got nothing to report training wise short run last night and just waiting to see how cold it will be saturday.  Mid 30-40s is expected what would some of ou cold weather folk be wearing?  I'm thinking running tights long sleeve shirt, or arm warmers and a hat.

I think this all depends on how hot you get when you run. I run hot but I shiver like a chihuahua until I warm up, therefore layers work best for me. Long sleeves drive me nuts if I have to take it off while I run so I like arm warmers because I can slowly roll them down as I get warmer and eventually take them off if I need to. Same goes for gloves and a hat/headband. I don't wear tights unless it's really cold or raining. 
2012-01-12 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3985055

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
kgore - 2012-01-11 8:23 PM

On another nutrition-based note, today marks my first day---WITHOUT SODA!!!! I am a soda addict...and I just want to not be reliant on it anymore. goes. I'm sure I'll start getting the dreaded caffeine withdrawal headaches tomorrow...ick...that's the ONLY reason I have not kicked it before, I am a wimp when those headaches hit! Wish me luck!

Crystal light wild strawberry has caffeine in it and only 5 calories, I put it in my water bottles at work when I start lagging behind, it comes in the individual size and I usually end up watering it down a bit, good taste but can be a bit strong IMO.

Thanks for advice on the clothing, had though about arm warmers but its going to be colder than it has been in awhile so I'm not sure they would be getting taken off before race ending but hat and/or headband to protect the ears are a must.  Tomorrow's weather is very close so i'll feel it out while working.

2012-01-12 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3984966

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Honey~Badger - 2012-01-12 8:30 AM Hi all!  Great job on all your training!  Yesterday I had my first triathlon swimming class.  Its the first time ever doing drills and circle swimming.  I learned a lot about gasping for air during a drill just as another swimmer splashes my face.  I survived, though, and even want to go back and do it again!

That, and all else, sounds like GREAT triathlon swim training! Way to go!

2012-01-12 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3986371

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-12 11:50 AM
kgore - 2012-01-11 8:23 PM

On another nutrition-based note, today marks my first day---WITHOUT SODA!!!! I am a soda addict...and I just want to not be reliant on it anymore. goes. I'm sure I'll start getting the dreaded caffeine withdrawal headaches tomorrow...ick...that's the ONLY reason I have not kicked it before, I am a wimp when those headaches hit! Wish me luck!

Crystal light wild strawberry has caffeine in it and only 5 calories, I put it in my water bottles at work when I start lagging behind, it comes in the individual size and I usually end up watering it down a bit, good taste but can be a bit strong IMO.

Thanks for advice on the clothing, had though about arm warmers but its going to be colder than it has been in awhile so I'm not sure they would be getting taken off before race ending but hat and/or headband to protect the ears are a must.  Tomorrow's weather is very close so i'll feel it out while working.

Sounds like a great plan. I always try to do sort of a dress rehearsal before a bigger race to get all the bugs out. 

2012-01-12 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3986042

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-12 9:59 AM

Ugh...  I got some bad news today, a position that I have been in the application process/wait list/background checks for the past year just announced that it is in a hiring freeze until at least FY2013 and even then it will be of a limited hiring capacity, at least I'm into endurance sports so I can wait it out.  I'm thankful to have a job but dang I was hoping to move up.

BUT looking at the silver linning is I now know I can concentrate on Tri training and got the not going to call it permission per say but more like the ok to go for that Key West Full that was announced yesterday.

I've got nothing to report training wise short run last night and just waiting to see how cold it will be saturday.  Mid 30-40s is expected what would some of ou cold weather folk be wearing?  I'm thinking running tights long sleeve shirt, or arm warmers and a hat.


Sorry to hear about the hiring freeze. 

If it's in the upper 40's I would go with running tights, long sleeve shirt and a cap.  If it's colder I would wear a running cap/stocking cap/bennie.  I like to also have a light pair of golves to run with..hate cold hands.  I purchased a cheap pair of knit gloves from wally world and they are good for cool days.

My last cold run was a couple of weeks ago and it was 27F.  I wore the light gloves, hat, tights and running jacket.  I ended up peeling off the cap and coat.

Enjoy the race!



2012-01-12 12:38 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

We just got our first snow of the year.  Would anybody like me to send snow there way ! 

2012-01-12 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3986214

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
lmscozz - 2012-01-12 9:55 AM
crews - 2012-01-12 6:37 AM 12/4 - 179.5
12/11 - 172.5
12/23 - 171
12/29 - 169.5
1/8 - 168
1/12 - 166

Still can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm actually losing weight.  Went to the doc this a.m. and bp is down to normal again.  I'll find out about cholesterols tomorrow.  Fingers crossed.


Woo-woo!!! Congrats. Hope your numbers reflect your wt. loss. I bet they will.

Those are awesome numbers. and over the holidays, no less! Wow!!!

