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2010-05-04 7:56 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Hi folks...I haven't been on bt much lately.  Been busy with school and BF.  I need to check in a bit more.  I did a half mary on saturday and will let y'all know when the RR goes up.

2010-05-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2830560

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-01 3:44 PM I've picked up my packet, put the stickers on the bike and my helmet, checked out the race site, and driven the bike route. The bike route is oh so flat, sooo much flatter than what I train on. I hope to be able to go FAST!

I was told that the water is up to 71F!

The race season starts tomorrow!!!! :D
That is crazy warm.  The water here is struggling to reach the mid 50's
2010-05-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2832831

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
morrisel - 2010-05-03 7:06 AM So I've been having issues with my leg again (left leg this time), and I've scheduled a DR appt for tomorrow. Really concerned about what is going on. Luckily (I think), it doesn't feel like a stress fracture, but more like I have tendonitis or something along those lines. Please keep your fingers crossed that this won't put me off training. I just started training for an OLY and that would be a huge set-back for me. *Sigh*
I hope that it turns out to be something minor and you can recover quickly.
2010-05-04 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2832103

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-02 6:53 PM I'm waiting on the official results from today's Aquabike race. I forgot to start my watch so I have no idea what my swim or T1 time was. No panic at all on the swim, so that was good. T1 felt slow. I got my butt kicked on a totally flat bike route; wasn't expecting that. The route went through the pine forests of southern NJ, and all the pines picked this weekend to pollenate; the air was so thick with the stuff that we all ended the ride yellow. It was on your lips every time you licked them and it was wreaking havoc with my contact lenses; it's hard to bike your hardest when your eyes are tearing and feel like they are filled with grit.

They posted total-time results at the race and I was 5/5 for Aquabike women
It sucks when the racing conditions are against you.    I think that you did very well considering how miserable the bike leg was.  Just to get through that is an big accomplishment.
2010-05-04 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Sequim, Washington
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
k all, I am heading out for now, but I will try to check in again soon.

Have a great week!
2010-05-05 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2837226

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Fort Myers, FL
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-05-04 9:01 PM
morrisel - 2010-05-03 7:06 AM So I've been having issues with my leg again (left leg this time), and I've scheduled a DR appt for tomorrow. Really concerned about what is going on. Luckily (I think), it doesn't feel like a stress fracture, but more like I have tendonitis or something along those lines. Please keep your fingers crossed that this won't put me off training. I just started training for an OLY and that would be a huge set-back for me. *Sigh*
I hope that it turns out to be something minor and you can recover quickly.

Thanks to everyone for the support. Turns out I had to get an x-ray when I went to the doctor yesterday. She told me I probably wouldn't be able to race on 5/29 (my next tri). Looks like I do have another stress fracture, but I won't find out until later this week if it's confirmed. *Sigh* Also, I strained my back last week spinning. I attempted to be a rockstar and put the resistance too high and ended up pulling with my back & not my abs. Stupid me. So I'm trying to ride out that pain, which should go away in a couple days. Overall, not a great week for me. But I hope everyone else is enjoying a great Cinco De Mayo/Hump Day!

Edited by morrisel 2010-05-05 2:15 PM

2010-05-05 3:05 PM
in reply to: #2839235

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
morrisel - 2010-05-05 3:13 PM
mchally - 2010-05-04 9:01 PM
morrisel - 2010-05-03 7:06 AM So I've been having issues with my leg again (left leg this time), and I've scheduled a DR appt for tomorrow. Really concerned about what is going on. Luckily (I think), it doesn't feel like a stress fracture, but more like I have tendonitis or something along those lines. Please keep your fingers crossed that this won't put me off training. I just started training for an OLY and that would be a huge set-back for me. *Sigh*
I hope that it turns out to be something minor and you can recover quickly.

Thanks to everyone for the support. Turns out I had to get an x-ray when I went to the doctor yesterday. She told me I probably wouldn't be able to race on 5/29 (my next tri). Looks like I do have another stress fracture, but I won't find out until later this week if it's confirmed. *Sigh* Also, I strained my back last week spinning. I attempted to be a rockstar and put the resistance too high and ended up pulling with my back & not my abs. Stupid me. So I'm trying to ride out that pain, which should go away in a couple days. Overall, not a great week for me. But I hope everyone else is enjoying a great Cinco De Mayo/Hump Day!

