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2015-02-04 7:13 PM
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I thought you all might enjoy this article. See if you can find the word "consistency" in there.

so it keeps chopping my link at the beginning it should be 3ws dot "theclimb with a y " dot com

Edited by jackiep 2015-02-05 8:52 PM

2015-02-04 7:39 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding in 42' run.

Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)
Jim 04 4:44:09
Dennis 03 07:16:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Dan 03 4:15:04
Mark Z 03 4:00:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Dave C. 02 03:15:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 2 1:10
Melissa 01 00:50:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00

2015-02-04 7:39 PM
in reply to: 0

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep

I thought you all might enjoy this article. See if you can find the word "consistency" in there.

so it keeps chopping my link at the beginning it should be 3ws dot "theclimb with a y " dot com

Try this short URL.

Edited by dcon 2015-02-04 7:44 PM
2015-02-04 7:43 PM
in reply to: dcon

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Quick question for the group:

For a non-hill workout on a treadmill, what incline do you set the machine?

I generally default to 1% to simulate a flat outdoor run.
2015-02-04 7:47 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

Quick question for the group:

For a non-hill workout on a treadmill, what incline do you set the machine?

I generally default to 1% to simulate a flat outdoor run.

If I have to use the treadmill (i.e., it is too icy or there is too much snow, etc.) I usually use 1% too. I have read articles saying 2%, but there was no real science behind the recommendation.
2015-02-04 8:36 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep
Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)

7 mile run followed by a 5000m swim, I think he deserves an extra point.

Originally posted by DaveL
I might try to get to the pool tomorrow to do some laps with a pull bouy and hit the hot tub.

Dave- you just described my typical Monday morning workout after long run Sunday.

2015-02-04 8:39 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

Quick question for the group:

For a non-hill workout on a treadmill, what incline do you set the machine?

I generally default to 1% to simulate a flat outdoor run.

Same here. Somewhere I read 1% closest simulated outdoor resistance.
2015-02-04 8:54 PM
in reply to: tmoran07

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by tmoran07

Before the base building plan started I was doing unstructured workouts hoping to maintain my fitness from Silverman in October and HITS Palm Springs 70.3 in December. I was working out 5-8 times a week depending on conflicts around the holidays. I would run 3x a week (typically 3-7 mile runs around a 9:30 pace), Bike 1-2x a week (1 around 20-30 miles & 1 around 60 miles @ 18-20 mph), & I haven't swam since HITS. Last year I ran 524 miles, and Biked about 2600.

The intensity I've noticed an increase in is my running. I've felt AMAZING on my runs until last week when I started feeling a bit of fatigue. My ankles feel like they are sprained for the first 10-15 min of my runs then that goes away. My runs recently have been about 30 sec/mile faster that before and I've upped my mileage from 60 miles in December to 75 in January. I ran an average of 55-65 miles a month last year so I didn't think that the increase in mileage would affect me. But I feel it. The intensity with my swims is there simply because I've slacked off for a month.

And with the increased number of work outs and mileage, I expected to have lost a pound or 2 over the course of January but I've gained about 3 lbs. My diet is about 80% there and I'm dialing it in day by day.

With this plan can I move my run days around so I have a day of recovery in between? Or is it best if I slow down and STICK TO THE PLAN as it's laid out? I know this is a lot and I'll give you whatever info you need. I appreciate you guys looking at this and tearing me up. I'm coach-able and willing to take input. Thanks!!

Since your target race is IMAZ in November so you have a lot of time to build up your base. I have three comments:

1. You said you averaged 55-65 miles/month last year and 60 miles in Dec. Going from 60-75 is a 25% jump and I think that is too much. I would look at your weekly average for the previous 8 weeks (Nov & Dec) and build from there with a max weekly increase of 10% (5% if you want to be conservative). For example, if you averaged 15 miles/week in Dec, a reasonable progression in January would have been 15, 16.5, 18, 20. You did something like 24, 12, 24, 17.

2. If you are doing all of your running at a pace that is 30 sec/mile faster than December, I think you are overdoing it on the intensity too. The fact that your ankles feel sprained at the start of your runs is likely an indicator that you are doing too much too soon. I suggest you pick one of your shorter runs for the 9 min/mile pace and revert back to 9:30 min/mile for the rest of your runs.

3. Try to get back to 2-3 times/week on the bike.

A couple of questions: do you have a recent run only race time that you can share, i.e., 5k or 10k or HM? Are you using an HRM and do you know what zone you are running in for 9 min/mile and 9:30 min/mile?

