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2012-04-17 8:48 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Clint encourages me to do my workouts also--especially when I don't want to; he'll remind me that I always feel good after a workout, as well as telling me that "I look hot"--most of the time I am not inclined to believe him, but its nice to hear regardless. We did make it out to the lake for an OWS tonight, it turns out that my full wetsuit fits him better than it fits me!!! He swam along with me (I used my nifty new sleeveless suit--I LOVE that my shoulders were less constricted!) for the entire route--well, he sort of goofed around and backstroked and complained about various body parts being COLD!(the lake was 53 degrees again)--and I swam...I know it wasn't a huge amount of mileage, but I did swim. In any case, he said he had (apart from the cold bits) a pretty good time, but most likely couldn't handle being a triathlete, except in the heat of summer!Tongue out He is now out at the driving range with a work buddy, and I have the house to myself. Smile I truly am lucky to have him.

I didn't have asthma issues this time, but I realize I do need to find my 'pace' while swimming--if I go to fast, I will have issues catching my breath, but if I can just find that "perfect" speed, I can keep on going--I had found it in the pool, now I just need to find it in open water. In any case, I will hit the lake again on Thursday with a meetup group, we'll see if I can get along even BETTER at that point!

As for the previous question of coaching, when I started in this sport(s), I had NO experience and NO knowledge of actual technique--I joined a tri club who happened to also offered a "Learn to Tri" class. This class was one in which you could attend all of the sessions, or just certain workouts...The class helped me immensely, as I not only learned what to do, but I met other triathletes and my coach. She now trains me online (She moved to SoCal) and by the phone. What I am getting at is that when it comes to training plans, coaches, and the like, look close to home first. Look at clubs or meet up groups online, also check at running stores (or tri stores if you're lucky enough to have one!) for training groups or schools. They may lead to something different than you were looking for, OR possibly to the best training ever. Just my 2 cents, I don't have much experience, and I am pretty shy in person, so it was difficult jumping into this stuff, but I hate to think where I would be if I HADN'T met up with everyone! Sealed


2012-04-17 9:36 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Day off work today as my little girl Artemis, was a bit sick yesterday and got sent home from school so for once I thought I'd be a mummy!

Well she is of course bouncing around full of beans!  So far I've done all the laundry and have given my wardrobe a much needed spring clean and declutter.

I have just finished 45mins on the trainer doing Sufferfest Revolver - OMG!  That was hard.  I am now off to find my rolling pin and my glute is going to get a serious bashing!

Swim squad tonight, looking forward to it.  I progressed to a faster lane on Monday and I'm going to try and stick with it!  Lets smash out a 3km set!

2012-04-17 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Insane day for me today.  I'm in Houston for business so getting workouts in was going to be a challenge anyway.  And then...  stressful day! Let's just say I'm not a fan of Houston and its insane traffic! After spending the day going hither and yon in this rediculous traffic it happened.  A traffic accident.  Everyone is ok (my rental car has a few bumps and scrapes). So after I got back to my hotel I decided to go for a theraputic run.  I go to grab my stuff and... I'd forgotten my sports bra! I'm more of the "aero" body type so I grabbed a semi-sports-type bra and I go! The run felt great (in spite of the Houston humidity).  Usually the sound of my feet pounding the treadmill makes me self consious but today it was theraputic.  Then, of course, while I was on the treadmill Sports Center was showing my beloved Tim Tebow donning a Jets uniform, so I cranked the speed some more. Then my Ipod played "'Till I Collapse" by Eminem, my Ironman dream song, so I cranked the speed some more. By the time I was done I was feeling much better so I went up to my room and settled in for a dinner of goldfish and a Reese's.

I try to keep it all in perspective.  After all, I don't have typhoid and I can use running to vent.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a swim and/or bike (my run was out of training order but it felt GOOD).

2012-04-18 12:13 AM
in reply to: #4155320

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-17 10:07 PM

Can you tell i have had a spare 15 minutes at work?

Been to my local tri shop today for the first time and treated myself to a pair of 2xu tri shorts, a number band and elastic laces in readiness for MY FIRST EVER TRI this weekend. (yes i am excited).

Got in an 8 mile bike yesterday which included a 1.4 mile hill. Probably my last ride before the event as the bike is going into my LBS for a service.

