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2013-01-09 10:21 AM
in reply to: #4569197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-08 9:30 PM

Good for you! It's always fun to start a new plan. 

Do you still ride your horse or is he retired? I have 2. One I still ride on the flats and the other is younger so he gets to go up into the hill trails with me. 

I get on him once or twice a month for a wander around the property.  Mostly I just brush him and feed him carrots.  He's actually sound at nearly 24.  He just needs to be in a program to do much with (OTTB).  I used to event him (over the smallest fences they have) and he can be a bit wild- he really loves to run.  When I was riding and competing him I rode 6 days a week.  He was retired when I was pregnant and I just have not ever brought him back.  He is happy as a clam with his new job though.  I usually just hop on and ride him bareback now. 

What kind of horses do you have?

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Martin

2013-01-09 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4569145

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Remember, I'm a Boston boy.......and going hand-in-hand with being "effete intellectual snobs", we beantowners aren't quite as tough as we think we are!

Truth told, I went to a college in Maine for a couple of years before transferring to U. of Alberta in Jan '74, and several of us regaularly wore shorts in winter.  I guess I was in my young-and-impulsive phase then!

But Maine really did seem cold, much colder than Boston and environs, but nothing even remotely close to what I experienced when I moved to Edmonton in January '74.  That was one of their worst-ever winters, just brutal; made me feel like a coddled tropicla babe, even living in Maine!

After a few years in Edmmonton, we moved to Saskatoon -- colder by a few levels than Edmonton.  Edm gets the fringe benefits of some chinooks; Saskatoon gets nothing even close to a break during the winter.

I loved Sakatoon, though, and cried when I left.  Sad, but true!CryCryCryCryCryCryCryCry

2013-01-09 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4569190

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Fior me, it has gone with the turf.  I have been the architect of my own disaster, the result of nbeing highly competitive and not at all "bionic".  I am not a complete wreck in terms of being susceptible to injuries, but I'm well within the lower half of Triathletes Who Suffer.

I sometimes think in terms of "I'm tired of being hurt all the time."  In season, I go through precious few (less than a handful) of days in wheich iI feel 100%; there's always at least some little niggle or wonk that's worming away at me.

But as the years have progressed, i ahve gotten much, much wiser.  I am really quite good at backing off at the first sign of something that seems threatening, and that has worked to save me too much lost time on the shelf.  I finally figured out that missing three days to rest something is so much smarter than carrying on and then missing three weeks -- the latter being the type of scenario I played over and over and over and over through the years. 

No whining from this cat, though, and no need for a pity-party!  I've had a great 13 years of triathlon........and ...........hope............for......a........few...........more!Smile

2013-01-09 11:22 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Hi all, I'm the last Mojo to finally hop over.  By way of Intro:

I'm a 62 yr old recovering couch potatoe, junk food junkie and pepsi-holic.  I'm retired which is pretty interesting because I don't know how I ever had enough time to work.  There's just too much to do.

We have 4 kids (3 girls and 1 boy).  With 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters including one born Dec 20th (20-12-2012) and still referred to as "Larry" although Ellexandra seems to be the final name.

Training wise I started swimming exactly one year ago this week.  I could barely swim 50m without gasping for breath.  I have improved a lot over the year but lately I've been feeling really sluggish in the pool.  I swim 3 days a week and am looking forward to open water swimming this summer.

I bought a road bike in July 2011 and started riding really slow.  Jeff told me if I wasn't sweating on the bike I wasn't doing it right and I've since found out how right he was.  I'm still slow but slowly getting faster and really working up a sweat.

Running is my weakest of the three.  I started running in April, 2011 so I'm coming up to 2 years in a couple months.  I was actually enjoying running last fall but then I slacked off in December so it is time I get going again but this year I've got to be a lot more consistent...somehow.

For 2013 - I learned today that we have a runner confirmed for a Challenge Penticton Relay team so I may have to commit to riding the bike portion of the event this August.  I am considering the possibility of doing either Lake Stevens 70.3 or Oliver HIM this summer.  I am tempted.  I also want to do a couple Sprints or Olys in June and/or September and a Duathlon in May.

I'm looking forward to learning more and getting stronger this year.


