BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-24 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
That sucks, Shawn. Although with all the great luck you've been having, I guess you were due a little downturn. Just a little one, though! I'm sure the bike fitting will be fabulous tomorrow.

Yanti, I'm so impressed with the way you're pushing through these illnesses (but still taking care of yourself, right?). Being sick for so long is just so draining and miserable, especially when it's fatigue. Hang in there, boss lady!

It's so cold and rainy today, and ordinarily I'm all about the cold and rain (well, the rain, anyway), but I haven't run outside at all this week and the treadmill is making me crazy. Tonight I've got a 45-minute swim and a 45-minute run -- I'm hoping the rain lets up enough to get me outside. What's everyone else up to today?

2008-01-24 11:44 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Now it seems that I may be getting a cold so I didn't run tonight will be in bed early tonight and hope it is gone by the morning!!!
2008-01-24 11:49 PM
in reply to: #1175272

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-24 11:44 PM Now it seems that I may be getting a cold so I didn't run tonight will be in bed early tonight and hope it is gone by the morning!!!

maybe you should try Leslie's remedies

2008-01-25 12:23 AM
in reply to: #1175275

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-24 9:49 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-24 11:44 PM Now it seems that I may be getting a cold so I didn't run tonight will be in bed early tonight and hope it is gone by the morning!!!

maybe you should try Leslie's remedies

I hope you did!  I feel great, even went trail running today!

2008-01-25 12:44 AM
in reply to: #1175298

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-25 12:23 AM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-24 9:49 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-24 11:44 PM Now it seems that I may be getting a cold so I didn't run tonight will be in bed early tonight and hope it is gone by the morning!!!

maybe you should try Leslie's remedies

I hope you did!  I feel great, even went trail running today!

I saw that!  and you my friend were ready for more

2008-01-25 1:04 AM
in reply to: #1175312

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-24 10:44 PM
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-25 12:23 AM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-24 9:49 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-24 11:44 PM Now it seems that I may be getting a cold so I didn't run tonight will be in bed early tonight and hope it is gone by the morning!!!

maybe you should try Leslie's remedies

I hope you did!  I feel great, even went trail running today!

I saw that!  and you my friend were ready for more

Yes, it seems I hit that point a lot...which means I am probably undertraining or something?  Or just really freakin' excited to get a chance to run outdoors.  Although it sometimes happens in the pool and on the bike, too......not so much indoors on the bike, though.  So here's a question for you, Yanti (or others of course)--if my 'planned'run is 30 minutes, and after about 25 min of running I am just feeling great and want to run more......should I just go ahead and do it or stick pretty close to the plan as written?  I know right now my training plan is all wonky, as it's the final week or two of the sprint plan so it is 'prepping' me for racing.  I am sure once I start the Oly plan I will be happy to see my planned runs end!    Still, what do you recommend if we hit the zone in a training session??

2008-01-25 1:12 AM
in reply to: #1175327

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-25 12:04 AM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-24 10:44 PM
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-25 12:23 AM
lastcall2003 - 2008-01-24 9:49 PM

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-24 11:44 PM Now it seems that I may be getting a cold so I didn't run tonight will be in bed early tonight and hope it is gone by the morning!!!

maybe you should try Leslie's remedies

I hope you did!  I feel great, even went trail running today!

I saw that!  and you my friend were ready for more

Yes, it seems I hit that point a lot...which means I am probably undertraining or something?  Or just really freakin' excited to get a chance to run outdoors.  Although it sometimes happens in the pool and on the bike, too......not so much indoors on the bike, though.  So here's a question for you, Yanti (or others of course)--if my 'planned'run is 30 minutes, and after about 25 min of running I am just feeling great and want to run more......should I just go ahead and do it or stick pretty close to the plan as written?  I know right now my training plan is all wonky, as it's the final week or two of the sprint plan so it is 'prepping' me for racing.  I am sure once I start the Oly plan I will be happy to see my planned runs end!    Still, what do you recommend if we hit the zone in a training session??

Go a bit further. Revel in it in. Live the moment, laugh (and if you can't, you're going too hard ), feel as alive as you can.

And don't forget to do a longer cool down.

2008-01-25 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
So what's everyone up to today? I have a REST DAY. It's my first *planned* rest day in quite some time (the other days have just sort of popped up when I didn't feel well or had to change my plans last minute) and I'm kind of revelling in it. All this unstructured time!
2008-01-25 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1176495

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Fielding - 2008-01-25 1:35 PM

So what's everyone up to today? I have a REST DAY. It's my first *planned* rest day in quite some time (the other days have just sort of popped up when I didn't feel well or had to change my plans last minute) and I'm kind of revelling in it. All this unstructured time!

a job interview, and trying to stay dry in so cal....enjoy the rest day. i am sure that it is well deserved.
2008-01-25 8:16 PM
in reply to: #1176495

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Fielding - 2008-01-25 1:35 PM

So what's everyone up to today? I have a REST DAY. It's my first *planned* rest day in quite some time (the other days have just sort of popped up when I didn't feel well or had to change my plans last minute) and I'm kind of revelling in it. All this unstructured time!