I am just about to leave work for a big swim. I am hoping to hit 1000m for the first time.

Tommorrow will be my last run, which i will take steady, after which i will be on a 'go slow' exercise wise so that i am bursting with energy on Sunday.

Hope you are all having a good week and that injuries clear up quickly.

I love 2XU.

I love U.

I love 3X.


2012-04-18 12:17 AM
in reply to: #4155402

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-17 10:32 PM

Good morning, all! It is a lovely day here in the heartland. Sunny, calm, and about 60 degrees. I'm planning to take my Zoots out for their first run this afternoon. Yippee!!

I'm feeling all supermom here, this morning. For some reason, the saddle on my teen's bike decided to fall last night. So I pulled the bike into the house, found the right sized hex wrench, loosened the wrench, raised the saddle up (higher than it was because it was too low before), and tightened 'er up. When he came down for breakfast, there was his bike with the saddle fixed.

Then we rode our bikes to work/school this morning. My hybrid had a flat, and I didn't have time to change it, so I just pumped it up and went anyway. It still seemed fine when we got to work/school, but we'll see how it is when I go out there at lunch. :-(

Yanti -- I hope you are resting. How long will it take for you to feel like yourself again?\

Allen is racing this weekend -- who else is slated?

How'd the Zoots run go? And nicely done. You are well on your way to being a gearhead as well as a badazz tornado triathlete

Resting lots. From experience and literature, typhoid will be truly awful for a week, back to 100% can be a couple weeks to a few months, so we'll see. Muscle/joint pain, headache and fatigue tend to linger for a while.

2012-04-18 1:46 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

SOMETHING CLICKED!  Went for a swim tonight, after my 1 hour on the drainer (I think my gracilis is hurting because I rotate my right knee out when I ride; concentrating on keeping knee in and using left leg more evenly). 

Warm up swim was 5x50.  Did the first one, :59.  Decided to go on 1:10.  Next one was about the same, then they got slightly faster--fastest was :56.  Ok, that feels pretty good, but now we (me and the voices in my head that talk to me when I swim.  Sometimes they are nice, sometimes they are mean...) have to do 2x1000.  Ok, lets get going.  About 200 in, I run into a pair of feet at the end of the lane.  Since I know I will be going for awhile, I stop and offer to share.  Yes, good, off I go.  I briefly glanced at my watch and was surprised at the time; I must have miscounted my laps say the mean voices.  So I time the next 2-100s and they are both around 2:00.  Huh.  Maybe I didn't miscount after all.  (The voices are now being nice).  So I finished the first 1000 in 20:31, and the next a bit slower at 21:12 (I could feel my form getting poor-er as I fatigued).  Now I have done 100s in 2:05, maybe even 2:02 before, but going all out on intervals.  Never for 1000yds.  So not only can I swim 1000yds continuously, but I can do it faster than I ever have.  WOO HOO!  Breathing every stroke is definitely the way to go for me!

2012-04-18 1:53 AM
in reply to: #4157380

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-18 2:46 PM

SOMETHING CLICKED!  Went for a swim tonight, after my 1 hour on the drainer (I think my gracilis is hurting because I rotate my right knee out when I ride; concentrating on keeping knee in and using left leg more evenly). 

Warm up swim was 5x50.  Did the first one, :59.  Decided to go on 1:10.  Next one was about the same, then they got slightly faster--fastest was :56.  Ok, that feels pretty good, but now we (me and the voices in my head that talk to me when I swim.  Sometimes they are nice, sometimes they are mean...) have to do 2x1000.  Ok, lets get going.  About 200 in, I run into a pair of feet at the end of the lane.  Since I know I will be going for awhile, I stop and offer to share.  Yes, good, off I go.  I briefly glanced at my watch and was surprised at the time; I must have miscounted my laps say the mean voices.  So I time the next 2-100s and they are both around 2:00.  Huh.  Maybe I didn't miscount after all.  (The voices are now being nice).  So I finished the first 1000 in 20:31, and the next a bit slower at 21:12 (I could feel my form getting poor-er as I fatigued).  Now I have done 100s in 2:05, maybe even 2:02 before, but going all out on intervals.  Never for 1000yds.  So not only can I swim 1000yds continuously, but I can do it faster than I ever have.  WOO HOO!  Breathing every stroke is definitely the way to go for me!

