Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas 2012 : Official ThreadHey, everyone!
I'm TJ, a dentist, husband, involved father of four (9, 8, 2, and 1 year old )- yes, I train exclusively after kids' bedtime from 7:30 to 10:30ish. I'm from Marietta, GA.
IMTX will be my third IM. I promised my wife I would not do IM St George ever again after almost killing myself this year out there and worrying her to tears. I'll do the heat...just please, no more hills!
I'll be in this thread all year, and look forward to reading all your updates. Speaking of reading, if any of you on here who raced in '10 can throw out tips you learned during your race week ( where you stayed, ate, etc ) I would love to hear them.