FYI: I started off January doing something similar. I jumped into a plan I used last year around this time and ended up increasing both my volume and intensity (I had a better base last year). In the second week of Jan, I had 3 hours of total run time when my weekly average for the previous couple of months was 2 hours (plus those 3 hours included more intensity). In weeks 3 and 4 of Jan, I started having problems with my knees and I backed off on the volume. Yesterday I reviewed my run data from the past 3-4 months and am cutting back on both the volume and intensity. I am going to start over with a little over 2 hours/week and build slowly from there. I will be including some time at the faster pacing, but my main goal for the next couple of months is to establish run consistency while building up my bike base (more about that on another day).
2015-02-04 9:41 PM
in reply to: dcon

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Very behind on updating my workouts! Snow in Wisco got me down

Monday -- 45 minute swim, 30 minute trainer
Tuesday -- 45 minute spin
Wednesday -- 40 minute swim, 40 minute run

Today's run included my first dreadmill date in over a year. Hundreds of miles logging on the roads outside since I last cozied up to the treadmill. It was terrible! But I managed Hoping to get back to the roads ASAP

Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)
Jim 04 4:44:09
Dennis 03 07:16:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Dan 03 4:15:04
Mark Z 03 4:00:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Dave C. 02 03:15:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 2 1:10
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00
2015-02-04 11:03 PM
in reply to: mbanddv

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30 minute Treadmill

Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)
Jim 04 4:44:09
Dennis 03 07:16:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Dan 03 4:15:04
Mark Z 03 4:00:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Dave C. 02 03:15:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 3 1:45
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00
2015-02-05 3:30 AM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
48' run with hills.

Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)
Jim 04 4:44:09
Dennis 03 07:16:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Dan 03 4:15:04
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Dave C. 02 03:15:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 3 1:45
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00

Edited by markz 2015-02-05 3:48 AM

2015-02-05 6:06 AM
in reply to: 0

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding workouts from Wed (42 minute run, 7.2 km) and Thurs (1 hour on the trainer with main set: 1 X 11' @ Z3 and 3 X 11' @ Z4 plus 1 hour in the pool for 1500 meters)

Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)
Jim 04 4:44:09
Dennis 03 07:16:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Dan 05 6:57:04
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Dave C. 02 03:15:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 3 1:45
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00

Edited by dcon 2015-02-05 6:09 AM
2015-02-05 9:12 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Usually 1% here as well. Although I avoid my treadmill like the plague.
2015-02-05 9:17 AM
in reply to: dcon

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding this morning's 1hr masters swim, 2800 yds.

Gabe 04 07:50:46 (sorry Gabe, we're only on day 4)
Jim 04 4:44:09
Dennis 03 07:16:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Dan 05 6:57:04
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 3 1:45
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00
2015-02-05 10:23 AM
in reply to: dgconner154

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding 45' swim set with mostly drills.

Managed to get my tri bike out on the road for about 30' in the neighborhood and all I can say is I need a LOT of saddle time. Very difficult to stay in a straight line in the aero position. I think I will spend a lot of time in the neighborhood getting used to the steering before she hits the open road.

Gabe 04 07:50:46
Dan 05 6:57:04
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Jim 04 4:44:09
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Dennis 04 07:56:55
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Seth 03 01:45:00
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
Mitch 03 2:58:00
Beth 03 02:19:00
Joe 03 2:27:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Brian 01 00:30
DaveL 01 0:30:00
2015-02-05 11:51 AM
in reply to: tmoran07

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by tmoran07

I have a question to those following a training plan and if there are any out there following, or have followed, the BT Beginner Ironman (free) plan...I need some input.

I've been repeating the 4 week base building intro to the plan which is meant to get you used to the schedule. I've found that by Friday I am BEAT. My legs are sore, my body is sore and I have zero motivation to do anything over the weekend (training wise). Is this just part of it? Do I need to just continue on and push through it and HTFU?

I tried to check out your training log to get an idea for volume, pace, etc. You have it restricted to certain users. Can you open it up and we can see how/what you're foing and weigh in with any thoughts we have?

Fixed. My logs are up to date. I've only been keeping track since the new year.

What did your training look like beginning the BT Base building plan? How many times per week would you work out? How many times for each discipline? How long were the workouts? What intensity or perceived exertion are your workouts now? What about last year?

Before the base building plan started I was doing unstructured workouts hoping to maintain my fitness from Silverman in October and HITS Palm Springs 70.3 in December. I was working out 5-8 times a week depending on conflicts around the holidays. I would run 3x a week (typically 3-7 mile runs around a 9:30 pace), Bike 1-2x a week (1 around 20-30 miles & 1 around 60 miles @ 18-20 mph), & I haven't swam since HITS. Last year I ran 524 miles, and Biked about 2600.

