BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-02-14 10:29 AM
in reply to: Brian W

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Brian W

Making bike adjustments! I have a FAST FORWARD seatpost on order at the LBS where they cut me a deal. I switched my stem and adjusted my bar angles today.

I suppose I'll change it all over again on Monday with the new post. Now to play with cleat position.

Careful, on both accounts. A road bike frame with a FF seatpost and a long stem is going to shift your weight pretty far forward, which unloads the rear wheel and can make handling twitchy - very twitchy. Riding my 60cm GT with clip-on aerobars was a bit of a shock, and ultimately took them off. Compared to my tri-bike (which has a much longer wheelbase - probably 3 or 4 inches, in a 58cm frame, compared to the 60cm road bike), the aerobars where unacceptably twitchy on the road frame. Just be careful, especially on your first few descents.

On cleat positioning, here's the gold standard: . To summarize, put the cleat as far forward as it will go. Unless you're using some custom-mount, custom-drilled shoes and Speedplay pedals, every other pedal and shoe combination (including my fancy Vectors and Shimano shoes) doesn't really let us set the cleats as far forward as is proper.

2014-02-14 10:57 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Disappointed... my bike fitting got moved from today to next friday I was really looking forward to it. But it does give me a bit more time, I need new shoes and I figure it is probably best to have them before I get fitted. Ohter parts of training are going well - I have to switch up my schedule though. I have my long runs on saturdays but the track doesn't open until 9 and the blue haird walkers are out in full force. I am worried that I will accidentaly run one over, they walk across the track so they can chat in groups. I try not to get annoyed but it is hard to breath through gritted teeth...

A friend of mine and I have been talking over approaching training like you are in a 12-step program. I don't know if you guys are interested in this idea but I think it has some interesting potential to help those of us that may have a hard time with competing priorities. Some components of a 12 step program and my take on relating them to training:
1. Sponsorship: find a sponsor/mentor/trainer - find someone who has experience in achieving what you want and the ability to help you get there
2. Meetings: meeting with like-minded people trying to achieve the same goal - This group fits the bill nicely, could going to the track/pool count too? Treat it like it is not an option. Share the experiences of working towards your goal, identify common problems, seek shared solutions, get support and ideas from others struggles. In some 12-step programs they expect you to attend a meeting daily for the first 6 months. That might do radical things for people who really need support.
3. Communication & frequent contact: providing an immediate outlet for those hard-to-handle lows that impact your commitment. Calling, texting, emailing, posting others in the community and circle of support daily. Yep daily.
4. Writing: putting thoughts and feelings down on paper helps us to better understand our actions and reactions in a way that is often not revealed to us by simply thinking or talking about them. Blog, tweet, journal, write in a diary, or on this forum. I know we all track our distance, time, pace, heart rate etc but taking the time to record why a workout was good or maybe why you skipped one you could have made, could tell you a lot about where your head is.
5. Reading: reading training related literature reinforces how to live the steps that we need to achieve what we want. It can provide inspiration from those that are successful and help keep you focused.
6. Action Plan: I consider an action plan absolutely fundamental to my success. I am a planner. I need that calendar with my workouts all laid out with my progression clearly marked. I think it is the science geek in me. I am all about spreadsheets lol. Even if you don't map it out for months at a time I think you need to identify and implement attainable actions. David has us all on the right track with the weekly/monthly goals spreadsheet (now I need to fill mine out consistently!).

Let me know what you guys think
2014-02-14 3:41 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I got a great 1450M with a main 750M Continous swim in today. It was relaxed, rhythmic, and I felt I could have gone WAAAAAY longer. This is my longest Continous swim ever and as I could barely float at the new year I'm more than satisfied!

