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2012-04-20 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4163691

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
pvollands - 2012-04-20 6:34 PM

This week was an easier week before 2 x peak weeks and 2 x taper weeks. My options for tomorrow due to available time are: A) 80 mile ride from home which gets me 40 miles into the race course or, B) The north part of the course above Hwy105 starting at Walmart which is 60 miles and catches the hills.

A or B Peeps?


I have nothing to go on but that B is my favorite letter so it has my vote

2012-04-20 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4163714

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Shermbelle - 2012-04-20 6:56 PM
pvollands - 2012-04-20 6:34 PM

This week was an easier week before 2 x peak weeks and 2 x taper weeks. My options for tomorrow due to available time are: A) 80 mile ride from home which gets me 40 miles into the race course or, B) The north part of the course above Hwy105 starting at Walmart which is 60 miles and catches the hills.

A or B Peeps?


I have nothing to go on but that B is my favorite letter so it has my vote

I would go for B and the hills. How I miss hills.
2012-04-20 9:33 PM
in reply to: #4163691

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
pvollands - 2012-04-20 5:34 PM

This week was an easier week before 2 x peak weeks and 2 x taper weeks. My options for tomorrow due to available time are: A) 80 mile ride from home which gets me 40 miles into the race course or, B) The north part of the course above Hwy105 starting at Walmart which is 60 miles and catches the hills.

A or B Peeps?

I would do a just because I do not like to drive to go ride my bike. Do you have time to do b and add the Anderson loop? That is another 10ish miles and a nicer hill.
2012-04-21 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3517225

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
I'll be riding most of the course today, but I'm starting to boycott the store in Richards because of the fake out of order sign on the bathrooms they put up for the Saturday morning crowd. Instead, I'm thinking I'll go on to Anderson and spend my $3.00 refilling bottles there. Plus, I like the hills just outside of town!
2012-04-21 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3517225

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Doggone kids had me up from 2:30:3:40. If I went back to sleep I knew I'd never get up. So, I ran 16 in the dark instead of riding 80. Nice to be done with a workout with the sun just coming up. Worst part...I did it on no coffee!!
2012-04-21 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4164223

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

alove - 2012-04-21 9:35 AM Doggone kids had me up from 2:30:3:40. If I went back to sleep I knew I'd never get up. So, I ran 16 in the dark instead of riding 80. Nice to be done with a workout with the sun just coming up. Worst part...I did it on no coffee!!


Nice work, I got in a short ride, ran a 10 mile race, rode home and am now sitting in a virtual waiting room trying to score me some Bruce Springsteen tickets at Wrigley Field in September Cool

2012-04-21 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4164223

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

alove - 2012-04-21 8:35 AM Doggone kids had me up from 2:30:3:40. If I went back to sleep I knew I'd never get up. So, I ran 16 in the dark instead of riding 80. Nice to be done with a workout with the sun just coming up. Worst part...I did it on no coffee!!

Nice Job, I did 17 this morning and have 100mile ride/1hr run on the calendar for tomorrow morning and an OWS for 1 hr tomorrow afternoon .. Big training day tomorrow!

2012-04-21 3:12 PM
in reply to: #4164512

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
se7930 - 2012-04-21 12:20 PM

alove - 2012-04-21 8:35 AM Doggone kids had me up from 2:30:3:40. If I went back to sleep I knew I'd never get up. So, I ran 16 in the dark instead of riding 80. Nice to be done with a workout with the sun just coming up. Worst part...I did it on no coffee!!

Nice Job, I did 17 this morning and have 100mile ride/1hr run on the calendar for tomorrow morning and an OWS for 1 hr tomorrow afternoon .. Big training day tomorrow!

Nice the both of you. I just finished about a 70 mile ride and 4 mile brick workout. Tommorrow the big run 18 miles.
2012-04-22 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

Really good ride this morning, 110 miles in the wind and constant rain.  Well....the first 40 minutes were good.  Then I hit some diagonal train tracks the wrong way and ate it.  Minor cuts and bruises, nothing big but still a pain.  First time I've crashed, besides getting hit by a car which doesn't count.  The following 5+ hours were good.  Ride time was 5:45, but with crash time and stops (to walk across more train tracks ) my time was 6:06.  Also heard a giant gator splash into the swamp as I rode through one section.  Crazy start to the day.