Wow, tough week.  sending healing energy your way.  feel better soon.

2010-05-05 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
so i went to my tri camp this weekend.  it was GREAT.  my knee was fine although i wore a brace just in case.  i learned so much.  we practiced changing a tire.  we did swim drills with them filming us so they could point out things we should change.  we ran sprints. they watched us run and gave us tips on changing our positions and postures.  we took a nice long bike ride with some good tips on peddling.  they were very patient.  it was really hot and we were all slower than normal with me slower than that.  but i never felt hurried or pressured.  it was SO worth it.  the camp is in Baltimore but we had some women come from as far away as West Virginia. here's the website if you want to check it out:

now all i have to do is put all that together and do my first tri for the season.

2010-05-06 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Hey everyone, sorry to have fallen off the radar for a bit and not congratulate everyone on their recent races and accomplishments! You're all fantastic!

After my little injury setback, things are feeling pretty good, and my Tri Training group started last night with 90 minutes of swim drills. Aside from being a prune by the end, it was fun - and I might even conquer the front crawl (instead of the breast stroke plan B). We're doing biking and running drills on Saturday.

On a disappointing note, my sister has dropped out of racing this with me (a long dramatic story) - so I'm on my own now. And exceedingly grateful for this group and my training group. May our logs be filled with color this racing season!!! Tongue out
2010-05-06 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2837216

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
mchally - 2010-05-04 8:56 PM Hi folks...I haven't been on bt much lately.  Been busy with school and BF.  I need to check in a bit more.  I did a half mary on saturday and will let y'all know when the RR goes up.

Welcome back!  Congrats on the 1/2 mary.  Glad to hear things are going well with the BF. 

Family situation any less stressful?
2010-05-06 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2840892

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
jenna1870 - 2010-05-06 10:04 AM Hey everyone, sorry to have fallen off the radar for a bit and not congratulate everyone on their recent races and accomplishments! You're all fantastic!

After my little injury setback, things are feeling pretty good, and my Tri Training group started last night with 90 minutes of swim drills. Aside from being a prune by the end, it was fun - and I might even conquer the front crawl (instead of the breast stroke plan B). We're doing biking and running drills on Saturday.

On a disappointing note, my sister has dropped out of racing this with me (a long dramatic story) - so I'm on my own now. And exceedingly grateful for this group and my training group. May our logs be filled with color this racing season!!! Tongue out

Nice job on all the swimming!!

Sorry to hear your sister dropped out of racing with you.  Maybe she'll change her mind after she sees how awesome you are.    We're still here with you and we know you can do it!

2010-05-06 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2839733

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
UNCI - 2010-05-05 5:57 PM so i went to my tri camp this weekend.  it was GREAT.  my knee was fine although i wore a brace just in case.  i learned so much.  we practiced changing a tire.  we did swim drills with them filming us so they could point out things we should change.  we ran sprints. they watched us run and gave us tips on changing our positions and postures.  we took a nice long bike ride with some good tips on peddling.  they were very patient.  it was really hot and we were all slower than normal with me slower than that.  but i never felt hurried or pressured.  it was SO worth it.  the camp is in Baltimore but we had some women come from as far away as West Virginia. here's the website if you want to check it out:

now all i have to do is put all that together and do my first tri for the season.


That sounds wonderful!  Changing a tired is one of those things I think everyone should do.  You never know when you'll be stuck somewhere with a flat.  Are you feeling more confident for your first race this year?
2010-05-06 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2839235

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
morrisel - 2010-05-05 3:13 PM
mchally - 2010-05-04 9:01 PM
morrisel - 2010-05-03 7:06 AM So I've been having issues with my leg again (left leg this time), and I've scheduled a DR appt for tomorrow. Really concerned about what is going on. Luckily (I think), it doesn't feel like a stress fracture, but more like I have tendonitis or something along those lines. Please keep your fingers crossed that this won't put me off training. I just started training for an OLY and that would be a huge set-back for me. *Sigh*
I hope that it turns out to be something minor and you can recover quickly.

