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2013-04-22 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4643301

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

I have a few questions for my American colleagues:

-I'm looking to buy a JR Carbine.  Should I go with the 9mm or .45 Cal?  Positives or Negatives?  Does it really matter between the two or is it semantics with such small ammo?

-The JR Carbine's are a non restricted rifle in Canada.  Is it true they are banned in New York state? Where they are made? They are $899 all across Canada which I think is a ludicrous price...thinking of purchasing one states side.  where would I go? Never bought a firearm from the states before.  Are there any good mail order stores?

-I own an SKS Type 56.  I have heard they are banned in the US because Chinese gun imports to the US are now banned?  Can someone tell me why?  How long that will be for?  And if I was to go deer hunting with a friend in michigan, could I bring it with me, or do I have to find something else?


2013-04-22 8:49 AM
in reply to: #4709642

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
TheCrownsOwn - 2013-04-22 9:38 AM

I have a few questions for my American colleagues:

-I'm looking to buy a JR Carbine.  Should I go with the 9mm or .45 Cal?  Positives or Negatives?  Does it really matter between the two or is it semantics with such small ammo?

What are you looking for it to do? 9mm Vs .45 is a religious discussion. Pick the one you can find ammo for and are comfortable using and call it good.

TheCrownsOwn - 2013-04-22 9:38 AM
-The JR Carbine's are a non restricted rifle in Canada.  Is it true they are banned in New York state? Where they are made? They are $899 all across Canada which I think is a ludicrous price...thinking of purchasing one states side.  where would I go? Never bought a firearm from the states before.  Are there any good mail order stores?

Unless you're a resident, you cannot buy one in the States.

TheCrownsOwn - 2013-04-22 9:38 AM-I own an SKS Type 56.  I have heard they are banned in the US because Chinese gun imports to the US are now banned?  Can someone tell me why?  How long that will be for?  And if I was to go deer hunting with a friend in michigan, could I bring it with me, or do I have to find something else?


President Bush Sr banned a bunch of "Assault Weapons" in 1989 from import. President Clinton did the same thing, banning more in 1998 and "assault pistol" import ban in 2001.

I don't know which of the import bans covered that particular long gun but I'm guessing it's President Clinton's first executive order on the matter.

You would have to get an exception to import it and that's basically not going to happen. Borrow your friend's firearm during your hunting trip. Make sure you have a valid hunting license prior to taking physical possession of any firearm, though.

2013-04-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4706343

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Venture Industries,
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
jeffnboise - 2013-04-18 6:10 PM
powerman - 2013-04-18 3:48 PM
jeffnboise - 2013-04-18 3:41 PM
powerman - 2013-04-18 3:06 PM
jeffnboise - 2013-04-18 1:51 PM
Aarondb4 - 2013-04-18 12:18 PM


I will just say I was happy with the outcome and glad to see our system work. Our government was set up so that the white house couldn't do anything or get everything that it wants. The system worked yesterday and for that I am glad.

Since we're all pretty sure what side everyone is on here, I'll say this....this is exactly how the system is BROKEN.  This wasn't a vote for/against background checks; it was partisian politics and re-election money coming from the lobbyists.  Pro-gun AND Anti-gun money.  Democrats and Republicans alike are guilty. 

Those who choose to wrap themselves in the constitution while proclaiming the founding fathers insisted their 2A rights are god-given should bow their heads in shame at the MANNER in which this decision was reached.  This was a glaring example of just how broken our Democracy really is.  This is NOT what the founding fathers intended.

So, yeah, I'm disappointed in the outcome.  If the decision went YOUR way; then congratulations to you.  But if you think for a minute this vote was not based soley upon the money and politics of re-election, then I have some land I'd like to sell you.

So then Jeff, what was intended by our founding father's?

And I agree with the spirit of your post. That politics are extremely partisan, and that "The People" have lost their voice over the money that flows to Washington and the parties. And that yes there are a lot of bills passed on party lines and it is all one long election cycle.

But I do not understand how this vote was "broken". It was debated, it did not pass committee. Those that voted (R) did not want it to. A couple of (D)s agreed. There was questionable things in the bill, and it did not pass muster. There was a vote, the vote was recorded... just like every other piece of legislation.

What the Founding Fathers did intend was that fleeting whims and fads not become law... that you actually had to work at changing things. The House could move quicker, but the Senate was designed with feet of clay to keep stability in the system. You need a really good reason to change things in the Senate... they did not have one. It is how it is supposed to work.