2013-01-10 11:01 AM
in reply to: #4569843

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Moonrocket - 2013-01-09 8:21 AM
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-08 9:30 PM

Good for you! It's always fun to start a new plan. 

Do you still ride your horse or is he retired? I have 2. One I still ride on the flats and the other is younger so he gets to go up into the hill trails with me. 

I get on him once or twice a month for a wander around the property.  Mostly I just brush him and feed him carrots.  He's actually sound at nearly 24.  He just needs to be in a program to do much with (OTTB).  I used to event him (over the smallest fences they have) and he can be a bit wild- he really loves to run.  When I was riding and competing him I rode 6 days a week.  He was retired when I was pregnant and I just have not ever brought him back.  He is happy as a clam with his new job though.  I usually just hop on and ride him bareback now. 

What kind of horses do you have?

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Martin

He looks fun. I'm too chicken to try eventing. I like 4 feet on the ground

I used to ride gymkhana (barrels, pole bending, etc) with my older horse. We also were on a drill team and rode a lot of trails. He's 24 this year, a buckskin Quarter horse. I still ride him but just on easy stuff. My younger horse is almost 10. I ride a lot of trails with him and now I ride him on a drill team I started at my barn. He's a Paint. They are both a lot of fun.


scan0003.JPG (62KB - 11 downloads)
2013-01-10 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4571911

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-10 9:01 AM
Moonrocket - 2013-01-09 8:21 AM
50andgettingfit - 2013-01-08 9:30 PM

Good for you! It's always fun to start a new plan. 

Do you still ride your horse or is he retired? I have 2. One I still ride on the flats and the other is younger so he gets to go up into the hill trails with me. 

I get on him once or twice a month for a wander around the property.  Mostly I just brush him and feed him carrots.  He's actually sound at nearly 24.  He just needs to be in a program to do much with (OTTB).  I used to event him (over the smallest fences they have) and he can be a bit wild- he really loves to run.  When I was riding and competing him I rode 6 days a week.  He was retired when I was pregnant and I just have not ever brought him back.  He is happy as a clam with his new job though.  I usually just hop on and ride him bareback now. 

What kind of horses do you have?

Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Martin

He looks fun. I'm too chicken to try eventing. I like 4 feet on the ground

I used to ride gymkhana (barrels, pole bending, etc) with my older horse. We also were on a drill team and rode a lot of trails. He's 24 this year, a buckskin Quarter horse. I still ride him but just on easy stuff. My younger horse is almost 10. I ride a lot of trails with him and now I ride him on a drill team I started at my barn. He's a Paint. They are both a lot of fun.

The one above is Rio and this is M.

2013-01-10 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
I can't figure out how to resize the picture
2013-01-10 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4571944

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

50andgettingfit - 2013-01-10 12:14 PM I can't figure out how to resize the picture

Don't attach it...put it somewhere on the interwebs (like Picasa or something) and use the insert picture function in the blog (looks like a picture of a tree in the middle of the middle row of formatting tools, right next to the anchor).  Once you insert the picture, you can resize it how you like.

The have like a 50Kb limit on attachments here to conserve server space and speed up page loads.

2013-01-10 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4571199

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
wenceslasz - 2013-01-10 12:22 AM

Hi all, I'm the last Mojo to finally hop over.  By way of Intro:

I'm a 62 yr old recovering couch potatoe, junk food junkie and pepsi-holic.  I'm retired which is pretty interesting because I don't know how I ever had enough time to work.  There's just too much to do.

We have 4 kids (3 girls and 1 boy).  With 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters including one born Dec 20th (20-12-2012) and still referred to as "Larry" although Ellexandra seems to be the final name.

Training wise I started swimming exactly one year ago this week.  I could barely swim 50m without gasping for breath.  I have improved a lot over the year but lately I've been feeling really sluggish in the pool.  I swim 3 days a week and am looking forward to open water swimming this summer.

I bought a road bike in July 2011 and started riding really slow.  Jeff told me if I wasn't sweating on the bike I wasn't doing it right and I've since found out how right he was.  I'm still slow but slowly getting faster and really working up a sweat.

Running is my weakest of the three.  I started running in April, 2011 so I'm coming up to 2 years in a couple months.  I was actually enjoying running last fall but then I slacked off in December so it is time I get going again but this year I've got to be a lot more consistent...somehow.

