BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-05-01 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1374449

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
tbatt - 2008-05-01 9:02 AM
1h 03m 6.02 miles 10m 28s/Mi

6:20 PM Dolphin Boy to Pete's Bar - Climb: 0.00 feet

I couldn't believe my running! That's with a negative split and absolutely no stops along the way.. HOLY COW~~ The bike is definitely helping my running.

Congrats T!  That is AWESOME!!!


I didn't know about the "Bike Is Run Training" element.  Another reason to love my bike.  Thanks Bob.   

2008-05-02 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Who dreamt about Bob last night?


I did.

2008-05-02 10:16 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
Well, here I am less that 24 hours from my first TRI and I could not possibly be any sicker.  Had to travel out of town for business Wed and Thur, and now I'm sick as a dog.  Have evacuated the entire digestive track to the North and South and have no energy and no way to get any.  Tomorrow's gonna suck, but I will start the race!  Any hints on what to eat today and tonight?  I've been holding on to a bowl of oatmeal for over an hour now.  Go me.
2008-05-02 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1377761

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

carlacrews - 2008-05-02 11:16 AM Well, here I am less that 24 hours from my first TRI and I could not possibly be any sicker. Had to travel out of town for business Wed and Thur, and now I'm sick as a dog. Have evacuated the entire digestive track to the North and South and have no energy and no way to get any. Tomorrow's gonna suck, but I will start the race! Any hints on what to eat today and tonight? I've been holding on to a bowl of oatmeal for over an hour now. Go me.

Oh Carla!! I am so sorry to hear about the sickness. I hope the oatmeal stayed down for you. My recommendation would be to hydrate, hydrate, HYDRATE!!! When you have done that, hydrate some more. Gatorade or something with some electrolytes in it. Take it easy tomorrow and try to have fun!

You never know, the illness may work as a taper and you could rock the tri tomorrow. Trying to be a positive mentor here!!

Good luck!! 

2008-05-03 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
How was Carlas race??
2008-05-05 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

2008-05-05 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
Hi Peeps!  I am no longer a triathlon virgin  I had so much fun on Saturday.  The weather was cool and windy, and the water cold and the bike and run course hilly, but I had a freaking blast!  I chose not to wear a wetsuit, the other 98% however, did wear one.  A little nervous about the cold water, but after about 25 yards, I was in heaven.  The temp was cool, refreshing and wonderful.  Lots of hitting and kicking, but I expected it and it bothered me not.  The lady that rode on my back for about a minute was a little annoying, but she eventually climbed off and swam on her own again.  I thought that's what the kayaks were for, but I guess she found safety on top of me.  My son rides on my back for many of my laps, so nothing unusual for me.  Besides, what's a minute of a race that's going to take me 2 hours and most everyone else only one.  Finished the swim in about 12 minutes I think.  Times not posted yet.  Out of the water and on the bike.  Why do my shoes have so much water in them?  Oh well,  people would pay lots of money for a 40 minute foot massage like the one I'm getting while riding.....up the friggin hills.  Holy cow.  Will be adding hill repeats starting TODAY.  Off the bike and into the running shoes.  OOPs, I forgot to untie them  Lesson learned.  Off on the run.  First things first, is that a snake following me?   He increase my pace and made me keep it up for some time.  Then he slithered off into the woods.  Rest of the run was uneventfull.  Walked a little, ran a little.  Got passes by folks the whole time.  Gotta work on getting a little faster I guess.  Too the finish line.  Through it with time to spare, from my goal, and I'm still alive and smiling and my husband a son are there to greet me.  I see the addiction, and I have it.  Thanks for the support BTers!   Next one is June 1st.  Husband and I are doing it together for our 6th anniversary.   Sickness is 95% gone.  THANK GOODNESS!
2008-05-05 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1381995

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

Awesome job Carla!!!! You rock!! I am glad to hear you had such a good time and your illness is gone!

WAY TO GO!!!! 