Those that voted (Rep and Dem alike) are suppossed to Represent the wishes of their constituents, not their $$$ donors.   It's not about Those...it's about US

So then it is not possible that the bill had some very questionable language, and that the entire bill was not worth progressing further. Again, just like Tony said... if 90% of everyone everywhere wanted the l was... then it is is a serious slam dunk for reelection, and flat out suicide to go against 90% of the electorate.

"Very Questionable language?"  56 Senators (Rs and Ds)  didn't think it was too 'questionable'.  You've made my case for me.  This was Partisian Politics driven by $$$ and fueled by the knowledge that voters have short memories.  Your side 'won' and to the victors go the spoils.  But I'll say again; For or Against the outcome, this was more just another example of a badly broken system than Democracy the way the constitution intended. IMO

My Gun Thread days are (sadly) drawing to a close.

(1) just because congressmen vote for or against proposed legislation is not an indication of the absence of "questionable language."  To the contrary, it is not uncommon for our elected officials to vote for legislation that is questionable on Constitutional grounds.  One need only look towards Sen. Feinstein's stance when asked about the constitutionality of her proposed assault weapons ban she replied that Congress is tasked with passing legislation and the courts are tasked with ruling on their constitutionality.

(2) Which brings me to  the next point, the honorable senator from California is wrong.  Congress people are tasked with passing legislation that conforms to our laws and constitution.  This pass a law because its expedient and speaks to the parties base without regard to the legislations constitutionality is an abdication of the responsibilities of our elected officials.  In essence there is a modern trend to pass legislation that is intentionally unconstitutional with the specific knowledge that the Courts will have to rule on the ultimate issue.  THis serves to insulate the elected officials, who can claim "clean hands" in that they "did the will of the people" in passing a law, and then blame "unelected federal judges" for being "judicial activists" and "circumventing the will of the people".  Make no mistake this is a purposeful and well thought out strategy by the two political parties. 

(3) Again, I've read both the Feinstein Bill and the Schumer background check bills in their entirety, and I am of the opinion that the term "questionable language" is being generous at the very least.  I am of the opinion that both bills would have been at least in part unconstitutional, and both bills went far beyond what their stated purposes were.  The Schumer "background check" bill went far far beyone the simple "universal background checks" that it has been painted as in the press.

(4) we're a Republic, not a true democracy.  The founders and framers passed a constitution and a bill of rights for many reasons, one of which was a specific protection from the tyranny of the majority that can occur in true democracies. When the will of the people conforms with the protections of the Constitution then the will of the people should prevail,  However, when the will of the people is contrary to the protections of the Constitution, that will should not prevail, regardless of how prevalent the will of the people is.  The way to fix this is to change the Constitution, which is possible.  If there are those that are so strongly against the legal ownership of firearms by private citizens and all of the collateral rights associated with that then there is recourse, repeal or change the constitution.  It really is that simple.

(5) I will agree with you that it is an example of a badly broken system, but for different reasons.  I believe it demonstrates our elected officials almost total disregard for Constitutional rights in favor of political expediency.  You know the "we need to pass it to find out what's in it" or the "we pass the laws, the courts determine if they're constitutional" notions of our elected officials.  Neither of these proposed legislations had any rational relationship to their espoused purpose of crime prevention, so the question is why then were they supposedly proposed?


2013-04-22 10:12 AM
in reply to: #4709642

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
TheCrownsOwn - And if I was to go deer hunting with a friend in michigan, could I bring it with me, or do I have to find something else?


Here are the Michigan regs for deer hunting.

Looks like you need to be sure that any center fire rifle is limited to a total of six rounds:

It is unlawful to hunt with a semi-automatic shotgun or semi-automatic rifle that can hold more than six shells in the barrel and magazine combined unless it is a .22 caliber rimfire. 

I'd guess that the JR Carbine would be legal for deer if it had a five round mag, but don't take my word on that.

Good luck with your deer hunting!

2013-04-22 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4643301

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

I got to have a little fun with the wife yesterday. 

I was mostly breaking in my new Colt SP6940.  I was standing at around 50 yards with no bench on open sites, so most certainly no grouping to speak of. 

The remainder of the holes are from my wife and her .380 Bodyguard, XDm .40, XDs .45, and my Mossy 930SPX 12 ga.

2013-04-22 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4709835

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Queen Creek, AZ
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
At least you missed the car and hit the target and cardboard. 