Hope your training went well today.

2012-04-22 5:21 PM
in reply to: #4165529

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
papson14 - 2012-04-22 1:31 PM

Really good ride this morning, 110 miles in the wind and constant rain.  Well....the first 40 minutes were good.  Then I hit some diagonal train tracks the wrong way and ate it.  Minor cuts and bruises, nothing big but still a pain.  First time I've crashed, besides getting hit by a car which doesn't count.  The following 5+ hours were good.  Ride time was 5:45, but with crash time and stops (to walk across more train tracks ) my time was 6:06.  Also heard a giant gator splash into the swamp as I rode through one section.  Crazy start to the day.

Hope your training went well today.

Dang it! Glad you are OK! Great job on the 110 miles in horrible weather. I would have been indoors!
2012-04-22 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Had a Big Day of Training this weekend (Saturday).

Swim 1:15 (4,000 meters).
Biked 6:55 (98.50 miles - was SLOW today for some reason. Although, my average is usually 15.0-15.3. Ha! Always slow!)
Run 1:00 (5 miles)

Solid day of training! Quads are feeling it for sure.

Then I rode 20 miles today with my tri club. It was a recovery ride and I took it easy. Of course coach isn't happy I didn't rest on my rest day.

2012-04-22 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4165801

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
KSH - 2012-04-22 6:24 PMHad a Big Day of Training this weekend (Saturday). Swim 1:15 (4,000 meters). Biked 6:55 (98.50 miles - was SLOW today for some reason. Although, my average is usually 15.0-15.3. Ha! Always slow!) Run 1:00 (5 miles) Solid day of training! Quads are feeling it for sure. Then I rode 20 miles today with my tri club. It was a recovery ride and I took it easy. Of course coach isn't happy I didn't rest on my rest day.
Great work, that's a busy day.
2012-04-22 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4165793

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
KSH - 2012-04-22 6:21 PM
papson14 - 2012-04-22 1:31 PM

Really good ride this morning, 110 miles in the wind and constant rain.  Well....the first 40 minutes were good.  Then I hit some diagonal train tracks the wrong way and ate it.  Minor cuts and bruises, nothing big but still a pain.  First time I've crashed, besides getting hit by a car which doesn't count.  The following 5+ hours were good.  Ride time was 5:45, but with crash time and stops (to walk across more train tracks ) my time was 6:06.  Also heard a giant gator splash into the swamp as I rode through one section.  Crazy start to the day.

Hope your training went well today.

Dang it! Glad you are OK! Great job on the 110 miles in horrible weather. I would have been indoors!
I had been inside way too often this season so I thought it was time to get out there. Should have ridden Saturday when it was hot and sunny, but the kids had soccer and that's just too important to miss. Hopefully we'll get another day or two of heat soon.
2012-04-22 10:15 PM
in reply to: #4165801

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

KSH - 2012-04-22 6:24 PM Had a Big Day of Training this weekend (Saturday). Swim 1:15 (4,000 meters). Biked 6:55 (98.50 miles - was SLOW today for some reason. Although, my average is usually 15.0-15.3. Ha! Always slow!) Run 1:00 (5 miles) Solid day of training! Quads are feeling it for sure. Then I rode 20 miles today with my tri club. It was a recovery ride and I took it easy. Of course coach isn't happy I didn't rest on my rest day.


Awesome day, I have been shooting for one of those but have yet been able to pull one of those off.

2012-04-22 11:52 PM
in reply to: #3517225

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Wow, less than 4 weeks and this is all over. Had a solid training week minus Monday. Need two more and then back it down til race day. We need some heat up here in Michigan. Mid March we had  a week of 80's now we can't seem to break the low 50's. Frown
2012-04-23 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3517225

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

It looks like they added the practice swim back to the event schedule on Friday.


I need a good week to overcome a mental breakdown I am on.  I hit my big stuff, but the shorter stuff got the boot a few times due to kids sick, scheduling conflicts and my wife is sick of me training (it is tough to train without my number one supporter). 

I need to get it done!  good luck to all this week

Edited by TriPatrick 2012-04-23 11:46 AM

2012-04-23 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3517225


Seabrook Texas
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with a sore upper back? Rode the MS 150 this past weekend and my back was on fire. Rode 86 then a 5 mile run and after about 60 on the bike it was brutal, run was fine. This has been bothering me since i rode the course about a month ago.