I've been super busy at work, again, and chilling out at home just waiting. I got a call from the hospital today that the military is going to see me for my foot before referring me out, so I'll get seen faster. Feb 4th.
2008-01-25 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I did my bike fitting and it was good now just need to get out and ride ride ride. Good thing this was a very very light scheduled week as I missed out on my 14 min run. Although for time I am think I am hours over my monthly goal so I am ok

2008-01-25 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1173077

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

ShawnC13 - 2008-01-23 9:56 PM I totally forgot to tell everyone. Yesterday on the radio I won 2 tickets to the opening night on Cirque du Soleil Saltimbanco when it comes here to Victoria. Website says the tickets go for $250 each but will see when they actaully go on sale on Saturday. Still stoked that I won tickets. If it sells out fast I may be tempted to sell them and get more gear!!!

 THAT IS AWESOME!!  I went to a Cirque du Soleil a few years ago and LOVED it!!! You will have a blast!!!

2008-01-25 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

I have my bike fitting tomorrow!  I am SO excited!!!  I am doing the upgraded computerized triathlon fit.  I can't wait to see my bike all tricked out with the stuff I bought!  I'll take a pic when I get home.

I ran the farthest I've ever run tonight (3.71 miles).  It's amazing how quickly I have improved in the run portion.  I almost feel like a real runner now.   When I walked in the gym the other night the girl at the front desk said "how many miles are you going to run tonight?"  I looked around b/c I figured she wasn't talking to me.  She was.  She thinks I'm a runner!! 

2008-01-25 10:44 PM
in reply to: #1176911

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-01-25 8:19 PM

I have my bike fitting tomorrow! I am SO excited!!! I am doing the upgraded computerized triathlon fit. I can't wait to see my bike all tricked out with the stuff I bought! I'll take a pic when I get home.

I ran the farthest I've ever run tonight (3.71 miles). It's amazing how quickly I have improved in the run portion. I almost feel like a real runner now. When I walked in the gym the other night the girl at the front desk said "how many miles are you going to run tonight?" I looked around b/c I figured she wasn't talking to me. She was. She thinks I'm a runner!!

you are a runner!!! More then that you are part of Team Scrambled Legs!!!!
2008-01-26 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hey everyone!  It's pretty quiet on here today....whatcha been up to?  I did a 5.3 mile run this morning, one of my longest training runs ever.  I think I could have gone farther but my socks were old and started giving me blisters, darn it!  This afternoon I didn't do a darn thing that I should have been doing (chores) and instead played Guitar Hero on the Wii for two hours while my youngest napped and the oldest is at grandma's house!  I rock!  Hehe. I was out until (gasp) 2 AM last night, which is very rare for me, so I am sort of dragging today to say the least.  I did take it easy on the wine, though, so am not feeling hungover, just tired.  I do not have the energy I used to.  At least for staying out late.  Now, for running, I have the energy.  Go figure.

2008-01-27 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Yes it has been quiet here lately hasn't it. I got a very slippery and ICY run in this morning of 6.31 (I love the garmin) had to go soooo slow on the icy sidewalks. So I can do another 2.1 or something to max out for 120% of goal for the monthly challenge. hope everyone is have a good time and things are getting better for everyone

2008-01-27 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Well from icy running this morning to a cool but sunny afternoon. I got a nice little half hour bike in on the new setup got into aero and really liked it hope to get in a longer ride next week
2008-01-27 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Ok totally crazy day here now it is snowing like crazy!!! That is Victoria though wait 5 minutes and the weather changes
2008-01-27 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Yeah, quiet, I've been quiet too, busy!

Sounds like you could use some new socks, Leslie --and super job on the LONG RUN!

Congrats on getting out there, Shawn--you are the team cheerleader!!!

My training buddies popped a 6-miler out there in the rain ... surprisingly, not so few piglets out as we'd anticipated, given the weather, and the ones out were VERY friendly! Yum! (There's really only two reasons we work out--food, pretty boys, and food. Did I say food? I'm kidding--about the pretty boys. No, actually--there are many reasons we work out--but those are on the list!!!)

I also swam for the first time in a month (maybe more). Felt really good. 1300yd and I was done. Not finished; just done.



Edited by TriAya 2008-01-27 5:33 PM
2008-01-27 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Way to get back in the pool, Yanti! Dude, I would so love to be able to knock out 1,300 yards in 25 minutes.

Shawn, the bike fitting sounds like it went really well. You're going to have such a great time.