2013-04-22 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4708620

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
tuwood - 2013-04-20 9:58 PM
1_Mad_Madone - 2013-04-20 9:00 PM
Kido - 2013-04-19 2:47 PM
1_Mad_Madone - 2013-04-19 12:39 PM

Speaking of Boston…

I don’t want this to be anything other than an observation and thought invoking discussion…

One of the CNN reporters stated during an interview something to the effect “how do you think those people feel locked down in their homes and hoping the terrorist does not pick them”.

Do you think any of the people, “Locked down” in their own homes, who do not own a firearm picture themselves as vulnerable to the terrorist picking them?

Do you think any of the people “locked down” in their homes with a terrorist running the streets wish they had a weapon to defend themselves and their family members?

Do you think it will change any of their minds on their right (or their opposition) to owning a firearm to  do just that; protect their family?

I hope NO family has to come face to face with this person but if it does happen I hope they are firearms owners and better yet very well trained firearm owners.


 Just spent lunch with my wife and son at the range with her BDay present....

She like! She like very much!!!

Well, the concern is this guy may have explosives strapped to his person.  If I had a gun or not, or wished I had a gun or not, I would also think it may do not good against a bomb if they guy comes to my house.

Along the same lines of IED's or trip wires or landmines the military deal with.  I'm sure having their M-4 on them doesn't offer any comfort to that threat.  In a fire fight?  Sure.


What made me perk my ears up a little and made me say  "I don't know about that".  Apparently, in the home to home search the protocol is to knock first.  If no answer, they use a blow horn.  If no answer?  They kick down the door and enter.  I know we need to catch this guy, but man, that's pushing the line of illegal search, no?  Maybe it's the right thing to do, but I can't help feel icky about it. 

SO If the guy choses my house and I shoot his arse its over; if the guy blows us both up its over; either way it’s over...

If I don’t shoot his arse and he kills my family and then moves on to the next family then it’s easy to understand how this could play out... how many families?

If they kick down my door while I'm not home and find nothing great as long as they close, secure the door and pay for the repairs…

If they kick down the door and find the SOB and end the madness then I think I would just be happy my family and my city is safe.

Now IF they cataloged every house they went into and return next week with warrants for violations found during the "search"... we shall see...

Pretty sure there was "Just cause" for the tactics used... at least in my view....

I totally agree on your first point about a terrorist coming into my house.  Bomb or no bomb, they're going to have a bad day.  I may or may not survive, but I won't go down without a fight.

I have mixed feelings as it appears you do on the warrant less search.  In a situation like this I kind of agree that it's a tactic that was necessary and there was no nefarious motives.  I did wonder what would happen if they busted in and found an illegal drug operation.  Would they just laugh and leave, or come back later?  hmm.
If I were in a similar situation and I were home I'd simply state that I do not consent to a search of my property, but if you choose to anyway I will not stand in your way and will fully cooperate.  From a legal perspective, if they did try to charge me for something found then it would give me a little bit of legal ground to stand on, versus just saying have at it.

No mixed feelings here! TOTAL support for their actions during the "search". The next phase will speak to the right or wrong use of their power... I would think if one were to be "revisited" a Lawyer would have an easy time exploiting the process...

2013-04-22 11:53 AM
in reply to: #4709835

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

Tuwood - How does your wife like her bodyguard? I've found since losing weight, my 9mm (Walther PPS) is a little heavy in my concealment shorts for running - my back is getting all ripped up from the shorts.  I've looked at a few .380s but I'd really like to hold the bodyguard before I decide.  


I originally only planned for it to be my running gun (where if my gun is in my hand, you're probably close enough that .380 is sufficient), but now that it is going to top 90° today, it may have to become a summer gun depending on wardrobe.

2013-04-22 12:28 PM
in reply to: #4709807

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Elmira, ON
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
dontracy - 2013-04-21 11:12 AM
TheCrownsOwn - And if I was to go deer hunting with a friend in michigan, could I bring it with me, or do I have to find something else?


Here are the Michigan regs for deer hunting.

Looks like you need to be sure that any center fire rifle is limited to a total of six rounds:

It is unlawful to hunt with a semi-automatic shotgun or semi-automatic rifle that can hold more than six shells in the barrel and magazine combined unless it is a .22 caliber rimfire. 

I'd guess that the JR Carbine would be legal for deer if it had a five round mag, but don't take my word on that.

Good luck with your deer hunting!


Thanks for the post, and to DanielG for the info above.

I don't think I'd hunt a deer with a JR Carbine..9mm or 45cal.     1)To inhumane to the deer. 2)To much running after it for me..