For 2013 - I learned today that we have a runner confirmed for a Challenge Penticton Relay team so I may have to commit to riding the bike portion of the event this August.  I am considering the possibility of doing either Lake Stevens 70.3 or Oliver HIM this summer.  I am tempted.  I also want to do a couple Sprints or Olys in June and/or September and a Duathlon in May.

I'm looking forward to learning more and getting stronger this year.


Hey George!  Welcome to the group.  And congrats on the new baby Larry Smile

It's really inspiring to hear a story about someone just getting started in tris post 60.  Good for you making the change to a healthier way of life!

So the 70.3's you're considering, you meant doing the full event, not just the bike portion right?  I wasn't sure if you were still talking relay when you started that sentence.

Either way, sounds like a packed season, lots of great goals!

2013-01-10 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4568901

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
stevebradley - 2013-01-08 7:40 PM


-----------------------------------------AS PROMISED! ---------------------------------------------------

Okay.  Here is a list of who we are, now that we are actually a "blended" family.  I have given everyone's real name, screen name, and the page on which their biography appears.  Don't worry, though -- no test on this info!

  • Mike -- jmhpsu93 (1)
  • Greg -- gti123 (1)
  • Dave -- briderdt (2)
  • Amy -- noelle1230 (2)
  • Doug -- Hoosierman (2)
  • Patti -- pugpenny (2)
  • Joe -- joestop74 (2)
  • Wayne -- waynec (2)
  • Kate -- moonrocket (3)
  • Shana -- DigitalRain (5)
  • Samantha -- michgirlsk (5)
  • Don -- Donto (6)
  • Tiffany -- Tiffanator (6)
  • Dennis -- Fourteenkittens (9)
  • Matt -- mcmanusclan5 (11)
  • -------------------------------------
  • Ellen -- Zam92 (39)
  • Gene -- Sementi (40)
  • Jeff -- Av8rTx (40)
  • Johanne -- 50andgettingfit (40)
  • Dave -- davekeith (42)


A few from the top list haven't appeared in awhile, so I wonder..........

There are a few others that once inhabited this space, but haven't been here in too-long-to-list:  Darrell, Shane, Dan, Daniel, Jason, and QUINCY, who founded this group but has been swalloweed up by family stuff, I do believe.

There is Ben (brigby) who occasionally visits from another group.

There are also Trina and George, from "Mighty Mojo", who might come over, so be prepared.





You are THE man!!!

2013-01-10 10:11 PM
in reply to: #4572183

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
noelle1230 - 2013-01-10 10:35 AM

Hey George!  Welcome to the group.  And congrats on the new baby Larry Smile

It's really inspiring to hear a story about someone just getting started in tris post 60.  Good for you making the change to a healthier way of life!

So the 70.3's you're considering, you meant doing the full event, not just the bike portion right?  I wasn't sure if you were still talking relay when you started that sentence.

Either way, sounds like a packed season, lots of great goals!

Hi Noelle, you're right I want to do the full event for the 70.3.  I talked to my Spin Coach today and he helped me focus my interests a bit better - he felt the Oliver Half is too early in the season too consider (it is still too cold to get into the lake until June and the event is the beginning of June so no time for OWS practice).

I know a few people who've used him as a coach and he seems to have a good reputation so I am considering asking him to help me come up with a training plan including my other event interests.


2013-01-11 8:47 PM
in reply to: #4573250

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Thank you.  I do so try to justify my existence!Undecided

2013-01-11 8:58 PM
in reply to: #4571199

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Yay!  Ya made it!

When you mentioned Oliver a few weeks ago, I didn't even think about the date for it.  Oops!  It is an early one, and if the water is quite cold...those 1.2 miles can be miserable.  I did the Mooseman half-iron twice, and in central New Hampshire along about June 7, the water can be wicked cold.  the second time I did it there was much forum talk that the water would be mid-50s on race day, so i dutifully stopped at an EMS on the way down and bought a pair of neoprene booties.  But on race morning I tiptoed into the water and stood there for a minute or more without my feet gettoing excruciatingly cold-pained, so i kept the booties wrapped in their original packaging and returned them on the way home.  So, i have no bragging rights for having swam 1.2 miles in 50-something water.  Aw, shucks!