I've got some catching up to do comments wise. I decided to put them all in one post this time around

I think your approach is spot on
1) I find this group and BT in general to be helpful in the mentoring aspect. I would like to meet some more triatheletes here in Denver however to expand my "network"
2) I am beginning to run with the Denver Trail Runners group as it allows me to meeting on a schedule (planning as mentioned in 6) weekly with other athletes. I m toying with joining a tri club or meters swim but those will cost $ and the DTR is free.
3) I think communication through BT Is huge, without the ability to express my joy/frustration/or just whatever I'm up to that day with people who care or atleast understand is huge for me. Again, I would love to have this on a non internet level as well
4) I keep a hand written training journal that had the day time distance cadence Hr max Min elevation climbed where the workout originate from etc. I find just writing these things down helps me understand my training better. It's like taking notes in class, sure you listened to the tech and completed the exercise bunting outwits it down chances are you'll remember/learn better and it's physical evidence from the past.
5) love to read. I've read as much tri & running related literature as I can find in an attempt to better understand the ideas/philosophies/and approaches people use. I find this necessary as everyone is looking for THE ONLY or BESt answer/program/technique and not the answer that WORKS BEST FOR THEM, we are all different.
6) if I don't plan, I don't do. Luckily I'm an obsessive planner. I truly believe in this step.

In short I like your approach I think it captures a lot of the commitment necessary to be successful or "push" yourself to the next level

Brad & Charles-
Thanks for the notes on cleat position, I'll definitely move forward with caution.

Awesome run! I'm glad you broke the 6Mi mark and reached your goal. You definitely earned the beer.

Bummer about the micro tears. I hope the Asics assist you when you can return to running. I know the pain of being sidelined, even if it's just missing something you enjoy. Best of luck!

Good luck trudging in the snow! Hope all is well and safe out there

There is something in the air! A bunch of my friends and myself were out of commission for up to 2 weeks due to illness. Wishing you a speedy recovery and successful training post illness.

No worries on not hitting the 1500-1700 swim mark. It was smart to listen to the body and not push it.

Good luck with the new work schedule. I've worked similar shifts in the past and finding time for GOOD sleep can be a bear sometimes. I'll have to revisit BORN TO RUN again. I was much less concerned about form when I picked it up the first time.

Best of luck with the ITB. It seems all of us should spend more time in the water so hopefully you can see some considerable gains while you give the legs a break.

I don't think I ever officially welcomed you. Looks like you got a good brick session in lately. Congrats.

If your feeling "winey" and want a pairing Underdog goes pretty well with Montery Jack cheese. My local beer store did a beer and cheese event recently. Flying dog makes some pretty solid beers.

Cheers and happy training,
2014-02-14 5:22 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

> I think communication through BT Is huge, without the ability to express my joy/frustration/or just whatever I'm up to that day with people who care or atleast understand is huge for me. 

Strongly agree! Being able to report workouts (both positive and frustrations) with a group who is in the same (relative) boat is huge.

On that topic, yesterday I went on a 3 mile run yesterday with cardio-kick in the evening. Today I played flag football with my co-workers instead of my planned 6 mile run, the weather was just too warm for a run and football sounded more fun

2014-02-14 10:44 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Qua17 I am *%#!ing stoked! Today, I went out for a run in the snow, which is something that I absolutely love to do. It was fantastic. On most road, there was maybe an inch of snow on the road so I had to take it nice and slow. Yet there were others that hadn't been plowed recently and I had an absolute blast running through 3 inches of fine powder. I had run about three and I decided to ignore the fact that it was a rest week and go for 6 miles, which has been my goal since October. By the time I ran down the path to our house - I had clocked 6.75. And my hip and leg feel decent. Maybe this is the corner I've been waiting to turn all these months. God, I hope so. I'm celebrating with Westside Rye Ale by Boulevard Brewing Co. One of my favorite breweries but this beer isn't great.


I love making 'first tracks' in new snow!


2014-02-15 7:35 AM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Great post, Brian! I fully agree that this virtual communication systems is tremendously useful and highly motivating. If you don´t have tri-friends around, I find it difficult to explain other friends or even family how excited you can about new PR or even new gear (toy) you bought - also, I also think that as a begginner in this sport, all tri-athletes have 6 hours a day to train and do full IM ,while here I find people who struggle to balance their busy lifes with a passion. Meanwhile, enjoy a few beers (or wines, or bourbons). On top of this, the web is full of attractive training plans and information.