1. YES! O2 is good!

2. But mostly, it's because you persisted with swimming to GET a/nother breakthrough--keep it up! SUPER!!!!

3. Yep, keep your knee in, and try to keep a visual on your kneecap tracking straight down on the downstroke and up on the upstroke. (Interestingly enough, this may or may not be the problem, but if you do this for a while and your gracilis doesn't get sore, then you know!)

2012-04-18 6:03 AM
in reply to: #4157380

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-18 2:46 AM

SOMETHING CLICKED!  Went for a swim tonight, after my 1 hour on the drainer (I think my gracilis is hurting because I rotate my right knee out when I ride; concentrating on keeping knee in and using left leg more evenly)... 

I ride with a guy that does this with both knees, and it looks so uncomfortable to me. I try to ride behind him in the line, as a reminder to track my knees, like Yanti said. Someday I'll tell you more about him, but suffuice it to say, like many retirees around here, I hope to be able to ride like him when I am his age.
2012-04-18 6:15 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
I have gotten a few inspires about my running and I thank you all for them Someday I hope to be a runner(JK). But I wanted to share this if you are trying to improve your run. It is from Scout7, who I respect as a runner so much.

Reading this really did help me understand what I was trying to do as a runner. It helped me gain perspective and for some reason a bunch of stuff clicked that really settled my head. I have gone from a 3 hour HM to 2:30 in 14 months. My running goal is a HM in under 2 hours, and then I'll start to think about a marathon. I know if I stick with it, it will come in time. And if I don't reach my goal, I am ok with that too, since I have found some peace inside. Running has helped me find that, it settles my mind, pushes my body and forces me to grow, change, and improve. And that truly is my ultimate goal.

Have a great day everyone!
2012-04-18 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4157085

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
KansasMom - 2012-04-17 9:18 PM

Hey! My race report from this weekend is up and completed.

I'm going to try to post a picture of milk crate guy. He was actually really cute. He should have been good pace booty on the bike, but I couldn't really see him, what with that milk crate in the way and all.

Wow, if I am ever feeling that something was too hard, I'm going back to your race report and read about tornado warnings and big winds. You rocked it and should be soooo proud! Awesome job.
2012-04-18 7:50 AM
in reply to: #4126290

Hoosier heartland
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Chris, thanks for posting the blog from Scout7.  He has posted many useful and helpful advice on BT about running.  He really knows what he's talking about.

I also want to thank everyone for the inspires.  I did my sprint last Sunday and it didn't go the way I wanted but it made me realize some things.  I really haven't changed my training from last year to this year.  My run volume is great, but I seriously need more bike and swim workouts!!!  I'm not sure why I thought I would do better...delusional maybe.  I follow a training plan, but really just fit in what I can.  That is my problem.   An occasional missed bike and swim adds up as the weeks progress.  I'm missing key workouts that really is the "meat" of the training process.  

I've had to evaluate my time management.  I CAN do this.  If I want to improve my performance, I need to follow the training plan better.  

Sometimes a bad race is just a bad race.   Some things are out of my control.  But what I can control is my training.  If I can be faithful to my training plan, I think I can have more confidence in my abilities.  

As far as the supportive spouse goes, my hubby does a pretty good job in supporting my tri craziness.  He likes to ride his bike and he LOVES yoga.  He doesn't really like to go to any of my races because he doesn't like getting up early, LOL.

Hope everyone has a great day.  I'm off to swim!!!!!!   

2012-04-18 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4156754

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
melbo55 - 2012-04-17 5:42 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-17 5:07 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-17 3:01 PM
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 3:47 AM

As much as I hate to interrupt the relationship convo with a question, I will (please don't beat me).  Have any of you ever used BT's coaching service?  I'm considering just trying a month of it to see what sort of plan s/he may come up with to help me through my non-running-Achilles-healing time.

Melanie, the online coaching with BT is an add-on as a service to the already-existing BT training programs. They (and you) can do some customization, but it definitely isn't a service where a coach creates a custom plan for your needs (which, not being able to run, you may need).

However ...

There are several excellent coaches who are regular posters on BT that you may want to consider trying out. To my knowledge, all of them take virtual clients.