The intensity I've noticed an increase in is my running. I've felt AMAZING on my runs until last week when I started feeling a bit of fatigue. My ankles feel like they are sprained for the first 10-15 min of my runs then that goes away. My runs recently have been about 30 sec/mile faster that before and I've upped my mileage from 60 miles in December to 75 in January. I ran an average of 55-65 miles a month last year so I didn't think that the increase in mileage would affect me. But I feel it. The intensity with my swims is there simply because I've slacked off for a month.

And with the increased number of work outs and mileage, I expected to have lost a pound or 2 over the course of January but I've gained about 3 lbs. My diet is about 80% there and I'm dialing it in day by day.

With this plan can I move my run days around so I have a day of recovery in between? Or is it best if I slow down and STICK TO THE PLAN as it's laid out? I know this is a lot and I'll give you whatever info you need. I appreciate you guys looking at this and tearing me up. I'm coach-able and willing to take input. Thanks!!

I'm at a bit of a loss. I think the key that you should focus on is getting used to the volume and # of workouts prescribed by the plan. The delta to allow you to do that is intensity. If you cannot handle the volume and # of workouts at this time you need to either reduce intensity or volume, or both. I would start with dialing back the intensity and see how your legs feel coming into the weekend.

In my mind, the goal at this point should be getting into a regular rhythmm of workouts and being consistent. I would try to get the # of workouts in at prescribed volume at lower intensity. If that still doesn't work I would shorten some workouts or anything listed as a recovery workout I would delete (essentially change from active recovery/rest to pure recovery).

Thoughts form the rest of the Team?

2015-02-05 11:52 AM
in reply to: DaveL

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by DaveL

Tour of Sufferlandria - continues delivering the suffering. I decided to take a very easy ride on the trainer last night and got 3minutes in before I once again got huge cramping in my thigh. I quit the ride. Went for a 1hr massage tonight and was told my muscles were very very tight. I have to go back on Monday. I might try to get to the pool tomorrow to do some laps with a pull bouy and hit the hot tub.

Dave - I did 1 hour on the trainer this morning - purely aerobic. It was much tougher than it should have been. That was a very tough stretch of intense workouts. Let your body recover.
2015-02-05 11:55 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
60' on the trainer.

Beth 03 02:19:00
Brian 01 00:30
Dan 05 6:57:04
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
DaveL 01 0:30:00
Dennis 04 07:56:55
Gabe 04 07:50:46
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Jim 04 4:44:09
Joe 03 2:27:00
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Mitch 04 3:58:00
Patrick 02 01:43:00
Seth 03 01:45:00

Edited by trisuppo 2015-02-05 11:57 AM
2015-02-05 12:29 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
47' on the trainer

Beth 03 02:19:00
Brian 01 00:30
Dan 05 6:57:04
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
DaveL 01 0:30:00
Dennis 04 07:56:55
Gabe 04 07:50:46
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Jim 04 4:44:09
Joe 03 2:27:00
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Mitch 04 3:58:00
Patrick 03 02:30:00
Seth 03 01:45:00
2015-02-05 1:12 PM
in reply to: cassowary

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
55 minutes on the trainer. There is No Try

Beth 03 02:19:00
Brian 01 00:30
Dan 05 6:57:04
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
DaveL 01 0:30:00
Dennis 04 07:56:55
Gabe 04 07:50:46
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Jim 05 5:39:09
Joe 03 2:27:00
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Mitch 04 3:58:00
Patrick 03 02:30:00
Seth 03 01:45:00
2015-02-05 2:13 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

User image

Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
1 hr on the trainer - 3 x 8' at 95% FTP. I got nothing in my legs. WOW - did that ToS kill me. 3 days of no cycling and I'd thought I would have returned, but, dang, nothing there.

Beth 03 02:19:00
Brian 01 00:30
Dan 05 6:57:04
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
DaveL 01 0:30:00
Dennis 04 07:56:55
Gabe 04 07:50:46
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Jim 05 5:39:09
Joe 04 3:27:00
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Mitch 04 3:58:00
Patrick 03 02:30:00
Seth 03 01:45:00

2015-02-05 2:27 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

User image

Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by tmoran07

Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by tmoran07

I have a question to those following a training plan and if there are any out there following, or have followed, the BT Beginner Ironman (free) plan...I need some input.

I've been repeating the 4 week base building intro to the plan which is meant to get you used to the schedule. I've found that by Friday I am BEAT. My legs are sore, my body is sore and I have zero motivation to do anything over the weekend (training wise). Is this just part of it? Do I need to just continue on and push through it and HTFU?

I tried to check out your training log to get an idea for volume, pace, etc. You have it restricted to certain users. Can you open it up and we can see how/what you're foing and weigh in with any thoughts we have?