When is Lake Stevens?  That is one I don't know all that well, ahrdly at all, in fact, but something gnawing at my mind tells me mid-August; am I close?  If so, that would be perfect timing for you, able to get in a few prep races before LS -- if you decide to do it, even.  But i can tell you're tempted, and have been for a few weeks..........and in my own experience that is pretty much enough to cast that die!

I like your signature line:  "Soon to be home of Challenge Penticton"!  I haven't followed that little spattle for a while, so how are the two bruisers lining up against easch other?  Is WTC still acting like the whiny, snotty-nosed brat?  I expect so!

2013-01-11 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4574710

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL



Nifty horsie photos, ladies!

I've ridden twice, neither of them being stellar.  I got real psyched and all, but ended up not being all that comfortable, and not sure if my chosen steed liked me much at all.  I usually relate well to most semi-domesticated mammals, but for some reason didn't hit it off with the horse.  that was in about 1971, and haven't ridden since.  I guess I'm overdue for another shot at it, eh? 

2013-01-11 10:39 PM
in reply to: #4574710

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Lake Stevens is set for July 21st.  It is a short distance north of Seattle (about 6.5 hours drive from here).  I don't know much about it other than what I learned from their website.  I am tempted to do it but I need to satisfy some things in my mind before I commit.  I was thinking if I do the Oliver Oly June 16th and handle it decently then I'd register for LS.  That would pretty much render my Fondo ride a mere training ride just before my taper.

Last May long weekend I cycled to Tuc el nuit Lake where they hold the Oliver HIM and there were 8 Calgarians swimming in the lake and they said it was bitterly cold but warmer than Okanagan Lake.  I don't think I'd get more than one or two OWS before the race day so I'm glad to give it a miss for now.  There is also Lake Chelan in Washington state that is early July so another potential race for next year.  And, the Osoyoos Desert HIM that is considered quite a hard/HOT course in early July as well.

As for Challenge/WTC we haven't heard much from WTC.  IMC sold out fairly quickly but Challenge is at about 1200 registered including 100+ relay teams (including Sister Buder).  I intend to support it whole heartedly but one little flaw that no one has ever mentioned is the volunteers.  People always rave about the Penticton volunteers but no one mentions that many of the volunteers were actually there so they could register for next years race.  So, now that this no longer is an issue, will we still have enough superlative volunteers?  We'll see.  As near as I can tell the community seems to be very supportive of Challenge.


I went swimming today.  We have a new coach while our old one is away for a few months to finish a college course.  Today, only two of us showed up to swim and we had a lane each to ourselves.  She said to do a 400m warm-up.  Typical, but as I am finishing my last length she is writing on the chalkboard "1000K TT" not at all what I was expecting.

After a minimal rest (and some choice - unspoken - thoughts) she starts us out and I start out slightly faster than usual then I quickly slow down to my slow steady pace.  I was very pleased to just be able to keep going without any breathing or heart pounding issues.  My 300m TT pace was 2:22 before Christmas so when I hit the wall after 40 lengths I was surprised to hear her say my time was 24:09.  When I did the math it works out to 2:25/100m and I really dogged my turns at the walls so I'm sure I can knock the time down in the future.

I know it wasn't "Aquaman" fast but I was pretty pleased.  Plus my total for 3hrs swimming this week was 5331yds (4875m).  This week last year I swam 2187yds in 3hrs and my 100m pace wouldn't have been measurable (I couldn't even swim 100 continuous metres).

Now I want to go back to the pool....

2013-01-12 12:37 PM
in reply to: #4574783

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


You sure should be pleased with that TT, especially when it followed the 400m warm-up.   That's just a nice chunk of sustained yardage, and at a pace that (a) you're pleased with and (b) will now serve as a benchmark for the rest of the winter.  And I'm sure that was the intention of setting that for you -- to be the first of several.

I think my former coach set them for me at every 2 or 3 weeks; I'm thinking two, but maybe that was back when we were getting to know each other.  Or, ratrher, he was learning what all I was capable of.  Since separating back in '07 or early '08, I haven't done a single solitarty 1000TT.  Shame on me!Embarassed

July 21 is such the better date for your first HIM.  Now, just make sure it doesn't sell out quickly.  That info is probably on the LS 70.3 specific site here at BT, or maybe more reliably, email the race RD.  It's a great plan to test yourself with Oli oly first.....but only if you don't get shut out of the 70.3!