We get a significant number of American hunters in Canada all the time.  Very easy process to come up.  I hope it's not a hard thing vice versa.  To bad about the SKS, but meh. Thats ok.  Rules are there for a reason.


2013-04-22 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4709835

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Austin, Texas or Jupiter, Florida
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
tuwood - 2013-04-22 10:23 AM

I got to have a little fun with the wife yesterday. 

I was mostly breaking in my new Colt SP6940.  I was standing at around 50 yards with no bench on open sites, so most certainly no grouping to speak of. 

The remainder of the holes are from my wife and her .380 Bodyguard, XDm .40, XDs .45, and my Mossy 930SPX 12 ga.

What were you doing?  Shooting as the target turned sideways?  How'd you get the sideways tears?

I used to bring 4 pieces of white paper with a black circle printed on each, tape them to a cardboard box.  That makes a cheap, very acceptable target. No need for shoot n' see things imo.

2013-04-22 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4709999

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
kmanus - 2013-04-22 11:53 AM

Tuwood - How does your wife like her bodyguard? I've found since losing weight, my 9mm (Walther PPS) is a little heavy in my concealment shorts for running - my back is getting all ripped up from the shorts.  I've looked at a few .380s but I'd really like to hold the bodyguard before I decide.  


I originally only planned for it to be my running gun (where if my gun is in my hand, you're probably close enough that .380 is sufficient), but now that it is going to top 90° today, it may have to become a summer gun depending on wardrobe.

She really likes it and carries it everyday in a crossbreed IWB holster.  Her primary reason for purchasing it was the built in laser (that she never uses) and it's size.  She did hold and dry fire several others and decided the bodyguard fit her the best.  It's the perfect size for the pockets on a bike jersey, but I haven't tried running with it.  I usually just have my OC spray and Karambit with me when I run.

Now my thoughts on her bodyguard.  The biggest thing I don't like about it is the very long/heavy trigger pull.  I know it's not uncommon for this size of gun, but it still bugs me.  The sights are pretty small, but I can drop a 5 inch group at 10 ft. with ease so they're good enough.  It's been very reliable and my wife is what I would call a limp wrister when it comes to shooting and she's never had any feed issues.  I'd guess that she's got about 300-400 rounds through it.

2013-04-22 12:42 PM
in reply to: #4710073

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
GomesBolt - 2013-04-22 12:33 PM
tuwood - 2013-04-22 10:23 AM

I got to have a little fun with the wife yesterday. 


I was mostly breaking in my new Colt SP6940.  I was standing at around 50 yards with no bench on open sites, so most certainly no grouping to speak of. 

The remainder of the holes are from my wife and her .380 Bodyguard, XDm .40, XDs .45, and my Mossy 930SPX 12 ga.

What were you doing?  Shooting as the target turned sideways?  How'd you get the sideways tears?

I used to bring 4 pieces of white paper with a black circle printed on each, tape them to a cardboard box.  That makes a cheap, very acceptable target. No need for shoot n' see things imo.

lol, so i first set it up on a berm for my wife to shoot with her .380.   She shot 20 or 30 rds. and was done.

I went out to run 300 rds. through my new Colt to break it in, so I was standing 50 yds. or so away at an angle to where she was and was plinking away with little regard for accuracy.  I just have the open sights on my rifle, and haven't picked up any optics yet.

Then I put a couple magazines through my .40 and .45 at about 50 yds, so those were a little wild and at an angle.

Then I brought out the Mossy because I was testing my new barrel clamp and light to make sure they were solid.  Did about 150 rds. of rapid fire 00 buck at about 50 yds.  The target start flipping and flopping as I was shooting at it, so that's where the odd sideways tracks came in.

I wasn't really shooting for any accuracy and was mostly out to cycle rounds through to verify functionality. 

2013-04-22 6:31 PM
in reply to: #4709989

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
1_Mad_Madone - 2013-04-22 11:49 AM
tuwood - 2013-04-20 9:58 PM
1_Mad_Madone - 2013-04-20 9:00 PM
Kido - 2013-04-19 2:47 PM
1_Mad_Madone - 2013-04-19 12:39 PM

Speaking of Boston…

I don’t want this to be anything other than an observation and thought invoking discussion…

One of the CNN reporters stated during an interview something to the effect “how do you think those people feel locked down in their homes and hoping the terrorist does not pick them”.

Do you think any of the people, “Locked down” in their own homes, who do not own a firearm picture themselves as vulnerable to the terrorist picking them?

