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2011-01-04 10:27 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Rob, I Heart You.

2011-01-04 10:48 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Miracles of Miracles....I went to the pool tonight! First time in what...FOREVER!!!   Hopefully it won't be my last.

2011-01-04 11:08 PM
in reply to: #3256813

Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
So had this master plan for a trainer ride tonight but that got all messed up some old lady hit my wife's Blazer.  Now we have to wait for their insurance to get us a rental so we had to drive over to my inlaws and borrow one of their vehicles until we get the rental.  There went my night but at least my wife and baby are ok.  Old lady could barely see over the steering wheel of her car.
2011-01-05 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Tony--really sorry to hear about your wife's car.  What a pain!  Is it fixable?

Kelly--three cheers for you!!! And with the will you will of course get back in the pool!

Dineen--hey, you said the half marathon didn't make sense to the plan anyway, right?????  of course don't tell Mrs. Shorty that and use it to your advantage when you want to sign up for IM WI '12! 

Glenn--those runs are opportunities to build some mental toughness.  Go into it thinking you're going to kill it! Everytime you feel like whining remind yourself of how hard you are going to work in that upcoming half marathon.

Bryce--I often wonder how guys feel about wearing swim caps.  I wear a double for races so am so used it.  Nice job getting a little "girly"
2011-01-05 6:20 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

2011-01-05 7:04 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 6:20 AM

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

Me - I'm racing.  Disney Half Marathon on Saturday and Disney Marathon on Sunday.  How am I going to handle it? Lots of drinking and I don't mean water.  ;-)

Tony and I plan to take it easy, go slow and have fun.  Disney gives little cameras in the goody pages so we will take some pics along the way.  Our goal is the finish no matter how slow.

"A" race training for my spring Marathon has already started.  Traininig is going ok.  I'll see how this weekend goes.  I think I'll need to do a little regrouping w/ my coach and get back on track.  He seems to have more confidence in me than I do at the moment.

2011-01-05 7:09 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
First night back to swimming after 3 weeks off for the holidays. WOW is all I have to say. Does that ever fall off fast. My form was crap anything more then 100 meters in one swim was crap.. The first 400m warm up had to met with a 15 second break at the 300 m point. Stroke count went through the Roof. Its like I haven't swim before.  

Note this is my first full year swimming with the masters Team. I made about 6 swims the end of last season and then started full time in September. So looking back 400m was like a record distance. Now I am horrified that I only swam 2350 meters last night. Anyways good to be back in the water.

FIRST RACE, Looks like March 20th 10K running race

Part of my build up to my first Half Marathon in the middle of May. I have yet to run further then 10K on a run and I have only done that 3 times. But hey, no problem right?    RIGHT?

I hope. Why did I let my friend talk me into this.

2011-01-05 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3278317

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2011-01-04 9:24 PM
gdctex - 2011-01-04 10:14 PM Tonight's run was not fun.  It was supposed to be a tempo run with my running club, but storms and heavy rain moved it inside to the treadmill.  Longest five miles I have ran in awhile.  Just did not feel it.

My plan was to do a spinning class at 5am tomorrow morning.   So here's to putting it out here to give me that added push to get up at 4am......

Always seems harder to me running on a treadmill vs. outside.

X2. I now struggle on a treadmill to run at all.
2011-01-05 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
This morning was a FAIL.  I slept in....

Suzy, you are right about the mental toughness.  I kept thinking that all through the run.  

As for the Wednesday question, no racing this week.  After the half later this month, I will train start training for my second Oly which is April 3.  I still need to finalize a training plan for that.
2011-01-05 7:13 AM
in reply to: #3278477

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
tri-chic - 2011-01-04 10:48 PM

Miracles of Miracles....I went to the pool tonight! First time in what...FOREVER!!!   Hopefully it won't be my last.

Nice work I recall my first night last year. I scuba dive a lot and I thought it was going to be easy to swim... WRONG.   but it gets better very quickly. Keep it up, I now swim two nights a week.

2011-01-05 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Edited by sdalessio 2011-01-05 7:14 AM

2011-01-05 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3278759

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2011-01-05 7:09 AM First night back to swimming after 3 weeks off for the holidays. WOW is all I have to say. Does that ever fall off fast. My form was crap anything more then 100 meters in one swim was crap.. The first 400m warm up had to met with a 15 second break at the 300 m point. Stroke count went through the Roof. Its like I haven't swim before.  

Note this is my first full year swimming with the masters Team. I made about 6 swims the end of last season and then started full time in September. So looking back 400m was like a record distance. Now I am horrified that I only swam 2350 meters last night. Anyways good to be back in the water.