Yeah, that'll be the challenge for Challengfe, maybe -- getting enough volunteers.  That sig-up-privilege cadre could well make their collective way to the WTC one, which of course is not at all what i hopes happens.  It'll be interesting to follow, if nothing else!

2013-01-12 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
I swam for the first time since my last race in Sept. I felt super sluggish. Just did a 400 wu and 50s on a minute for 500 and 200 cool down. I usually start with just long sustained swims, but the 50s with break felt a little better. A few more weeks and I'll be ready for Masters if I can get the timing to work.
2013-01-12 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Johanne your horse is so cute. I've always wanted a super flashy paint! That's so cool you have a drill team! I love watching them at the county fair! How hard is it to teach them to carry a flag? We saw a rodeo queen who nearly got tossed when her horse freaked about the flag she was carrying. She rode beautifully through the whole thing.Steve, you should give it another try!
2013-01-13 8:20 AM
in reply to: #4575295

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Congrats on your return to the pool, and I'm sure you'll be ready for Masters within just a couple of weeks; no need for "a few"!

"Super sluggish" describes my recent return to running, which until this past Tuesday I had not done since Oct 23, I think it was.  That span was far and away the longest I had gone sans run on my own accord, that is, not governed by injury.  Well, it started as a wee break due to some hip soreness....and then it extended just because......and then it became a mini-off-season........and then the CA trip happened.......and xmas stuff.......and my head cold..........and FINALLY on Tuesday i got back to it.  16 minutes then, 20 minutes Thursday, 24 yesterday, with each feeling less sluggish (I often use "ponderous" when sluggishness applies to running) than the previous one (admittedly not much of a sample size yet!).  I think by two or three more 25-35 minutes runs I'll be at about 85% ability; we can hope!

Big Base is one thing, but even that can't fully carry one through extended down times.  It always impresses me how that works, but with swimming -- my weak zone -- it is less pronounced.  that is, being kinda pokey anyhow, I don't experience that much of a drop-off in performance.  part of that makes sense, i suppose, but I'd still figure the more "gifted" skills would rebound back to toppish form more quickly.  But, jeez --- maybe I'm not as "gifted" as a runner and cyclist as i like to think i am.  UndecidedSurprised  (Ohhhh, noooooooooooooooooo........................!!!!!!!FrownCryEmbarassed)


2013-01-13 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4575863

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Football fans:

Regardless of who you wanted to win yesterday ---- weren't those two highly memorable games?!?  Wowzers!!

I am happy to have the Ravens win, cuz now the Pats have home-field next week if they win today.  Of course, in light of yesterday's oddities, the Pats winning today isn't a "lock", is it?

Go Seattle, too!

2013-01-13 8:27 AM
in reply to: #4575865

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Hey!  Happy birthday to me!

(KATE -- me in Emerson, this day, '49!)

64 --- last year in this age group.  I think i can mostly safely say that of the 823 guys in M60-64, I am now the oldest.  That a.g. would run from 1-1-49 to 12-31-53, and seeing as how there are even less of us 49ers than the other four years ---- I am probably the Elder Statesman.   (Phooey????)

2013-01-13 8:34 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Happy Birthday STEVE!
Thanks for all of the advice and anecdotes you've dispensed. Looking forward to more in 2013.
2013-01-13 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Happy Birthday Steve!!! Yay for starting up running too. What's the first race on your calendar?
2013-01-13 12:22 PM
in reply to: #4575868

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Happy birthday Steve! Laughing
2013-01-13 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4575868

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
stevebradley - 2013-01-13 6:27 AM


Hey!  Happy birthday to me!

(KATE -- me in Emerson, this day, '49!)

64 --- last year in this age group.  I think i can mostly safely say that of the 823 guys in M60-64, I am now the oldest.  That a.g. would run from 1-1-49 to 12-31-53, and seeing as how there are even less of us 49ers than the other four years ---- I am probably the Elder Statesman.   (Phooey????)

Happy Birthday Steve! Just think, a year from now you'll be the youngster in your age group!

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