Do you think any of the people “locked down” in their homes with a terrorist running the streets wish they had a weapon to defend themselves and their family members?

Do you think it will change any of their minds on their right (or their opposition) to owning a firearm to  do just that; protect their family?

I hope NO family has to come face to face with this person but if it does happen I hope they are firearms owners and better yet very well trained firearm owners.


 Just spent lunch with my wife and son at the range with her BDay present....

She like! She like very much!!!

Well, the concern is this guy may have explosives strapped to his person.  If I had a gun or not, or wished I had a gun or not, I would also think it may do not good against a bomb if they guy comes to my house.

Along the same lines of IED's or trip wires or landmines the military deal with.  I'm sure having their M-4 on them doesn't offer any comfort to that threat.  In a fire fight?  Sure.


What made me perk my ears up a little and made me say  "I don't know about that".  Apparently, in the home to home search the protocol is to knock first.  If no answer, they use a blow horn.  If no answer?  They kick down the door and enter.  I know we need to catch this guy, but man, that's pushing the line of illegal search, no?  Maybe it's the right thing to do, but I can't help feel icky about it. 

SO If the guy choses my house and I shoot his arse its over; if the guy blows us both up its over; either way it’s over...

If I don’t shoot his arse and he kills my family and then moves on to the next family then it’s easy to understand how this could play out... how many families?

If they kick down my door while I'm not home and find nothing great as long as they close, secure the door and pay for the repairs…

If they kick down the door and find the SOB and end the madness then I think I would just be happy my family and my city is safe.

Now IF they cataloged every house they went into and return next week with warrants for violations found during the "search"... we shall see...

Pretty sure there was "Just cause" for the tactics used... at least in my view....

I totally agree on your first point about a terrorist coming into my house.  Bomb or no bomb, they're going to have a bad day.  I may or may not survive, but I won't go down without a fight.

I have mixed feelings as it appears you do on the warrant less search.  In a situation like this I kind of agree that it's a tactic that was necessary and there was no nefarious motives.  I did wonder what would happen if they busted in and found an illegal drug operation.  Would they just laugh and leave, or come back later?  hmm.
If I were in a similar situation and I were home I'd simply state that I do not consent to a search of my property, but if you choose to anyway I will not stand in your way and will fully cooperate.  From a legal perspective, if they did try to charge me for something found then it would give me a little bit of legal ground to stand on, versus just saying have at it.

No mixed feelings here! TOTAL support for their actions during the "search". The next phase will speak to the right or wrong use of their power... I would think if one were to be "revisited" a Lawyer would have an easy time exploiting the process...

Just saw this:

Shocking Footage: Americans Ordered Out Of Homes At Gunpoint By SWAT teams

This doesn't make me feel more supportive of them, that's for sure.

2013-04-22 9:12 PM
in reply to: #4643301

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

Yikes, Bloomberg now sets his sights on the 4th Amendment "to keep our kids safe".

Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”


“It really says something bad about us that we have to do it. But our obligation first and foremost is to keep our kids safe in the schools; first and foremost, to keep you safe if you go to a sporting event; first and foremost is to keep you safe if you walk down the streets or go into our parks,” he said. “We cannot let the terrorists put us in a situation where we can’t do those things. And the ways to do that is to provide what we think is an appropriate level of protection.”

2013-04-22 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4710838

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
tuwood - 2013-04-22 8:12 PM

Yikes, Bloomberg now sets his sights on the 4th Amendment "to keep our kids safe".

Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”


“It really says something bad about us that we have to do it. But our obligation first and foremost is to keep our kids safe in the schools; first and foremost, to keep you safe if you go to a sporting event; first and foremost is to keep you safe if you walk down the streets or go into our parks,” he said. “We cannot let the terrorists put us in a situation where we can’t do those things. And the ways to do that is to provide what we think is an appropriate level of protection.”

“Look, we live in a very dangerous world. We know there are people who want to take away our freedoms. New Yorkers probably know that as much if not more than anybody else after the terrible tragedy of 9/11,” he said.

Ya, there are people that want to take away our freedoms... those that think the collective is more important than the individual. I could name several socialist countries one could relocate to where they could have that. But stop trying to take away my republic,. I like it just the way it is.

And as far as public safety goes.... we COULD actually accept there are dangers in this world and CHOOSE to go about our business like we always have and stop giving away our freedoms to the other FEAR MONGERS that like to keep us scared and tell us they know what is best for our own safety.