Also ...

There's probably a lot of free information and help you can squeeze out of me and Salty, although I'd need to get a lot more information out of you first. I'm going to wander over to your logs ...

Yes, in addition to what Yanti said I think first and foremost is taking the time to identify your goals and what exactly you are looking for in terms of fitness AND from a coach. Once you identify that I think it will be easier to make a decision on how to proceed. 

If it's just simply coming up with some stuff to help you maintain fitness while you are not running, there are plenty of fantastic people here on BT (and the internets) that can make some suggestions. 

Thanks to both of you for your comments.  Well, I originally had high hopes this would be my best/strongest year of triathon yet.  I was hoping to actually follow a set plan and do more regular, scheduled workouts rather than the haphazard way I trained in past years (and am now training this year, as it is turning out).  I know I could be so much better/faster [than my own previous times] if I could put in some consistent effort.  And now, especially since the Achilles issue, my workouts feel even more random than before.  I was trying to stick to a schedule prior to the injury and doing OK at it.  I don't know, I just feel a bit like a ship lost at sea, LOL!

If you decide not to go the coaching route, consider an accountability partner.  I think that for many people one of the benefits of coaching is the accountability.  Not only do you get an individualized workout, you value it (well, you paid for it!) and you feel some responsibility to get it done.  It's kind of like entering a race, once they have your money..

So maybe we'll sic Yanti and Salty on you to hold you accountable!  :-)

2012-04-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: #4126290

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Everyone should read everything Scout7 has ever written in Tri Talk or on his blog or on others' blogs.


Then they should DOO EET.

2012-04-18 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4156865

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-04-17 7:00 PM

its give and take and we had a long discussion before i decided to enter Ironman next year and I said it's gong to be 5 months of long training not to mention emotional breakdown!  He was fine with it.

I wouldn't say emotional breakdown!  It's just really busy.

2012-04-18 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4157663

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jmkizer - 2012-04-18 9:07 AM
melbo55 - 2012-04-17 5:42 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-17 5:07 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-17 3:01 PM
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 3:47 AM

As much as I hate to interrupt the relationship convo with a question, I will (please don't beat me).  Have any of you ever used BT's coaching service?  I'm considering just trying a month of it to see what sort of plan s/he may come up with to help me through my non-running-Achilles-healing time.

Melanie, the online coaching with BT is an add-on as a service to the already-existing BT training programs. They (and you) can do some customization, but it definitely isn't a service where a coach creates a custom plan for your needs (which, not being able to run, you may need).

However ...

There are several excellent coaches who are regular posters on BT that you may want to consider trying out. To my knowledge, all of them take virtual clients.

Also ...

There's probably a lot of free information and help you can squeeze out of me and Salty, although I'd need to get a lot more information out of you first. I'm going to wander over to your logs ...

Yes, in addition to what Yanti said I think first and foremost is taking the time to identify your goals and what exactly you are looking for in terms of fitness AND from a coach. Once you identify that I think it will be easier to make a decision on how to proceed. 

If it's just simply coming up with some stuff to help you maintain fitness while you are not running, there are plenty of fantastic people here on BT (and the internets) that can make some suggestions. 

Thanks to both of you for your comments.  Well, I originally had high hopes this would be my best/strongest year of triathon yet.  I was hoping to actually follow a set plan and do more regular, scheduled workouts rather than the haphazard way I trained in past years (and am now training this year, as it is turning out).  I know I could be so much better/faster [than my own previous times] if I could put in some consistent effort.  And now, especially since the Achilles issue, my workouts feel even more random than before.  I was trying to stick to a schedule prior to the injury and doing OK at it.  I don't know, I just feel a bit like a ship lost at sea, LOL!

If you decide not to go the coaching route, consider an accountability partner.  I think that for many people one of the benefits of coaching is the accountability.  Not only do you get an individualized workout, you value it (well, you paid for it!) and you feel some responsibility to get it done.  It's kind of like entering a race, once they have your money..

So maybe we'll sic Yanti and Salty on you to hold you accountable!  :-)

I think your accountability comment holds a lot of water.  This may be part of the issue.  I train mostly alone.  And another manatee mentioned joining a club or group, which is also a good idea. 

