Other Resources 2023 Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN Rss Feed  
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2023-06-12 12:18 PM
in reply to: thin_concrete

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Middle River, Maryland
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by thin_concrete Ugh - it’s been eons since I posted. Long story short, Covid kicked my rear end and I lost 4-5 weeks of training. I did, however, go on with my sprint that was this past weekend! I was not DFL, but I was pretty close. The weather in New England has been awful. Thursday and Friday were in the 90s, but a storm rolled through Friday night and by the start of the race on Saturday morning, it was 48*, but it did get to a balmy 51*! I did it in 1:53:XX. I got annihilated on the swim and my 2:17/100yd time blew up to about 2:46. I had to backstroke a part of it. While we were standing in the cold watching the prior waves go off, my asthma got the better of me and I forgot to give my wife my spare inhaler. And then when I got about 200yds in, I felt my chest tighten (not because of the wetsuit, but a bronchial spasm) and then it was all downhill. The swim was supposed to be 1/3mi but it ended up being about 125yds longer than that. T1 was a killer because it’s hard taking off a wetsuit while wheezing with chattering teeth, and then putting on bike gear. Bike was unspectacular which was both good and bad. There was a lot of open road and the scenery itself was gorgeous, but I never recovered from the swim. The run was actually better than I expected at 33:XX, but quite a ways off my 29:30ish target. T2 actually wasn’t bad, but I can probably find some time to save and go under 3 minutes. BUT (there’s always a but!) it was a BLAST! My BIL has several olys and a 70.3 to his name and he did it with me and was a great coach/friend that kept pushing me. I feel like I had something left in the tank, but I now have a better idea of how to attack each segment. I’m really looking forward to taking this experience into summer training and my next race in late-August! Cheers! Jay

Nice work pushing through, Jay.  COVID is no joke...my daughter and I just bailed on a race because she got it and I didn't want to risk it.  That weather sounds awful.  Glad you had a good time.

2023-06-12 12:22 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove
Originally posted by bulfrog Probably wasn't the smartest plan, but got away with it.
I feel like this is my life summed up in a single sentence! :D :D :D

LOL I was thinking the same thing.  About me, I mean, but yeah, probably you as well. 

2023-06-12 12:32 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

@Andrew/Nathalie:  I've never heard of Park Runs, so I googled it and sure enough there is one every Saturday in Baltimore.  Who knew?

@Andrew:  glad your training is coming along and the little piggy is healing up nicely; keep up the biking!  RE:  power meters on the run - I find them interesting but I'm not sure what I'd be able to pull out of the data...please give some feedback on it after you use it some; I do use a cadence sensor on my shoe which gives me MUCH more accurate speed sensing indoors vs. just the arm swing readings from my Garmin watch (or the treadmill itself)

@Gretchen:  that is some bout of training you're going through right now; nice work!

A week in Aruba consisted of some light workouts in the morning, and enjoying many beverages during the day mostly of the Balashi brands (local Arubian beer).  Also had some good food.  Cool place...very unique vibe "one happy island" is their motto.  And since it's technically in South America I can check off another continent on my list.  

Now "back to work" both on the computer and on the tri training, starting with 1500 in the pool this morning that was a little rough around the edges but good results. 

2023-06-12 2:35 PM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Glad you has a great time, welcome back!

Edited by Rollergirl 2023-06-12 2:35 PM
2023-06-12 8:26 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

I like the new profile (litterally ) pic Gretchen, looking strong!

Thanks! I can't see it though! I still see my old one!

Just a plus 1 for liking the new profile pic. Race in a cool place, and nice race photos... Nice
2023-06-12 9:31 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nice weather for a change this morning. So the dog and I had a 45 minute outside run, instead of the usual treadmill job. Much nicer way to start the day.

FWIW, Garmin's GPS: 5.53km. Stryd footpod: 5.54km. Probably safe to assume the footpods distance is pretty accurate.