FIRST RACE, Looks like March 20th 10K running race

Part of my build up to my first Half Marathon in the middle of May. I have yet to run further then 10K on a run and I have only done that 3 times. But hey, no problem right?    RIGHT?

I hope. Why did I let my friend talk me into this.

I was there with you last fall when I started focusing on running and building up to run the half marathon.  If you have a plan to build up the miles, you will get there.  The run will go like your swim where those ridiculously long distances will become 'short' runs.  Smile
2011-01-05 7:36 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 8:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Have a great time Sam, Tony and kids!

2011-01-05 7:37 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 5:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

I'm up!!! Eating my granola... and now it's off to the Y!
2011-01-05 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 7:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

I WAS!  Out the door at 5:45 for an easy 2 mile run.  Would have been an easy morning to bail, as I only had a short run to do, and it was pouring rain, but I truly felt like an IRONMAN out there this morning in the dark and pouring rain.  As car lights would hit me, I am sure the passers by were thinking "what an idiot".  It was actually pretty fun.

Sam and Tony, have fun on your trip.  How long will you guys be down there.  I am headed down to Orlando on Tuesday for the International Home Builders Show.
2011-01-05 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3278826

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Terps421 - 2011-01-05 8:36 AM
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 8:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Have a great time Sam, Tony and kids!



2011-01-05 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3278841

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Plainsman AU - 2011-01-05 7:43 AM
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 7:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

I WAS!  Out the door at 5:45 for an easy 2 mile run.  Would have been an easy morning to bail, as I only had a short run to do, and it was pouring rain, but I truly felt like an IRONMAN out there this morning in the dark and pouring rain.  As car lights would hit me, I am sure the passers by were thinking "what an idiot".  It was actually pretty fun.

Sam and Tony, have fun on your trip.  How long will you guys be down there.  I am headed down to Orlando on Tuesday for the International Home Builders Show.

Great job Barry!  Those are the toughest runs sometimes to get all bundled up or soaked for 20/30min. workout.

We leave Weds. the 12th.  However, Tuesday is our BIG day at Magic Kingdom to include appointments at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, lunch w/ Cinderella and evening fireworks.  Email Tony your cell and we can see how Tues. afternoon is looking or possibly Weds. AM.
2011-01-05 7:59 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Up at 3:30 and pounding pavement by 4:15am  for 12 miles.

2011-01-05 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 5:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Have a great trip and have FUN on the run(s).  We want pics!

I am up...but it is still pitch black out...will head out for my run in about 30 minutes or so.  40F and no wind!!!!  yeah.
2011-01-05 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3278890

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Terps421 - 2011-01-05 7:59 AM Up at 3:30 and pounding pavement by 4:15am  for 12 miles.


You are my hero!  First my body has a serious problem getting up that early and WOW - 12m all before dawn!!!!!!

Side note: Both Disney races START at 5:20AM.  So we will up in the 3am hour to head over to the corrals.  That part I am not looking forward to.
2011-01-05 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3278776

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 6:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

Does a short bike ride into work count? Yes?
Okay then me!!  I've shortened my ride in in the morning. Its more about saving parking $$ than it is about getting a workout. Especially in the winter months.

Committed to a Monday night swim with my tri-team. Problem is its 9-10pm about 10 miles from my house. I have to HTFU and get used to being up late that night. I know its not late, but when you are at your desk at 6:30am, its kind of late for me.

2011-01-05 8:08 AM
in reply to: #3278829

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2011-01-05 7:37 AM
sdalessio - 2011-01-05 5:14 AM So Early AM Accountability Call - who was up early?

I was of course since I'm asking.  Tongue out  I was up before 5am after a few short hours of sleep for Masters practice.  Last night packing for our trip and trying to settle down 2 wild, excited children. 

I'm up!!! Eating my granola... and now it's off to the Y!

Kyla, you are not the holder of that Megamillions ticket sold in Washington?  Surprised
2011-01-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3278890

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Terps421 - 2011-01-05 7:59 AM Up at 3:30 and pounding pavement by 4:15am  for 12 miles.


You are an inspiration and role model.  Impressive!
2011-01-05 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3278674

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-01-05 5:20 AM

Gosh, I woke up and realized it's WEDNESDAY!!!!!  Who's racing? and how're you going to handle it??

For the rest of us, when do you officially start training for your first A race? has it already begun? how's it going?

No races for me this weekend. I officially started training for my 1st HIM on March 20,2011 in Florida
2011-01-05 8:14 AM
in reply to: #3278492

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Glad to hear that your Family and safely home with you.
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