2012-04-23 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4167251

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
TriPatrick - 2012-04-23 9:30 AM

It looks like they added the practice swim back to the event schedule on Friday.


I need a good week to overcome a mental breakdown I am on.  I hit my big stuff, but the shorter stuff got the boot a few times due to kids sick, scheduling conflicts and my wife is sick of me training (it is tough to train without my number one supporter). 

I need to get it done!  good luck to all this week

I understand the toughness to train without your #1 supporter. Just hang in there. I know I have had some mental hurdles these past couple of weeks. Just be ready to give great payback when its over. My wife has some big chits to call in when I am done. So I anticipate lots of payback time.

2012-04-23 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3517225

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Big weekend for me too. 112 mile ride on Saturday and my head just wasn't in it. Almost quit a couple of times. But just kept spinning and eventually got it done. Ran almost 19 on Sunday. I may not be able to replicate the humidity, but definately had the heat here in southern AZ. Today's a rest day and then one more tough week. Planning one more 18 mile run and one more 100+ mile ride. Won't be on the same weekend this time. Need to work on resting!
2012-04-23 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3517225


Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with a sore upper back? Rode the MS 150 this past weekend and my back was on fire. Rode 86 then a 5 mile run and after about 60 on the bike it was brutal, run was fine. This has been bothering me since i rode the course about a month ago.


Have you changed anything on your bike? Sometimes if its a reall aggressive aero position it can hurt your back....

2012-04-23 8:05 PM
in reply to: #4155535

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
tjfry - 2012-04-17 10:07 AMIronman Practice Swim will be Saturday April 28th. They will have a 1.2 mile loop for you to swim. It will essentially be the first leg of the race. I will put up a link later when I find it. Only opportunity to swim the lake before that Friday. Get there early because it won't be open all morning. Sponsored by some guy who thought a practice swim was a good thing to have.....
Is anyone thinking of doing a swim/bike brick Saturday? I just found out my sons pre-k graduation is may 18 so it looks like I can not do the practice swim the day before the race. I want to ride long Saturday so I thought maybe a ows then 112 would be a good workout. If not maybe I could swim, drive the 25 min home the do my planned 6hr ride possible 1 hr run.

2012-04-23 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4167488

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
ranmill - 2012-04-23 12:56 PM

Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with a sore upper back? Rode the MS 150 this past weekend and my back was on fire. Rode 86 then a 5 mile run and after about 60 on the bike it was brutal, run was fine. This has been bothering me since i rode the course about a month ago.

Sore while riding? Or sore after you are done riding?

After you are done riding... maybe look into getting a massage?

Otherwise, was it sore the day(s) you were riding? Maybe you were tightening the muscles in your back without realizing it? Hum.

2012-04-23 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4167251

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
TriPatrick - 2012-04-23 12:30 PM

It looks like they added the practice swim back to the event schedule on Friday.


I need a good week to overcome a mental breakdown I am on.  I hit my big stuff, but the shorter stuff got the boot a few times due to kids sick, scheduling conflicts and my wife is sick of me training (it is tough to train without my number one supporter). 

I need to get it done!  good luck to all this week


Hang in there man, feel your pain. Have been on both sides of this fence. My wife has asked "is this the way it is going to be, you gone all the time on the weekend?" to doing an IM way undertrained and her saying "if you want to keep doing these you need to put in the training, this is a big waste to come all the way here and you say you're not happy with your time cause you didn't train enough"

Sometimes you can't win.

I am convinced that IM was not for a married man with small children at home....but I keep doing them anyway Laughing

2012-04-23 9:37 PM
in reply to: #3517225

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread

Reading on the website about the practice swim, must have wristbands and timing chips to be able to swim. No unregistered people will be allowed in the water. And they do give an address to an aquatic center in Magnolia that is open all day for swimming for $2.

Locals, where is Magnolia, TX in relation to the Woodlands?

2012-04-24 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3517225

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official Thread
Anyone see Dave Scott is giving away free entries to the HITS series Marble Falls race this weekend on Twiitter. Too close to really race it but would be a nice training day to do it slow or do part of the half.
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