Thanks to everyone for the support. Turns out I had to get an x-ray when I went to the doctor yesterday. She told me I probably wouldn't be able to race on 5/29 (my next tri). Looks like I do have another stress fracture, but I won't find out until later this week if it's confirmed. *Sigh* Also, I strained my back last week spinning. I attempted to be a rockstar and put the resistance too high and ended up pulling with my back & not my abs. Stupid me. So I'm trying to ride out that pain, which should go away in a couple days. Overall, not a great week for me. But I hope everyone else is enjoying a great Cinco De Mayo/Hump Day!

Ow...I'm really sorry.  I know how frustrating the stress fractures can be.  If it's any consolation, know that you're doing the right thing by resting and sitting out of races now rather than continuing and letting the injury get worse.  It's sometimes harder to do the right thing (rest) than the more fun thing (race).
2010-05-06 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2555877

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Now that I'm all caught up....what are your plans for the weekend?

I'm signed up for a century this weekend, although I have the option of 25, 50, or 100 miles.  I haven't been able to ride for awhile, so I'm thinking 25 or 50 miles for me.  Sunday, I'm going to try to get in an easy run.
2010-05-06 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2841054

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2010-05-06 10:42 AM Now that I'm all caught up....what are your plans for the weekend?

I'm signed up for a century this weekend, although I have the option of 25, 50, or 100 miles.  I haven't been able to ride for awhile, so I'm thinking 25 or 50 miles for me.  Sunday, I'm going to try to get in an easy run.

Doing some tentative running with the dog tonight to see how my back reacts, with odd warm-up drills from the coach. Which should amuse the neighbors. Swim drills tomorrow, corkscrews and practice breathing - they've forbidden my trusty nose-clips. And we're practicing bike and run drills Saturday at 7 am. 7 am. The horror. At which point I get next week's marching orders.
2010-05-07 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2841965

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
jenna1870 - 2010-05-06 3:29 PM
Artemis - 2010-05-06 10:42 AM Now that I'm all caught up....what are your plans for the weekend?

I'm signed up for a century this weekend, although I have the option of 25, 50, or 100 miles.  I haven't been able to ride for awhile, so I'm thinking 25 or 50 miles for me.  Sunday, I'm going to try to get in an easy run.

Doing some tentative running with the dog tonight to see how my back reacts, with odd warm-up drills from the coach. Which should amuse the neighbors. Swim drills tomorrow, corkscrews and practice breathing - they've forbidden my trusty nose-clips. And we're practicing bike and run drills Saturday at 7 am. 7 am. The horror. At which point I get next week's marching orders.

7 am is tough on a Saturday!  But, it's good to get used to it.  I end up getting my workouts in pretty early during the summer because of the heat here.  And it's good practice for race day. 

2010-05-07 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2841054

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2010-05-06 9:42 AM Now that I'm all caught up....what are your plans for the weekend?

I'm signed up for a century this weekend, although I have the option of 25, 50, or 100 miles.  I haven't been able to ride for awhile, so I'm thinking 25 or 50 miles for me.  Sunday, I'm going to try to get in an easy run.

Now that the snowing has stopped    ..... I am hoping to joing our tri club for a  group ride tomorrow morning.  My back (lower) was sore by the end of the last group ride I did, and definately sore after the bike ride of the tri I did last Sunday (and it was only 20k), so I'm thinking I definately need a lot more time out there.   Also hoping to get a little run in tomorrow and then maybe a longer one in on Sunday. 
Happy Mother's day Weekend to you the rest of the Mommies out there!!  My daughter is home for a few weeks now, so hopefully I can get her on my mountain bike and we can go for a mother/daughter bike ride on Sunday!
2010-05-08 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
no training for a few days.  yesterday i fell of the bike.  it wasn't much of a fall, a few scratches on the elbow.  i hit my head but you can't even tell where when you look at my helmet.  but within a few mins it set off a major fibro flare.  every square inch of me hurts. so i need to take a few days off till this settles down.  damn.  it's not 2 steps forward and 1 step back.  more like 2 forward and 2 back. Yell


Edited by UNCI 2010-05-08 4:47 PM
2010-05-08 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2846160

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
UNCI - 2010-05-08 5:47 PM no training for a few days.  yesterday i fell of the bike.  it wasn't much of a fall, a few scratches on the elbow.  i hit my head but you can't even tell where when you look at my helmet.  but within a few mins it set off a major fibro flare.  every square inch of me hurts. so i need to take a few days off till this settles down.  damn.  it's not 2 steps forward and 1 step back.  more like 2 forward and 2 back. Yell


Ouch! Sorry!