It is very rare that I do tri training with friends or groups.  I am part of a very disorganized 'club' but most of the people live about 30-45 min away so I don't get together with them often, plus lately the group's interest has been falling apart.  Tri friends that live closer to me are the 'fast kids' training for full IMs, etc. that can't (and shouldn't) really dial-down their workouts to my pace. The 'fast kids' belong to a local tri club which I would love to be part of but I get the impression that the group is mainly very experienced, fast people.  I don't hear much talk from my friend about slower or beginner-types in the club.  I would love to be a part of their group but fear embarassment and frustration when I can't keep up with them. 

2012-04-18 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4157380

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-18 2:46 AM

SOMETHING CLICKED!  Went for a swim tonight, after my 1 hour on the drainer (I think my gracilis is hurting because I rotate my right knee out when I ride; concentrating on keeping knee in and using left leg more evenly). 

Warm up swim was 5x50.  Did the first one, :59.  Decided to go on 1:10.  Next one was about the same, then they got slightly faster--fastest was :56.  Ok, that feels pretty good, but now we (me and the voices in my head that talk to me when I swim.  Sometimes they are nice, sometimes they are mean...) have to do 2x1000.  Ok, lets get going.  About 200 in, I run into a pair of feet at the end of the lane.  Since I know I will be going for awhile, I stop and offer to share.  Yes, good, off I go.  I briefly glanced at my watch and was surprised at the time; I must have miscounted my laps say the mean voices.  So I time the next 2-100s and they are both around 2:00.  Huh.  Maybe I didn't miscount after all.  (The voices are now being nice).  So I finished the first 1000 in 20:31, and the next a bit slower at 21:12 (I could feel my form getting poor-er as I fatigued).  Now I have done 100s in 2:05, maybe even 2:02 before, but going all out on intervals.  Never for 1000yds.  So not only can I swim 1000yds continuously, but I can do it faster than I ever have.  WOO HOO!  Breathing every stroke is definitely the way to go for me!

Great job, yeah!!!  And wow, 2 x 1000, plus!  What an accomplishment!  Glad to hear I'm not the only one who hears voices, sometimes mean, sometimes nice in their head when they swim!

2012-04-18 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4157441

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

cdban66 - 2012-04-18 7:15 AM I have gotten a few inspires about my running and I thank you all for them Someday I hope to be a runner(JK). But I wanted to share this if you are trying to improve your run. It is from Scout7, who I respect as a runner so much. Reading this really did help me understand what I was trying to do as a runner. It helped me gain perspective and for some reason a bunch of stuff clicked that really settled my head. I have gone from a 3 hour HM to 2:30 in 14 months. My running goal is a HM in under 2 hours, and then I'll start to think about a marathon. I know if I stick with it, it will come in time. And if I don't reach my goal, I am ok with that too, since I have found some peace inside. Running has helped me find that, it settles my mind, pushes my body and forces me to grow, change, and improve. And that truly is my ultimate goal. Have a great day everyone!

Thanks for the link.  I am planning on storing this somewhere so I can refer to it from time to time.

2012-04-18 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4157258

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
rrrunner - 2012-04-17 11:03 PM

Insane day for me today.  I'm in Houston for business so getting workouts in was going to be a challenge anyway.  And then...  stressful day! Let's just say I'm not a fan of Houston and its insane traffic! After spending the day going hither and yon in this rediculous traffic it happened.  A traffic accident.  Everyone is ok (my rental car has a few bumps and scrapes). So after I got back to my hotel I decided to go for a theraputic run.  I go to grab my stuff and... I'd forgotten my sports bra! I'm more of the "aero" body type so I grabbed a semi-sports-type bra and I go! The run felt great (in spite of the Houston humidity).  Usually the sound of my feet pounding the treadmill makes me self consious but today it was theraputic.  Then, of course, while I was on the treadmill Sports Center was showing my beloved Tim Tebow donning a Jets uniform, so I cranked the speed some more. Then my Ipod played "'Till I Collapse" by Eminem, my Ironman dream song, so I cranked the speed some more. By the time I was done I was feeling much better so I went up to my room and settled in for a dinner of goldfish and a Reese's.

I try to keep it all in perspective.  After all, I don't have typhoid and I can use running to vent.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a swim and/or bike (my run was out of training order but it felt GOOD).