Terrible week as I am traveling in India for work, so as I do not want to risk my life biking or swimming in the ocean, today just did 6k run in the trainer (booooring...zzzzz). Not even a cold Kingfisher as I am in a dry state, alcohol ilegal. Ready to go back and go on ski trip with the kids, at least healthier exercise! Enjoy the weekend.

2014-02-15 12:13 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
~9 mile run today. My treadmill and I are developing a real hate-hate relationship now - but Old Man Winter has really earned my ire, since today's high is 10 degrees.

Tried a new Scotch ale yesterday, from Arcadia, but it didn't really resonate with me, and I usually like scotch ales. Didn't finish the glass, but I did finish the pizza, which left me feeling guilty and miserable. And they screwed up my order, so the pizza was mediocre, and I still ate too much, of crappy food. /headdesk
2014-02-15 12:54 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
The week started off decent with a strong swim on Monday. Tuesday, however, I woke up feeling awful. Made it to my physio appointment and managed to pinpoint my knee issue when running (I have a knee issue when running :P). Some stretching of the MCL and Hamstrings should take care of that problem. Today has been the first day I've woken up not feeling like someone pummelled my head with a sack of potatoes. Starting Monday I'll be on back on the training. This is the first recovery week of the training season coming up so it should be fit well coming off this bug that's bogged me down for the last 4 days. It's also reading week so I get a bit of a mental recovery as well.
2014-02-15 1:12 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
My husband broke my heart on V-day. He called me while I was at work and told me he had really bad news, my dog was hit by a car and died instantly. Frickin worst V-day. I hadn't had Zooey long but when I was really sick she laid with me the entire time. When I was alone, too sick to even sit up and everyone was at work she was there, spooning me an keeping me warm! She was here on earth, did her job and now she is gone! F**K!!!!!

Anyway the shepherd is whining and missing her best bud so we are going to go on a recovery recover from our loss.

2014-02-15 1:21 PM
in reply to: 0

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Juancho[/b

Terrible week as I am traveling in India for work, so as I do not want to risk my life biking or swimming in the ocean, today just did 6k run in the trainer (booooring...zzzzz). Not even a cold Kingfisher as I am in a dry state, alcohol ilegal. Ready to go back and go on ski trip with the kids, at least healthier exercise! Enjoy the weekend.

Really, bad week getting to go to India?! How wonderful to see the world! The university I work for is sending me to Vegas in JULY!

Edited by SportzVision 2014-02-15 1:21 PM
2014-02-15 3:57 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 Open
9/28 today with a double. I will be on week 19 of free HIM plan on this site. Loving all the swim. I need to spend a few minutes catching up on all the posts. I drank too much Thursday and couldn't/didn't work out Friday. That doesn't happen often, but when it does, I go big or go home. Long trainer ride tomorrow.

2014-02-15 7:49 PM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by SportzVision

My husband broke my heart on V-day. He called me while I was at work and told me he had really bad news, my dog was hit by a car and died instantly. Frickin worst V-day. I hadn't had Zooey long but when I was really sick she laid with me the entire time. When I was alone, too sick to even sit up and everyone was at work she was there, spooning me an keeping me warm! She was here on earth, did her job and now she is gone! F**K!!!!!

Anyway the shepherd is whining and missing her best bud so we are going to go on a recovery recover from our loss.

I'm really sorry to hear about this. I'm glad you've still got the Shepard to keep you company. It's amazing how much an animal can touch our lives. Best of luck to you.
2014-02-15 7:51 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Yoga this AM and a 5 mile hike with the GF and dogs this afternoon. All around a good day, we will be going for a swim tomorrow AM
2014-02-15 9:45 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Brian W

Originally posted by SportzVision

My husband broke my heart on V-day. He called me while I was at work and told me he had really bad news, my dog was hit by a car and died instantly. Frickin worst V-day. I hadn't had Zooey long but when I was really sick she laid with me the entire time. When I was alone, too sick to even sit up and everyone was at work she was there, spooning me an keeping me warm! She was here on earth, did her job and now she is gone! F**K!!!!!