2023-06-13 12:51 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Andrew--isn't a good run outside the best? Especially when you've been stuck inside for a long time! Glad to hear the footpod is working for you.

Mike--I can't see your photos from Aruba, but that's probably okay...jealousy is an ugly thing!

Nat--swim/run--do you really swim with your shoes on? How does that affect your balance in the water?

Nicole--where ya at? Qualify for nationals a couple of times and then disappear?!?!

Jay--glad to hear you had a great race!

For me, today was a brick--60' Z2 spin, followed by 74' run with tempo intervals. Since moving back downtown I have to run across the bridge to get to my normal routes, which takes about 7' to get there (and 7' back). Good warmup, but it is weird to start the run in what should be "the middle" and then end where I should be just starting to get into my groove. Not to mention the extra attention I get on the bridge. It seems that 5am is the normal time for adolescent Egyptian males to stand on the bridge and have their photos taken in "smoldering" poses...the amount of angst I have to run through is ridiculous!!
2023-06-13 3:04 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Nat--swim/run--do you really swim with your shoes on? How does that affect your balance in the water?

It doesn't, you either wear neopren calf guards or/and have a pullbuoy between your legs. You don't use your legs at all, they just float behind you. Also you use hand paddles.

I'll go again this evening after work, I use it as a swim strength training.

Yesterday's 20k ride at sprint speed brwim turned into a 15k at sprint speed followed by a miserable 5k ride home at going shopping speed, no run, no swim, as I'd run out of juice. I kinda of knew it would happen as lunch was a long time before and I didn't want to eat before my workout, only had a peach and a cracker.

Edited by Rollergirl 2023-06-13 9:02 AM
2023-06-13 5:47 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

Nice weather for a change this morning. So the dog and I had a 45 minute outside run, instead of the usual treadmill job. Much nicer way to start the day.

FWIW, Garmin's GPS: 5.53km. Stryd footpod: 5.54km. Probably safe to assume the footpods distance is pretty accurate.

oh yeah, so much better!

and great that the footpod is accurate!
2023-06-13 5:49 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

It seems that 5am is the normal time for adolescent Egyptian males to stand on the bridge and have their photos taken in "smoldering" poses..

sounds like a fun thing to do at 5am...
2023-06-13 4:52 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Mike, FWIW, I also can't see any Aruba photos. And like Gretchen they would also raise some jealousy... about 40F for this mornings workout. Winter has come.

@Gretchen, Nice job for the brick. One of the funny things about running at 5 am is crossing paths with people on their way home from the night before at the same time you're starting the workout. I can't say I've noticed smouldering poses, but definitely come across a few who are still having a good old time. Nice job on the brick.

@Nathalie, I get not wanting to start a workout after a full meal, I'm the same. But a hard 20k ride, plus swimming, plus running... you need some carbs. Have a gel, or tailwind or something, even a coke. As mike alluded to we're all an experiment of 1, but for a hard workout like that you need like 70+ grams of carbs per hour, as a starting point.

2023-06-13 5:04 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
This morning was a medium-hard ride on zwift. 90 minutes, with 4x10' intervals of approximately what the book says should be my 70.3 race power. It felt ok, but I doubt I could hold that for a full 90km. Plenty to work on.

In nutrition news, seeing we're talking about it. Had 120g carbs in 1x400ml bottle (1/4 in the first 15 minutes, the rest sipped throughout), and about 1 1/2 750ml bottles of water. Did not bonk, but not a fan of tailwinds cola flavour.

Have a good day team
2023-06-13 7:19 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by bulfrog @Mike, FWIW, I also can't see any Aruba photos. 

Well...now all I see are blank white boxes where pictures were, so I blame the BT gremlins. 

2023-06-13 11:49 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by bulfrog @Mike, FWIW, I also can't see any Aruba photos. 

Well...now all I see are blank white boxes where pictures were, so I blame the BT gremlins. 