I've had a busy weekend too (although today's pretty slow). Yesterday I had a fairly short bike ride that was punctuated by a very exciting fall off the bike. In a weird sort of way, I'm glad for the fall, because it really wasn't that scary and I feel almost relieved to have gotten that first fall out of the way, you know? Plus, it was such a stupid, stupid mistake (I blew through a stop sign and ended up hitting a car -- oh, the poor old lady who was driving! It's a miracle I didn't give her a heart attack), and, yeah, I've learned my lesson there. Anyway, now I have some very cool and very minor road rash on my hand, and I'm a little tiny bit sore in places that shouldn't be sore, heh, but otherwise I'm totally fine. And, most important, the bike is totally fine.

I also had my last swim lesson yesterday, and it was really good. She had so much to teach me! Today my arms are sore, but in a good way, not an overuse/injury sort of way. I'm really excited to start working on everything she taught me.

Today was supposed to be a monster hike with some friends, but the rain spoiled that so I'll be doing a run in a little bit.
2008-01-27 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Wow!  First fall on the bike, first ride on aerobars, first swim in a long time. . . lots of firsts this weekend!  Good job, all...except maybe the fall, sorry to hear about that, Erin!!

I did end up with a gnarly blister so I skipped out on working out today and instead threw away all my old socks.    I am starting the Oly program next Sunday so I am sort of chilling out a bit this week in preparation for 16 weeks of intense training and race season.

Hope everyone's weekends were fun!


2008-01-28 1:34 AM
in reply to: #1178883

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-01-27 6:40 PM

Wow! First fall on the bike, first ride on aerobars, first swim in a long time. . . lots of firsts this weekend! Good job, all...except maybe the fall, sorry to hear about that, Erin!!

I did end up with a gnarly blister so I skipped out on working out today and instead threw away all my old socks. I am starting the Oly program next Sunday so I am sort of chilling out a bit this week in preparation for 16 weeks of intense training and race season.

So true! I definitely prefer everyone having "firsts" than everyone being injured/sick.

I'm feeling very kick- today. In addition to some lovely bruises from yesterday's bike crash, I ran in the rain tonight and now have bloody blisters on my feet. I'm so awesomely tough! Ha.

Leslie, I think you have the right idea taking it easy this week. I love having a training plan, but it'll be nice to have some unstructured time one of these days. Enjoy it while you can.
2008-01-28 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1178628

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2008-01-27 3:32 PM

Yeah, quiet, I've been quiet too, busy!

Sounds like you could use some new socks, Leslie --and super job on the LONG RUN!

Congrats on getting out there, Shawn--you are the team cheerleader!!!

My training buddies popped a 6-miler out there in the rain ... surprisingly, not so few piglets out as we'd anticipated, given the weather, and the ones out were VERY friendly! Yum! (There's really only two reasons we work out--food, pretty boys, and food. Did I say food? I'm kidding--about the pretty boys. No, actually--there are many reasons we work out--but those are on the list!!!)

I also swam for the first time in a month (maybe more). Felt really good. 1300yd and I was done. Not finished; just done.



hey nice swim after the layoff. and i do have to second the food!!! eating is good, but i have learned moderation works rather well too. have a great we can get outside to enjoy the longer days, and no more rain. this is so cal.
2008-01-28 11:45 AM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hello all!!  I had my bike fitting on Saturday.  It went really well.  The guy who did it was very knowledgable and pretty cute too.

I took the bike out for a while yesterday.  Oh goodness...I have a lot to learn.  I love my bike, but I am not very steady right now.  My sit bones were really sore from the fitting (rode a lot during the fitting to measure output, power, etc).  It's going to take me a while to get used to the 'real' bike.  I only have 6 weeks until my first race, so I better get going!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!

2008-01-28 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1179749

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2008-01-28 9:45 AM

Hello all!!  I had my bike fitting on Saturday.  It went really well.  The guy who did it was very knowledgable and pretty cute too.

I took the bike out for a while yesterday.  Oh goodness...I have a lot to learn.  I love my bike, but I am not very steady right now.  My sit bones were really sore from the fitting (rode a lot during the fitting to measure output, power, etc).  It's going to take me a while to get used to the 'real' bike.  I only have 6 weeks until my first race, so I better get going!!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!

Seems like bike shop boys are always cute....  The LBS here is family-run so there's a bunch of young guys there.  I am always a dork, cuz I feel about 16 and am nearly 40 so they probably think I am so weird.  At least they are always polite!  I am sure I will remain a dork as my kids get into their teens, as well.  I will always be able to work out with them, which I am sure they will be so happy about.....NOT!

We have snow here today, it's lovely.  I just saw a couple of peeps riding by on mountain bikes, which makes me want to do the same.  Maybe I will convince hubby not to drive in to work quite yet and take a spin.....or a run.....or just play outside.  Actually I pawned off my 5-yr-old on the neighbor girl, so they are down at the park. I am having indecisive issues today, obviously!

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