Anyway the shepherd is whining and missing her best bud so we are going to go on a recovery recover from our loss.

I'm really sorry to hear about this. I'm glad you've still got the Shepard to keep you company. It's amazing how much an animal can touch our lives. Best of luck to you.

I ran but not outside...just didn't feel like fighting the wind.
2014-02-16 1:06 AM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Brian W

Originally posted by SportzVision

My husband broke my heart on V-day. He called me while I was at work and told me he had really bad news, my dog was hit by a car and died instantly. Frickin worst V-day. I hadn't had Zooey long but when I was really sick she laid with me the entire time. When I was alone, too sick to even sit up and everyone was at work she was there, spooning me an keeping me warm! She was here on earth, did her job and now she is gone! F**K!!!!!

Anyway the shepherd is whining and missing her best bud so we are going to go on a recovery recover from our loss.

I'm really sorry to hear about this. I'm glad you've still got the Shepard to keep you company. It's amazing how much an animal can touch our lives. Best of luck to you.

I ran but not outside...just didn't feel like fighting the wind.
Sorry for your loss Cynthia. That really sucks.
2014-02-16 4:36 AM
in reply to: SportzVision

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Juancho[/b

Terrible week as I am traveling in India for work, so as I do not want to risk my life biking or swimming in the ocean, today just did 6k run in the trainer (booooring...zzzzz). Not even a cold Kingfisher as I am in a dry state, alcohol ilegal. Ready to go back and go on ski trip with the kids, at least healthier exercise! Enjoy the weekend.

Really, bad week getting to go to India?! How wonderful to see the world! The university I work for is sending me to Vegas in JULY!

Very sorry to hear about your loss, Cynthia
And yes, you're right, let´s be positive!! Agree that travelling is great, actually love it, but I come to India 5-6 times per year and that week the training goes down, and if its Gujarat, not even a warm Coors light is available -let alone all food is vegetarian. But yes, call it recovery-cultural week!

2014-02-16 10:16 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Juancho

Originally posted by SportzVision

Originally posted by Juancho[/b

Terrible week as I am traveling in India for work, so as I do not want to risk my life biking or swimming in the ocean, today just did 6k run in the trainer (booooring...zzzzz). Not even a cold Kingfisher as I am in a dry state, alcohol ilegal. Ready to go back and go on ski trip with the kids, at least healthier exercise! Enjoy the weekend.

Really, bad week getting to go to India?! How wonderful to see the world! The university I work for is sending me to Vegas in JULY!

Very sorry to hear about your loss, Cynthia
And yes, you're right, let´s be positive!! Agree that travelling is great, actually love it, but I come to India 5-6 times per year and that week the training goes down, and if its Gujarat, not even a warm Coors light is available -let alone all food is vegetarian. But yes, call it recovery-cultural week!

I get the dreaded training...just spent a week in Salesforce training...a long week! Gujarat??? I think I like the thought of doing yoga in the land of its origin. Have a safe trip and think of us if you do some yoga!
2014-02-17 2:30 AM
in reply to: SportzVision

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by SportzVision My husband broke my heart on V-day. He called me while I was at work and told me he had really bad news, my dog was hit by a car and died instantly. Frickin worst V-day. I hadn't had Zooey long but when I was really sick she laid with me the entire time. When I was alone, too sick to even sit up and everyone was at work she was there, spooning me an keeping me warm! She was here on earth, did her job and now she is gone! F**K!!!!! Anyway the shepherd is whining and missing her best bud so we are going to go on a recovery recover from our loss.

So very sorry for the loss of your furry friend.  

2014-02-17 2:37 AM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Hey, gang!

New work schedule has been a bee-yawtch.    Haven't quite learned how/when the best times to work out will be.  I'm rethinking the 'after-work' schedule and will try to get some stuff done before work.  One THAT note, I went for a great OUTDOOR bike ride; sunny, breezy and about 48 degrees.  Rode just over 90 minutes on my 'cross bike-out and back to my GFs house.  Pace/effort were all pretty good.  I can tell all the starir running has improved my cardio.  Thinking I'll swim for a wee bit in the morning and, weather depending, go for a run tomorrow (Tues) when I get up.