I managed to see them before they disappeared, and yes, I got a litte jealous
2023-06-13 11:54 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

@Nathalie, I get not wanting to start a workout after a full meal, I'm the same. But a hard 20k ride, plus swimming, plus running... you need some carbs. Have a gel, or tailwind or something, even a coke. As mike alluded to we're all an experiment of 1, but for a hard workout like that you need like 70+ grams of carbs per hour, as a starting point.

Funny, I always think about taking something before / during long workouts but not for shorter ones (the ride should take 40 minutes, run to the lake 5 and swim 10). I guess I have to think about the intensity too!

2023-06-14 12:03 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

This morning was a medium-hard ride on zwift. 90 minutes, with 4x10' intervals of approximately what the book says should be my 70.3 race power. It felt ok, but I doubt I could hold that for a full 90km. Plenty to work on.

In nutrition news, seeing we're talking about it. Had 120g carbs in 1x400ml bottle (1/4 in the first 15 minutes, the rest sipped throughout), and about 1 1/2 750ml bottles of water. Did not bonk, but not a fan of tailwinds cola flavour.

Have a good day team

Nice work on the ride! And plenty of time to work on it!

Swimrun yesterday, managed 4 laps of the same course as last week (1.2k run and 320m swim). Great workout for the shoulders and arms!

It was a little windy on the lake so good practice for less than ideal conditions.

Tonight, running a 10k with my club. The people from the latest batch of “couch to 10k” are taking their final exam and the rest of us will support them by also running 10k. It’s a 3 laps course so we will see each other even if we’re running at different speeds
Planning on setting a new 10k PR because, why not?

2023-06-14 2:52 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nat--it is nice of you all to do the 10K with your couch-to folks.

2350yds swim this morning, with main set of 200s (my least favorite distance--too long to go too hard, not long enough to really endure). Later today I have an hour bike scheduled. Trying to get back to a slightly more normal schedule with morning and afternoon workouts, instead of cramming everything into the morning before work, now that I have my bike back. Of course, I say that with full knowledge that my plan for tomorrow is to run to the pool and then swim, but I also have an hour bike planned for the afternoon.

Hope mid-week is treating everyone well!
2023-06-14 3:50 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by bulfrog

@Nathalie, I get not wanting to start a workout after a full meal, I'm the same. But a hard 20k ride, plus swimming, plus running... you need some carbs. Have a gel, or tailwind or something, even a coke. As mike alluded to we're all an experiment of 1, but for a hard workout like that you need like 70+ grams of carbs per hour, as a starting point.

Funny, I always think about taking something before / during long workouts but not for shorter ones (the ride should take 40 minutes, run to the lake 5 and swim 10). I guess I have to think about the intensity too!

Usually I'd be in the same boat as you, unless it's a particularly hard workout anything less than an hour I almost always stick to just water. Of course I'm pretty confident I tend to underfuel things.

But, it looks like your workout was about much an hour anyway, 'sprint' pace is (or should be) pretty high intensity. And the main thing, you started on an empty stomach. If you had eaten an hour before you'd probably be fine, but going in with an empty tank and then pushing hard is asking a lot of your glycogen reserves.
2023-06-14 4:14 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Nathalie. Nice swim run workout. How did your 10k go? Did you manage to break the PB?

@Gretchen, Nice swim. But 2,350? Couldn't you have found an extra 150m to get to the nice round number? Hope the bike went well, and enjoy your little swim/run workout tomorrow. Will you also be swimming in your trainers? haha

@Me, Easier day today than yesterday. 45 minute easy run this morning. Bloody clod today, about 35F. But no rain again so enjoying being outside.
2023-06-15 2:43 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
I didn’t break my 10k PR but I did my best and came second to 2018 Nat only by about 1:30 minutes so I am Ok. I beat 2022 Nat by about 1 minute.