Yikes, what a day!  Glad to hear you weren't injured in the traffic accident.  And so nice you were able to restore mental and physical harmony with a nice workout, even if there were a few small glitches with your apparel.  Reese's and goldfish: a meal of champions!

2012-04-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4158039

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 11:15 AM

I think your accountability comment holds a lot of water.  This may be part of the issue.  I train mostly alone.  And another manatee mentioned joining a club or group, which is also a good idea. 

It is very rare that I do tri training with friends or groups.  I am part of a very disorganized 'club' but most of the people live about 30-45 min away so I don't get together with them often, plus lately the group's interest has been falling apart.  Tri friends that live closer to me are the 'fast kids' training for full IMs, etc. that can't (and shouldn't) really dial-down their workouts to my pace. The 'fast kids' belong to a local tri club which I would love to be part of but I get the impression that the group is mainly very experienced, fast people.  I don't hear much talk from my friend about slower or beginner-types in the club.  I would love to be a part of their group but fear embarassment and frustration when I can't keep up with them. 

It probably wouldn't hurt to give it a "tri" (sorry that was so nerdy).  If you go for a group run or bike and feel left in the dust, then you'll know its not the group for you.  But you might find that there are some less intense people there - maybe your friend just doesn't see much of them, because s/he is faster? It would stink to miss out on a great group out of fear though.  I train at a pretty hard-core triathlon/cycling facility, and I thought I would be left in the dust.  For example, I did a team time trial on night (2 teams of 4 ppl on computrainers, drafting enabled, first team with all members in wins).  I thought for sure I would be the weak link slowing everyone else down (b/c the point is for all but the leader to draft off the leader), but I ended up doing just fine! I even had many turns as the leader and accidentally left everyone in the dust (oops!).  I say try it out and see if there is anyone there that would make a good pace buddy!

Edited by ArielLIlB 2012-04-18 11:07 AM
2012-04-18 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4156754

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
melbo55 - 2012-04-17 4:42 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-17 5:07 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-17 3:01 PM
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 3:47 AM



Thanks to both of you for your comments.  Well, I originally had high hopes this would be my best/strongest year of triathon yet.  I was hoping to actually follow a set plan and do more regular, scheduled workouts rather than the haphazard way I trained in past years (and am now training this year, as it is turning out).  I know I could be so much better/faster [than my own previous times] if I could put in some consistent effort.  And now, especially since the Achilles issue, my workouts feel even more random than before.  I was trying to stick to a schedule prior to the injury and doing OK at it.  I don't know, I just feel a bit like a ship lost at sea, LOL!

So it sounds like you would like to have a plan to follow, some options for your Achilles and maybe some accountability? 

What I would first do grab one of the free plans here on BT (or elsewhere) that works for you.

Next I would just figure out what kind of cardio you can do that doesn't bother your Achilles. Obviously biking is extremely relevant for triathlon so, as long as it doesn't bother your Achilles I would just ramp up my biking in lieu of your running. I would also set aside some time to assist the rehabilitation of the Achilles with some exercise(, icing and rolling.

In terms of accountability you need to FIRST hold yourself accountable. Once you pick that plan, do your best to follow it. Log all of your exercise and Yanti and I can skin you alive if you miss a workout (OK...not really Wink) Also, as others have suggested consider a tri club or even just a workout buddy. Not necessarily for every workout, but at least for some. 

2012-04-18 11:31 AM
in reply to: #4157671

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
TriAya - 2012-04-18 8:10 AM

Everyone should read everything Scout7 has ever written in Tri Talk or on his blog or on others' blogs.


Then they should DOO EET.

x 1000! I am not ashamed to say I kind of stalk Scout7. I scroll down to his answers every time. Scout7 is my bible Smile

2012-04-18 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4158039

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 10:15 AM
jmkizer - 2012-04-18 9:07 AM
melbo55 - 2012-04-17 5:42 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-17 5:07 PM
TriAya - 2012-04-17 3:01 PM
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 3:47 AM

I think your accountability comment holds a lot of water.  This may be part of the issue.  I train mostly alone.  And another manatee mentioned joining a club or group, which is also a good idea. 