2008-05-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1381978

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs?  Keep it up

2008-05-05 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1381995

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

carlacrews - 2008-05-05 11:19 AM Hi Peeps! I am no longer a triathlon virgin I had so much fun on Saturday. The weather was cool and windy, and the water cold and the bike and run course hilly, but I had a freaking blast! I chose not to wear a wetsuit, the other 98% however, did wear one. A little nervous about the cold water, but after about 25 yards, I was in heaven. The temp was cool, refreshing and wonderful. Lots of hitting and kicking, but I expected it and it bothered me not. The lady that rode on my back for about a minute was a little annoying, but she eventually climbed off and swam on her own again. I thought that's what the kayaks were for, but I guess she found safety on top of me. My son rides on my back for many of my laps, so nothing unusual for me. Besides, what's a minute of a race that's going to take me 2 hours and most everyone else only one. Finished the swim in about 12 minutes I think. Times not posted yet. Out of the water and on the bike. Why do my shoes have so much water in them? Oh well, people would pay lots of money for a 40 minute foot massage like the one I'm getting while riding.....up the friggin hills. Holy cow. Will be adding hill repeats starting TODAY. Off the bike and into the running shoes. OOPs, I forgot to untie them Lesson learned. Off on the run. First things first, is that a snake following me? He increase my pace and made me keep it up for some time. Then he slithered off into the woods. Rest of the run was uneventfull. Walked a little, ran a little. Got passes by folks the whole time. Gotta work on getting a little faster I guess. Too the finish line. Through it with time to spare, from my goal, and I'm still alive and smiling and my husband a son are there to greet me. I see the addiction, and I have it. Thanks for the support BTers! Next one is June 1st. Husband and I are doing it together for our 6th anniversary. Sickness is 95% gone. THANK GOODNESS!



2008-05-05 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I/coach decided to do a run through on Sunday. So, I swam 2200 yards in the pool, did a hilly 2.5 hr/ 42 mi bike through the sunday morning traffic of atlanta (the sermon must have been bad because everyone was aiming for me), then followed it with a 40 min hilly run (slow run just breaking over 4.25 mi). End result is that nutrition could use some slight tweaking, I need a speedsuit so I don't get too tired from the drag on the swim, and the drive back to Atlanta will suck as I stiffen in the seated position over 8 hours.

Edited by JBD 2008-05-05 1:44 PM

2008-05-05 5:18 PM
in reply to: #1382642

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:42 PM

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I accept all forms.   B/F won't be with me so I can keep on keeping on looking Kiss

I get to go to Gulf Coast Half this weekend for my first race of the year.  What ever happened to sprints and oly's?  Eh, I'm not a sprinter (Arnold voice). 

Dont be nervous.. Its just a half ironman pfffffft

2008-05-05 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1383265

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
tbatt - 2008-05-05 6:18 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:42 PM

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I accept all forms.   B/F won't be with me so I can keep on keeping on looking Kiss

I get to go to Gulf Coast Half this weekend for my first race of the year.  What ever happened to sprints and oly's?  Eh, I'm not a sprinter (Arnold voice). 

Dont be nervous.. Its just a half ironman pfffffft

Did you say BOYFRIEND?

2008-05-05 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1382590

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad.  Any other avatar requests?  I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe  a new one....suggestions people? 

2008-05-05 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1383535

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
trixie - 2008-05-05 8:58 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad.  Any other avatar requests?  I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe  a new one....suggestions people? 

How about that pic you sent your husband?

ORCA would be good too!

2008-05-05 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1383565

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
rstocks3 - 2008-05-05 9:15 PM
trixie - 2008-05-05 8:58 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad. Any other avatar requests? I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe a new one....suggestions people?

How about that pic you sent your husband?

ORCA would be good too!

I'm not sure about this one bob....I'll try it out for a bit, see how it feels....