2013-04-23 12:00 AM
in reply to: #4710838

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
tuwood - 2013-04-22 7:12 PM

Yikes, Bloomberg now sets his sights on the 4th Amendment "to keep our kids safe".

Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing

“The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry,” Mr. Bloomberg said during a press conference in Midtown. “But we live in a complex world where you’re going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change.”


“It really says something bad about us that we have to do it. But our obligation first and foremost is to keep our kids safe in the schools; first and foremost, to keep you safe if you go to a sporting event; first and foremost is to keep you safe if you walk down the streets or go into our parks,” he said. “We cannot let the terrorists put us in a situation where we can’t do those things. And the ways to do that is to provide what we think is an appropriate level of protection.”

If we are going to talk about those changes, I guess some wording we are accustomed to should be considered as well.

The Land of the Safe and the Home of the ???????,,,,,,,, Not sure what would be the appropriate term here. Any suggestions?


At what point when our elected officials who take an oath to support the laws of the land and defend the constitution then blatantly put forward and pass laws that are clear violations of that should charges of Treason be brought? Or at the very least removed from office for violating their  oath to that office?

Edited by crusevegas 2013-04-23 12:03 AM

2013-04-23 6:57 AM
in reply to: #4643301

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread


"There are personal reasons why Senators chose to vote against (gun control)".... yeah it's called the Constitution you dolt!

The smug and holier-than-thou tone from Carney is a bit too much to take.  And where is he getting this 90% BS number?  No poll out there has gun control at a 90% approval rating.  None.

Anyone else see this as a threat, plain and simple.  "This will happen."

2013-04-23 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4643301

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

Lead abatement, alcohol taxes and 10 other ways to reduce the crime rate without annoying the NRA
2013-04-23 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4710065

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
TheCrownsOwn - 

Thanks for the post, and to DanielG for the info above.

I don't think I'd hunt a deer with a JR Carbine..9mm or 45cal.     1)To inhumane to the deer. 2)To much running after it for me..

We get a significant number of American hunters in Canada all the time.  Very easy process to come up.  I hope it's not a hard thing vice versa.  To bad about the SKS, but meh. Thats ok.  Rules are there for a reason.



Sorry, I completely misread your post.

The way I read the Michigan regs, the SKS would still need to meet the 6 round capacity limit.

I also admit that this is the first time I've heard of a Canadian wanting to come to the US for white tail hunting.  Welcome and good luck! When you come, maybe you could bring some Canadian deer along.

Edited by dontracy 2013-04-23 9:29 AM
2013-04-23 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4709642

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
TheCrownsOwn - 2013-04-22 9:38 AM

I own an SKS Type 56.  I have heard they are banned in the US because Chinese gun imports to the US are now banned?  Can someone tell me why?  How long that will be for?  And if I was to go deer hunting with a friend in michigan, could I bring it with me, or do I have to find something else?


HEYYYYY, give this a try.

Get your non-resident hunting license in the state you'll be visiting, then download this form and send it to the ATF. Just looking over the regs it seems if your SKS has a fixed magazine you may be able to use it. But the worst they can say is no.


Non-Immigrant Alien

A foreign national temporarily in the U.S. A non-immigrant alien may obtain an approved ATF F 5330.3D (Form 6 NIA) to temporarily import firearms and ammunition (other than firearms subject to the controls of the National Firearms Act (NFA) for lawful hunting activities, to attend a qualified shooting event, or for exhibition at a qualified trade show. The event or trade show must be sponsored by a national, State or local firearms organization devoted to the collection, competitive use, or other sporting use of firearms. The non-immigrant alien must attach to his or her Form 6 (NIA) permit application, as appropriate, a copy of a valid hunting license or permit issued to him or her by a jurisdiction within the U.S., a copy of his or her invitation to participate in a qualified hunting or shooting event, or a copy of his or her reservation for exhibiting at a qualified trade show. An approved Form 6 (NIA) will be valid for a period not to exceed 12 months, and may be used for multiple, temporarily importations of any or all of the items listed on the approved Form 6 (NIA) during that 12-month period.
2013-04-23 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4709999

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
kmanus - 2013-04-22 10:53 AM

Tuwood - How does your wife like her bodyguard? I've found since losing weight, my 9mm (Walther PPS) is a little heavy in my concealment shorts for running - my back is getting all ripped up from the shorts.  I've looked at a few .380s but I'd really like to hold the bodyguard before I decide.  