If you know you hit your head then you need to replace the helmet, even if there's no visible damage. They are designed to sustain only one impact. Better safe than sorry.

Take the time your body needs.
2010-05-08 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2846160

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
UNCI - 2010-05-08 5:47 PM no training for a few days.  yesterday i fell of the bike.  it wasn't much of a fall, a few scratches on the elbow.  i hit my head but you can't even tell where when you look at my helmet.  but within a few mins it set off a major fibro flare.  every square inch of me hurts. so i need to take a few days off till this settles down.  damn.  it's not 2 steps forward and 1 step back.  more like 2 forward and 2 back. Yell


Oh no!  Hope you are feeling better soon. 

I do agree with Nicole.  If you hit your head, please replace your helmet.  Even if you can't see any damage, chances are you cracked the foam and it won't protect your head enough the next time.
2010-05-08 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2555877

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
so, I need to start upping my bike miles to be ready for a metric in 5 weeks but tomorrow they are calling for 20mph winds; I'm not sure I'm that hard core. What to do?

2010-05-08 10:01 PM
in reply to: #2846376

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-08 8:41 PM
UNCI - 2010-05-08 5:47 PM no training for a few days.  yesterday i fell of the bike.  it wasn't much of a fall, a few scratches on the elbow.  i hit my head but you can't even tell where when you look at my helmet.  but within a few mins it set off a major fibro flare.  every square inch of me hurts. so i need to take a few days off till this settles down.  damn.  it's not 2 steps forward and 1 step back.  more like 2 forward and 2 back. Yell


Ouch! Sorry!

If you know you hit your head then you need to replace the helmet, even if there's no visible damage. They are designed to sustain only one impact. Better safe than sorry.

Take the time your body needs.

good point about the helmet.  i was wondering about that.  i'll get a new one before my next ride.

2010-05-10 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2846523

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-08 10:39 PM so, I need to start upping my bike miles to be ready for a metric in 5 weeks but tomorrow they are calling for 20mph winds; I'm not sure I'm that hard core. What to do?

Did you ride?
2010-05-10 10:14 AM
in reply to: #2846541

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
UNCI - 2010-05-08 11:01 PM
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-08 8:41 PM
UNCI - 2010-05-08 5:47 PM no training for a few days.  yesterday i fell of the bike.  it wasn't much of a fall, a few scratches on the elbow.  i hit my head but you can't even tell where when you look at my helmet.  but within a few mins it set off a major fibro flare.  every square inch of me hurts. so i need to take a few days off till this settles down.  damn.  it's not 2 steps forward and 1 step back.  more like 2 forward and 2 back. Yell


Ouch! Sorry!

If you know you hit your head then you need to replace the helmet, even if there's no visible damage. They are designed to sustain only one impact. Better safe than sorry.

Take the time your body needs.

good point about the helmet.  i was wondering about that.  i'll get a new one before my next ride.


Unfortunately, they are only meant to hit the ground once.  But, some of the manufacturers will give you a credit towards getting a new one if it has been in a crash and it's less than 5 years old.  Worth checking out!
2010-05-10 5:53 PM
in reply to: #2848297

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL!
Artemis - 2010-05-10 11:13 AM
MDHillSlug - 2010-05-08 10:39 PM so, I need to start upping my bike miles to be ready for a metric in 5 weeks but tomorrow they are calling for 20mph winds; I'm not sure I'm that hard core. What to do?

Did you ride?

Yes, I did 35 miles with 15-25mph crosswinds (a little headwind, too, but not much tailwind). My average mph was pretty pitiful.

I've got 40 miles scheduled for Saturday. Maybe, just maybe, we won't have a windy weekend. Please?
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