Fixed. My logs are up to date. I've only been keeping track since the new year.

What did your training look like beginning the BT Base building plan? How many times per week would you work out? How many times for each discipline? How long were the workouts? What intensity or perceived exertion are your workouts now? What about last year?

Before the base building plan started I was doing unstructured workouts hoping to maintain my fitness from Silverman in October and HITS Palm Springs 70.3 in December. I was working out 5-8 times a week depending on conflicts around the holidays. I would run 3x a week (typically 3-7 mile runs around a 9:30 pace), Bike 1-2x a week (1 around 20-30 miles & 1 around 60 miles @ 18-20 mph), & I haven't swam since HITS. Last year I ran 524 miles, and Biked about 2600.

The intensity I've noticed an increase in is my running. I've felt AMAZING on my runs until last week when I started feeling a bit of fatigue. My ankles feel like they are sprained for the first 10-15 min of my runs then that goes away. My runs recently have been about 30 sec/mile faster that before and I've upped my mileage from 60 miles in December to 75 in January. I ran an average of 55-65 miles a month last year so I didn't think that the increase in mileage would affect me. But I feel it. The intensity with my swims is there simply because I've slacked off for a month.

And with the increased number of work outs and mileage, I expected to have lost a pound or 2 over the course of January but I've gained about 3 lbs. My diet is about 80% there and I'm dialing it in day by day.

With this plan can I move my run days around so I have a day of recovery in between? Or is it best if I slow down and STICK TO THE PLAN as it's laid out? I know this is a lot and I'll give you whatever info you need. I appreciate you guys looking at this and tearing me up. I'm coach-able and willing to take input. Thanks!!

I'm at a bit of a loss. I think the key that you should focus on is getting used to the volume and # of workouts prescribed by the plan. The delta to allow you to do that is intensity. If you cannot handle the volume and # of workouts at this time you need to either reduce intensity or volume, or both. I would start with dialing back the intensity and see how your legs feel coming into the weekend.
In my mind, the goal at this point should be getting into a regular rhythmm of workouts and being consistent. I would try to get the # of workouts in at prescribed volume at lower intensity. If that still doesn't work I would shorten some workouts or anything listed as a recovery workout I would delete (essentially change from active recovery/rest to pure recovery).

Thoughts form the rest of the Team?

Quite simple - you are putting in stand alone marathon training miles in the run. I have trained for marathons and in my top mileage week I rarely ran that far. Also, if you are running many of these miles with intensity, then your likelihood of success will be diminished unless you are a devotee of the Hanson Method and have a lot of marathoning experience. But since you are training for an IM, I think you need to completely rethink your plan of attack. You may also be carrying a high degree of fatigue from running 240-290 miles per month. Overtraining isn't just a HTFU situation and I've seen it have fairly profound physiologic effects on some strong athletes.

As Mitch said - slow is your friend. You can't effectively train any of the 3 disciplines in isolation of one another.
2015-02-05 3:19 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Last run before the race- packet pickup tonight. I will do a 20 minute walk on Friday night and then chocolate time!

Beth 04 02:50:00
Brian 01 00:30
Dan 05 6:57:04
Dave C. 03 04:15:00
DaveL 01 0:30:00
Dennis 04 07:56:55
Gabe 04 07:50:46
Jackie 03 5:06:16
Jim 05 5:39:09
Joe 04 3:27:00
Mark Z 04 4:48:00
Melissa 04 04:10:00
Mitch 04 3:58:00
Patrick 03 02:30:00
Seth 03 01:45:00

Did I read right? Someone did a 7 mile run and then a 5k long course swim? I thought the suffering was over?

2015-02-05 3:29 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

1 hr on the trainer - 3 x 8' at 95% FTP. I got nothing in my legs. WOW - did that ToS kill me. 3 days of no cycling and I'd thought I would have returned, but, dang, nothing there.

I've been following the ToS group on facebook and see numerous postings about people retesting FTP and getting monster gains. I can't comprehend how they are recovered enough after 3 days to do a proper FTP test. Also, I wonder if a lot of their reported gains are not because of fitness improvement but of mental improvement and the ability to suffer better?
2015-02-05 5:29 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

User image

Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by JoePetto

1 hr on the trainer - 3 x 8' at 95% FTP. I got nothing in my legs. WOW - did that ToS kill me. 3 days of no cycling and I'd thought I would have returned, but, dang, nothing there.

I've been following the ToS group on facebook and see numerous postings about people retesting FTP and getting monster gains. I can't comprehend how they are recovered enough after 3 days to do a proper FTP test. Also, I wonder if a lot of their reported gains are not because of fitness improvement but of mental improvement and the ability to suffer better?

Thinking about Rubber Glove on Sunday . . .
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