2008-05-07 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
Mornin' all.
2008-05-07 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1383600

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
trixie - 2008-05-05 9:31 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-05-05 9:15 PM
trixie - 2008-05-05 8:58 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad. Any other avatar requests? I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe a new one....suggestions people?

How about that pic you sent your husband?

ORCA would be good too!

I'm not sure about this one bob....I'll try it out for a bit, see how it feels....

New photo, new heart palpitation. 

Did you have to bring in a fan to get your hair to blow in the wind or did you have this done at Glamour Shots Wink

2008-05-07 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1383265

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
tbatt - 2008-05-05 6:18 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:42 PM

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I accept all forms. B/F won't be with me so I can keep on keeping on looking Kiss

I get to go to Gulf Coast Half this weekend for my first race of the year. What ever happened to sprints and oly's? Eh, I'm not a sprinter (Arnold voice).

Dont be nervous.. Its just a half ironman pfffffft


Super Dooper luck this weekend.  It should be fun as a ton a peeps will be there.  I wish I could come cheer but two road trip weekends in a row and I might become alot more aerodynamic in the "upper leg region" so to speak.


BTW, use your hicky as your avatar, or at get a fan to blow your hair like Trixie, grrrrrr (not that there is anything wrong with yours).

2008-05-07 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1386939

User image

Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
JBD - 2008-05-07 10:52 AM
tbatt - 2008-05-05 6:18 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:42 PM

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I accept all forms. B/F won't be with me so I can keep on keeping on looking Kiss

I get to go to Gulf Coast Half this weekend for my first race of the year. What ever happened to sprints and oly's? Eh, I'm not a sprinter (Arnold voice).

Dont be nervous.. Its just a half ironman pfffffft


Super Dooper luck this weekend. It should be fun as a ton a peeps will be there. I wish I could come cheer but two road trip weekends in a row and I might become alot more aerodynamic in the "upper leg region" so to speak.


BTW, use your hicky as your avatar, or at get a fan to blow your hair like Trixie, grrrrrr (not that there is anything wrong with yours).

Nice save there John!! BTW - Watch out for Teresa's "bend & snap"!! I'm just sayin'!!!!  

2008-05-07 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1386929

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
JBD - 2008-05-07 10:49 AM
trixie - 2008-05-05 9:31 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-05-05 9:15 PM
trixie - 2008-05-05 8:58 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad. Any other avatar requests? I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe a new one....suggestions people?

How about that pic you sent your husband?

ORCA would be good too!

I'm not sure about this one bob....I'll try it out for a bit, see how it feels....

New photo, new heart palpitation.

Did you have to bring in a fan to get your hair to blow in the wind or did you have this done at Glamour Shots Wink

LMAO!!  I was on a cliff overlooking the ocean....VERY windy up there! 

2008-05-07 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1387279

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
trixie - 2008-05-07 1:10 PM
JBD - 2008-05-07 10:49 AM
trixie - 2008-05-05 9:31 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-05-05 9:15 PM
trixie - 2008-05-05 8:58 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad. Any other avatar requests? I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe a new one....suggestions people?

How about that pic you sent your husband?

ORCA would be good too!

I'm not sure about this one bob....I'll try it out for a bit, see how it feels....

New photo, new heart palpitation.

Did you have to bring in a fan to get your hair to blow in the wind or did you have this done at Glamour Shots Wink

LMAO!! I was on a cliff overlooking the ocean....VERY windy up there!

Do you normally walk around a cliff looking sexy (probably so...)?  You so hardcore that you start from up there as opposed to in the water, pulling off your best Thornton Melon imitation executing a perfect Triple Lindy after the cannon goes off.

2008-05-07 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1387660

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
JBD - 2008-05-07 3:21 PM
trixie - 2008-05-07 1:10 PM
JBD - 2008-05-07 10:49 AM
trixie - 2008-05-05 9:31 PM
rstocks3 - 2008-05-05 9:15 PM
trixie - 2008-05-05 8:58 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:30 PM

trixie - 2008-05-05 11:13 AM dude.