It is very rare that I do tri training with friends or groups.  I am part of a very disorganized 'club' but most of the people live about 30-45 min away so I don't get together with them often, plus lately the group's interest has been falling apart.  Tri friends that live closer to me are the 'fast kids' training for full IMs, etc. that can't (and shouldn't) really dial-down their workouts to my pace. The 'fast kids' belong to a local tri club which I would love to be part of but I get the impression that the group is mainly very experienced, fast people.  I don't hear much talk from my friend about slower or beginner-types in the club.  I would love to be a part of their group but fear embarassment and frustration when I can't keep up with them. 

Well, I think you should at least go a few times before you count yourself out. If it works out, great, if not at least you gave it a shot (I'm refusing to use the tri pun Wink)

You could also go train with your 'fast' friend on their recovery days. It does sound like the majority of your training will have to be done on your own from what you have described. But just think, having a coach wont change that. Right? 

2012-04-18 12:02 PM
in reply to: #4157426

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
cdban66 - 2012-04-18 4:03 AM
bcraht - 2012-04-18 2:46 AM

SOMETHING CLICKED!  Went for a swim tonight, after my 1 hour on the drainer (I think my gracilis is hurting because I rotate my right knee out when I ride; concentrating on keeping knee in and using left leg more evenly)... 

I ride with a guy that does this with both knees, and it looks so uncomfortable to me. I try to ride behind him in the line, as a reminder to track my knees, like Yanti said. Someday I'll tell you more about him, but suffuice it to say, like many retirees around here, I hope to be able to ride like him when I am his age.

I"m sure I do this because I have a ruptured ACL in that knee.  One more reason to keep up with my exercises.

2012-04-18 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4158039

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 11:15 AM

I think your accountability comment holds a lot of water.  This may be part of the issue.  I train mostly alone.  And another manatee mentioned joining a club or group, which is also a good idea. 

I also train mostly alone.  Right now I have one group ride a week.  I belong to a tri club but their practices literally never fit my training plan.  No biggie.  I still kind of think of myself as a roadie anyway ;-)

It is very rare that I do tri training with friends or groups.  I am part of a very disorganized 'club' but most of the people live about 30-45 min away so I don't get together with them often, plus lately the group's interest has been falling apart.  Tri friends that live closer to me are the 'fast kids' training for full IMs, etc. that can't (and shouldn't) really dial-down their workouts to my pace. The 'fast kids' belong to a local tri club which I would love to be part of but I get the impression that the group is mainly very experienced, fast people.  I don't hear much talk from my friend about slower or beginner-types in the club.  I would love to be a part of their group but fear embarassment and frustration when I can't keep up with them. 

If you don't get dropped sometimes, you're in the wrong group ;-)

2012-04-18 12:11 PM
in reply to: #4158382

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jmkizer - 2012-04-18 12:04 PM
melbo55 - 2012-04-18 11:15 AM

I think your accountability comment holds a lot of water.  This may be part of the issue.  I train mostly alone.  And another manatee mentioned joining a club or group, which is also a good idea. 

I also train mostly alone.  Right now I have one group ride a week.  I belong to a tri club but their practices literally never fit my training plan.  No biggie.  I still kind of think of myself as a roadie anyway ;-)

It is very rare that I do tri training with friends or groups.  I am part of a very disorganized 'club' but most of the people live about 30-45 min away so I don't get together with them often, plus lately the group's interest has been falling apart.  Tri friends that live closer to me are the 'fast kids' training for full IMs, etc. that can't (and shouldn't) really dial-down their workouts to my pace. The 'fast kids' belong to a local tri club which I would love to be part of but I get the impression that the group is mainly very experienced, fast people.  I don't hear much talk from my friend about slower or beginner-types in the club.  I would love to be a part of their group but fear embarassment and frustration when I can't keep up with them. 

If you don't get dropped sometimes, you're in the wrong group ;-)

Yeah, I do a large chunk of my training alone. It's just how my schedule works. If I waited around for someone else's schedule to fit with mine I wouldn't get ANY training done. 

Because of the huge time demands training takes, I usually do some multi tasking. I generally dedicate 1 or 2 new albums to listen to for my long runs (I listen to A LOT of music.) I also read during my warm up and cool down if I am on a treadmill, this skill took some honing though haha. 

If I do get to train with my friends, it's a nice time to just catch up. Who needs happy hour anyway? 

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