2014-02-17 9:30 AM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Hey, gang!

New work schedule has been a bee-yawtch.    Haven't quite learned how/when the best times to work out will be.  I'm rethinking the 'after-work' schedule and will try to get some stuff done before work.  One THAT note, I went for a great OUTDOOR bike ride; sunny, breezy and about 48 degrees.  Rode just over 90 minutes on my 'cross bike-out and back to my GFs house.  Pace/effort were all pretty good.  I can tell all the starir running has improved my cardio.  Thinking I'll swim for a wee bit in the morning and, weather depending, go for a run tomorrow (Tues) when I get up.

Ahh OUTDOOR! We are all jealous!

I signed up for a sprint at the end of APRIL. The BlasterBlast Triathlon. This will be super awesome. It is the first race of the season for me and at the college I graduated from. Nothing like returning to the Alma matter for tri. I'm stoked!
2014-02-17 11:06 AM
in reply to: Brian W

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Over the weekend I enjoyed some good outdoor training: Saturday was a 10 mile bike ride, finally getting some time in the saddle of my loaner tri-bike which feels oh so much faster than my commuter bike I'm usually riding. Sunday was a 10 mile run as my last long run before my upcoming half-marathon this weekend. Kept the pace a little on the slow side as I was mainly going for mileage not speed.

While I'm enjoying the outdoor training I really wish we had some rain out here! Most of the reservoirs in my area are down around 10% capacity which is going to impact the triathlons that are held at some of the local lakes. Amazingly the race directors for Wildflower are saying the lake has enough water for the swim events, however the course may be slightly altered to accommodate for it.


2014-02-17 12:30 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Hi All:

I updated the weekly Goal page. Here is the link:

Luckily for me - I didn't accomplish any of my goals, so it was easy writing them up this week! (Sounds like a Coors Light Penalty to me)
2014-02-17 12:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I'm back... I spent the first part of the weekend at a job fair hoping to have a few interviews. After only getting 1, I spent Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday working to improve my portfolio with the hopes of making something happen. While the work I did yesterday may help me land a teaching gig - its got in the way of working out and eating well. So, I turned over a new leaf and am hoping to eat better this week.

This morning - I did an hour long ride on the drainer which I had to cut short thanks to pain in my hip. I was hoping the new pedals would make a difference but only time will tell if will inf act happen. With the hope of beating this hip pain - that's back with a vengeance after over doing it on my long run last week, I'm going to start icing it 3x per day.

Have a great week everyone!
2014-02-17 12:39 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MOlsen

Over the weekend I enjoyed some good outdoor training: Saturday was a 10 mile bike ride, finally getting some time in the saddle of my loaner tri-bike which feels oh so much faster than my commuter bike I'm usually riding. Sunday was a 10 mile run as my last long run before my upcoming half-marathon this weekend. Kept the pace a little on the slow side as I was mainly going for mileage not speed.

While I'm enjoying the outdoor training I really wish we had some rain out here! Most of the reservoirs in my area are down around 10% capacity which is going to impact the triathlons that are held at some of the local lakes. Amazingly the race directors for Wildflower are saying the lake has enough water for the swim events, however the course may be slightly altered to accommodate for it.


Mark - Good luck in the race this weekend! And I will pray for rain!
2014-02-17 12:44 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by adempsey10

The week started off decent with a strong swim on Monday. Tuesday, however, I woke up feeling awful. Made it to my physio appointment and managed to pinpoint my knee issue when running (I have a knee issue when running :P). Some stretching of the MCL and Hamstrings should take care of that problem. Today has been the first day I've woken up not feeling like someone pummelled my head with a sack of potatoes. Starting Monday I'll be on back on the training. This is the first recovery week of the training season coming up so it should be fit well coming off this bug that's bogged me down for the last 4 days. It's also reading week so I get a bit of a mental recovery as well.

Alan: Glad you are feeling better! Hope you got in a good workout today!
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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