Do you just post Dude so I can see your abs? Keep it up

I do it to keep us on top....but if you like it, I'm glad. Any other avatar requests? I'm thinking about going back to the bike, or maybe a new one....suggestions people?

How about that pic you sent your husband?

ORCA would be good too!

I'm not sure about this one bob....I'll try it out for a bit, see how it feels....

New photo, new heart palpitation.

Did you have to bring in a fan to get your hair to blow in the wind or did you have this done at Glamour Shots Wink

LMAO!! I was on a cliff overlooking the ocean....VERY windy up there!

Do you normally walk around a cliff looking sexy (probably so...)? You so hardcore that you start from up there as opposed to in the water, pulling off your best Thornton Melon imitation executing a perfect Triple Lindy after the cannon goes off.


FUNNY!! Nope. Only go up there when people pay me 

2008-05-07 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1387185

User image

St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
rstocks3 - 2008-05-07 12:38 PM
JBD - 2008-05-07 10:52 AM
tbatt - 2008-05-05 6:18 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:42 PM

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I accept all forms. B/F won't be with me so I can keep on keeping on looking Kiss

I get to go to Gulf Coast Half this weekend for my first race of the year. What ever happened to sprints and oly's? Eh, I'm not a sprinter (Arnold voice).

Dont be nervous.. Its just a half ironman pfffffft


Super Dooper luck this weekend. It should be fun as a ton a peeps will be there. I wish I could come cheer but two road trip weekends in a row and I might become alot more aerodynamic in the "upper leg region" so to speak.


BTW, use your hicky as your avatar, or at get a fan to blow your hair like Trixie, grrrrrr (not that there is anything wrong with yours).

Nice save there John!! BTW - Watch out for Teresa's "bend & snap"!! I'm just sayin'!!!!  

Bend and Snap!  Works every time!!!!

2008-05-07 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1386939

User image

St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!
JBD - 2008-05-07 10:52 AM
tbatt - 2008-05-05 6:18 PM
JBD - 2008-05-05 2:42 PM

So, 2 weeks away from Orlando, gulp. Moving towards the taper and feeling a little anxiety about the race. I know I can finish (test run this weekend proved so) just big fear of trying to do really well and bonking. Easy to solve, but there is alot of pressure, because...

I HAVE TO ALWAYS BE FLEXING AND RUNNING FAST WHEN TBATT IS NEAR (assuming she is still attending and cheering)! I have been up the past three nights wondering about which pose would be most appropriate. I signed up Lee Haney for posing coaching but even he is at a loss for how to REALLY capture the moment. I can't blame a bad pose on cold water (I leave that for your fun), you can see my problem. I guess if I am BOP, I can take the time to run through a litany of poses to make sure that I truly capture the moment. I can't have her come back and report to our group...EHHH. That would be bad. So, I am very nervous.

I accept all forms. B/F won't be with me so I can keep on keeping on looking Kiss

I get to go to Gulf Coast Half this weekend for my first race of the year. What ever happened to sprints and oly's? Eh, I'm not a sprinter (Arnold voice).

Dont be nervous.. Its just a half ironman pfffffft

Super Dooper luck this weekend.  It should be fun as a ton a peeps will be there.  I wish I could come cheer but two road trip weekends in a row and I might become alot more aerodynamic in the "upper leg region" so to speak.

BTW, use your hicky as your avatar, or at get a fan to blow your hair like Trixie, grrrrrr (not that there is anything wrong with yours).

DONE!  Thanks for the luck, I am hoping for a PR.. Last years Gulf Coast Half was my first triathlon after breaking my ankle.  I'm well enough to use my wet suit and pull it off my foot now.  I'll be leaving early Friday morning to get in an early bike and swim. 

Where are you staying at for Disney 70.3?  Viktor and I are rooming at Port Orleans French Quarers.. We are hoping for Viktor to take the win ;-

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