2012-01-12 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

Thanks for the suggestions! The truth is I have been cutting back on it for a month, usually drinking less than 12 oz (can size?) per day. I'm not saying I will never have it again, but I don't want to have to rely on it! As for green tea, I do enjoy that from time to time, but it has to be hot--I'm not a fan of cold tea (yup, I'm an odd duck.) and even when I have not ingested caffeine in a while, it doesn't even effect me...Apparently, I either am not really sensitive to the energy benefits of caffeine and its the sugar that gets my energy going, or I just need a LOT of caffeine to get me going; mind you, I am a naturally hyperactive person by nature (yeah--ADHD is an issue I've had to deal with all my life.), so I am sure that normal energy for me equals extra high energy for anyone else!

In any case, the headache today is only slight--I can ignore it! I'll get through this--hopefully I will drop a few pounds in the process! (my true motive for dropping soda!)Laughing

2012-01-12 2:16 PM
in reply to: #3986042

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
Tripopo - 2012-01-12 9:59 AM

Ugh...  I got some bad news today, a position that I have been in the application process/wait list/background checks for the past year just announced that it is in a hiring freeze until at least FY2013 and even then it will be of a limited hiring capacity, at least I'm into endurance sports so I can wait it out.  I'm thankful to have a job but dang I was hoping to move up.

BUT looking at the silver linning is I now know I can concentrate on Tri training and got the not going to call it permission per say but more like the ok to go for that Key West Full that was announced yesterday.

I've got nothing to report training wise short run last night and just waiting to see how cold it will be saturday.  Mid 30-40s is expected what would some of ou cold weather folk be wearing?  I'm thinking running tights long sleeve shirt, or arm warmers and a hat.

Sorry about the job. 

Don't forget the gloves.  The ones from the $1 store are awesome.  You can ditch them when you're warm so you don't have to keep up with them and you haven't lost much. 

2012-01-12 2:17 PM
in reply to: #3986536

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
srichards428 - 2012-01-12 12:38 PM

We just got our first snow of the year.  Would anybody like me to send snow there way ! 

It's 37 degrees with 45 mile per hour gusts here.  I'd much rather have snow than the freezing wind!  I heart snow

2012-01-12 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
I have a few more Ragnar pics up in my training log/blog. They are entertaining to say the least Smile
2012-01-12 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3942879

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED

I cant believe that i have been out of the loop for just 2 days and it has taken me an hour to catch up on all the brilliant conversations that have been going on.

First thing to say is thanks to all of you who have offered advice and encouragement/ inspires to me. They really do work and are helpful. You are all saintsInnocent

2012-01-12 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3982208

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
wagonnatri - 2012-01-10 7:56 PM
ukweeble - 2012-01-10 12:00 PM

congrats on the birthday Hollz. The big 5-0 sounds like something to look forward to if we all get the chance to party like you.

Pleased you are able to paint such an accurate image of me! I will be updating with more morsels of info as time goes by to complete the picture.

To all my fellow Manatees, you guys are really rocking with your training. It spurs me on to train hard just to make it worthwhile posting myself. As for me, my swimming isn't getting faster but my endurance is improving. Have i mentioned i hate swimming? My run seems a little better, as does my bike. I AM STILL STOPPED SMOKINGSmile.  Just about to go out for my first night jog having bought some neon/reflective gear. Desperately need to get myself a digital watch so that i can time myself more accurately.

Love the positivity of the group. Thanks Lynn and Yanti for setting the mood and keeping it there.

Am i going on a bit? it is beginning to sound a bit like an 'Oscars' acceptance speech so i will shut up.

Allen you hate swimming and I am in need of a hamster ball for my road bike.  BTW I watched for the mer-people top secret blow holes at last nights swim.  They glide so quickly and efficiently thru the water I didn't catch a glimpse of this mysterious breathing.  Then the deck coach decided to have the newbies do some timeed 50's... Surprised  First 50 = 51 seconds, second 50 = 43 seconds.  Not bad.

Hamster Ball. Interesting. Those times are awesome. Do you have a 50m pool or does that time include a turn?

2012-01-12 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3983467

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Lynn: Manatee Madness Mentor Group CLOSED
amd723 - 2012-01-11 1:31 PM
TriAya - 2012-01-10 6:35 AM
amd723 - 2012-01-10 8:01 AM

Yanti,  looking at your avatar just reminds me how horrible my swim form is!  I do not get anyway near that type of rotation.  Of course, that could explain why I'm so slow




I'm tellin' ya ... blowholes in the armpits ... try it, it works.

Did a swim workout this am.  During it I thought about blowholes in my armpits.  Pretty sure I got my stroke looking just like yours  



I was swim training Wednesday. I am concerned that the pool manager is becoming sispicious of me due to the amount of water that goes missing whilst i am in the pool. Perhaps i wouldn't swallow so much through a blow hole so i am going to my first improver class on saturday. Watch this space!

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