I originally only planned for it to be my running gun (where if my gun is in my hand, you're probably close enough that .380 is sufficient), but now that it is going to top 90° today, it may have to become a summer gun depending on wardrobe.

I don't have experience other than at the gun shop with the Bodyguard but I would def try it before you buy it. The trigger is no easy thing to pull. It is very long and very hard. Also I don't like the very plastic feel of the gun, but that is par for the course with a cheap .380. 

I'm sure the gun works fine but for me it took about 2 minutes for me to hate it and I haven't even shot it.

Take a look at the Sig P238. I carry the P938 and it is great, will fit in a pocket and is lightweight. I was looking at the Sig P238 and the Ruger LCP and the Bodyguard. Didn't like the Bodyguard, the Ruger doesn't fit my hand at all and I really liked the P238. Then I figured out I could get a 9mm for just a half inch more length and a few ounces in weight so I bought the P938. 

The Kimber Solo is also a nice small carry gun but I have heard it is very particular on ammo. My P938 has eaten everything I have put in it, no problems. I upgraded the trigger to a stainless steel, polished the barrel and put some new grips on and it is a very nice shooting/looking gun and is a breeze to carry. I put it in my jersey pocket when I ride and I am sure with the right carrying apparatus it would be fine for running as well. 

2013-04-23 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4711455

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Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Aarondb4 - 2013-04-23 9:56 AM
kmanus - 2013-04-22 10:53 AM

Tuwood - How does your wife like her bodyguard? I've found since losing weight, my 9mm (Walther PPS) is a little heavy in my concealment shorts for running - my back is getting all ripped up from the shorts.  I've looked at a few .380s but I'd really like to hold the bodyguard before I decide.  


I originally only planned for it to be my running gun (where if my gun is in my hand, you're probably close enough that .380 is sufficient), but now that it is going to top 90° today, it may have to become a summer gun depending on wardrobe.

I don't have experience other than at the gun shop with the Bodyguard but I would def try it before you buy it. The trigger is no easy thing to pull. It is very long and very hard. Also I don't like the very plastic feel of the gun, but that is par for the course with a cheap .380. 

I'm sure the gun works fine but for me it took about 2 minutes for me to hate it and I haven't even shot it.

Take a look at the Sig P238. I carry the P938 and it is great, will fit in a pocket and is lightweight. I was looking at the Sig P238 and the Ruger LCP and the Bodyguard. Didn't like the Bodyguard, the Ruger doesn't fit my hand at all and I really liked the P238. Then I figured out I could get a 9mm for just a half inch more length and a few ounces in weight so I bought the P938. 

The Kimber Solo is also a nice small carry gun but I have heard it is very particular on ammo. My P938 has eaten everything I have put in it, no problems. I upgraded the trigger to a stainless steel, polished the barrel and put some new grips on and it is a very nice shooting/looking gun and is a breeze to carry. I put it in my jersey pocket when I ride and I am sure with the right carrying apparatus it would be fine for running as well. 

You know what side of the gun debate I'm on but,  I've gotta say, I have no idea how some of you guys/gals do it.  I can't wait to take this damn gun off at the end of a day.......and it's a very rare occurence when I have one off-duty.  I couldn't imagine carrying a gun while biking or running.

Edited by Left Brain 2013-04-23 10:30 AM
2013-04-23 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4711515

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread

Left Brain - You know what side of the gun debate I'm on but,  I've gotta say, I have no idea how some of you guys/gals do it.  I can't wait to take this damn gun off at the end of a day.......and it's a very rare occurence when I have one off-duty.  I couldn't imagine carrying a gun while biking or running.

After 35 years of working as a photographer, I now never carry a camera when I'm not working; other than the one in my smart phone.

Maybe there's an app you can use?

2013-04-23 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4711515

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Boise, ID
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Left Brain - 2013-04-23 9:29 AM
Aarondb4 - 2013-04-23 9:56 AM
kmanus - 2013-04-22 10:53 AM

Tuwood - How does your wife like her bodyguard? I've found since losing weight, my 9mm (Walther PPS) is a little heavy in my concealment shorts for running - my back is getting all ripped up from the shorts.  I've looked at a few .380s but I'd really like to hold the bodyguard before I decide.  


I originally only planned for it to be my running gun (where if my gun is in my hand, you're probably close enough that .380 is sufficient), but now that it is going to top 90° today, it may have to become a summer gun depending on wardrobe.

I don't have experience other than at the gun shop with the Bodyguard but I would def try it before you buy it. The trigger is no easy thing to pull. It is very long and very hard. Also I don't like the very plastic feel of the gun, but that is par for the course with a cheap .380. 