Rest day today. High school graduation party for Junior.
2023-06-15 2:50 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

@Gretchen, Nice swim. But 2,350? Couldn't you have found an extra 150m to get to the nice round number? Hope the bike went well, and enjoy your little swim/run workout tomorrow. Will you also be swimming in your trainers? haha

HAHAHAHAHAHA....yes, 2350 is a terrible number to end on, but it was the planned workout from TP and I was out of time, so it must stand. And no...I do not need any help getting my feet to sink while swimming, so I was not wearing my trainers!

This morning was a nice 50' Z2 run, followed by a nice round 1500 yds in the pool--mostly of negative split work, so tough, but a nice workout. Later this afternoon, I have a 60' Z2 steady state ride and strength training on the schedule. A four workout day...140.6 training always sounds more glamorous at the beginning of the year than it does when you are in the middle of it!

2023-06-15 7:59 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Ugh - yeah, Gretchen.  What Andrew said - 2350 couldn't be a worse number (not a multiple of 1000, 500, 250, or even 100!!).  Yeah, tri training sounds like a really good idea at the time, doesn't it?  I got in a four-bagger today but they were all short (bike, run, strength, swim in that order back-to-back at the gym). 

Good week so far returning to tri training with a mix of pretty much everything in small doses.  I've also discovered that my bike fit is way out of whack (might explain the knee issues I've been having) - my seat is over an inch too high and I've been messing with the set back / reach to compensate and now I'm way to far forward as well.  I think it happened in my zero MPH crash back in March - seat came loose and I fixed it on the spot but never looked to see if the measurement numbers were right.  Now I have to ease back into the correct position LOL, and my aero positioning will need to be tweaked.  You'd think with over 12K miles on my Ridley I'd have it dialed in by now.  SMH

@Nathalie - nice work kicking 2022's Nat's azz.  2018 Nat is feelin' the heat. 

2023-06-15 8:10 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Hey, all.  I'm working on a project at work that I would love to get your input.  We're doing an innovation exercise (forced innovation - YAY!!!  ) and I'm doing a series of empathetic interviews to gather some data on our innovation idea that centers around solving for changes to our lives that impact our ability to achieve our fitness or well-being goals.  Now normally you do empathetic interviews in person or at least live on the phone/Webex, so you''ll just have to pretend I'm not directly asking the questions.  LOL

I think we've all discussed or shared this information with each other so nothing is particularly probing.  If you feel comfortable answering I'd love your feedback (PM if you want it private).  The questions are:

  1. What motivates you to exercise / be active?
  2. Coming out of the pandemic, are you facing any new challenges that impact your ability to achieve your fitness or well-being goals?
  3. Of those challenges (if you have any), what are the toughest for you to overcome?
  4. Have you encountered changes in the past that have similarly impacted your ability, and if so how did you overcome those challenges and maintain your fitness  and/or well-being program?

Thanks in advance for participating. 

I'll be sure to share what I'm sure will be a revolutionary innovation idea from my team!

2023-06-15 1:28 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Good morning, all.  Back from Aruba and getting caught up on the BDAS doings this past week (I'll start with echoing Nat...love the new "profile" pic Gretchen!!).

I'll post more today but here are a couple of pictures to show you how the trip was :

My computer decided not to show these pics, probably because it knows it will only serve to make me insanely jealous
2023-06-15 1:40 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Hi all! Sorry I disappeared! Just got caught up and see I was not the only one deprived of Mike's amazing vacation pics, lol

Gretchen, LOVE the new pic. So bada$$! Also, the amount of exercise you did after crushing a race is very impressive. The idea of 4 hours on a trainer is horrific, but you did the damn thing. Nice work.

Mike, welcome back! Glad you had an amazing time and still got some light activity in.
I did not know that I qualified for both, but that is pretty cool!
I agree on the practice racing. I just never do that much typically, but maybe I will focus on it a bit for the remainder of the year and find an Oly and/or sprint to do later in the season.
I'll answer your questions later, though you could probably predict what my answers will be lol

Andrew, happy belated birthday to you and Mr. 6!! Glad you got to enjoy the celebrations!

Nathalie, good job on the 10k and breathing down 2018 Nat's neck!
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