I'm sure the gun works fine but for me it took about 2 minutes for me to hate it and I haven't even shot it.

Take a look at the Sig P238. I carry the P938 and it is great, will fit in a pocket and is lightweight. I was looking at the Sig P238 and the Ruger LCP and the Bodyguard. Didn't like the Bodyguard, the Ruger doesn't fit my hand at all and I really liked the P238. Then I figured out I could get a 9mm for just a half inch more length and a few ounces in weight so I bought the P938. 

The Kimber Solo is also a nice small carry gun but I have heard it is very particular on ammo. My P938 has eaten everything I have put in it, no problems. I upgraded the trigger to a stainless steel, polished the barrel and put some new grips on and it is a very nice shooting/looking gun and is a breeze to carry. I put it in my jersey pocket when I ride and I am sure with the right carrying apparatus it would be fine for running as well. 

You know what side of the gun debate I'm on but,  I've gotta say, I have no idea how some of you guys/gals do it.  I can't wait to take this damn gun off at the end of a day.......and it's a very rare occurence when I have one off-duty.  I couldn't imagine carrying a gun while biking or running.

True, there is a line everyone has to decide for themselves on how much inconvenience they can put up with to carry a gun. The biking part is easy for me, fits in a jersey pocket, don't even know it is there. And there have been occasions where I wished I had one and didn't while on the bike.

I haven't tried running with a gun. I have seen a compression T with a built in holster that looks like it would work well, but I haven't tried anything. 

During the colder months the P938 is a breeze to carry, I have a pocket holster for it and I just put it in my jacket pocket and go. Don't even notice it anymore. But I am a new CWP holder so we will see how this summer goes. Cargo shorts should be easy but I need to find some sort of IWB for other times. 

2013-04-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4711515

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: 'The' Gun Thread
Left Brain - 2013-04-23 10:29 AM
Aarondb4 - 2013-04-23 9:56 AM
kmanus - 2013-04-22 10:53 AM

Tuwood - How does your wife like her bodyguard? I've found since losing weight, my 9mm (Walther PPS) is a little heavy in my concealment shorts for running - my back is getting all ripped up from the shorts.  I've looked at a few .380s but I'd really like to hold the bodyguard before I decide.  


I originally only planned for it to be my running gun (where if my gun is in my hand, you're probably close enough that .380 is sufficient), but now that it is going to top 90° today, it may have to become a summer gun depending on wardrobe.

I don't have experience other than at the gun shop with the Bodyguard but I would def try it before you buy it. The trigger is no easy thing to pull. It is very long and very hard. Also I don't like the very plastic feel of the gun, but that is par for the course with a cheap .380. 

I'm sure the gun works fine but for me it took about 2 minutes for me to hate it and I haven't even shot it.

Take a look at the Sig P238. I carry the P938 and it is great, will fit in a pocket and is lightweight. I was looking at the Sig P238 and the Ruger LCP and the Bodyguard. Didn't like the Bodyguard, the Ruger doesn't fit my hand at all and I really liked the P238. Then I figured out I could get a 9mm for just a half inch more length and a few ounces in weight so I bought the P938. 

The Kimber Solo is also a nice small carry gun but I have heard it is very particular on ammo. My P938 has eaten everything I have put in it, no problems. I upgraded the trigger to a stainless steel, polished the barrel and put some new grips on and it is a very nice shooting/looking gun and is a breeze to carry. I put it in my jersey pocket when I ride and I am sure with the right carrying apparatus it would be fine for running as well. 

You know what side of the gun debate I'm on but,  I've gotta say, I have no idea how some of you guys/gals do it.  I can't wait to take this damn gun off at the end of a day.......and it's a very rare occurence when I have one off-duty.  I couldn't imagine carrying a gun while biking or running.

But you live in CA where they have much stricter gun laws.  I live in the Midwest, so we have to protect ourselves due to less restrictions for the criminals.

Overall on carrying, I just like having options.  I've had three occurrences in the last 10 years where I was in a potential life threatening situation and I had nothing but a cellphone.  One of them involved a mass school shooter who came to the parking lot right outside my office window and offed himself.  (that was the final straw that made me start carrying)

Ironically though, the times I feel most vulnerable are when I'm out biking or running by myself on the trails or remote roads.  I've had more than one occasion where very seedy looking individuals have stopped and harassed me while out biking, and most of the random assaults in town seem to happen on the running trails.

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